/**************************************************************************** * Ralink Tech Inc. * 4F, No. 2 Technology 5th Rd. * Science-based Industrial Park * Hsin-chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. * (c) Copyright 2002, Ralink Technology, Inc. * * All rights reserved. Ralink's source code is an unpublished work and the * use of a copyright notice does not imply otherwise. This source code * contains confidential trade secret material of Ralink Tech. Any attemp * or participation in deciphering, decoding, reverse engineering or in any * way altering the source code is stricitly prohibited, unless the prior * written consent of Ralink Technology, Inc. is obtained. **************************************************************************** Module Name: ap_cfg.c Abstract: IOCTL related subroutines Revision History: Who When What --------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------- */ #include "rt_config.h" #define A_BAND_REGION_0 0 #define A_BAND_REGION_1 1 #define A_BAND_REGION_2 2 #define A_BAND_REGION_3 3 #define A_BAND_REGION_4 4 #define A_BAND_REGION_5 5 #define A_BAND_REGION_6 6 #define A_BAND_REGION_7 7 #define A_BAND_REGION_8 8 #define A_BAND_REGION_9 9 #define A_BAND_REGION_10 10 #define G_BAND_REGION_0 0 #define G_BAND_REGION_1 1 #define G_BAND_REGION_2 2 #define G_BAND_REGION_3 3 #define G_BAND_REGION_4 4 #define G_BAND_REGION_5 5 #define G_BAND_REGION_6 6 COUNTRY_CODE_TO_COUNTRY_REGION allCountry[] = { /* {Country Number, ISO Name, Country Name, Support 11A, 11A Country Region, Support 11G, 11G Country Region} */ {0, "DB", "Debug", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_7, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_5}, {8, "AL", "ALBANIA", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {12, "DZ", "ALGERIA", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {32, "AR", "ARGENTINA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_3, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {51, "AM", "ARMENIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {36, "AU", "AUSTRALIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {40, "AT", "AUSTRIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {31, "AZ", "AZERBAIJAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {48, "BH", "BAHRAIN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {112, "BY", "BELARUS", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {56, "BE", "BELGIUM", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {84, "BZ", "BELIZE", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {68, "BO", "BOLIVIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {76, "BR", "BRAZIL", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {96, "BN", "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {100, "BG", "BULGARIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {124, "CA", "CANADA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {152, "CL", "CHILE", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {156, "CN", "CHINA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {170, "CO", "COLOMBIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {188, "CR", "COSTA RICA", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {191, "HR", "CROATIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {196, "CY", "CYPRUS", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {203, "CZ", "CZECH REPUBLIC", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {208, "DK", "DENMARK", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {214, "DO", "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {218, "EC", "ECUADOR", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {818, "EG", "EGYPT", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {222, "SV", "EL SALVADOR", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {233, "EE", "ESTONIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {246, "FI", "FINLAND", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {250, "FR", "FRANCE", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {268, "GE", "GEORGIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {276, "DE", "GERMANY", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {300, "GR", "GREECE", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {320, "GT", "GUATEMALA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {340, "HN", "HONDURAS", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {344, "HK", "HONG KONG", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {348, "HU", "HUNGARY", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {352, "IS", "ICELAND", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {356, "IN", "INDIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {360, "ID", "INDONESIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {364, "IR", "IRAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {372, "IE", "IRELAND", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {376, "IL", "ISRAEL", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {380, "IT", "ITALY", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {392, "JP", "JAPAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_9, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {400, "JO", "JORDAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {398, "KZ", "KAZAKHSTAN", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {408, "KP", "KOREA DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF",TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_5, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {410, "KR", "KOREA REPUBLIC OF", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_5, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {414, "KW", "KUWAIT", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {428, "LV", "LATVIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {422, "LB", "LEBANON", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {438, "LI", "LIECHTENSTEIN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {440, "LT", "LITHUANIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {442, "LU", "LUXEMBOURG", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {446, "MO", "MACAU", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {807, "MK", "MACEDONIA", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {458, "MY", "MALAYSIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {484, "MX", "MEXICO", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {492, "MC", "MONACO", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {504, "MA", "MOROCCO", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {528, "NL", "NETHERLANDS", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {554, "NZ", "NEW ZEALAND", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {578, "NO", "NORWAY", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {512, "OM", "OMAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {586, "PK", "PAKISTAN", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {591, "PA", "PANAMA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {604, "PE", "PERU", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {608, "PH", "PHILIPPINES", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_4, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {616, "PL", "POLAND", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {620, "PT", "PORTUGAL", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {630, "PR", "PUERTO RICO", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {634, "QA", "QATAR", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {642, "RO", "ROMANIA", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {643, "RU", "RUSSIA FEDERATION", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {682, "SA", "SAUDI ARABIA", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {702, "SG", "SINGAPORE", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {703, "SK", "SLOVAKIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {705, "SI", "SLOVENIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {710, "ZA", "SOUTH AFRICA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {724, "ES", "SPAIN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {752, "SE", "SWEDEN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {756, "CH", "SWITZERLAND", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {760, "SY", "SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {158, "TW", "TAIWAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_3, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {764, "TH", "THAILAND", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {780, "TT", "TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {788, "TN", "TUNISIA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {792, "TR", "TURKEY", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_2, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {804, "UA", "UKRAINE", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {784, "AE", "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {826, "GB", "UNITED KINGDOM", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {840, "US", "UNITED STATES", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {858, "UY", "URUGUAY", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_5, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {860, "UZ", "UZBEKISTAN", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_1, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_0}, {862, "VE", "VENEZUELA", TRUE, A_BAND_REGION_5, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {704, "VN", "VIET NAM", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {887, "YE", "YEMEN", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {716, "ZW", "ZIMBABWE", FALSE, A_BAND_REGION_0, TRUE, G_BAND_REGION_1}, {999, "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0} }; #define NUM_OF_COUNTRIES (sizeof(allCountry)/sizeof(COUNTRY_CODE_TO_COUNTRY_REGION)) INT Set_CountryString_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_CountryCode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST INT Set_ChGeography_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST */ INT Set_AP_SSID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TxRate_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_OLBCDetection_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_MaxStaNum_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_IdleTimeout_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef IAPP_SUPPORT INT Set_IappPID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* IAPP_SUPPORT */ INT Set_AP_AuthMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_EncrypType_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WpaMixPairCipher_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_RekeyInterval_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_RekeyMethod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_PMKCachePeriod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_DefaultKeyID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_Key1_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_Key2_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_Key3_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_Key4_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WPAPSK_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_BasicRate_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_BeaconPeriod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_DtimPeriod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_NoForwarding_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_NoForwardingBTNSSID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WmmCapable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_HideSSID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_VLANID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_VLANPriority_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_VLAN_TAG_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AccessPolicy_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ACLAddEntry_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ACLDelEntry_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ACLShowAll_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ACLClearAll_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_RadioOn_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_SiteSurvey_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AutoChannelSel_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_BADecline_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_StaCount_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_StaSecurityInfo_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_DriverInfo_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT INT Show_BaTable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ INT Show_Sat_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_RAInfo_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_Sat_Reset_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_MATTable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT VOID RTMPIoctlQueryRadiusConf( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq); INT Set_IEEE8021X_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_PreAuth_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_RADIUS_Server_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_RADIUS_Port_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_RADIUS_Key_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ INT Set_DisConnectSta_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_DisConnectAllSta_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT INT Set_ApCli_Enable_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_Ssid_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_Bssid_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_DefaultKeyID_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_WPAPSK_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_Key1_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_Key2_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_Key3_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_Key4_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_TxMode_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_TxMcs_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT INT Set_ApCli_Wpa_Support(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_ApCli_IEEE8021X_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT INT Set_AP_WscSsid_Proc(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef UAPSD_SUPPORT INT Set_UAPSD_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* UAPSD_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT INT Set_WscStatus_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscStop_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); VOID RTMPIoctlWscProfile( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq); VOID RTMPIoctlWscPINCode( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq); VOID RTMPIoctlWscStatus( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq); VOID RTMPIoctlGetWscDynInfo( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq); VOID RTMPIoctlGetWscRegsDynInfo( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq); BOOLEAN WscCheckEnrolleeNonceFromUpnp( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING pData, IN USHORT Length, IN PWSC_CTRL pWscControl); UCHAR WscRxMsgTypeFromUpnp( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING pData, IN USHORT Length); INT WscGetConfForUpnp( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PWSC_CTRL pWscControl); INT Set_AP_WscConfMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WscConfStatus_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WscMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WscGetConf_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WscPinCode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WscSecurityMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP_WscMultiByteCheck_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscVersion_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT INT Set_WscV2Support_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscVersion2_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscExtraTlvTag_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscExtraTlvType_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscExtraTlvData_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscSetupLock_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscFragment_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscFragmentSize_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscMaxPinAttack_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_WscSetupLockTime_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC INT Set_McastPhyMode(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_McastMcs(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Show_McastRate(IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC */ #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 INT Set_OBSSScanParam_Proc(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, PSTRING arg); INT Set_AP2040ReScan_Proc(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, PSTRING arg); #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ INT Set_EntryLifeCheck_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT INT Set_QloadClr_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); /* QLOAD ALARM */ INT Set_QloadAlarmTimeThreshold_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING Arg); INT Set_QloadAlarmNumThreshold_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING Arg); #endif /* AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT */ #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ INT Set_MemDebug_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT INT Set_PowerSaveLifeTime_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ INT Set_LoopBackFlag_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestTxFrameProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestTxFrame1Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestTxFrame2Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestTxFrame3Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestTxFrame4Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_DumpBeaconBuffer_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_InsertWAPIKeyProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestWAPIFrameProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_TestMultiMacAddrProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); INT Set_HwTxLookupRate_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg); static struct { PSTRING name; INT (*set_proc)(PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, PSTRING arg); } *PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC, RTMP_PRIVATE_SUPPORT_PROC[] = { {"RateAlg", Set_RateAlg_Proc}, #ifdef NEW_RATE_ADAPT_SUPPORT {"PerThrdAdj", Set_PerThrdAdj_Proc}, {"LowTrafficThrd", Set_LowTrafficThrd_Proc}, {"TrainUpRule", Set_TrainUpRule_Proc}, {"TrainUpRuleRSSI", Set_TrainUpRuleRSSI_Proc}, {"TrainUpLowThrd", Set_TrainUpLowThrd_Proc}, {"TrainUpHighThrd", Set_TrainUpHighThrd_Proc}, {"RateTable", Set_RateTable_Proc}, #endif /* NEW_RATE_ADAPT_SUPPORT */ {"DriverVersion", Set_DriverVersion_Proc}, {"CountryRegion", Set_CountryRegion_Proc}, {"CountryRegionABand", Set_CountryRegionABand_Proc}, {"CountryString", Set_CountryString_Proc}, {"CountryCode", Set_CountryCode_Proc}, #ifdef EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST {"ChGeography", Set_ChGeography_Proc}, #endif /* EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST */ {"SSID", Set_AP_SSID_Proc}, {"WirelessMode", Set_WirelessMode_Proc}, {"BasicRate", Set_BasicRate_Proc}, {"ShortSlot", Set_ShortSlot_Proc}, {"Channel", Set_Channel_Proc}, {"BeaconPeriod", Set_BeaconPeriod_Proc}, {"DtimPeriod", Set_DtimPeriod_Proc}, {"TxPower", Set_TxPower_Proc}, {"BGProtection", Set_BGProtection_Proc}, {"DisableOLBC", Set_OLBCDetection_Proc}, {"TxPreamble", Set_TxPreamble_Proc}, {"RTSThreshold", Set_RTSThreshold_Proc}, {"FragThreshold", Set_FragThreshold_Proc}, {"TxBurst", Set_TxBurst_Proc}, {"MaxStaNum", Set_AP_MaxStaNum_Proc}, {"IdleTimeout", Set_AP_IdleTimeout_Proc}, #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT {"BASetup", Set_BASetup_Proc}, {"BADecline", Set_BADecline_Proc}, {"SendMIMOPS", Set_SendPSMPAction_Proc}, {"BAOriTearDown", Set_BAOriTearDown_Proc}, {"BARecTearDown", Set_BARecTearDown_Proc}, {"HtBw", Set_HtBw_Proc}, {"HtMcs", Set_HtMcs_Proc}, {"HtGi", Set_HtGi_Proc}, {"HtOpMode", Set_HtOpMode_Proc}, {"HtStbc", Set_HtStbc_Proc}, {"HtHtc", Set_HtHtc_Proc}, {"HtExtcha", Set_HtExtcha_Proc}, {"HtMpduDensity", Set_HtMpduDensity_Proc}, {"HtBaWinSize", Set_HtBaWinSize_Proc}, {"HtMIMOPS", Set_HtMIMOPSmode_Proc}, {"HtRdg", Set_HtRdg_Proc}, {"HtLinkAdapt", Set_HtLinkAdapt_Proc}, {"HtAmsdu", Set_HtAmsdu_Proc}, {"HtAutoBa", Set_HtAutoBa_Proc}, {"HtProtect", Set_HtProtect_Proc}, {"HtMimoPs", Set_HtMimoPs_Proc}, {"HtTxStream", Set_HtTxStream_Proc}, {"HtRxStream", Set_HtRxStream_Proc}, {"ForceShortGI", Set_ForceShortGI_Proc}, {"ForceGF", Set_ForceGF_Proc}, {"HtTxBASize", Set_HtTxBASize_Proc}, {"BurstMode", Set_BurstMode_Proc}, #ifdef GREENAP_SUPPORT {"GreenAP", Set_GreenAP_Proc}, #endif /* GREENAP_SUPPORT */ {"HtDisallowTKIP", Set_HtDisallowTKIP_Proc}, #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT11_VHT_AC {"VhtBw", Set_VhtBw_Proc}, {"VhtStbc", Set_VhtStbc_Proc}, #endif /* DOT11_VHT_AC */ #ifdef IAPP_SUPPORT {"IappPID", Set_IappPID_Proc}, #endif /* IAPP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef AGGREGATION_SUPPORT {"PktAggregate", Set_PktAggregate_Proc}, #endif /* AGGREGATION_SUPPORT */ #ifdef INF_PPA_SUPPORT {"INF_AMAZON_SE_PPA", Set_INF_AMAZON_SE_PPA_Proc}, #endif /* INF_PPA_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WMM_SUPPORT {"WmmCapable", Set_AP_WmmCapable_Proc}, #endif /* WMM_SUPPORT */ {"NoForwarding", Set_NoForwarding_Proc}, {"NoForwardingBTNBSSID", Set_NoForwardingBTNSSID_Proc}, {"HideSSID", Set_HideSSID_Proc}, {"IEEE80211H", Set_IEEE80211H_Proc}, {"VLANID", Set_VLANID_Proc}, {"VLANPriority", Set_VLANPriority_Proc}, {"VLANTag", Set_VLAN_TAG_Proc}, {"AuthMode", Set_AP_AuthMode_Proc}, {"EncrypType", Set_AP_EncrypType_Proc}, {"WpaMixPairCipher", Set_AP_WpaMixPairCipher_Proc}, {"RekeyInterval", Set_AP_RekeyInterval_Proc}, {"RekeyMethod", Set_AP_RekeyMethod_Proc}, {"DefaultKeyID", Set_AP_DefaultKeyID_Proc}, {"Key1", Set_AP_Key1_Proc}, {"Key2", Set_AP_Key2_Proc}, {"Key3", Set_AP_Key3_Proc}, {"Key4", Set_AP_Key4_Proc}, {"AccessPolicy", Set_AccessPolicy_Proc}, {"ACLAddEntry", Set_ACLAddEntry_Proc}, {"ACLDelEntry", Set_ACLDelEntry_Proc}, {"ACLShowAll", Set_ACLShowAll_Proc}, {"ACLClearAll", Set_ACLClearAll_Proc}, {"WPAPSK", Set_AP_WPAPSK_Proc}, {"RadioOn", Set_RadioOn_Proc}, #ifdef AP_SCAN_SUPPORT {"SiteSurvey", Set_SiteSurvey_Proc}, {"AutoChannelSel", Set_AutoChannelSel_Proc}, #endif /* AP_SCAN_SUPPORT */ {"ResetCounter", Set_ResetStatCounter_Proc}, {"DisConnectSta", Set_DisConnectSta_Proc}, {"DisConnectAllSta", Set_DisConnectAllSta_Proc}, #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT {"IEEE8021X", Set_IEEE8021X_Proc}, {"PreAuth", Set_PreAuth_Proc}, {"PMKCachePeriod", Set_AP_PMKCachePeriod_Proc}, {"own_ip_addr", Set_OwnIPAddr_Proc}, {"EAPifname", Set_EAPIfName_Proc}, {"PreAuthifname", Set_PreAuthIfName_Proc}, {"RADIUS_Server", Set_RADIUS_Server_Proc}, {"RADIUS_Port", Set_RADIUS_Port_Proc}, {"RADIUS_Key", Set_RADIUS_Key_Proc}, #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DBG {"Debug", Set_Debug_Proc}, {"DebugFunc", Set_DebugFunc_Proc}, #endif /* DBG */ #if defined(DFS_SUPPORT) || defined(CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT) {"RadarShow", Set_RadarShow_Proc}, #ifdef DFS_SUPPORT {"RadarDebug", Set_RadarDebug_Proc}, /*{"RadarHit", Set_RadarHit_Proc},*/ {"CSPeriod", Set_CSPeriod_Proc}, {"ResetRadarHwDetect", Set_ResetRadarHwDetect_Proc}, {"DfsSwDisable", Set_DfsSwDisable_Proc}, {"DfsEvDropAdjTime", Set_DfsEnvtDropAdjTime_Proc}, {"RadarStart", Set_RadarStart_Proc}, {"RadarStop", Set_RadarStop_Proc}, {"RadarT1", Set_RadarSetTbl1_Proc}, {"RadarT2", Set_RadarSetTbl2_Proc}, {"Fcc5Thrd", Set_Fcc5Thrd_Proc}, {"ChBusyThrd", Set_ChBusyThrd_Proc}, {"RssiThrd", Set_RssiThrd_Proc}, {"PollTime", Set_PollTime_Proc}, {"CEPrint", Set_CEPrint_Proc}, {"RadarSim", Set_RadarSim_Proc}, {"PrintBusyIdle", Set_PrintBusyIdle_Proc}, {"BusyIdleRatio", Set_BusyIdleRatio_Proc}, {"DfsRssiHigh", Set_DfsRssiHigh_Proc}, {"DfsRssiLow", Set_DfsRssiLow_Proc}, {"EventExpire", Set_EventExpire_Proc}, {"Ch0LErr", Set_Ch0LErr_Proc}, {"PeriodErr", Set_PeriodErr_Proc}, {"MaxPeriod", Set_MaxPeriod_Proc}, {"Ch0HErr", Set_Ch0HErr_Proc}, {"Ch1Shift", Set_Ch1Shift_Proc}, {"Ch2Shift", Set_Ch2Shift_Proc}, {"CheckLoop", Set_CheckLoop_Proc}, {"DeclareThres", Set_DeclareThres_Proc}, {"ChMovTime", Set_ChMovingTime_Proc}, {"BlockChReset", Set_BlockChReset_Proc}, {"RfReg", Set_RfReg_Proc}, #ifdef DFS_DEBUG {"DfsLowerLimit", Set_DfsLowerLimit_Proc}, {"DfsUpperLimit", Set_DfsUpperLimit_Proc}, /*{"FixDfsLimit", Set_FixDfsLimit_Proc},*/ /*{"AvgRssiReq", Set_AvgRssiReq_Proc},*/ {"CEPrintDebug", Set_CEPrintDebug_Proc}, #endif /* DFS_DEBUG */ #endif /* DFS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT {"CarrierDetect", Set_CarrierDetect_Proc}, {"CarrierCriteria", Set_CarrierCriteria_Proc}, {"CarrierReCheck", Set_CarrierReCheck_Proc}, {"CarrierGoneThreshold", Set_CarrierGoneThreshold_Proc}, {"CarrierDebug", Set_CarrierDebug_Proc}, {"Delta", Set_CarrierDelta_Proc}, {"DivFlag", Set_CarrierDivFlag_Proc}, {"CarrThrd", Set_CarrierThrd_Proc}, /* v2 functions */ {"SymRund", Set_CarrierSymRund_Proc}, {"CarrMask", Set_CarrierMask_Proc}, #endif /* CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT */ #endif /* defined(DFS_SUPPORT) || defined(CARRIER_DETECTION_SUPPORT) */ #ifdef RALINK_ATE {"ATE", Set_ATE_Proc}, {"ATEDA", Set_ATE_DA_Proc}, {"ATESA", Set_ATE_SA_Proc}, {"ADCDump", Set_ADCDump_Proc}, {"ATEBSSID", Set_ATE_BSSID_Proc}, {"ATECHANNEL", Set_ATE_CHANNEL_Proc}, {"ATEINITCHAN", Set_ATE_INIT_CHAN_Proc}, #ifdef RTMP_INTERNAL_TX_ALC {"ATETSSICBA", Set_ATE_TSSI_CALIBRATION_Proc}, {"ATETSSICBAEX", Set_ATE_TSSI_CALIBRATION_EX_Proc}, #if defined(RT3350) || defined(RT3352) {"ATETSSICALBRENABLE", RT335x_Set_ATE_TSSI_CALIBRATION_ENABLE_Proc}, #endif /* defined(RT3350) || defined(RT3352) */ #endif /* RTMP_INTERNAL_TX_ALC */ #ifdef RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION {"ATEREADEXTSSI", Set_ATE_READ_EXTERNAL_TSSI_Proc}, #endif /* RTMP_TEMPERATURE_COMPENSATION */ {"ATETXPOW0", Set_ATE_TX_POWER0_Proc}, {"ATETXPOW1", Set_ATE_TX_POWER1_Proc}, #ifdef DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT {"ATETXPOW2", Set_ATE_TX_POWER2_Proc}, #endif /* DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT */ {"ATETXANT", Set_ATE_TX_Antenna_Proc}, {"ATERXANT", Set_ATE_RX_Antenna_Proc}, #ifdef RT3350 {"ATEPABIAS", Set_ATE_PA_Bias_Proc}, #endif /* RT3350 */ {"ATETXFREQOFFSET", Set_ATE_TX_FREQ_OFFSET_Proc}, {"ATETXBW", Set_ATE_TX_BW_Proc}, {"ATETXLEN", Set_ATE_TX_LENGTH_Proc}, {"ATETXCNT", Set_ATE_TX_COUNT_Proc}, {"ATETXMCS", Set_ATE_TX_MCS_Proc}, {"ATETXMODE", Set_ATE_TX_MODE_Proc}, {"ATETXGI", Set_ATE_TX_GI_Proc}, {"ATERXFER", Set_ATE_RX_FER_Proc}, {"ATERRF", Set_ATE_Read_RF_Proc}, {"ATEWRF1", Set_ATE_Write_RF1_Proc}, {"ATEWRF2", Set_ATE_Write_RF2_Proc}, {"ATEWRF3", Set_ATE_Write_RF3_Proc}, {"ATEWRF4", Set_ATE_Write_RF4_Proc}, {"ATELDE2P", Set_ATE_Load_E2P_Proc}, #ifdef RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT {"bufferWriteBack", Set_ATE_Load_E2P_From_Buf_Proc}, {"bufferLoadFromEfuse", Set_LoadEepromBufferFromEfuse_Proc}, {"ATECALFREEINFO", Set_ATE_Cal_Free_Info_Proc}, #endif /* RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT */ {"ATERE2P", Set_ATE_Read_E2P_Proc}, #ifdef LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT #endif /* LED_CONTROL_SUPPORT */ {"ATEAUTOALC", Set_ATE_AUTO_ALC_Proc}, {"ATEIPG", Set_ATE_IPG_Proc}, {"ATEPAYLOAD", Set_ATE_Payload_Proc}, #ifdef TXBF_SUPPORT {"ATETXBF", Set_ATE_TXBF_Proc}, {"ATETXSOUNDING", Set_ATE_TXSOUNDING_Proc}, {"ATETXBFDIVCAL", Set_ATE_TXBF_DIVCAL_Proc}, {"ATETXBFLNACAL", Set_ATE_TXBF_LNACAL_Proc}, {"ATETxBfInit", Set_ATE_TXBF_INIT_Proc}, {"ATETxBfCal", Set_ATE_TXBF_CAL_Proc}, {"ATETxBfGolden", Set_ATE_TXBF_GOLDEN_Proc}, {"ATETxBfVerify", Set_ATE_TXBF_VERIFY_Proc}, {"ATETxBfVerifyN", Set_ATE_TXBF_VERIFY_NoComp_Proc}, {"ATEForceBBP", Set_ATE_ForceBBP_Proc}, #endif /* TXBF_SUPPORT */ {"ATESHOW", Set_ATE_Show_Proc}, {"ATEHELP", Set_ATE_Help_Proc}, #ifdef RALINK_QA {"TxStop", Set_TxStop_Proc}, {"RxStop", Set_RxStop_Proc}, #ifdef DBG {"EERead", Set_EERead_Proc}, {"EEWrite", Set_EEWrite_Proc}, {"BBPRead", Set_BBPRead_Proc}, {"BBPWrite", Set_BBPWrite_Proc}, #endif /* DBG */ #ifdef MT7601 {"ATETEMP", Set_ATE_Read_Temperature_Proc}, {"ATETSSIDC", Set_ATE_Read_TSSI_DC_Proc}, #endif /* MT7601 */ #endif /* RALINK_QA */ #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT {"ApCliEnable", Set_ApCli_Enable_Proc}, {"ApCliSsid", Set_ApCli_Ssid_Proc}, {"ApCliBssid", Set_ApCli_Bssid_Proc}, {"ApCliAuthMode", Set_ApCli_AuthMode_Proc}, {"ApCliEncrypType", Set_ApCli_EncrypType_Proc}, {"ApCliDefaultKeyID", Set_ApCli_DefaultKeyID_Proc}, {"ApCliWPAPSK", Set_ApCli_WPAPSK_Proc}, {"ApCliKey1", Set_ApCli_Key1_Proc}, {"ApCliKey2", Set_ApCli_Key2_Proc}, {"ApCliKey3", Set_ApCli_Key3_Proc}, {"ApCliKey4", Set_ApCli_Key4_Proc}, {"ApCliTxMode", Set_ApCli_TxMode_Proc}, {"ApCliTxMcs", Set_ApCli_TxMcs_Proc}, #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT {"ApCliWpaSupport", Set_ApCli_Wpa_Support}, {"ApCliIEEE1X", Set_ApCli_IEEE8021X_Proc}, #endif /* APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT {"ApCliWscSsid", Set_AP_WscSsid_Proc}, #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT {"WscConfMode", Set_AP_WscConfMode_Proc}, {"WscConfStatus", Set_AP_WscConfStatus_Proc}, {"WscMode", Set_AP_WscMode_Proc}, {"WscStatus", Set_WscStatus_Proc}, {"WscGetConf", Set_AP_WscGetConf_Proc}, {"WscPinCode", Set_AP_WscPinCode_Proc}, {"WscStop", Set_WscStop_Proc}, {"WscGenPinCode", Set_WscGenPinCode_Proc}, {"WscVendorPinCode", Set_WscVendorPinCode_Proc}, {"WscSecurityMode", Set_AP_WscSecurityMode_Proc}, {"WscMultiByteCheck", Set_AP_WscMultiByteCheck_Proc}, {"WscVersion", Set_WscVersion_Proc}, #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT {"WscV2Support", Set_WscV2Support_Proc}, {"WscVersion2", Set_WscVersion2_Proc}, {"WscExtraTlvTag", Set_WscExtraTlvTag_Proc}, {"WscExtraTlvType", Set_WscExtraTlvType_Proc}, {"WscExtraTlvData", Set_WscExtraTlvData_Proc}, {"WscSetupLock", Set_WscSetupLock_Proc}, {"WscFragment", Set_WscFragment_Proc}, {"WscFragmentSize", Set_WscFragmentSize_Proc}, {"WscMaxPinAttack", Set_WscMaxPinAttack_Proc}, {"WscSetupLockTime", Set_WscSetupLockTime_Proc}, #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef UAPSD_SUPPORT {"UAPSDCapable", Set_UAPSD_Proc}, #endif /* UAPSD_SUPPORT */ #ifdef IGMP_SNOOP_SUPPORT {"IgmpSnEnable", Set_IgmpSn_Enable_Proc}, {"IgmpAdd", Set_IgmpSn_AddEntry_Proc}, {"IgmpDel", Set_IgmpSn_DelEntry_Proc}, #endif /* IGMP_SNOOP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC {"McastPhyMode", Set_McastPhyMode}, {"McastMcs", Set_McastMcs}, #endif /* MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC */ #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ {"FixedTxMode", Set_FixedTxMode_Proc}, #ifdef CONFIG_APSTA_MIXED_SUPPORT {"OpMode", Set_OpMode_Proc}, #endif /* CONFIG_APSTA_MIXED_SUPPORT */ #ifdef TXBF_SUPPORT {"TxBfTag", Set_TxBfTag_Proc}, {"ReadITxBf", Set_ReadITxBf_Proc}, {"WriteITxBf", Set_WriteITxBf_Proc}, {"StatITxBf", Set_StatITxBf_Proc}, {"ReadETxBf", Set_ReadETxBf_Proc}, {"WriteETxBf", Set_WriteETxBf_Proc}, {"StatETxBf", Set_StatETxBf_Proc}, {"ITxBfTimeout", Set_ITxBfTimeout_Proc}, {"ETxBfTimeout", Set_ETxBfTimeout_Proc}, {"InvTxBfTag", Set_InvTxBfTag_Proc}, {"ITxBfCal", Set_ITxBfCal_Proc}, {"ITxBfDivCal", Set_ITxBfDivCal_Proc}, {"ITxBfLnaCal", Set_ITxBfLnaCal_Proc}, {"ITxBfEn", Set_ITxBfEn_Proc}, {"ETxBfEnCond", Set_ETxBfEnCond_Proc}, {"ETxBfCodebook", Set_ETxBfCodebook_Proc}, {"ETxBfCoefficient", Set_ETxBfCoefficient_Proc}, {"ETxBfGrouping", Set_ETxBfGrouping_Proc}, {"ETxBfNoncompress", Set_ETxBfNoncompress_Proc}, {"ETxBfIncapable", Set_ETxBfIncapable_Proc}, {"NoSndgCntThrd", Set_NoSndgCntThrd_Proc}, {"NdpSndgStreams", Set_NdpSndgStreams_Proc}, {"TriggerSounding", Set_Trigger_Sounding_Proc}, #endif /* TXBF_SUPPORT */ #ifdef PRE_ANT_SWITCH {"PreAntSwitch", Set_PreAntSwitch_Proc}, {"PreAntSwitchRSSI", Set_PreAntSwitchRSSI_Proc}, {"PreAntSwitchTimeout", Set_PreAntSwitchTimeout_Proc}, #endif /* PRE_ANT_SWITCH */ #ifdef CFO_TRACK {"CFOTrack", Set_CFOTrack_Proc}, #endif /* CFO_TRACK */ #ifdef STREAM_MODE_SUPPORT {"StreamMode", Set_StreamMode_Proc}, {"StreamModeMac", Set_StreamModeMac_Proc}, {"StreamModeMCS", Set_StreamModeMCS_Proc}, #endif /* STREAM_MODE_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT {"DebugFlags", Set_DebugFlags_Proc}, #ifdef INCLUDE_DEBUG_QUEUE {"DebugQueue", Set_DebugQueue_Proc}, #endif /* INCLUDE_DEBUG_QUEUE */ #endif /* DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT */ {"LongRetry", Set_LongRetryLimit_Proc}, {"ShortRetry", Set_ShortRetryLimit_Proc}, {"AutoFallBack", Set_AutoFallBack_Proc}, {"MeasureReq", Set_MeasureReq_Proc}, {"TpcReq", Set_TpcReq_Proc}, {"PwrConstraint", Set_PwrConstraint}, #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 {"OBSSScanParam", Set_OBSSScanParam_Proc}, {"AP2040Rescan", Set_AP2040ReScan_Proc}, {"HtBssCoex", Set_HT_BssCoex_Proc}, {"HtBssCoexApCntThr", Set_HT_BssCoexApCntThr_Proc}, #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ {"EntryLifeCheck", Set_EntryLifeCheck_Proc}, #ifdef RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT {"efuseFreeNumber", set_eFuseGetFreeBlockCount_Proc}, {"efuseDump", set_eFusedump_Proc}, {"efuseLoadFromBin", set_eFuseLoadFromBin_Proc}, #ifdef RALINK_ATE {"efuseBufferModeWriteBack", set_eFuseBufferModeWriteBack_Proc}, #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ #endif /* RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT */ #ifdef AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT {"qloadclr", Set_QloadClr_Proc}, {"qloadalarmtimethres", Set_QloadAlarmTimeThreshold_Proc}, /* QLOAD ALARM */ {"qloadalarmnumthres", Set_QloadAlarmNumThreshold_Proc}, /* QLOAD ALARM */ #endif /* AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT */ {"ra_interval", Set_RateAdaptInterval}, {"memdebug", Set_MemDebug_Proc}, #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT {"pslifetime", Set_PowerSaveLifeTime_Proc}, #ifdef MBSS_SUPPORT {"MBSSWirelessMode", Set_MBSS_WirelessMode_Proc}, #endif /* MBSS_SUPPORT */ #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ {"VcoPeriod", Set_VcoPeriod_Proc}, #ifdef SINGLE_SKU {"ModuleTxpower", Set_ModuleTxpower_Proc}, #endif /* SINGLE_SKU */ #ifdef FPGA_MODE {"fpga_on", set_fpga_mode}, /* 1 = manual mode, 2 = fix phy/mode/rate/mcs */ {"dataphy", set_data_phy_mode}, /* 0 = CCK, 1 = OFDM, 2 = MODE_HTMIX, 3 = HT-GF, 4 = VHT */ {"databw", set_data_bw}, /* 0 = 20M, 1 = 40M, 2 = 80M */ {"datamcs", set_data_mcs}, /* 0~ 15 */ {"databasize", set_data_basize}, {"datagi", set_data_gi}, {"txcnt", set_tx_kickcnt}, #endif /* FPGA_MODE */ #ifdef WFA_VHT_PF {"force_amsdu", set_force_amsdu}, #endif /* WFA_VHT_PF */ #ifdef RLT_RF {"rf", set_rf}, #endif /* RLT_RF */ {"LoopBackFlag", Set_LoopBackFlag_Proc}, {"TestTxFrame", Set_TestTxFrameProc}, {"TestTxFrame1", Set_TestTxFrame1Proc}, {"TestTxFrame2", Set_TestTxFrame2Proc}, {"TestTxFrame3", Set_TestTxFrame3Proc}, {"TestTxFrame4", Set_TestTxFrame4Proc}, {"DumpBeaconBuffer", Set_DumpBeaconBuffer_Proc}, {"InsertWAPIKey", Set_InsertWAPIKeyProc}, {"TestWAPIFrame", Set_TestWAPIFrameProc}, {"TestMultiMacAddr", Set_TestMultiMacAddrProc}, {"HwTxLookupRate", Set_HwTxLookupRate_Proc}, #ifdef MICROWAVE_OVEN_SUPPORT {"MO_FalseCCATh", Set_MO_FalseCCATh_Proc}, #endif /* MICROWAVE_OVEN_SUPPORT */ {NULL,} }; static struct { PSTRING name; INT (*set_proc)(PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, PSTRING arg); } *PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC, RTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_SUPPORT_PROC[] = { {"stainfo", Show_MacTable_Proc}, {"stacountinfo", Show_StaCount_Proc}, {"stasecinfo", Show_StaSecurityInfo_Proc}, {"descinfo", Show_DescInfo_Proc}, {"driverinfo", Show_DriverInfo_Proc}, {"devinfo", show_devinfo_proc}, #ifdef WDS_SUPPORT {"wdsinfo", Show_WdsTable_Proc}, #endif /* WDS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT {"bainfo", Show_BaTable_Proc}, #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ {"stat", Show_Sat_Proc}, #ifdef DBG_DIAGNOSE {"diag", Show_Diag_Proc}, #endif /* DBG_DIAGNOSE */ {"stat_reset", Show_Sat_Reset_Proc}, #ifdef IGMP_SNOOP_SUPPORT {"igmpinfo", Set_IgmpSn_TabDisplay_Proc}, #endif /* IGMP_SNOOP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC {"mcastrate", Show_McastRate}, #endif /* MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC */ #ifdef MAT_SUPPORT {"matinfo", Show_MATTable_Proc}, #endif /* MAT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DFS_SUPPORT {"blockch", Show_BlockCh_Proc}, #endif /* DFS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT {"qload", Show_QoSLoad_Proc}, #endif /* AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT */ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT {"connStatus", RTMPIoctlConnStatus}, #endif {"rainfo", Show_RAInfo_Proc}, #ifdef MBSS_SUPPORT {"mbss", Show_MbssInfo_Display_Proc}, #endif /* MBSS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT {"WscPeerList", WscApShowPeerList}, #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ {NULL,} }; INT RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *pIoctlCmdStr) { PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; INT Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, ",")) != NULL) { if (!*this_char) continue; if ((value = strchr(this_char, '=')) != NULL) *value++ = 0; if (!value #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT && ( (strcmp(this_char, "WscStop") != 0) && (strcmp(this_char, "WscGenPinCode")!= 0) ) #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ ) continue; for (PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC = RTMP_PRIVATE_SUPPORT_PROC; PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC->name; PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC++) { if (!strcmp(this_char, PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC->name)) { if(!PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC->set_proc(pAd, value)) { /*FALSE:Set private failed then return Invalid argument */ Status = -EINVAL; } break; /*Exit for loop. */ } } if(PRTMP_PRIVATE_SET_PROC->name == NULL) { /*Not found argument */ Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [%s=%s]\n", this_char, value)); break; } } return Status; } INT RTMPAPPrivIoctlShow( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *pIoctlCmdStr) { PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value = NULL; INT Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, ",")) != NULL) { if (!*this_char) continue; for (PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC = RTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_SUPPORT_PROC; PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC->name; PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC++) { if (!strcmp(this_char, PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC->name)) { if(!PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC->set_proc(pAd, value)) { /*FALSE:Set private failed then return Invalid argument */ Status = -EINVAL; } break; /*Exit for loop. */ } } if(PRTMP_PRIVATE_SHOW_PROC->name == NULL) { /*Not found argument */ Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IOCTL::(iwpriv) Command not Support [%s=%s]\n", this_char, value)); break; } } return Status; } #ifdef INF_AR9 #ifdef AR9_MAPI_SUPPORT INT RTMPAPPrivIoctlAR9Show( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *pIoctlCmdStr) { INT Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_mac_table")) { RTMPAR9IoctlGetMacTable(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_stat2")) { RTMPIoctlGetSTAT2(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_radio_dyn_info")) { RTMPIoctlGetRadioDynInfo(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_wsc_profile")) { RTMPAR9IoctlWscProfile(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_wsc_pincode")) { RTMPIoctlWscPINCode(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_wsc_status")) { RTMPIoctlWscStatus(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_wps_dyn_info")) { RTMPIoctlGetWscDynInfo(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } else if(!strcmp(pIoctlCmdStr->u.data.pointer, "get_wps_regs_dyn_info")) { RTMPIoctlGetWscRegsDynInfo(pAd,pIoctlCmdStr); } #endif return Status; } #endif /*AR9_MAPI_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*AR9_INF*/ INT RTMPAPSetInformation( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN OUT RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *rq, IN INT cmd) { RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq = (RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *) rq; UCHAR Addr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; INT Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; #ifdef SNMP_SUPPORT /*snmp */ UINT KeyIdx = 0; PNDIS_AP_802_11_KEY pKey = NULL; TX_RTY_CFG_STRUC tx_rty_cfg; ULONG ShortRetryLimit, LongRetryLimit; UCHAR ctmp; #endif /* SNMP_SUPPORT */ NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS WepStatus; NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeMax; NDIS_802_11_SSID Ssid; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; struct ieee80211req_mlme mlme; struct ieee80211req_key Key; struct ieee80211req_del_key delkey; UINT8 Wcid; PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss ; WSC_LV_INFO WscIEBeacon; WSC_LV_INFO WscIEProbeResp; int i; #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT UCHAR ifIndex; BOOLEAN apcliEn=FALSE; PNDIS_APCLI_802_11_PMKID pPmkId = NULL; BOOLEAN IEEE8021xState = FALSE; BOOLEAN IEEE8021x_required_keys = FALSE; UCHAR wpa_supplicant_enable = 0; PNDIS_802_11_REMOVE_KEY pRemoveKey = NULL; INT BssIdx, i; PNDIS_802_11_WEP pWepKey =NULL; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry=NULL; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pMacEntry=(MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *)NULL; PNDIS_APCLI_802_11_KEY pApCliKey = NULL; MLME_DISASSOC_REQ_STRUCT DisassocReq; MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT DeAuthFrame; PULONG pCurrState; #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; switch(cmd & 0x7FFF) { #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT case OID_802_11_SET_IEEE8021X: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(BOOLEAN)) Status = -EINVAL; else { if(apcliEn == TRUE ) { Status = copy_from_user(&IEEE8021xState, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].IEEE8021X = IEEE8021xState; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set Apcli(%d)::OID_802_11_SET_IEEE8021X (=%d)\n",ifIndex, IEEE8021xState)); } else Status = -EINVAL; } break; case OID_802_11_SET_IEEE8021X_REQUIRE_KEY: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(BOOLEAN)) Status = -EINVAL; else { if(apcliEn == TRUE ) { Status = copy_from_user(&IEEE8021x_required_keys, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].IEEE8021x_required_keys = IEEE8021x_required_keys; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set Apcli(%d)::OID_802_11_SET_IEEE8021X_REQUIRE_KEY (%d)\n",ifIndex, IEEE8021x_required_keys)); } else Status = -EINVAL; } break; case OID_802_11_PMKID: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pPmkId, wrq->u.data.length); if(pPmkId == NULL) { Status = -ENOMEM; break; } Status = copy_from_user(pPmkId, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); /* check the PMKID information */ if (pPmkId->BSSIDInfoCount == 0) NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SavedPMK, sizeof(BSSID_INFO)*PMKID_NO); else { PBSSID_INFO pBssIdInfo; UINT BssIdx; UINT CachedIdx; for (BssIdx = 0; BssIdx < pPmkId->BSSIDInfoCount; BssIdx++) { /* point to the indexed BSSID_INFO structure */ pBssIdInfo = (PBSSID_INFO) ((PUCHAR) pPmkId + 2 * sizeof(UINT) + BssIdx * sizeof(BSSID_INFO)); /* Find the entry in the saved data base. */ for (CachedIdx = 0; CachedIdx < pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SavedPMKNum; CachedIdx++) { /* compare the BSSID */ if (NdisEqualMemory(pBssIdInfo->BSSID, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SavedPMK[CachedIdx].BSSID, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS))) break; } /* Found, replace it */ if (CachedIdx < PMKID_NO) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("Update OID_802_11_PMKID, idx = %d\n", CachedIdx)); NdisMoveMemory(&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SavedPMK[CachedIdx], pBssIdInfo, sizeof(BSSID_INFO)); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SavedPMKNum++; } /* Not found, replace the last one */ else { /* Randomly replace one */ CachedIdx = (pBssIdInfo->BSSID[5] % PMKID_NO); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("Update OID_802_11_PMKID, idx = %d\n", CachedIdx)); NdisMoveMemory(&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SavedPMK[CachedIdx], pBssIdInfo, sizeof(BSSID_INFO)); } } } if(pPmkId) os_free_mem(NULL, pPmkId); break; case RT_OID_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(UCHAR)) Status = -EINVAL; else { Status = copy_from_user(&wpa_supplicant_enable, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (wpa_supplicant_enable & WPA_SUPPLICANT_ENABLE_WPS) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantUP |= WPA_SUPPLICANT_ENABLE_WPS; else { pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantUP = wpa_supplicant_enable; pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantUP &= 0x7F; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("APCLI Set::RT_OID_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT (=0x%02X)\n", pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantUP)); } break; case OID_802_11_REMOVE_KEY: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pRemoveKey, wrq->u.data.length); if(pRemoveKey == NULL) { Status = -ENOMEM; break; } Status = copy_from_user(pRemoveKey, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (pRemoveKey->Length != wrq->u.data.length) { Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_REMOVE_KEY, Failed!!\n")); } else { if (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) { RTMPWPARemoveKeyProc(pAd, pRemoveKey); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_REMOVE_KEY, Remove WPA Key!!\n")); } else { UINT KeyIdx; BssIdx = pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum + MAX_MESH_NUM + ifIndex; KeyIdx = pRemoveKey->KeyIndex; if (KeyIdx & 0x80000000) { /* Should never set default bit when remove key */ Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_REMOVE_KEY, Failed!!(Should never set default bit when remove key)\n")); } else { KeyIdx = KeyIdx & 0x0fffffff; if (KeyIdx > 3) { Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_REMOVE_KEY, Failed!!(KeyId[%d] out of range)\n", KeyIdx)); } else { pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx].KeyLen = 0; pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CIPHER_NONE; AsicRemoveSharedKeyEntry(pAd, BssIdx, (UCHAR)KeyIdx); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_REMOVE_KEY (id=0x%x, Len=%d-byte)\n", pRemoveKey->KeyIndex, pRemoveKey->Length)); } } } } if (pRemoveKey) os_free_mem(NULL, pRemoveKey); break; case OID_802_11_ADD_WEP: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pWepKey, wrq->u.data.length); if(pWepKey == NULL) { Status = -ENOMEM; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set Apcli::OID_802_11_ADD_WEP, Failed!!