path: root/doc/forum
diff options
authorpicca2014-12-08 09:18:16 +0000
committeradmin2014-12-08 09:18:16 +0000
commitc5a8caeb531021bbdd222b195cf0964d42c4c7a9 (patch)
treeb35b4506d67ef8923c9a0df0d9312704a1420342 /doc/forum
parent64ea1b79305590d8f1b18527da75eacefc754dd5 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/forum')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/doc/forum/Apache.siteEnabled_doesn_not_update_the_apache_config_file.mdwn b/doc/forum/Apache.siteEnabled_doesn_not_update_the_apache_config_file.mdwn
index 23f54727..b678d8d0 100644
--- a/doc/forum/Apache.siteEnabled_doesn_not_update_the_apache_config_file.mdwn
+++ b/doc/forum/Apache.siteEnabled_doesn_not_update_the_apache_config_file.mdwn
@@ -4,24 +4,24 @@ Still working on the reprepro property :)
Here A property that I am using to publish a repository via apache (this is a prototype)
-website :: String -> Property
-website hn = toProp $ Apache.siteEnabled hn apachecfg
- where
- apachecfg = [ "<VirtualHost *>"
- , "DocumentRoot " ++ basePath
- , "<Directory " ++ basePath ++ ">"
- , " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews"
- , " Order allow,deny"
- , Apache.allowAll
- , "</Directory>"
- ] ++ concatMap deny ["db", "conf", "incoming"]
- ++ ["</VirtualHost>"]
- deny dir = [ "<Directory \"" ++ basePath ++ "apt/*/" ++ dir ++ "\">"
- , " Order deny,allow"
- , " Deny from all"
- , "</Directory>"
- ]
+ website :: String -> Property
+ website hn = toProp $ Apache.siteEnabled hn apachecfg
+ where
+ apachecfg = [ "<VirtualHost *>"
+ , "DocumentRoot " ++ basePath
+ , "<Directory " ++ basePath ++ ">"
+ , " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews"
+ , " Order allow,deny"
+ , Apache.allowAll
+ , "</Directory>"
+ ] ++ concatMap deny ["db", "conf", "incoming"]
+ ++ ["</VirtualHost>"]
+ deny dir = [ "<Directory \"" ++ basePath ++ "apt/*/" ++ dir ++ "\">"
+ , " Order deny,allow"
+ , " Deny from all"
+ , "</Directory>"
+ ]
during my test I am runing the config.hs with
runhaskell config.hs (it work the first time, the apache config files are ok)