path: root/src/Propellor/Property.hs
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authorJoey Hess2016-03-25 15:28:31 -0400
committerJoey Hess2016-03-25 15:28:31 -0400
commit1edce2b72614e2e8eceefde97436db024799ff20 (patch)
treebee36dec11710fae9cb93fe6d6f7e32293f26e01 /src/Propellor/Property.hs
parent9768434f5fa2f2ed0bbb0212763a76471186a3cd (diff)
ported Property.Apt
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property.hs')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property.hs b/src/Propellor/Property.hs
index ba30209e..2ddec439 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property.hs
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ module Propellor.Property (
, Propellor
, property
, property'
+ , OuterMetaTypes
, ensureProperty
- , tightenTargets
- --, withOS
+ , withOS
, unsupportedOS
, makeChange
, noChange
@@ -243,26 +243,6 @@ isNewerThan x y = do
mtime f = catchMaybeIO $ modificationTimeHiRes <$> getFileStatus f
--- | Tightens the MetaType list of a Property, to contain fewer targets.
--- Anything else in the MetaType list is passed through unchanged.
--- For example, to make a property that uses apt-get, which is only
--- available on DebianLike systems:
--- > upgraded :: Property DebianLike
--- > upgraded = tightenTargets $ cmdProperty "apt-get" ["upgrade"]
- ::
- -- Note that this uses PolyKinds
- ( (Targets untightened `NotSuperset` Targets tightened) ~ 'CanCombine
- , (NonTargets tightened `NotSuperset` NonTargets untightened) ~ 'CanCombine
- , SingI tightened
- )
- => Property (MetaTypes untightened)
- -> Property (MetaTypes tightened)
-tightenTargets (Property _old d a i c) = Property sing d a i c
-- | Picks one of the two input properties to use,
@@ -286,17 +266,29 @@ pickOS a@(Property ta ioa) b@(Property tb iob) = Property sing io
--- | Makes a property that is satisfied differently depending on the host's
--- operating system.
+-- | Makes a property that is satisfied differently depending on specifics
+-- of the host's operating system.
--- Note that the operating system may not be declared for all hosts.
+-- > myproperty :: Property Debian
+-- > myproperty = withOS "foo installed" $ \o os -> case os of
+-- > (Just (System (Debian (Stable release)) arch)) -> ensureProperty o ...
+-- > (Just (System (Debian suite) arch)) -> ensureProperty o ...
+-- > _ -> unsupportedOS
--- > myproperty = withOS "foo installed" $ \o -> case o of
--- > (Just (System (Debian suite) arch)) -> ...
--- > (Just (System (Buntish release) arch)) -> ...
--- > Nothing -> unsupportedOS
---withOS :: Desc -> (Maybe System -> Propellor Result) -> Property NoInfo
---withOS desc a = property desc $ a =<< getOS
+-- Note that the operating system specifics may not be declared for all hosts,
+-- which is where Nothing comes in.
+ :: (SingI metatypes)
+ => Desc
+ -> (OuterMetaTypes '[] -> Maybe System -> Propellor Result)
+ -> Property (MetaTypes metatypes)
+withOS desc a = property desc $ a dummyoutermetatypes =<< getOS
+ where
+ -- Using this dummy value allows ensureProperty to be used
+ -- even though the inner property probably doesn't target everything
+ -- that the outer withOS property targets.
+ dummyoutermetatypes :: OuterMetaTypes ('[])
+ dummyoutermetatypes = OuterMetaTypes sing
-- | Throws an error, for use in `withOS` when a property is lacking
-- support for an OS.