path: root/Propellor/Property
diff options
authorJoey Hess2014-04-11 01:19:05 -0400
committerJoey Hess2014-04-11 01:19:05 -0400
commitbe02ef96aa89a6af554a622f266d700ac0c98fdf (patch)
tree63c784022afb05b73fedf0df3fd269de0d31baf8 /Propellor/Property
propellor (0.3.0) unstable; urgency=medium
* ipv6to4: Ensure interface is brought up automatically on boot. * Enabling unattended upgrades now ensures that cron is installed and running to perform them. * Properties can be scheduled to only be checked after a given time period. * Fix bootstrapping of dependencies. * Fix compilation on Debian stable. * Include security updates in sources.list for stable and testing. * Use ssh connection caching, especially when bootstrapping. * Properties now run in a Propellor monad, which provides access to attributes of the host. # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'Propellor/Property')
21 files changed, 1462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs b/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4da13a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Apt where
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.List
+import System.IO
+import Control.Monad
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+import Propellor.Property.File (Line)
+sourcesList :: FilePath
+sourcesList = "/etc/apt/sources.list"
+type Url = String
+type Section = String
+showSuite :: DebianSuite -> String
+showSuite Stable = "stable"
+showSuite Testing = "testing"
+showSuite Unstable = "unstable"
+showSuite Experimental = "experimental"
+showSuite (DebianRelease r) = r
+debLine :: DebianSuite -> Url -> [Section] -> Line
+debLine suite mirror sections = unwords $
+ ["deb", mirror, showSuite suite] ++ sections
+srcLine :: Line -> Line
+srcLine l = case words l of
+ ("deb":rest) -> unwords $ "deb-src" : rest
+ _ -> ""
+stdSections :: [Section]
+stdSections = ["main", "contrib", "non-free"]
+binandsrc :: String -> DebianSuite -> [Line]
+binandsrc url suite = [l, srcLine l]
+ where
+ l = debLine suite url stdSections
+debCdn :: DebianSuite -> [Line]
+debCdn = binandsrc ""
+kernelOrg :: DebianSuite -> [Line]
+kernelOrg = binandsrc ""
+-- | Only available for Stable and Testing
+securityUpdates :: DebianSuite -> [Line]
+securityUpdates suite
+ | suite == Stable || suite == Testing =
+ let l = "deb " ++ showSuite suite ++ "/updates " ++ unwords stdSections
+ in [l, srcLine l]
+ | otherwise = []
+-- | Makes sources.list have a standard content using the mirror CDN,
+-- with a particular DebianSuite.
+-- Since the CDN is sometimes unreliable, also adds backup lines using
+stdSourcesList :: DebianSuite -> Property
+stdSourcesList suite = setSourcesList
+ (debCdn suite ++ kernelOrg suite ++ securityUpdates suite)
+ `describe` ("standard sources.list for " ++ show suite)
+setSourcesList :: [Line] -> Property
+setSourcesList ls = sourcesList `File.hasContent` ls `onChange` update
+runApt :: [String] -> Property
+runApt ps = cmdProperty' "apt-get" ps noninteractiveEnv
+noninteractiveEnv :: [(String, String)]
+noninteractiveEnv =
+ [ ("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ ]
+update :: Property
+update = runApt ["update"]
+ `describe` "apt update"
+upgrade :: Property
+upgrade = runApt ["-y", "dist-upgrade"]
+ `describe` "apt dist-upgrade"
+type Package = String
+installed :: [Package] -> Property
+installed = installed' ["-y"]
+installed' :: [String] -> [Package] -> Property
+installed' params ps = robustly $ check (isInstallable ps) go
+ `describe` (unwords $ "apt installed":ps)
+ where
+ go = runApt $ params ++ ["install"] ++ ps
+-- | Minimal install of package, without recommends.
+installedMin :: [Package] -> Property
+installedMin = installed' ["--no-install-recommends", "-y"]
+removed :: [Package] -> Property
+removed ps = check (or <$> isInstalled' ps) go
+ `describe` (unwords $ "apt removed":ps)
+ where
+ go = runApt $ ["-y", "remove"] ++ ps
+buildDep :: [Package] -> Property
+buildDep ps = robustly go
+ `describe` (unwords $ "apt build-dep":ps)
+ where
+ go = runApt $ ["-y", "build-dep"] ++ ps
+-- | Installs the build deps for the source package unpacked
+-- in the specifed directory, with a dummy package also
+-- installed so that autoRemove won't remove them.
+buildDepIn :: FilePath -> Property
+buildDepIn dir = go `requires` installedMin ["devscripts", "equivs"]
+ where
+ go = cmdProperty' "sh" ["-c", "cd '" ++ dir ++ "' && mk-build-deps debian/control --install --tool 'apt-get -y --no-install-recommends' --remove"]
+ noninteractiveEnv
+-- | Package installation may fail becuse the archive has changed.
+-- Run an update in that case and retry.
+robustly :: Property -> Property
+robustly p = Property (propertyDesc p) $ do
+ r <- ensureProperty p
+ if r == FailedChange
+ then ensureProperty $ p `requires` update
+ else return r
+isInstallable :: [Package] -> IO Bool
+isInstallable ps = do
+ l <- isInstalled' ps
+ return $ any (== False) l && not (null l)
+isInstalled :: Package -> IO Bool
+isInstalled p = (== [True]) <$> isInstalled' [p]
+-- | Note that the order of the returned list will not always
+-- correspond to the order of the input list. The number of items may
+-- even vary. If apt does not know about a package at all, it will not
+-- be included in the result list.
+isInstalled' :: [Package] -> IO [Bool]
+isInstalled' ps = catMaybes . map parse . lines
+ <$> readProcess "apt-cache" ("policy":ps)
+ where
+ parse l
+ | "Installed: (none)" `isInfixOf` l = Just False
+ | "Installed: " `isInfixOf` l = Just True
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+autoRemove :: Property
+autoRemove = runApt ["-y", "autoremove"]
+ `describe` "apt autoremove"
+-- | Enables unattended upgrades. Revert to disable.
+unattendedUpgrades :: RevertableProperty
+unattendedUpgrades = RevertableProperty enable disable
+ where
+ enable = setup True `before` Service.running "cron"
+ disable = setup False
+ setup enabled = (if enabled then installed else removed) ["unattended-upgrades"]
+ `onChange` reConfigure "unattended-upgrades"
+ [("unattended-upgrades/enable_auto_updates" , "boolean", v)]
+ `describe` ("unattended upgrades " ++ v)
+ where
+ v
+ | enabled = "true"
+ | otherwise = "false"
+-- | Preseeds debconf values and reconfigures the package so it takes
+-- effect.
