#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 # :Author: Georg Brandl; Felix Wiemann; Günter Milde # :Date: $Date$ # :Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. # # This is a merge of `Using Pygments in ReST documents`_ from the pygments_ # documentation, and a `proof of concept`_ by Felix Wiemann. # # .. class:: borderless # # ========== ============================================================= # 2007-06-01 Removed redundancy from class values. # 2007-06-04 Merge of successive tokens of same type # (code taken from pygments.formatters.others). # 2007-06-05 Separate docutils formatter script # Use pygments' CSS class names (like the html formatter) # allowing the use of pygments-produced style sheets. # 2007-06-07 Merge in the formatting of the parsed tokens # (misnamed as docutils_formatter) as class DocutilsInterface # 2007-06-08 Failsave implementation (fallback to a standard literal block # if pygments not found) # 2010-11-27 Rename directive from "code-block" to "code". # Fix fallback if pygments not found. # Use class-based interface. # Add "number-lines" option. # ========== ============================================================= # # :: """Define and register a code directive using pygments""" # Requirements # ------------ # :: from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, Directive from docutils.parsers.rst.roles import set_classes try: import pygments from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.formatters.html import _get_ttype_class with_pygments = True except ImportError: with_pygments = False # Customisation # ------------- # # Do not insert inline nodes for the following tokens. # (You could add e.g. Token.Punctuation like ``['', 'p']``.) :: unstyled_tokens = [''] # Token.Text # Lexer # --------- # # This interface class combines code from # pygments.formatters.html and pygments.formatters.others. class Lexer(object): """Parse `code` lines and yield "classified" tokens. Arguments code -- list of source code lines to parse language -- formal language the code is written in. Merge subsequent tokens of the same token-type. Iterating over an instance yields the tokens as ``(ttype_class, value)`` tuples, where `ttype_class` is taken from pygments.token.STANDARD_TYPES and corresponds to the class argument used in pygments html output. """ def __init__(self, code, language): """ Set up a lexical analyzer for `code` in `language`. """ self.code = code self.language = language self.lexer = None # get lexical analyzer for `language`: if language in ('', 'text'): return if not with_pygments: raise ApplicationError('Cannot highlight code. ' 'Pygments package not found.') try: self.lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.language) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: raise ApplicationError('Cannot highlight code. ' 'No Pygments lexer found for "%s".' % language) # Since version 1.2. (released Jan 01, 2010) Pygments has a # TokenMergeFilter. ``self.merge(tokens)`` in __iter__ can be # replaced by ``self.lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge')`` in __init__. def merge(self, tokens): """Merge subsequent tokens of same token-type. Also strip the final '\n' (added by pygments). """ tokens = iter(tokens) (lasttype, lastval) = tokens.next() for ttype, value in tokens: if ttype is lasttype: lastval += value else: yield(lasttype, lastval) (lasttype, lastval) = (ttype, value) if lastval != '\n': yield(lasttype, lastval) def __iter__(self): """Parse self.code and yield "classified" tokens """ codestring = u'\n'.join(self.code) if self.lexer is None: yield [('', codestring)] return tokens = pygments.lex(codestring, self.lexer) for ttype, value in self.merge(tokens): # yield (ttype, value) # token type objects yield (_get_ttype_class(ttype), value) # short name strings class NumberLines(object): """Insert linenumber-tokens in front of every newline. Arguments tokens -- iterable of ``(ttype_class, value)`` tuples startline -- first line number endline -- last line number Iterating over an instance yields the tokens preceded by a ``('ln', '')`` token for every line. Multi-line tokens from pygments are splitted. """ def __init__(self, tokens, startline, endline): self.tokens = tokens self.startline = startline # pad linenumbers, e.g. endline == 100 -> fmt_str = '%3d ' self.fmt_str = '%%%dd ' % len(str(endline)) def __iter__(self): lineno = self.startline yield ('ln', self.fmt_str % lineno) for ttype, value in self.tokens: lines = value.split('\n') for line in lines[:-1]: yield (ttype, line + '\n') lineno += 1 yield ('ln', self.fmt_str % lineno) yield (ttype, lines[-1]) # CodeBlock directive # -------------------- # :: class CodeBlock(Directive): """Parse and mark up content of a code block. """ optional_arguments = 1 option_spec = {'class': directives.class_option, 'name': directives.unchanged, 'number-lines': directives.unchanged # integer or None } has_content = True def run(self): self.assert_has_content() if self.arguments: language = self.arguments[0] else: language = '' set_classes(self.options) classes = ['code', language] if 'classes' in self.options: classes.extend(self.options['classes']) # TODO: config setting to skip lexical analysis: ## if document.settings.no_highlight: ## language = '' # set up lexical analyzer tokens = Lexer(self.content, language) if 'number-lines' in self.options: # optional argument `startline`, defaults to 1 try: startline = int(self.options['number-lines'] or 1) except ValueError: raise self.error(':number-lines: with non-integer start value') endline = startline + len(self.content) # add linenumber filter: tokens = NumberLines(tokens, startline, endline) node = nodes.literal_block('\n'.join(self.content), classes=classes) self.add_name(node) # analyze content and add nodes for every token for cls, value in tokens: # print (cls, value) if cls in unstyled_tokens: # insert as Text to decrease the verbosity of the output. node += nodes.Text(value, value) else: node += nodes.inline(value, value, classes=[cls]) return [node] # Register Directive # ------------------ # :: directives.register_directive('code', CodeBlock) # .. _doctutils: http://docutils.sf.net/ # .. _pygments: http://pygments.org/ # .. _Using Pygments in ReST documents: http://pygments.org/docs/rstdirective/ # .. _proof of concept: # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.docutils.user/3689 # # Test output # ----------- # # If called from the command line, call the docutils publisher to render the # input:: if __name__ == '__main__': from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description description = 'code-block directive test output' + default_description try: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: pass # Uncomment the desired output format: # publish_cmdline(writer_name='pseudoxml', description=description) # publish_cmdline(writer_name='xml', description=description) # publish_cmdline(writer_name='html', description=description) publish_cmdline(writer_name='latex', description=description)