\n")); break; } BssIdx = pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum + MAX_MESH_NUM + ifIndex; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID]; Status = copy_from_user(pWepKey, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (Status) { Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_ADD_WEP, Failed (length mismatch)!!\n")); } else { UINT KeyIdx; KeyIdx = pWepKey->KeyIndex & 0x0fffffff; /* KeyIdx must be 0 ~ 3 */ if (KeyIdx > 4) { Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set ApCli::OID_802_11_ADD_WEP, Failed (KeyIdx must be smaller than 4)!!\n")); } else { UCHAR CipherAlg = 0; PUCHAR Key; /* Zero the specific shared key */ NdisZeroMemory(&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx], sizeof(CIPHER_KEY)); /* set key material and key length */ pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx].KeyLen = (UCHAR) pWepKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx].Key, &pWepKey->KeyMaterial, pWepKey->KeyLength); switch(pWepKey->KeyLength) { case 5: CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP64; break; case 13: CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP128; break; default: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_ADD_WEP, only support CIPHER_WEP64(len:5) & CIPHER_WEP128(len:13)!!\n")); Status = -EINVAL; break; } pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CipherAlg; /* Default key for tx (shared key) */ if (pWepKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { NdisZeroMemory(&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DesireSharedKey[KeyIdx], sizeof(CIPHER_KEY)); /* set key material and key length */ pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DesireSharedKey[KeyIdx].KeyLen = (UCHAR) pWepKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DesireSharedKey[KeyIdx].Key, &pWepKey->KeyMaterial, pWepKey->KeyLength); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DesireSharedKeyId = KeyIdx; pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DesireSharedKey[KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CipherAlg; pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) KeyIdx; } if ((pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantUP != WPA_SUPPLICANT_DISABLE) && (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA)) { Key = pWepKey->KeyMaterial; /* Set Group key material to Asic */ AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx]); if (pWepKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, CipherAlg, pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID, SHAREDKEYTABLE); } NdisAcquireSpinLock(&pAd->MacTabLock); pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->MacTabLock); } else if ((pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Valid == TRUE) && (pMacEntry->PortSecured == WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED)) { Key = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx].Key; /* Set key material and cipherAlg to Asic */ AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].SharedKey[KeyIdx]); if (pWepKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { /* Assign pairwise key info */ RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, CipherAlg, pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID, SHAREDKEYTABLE); } } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set ApCli::OID_802_11_ADD_WEP (id=0x%x, Len=%d-byte), %s\n", pWepKey->KeyIndex, pWepKey->KeyLength, pMacEntry->PortSecured == WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED ? "Port Secured":"Port NOT Secured")); } } if (pWepKey) os_free_mem(NULL, pWepKey); break; case OID_802_11_ADD_KEY: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; BssIdx = pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum + MAX_MESH_NUM + ifIndex; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID]; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pApCliKey, wrq->u.data.length); if(pApCliKey == NULL) { Status = -ENOMEM; break; } Status = copy_from_user(pApCliKey, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (pApCliKey->Length != wrq->u.data.length) { Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_ADD_KEY, Failed!!\n")); } else { RTMPApCliAddKey(pAd, ifIndex, pApCliKey); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_ADD_KEY (id=0x%x, Len=%d-byte)\n", pApCliKey->KeyIndex, pApCliKey->KeyLength)); } if (pApCliKey) os_free_mem(NULL, pApCliKey); break; case OID_802_11_DISASSOCIATE: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pCurrState = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CtrlCurrState; if (!apcliEn || ifIndex >= MAX_APCLI_NUM) return FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_DISASSOCIATE \n")); DisassocParmFill(pAd, &DisassocReq, pAd->MlmeAux.Bssid, REASON_DISASSOC_STA_LEAVING); MlmeEnqueue(pAd, APCLI_ASSOC_STATE_MACHINE, APCLI_MT2_MLME_DISASSOC_REQ, sizeof(MLME_DISASSOC_REQ_STRUCT), &DisassocReq, ifIndex); if (pApCliEntry->Valid) ApCliLinkDown(pAd, ifIndex); /* set the apcli interface be invalid. */ pApCliEntry->Valid = FALSE; /* clear MlmeAux.Ssid and Bssid. */ NdisZeroMemory(pAd->MlmeAux.Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); pAd->MlmeAux.SsidLen = 0; NdisZeroMemory(pAd->MlmeAux.Ssid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); pAd->MlmeAux.Rssi = 0; *pCurrState = APCLI_CTRL_DEASSOC; break; case OID_802_11_DROP_UNENCRYPTED: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID]; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(int)) Status = -EINVAL; else { int enabled = 0; Status = copy_from_user(&enabled, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (enabled == 1) { NdisAcquireSpinLock(&pAd->MacTabLock); pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->MacTabLock); } else { NdisAcquireSpinLock(&pAd->MacTabLock); pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&pAd->MacTabLock); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set ApCLi::OID_802_11_DROP_UNENCRYPTED (=%d)\n", enabled)); } break; case OID_SET_COUNTERMEASURES: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID]; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(int)) Status = -EINVAL; else { int enabled = 0; Status = copy_from_user(&enabled, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (enabled == 1) pApCliEntry->bBlockAssoc = TRUE; else /* WPA MIC error should block association attempt for 60 seconds */ pApCliEntry->bBlockAssoc = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set ApCli::OID_SET_COUNTERMEASURES bBlockAssoc=%s\n", pApCliEntry->bBlockAssoc ? "TRUE":"FALSE")); } break; #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ case OID_802_11_DEAUTHENTICATION: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_DEAUTHENTICATION\n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT)) Status = -EINVAL; else { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT *pInfo = NULL; MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem; /* = (MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *) kmalloc(sizeof(MLME_QUEUE_ELEM), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&Elem, sizeof(MLME_QUEUE_ELEM)); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pCurrState = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CtrlCurrState; if (ifIndex >= MAX_APCLI_NUM) return FALSE; os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pInfo, sizeof(MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT)); Status = copy_from_user(pInfo, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); /* Fill in the related information */ DeAuthFrame.Reason = (USHORT)pInfo->Reason; COPY_MAC_ADDR(DeAuthFrame.Addr, pInfo->Addr); MlmeEnqueue(pAd, APCLI_AUTH_STATE_MACHINE, APCLI_MT2_MLME_DEAUTH_REQ, sizeof(MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT), &DeAuthFrame, ifIndex); if (pApCliEntry->Valid) ApCliLinkDown(pAd, ifIndex); /* set the apcli interface be invalid.*/ pApCliEntry->Valid = FALSE; /* clear MlmeAux.Ssid and Bssid.*/ NdisZeroMemory(pAd->MlmeAux.Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); pAd->MlmeAux.SsidLen = 0; NdisZeroMemory(pAd->MlmeAux.Ssid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); pAd->MlmeAux.Rssi = 0; *pCurrState = APCLI_CTRL_DISCONNECTED; if(pInfo) os_free_mem(NULL, pInfo); } else #endif /* APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT */ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ { if (Elem) { pInfo = (MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT *) Elem->Msg; Status = copy_from_user(pInfo, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if ((pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pInfo->Addr)) != NULL) { Elem->Wcid = pEntry->Aid; MlmeEnqueue(pAd, AP_AUTH_STATE_MACHINE, APMT2_MLME_DEAUTH_REQ, sizeof(MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT), Elem, 0); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_DEAUTHENTICATION (Reason=%d)\n", pInfo->Reason)); } /* kfree(Elem); */ os_free_mem(NULL, Elem); } else Status = -EFAULT; } } break; #ifdef IAPP_SUPPORT case RT_SET_IAPP_PID: { unsigned long IappPid; if (copy_from_user(&IappPid, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { RTMP_GET_OS_PID(pObj->IappPid, IappPid); pObj->IappPid_nr = IappPid; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_SET_APD_PID::(IappPid=%lu(0x%x))\n", IappPid, pObj->IappPid)); } } break; #endif /* IAPP_SUPPORT */ case RT_SET_APD_PID: { unsigned long apd_pid; if (copy_from_user(&apd_pid, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { RTMP_GET_OS_PID(pObj->apd_pid, apd_pid); pObj->apd_pid_nr = apd_pid; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_SET_APD_PID::(ApdPid=%lu(0x%x))\n", apd_pid, pObj->apd_pid)); } } break; case RT_SET_DEL_MAC_ENTRY: if (copy_from_user(Addr, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_SET_DEL_MAC_ENTRY::(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)\n", Addr[0],Addr[1],Addr[2],Addr[3],Addr[4],Addr[5])); pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, Addr); if (pEntry) { MlmeDeAuthAction(pAd, pEntry, REASON_DISASSOC_STA_LEAVING, FALSE); /* MacTableDeleteEntry(pAd, pEntry->Aid, Addr); */ } } break; #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT case RT_OID_WSC_SET_SELECTED_REGISTRAR: { PUCHAR upnpInfo; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); Status = -EINVAL; } else { #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WSC::RT_OID_WSC_SET_SELECTED_REGISTRAR, wrq->u.data.length=%d!\n", wrq->u.data.length)); /* upnpInfo = kmalloc(wrq->u.data.length, GFP_KERNEL); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&upnpInfo, wrq->u.data.length); if(upnpInfo) { int len, Status; Status = copy_from_user(upnpInfo, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { len = wrq->u.data.length; if((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfMode & WSC_PROXY)) { WscSelectedRegistrar(pAd, upnpInfo, len, apidx); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.Wsc2MinsTimerRunning == TRUE) { BOOLEAN Cancelled; RTMPCancelTimer(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.Wsc2MinsTimer, &Cancelled); } /* 2mins time-out timer */ RTMPSetTimer(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.Wsc2MinsTimer, WSC_TWO_MINS_TIME_OUT); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.Wsc2MinsTimerRunning = TRUE; } } /* kfree(upnpInfo); */ os_free_mem(NULL, upnpInfo); } else { Status = -EINVAL; } #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ } break; case RT_OID_WSC_EAPMSG: { RTMP_WSC_U2KMSG_HDR *msgHdr = NULL; PUCHAR pUPnPMsg = NULL; UINT msgLen = 0, Machine = 0, msgType = 0; int retVal, senderID = 0; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); Status = -EINVAL; } else { #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WSC::RT_OID_WSC_EAPMSG, wrq->u.data.length=%d, ioctl_if=%d\n", wrq->u.data.length, pObj->ioctl_if)); msgLen = wrq->u.data.length; os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pUPnPMsg, msgLen); /* if((pUPnPMsg = kmalloc(msgLen, GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL) */ if (pUPnPMsg == NULL) Status = -EINVAL; else { int HeaderLen; PSTRING pWpsMsg; UINT WpsMsgLen; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; BOOLEAN bGetDeviceInfo = FALSE; NdisZeroMemory(pUPnPMsg, msgLen); retVal = copy_from_user(pUPnPMsg, wrq->u.data.pointer, msgLen); msgHdr = (RTMP_WSC_U2KMSG_HDR *)pUPnPMsg; senderID = get_unaligned((INT32 *)(&msgHdr->Addr2[0])); /*senderID = *((int *)&msgHdr->Addr2); */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_EAPMSG++++++++\n\n")); hex_dump("MAC::", &msgHdr->Addr3[0], MAC_ADDR_LEN); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_EAPMSG++++++++\n\n")); HeaderLen = LENGTH_802_11 + LENGTH_802_1_H + sizeof(IEEE8021X_FRAME) + sizeof(EAP_FRAME); pWpsMsg = (PSTRING) &pUPnPMsg[HeaderLen]; WpsMsgLen = msgLen - HeaderLen; /*assign the STATE_MACHINE type */ Machine = WSC_STATE_MACHINE; msgType = WSC_EAPOL_UPNP_MSG; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl; /* If AP is unconfigured, WPS state machine will be triggered after received M2. */ if ((pWscControl->WscConfStatus == WSC_SCSTATE_UNCONFIGURED) #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT && (pWscControl->WscV2Info.bWpsEnable || (pWscControl->WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2 == FALSE)) #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ ) { if (strstr(pWpsMsg, "SimpleConfig") && !pWscControl->EapMsgRunning && !pWscControl->WscUPnPNodeInfo.bUPnPInProgress) { /* GetDeviceInfo */ WscInit(pAd, FALSE, pObj->ioctl_if); /* trigger wsc re-generate public key */ pWscControl->RegData.ReComputePke = 1; bGetDeviceInfo = TRUE; } else if (WscRxMsgTypeFromUpnp(pAd, pWpsMsg, WpsMsgLen) == WSC_MSG_M2 && !pWscControl->EapMsgRunning && !pWscControl->WscUPnPNodeInfo.bUPnPInProgress) { /* Check Enrollee Nonce of M2 */ if (WscCheckEnrolleeNonceFromUpnp(pAd, pWpsMsg, WpsMsgLen, pWscControl)) { WscGetConfWithoutTrigger(pAd, pWscControl, TRUE); pWscControl->WscState = WSC_STATE_SENT_M1; } } } retVal = MlmeEnqueueForWsc(pAd, msgHdr->envID, senderID, Machine, msgType, msgLen, pUPnPMsg); if((retVal == FALSE) && (msgHdr->envID != 0)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("MlmeEnqueuForWsc return False and envID=0x%x!\n", msgHdr->envID)); Status = -EINVAL; } os_free_mem(NULL, pUPnPMsg); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_EAPMSG finished!\n")); #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ } break; case RT_OID_WSC_READ_UFD_FILE: if (wrq->u.data.length > 0) { STRING *pWscUfdFileName = NULL; UCHAR apIdx = pObj->ioctl_if; PWSC_CTRL pWscCtrl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl; /* pWscUfdFileName = (PSTRING)kmalloc(wrq->u.data.length+1, MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pWscUfdFileName, wrq->u.data.length+1); if (pWscUfdFileName) { RTMPZeroMemory(pWscUfdFileName, wrq->u.data.length+1); if (copy_from_user(pWscUfdFileName, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length)) Status = -EFAULT; else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_READ_UFD_FILE (WscUfdFileName=%s)\n", pWscUfdFileName)); if (pWscCtrl->WscConfStatus == WSC_SCSTATE_UNCONFIGURED) { if (WscReadProfileFromUfdFile(pAd, apIdx, pWscUfdFileName)) { pWscCtrl->WscConfStatus = WSC_SCSTATE_CONFIGURED; APStop(pAd); APStartUp(pAd); } } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_READ_UFD_FILE: AP is configured.