+reConfigure :: Package -> [(String, String, String)] -> Property
+reConfigure package vals = reconfigure `requires` setselections
+ `describe` ("reconfigure " ++ package)
+ where
+ setselections = Property "preseed" $ makeChange $
+ withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess
+ (proc "debconf-set-selections" []) $ \h -> do
+ forM_ vals $ \(tmpl, tmpltype, value) ->
+ hPutStrLn h $ unwords [package, tmpl, tmpltype, value]
+ hClose h
+ reconfigure = cmdProperty "dpkg-reconfigure" ["-fnone", package]
+-- | Ensures that a service is installed and running.
+-- Assumes that there is a 1:1 mapping between service names and apt
+-- package names.
+serviceInstalledRunning :: Package -> Property
+serviceInstalledRunning svc = Service.running svc `requires` installed [svc]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Cmd.hs b/Propellor/Property/Cmd.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..875c1f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Cmd.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
+module Propellor.Property.Cmd (
+ cmdProperty,
+ cmdProperty',
+ scriptProperty,
+ userScriptProperty,
+) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.List
+import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
+import Propellor.Types
+import Utility.Monad
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+import Utility.Env
+-- | A property that can be satisfied by running a command.
+-- The command must exit 0 on success.
+cmdProperty :: String -> [String] -> Property
+cmdProperty cmd params = cmdProperty' cmd params []
+-- | A property that can be satisfied by running a command,
+-- with added environment.
+cmdProperty' :: String -> [String] -> [(String, String)] -> Property
+cmdProperty' cmd params env = Property desc $ liftIO $ do
+ env' <- addEntries env <$> getEnvironment
+ ifM (boolSystemEnv cmd (map Param params) (Just env'))
+ ( return MadeChange
+ , return FailedChange
+ )
+ where
+ desc = unwords $ cmd : params
+-- | A property that can be satisfied by running a series of shell commands.
+scriptProperty :: [String] -> Property
+scriptProperty script = cmdProperty "sh" ["-c", shellcmd]
+ where
+ shellcmd = intercalate " ; " ("set -e" : script)
+-- | A property that can satisfied by running a series of shell commands,
+-- as user (cd'd to their home directory).
+userScriptProperty :: UserName -> [String] -> Property
+userScriptProperty user script = cmdProperty "su" ["-c", shellcmd, user]
+ where
+ shellcmd = intercalate " ; " ("set -e" : "cd" : script)
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs b/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa6019ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Cron where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+type CronTimes = String
+-- | Installs a cron job, run as a specificed user, in a particular
+--directory. Note that the Desc must be unique, as it is used for the
+--cron.d/ filename.
+job :: Desc -> CronTimes -> UserName -> FilePath -> String -> Property
+job desc times user cddir command = ("/etc/cron.d/" ++ desc) `File.hasContent`
+ [ "# Generated by propellor"
+ , ""
+ , "SHELL=/bin/sh"
+ , "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
+ , ""
+ , times ++ "\t" ++ user ++ "\t" ++ "cd " ++ cddir ++ " && " ++ command
+ ]
+ `requires` Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "cron"
+ `describe` ("cronned " ++ desc)
+-- | Installs a cron job, and runs it niced and ioniced.
+niceJob :: Desc -> CronTimes -> UserName -> FilePath -> String -> Property
+niceJob desc times user cddir command = job desc times user cddir
+ ("nice ionice -c 3 " ++ command)
+ `requires` Apt.installed ["util-linux", "moreutils"]
+-- | Installs a cron job to run propellor.
+runPropellor :: CronTimes -> Property
+runPropellor times = niceJob "propellor" times "root" localdir "chronic make"
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs b/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34e790d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Dns where
+import Propellor
+import Propellor.Property.File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+namedconf :: FilePath
+namedconf = "/etc/bind/named.conf.local"
+data Zone = Zone
+ { zdomain :: Domain
+ , ztype :: Type
+ , zfile :: FilePath
+ , zmasters :: [IPAddr]
+ , zconfiglines :: [String]
+ }
+zoneDesc :: Zone -> String
+zoneDesc z = zdomain z ++ " (" ++ show (ztype z) ++ ")"
+type IPAddr = String
+type Domain = String
+data Type = Master | Secondary
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+secondary :: Domain -> [IPAddr] -> Zone
+secondary domain masters = Zone
+ { zdomain = domain
+ , ztype = Secondary
+ , zfile = "db." ++ domain
+ , zmasters = masters
+ , zconfiglines = ["allow-transfer { }"]
+ }
+zoneStanza :: Zone -> [Line]
+zoneStanza z =
+ [ "// automatically generated by propellor"
+ , "zone \"" ++ zdomain z ++ "\" {"
+ , cfgline "type" (if ztype z == Master then "master" else "slave")
+ , cfgline "file" ("\"" ++ zfile z ++ "\"")
+ ] ++
+ (if null (zmasters z) then [] else mastersblock) ++
+ (map (\l -> "\t" ++ l ++ ";") (zconfiglines z)) ++
+ [ "};"
+ , ""
+ ]
+ where
+ cfgline f v = "\t" ++ f ++ " " ++ v ++ ";"
+ mastersblock =
+ [ "\tmasters {" ] ++
+ (map (\ip -> "\t\t" ++ ip ++ ";") (zmasters z)) ++
+ [ "\t};" ]
+-- | Rewrites the whole named.conf.local file to serve the specificed
+-- zones.
+zones :: [Zone] -> Property
+zones zs = hasContent namedconf (concatMap zoneStanza zs)
+ `describe` ("dns server for zones: " ++ unwords (map zoneDesc zs))
+ `requires` Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "bind9"
+ `onChange` Service.reloaded "bind9"
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs b/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2555ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+-- | Docker support for propellor
+-- The existance of a docker container is just another Property of a system,
+-- which propellor can set up. See config.hs for an example.
+module Propellor.Property.Docker where
+import Propellor
+import Propellor.SimpleSh
+import Propellor.Types.Attr
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Docker.Shim as Shim
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+import Utility.Path
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import System.Posix.Directory
+import System.Posix.Process
+import Data.List
+import Data.List.Utils
+-- | Configures docker with an authentication file, so that images can be
+-- pushed to
+configured :: Property
+configured = Property "docker configured" go `requires` installed
+ where
+ go = withPrivData DockerAuthentication $ \cfg -> ensureProperty $
+ "/root/.dockercfg" `File.hasContent` (lines cfg)
+installed :: Property
+installed = Apt.installed [""]
+-- | A short descriptive name for a container.
