{ # Parent configuration file, which will be overriden by the current # configuration - The path of the parent is relative to the current # configuration file "parent":None, # True|False # If True, the plugs are restarted before each serie of measurements # If False, the plugs are not restarted before a serie of measurements "restart_plugs":False, # True|False # If True, the measurements are reset, made and then the report is generated # If False, the report is generated from the previous measurements "make_measurements":False, # This parameter is used for 3 purposes: # - config["ixia"]["results_path"] + config["reports_directory"] is the # directory where the Ixia measurements are written # - config["ixia"]["results_path"] + config["reports_directory"] is the # directory from where the Ixia measurements are read for each element in # config["tests"], if the path in this element is "default" # - config["reports_directory"] is the directory where the images and the # report are generated # It is recommended to indicate in this parameter all the # elements identifying the test, including the software version, the name # of the chipset and the number of stations "reports_directory":"eoc-0.8.1/SPC300/16_slaves", # Name of the secondary directory where to read the Ixia results # to be compared with the results read in the primary directory "sec_reports_directory":"eoc-0.8.2/SPC300/16_slaves", # List of the keys of the power plugs which must be switched off before # the test is executed. # These power plugs may have been switched on during previous tests and # may have an impact on the current test. # The keys can be grouped by power plugs, i.e. # [(1, [1, 3])] is equivalent to [(1, 1), (1, 3)]. "power_plugs_off":[(1, [])], # FTP server used to dump the traces files. # It can be located on a remote server, but it is advised to run the FTP # server on the local host "ftp_server":{ #Address or name of the FTP server viewed from the PC of test "non_plc_ip_address":"tursan", #Name of the user connecting to the FTP server from the PC of test "user":"spidcom", #Address of the FTP server viewed from the plugs "plc_ip_address":"", #Root directory of the FTP server "root":"/var/all_ftp" }, # Key of the plug switched on in first place # For AV networks, this allows to define which plug is the CCO. # For EoC networks, it could be any plug, not necessarily the master, # but it is still recommended. # If it is an SPC300, the plug must be directly accessible in telnet, # i.e. not via another plug "cco_key":(1, 2, "master"), # Default stations number, in addition to the one specified by # config["first_key"], if the number of stations defined in config["tests"] # is "default" "stas_nb":16, # [("tput" (for throughput) | "latency" (for latency) | # "bcast" (for broadcast) | "floss" (for frame loss), # Type of Ixia test # It is used to : # - change the right parameters in the TCL files # - select the right Ixia result files # - customize the layout of the figures # Number of active stations # If "default", the above value of "stas_nb" is used # Name of the directory where to read (but not write) the Ixia # results # If "default", the above value of "reports_directory" is used # Each combination of (type of Ixia test, number of active stations, # name of directory) must be unique since it is used for the figure file # names and for the titles in the PDF files. # Nevertheless, it is not possible to define config["tests"] as a # dictionnary since the order is important # (an "floss" test must be executed after the corresponging "tput" test) # Name of the secondary directory where to read the Ixia results # to be compared with the results read in the primary directory # If "default", the above value of "reports_directory" is used # Must be None if the test type is not "tput" # [(key, value)] # Parameters modified in the TCL script # The level is determined by the type of Ixia test described above # See the Ixia doc for more details about the units and the meaning # of these parameters # ["up"|"down"|"bi"] # Directions # "default"|(Ymin, Ymax) # Limits of the Y-axis on the figure # )] "tests": [ ("tput", "default", "default", "default", [("numtrials", 3), ("tolerance", 0), ("resolution", 0.05), ("burstSize", 1), ("framesizeList", "{ 68 128 256 512 768 1024 1280 1518 }"), ("percentMaxRate", 20)], ["down", "up", "bi"], "default" ), ("latency", "default", "default", None, [("numtrials", 1)], ["down", "up", "bi"], (0, 70) ), ("bcast", "default", "default", None, [("numtrials", 3), ("tolerance", 0), ("resolution", 0.01), ("framesizeList", "{ 68 128 256 512 768 1024 1280 1518 }"), ("percentMaxRate", 3)], ["down"], "default" ), ("floss", "default", "default", None, [("numtrials", 1), ("duration", 600)], ["down", "up", "bi"], "default" ), ], # Configuration passed to the 'power_strip' module "power_strip":{1: ("", "admin", "anel")}, # Configuration passed to the 'spc300' module "spc300":{ "eth_netmask": "192.168.10.", "plc_netmask": None, "plugs": { (1, 2, "master"): ("100", None, None, "spk300g_eoc_master"), (1, 2, "slave_1"): ("1", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_2"): ("2", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_3"): ("3", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_4"): ("4", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_5"): ("5", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_6"): ("6", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_7"): ("7", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_8"): ("8", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_9"): ("9", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_10"): ("10", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_11"): ("11", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_12"): ("12", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_13"): ("13", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_14"): ("14", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_15"): ("15", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave"), (1, 2, "slave_16"): ("16", None, None, "scr310_eoc_slave") }, }, # Configuration passed to the 'non_spc300' module "non_spc300":{ "plugs": { } }, # Configuration passed to the 'ixia' module "ixia":{ "scripts_path":"ixos/scripts", "results_path":"ixos/Results", "master_port":"1.3.1", "slave_port":"1.3.2", "min_vlan_id":11 } }