\n")); Status = -EINVAL; } } /* kfree(pWscUfdFileName); */ os_free_mem(NULL, pWscUfdFileName); } else Status = -ENOMEM; } else Status = -EINVAL; break; case RT_OID_WSC_WRITE_UFD_FILE: if (wrq->u.data.length > 0) { STRING *pWscUfdFileName = NULL; UCHAR apIdx = pObj->ioctl_if; PWSC_CTRL pWscCtrl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl; /* pWscUfdFileName = (PSTRING)kmalloc(wrq->u.data.length+1, MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pWscUfdFileName, wrq->u.data.length+1); if (pWscUfdFileName) { RTMPZeroMemory(pWscUfdFileName, wrq->u.data.length+1); if (copy_from_user(pWscUfdFileName, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length)) Status = -EFAULT; else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_WRITE_UFD_FILE (WscUfdFileName=%s)\n", pWscUfdFileName)); if (pWscCtrl->WscConfStatus == WSC_SCSTATE_CONFIGURED) { WscWriteProfileToUfdFile(pAd, apIdx, pWscUfdFileName); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_WSC_WRITE_UFD_FILE: AP is un-configured.\n")); Status = -EINVAL; } } /* kfree(pWscUfdFileName); */ os_free_mem(NULL, pWscUfdFileName); } else Status = -ENOMEM; } else Status = -EINVAL; break; case RT_OID_WSC_UUID: if (wrq->u.data.length == (UUID_LEN_STR-1)) { UCHAR apIdx = pObj->ioctl_if; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_Str[0] = '\0'; Status = copy_from_user(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_Str[0], wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("UUID ASCII string: %s\n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_Str)); } else if (wrq->u.data.length == UUID_LEN_HEX) { UCHAR apIdx = pObj->ioctl_if, ii; Status = copy_from_user(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_E[0], wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); for (ii=0; ii< 16; ii++) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%02x", (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apIdx].WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_E[ii] & 0xff))); } } else Status = -EINVAL; break; #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef SNMP_SUPPORT case OID_802_11_SHORTRETRYLIMIT: if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(ULONG)) Status = -EINVAL; else { Status = copy_from_user(&ShortRetryLimit, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_RTY_CFG, &tx_rty_cfg.word); tx_rty_cfg.field.ShortRtyLimit = ShortRetryLimit; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_RTY_CFG, tx_rty_cfg.word); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_SHORTRETRYLIMIT (tx_rty_cfg.field.ShortRetryLimit=%d, ShortRetryLimit=%ld)\n", tx_rty_cfg.field.ShortRtyLimit, ShortRetryLimit)); } break; case OID_802_11_LONGRETRYLIMIT: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_LONGRETRYLIMIT \n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(ULONG)) Status = -EINVAL; else { Status = copy_from_user(&LongRetryLimit, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_RTY_CFG, &tx_rty_cfg.word); tx_rty_cfg.field.LongRtyLimit = LongRetryLimit; RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, TX_RTY_CFG, tx_rty_cfg.word); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_LONGRETRYLIMIT (tx_rty_cfg.field.LongRetryLimit= %d,LongRetryLimit=%ld)\n", tx_rty_cfg.field.LongRtyLimit, LongRetryLimit)); } break; case OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYVALUE: { UINT KeyIdx; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYVALUE\n")); /* pKey = kmalloc(wrq->u.data.length, GFP_KERNEL); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pKey, wrq->u.data.length); if (pKey == NULL) { Status= -EINVAL; break; } Status = copy_from_user(pKey, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); /*pKey = &WepKey; */ if ( pKey->Length != wrq->u.data.length) { Status = -EINVAL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYVALUE, Failed!!\n")); } KeyIdx = pKey->KeyIndex & 0x0fffffff; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("pKey->KeyIndex =%d, pKey->KeyLength=%d\n", pKey->KeyIndex, pKey->KeyLength)); /* it is a shared key */ if (KeyIdx > 4) Status = -EINVAL; else { pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen = (UCHAR) pKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(&pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId].Key, &pKey->KeyMaterial, pKey->KeyLength); if (pKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { /* Default key for tx (shared key) */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) KeyIdx; } /*RestartAPIsRequired = TRUE; */ } os_free_mem(NULL, pKey); break; } case OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYID: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYID \n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(UCHAR)) Status = -EINVAL; else Status = copy_from_user(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); break; case OID_802_11_CURRENTCHANNEL: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_CURRENTCHANNEL \n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(UCHAR)) Status = -EINVAL; else { STRING ChStr[5] = {0}; Status = copy_from_user(&ctmp, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); snprintf(ChStr, sizeof(ChStr), "%d", ctmp); Set_Channel_Proc(pAd, ChStr); } break; #endif /* SNMP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WAPI_SUPPORT case OID_802_11_WAPI_PID: { unsigned long wapi_pid; if (copy_from_user(&wapi_pid, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { RTMP_GET_OS_PID(pObj->wapi_pid, wapi_pid); pObj->wapi_pid_nr = wapi_pid; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OID_802_11_WAPI_PID::(WapiPid=%lu(0x%x))\n", wapi_pid, pObj->wapi_pid)); } } break; case OID_802_11_PORT_SECURE_STATE: if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(WAPI_PORT_SECURE_STRUCT)) Status = -EINVAL; else { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; WAPI_PORT_SECURE_STRUCT wapi_port; Status = copy_from_user(&wapi_port, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if ((pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, wapi_port.Addr)) != NULL) { switch (wapi_port.state) { case WAPI_PORT_SECURED: pEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; pEntry->PrivacyFilter = Ndis802_11PrivFilterAcceptAll; break; default: pEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; pEntry->PrivacyFilter = Ndis802_11PrivFilter8021xWEP; break; } } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_PORT_SECURE_STATE (state=%d)\n", wapi_port.state)); } } break; case OID_802_11_UCAST_KEY_INFO: if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(WAPI_UCAST_KEY_STRUCT)) Status = -EINVAL; else { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; WAPI_UCAST_KEY_STRUCT wapi_ukey; Status = copy_from_user(&wapi_ukey, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if ((pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, wapi_ukey.Addr)) != NULL) { pEntry->usk_id = wapi_ukey.key_id; NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PTK, wapi_ukey.PTK, 64); /* Install pairwise key */ WAPIInstallPairwiseKey(pAd, pEntry, TRUE); /* Start or re-start USK rekey mechanism, if necessary. */ RTMPCancelWapiRekeyTimerAction(pAd, pEntry); RTMPStartWapiRekeyTimerAction(pAd, pEntry); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_UCAST_KEY_INFO complete\n")); hex_dump("WAPI UCAST KEY", pEntry->PTK, 64); } } break; #endif /* WAPI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT case OID_802_DOT1X_PMKID_CACHE: RTMPIoctlAddPMKIDCache(pAd, wrq); break; case OID_802_DOT1X_RADIUS_DATA: RTMPIoctlRadiusData(pAd, wrq); break; case OID_802_DOT1X_WPA_KEY: RTMPIoctlAddWPAKey(pAd, wrq); break; case OID_802_DOT1X_STATIC_WEP_COPY: RTMPIoctlStaticWepCopy(pAd, wrq); break; case OID_802_DOT1X_IDLE_TIMEOUT: RTMPIoctlSetIdleTimeout(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ case OID_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE: if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE)) Status = -EINVAL; else { Status = copy_from_user(&AuthMode, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (AuthMode > Ndis802_11AuthModeMax) { Status = -EINVAL; break; } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if(apcliEn) { if (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode != AuthMode) { /* Config has changed */ pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].bConfigChanged = TRUE; } pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = AuthMode; for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i])) { pAd->MacTab.Content[i].PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; } } RTMPMakeRSNIE(pAd, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WepStatus, (ifIndex + MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_APCLI)); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DefaultKeyId = 0; if(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DefaultKeyId = 1; } } #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ else { if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AuthMode != AuthMode) { /* Config has changed */ pAd->bConfigChanged = TRUE; } pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AuthMode = AuthMode; } pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE (=%d) \n",pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[0].AuthMode)); } APStop(pAd); APStartUp(pAd); break; case OID_802_11_WEP_STATUS: if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS)) Status = -EINVAL; else { Status = copy_from_user(&WepStatus, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pCurrState = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CtrlCurrState; if (ifIndex >= MAX_APCLI_NUM) return FALSE; if(apcliEn) { if (WepStatus <= Ndis802_11GroupWEP104Enabled) { if (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WepStatus != WepStatus) { /* Config has changed */ pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].bConfigChanged = TRUE; } pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WepStatus = WepStatus; for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i])) { pAd->MacTab.Content[i].PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; } } pApCliEntry->PairCipher = pApCliEntry->WepStatus; pApCliEntry->GroupCipher = pApCliEntry->WepStatus; pApCliEntry->bMixCipher = FALSE; if (pApCliEntry->WepStatus >= Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId = 1; RTMPMakeRSNIE(pAd, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WepStatus, (ifIndex + MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_APCLI)); } } } else #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ { /* Since TKIP, AES, WEP are all supported. It should not have any invalid setting */ if (WepStatus <= Ndis802_11GroupWEP104Enabled) { if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WepStatus != WepStatus) { /* Config has changed */ pAd->bConfigChanged = TRUE; } pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WepStatus = WepStatus; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled){ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].GroupKeyWepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; } else{ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].GroupKeyWepStatus = WepStatus; } } else { Status = -EINVAL; break; } APStop(pAd); APStartUp(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::OID_802_11_WEP_STATUS (=%d)\n",WepStatus)); } } break; case OID_802_11_SSID: if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(NDIS_802_11_SSID)) Status = -EINVAL; else { PSTRING pSsidString = NULL; Status = copy_from_user(&Ssid, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if (Ssid.SsidLength > MAX_LEN_OF_SSID) Status = -EINVAL; else { if (Ssid.SsidLength == 0) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pSsidString, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID+1); if (pSsidString) { NdisZeroMemory(pSsidString, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID+1); NdisMoveMemory(pSsidString, Ssid.Ssid, Ssid.SsidLength); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if(apcliEn) { Set_ApCli_Ssid_Proc(pAd,pSsidString); } } else #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ { NdisZeroMemory((PCHAR)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Ssid,MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); strcpy((PCHAR)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Ssid,pSsidString); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].SsidLen=strlen(pSsidString); } os_free_mem(NULL, pSsidString); } else Status = -ENOMEM; } } } break; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_802_1X:/*pure 1x is enabled. */ Set_IEEE8021X_Proc(pAd,"1"); break; case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_KEY: { UINT KeyIdx; Status = -EINVAL; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UINT apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; if(wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(struct ieee80211req_key) || !wrq->u.data.pointer) break; Status = copy_from_user(&Key, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, Key.ik_macaddr); if((Key.ik_type == CIPHER_WEP64) ||(Key.ik_type == CIPHER_WEP128))/*dynamic wep with 1x */ { if (pEntry)/*pairwise key */ { pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = Key.ik_keylen; NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, Key.ik_keydata, Key.ik_keylen); pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = Key.ik_type; KeyIdx=pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pEntry->apidx].DefaultKeyId; AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pEntry->Aid, &pEntry->PairwiseKey); RTMPAddWcidAttributeEntry( pAd, pEntry->apidx, KeyIdx, /* The value may be not zero */ pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, pEntry); } else/*group key */ { pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; printk("Key.ik_keyix=%x\n",Key.ik_keyix); KeyIdx = Key.ik_keyix& 0x0fff; printk("ra%d KeyIdx=%d\n",apidx,KeyIdx); printk("Key.ik_keyix=%x\n",Key.ik_keyix); /* it is a shared key */ if (KeyIdx < 4) { pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].KeyLen = (UCHAR) Key.ik_keylen; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].Key, &Key.ik_keydata, Key.ik_keylen); if (Key.ik_keyix & 0x8000) { /* Default key for tx (shared key) */ printk("ra%d DefaultKeyId=%d\n",apidx,KeyIdx); pMbss->DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) KeyIdx; } /*pMbss->DefaultKeyId=1; */ pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].CipherAlg = Key.ik_type; AsicAddSharedKeyEntry( pAd, apidx, KeyIdx, &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx] ); RTMPAddWcidAttributeEntry( pAd, apidx, KeyIdx, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg, NULL); } } } else if (pEntry) { KeyIdx = Key.ik_keyix& 0x0fff; if (pEntry->WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = LEN_TK; NdisMoveMemory(&pEntry->PTK[OFFSET_OF_PTK_TK], Key.ik_keydata, Key.ik_keylen); NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, &pEntry->PTK[OFFSET_OF_PTK_TK], Key.ik_keylen); } if(pEntry->WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) { pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = LEN_TK; NdisMoveMemory(&pEntry->PTK[OFFSET_OF_PTK_TK], Key.ik_keydata, OFFSET_OF_PTK_TK); NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, &pEntry->PTK[OFFSET_OF_PTK_TK], Key.ik_keylen); } pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_NONE; if (pEntry->WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_TKIP; else if (pEntry->WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_AES; pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = Key.ik_type; AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pEntry->Aid, &pEntry->PairwiseKey); RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, pEntry->apidx, (UINT8)KeyIdx, pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, pEntry->Aid, PAIRWISEKEYTABLE); } else { pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; KeyIdx = Key.ik_keyix& 0x0fff; /*if (Key.ik_keyix & 0x8000) */ { pMbss->DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) KeyIdx; } if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].KeyLen= LEN_TK; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].Key, Key.ik_keydata, 16); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].RxMic, (Key.ik_keydata+16+8), 8); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].TxMic, (Key.ik_keydata+16), 