+-- Should not contain whitespace or other unusual characters,
+-- only [a-zA-Z0-9_-] are allowed
+type ContainerName = String
+-- | Starts accumulating the properties of a Docker container.
+-- > container "web-server" "debian"
+-- > & publish "80:80"
+-- > & Apt.installed {"apache2"]
+-- > & ...
+container :: ContainerName -> Image -> Host
+container cn image = Host [] (\_ -> attr)
+ where
+ attr = (newAttr (cn2hn cn)) { _dockerImage = Just image }
+cn2hn :: ContainerName -> HostName
+cn2hn cn = cn ++ ".docker"
+-- | Ensures that a docker container is set up and running. The container
+-- has its own Properties which are handled by running propellor
+-- inside the container.
+-- Reverting this property ensures that the container is stopped and
+-- removed.
+ :: [Host]
+ -> ContainerName
+ -> RevertableProperty
+docked hosts cn = RevertableProperty (go "docked" setup) (go "undocked" teardown)
+ where
+ go desc a = Property (desc ++ " " ++ cn) $ do
+ hn <- getHostName
+ let cid = ContainerId hn cn
+ ensureProperties [findContainer hosts cid cn $ a cid]
+ setup cid (Container image runparams) =
+ provisionContainer cid
+ `requires`
+ runningContainer cid image runparams
+ `requires`
+ installed
+ teardown cid (Container image _runparams) =
+ combineProperties ("undocked " ++ fromContainerId cid)
+ [ stoppedContainer cid
+ , Property ("cleaned up " ++ fromContainerId cid) $
+ liftIO $ report <$> mapM id
+ [ removeContainer cid
+ , removeImage image
+ ]
+ ]
+ :: [Host]
+ -> ContainerId
+ -> ContainerName
+ -> (Container -> Property)
+ -> Property
+findContainer hosts cid cn mk = case findHost hosts (cn2hn cn) of
+ Nothing -> cantfind
+ Just h -> maybe cantfind mk (mkContainer cid h)
+ where
+ cantfind = containerDesc cid $ Property "" $ do
+ liftIO $ warningMessage $
+ "missing definition for docker container \"" ++ cn2hn cn
+ return FailedChange
+mkContainer :: ContainerId -> Host -> Maybe Container
+mkContainer cid@(ContainerId hn _cn) h = Container
+ <$> _dockerImage attr
+ <*> pure (map (\a -> a hn) (_dockerRunParams attr))
+ where
+ attr = hostAttr h'
+ h' = h
+ -- expose propellor directory inside the container
+ & volume (localdir++":"++localdir)
+ -- name the container in a predictable way so we
+ -- and the user can easily find it later
+ & name (fromContainerId cid)
+-- | Causes *any* docker images that are not in use by running containers to
+-- be deleted. And deletes any containers that propellor has set up
+-- before that are not currently running. Does not delete any containers
+-- that were not set up using propellor.
+-- Generally, should come after the properties for the desired containers.
+garbageCollected :: Property
+garbageCollected = propertyList "docker garbage collected"
+ [ gccontainers
+ , gcimages
+ ]
+ where
+ gccontainers = Property "docker containers garbage collected" $
+ liftIO $ report <$> (mapM removeContainer =<< listContainers AllContainers)
+ gcimages = Property "docker images garbage collected" $ do
+ liftIO $ report <$> (mapM removeImage =<< listImages)
+data Container = Container Image [RunParam]
+-- | Parameters to pass to `docker run` when creating a container.
+type RunParam = String
+-- | A docker image, that can be used to run a container.
+type Image = String
+-- | Set custom dns server for container.
+dns :: String -> AttrProperty
+dns = runProp "dns"
+-- | Set container host name.
+hostname :: String -> AttrProperty
+hostname = runProp "hostname"
+-- | Set name for container. (Normally done automatically.)
+name :: String -> AttrProperty
+name = runProp "name"
+-- | Publish a container's port to the host
+-- (format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort)
+publish :: String -> AttrProperty
+publish = runProp "publish"
+-- | Username or UID for container.
+user :: String -> AttrProperty
+user = runProp "user"
+-- | Mount a volume
+-- Create a bind mount with: [host-dir]:[container-dir]:[rw|ro]
+-- With just a directory, creates a volume in the container.
+volume :: String -> AttrProperty
+volume = runProp "volume"
+-- | Mount a volume from the specified container into the current
+-- container.
+volumes_from :: ContainerName -> AttrProperty
+volumes_from cn = genProp "volumes-from" $ \hn ->
+ fromContainerId (ContainerId hn cn)
+-- | Work dir inside the container.
+workdir :: String -> AttrProperty
+workdir = runProp "workdir"
+-- | Memory limit for container.
+--Format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g
+memory :: String -> AttrProperty
+memory = runProp "memory"
+-- | Link with another container on the same host.
+link :: ContainerName -> ContainerAlias -> AttrProperty
+link linkwith alias = genProp "link" $ \hn ->
+ fromContainerId (ContainerId hn linkwith) ++ ":" ++ alias
+-- | A short alias for a linked container.
+-- Each container has its own alias namespace.
+type ContainerAlias = String
+-- | A container is identified by its name, and the host
+-- on which it's deployed.
+data ContainerId = ContainerId HostName ContainerName
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+-- | Two containers with the same ContainerIdent were started from
+-- the same base image (possibly a different version though), and
+-- with the same RunParams.
+data ContainerIdent = ContainerIdent Image HostName ContainerName [RunParam]
+ deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
+ident2id :: ContainerIdent -> ContainerId
+ident2id (ContainerIdent _ hn cn _) = ContainerId hn cn
+toContainerId :: String -> Maybe ContainerId
+toContainerId s
+ | myContainerSuffix `isSuffixOf` s = case separate (== '.') (desuffix s) of
+ (cn, hn)
+ | null hn || null cn -> Nothing
+ | otherwise -> Just $ ContainerId hn cn
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ desuffix = reverse . drop len . reverse
+ len = length myContainerSuffix
+fromContainerId :: ContainerId -> String
+fromContainerId (ContainerId hn cn) = cn++"."++hn++myContainerSuffix
+containerHostName :: ContainerId -> HostName
+containerHostName (ContainerId _ cn) = cn2hn cn
+myContainerSuffix :: String
+myContainerSuffix = ".propellor"
+containerDesc :: ContainerId -> Property -> Property
+containerDesc cid p = p `describe` desc
+ where
+ desc = "[" ++ fromContainerId cid ++ "] " ++ propertyDesc p
+runningContainer :: ContainerId -> Image -> [RunParam] -> Property
+runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ Property "running" $ do
+ l <- liftIO $ listContainers RunningContainers
+ if cid `elem` l
+ then do
+ -- Check if the ident has changed; if so the
+ -- parameters of the container differ and it must
+ -- be restarted.
