path: root/src/Propellor/Property/DebianMirror.hs
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authorJoey Hess2015-09-13 12:49:08 -0400
committerJoey Hess2015-09-13 12:49:08 -0400
commit0f9f05ae9e65182daa9bfc98a9932e2e1382e9b5 (patch)
treeb50b56d366fe2e7f2b6c8ddb30746970253d5aff /src/Propellor/Property/DebianMirror.hs
parent7c5bfb7d77bf64557b7b98c9ae358048b64e8329 (diff)
parent2af70d4ac7ff25a3e596de195abe40db46c74074 (diff)
Merge branch 'joeyconfig'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/DebianMirror.hs')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/DebianMirror.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/DebianMirror.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd98b6ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/DebianMirror.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+module Propellor.Property.DebianMirror
+ ( DebianPriority(..)
+ , showPriority
+ , mirror
+ , mirrorCdn
+ ) where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron
+import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User
+import Data.List
+data DebianPriority = Essential | Required | Important | Standard | Optional | Extra
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+showPriority :: DebianPriority -> String
+showPriority Essential = "essential"
+showPriority Required = "required"
+showPriority Important = "important"
+showPriority Standard = "standard"
+showPriority Optional = "optional"
+showPriority Extra = "extra"
+mirror :: Apt.Url -> FilePath -> [DebianSuite] -> [Architecture] -> [Apt.Section] -> Bool -> [DebianPriority] -> Cron.Times -> Property NoInfo
+mirror url dir suites archs sections source priorities crontimes = propertyList
+ ("Debian mirror " ++ dir)
+ [ Apt.installed ["debmirror"]
+ , User.accountFor (User "debmirror")
+ , File.dirExists dir
+ , File.ownerGroup dir (User "debmirror") (Group "debmirror")
+ , check (not . and <$> mapM suitemirrored suites) $ cmdProperty "debmirror" args
+ `describe` "debmirror setup"
+ , Cron.niceJob ("debmirror_" ++ dir) crontimes (User "debmirror") "/" $
+ unwords ("/usr/bin/debmirror" : args)
+ ]
+ where
+ suitemirrored suite = doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> "dists" </> Apt.showSuite suite
+ architecturearg = intercalate ","
+ suitearg = intercalate "," $ map Apt.showSuite suites
+ priorityRegex pp = "(" ++ intercalate "|" (map showPriority pp) ++ ")"
+ args =
+ [ "--dist" , suitearg
+ , "--arch", architecturearg archs
+ , "--section", intercalate "," sections
+ , "--limit-priority", "\"" ++ priorityRegex priorities ++ "\""
+ ]
+ ++
+ (if source then [] else ["--nosource"])
+ ++
+ [ "--host", url
+ , "--method", "http"
+ , "--keyring", "/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg"
+ , dir
+ ]
+mirrorCdn :: FilePath -> [DebianSuite] -> [Architecture] -> [Apt.Section] -> Bool -> [DebianPriority] -> Cron.Times -> Property NoInfo
+mirrorCdn = mirror ""