diff options
authorJoey Hess2014-03-31 19:19:56 -0400
committerJoey Hess2014-03-31 19:19:56 -0400
commit2c44fed59523a59e2a56c5b86c2617bd3d9bb4cf (patch)
parent633778995c7d0c00c9896c19a9e02f0d7339c799 (diff)
update README
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index eb490bb9..e4b8a9dc 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -28,9 +28,26 @@ and so it's easy to factor out things like classes of hosts as desired.
## quick start
-Clone propellor's git repository to your laptop (or whatever).
+1. Clone propellor's git repository to your laptop (or whatever).
+2. Run: sudo make deps # installs build dependencies
+3. Run: make build
+4. If you don't have a gpg private key, generate one: gpg --gen-key
+5. Run: ./propellor --add-key $KEYID
+7. Pick a host and run: ./propellor --spin $HOST
+8. Now you have a simple propellor deployment, but it doesn't do anything
+ to the host yet, besides installing propellor.
+ So, edit config.hs to configure the host (maybe start with a few simple
+ properties), and re-run step 7. Repeat until happy and move on to the
+ next host. :)
+9. To move beyond manually running propellor --spin against hosts
+ when you change configuration, add a property to your hosts
+ like: Cron.runPropellor "30 * * * *"
+ Now they'll automatically update every 30 minutes, and you can
+ `git commit -S` and `git push` changes that affect any number of
+ hosts.
+10. Write some neat new properties and send patches to!
## security