+ runningident <- liftIO $ getrunningident
+ if runningident == Just ident
+ then noChange
+ else do
+ void $ liftIO $ stopContainer cid
+ restartcontainer
+ else ifM (liftIO $ elem cid <$> listContainers AllContainers)
+ ( restartcontainer
+ , go image
+ )
+ where
+ ident = ContainerIdent image hn cn runps
+ restartcontainer = do
+ oldimage <- liftIO $ fromMaybe image <$> commitContainer cid
+ void $ liftIO $ removeContainer cid
+ go oldimage
+ getrunningident :: IO (Maybe ContainerIdent)
+ getrunningident = simpleShClient (namedPipe cid) "cat" [propellorIdent] $ \rs -> do
+ let !v = extractident rs
+ return v
+ extractident :: [Resp] -> Maybe ContainerIdent
+ extractident = headMaybe . catMaybes . map readish . catMaybes . map getStdout
+ go img = do
+ liftIO $ do
+ clearProvisionedFlag cid
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory $ identFile cid)
+ shim <- liftIO $ Shim.setup (localdir </> "propellor") (localdir </> shimdir cid)
+ liftIO $ writeFile (identFile cid) (show ident)
+ ensureProperty $ boolProperty "run" $ runContainer img
+ (runps ++ ["-i", "-d", "-t"])
+ [shim, "--docker", fromContainerId cid]
+-- | Called when propellor is running inside a docker container.
+-- The string should be the container's ContainerId.
+-- This process is effectively init inside the container.
+-- It even needs to wait on zombie processes!
+-- Fork a thread to run the SimpleSh server in the background.
+-- In the foreground, run an interactive bash (or sh) shell,
+-- so that the user can interact with it when attached to the container.
+-- When the system reboots, docker restarts the container, and this is run
+-- again. So, to make the necessary services get started on boot, this needs
+-- to provision the container then. However, if the container is already
+-- being provisioned by the calling propellor, it would be redundant and
+-- problimatic to also provisoon it here.
+-- The solution is a flag file. If the flag file exists, then the container
+-- was already provisioned. So, it must be a reboot, and time to provision
+-- again. If the flag file doesn't exist, don't provision here.
+chain :: String -> IO ()
+chain s = case toContainerId s of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Invalid ContainerId: " ++ s
+ Just cid -> do
+ changeWorkingDirectory localdir
+ writeFile propellorIdent . show =<< readIdentFile cid
+ -- Run boot provisioning before starting simpleSh,
+ -- to avoid ever provisioning twice at the same time.
+ whenM (checkProvisionedFlag cid) $ do
+ let shim = Shim.file (localdir </> "propellor") (localdir </> shimdir cid)
+ unlessM (boolSystem shim [Param "--continue", Param $ show $ Chain $ containerHostName cid]) $
+ warningMessage "Boot provision failed!"
+ void $ async $ job reapzombies
+ void $ async $ job $ simpleSh $ namedPipe cid
+ job $ do
+ void $ tryIO $ ifM (inPath "bash")
+ ( boolSystem "bash" [Param "-l"]
+ , boolSystem "/bin/sh" []
+ )
+ putStrLn "Container is still running. Press ^P^Q to detach."
+ where
+ job = forever . void . tryIO
+ reapzombies = void $ getAnyProcessStatus True False
+-- | Once a container is running, propellor can be run inside
+-- it to provision it.
+-- Note that there is a race here, between the simplesh
+-- server starting up in the container, and this property
+-- being run. So, retry connections to the client for up to
+-- 1 minute.
+provisionContainer :: ContainerId -> Property
+provisionContainer cid = containerDesc cid $ Property "provision" $ liftIO $ do
+ let shim = Shim.file (localdir </> "propellor") (localdir </> shimdir cid)
+ r <- simpleShClientRetry 60 (namedPipe cid) shim params (go Nothing)
+ when (r /= FailedChange) $
+ setProvisionedFlag cid
+ return r
+ where
+ params = ["--continue", show $ Chain $ containerHostName cid]
+ go lastline (v:rest) = case v of
+ StdoutLine s -> do
+ debug ["stdout: ", show s]
+ maybe noop putStrLn lastline
+ hFlush stdout
+ go (Just s) rest
+ StderrLine s -> do
+ debug ["stderr: ", show s]
+ maybe noop putStrLn lastline
+ hFlush stdout
+ hPutStrLn stderr s
+ hFlush stderr
+ go Nothing rest
+ Done -> ret lastline
+ go lastline [] = ret lastline
+ ret lastline = return $ fromMaybe FailedChange $
+ readish =<< lastline
+stopContainer :: ContainerId -> IO Bool
+stopContainer cid = boolSystem dockercmd [Param "stop", Param $ fromContainerId cid ]
+stoppedContainer :: ContainerId -> Property
+stoppedContainer cid = containerDesc cid $ Property desc $
+ ifM (liftIO $ elem cid <$> listContainers RunningContainers)
+ ( liftIO cleanup `after` ensureProperty
+ (boolProperty desc $ stopContainer cid)
+ , return NoChange
+ )
+ where
+ desc = "stopped"
+ cleanup = do
+ nukeFile $ namedPipe cid
+ nukeFile $ identFile cid
+ removeDirectoryRecursive $ shimdir cid
+ clearProvisionedFlag cid
+removeContainer :: ContainerId -> IO Bool
+removeContainer cid = catchBoolIO $
+ snd <$> processTranscript dockercmd ["rm", fromContainerId cid ] Nothing
+removeImage :: Image -> IO Bool
+removeImage image = catchBoolIO $
+ snd <$> processTranscript dockercmd ["rmi", image ] Nothing
+runContainer :: Image -> [RunParam] -> [String] -> IO Bool
+runContainer image ps cmd = boolSystem dockercmd $ map Param $
+ "run" : (ps ++ image : cmd)
+commitContainer :: ContainerId -> IO (Maybe Image)
+commitContainer cid = catchMaybeIO $
+ takeWhile (/= '\n')
+ <$> readProcess dockercmd ["commit", fromContainerId cid]
+data ContainerFilter = RunningContainers | AllContainers
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Only lists propellor managed containers.
