/************************************************************************ StationConfiguration.h - Copyright buret Here you can write a license for your code, some comments or any other information you want to have in your generated code. To to this simply configure the "headings" directory in uml to point to a directory where you have your heading files. or you can just replace the contents of this file with your own. If you want to do this, this file is located at /usr/share/apps/umbrello/headings/heading.h -->Code Generators searches for heading files based on the file extension i.e. it will look for a file name ending in ".h" to include in C++ header files, and for a file name ending in ".java" to include in all generated java code. If you name the file "heading.", Code Generator will always choose this file even if there are other files with the same extension in the directory. If you name the file something else, it must be the only one with that extension in the directory to guarantee that Code Generator will choose it. you can use variables in your heading files which are replaced at generation time. possible variables are : author, date, time, filename and filepath. just write %variable_name% This file was generated on %date% at %time% The original location of this file is /home/buret/eclipse/maximus/system/inc/StationConfiguration.h **************************************************************************/ #ifndef STATIONCONFIGURATION_H #define STATIONCONFIGURATION_H #include "system_types.h" #include /** * class StationConfiguration */ class StationConfiguration { public: // public attributes // private: // private attributes // std::string mStationExecutable; std::string mStationName; protected: // protected attributes // public: // Constructors/Destructors // /** * Constructor */ StationConfiguration ( std::string & station_executable, std::string station_name = std::string("station") ); /** * Empty Destructor */ virtual ~StationConfiguration ( ); // public methods // // public attribute accessor methods // // private attribute accessor methods // /** * Set the station executable. * @param station_executable the new value of mStationExecutable */ bool setStationExecutable ( const std::string & station_executable ); /** * Get the station executable. * @return mStationExecutable */ const std::string & getStationExecutable ( ) const; /** * Set the station name. * @param station_name the new vale of mStationName */ bool setStationName ( const std::string & station_name ); /** * Get the station name. * @return mStationName */ const std::string & getStationName ( ) const; // protected attribute accessor methods // private: // private methods // void initAttributes ( ); protected: // protected methods // }; #endif // STATIONCONFIGURATION_H