+listContainers :: ContainerFilter -> IO [ContainerId]
+listContainers status =
+ catMaybes . map toContainerId . concat . map (split ",")
+ . catMaybes . map (lastMaybe . words) . lines
+ <$> readProcess dockercmd ps
+ where
+ ps
+ | status == AllContainers = baseps ++ ["--all"]
+ | otherwise = baseps
+ baseps = ["ps", "--no-trunc"]
+listImages :: IO [Image]
+listImages = lines <$> readProcess dockercmd ["images", "--all", "--quiet"]
+runProp :: String -> RunParam -> AttrProperty
+runProp field val = AttrProperty prop $ \attr ->
+ attr { _dockerRunParams = _dockerRunParams attr ++ [\_ -> "--"++param] }
+ where
+ param = field++"="++val
+ prop = Property (param) (return NoChange)
+genProp :: String -> (HostName -> RunParam) -> AttrProperty
+genProp field mkval = AttrProperty prop $ \attr ->
+ attr { _dockerRunParams = _dockerRunParams attr ++ [\hn -> "--"++field++"=" ++ mkval hn] }
+ where
+ prop = Property field (return NoChange)
+-- | The ContainerIdent of a container is written to
+-- /.propellor-ident inside it. This can be checked to see if
+-- the container has the same ident later.
+propellorIdent :: FilePath
+propellorIdent = "/.propellor-ident"
+-- | Named pipe used for communication with the container.
+namedPipe :: ContainerId -> FilePath
+namedPipe cid = "docker" </> fromContainerId cid
+provisionedFlag :: ContainerId -> FilePath
+provisionedFlag cid = "docker" </> fromContainerId cid ++ ".provisioned"
+clearProvisionedFlag :: ContainerId -> IO ()
+clearProvisionedFlag = nukeFile . provisionedFlag
+setProvisionedFlag :: ContainerId -> IO ()
+setProvisionedFlag cid = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory (provisionedFlag cid))
+ writeFile (provisionedFlag cid) "1"
+checkProvisionedFlag :: ContainerId -> IO Bool
+checkProvisionedFlag = doesFileExist . provisionedFlag
+shimdir :: ContainerId -> FilePath
+shimdir cid = "docker" </> fromContainerId cid ++ ".shim"
+identFile :: ContainerId -> FilePath
+identFile cid = "docker" </> fromContainerId cid ++ ".ident"
+readIdentFile :: ContainerId -> IO ContainerIdent
+readIdentFile cid = fromMaybe (error "bad ident in identFile")
+ . readish <$> readFile (identFile cid)
+dockercmd :: String
+dockercmd = ""
+report :: [Bool] -> Result
+report rmed
+ | or rmed = MadeChange
+ | otherwise = NoChange
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Docker/Shim.hs b/Propellor/Property/Docker/Shim.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2f35d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Docker/Shim.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+-- | Support for running propellor, as built outside a docker container,
+-- inside the container.
+-- Note: This is currently Debian specific, due to glibcLibs.
+module Propellor.Property.Docker.Shim (setup, cleanEnv, file) where
+import Propellor
+import Utility.LinuxMkLibs
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+import Utility.Path
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Data.List
+import System.Posix.Files
+-- | Sets up a shimmed version of the program, in a directory, and
+-- returns its path.
+setup :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+setup propellorbin dest = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dest
+ libs <- parseLdd <$> readProcess "ldd" [propellorbin]
+ glibclibs <- glibcLibs
+ let libs' = nub $ libs ++ glibclibs
+ libdirs <- map (dest ++) . nub . catMaybes
+ <$> mapM (installLib installFile dest) libs'
+ let linker = (dest ++) $
+ fromMaybe (error "cannot find ld-linux linker") $
+ headMaybe $ filter ("ld-linux" `isInfixOf`) libs'
+ let gconvdir = (dest ++) $ parentDir $
+ fromMaybe (error "cannot find gconv directory") $
+ headMaybe $ filter ("/gconv/" `isInfixOf`) glibclibs
+ let linkerparams = ["--library-path", intercalate ":" libdirs ]
+ let shim = file propellorbin dest
+ writeFile shim $ unlines
+ [ "#!/bin/sh"
+ , "GCONV_PATH=" ++ shellEscape gconvdir
+ , "export GCONV_PATH"
+ , "exec " ++ unwords (map shellEscape $ linker : linkerparams) ++
+ " " ++ shellEscape propellorbin ++ " \"$@\""
+ ]
+ modifyFileMode shim (addModes executeModes)
+ return shim
+cleanEnv :: IO ()
+cleanEnv = void $ unsetEnv "GCONV_PATH"
+file :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+file propellorbin dest = dest </> takeFileName propellorbin
+installFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+installFile top f = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True destdir
+ nukeFile dest
+ createLink f dest `catchIO` (const copy)
+ where
+ copy = void $ boolSystem "cp" [Param "-a", Param f, Param dest]
+ destdir = inTop top $ parentDir f
+ dest = inTop top f
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/File.hs b/Propellor/Property/File.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10dee75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/File.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+module Propellor.Property.File where
+import Propellor
+import System.Posix.Files
+type Line = String
+-- | Replaces all the content of a file.
+hasContent :: FilePath -> [Line] -> Property
+f `hasContent` newcontent = fileProperty ("replace " ++ f)
+ (\_oldcontent -> newcontent) f
+-- | Ensures a file has contents that comes from PrivData.
+-- Note: Does not do anything with the permissions of the file to prevent
+-- it from being seen.
+hasPrivContent :: FilePath -> Property
+hasPrivContent f = Property ("privcontent " ++ f) $
+ withPrivData (PrivFile f) (\v -> ensureProperty $ f `hasContent` lines v)
+-- | Ensures that a line is present in a file, adding it to the end if not.
+containsLine :: FilePath -> Line -> Property
+f `containsLine` l = fileProperty (f ++ " contains:" ++ l) go f
+ where
+ go ls
+ | l `elem` ls = ls
+ | otherwise = ls++[l]
+-- | Ensures that a line is not present in a file.
+-- Note that the file is ensured to exist, so if it doesn't, an empty
+-- file will be written.
+lacksLine :: FilePath -> Line -> Property
+f `lacksLine` l = fileProperty (f ++ " remove: " ++ l) (filter (/= l)) f
+-- | Removes a file. Does not remove symlinks or non-plain-files.
+notPresent :: FilePath -> Property
+notPresent f = check (doesFileExist f) $ Property (f ++ " not present") $
+ makeChange $ nukeFile f
+fileProperty :: Desc -> ([Line] -> [Line]) -> FilePath -> Property
+fileProperty desc a f = Property desc $ go =<< liftIO (doesFileExist f)
+ where
+ go True = do
+ ls <- liftIO $ lines <$> readFile f
+ let ls' = a ls
+ if ls' == ls
+ then noChange
+ else makeChange $ viaTmp updatefile f (unlines ls')
+ go False = makeChange $ writeFile f (unlines $ a [])
+ -- viaTmp makes the temp file mode 600.
+ -- Replicate the original file mode before moving it into place.
+ updatefile f' content = do
+ writeFile f' content
+ getFileStatus f >>= setFileMode f' . fileMode
+-- | Ensures a directory exists.
+dirExists :: FilePath -> Property
+dirExists d = check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist d) $ Property (d ++ " exists") $
+ makeChange $ createDirectoryIfMissing True d
+-- | Ensures that a file/dir has the specified owner and group.
+ownerGroup :: FilePath -> UserName -> GroupName -> Property
+ownerGroup f owner group = Property (f ++ " owner " ++ og) $ do
+ r <- ensureProperty $ cmdProperty "chown" [og, f]
+ if r == FailedChange
+ then return r
+ else noChange
+ where
+ og = owner ++ ":" ++ group
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Git.hs b/Propellor/Property/Git.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0494160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Git.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Git where
+import Propellor
+import Propellor.Property.File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+import Data.List
+-- | Exports all git repos in a directory (that user nobody can read)
+-- using git-daemon, run from inetd.
+-- Note that reverting this property does not remove or stop inetd.
+daemonRunning :: FilePath -> RevertableProperty
+daemonRunning exportdir = RevertableProperty setup unsetup
+ where
+ setup = containsLine conf (mkl "tcp4")
+ `requires`
+ containsLine conf (mkl "tcp6")
+ `requires`
+ dirExists exportdir
+ `requires`
+ Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "openbsd-inetd"
+ `onChange`
+ Service.running "openbsd-inetd"
+ `describe` ("git-daemon exporting " ++ exportdir)
+ unsetup = lacksLine conf (mkl "tcp4")
+ `requires`
+ lacksLine conf (mkl "tcp6")
+ `onChange`
+ Service.reloaded "openbsd-inetd"
+ conf = "/etc/inetd.conf"
+ mkl tcpv = intercalate "\t"
+ [ "git"
+ , "stream"
+ , tcpv
+ , "nowait"
+ , "nobody"
+ , "/usr/bin/git"
+ , "git"
+ , "daemon"
+ , "--inetd"
+ , "--export-all"
+ , "--base-path=" ++ exportdir
+ , exportdir
+ ]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Hostname.hs b/Propellor/Property/Hostname.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03613ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Hostname.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Hostname where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+-- | Ensures that the hostname is set to the HostAttr value.
+-- Configures both /etc/hostname and the current hostname.
+-- When the hostname is a FQDN, also configures /etc/hosts,
+-- with an entry for, which is standard at least on Debian
+-- to set the FDQN ( is localhost).
+sane :: Property
+sane = Property ("sane hostname") (ensureProperty . setTo =<< getHostName)
+setTo :: HostName -> Property
+setTo hn = combineProperties desc go
+ `onChange` cmdProperty "hostname" [basehost]
+ where
+ desc = "hostname " ++ hn
+ (basehost, domain) = separate (== '.') hn
+ go = catMaybes
+ [ Just $ "/etc/hostname" `File.hasContent` [basehost]
+ , if null domain
+ then Nothing
+ else Just $ File.fileProperty desc
+ addhostline "/etc/hosts"
+ ]
+ hostip = ""
+ hostline = hostip ++ "\t" ++ hn ++ " " ++ basehost
+ addhostline ls = hostline : filter (not . hashostip) ls
+ hashostip l = headMaybe (words l) == Just hostip
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Network.hs b/Propellor/Property/Network.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6009778a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Network.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Network where
+import Propellor
+import Propellor.Property.File
+interfaces :: FilePath
+interfaces = "/etc/network/interfaces"
+-- | 6to4 ipv6 connection, should work anywhere
+ipv6to4 :: Property
+ipv6to4 = fileProperty "ipv6to4" go interfaces
+ `onChange` ifUp "sit0"
+ where
+ go ls
+ | all (`elem` ls) stanza = ls
+ | otherwise = ls ++ stanza
+ stanza =
+ [ "# Automatically added by propeller"
+ , "iface sit0 inet6 static"
+ , "\taddress 2002:5044:5531::1"
+ , "\tnetmask 64"
+ , "\tgateway ::"
+ , "auto sit0"
+ , "# End automatically added by propeller"
+ ]
+type Interface = String
+ifUp :: Interface -> Property
+ifUp iface = cmdProperty "ifup" [iface]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs b/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c397bdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module Propellor.Property.OpenId where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+import Data.List
+providerFor :: [UserName] -> String -> Property
+providerFor users baseurl = propertyList desc $
+ [ Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "apache2"
+ , Apt.installed ["simpleid"]
+ `onChange` Service.restarted "apache2"
+ , File.fileProperty desc
+ (map setbaseurl) "/etc/simpleid/"
+ ] ++ map identfile users
+ where
+ identfile u = File.hasPrivContent $ concat
+ [ "/var/lib/simpleid/identities/", u, ".identity" ]
+ url = "http://"++baseurl++"/simpleid"
+ desc = "openid provider " ++ url
+ setbaseurl l
+ | "SIMPLEID_BASE_URL" `isInfixOf` l =
+ "define('SIMPLEID_BASE_URL', '"++url++"');"
+ | otherwise = l
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Reboot.hs b/Propellor/Property/Reboot.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25e53159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Reboot.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Reboot where
+import Propellor
+now :: Property
+now = cmdProperty "reboot" []
+ `describe` "reboot now"
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Scheduled.hs b/Propellor/Property/Scheduled.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8341765e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Scheduled.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Scheduled
+ ( period
+ , periodParse
+ , Recurrance(..)
+ , WeekDay
+ , MonthDay
+ , YearDay
+ ) where
+import Propellor
+import Utility.Scheduled
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+-- | Makes a Property only be checked every so often.
+-- This uses the description of the Property to keep track of when it was
+-- last run.
+period :: Property -> Recurrance -> Property
+period prop recurrance = Property desc $ do
+ lasttime <- liftIO $ getLastChecked (propertyDesc prop)
+ nexttime <- liftIO $ fmap startTime <$> nextTime schedule lasttime
+ t <- liftIO localNow
+ if Just t >= nexttime
+ then do
+ r <- ensureProperty prop
+ liftIO $ setLastChecked t (propertyDesc prop)
+ return r
+ else noChange
+ where
+ schedule = Schedule recurrance AnyTime
+ desc = propertyDesc prop ++ " (period " ++ fromRecurrance recurrance ++ ")"
+-- | Like period, but parse a human-friendly string.
+periodParse :: Property -> String -> Property
+periodParse prop s = case toRecurrance s of
+ Just recurrance -> period prop recurrance
+ Nothing -> Property "periodParse" $ do
+ liftIO $ warningMessage $ "failed periodParse: " ++ s
+ noChange
+lastCheckedFile :: FilePath
+lastCheckedFile = localdir </> ".lastchecked"
+getLastChecked :: Desc -> IO (Maybe LocalTime)
+getLastChecked desc = M.lookup desc <$> readLastChecked
+localNow :: IO LocalTime
+localNow = do
+ now <- getCurrentTime
+ tz <- getTimeZone now
+ return $ utcToLocalTime tz now
+setLastChecked :: LocalTime -> Desc -> IO ()
+setLastChecked time desc = do
+ m <- readLastChecked
+ writeLastChecked (M.insert desc time m)
+readLastChecked :: IO (M.Map Desc LocalTime)
+readLastChecked = fromMaybe M.empty <$> catchDefaultIO Nothing go
+ where
+ go = readish <$> readFile lastCheckedFile
+writeLastChecked :: M.Map Desc LocalTime -> IO ()
+writeLastChecked = writeFile lastCheckedFile . show
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Service.hs b/Propellor/Property/Service.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6498e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Service.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Service where
+import Propellor
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+type ServiceName = String
+-- | Ensures that a service is running. Does not ensure that
+-- any package providing that service is installed. See
+-- Apt.serviceInstalledRunning
+-- Note that due to the general poor state of init scripts, the best
+-- we can do is try to start the service, and if it fails, assume
+-- this means it's already running.
+running :: ServiceName -> Property
+running svc = Property ("running " ++ svc) $ do
+ void $ ensureProperty $
+ scriptProperty ["service " ++ shellEscape svc ++ " start >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"]
+ return NoChange
+restarted :: ServiceName -> Property
+restarted svc = Property ("restarted " ++ svc) $ do
+ void $ ensureProperty $
+ scriptProperty ["service " ++ shellEscape svc ++ " restart >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"]
+ return NoChange
+reloaded :: ServiceName -> Property
+reloaded svc = Property ("reloaded " ++ svc) $ do
+ void $ ensureProperty $
+ scriptProperty ["service " ++ shellEscape svc ++ " reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"]
+ return NoChange
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitAnnexBuilder.hs b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitAnnexBuilder.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..204a9ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitAnnexBuilder.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitAnnexBuilder where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron
+import Propellor.Property.Cron (CronTimes)
+builduser :: UserName
+builduser = "builder"
+homedir :: FilePath
+homedir = "/home/builder"
+gitbuilderdir :: FilePath
+gitbuilderdir = homedir </> "gitbuilder"
+builddir :: FilePath
+builddir = gitbuilderdir </> "build"
+builder :: Architecture -> CronTimes -> Bool -> Property
+builder arch crontimes rsyncupload = combineProperties "gitannexbuilder"
+ [ Apt.stdSourcesList Unstable
+ , Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"]
+ , Apt.installed ["git", "rsync", "moreutils", "ca-certificates",
+ "liblockfile-simple-perl", "cabal-install", "vim", "less"]
+ , Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "cron"
+ , User.accountFor builduser
+ , check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist gitbuilderdir) $ userScriptProperty builduser
+ [ "git clone git:// " ++ gitbuilderdir
+ , "cd " ++ gitbuilderdir
+ , "git checkout " ++ arch
+ ]
+ `describe` "gitbuilder setup"
+ , check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist builddir) $ userScriptProperty builduser
+ [ "git clone git:// " ++ builddir
+ ]
+ , "git-annex source build deps installed" ==> Apt.buildDepIn builddir
+ , Cron.niceJob "gitannexbuilder" crontimes builduser gitbuilderdir "git pull ; ./autobuild"
+ -- The builduser account does not have a password set,
+ -- instead use the password privdata to hold the rsync server
+ -- password used to upload the built image.
+ , Property "rsync password" $ do
+ let f = homedir </> "rsyncpassword"
+ if rsyncupload
+ then withPrivData (Password builduser) $ \p -> do
+ oldp <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "" $
+ readFileStrict f
+ if p /= oldp
+ then makeChange $ writeFile f p
+ else noChange
+ else do
+ ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist f)
+ ( noChange
+ , makeChange $ writeFile f "no password configured"
+ )
+ ]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ba56b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitHome where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import Propellor.Property.User
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+-- | Clones Joey Hess's git home directory, and runs its fixups script.
+installedFor :: UserName -> Property
+installedFor user = check (not <$> hasGitDir user) $
+ Property ("githome " ++ user) (go =<< liftIO (homedir user))
+ `requires` Apt.installed ["git"]
+ where
+ go Nothing = noChange
+ go (Just home) = do
+ let tmpdir = home </> "githome"
+ ensureProperty $ combineProperties "githome setup"
+ [ userScriptProperty user ["git clone " ++ url ++ " " ++ tmpdir]
+ , Property "moveout" $ makeChange $ void $
+ moveout tmpdir home
+ , Property "rmdir" $ makeChange $ void $
+ catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectory tmpdir
+ , userScriptProperty user ["rm -rf .aptitude/ .bashrc .profile; bin/mr checkout; bin/fixups"]
+ ]
+ moveout tmpdir home = do
+ fs <- dirContents tmpdir
+ forM fs $ \f -> boolSystem "mv" [File f, File home]
+url :: String
+url = "git://"
+hasGitDir :: UserName -> IO Bool
+hasGitDir user = go =<< homedir user
+ where
+ go Nothing = return False
+ go (Just home) = doesDirectoryExist (home </> ".git")
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46373170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+-- | Specific configuation for Joey Hess's sites. Probably not useful to
+-- others except as an example.
+module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.JoeySites where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+oldUseNetShellBox :: Property
+oldUseNetShellBox = check (not <$> Apt.isInstalled "oldusenet") $
+ propertyList (" shellbox")
+ [ Apt.installed (words "build-essential devscripts debhelper git libncursesw5-dev libpcre3-dev pkg-config bison libicu-dev libidn11-dev libcanlock2-dev libuu-dev ghc libghc-strptime-dev libghc-hamlet-dev libghc-ifelse-dev libghc-hxt-dev libghc-utf8-string-dev libghc-missingh-dev libghc-sha-dev")
+ `describe` " build deps"
+ , scriptProperty
+ [ "rm -rf /root/tmp/oldusenet" -- idenpotency
+ , "git clone git:// /root/tmp/oldusenet/source"
+ , "cd /root/tmp/oldusenet/source/"
+ , "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc"
+ , "dpkg -i ../oldusenet*.deb || true"
+ , "apt-get -fy install" -- dependencies
+ , "rm -rf /root/tmp/oldusenet"
+ ] `describe` " built"
+ ]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs b/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59845f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Ssh (
+ setSshdConfig,
+ permitRootLogin,
+ passwordAuthentication,
+ hasAuthorizedKeys,
+ restartSshd,
+ uniqueHostKeys
+) where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import Propellor.Property.User
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+sshBool :: Bool -> String
+sshBool True = "yes"
+sshBool False = "no"
+sshdConfig :: FilePath
+sshdConfig = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
+setSshdConfig :: String -> Bool -> Property
+setSshdConfig setting allowed = combineProperties "sshd config"
+ [ sshdConfig `File.lacksLine` (sshline $ not allowed)
+ , sshdConfig `File.containsLine` (sshline allowed)
+ ]
+ `onChange` restartSshd
+ `describe` unwords [ "ssh config:", setting, sshBool allowed ]
+ where
+ sshline v = setting ++ " " ++ sshBool v
+permitRootLogin :: Bool -> Property
+permitRootLogin = setSshdConfig "PermitRootLogin"
+passwordAuthentication :: Bool -> Property
+passwordAuthentication = setSshdConfig "PasswordAuthentication"
+hasAuthorizedKeys :: UserName -> IO Bool
+hasAuthorizedKeys = go <=< homedir
+ where
+ go Nothing = return False
+ go (Just home) = not . null <$> catchDefaultIO ""
+ (readFile $ home </> ".ssh" </> "authorized_keys")
+restartSshd :: Property
+restartSshd = cmdProperty "service" ["ssh", "restart"]
+-- | Blows away existing host keys and make new ones.
+-- Useful for systems installed from an image that might reuse host keys.
+-- A flag file is used to only ever do this once.
+uniqueHostKeys :: Property
+uniqueHostKeys = flagFile prop "/etc/ssh/.unique_host_keys"
+ `onChange` restartSshd
+ where
+ prop = Property "ssh unique host keys" $ do
+ void $ liftIO $ boolSystem "sh"
+ [ Param "-c"
+ , Param "rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*"
+ ]
+ ensureProperty $
+ cmdProperty "/var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.postinst"
+ ["configure"]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Sudo.hs b/Propellor/Property/Sudo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66ceb580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Sudo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Sudo where
+import Data.List
+import Propellor
+import Propellor.Property.File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import Propellor.Property.User
+-- | Allows a user to sudo. If the user has a password, sudo is configured
+-- to require it. If not, NOPASSWORD is enabled for the user.
+enabledFor :: UserName -> Property
+enabledFor user = Property desc go `requires` Apt.installed ["sudo"]
+ where
+ go = do
+ locked <- liftIO $ isLockedPassword user
+ ensureProperty $
+ fileProperty desc
+ (modify locked . filter (wanted locked))
+ "/etc/sudoers"
+ desc = user ++ " is sudoer"
+ sudobaseline = user ++ " ALL=(ALL:ALL)"
+ sudoline True = sudobaseline ++ " NOPASSWD:ALL"
+ sudoline False = sudobaseline ++ " ALL"
+ wanted locked l
+ -- TOOD: Full sudoers file format parse..
+ | not (sudobaseline `isPrefixOf` l) = True
+ | "NOPASSWD" `isInfixOf` l = locked
+ | otherwise = True
+ modify locked ls
+ | sudoline locked `elem` ls = ls
+ | otherwise = ls ++ [sudoline locked]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Tor.hs b/Propellor/Property/Tor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78e35c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Tor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Tor where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+isBridge :: Property
+isBridge = setup `requires` Apt.installed ["tor"]
+ `describe` "tor bridge"
+ where
+ setup = "/etc/tor/torrc" `File.hasContent`
+ [ "SocksPort 0"
+ , "ORPort 443"
+ , "BridgeRelay 1"
+ , "Exitpolicy reject *:*"
+ ] `onChange` restartTor
+restartTor :: Property
+restartTor = cmdProperty "service" ["tor", "restart"]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/User.hs b/Propellor/Property/User.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d948834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/User.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+module Propellor.Property.User where
+import System.Posix
+import Propellor
+data Eep = YesReallyDeleteHome
+accountFor :: UserName -> Property
+accountFor user = check (isNothing <$> homedir user) $ cmdProperty "adduser"
+ [ "--disabled-password"
+ , "--gecos", ""
+ , user
+ ]
+ `describe` ("account for " ++ user)
+-- | Removes user home directory!! Use with caution.
+nuked :: UserName -> Eep -> Property
+nuked user _ = check (isJust <$> homedir user) $ cmdProperty "userdel"
+ [ "-r"
+ , user
+ ]
+ `describe` ("nuked user " ++ user)
+-- | Only ensures that the user has some password set. It may or may
+-- not be the password from the PrivData.
+hasSomePassword :: UserName -> Property
+hasSomePassword user = check ((/= HasPassword) <$> getPasswordStatus user) $
+ hasPassword user
+hasPassword :: UserName -> Property
+hasPassword user = Property (user ++ " has password") $
+ withPrivData (Password user) $ \password -> makeChange $
+ withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess
+ (proc "chpasswd" []) $ \h -> do
+ hPutStrLn h $ user ++ ":" ++ password
+ hClose h
+lockedPassword :: UserName -> Property
+lockedPassword user = check (not <$> isLockedPassword user) $ cmdProperty "passwd"
+ [ "--lock"
+ , user
+ ]
+ `describe` ("locked " ++ user ++ " password")
+data PasswordStatus = NoPassword | LockedPassword | HasPassword
+ deriving (Eq)
+getPasswordStatus :: UserName -> IO PasswordStatus
+getPasswordStatus user = parse . words <$> readProcess "passwd" ["-S", user]
+ where
+ parse (_:"L":_) = LockedPassword
+ parse (_:"NP":_) = NoPassword
+ parse (_:"P":_) = HasPassword
+ parse _ = NoPassword
+isLockedPassword :: UserName -> IO Bool
+isLockedPassword user = (== LockedPassword) <$> getPasswordStatus user
+homedir :: UserName -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+homedir user = catchMaybeIO $ homeDirectory <$> getUserEntryForName user