8); } if(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) { pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].KeyLen= LEN_TK; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].Key, Key.ik_keydata, 16); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].RxMic, (Key.ik_keydata+16+8), 8); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].TxMic, (Key.ik_keydata+16), 8); } pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg = CIPHER_NONE; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg = CIPHER_TKIP; else if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg = CIPHER_AES; hex_dump("Key.ik_keydata,", (unsigned char*) Key.ik_keydata, 32); AsicAddSharedKeyEntry( pAd, apidx, pMbss->DefaultKeyId, &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId] ); GET_GroupKey_WCID(pAd, Wcid, apidx); RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, apidx,(UINT8)KeyIdx, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg, Wcid, SHAREDKEYTABLE); /*RTMPAddWcidAttributeEntry( pAd, apidx, pMbss->DefaultKeyId, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg, NULL);*/ } break; } case HOSTAPD_OID_DEL_KEY: Status = -EINVAL; if(wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(struct ieee80211req_del_key) || !wrq->u.data.pointer) break; Status = copy_from_user(&delkey, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, delkey.idk_macaddr); if (pEntry){ /* clear the previous Pairwise key table */ if(pEntry->Aid != 0) { NdisZeroMemory(&pEntry->PairwiseKey, sizeof(CIPHER_KEY)); AsicRemovePairwiseKeyEntry(pAd,(UCHAR)pEntry->Aid); } } else if((delkey.idk_macaddr == NULL) && (delkey.idk_keyix < 4)) /* remove group key */ AsicRemoveSharedKeyEntry(pAd, pEntry->apidx, delkey.idk_keyix); break; case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_STA_AUTHORIZED:/*for portsecured flag. */ if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(struct ieee80211req_mlme)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { Status = copy_from_user(&mlme, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, mlme.im_macaddr); if (!pEntry){ Status = -EINVAL; } else { switch (mlme.im_op) { case IEEE80211_MLME_AUTHORIZE: pEntry->PrivacyFilter = Ndis802_11PrivFilterAcceptAll; pEntry->WpaState = AS_PTKINITDONE;/*wpa state machine is not in use. */ /*pAd->StaCfg.PortSecured= WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; */ pEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; break; case IEEE80211_MLME_UNAUTHORIZE: pEntry->PrivacyFilter = Ndis802_11PrivFilter8021xWEP; pEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; break; default: Status = -EINVAL; } } } break; case HOSTAPD_OID_STATIC_WEP_COPY: { UINT KeyIdx; INT apidx; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(struct ieee80211req_mlme)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { Status = copy_from_user(&mlme, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, mlme.im_macaddr); if (!pEntry){ Status = -EINVAL; } else{ /*Status = -EINVAL; */ printk("Woody HOSTAPD_OID_STATIC_WEP_COPY IEEE8021X=%d WepStatus=%d\n",pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X, pEntry->WepStatus); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X != TRUE) break; if (pEntry->WepStatus != Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled) break; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; KeyIdx=pMbss->DefaultKeyId; printk("Woody HOSTAPD_OID_STATIC_WEP_COPY=%d\n",KeyIdx); pEntry->AuthMode=pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode; pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].KeyLen; NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].Key, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].KeyLen); pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].CipherAlg; AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pEntry->Aid, &pEntry->PairwiseKey); RTMPAddWcidAttributeEntry( pAd, pEntry->apidx, KeyIdx, /* The value may be not zero */ pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, pEntry); } } break; } case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_STA_DEAUTH: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::HOSTAPD_OID_SET_STA_DEAUTH\n")); MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT *pInfo; MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *Elem; /* = (MLME_QUEUE_ELEM *) kmalloc(sizeof(MLME_QUEUE_ELEM), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&Elem, sizeof(MLME_QUEUE_ELEM)); if(Elem) { pInfo = (MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT *) Elem->Msg; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(struct ieee80211req_mlme)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { Status = copy_from_user(&mlme, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); NdisMoveMemory(pInfo->Addr, mlme.im_macaddr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); if ((pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pInfo->Addr)) != NULL) { pInfo->Reason = mlme.im_reason; Elem->Wcid = pEntry->Aid; MlmeEnqueue(pAd, AP_AUTH_STATE_MACHINE, APMT2_MLME_DEAUTH_REQ, sizeof(MLME_DEAUTH_REQ_STRUCT), Elem,0); } } os_free_mem(NULL, Elem); } break; case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_STA_DISASSOC:/*hostapd request to disassoc the station. */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::HOSTAPD_OID_SET_STA_DISASSOC\n")); MLME_DISASSOC_REQ_STRUCT DisassocReq; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(struct ieee80211req_mlme)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { Status = copy_from_user(&mlme, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); NdisMoveMemory(DisassocReq.Addr, mlme.im_macaddr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); DisassocReq.Reason = mlme.im_reason; MlmeEnqueue(pAd, AP_ASSOC_STATE_MACHINE, APMT2_MLME_DISASSOC_REQ, sizeof(MLME_DISASSOC_REQ_STRUCT), &DisassocReq,0); } break; case OID_HOSTAPD_SUPPORT:/*notify the driver to support hostapd. */ if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(BOOLEAN)) Status = -EINVAL; else { BOOLEAN hostapd_enable; int v, apidx; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; Status = copy_from_user(&hostapd_enable, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); printk("OID_HOSTAPD_SUPPORT apidx=%d\n",apidx); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd = hostapd_enable; MULTISSID_STRUCT *pMBSSStruct; for(v=0;vApCfg.MBSSID[v].Hostapd == TRUE) printk("ApCfg->MBSSID[%d].Hostapd == TURE\n",v); else printk("ApCfg->MBSSID[%d].Hostapd == FALSE\n",v); pMBSSStruct = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[v]; pMBSSStruct->WPAREKEY.ReKeyInterval = 0; pMBSSStruct->WPAREKEY.ReKeyMethod = DISABLE_REKEY; } } break; case HOSTAPD_OID_COUNTERMEASURES:/*report txtsc to hostapd. */ if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(BOOLEAN)) Status = -EINVAL; else { BOOLEAN countermeasures_enable; Status = copy_from_user(&countermeasures_enable, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); if(countermeasures_enable) { { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Receive CM Attack Twice within 60 seconds ====>>> \n")); /* send wireless event - for counter measures */ pAd->ApCfg.CMTimerRunning = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE; i++) { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[i]; /* happened twice within 60 sec, AP SENDS disaccociate all associated STAs. All STA's transition to State 2 */ if (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry)) { MlmeDeAuthAction(pAd, &pAd->MacTab.Content[i], REASON_MIC_FAILURE,FALSE); } } /* Further, ban all Class 3 DATA transportation for a period 0f 60 sec */ /* disallow new association , too */ pAd->ApCfg.BANClass3Data = TRUE; } } else { pAd->ApCfg.BANClass3Data = FALSE; } } break; case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_WPS_BEACON_IE:/*pure 1x is enabled. */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("HOSTAPD_OID_SET_WPS_BEACON_IE\n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(WSC_LV_INFO)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { INT apidx; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].HostapdWPS = TRUE; MULTISSID_STRUCT *pMBSSStruct; NdisZeroMemory(&WscIEBeacon,sizeof(WSC_LV_INFO)); Status = copy_from_user(&WscIEBeacon, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pMBSSStruct = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; NdisMoveMemory(pMBSSStruct->WscIEBeacon.Value,WscIEBeacon.Value, WscIEBeacon.ValueLen); pMBSSStruct->WscIEBeacon.ValueLen=WscIEBeacon.ValueLen; APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, apidx); } break; case HOSTAPD_OID_SET_WPS_PROBE_RESP_IE:/*pure 1x is enabled. */ apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("HOSTAPD_OID_SET_WPS_PROBE_RESP_IE\n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(WSC_LV_INFO)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("HOSTAPD_OID_SET_WPS_PROBE_RESP_IE failed\n")); Status = -EINVAL; } else { INT apidx; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].HostapdWPS = TRUE; MULTISSID_STRUCT *pMBSSStruct; NdisZeroMemory(&WscIEProbeResp,sizeof(WSC_LV_INFO)); Status = copy_from_user(&WscIEProbeResp, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pMBSSStruct = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; NdisMoveMemory(pMBSSStruct->WscIEProbeResp.Value,WscIEProbeResp.Value, WscIEProbeResp.ValueLen); pMBSSStruct->WscIEProbeResp.ValueLen=WscIEProbeResp.ValueLen; APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, apidx); } break; #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ default: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::unknown IOCTL's subcmd = 0x%08x\n", cmd)); Status = -EOPNOTSUPP; break; } return Status; } INT RTMPAPQueryInformation( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN OUT RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *rq, IN INT cmd) { RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq = (RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *) rq; INT Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; STRING driverVersion[8]; #if defined(DBG) || defined(WSC_AP_SUPPORT) UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; #endif #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT UINT WscPinCode = 0; PWSC_PROFILE pProfile; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef SNMP_SUPPORT ULONG ulInfo; DefaultKeyIdxValue *pKeyIdxValue; INT valueLen; TX_RTY_CFG_STRUC tx_rty_cfg; ULONG ShortRetryLimit, LongRetryLimit; UCHAR snmp_tmp[64]; #endif /* SNMP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT struct default_group_key group_key; struct ieee80211req_key ik; unsigned char *p; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry=(MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *)NULL; struct ieee80211req_wpaie wpaie; PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss ; #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT UCHAR ifIndex; BOOLEAN apcliEn=FALSE; INT i,Padding = 0;; ULONG BssBufSize; PUCHAR pBuf = NULL, pPtr=NULL; NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST_EX *pBssidList = NULL; USHORT BssLen = 0; PNDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX pBss; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pMacEntry=(MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *)NULL; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry=NULL; NDIS_802_11_SSID Ssid; UINT we_version_compiled; #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS *pStatistics; INT IEEE8021X = 0; NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeMax; switch(cmd) { #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT case OID_802_11_SET_IEEE8021X: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_SET_IEEE8021X \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(INT); if(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X == TRUE) IEEE8021X=1; else IEEE8021X=0; Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &IEEE8021X, wrq->u.data.length); break; #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ case OID_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE); AuthMode=pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AuthMode; Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &AuthMode, wrq->u.data.length); break; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT case RT_OID_NEW_DRIVER: { UCHAR enabled = 1; wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UCHAR); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &enabled, wrq->u.data.length); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query apcli::RT_OID_NEW_DRIVER (=%d)\n", enabled)); break; } case RT_OID_WE_VERSION_COMPILED: wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UINT); we_version_compiled = RtmpOsWirelessExtVerGet(); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &we_version_compiled, wrq->u.data.length); break; case OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].MacTabWCID]; if (RTMP_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fRTMP_ADAPTER_BSS_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS)) { /* * Still scanning, indicate the caller should try again. */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST (Still scanning)\n")); return -EAGAIN; } if ((pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantUP & 0x7F) == WPA_SUPPLICANT_ENABLE) { pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WpaSupplicantScanCount = 0; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST (%d BSS returned)\n",pAd->ScanTab.BssNr)); BssBufSize = sizeof(ULONG); for (i = 0; i < pAd->ScanTab.BssNr; i++) { BssBufSize += (sizeof(NDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX) - 1 + sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs) + pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIELen + Padding); } BssBufSize += 256; os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pBuf, BssBufSize); if(pBuf == NULL) { Status = -ENOMEM; break; } NdisZeroMemory(pBuf, BssBufSize); pBssidList = (PNDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST_EX) pBuf; pBssidList->NumberOfItems = pAd->ScanTab.BssNr; BssLen = 4; /* Consist of NumberOfItems */ pPtr = (PUCHAR) &pBssidList->Bssid[0]; for (i = 0; i < pAd->ScanTab.BssNr; i++) { pBss = (PNDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX) pPtr; NdisMoveMemory(&pBss->MacAddress, &pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); if ((pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Hidden == 1)) { /* We must return this SSID during 4way handshaking, otherwise Aegis will failed to parse WPA infomation and then failed to send EAPOl farame. */ if ((pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) && (pMacEntry->PortSecured != WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED)) { pBss->Ssid.SsidLength = pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SsidLen; NdisMoveMemory(pBss->Ssid.Ssid, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Ssid, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SsidLen); } else pBss->Ssid.SsidLength = 0; } else { pBss->Ssid.SsidLength = pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SsidLen; NdisMoveMemory(pBss->Ssid.Ssid, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Ssid, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SsidLen); } pBss->Privacy = pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Privacy; pBss->Rssi = pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Rssi - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta; pBss->NetworkTypeInUse = NetworkTypeInUseSanity(&pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i]); pBss->Configuration.Length = sizeof(NDIS_802_11_CONFIGURATION); pBss->Configuration.BeaconPeriod = pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].BeaconPeriod; pBss->Configuration.ATIMWindow = pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].AtimWin; MAP_CHANNEL_ID_TO_KHZ(pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].Channel, pBss->Configuration.DSConfig); if (pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].BssType == BSS_INFRA) pBss->InfrastructureMode = Ndis802_11Infrastructure; else pBss->InfrastructureMode = Ndis802_11IBSS; NdisMoveMemory(pBss->SupportedRates, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SupRate, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SupRateLen); NdisMoveMemory(pBss->SupportedRates + pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].SupRateLen, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].ExtRate, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].ExtRateLen); if (pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIELen == 0) { pBss->IELength = sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs); NdisMoveMemory(pBss->IEs, &pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].FixIEs, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs)); pPtr = pPtr + sizeof(NDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX) - 1 + sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs); } else { pBss->IELength = (ULONG)(sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs) + pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIELen); pPtr = pPtr + sizeof(NDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX) - 1 + sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs); NdisMoveMemory(pBss->IEs, &pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].FixIEs, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs)); NdisMoveMemory(pBss->IEs + sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs), pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIEs, pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIELen); pPtr += pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIELen; } pBss->Length = (ULONG)(sizeof(NDIS_WLAN_BSSID_EX) - 1 + sizeof(NDIS_802_11_FIXED_IEs) + pAd->ScanTab.BssEntry[i].VarIELen + Padding); #if WIRELESS_EXT < 17 if ((BssLen + pBss->Length) < wrq->u.data.length) BssLen += pBss->Length; else { pBssidList->NumberOfItems = i; break; } #else BssLen += pBss->Length; #endif } #if WIRELESS_EXT < 17 wrq->u.data.length = BssLen; #else if (BssLen > wrq->u.data.length) { os_free_mem(NULL, pBssidList); return -E2BIG; } else wrq->u.data.length = BssLen; #endif Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pBssidList, BssLen); os_free_mem(NULL, pBssidList); break; case OID_802_3_CURRENT_ADDRESS: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry=&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].MacTabWCID]; wrq->u.data.length = MAC_ADDR_LEN; Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pApCliEntry->CurrentAddress, wrq->u.data.length); break; case OID_802_11_BSSID: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry=&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; if (INFRA_ON(pAd) || ADHOC_ON(pAd)) { Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO, ("IOCTL::SIOCGIWAP(=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)\n", pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid[0],pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid[1],pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid[2], pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid[3],pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid[4],pApCliEntry->CfgApCliBssid[5])); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_BSSID(=EMPTY)\n")); Status = -ENOTCONN; } break; case OID_802_11_SSID: if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry=&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; if (!apcliEn) return FALSE; NdisZeroMemory(&Ssid, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_SSID)); NdisZeroMemory(Ssid.Ssid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); Ssid.SsidLength = pApCliEntry->CfgSsidLen; NdisMoveMemory(Ssid.Ssid, pApCliEntry->CfgSsid,Ssid.SsidLength); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(NDIS_802_11_SSID); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &Ssid, wrq->u.data.length); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query Apcli::OID_802_11_SSID (Len=%d, ssid=%s)\n", Ssid.SsidLength,Ssid.Ssid)); break; #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ case RT_OID_VERSION_INFO: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_VERSION_INFO \n")); wrq->u.data.length = 8*sizeof(CHAR); snprintf(&driverVersion[0], sizeof(driverVersion), "%s", AP_DRIVER_VERSION); driverVersion[7] = '\0'; if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &driverVersion, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; case OID_802_11_NETWORK_TYPES_SUPPORTED: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_NETWORK_TYPES_SUPPORTED \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UCHAR); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->RfIcType, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; #ifdef IAPP_SUPPORT case RT_QUERY_SIGNAL_CONTEXT: { BOOLEAN FlgIs11rSup = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_QUERY_SIGNAL_CONTEXT \n")); if (FlgIs11rSup == FALSE) { { Status = -EFAULT; } } } break; #endif /* IAPP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT case RT_OID_WSC_QUERY_STATUS: { INT WscStatus; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_QUERY_STATUS \n")); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { INT ApCliIdx = pObj->ioctl_if; APCLI_MR_APIDX_SANITY_CHECK(ApCliIdx); WscStatus = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ApCliIdx].WscControl.WscStatus; } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { WscStatus = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscStatus; } wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(INT); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &WscStatus, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; } case RT_OID_WSC_PIN_CODE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_PIN_CODE \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UINT); /*WscPinCode = GenerateWpsPinCode(pAd, FALSE, apidx); */ pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; WscPinCode = pWscControl->WscEnrolleePinCode; if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &WscPinCode, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT case RT_OID_APCLI_WSC_PIN_CODE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_APCLI_WSC_PIN_CODE \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UINT); /*WscPinCode = GenerateWpsPinCode(pAd, TRUE, apidx); */ WscPinCode = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode; if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &WscPinCode, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ case RT_OID_WSC_UUID: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_QUERY_UUID \n")); wrq->u.data.length = UUID_LEN_STR; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pWscControl->Wsc_Uuid_Str[0], UUID_LEN_STR)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; case RT_OID_WSC_MAC_ADDRESS: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_MAC_ADDRESS \n")); wrq->u.data.length = MAC_ADDR_LEN; if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; case RT_OID_WSC_CONFIG_STATUS: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_CONFIG_STATUS \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UCHAR); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfStatus, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; case RT_OID_WSC_QUERY_PEER_INFO_ON_RUNNING: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_QUERY_PEER_INFO_ON_RUNNING \n")); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscState > WSC_STATE_WAIT_M2) { wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(WSC_PEER_DEV_INFO); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscPeerInfo, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } } else { Status = -EFAULT; } break; case RT_OID_802_11_WSC_QUERY_PROFILE: wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(WSC_PROFILE); /* pProfile = kmalloc(sizeof(WSC_PROFILE), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pProfile, sizeof(WSC_PROFILE)); if (pProfile == NULL) { Status = -EFAULT; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RT_OID_802_11_WSC_QUERY_PROFILE fail!\n")); break; } pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; RTMPZeroMemory(pProfile, sizeof(WSC_PROFILE)); NdisMoveMemory(pProfile, &pWscControl->WscProfile, sizeof(WSC_PROFILE)); if ((pProfile->Profile[0].AuthType == WSC_AUTHTYPE_OPEN) && (pProfile->Profile[0].EncrType == WSC_ENCRTYPE_NONE)) { pProfile->Profile[0].KeyLength = 0; NdisZeroMemory(pProfile->Profile[0].Key, 64); } if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pProfile, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } os_free_mem(NULL, pProfile); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_WSC_QUERY_PROFILE \n")); break; #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT case RT_OID_WSC_V2_SUPPORT: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_V2_SUPPORT (=%d)\n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2)); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(BOOLEAN); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; case RT_OID_WSC_FRAGMENT_SIZE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_WSC_FRAGMENT_SIZE (=%d)\n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscFragSize)); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(USHORT); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscFragSize, wrq->u.data.length)) { Status = -EFAULT; } break; #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef LLTD_SUPPORT case RT_OID_GET_LLTD_ASSO_TABLE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::Get LLTD association table\n")); if ((wrq->u.data.pointer == NULL) || (apidx != MAIN_MBSSID)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { INT i; RT_LLTD_ASSOICATION_TABLE AssocTab; AssocTab.Num = 0; for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]) && (pAd->MacTab.Content[i].Sst == SST_ASSOC)) { COPY_MAC_ADDR(AssocTab.Entry[AssocTab.Num].Addr, &pAd->MacTab.Content[i].Addr); AssocTab.Entry[AssocTab.Num].phyMode = pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode; AssocTab.Entry[AssocTab.Num].MOR = RateIdToMbps[pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].MaxTxRate] * 2; AssocTab.Num += 1; } } wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(RT_LLTD_ASSOICATION_TABLE); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &AssocTab, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); Status = -EFAULT; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("AssocTab.Num = %d \n", AssocTab.Num)); } break; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT case RT_OID_GET_REPEATER_AP_LINEAGE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Not Support : Get repeater AP lineage.\n")); break; #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #endif /* LLTD_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT case OID_802_DOT1X_CONFIGURATION: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::Get Radius setting(%d)\n", sizeof(DOT1X_CMM_CONF))); RTMPIoctlQueryRadiusConf(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ case RT_OID_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS: wrq->u.data.length = MAC_ADDR_LEN; Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, wrq->u.data.length); break; #ifdef SNMP_SUPPORT case RT_OID_802_11_MANUFACTUREROUI: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_MANUFACTUREROUI \n")); wrq->u.data.length = ManufacturerOUI_LEN; Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->CurrentAddress, wrq->u.data.length); break; case RT_OID_802_11_MANUFACTURERNAME: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_MANUFACTURERNAME \n")); wrq->u.data.length = strlen(ManufacturerNAME); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, ManufacturerNAME, wrq->u.data.length); break; case RT_OID_802_11_RESOURCETYPEIDNAME: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_RESOURCETYPEIDNAME \n")); wrq->u.data.length = strlen(ResourceTypeIdName); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, ResourceTypeIdName, wrq->u.data.length); break; case RT_OID_802_11_PRIVACYOPTIONIMPLEMENTED: { ULONG ulInfo; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_PRIVACYOPTIONIMPLEMENTED \n")); ulInfo = 1; /* 1 is support wep else 2 is not support. */ wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(ulInfo); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &ulInfo, wrq->u.data.length); break; } case RT_OID_802_11_POWERMANAGEMENTMODE: { ULONG ulInfo; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_POWERMANAGEMENTMODE \n")); ulInfo = 1; /* 1 is power active else 2 is power save. */ wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(ulInfo); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &ulInfo, wrq->u.data.length); break; } case OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYVALUE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYVALUE \n")); pKeyIdxValue = wrq->u.data.pointer; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("KeyIdxValue.KeyIdx = %d, \n",pKeyIdxValue->KeyIdx)); valueLen = pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen; NdisMoveMemory(pKeyIdxValue->Value, &pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId].Key, valueLen); pKeyIdxValue->Value[valueLen]='\0'; wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(DefaultKeyIdxValue); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pKeyIdxValue, wrq->u.data.length); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("DefaultKeyId = %d, total len = %d, str len=%d, KeyValue= %02x %02x %02x %02x \n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId, wrq->u.data.length, pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen, pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][0].Key[0], pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][1].Key[0], pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][2].Key[0], pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][3].Key[0])); break; case OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYID: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_WEPDEFAULTKEYID \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UCHAR); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId, wrq->u.data.length); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("DefaultKeyId =%d \n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId)); break; case RT_OID_802_11_WEPKEYMAPPINGLENGTH: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_WEPKEYMAPPINGLENGTH \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UCHAR); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen, wrq->u.data.length); break; case OID_802_11_SHORTRETRYLIMIT: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_SHORTRETRYLIMIT \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(ULONG); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_RTY_CFG, &tx_rty_cfg.word); ShortRetryLimit = tx_rty_cfg.field.ShortRtyLimit; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("ShortRetryLimit =%ld, tx_rty_cfg.field.ShortRetryLimit=%d\n", ShortRetryLimit, tx_rty_cfg.field.ShortRtyLimit)); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &ShortRetryLimit, wrq->u.data.length); break; case OID_802_11_LONGRETRYLIMIT: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_LONGRETRYLIMIT \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(ULONG); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_RTY_CFG, &tx_rty_cfg.word); LongRetryLimit = tx_rty_cfg.field.LongRtyLimit; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("LongRetryLimit =%ld, tx_rty_cfg.field.LongRtyLimit=%d\n", LongRetryLimit, tx_rty_cfg.field.LongRtyLimit)); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &LongRetryLimit, wrq->u.data.length); break; case RT_OID_802_11_PRODUCTID: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_PRODUCTID \n")); #ifdef RTMP_MAC_USB snprintf((PSTRING)snmp_tmp, sizeof(snmp_tmp), "%04x %04x\n", RtmpOsGetUsbDevVendorID(((POS_COOKIE)pAd->OS_Cookie)->pUsb_Dev), RtmpOsGetUsbDevProductID(((POS_COOKIE)pAd->OS_Cookie)->pUsb_Dev)); #endif /* RTMP_MAC_USB */ wrq->u.data.length = strlen((PSTRING) snmp_tmp); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, snmp_tmp, wrq->u.data.length); break; case RT_OID_802_11_MANUFACTUREID: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_MANUFACTUREID \n")); wrq->u.data.length = strlen(ManufacturerNAME); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, ManufacturerNAME, wrq->u.data.length); break; case OID_802_11_CURRENTCHANNEL: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_CURRENTCHANNEL \n")); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(UCHAR); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("sizeof UCHAR=%d, channel=%d \n", sizeof(UCHAR), pAd->CommonCfg.Channel)); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->CommonCfg.Channel, wrq->u.data.length); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Status=%d\n", Status)); break; #endif /* SNMP_SUPPORT */ case OID_802_11_STATISTICS: /* pStatistics = (NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS *) kmalloc(sizeof(NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&pStatistics, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS)); if (pStatistics) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_STATISTICS \n")); /* add the most up-to-date h/w raw counters into software counters */ /*NICUpdateRawCounters(pAd);*/ pStatistics->TransmittedFragmentCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.QuadPart + pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->FailedCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->RetryCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->MultipleRetryCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.MultipleRetryCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->RTSSuccessCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.RTSSuccessCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->RTSFailureCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.RTSFailureCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->ACKFailureCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.ACKFailureCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->FrameDuplicateCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->ReceivedFragmentCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->MulticastReceivedFrameCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastReceivedFrameCount.QuadPart; #ifdef DBG pStatistics->FCSErrorCount = pAd->RalinkCounters.RealFcsErrCount; #else pStatistics->FCSErrorCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart = pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart / 100; #endif pStatistics->TransmittedFrameCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.QuadPart; pStatistics->WEPUndecryptableCount.QuadPart = pAd->WlanCounters.WEPUndecryptableCount.QuadPart; wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pStatistics, wrq->u.data.length); /* kfree(pStatistics); */ os_free_mem(NULL, pStatistics); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_STATISTICS(kmalloc failed)\n")); Status = -EFAULT; } break; case RT_OID_802_11_PER_BSS_STATISTICS: { PMBSS_STATISTICS pMbssStat; INT apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR * *) &pMbssStat, sizeof(MBSS_STATISTICS)); NdisZeroMemory(pMbssStat, sizeof(MBSS_STATISTICS)); pMbssStat->TransmittedByteCount = pMbss->TransmittedByteCount; pMbssStat->ReceivedByteCount = pMbss->ReceivedByteCount; pMbssStat->TxCount = pMbss->TxCount; pMbssStat->RxCount = pMbss->RxCount; pMbssStat->RxErrorCount = pMbss->RxErrorCount; pMbssStat->RxDropCount = pMbss->RxDropCount; pMbssStat->TxErrorCount = pMbss->TxErrorCount; pMbssStat->TxDropCount = pMbss->TxDropCount; pMbssStat->ucPktsTx = pMbss->ucPktsTx; pMbssStat->ucPktsRx = pMbss->ucPktsRx; pMbssStat->mcPktsTx = pMbss->mcPktsTx; pMbssStat->mcPktsRx = pMbss->mcPktsRx; pMbssStat->bcPktsTx= pMbss->bcPktsTx; pMbssStat->bcPktsRx= pMbss->bcPktsRx; wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(MBSS_STATISTICS); copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pMbssStat, wrq->u.data.length); os_free_mem(pAd, pMbssStat); } break; #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT #ifdef TXBF_SUPPORT case RT_OID_802_11_QUERY_TXBF_TABLE: if (!pAd->chipCap.FlgHwTxBfCap) Status = -EFAULT; else { INT i; RT_802_11_TXBF_TABLE MacTab; MacTab.Num = 0; for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]) && (pAd->MacTab.Content[i].Sst == SST_ASSOC)) { memcpy(&MacTab.Entry[MacTab.Num], &pAd->MacTab.Content[i].TxBFCounters, sizeof(RT_COUNTER_TXBF)); MacTab.Num++; } } wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(RT_802_11_TXBF_TABLE); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &MacTab, wrq->u.data.length); } break; #endif /* TXBF_SUPPORT */ #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WAPI_SUPPORT case OID_802_11_MCAST_TXIV: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::RT_OID_802_11_MCAST_TXIV \n")); Status = -EINVAL; break; case OID_802_11_WAPI_CONFIGURATION: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::Get WAPI Configuration(%d)\n", sizeof(WAPI_CONF))); RTMPIoctlQueryWapiConf(pAd, wrq); break; case OID_802_11_WAPI_IE: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_WAPI_IE\n")); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(WAPI_WIE_STRUCT)) Status = -EINVAL; else { WAPI_WIE_STRUCT wapi_ie; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pWapiEntry; NdisZeroMemory(&wapi_ie, sizeof(WAPI_WIE_STRUCT)); NdisMoveMemory(wapi_ie.addr, wrq->u.data.pointer, MAC_ADDR_LEN); pWapiEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, wapi_ie.addr); if (pWapiEntry && IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pWapiEntry) && (pWapiEntry->RSNIE_Len > 0)) { wapi_ie.wie_len = pWapiEntry->RSNIE_Len; NdisMoveMemory(wapi_ie.wie, pWapiEntry->RSN_IE, pWapiEntry->RSNIE_Len); } if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &wapi_ie, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } } break; case OID_802_11_MCAST_KEY_INFO: { PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss; WAPI_MCAST_KEY_STRUCT wapi_mkey; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::OID_802_11_MCAST_KEY_INFO\n")); pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if]; NdisZeroMemory(&wapi_mkey, sizeof(WAPI_MCAST_KEY_STRUCT)); if (pMbss->sw_wpi_encrypt) { NdisMoveMemory(wapi_mkey.m_tx_iv, pAd->SharedKey[pObj->ioctl_if][pMbss->DefaultKeyId].TxTsc, LEN_WAPI_TSC); } else { INT m_wcid; GET_GroupKey_WCID(pAd, m_wcid, apidx); RTMPGetWapiTxTscFromAsic(pAd, m_wcid, wapi_mkey.m_tx_iv); } wapi_mkey.key_id = pMbss->DefaultKeyId; NdisMoveMemory(wapi_mkey.key_announce, pMbss->key_announce_flag, LEN_WAPI_TSC); NdisMoveMemory(wapi_mkey.NMK, pMbss->NMK, 16); wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(WAPI_MCAST_KEY_STRUCT); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &wapi_mkey, wrq->u.data.length); } break; #endif /* WAPI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT case HOSTAPD_OID_GETWPAIE:/*report wpa ie of the new station to hostapd. */ if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(wpaie)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else if (copy_from_user(&wpaie, wrq->u.data.pointer, IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, wpaie.wpa_macaddr); if (!pEntry){ Status = -EINVAL; break; } NdisZeroMemory(wpaie.rsn_ie,sizeof(wpaie.rsn_ie)); /* For WPA1, RSN_IE=221 */ if ((pEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) || (pEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK) ||(pEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2) || (pEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK) || (pEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1WPA2) ||(pEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1PSKWPA2PSK) ) { int ielen = pEntry->RSNIE_Len; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("pEntry->RSNIE_Len=%d\n",pEntry->RSNIE_Len)); if (ielen > sizeof(wpaie.rsn_ie)) ielen = sizeof(wpaie.rsn_ie)-1; p = wpaie.rsn_ie; hex_dump("HOSTAPD_OID_GETWPAIE woody==>pEntry->RSN_IE", (unsigned char*)pEntry->RSN_IE,ielen); NdisMoveMemory(p, pEntry->RSN_IE, ielen); } } if(copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &wpaie, sizeof(wpaie))) Status = -EFAULT; break; case HOSTAPD_OID_GET_SEQ:/*report txtsc to hostapd. */ pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(ik)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else if (copy_from_user(&ik, wrq->u.data.pointer, IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN)) { Status = -EFAULT; } else { NdisZeroMemory(&ik.ik_keytsc, sizeof(ik.ik_keytsc)); p = (unsigned char *)&ik.ik_keytsc; NdisMoveMemory(p+2, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][ pMbss->DefaultKeyId].TxTsc, 6); if(copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &ik, sizeof(ik))) Status = -EFAULT; } break; case HOSTAPD_OID_GET_1X_GROUP_KEY:/*report default group key to hostapd. */ pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(group_key)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { if(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][ pMbss->DefaultKeyId].KeyLen!=0 && pAd->SharedKey[apidx][ pMbss->DefaultKeyId].Key!=NULL) { group_key.ik_keyix = pMbss->DefaultKeyId; group_key.ik_keylen = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][ pMbss->DefaultKeyId].KeyLen; NdisMoveMemory(group_key.ik_keydata, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][ pMbss->DefaultKeyId].Key,pAd->SharedKey[apidx][ pMbss->DefaultKeyId].KeyLen); if(copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &group_key, sizeof(group_key))) Status = -EFAULT; } } break; #endif/*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT case OID_GEN_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATUS: { ULONG ApCliIdx = pObj->ioctl_if; NDIS_MEDIA_STATE MediaState; PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) { Status = -EOPNOTSUPP; break; } else { APCLI_MR_APIDX_SANITY_CHECK(ApCliIdx); pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ApCliIdx]; pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID]; if (!IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pEntry)) { Status = -EOPNOTSUPP; break; } if ((pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ApCliIdx].Valid == TRUE) && (pEntry->PortSecured == WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED)) MediaState = NdisMediaStateConnected; else MediaState = NdisMediaStateDisconnected; wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(NDIS_MEDIA_STATE); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &MediaState, wrq->u.data.length); } } break; #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ case OID_802_11_ACL_LIST: if (wrq->u.data.length < sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)) { Status = -EINVAL; } else { Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); } break; default: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::unknown IOCTL's subcmd = 0x%08x, apidx=%d\n", cmd, apidx)); Status = -EOPNOTSUPP; break; } return Status; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Country Code. Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_CountryCode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { #ifdef EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST /* reset temp table status */ pAd->CommonCfg.pChDesp = NULL; pAd->CommonCfg.DfsType = MAX_RD_REGION; #endif /* EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST */ if(strlen(arg) == 2) { NdisMoveMemory(pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode, arg, 2); pAd->CommonCfg.bCountryFlag = TRUE; } else { NdisZeroMemory(pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode, 3); pAd->CommonCfg.bCountryFlag = FALSE; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_CountryCode_Proc::(bCountryFlag=%d, CountryCode=%s)\n", pAd->CommonCfg.bCountryFlag, pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode)); return TRUE; } #ifdef EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST INT Set_ChGeography_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG Geography; Geography = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (Geography <= BOTH) pAd->CommonCfg.Geography = Geography; else DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_ChannelGeography_Proc::(wrong setting. 0: Out-door, 1: in-door, 2: both)\n")); pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode[2] = (pAd->CommonCfg.Geography == BOTH) ? ' ' : ((pAd->CommonCfg.Geography == IDOR) ? 'I' : 'O'); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_ChannelGeography_Proc:: Geography = %s\n", pAd->CommonCfg.Geography == ODOR ? "out-door" : (pAd->CommonCfg.Geography == IDOR ? "in-door" : "both"))); /* After Set ChGeography need invoke SSID change procedural again for Beacon update. */ /* it's no longer necessary since APStartUp will rebuild channel again. */ /*BuildChannelListEx(pAd); */ return TRUE; } #endif /* EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST */ /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Country String. This command will not work, if the field of CountryRegion in eeprom is programmed. Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_CountryString_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT index = 0; INT success = TRUE; STRING name_buffer[40] = {0}; #ifdef EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST return -EOPNOTSUPP; #endif /* EXT_BUILD_CHANNEL_LIST */ if(strlen(arg) <= 38) { if (strlen(arg) < 4) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_CountryString_Proc::Parameter of CountryString are too short !\n")); return FALSE; } for (index = 0; index < strlen(arg); index++) { if ((arg[index] >= 'a') && (arg[index] <= 'z')) arg[index] = toupper(arg[index]); } for (index = 0; index < NUM_OF_COUNTRIES; index++) { NdisZeroMemory(name_buffer, 40); snprintf(name_buffer, sizeof(name_buffer), "\"%s\"", (PSTRING) allCountry[index].pCountryName); if (strncmp((PSTRING) allCountry[index].pCountryName, arg, strlen(arg)) == 0) break; else if (strncmp(name_buffer, arg, strlen(arg)) == 0) break; } if (index == NUM_OF_COUNTRIES) success = FALSE; } else { success = FALSE; } if (success == TRUE) { if (WMODE_CAP_2G(pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.CountryRegionForABand & 0x80) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_CountryString_Proc::parameter of CountryRegion in eeprom is programmed \n")); success = FALSE; } else { if (allCountry[index].SupportGBand == TRUE) { NdisZeroMemory(pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode, 3); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode, allCountry[index].IsoName, 2); pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode[2] = ' '; pAd->CommonCfg.bCountryFlag = TRUE; pAd->CommonCfg.CountryRegion = (UCHAR) allCountry[index].RegDomainNum11G; /* After Set ChGeography need invoke SSID change procedural again for Beacon update. */ /* it's no longer necessary since APStartUp will rebuild channel again. */ /*BuildChannelList(pAd); */ success = TRUE; } else { success = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("The Country are not Support G Band Channel\n")); } } } else if (WMODE_CAP_5G(pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)) { if (pAd->CommonCfg.CountryRegion & 0x80) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_CountryString_Proc::parameter of CountryRegion in eeprom is programmed \n")); success = FALSE; } else { if (allCountry[index].SupportABand == TRUE) { NdisZeroMemory(pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode, 3); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode, allCountry[index].IsoName, 2); pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode[2] = ' '; pAd->CommonCfg.bCountryFlag = TRUE; pAd->CommonCfg.CountryRegionForABand = (UCHAR) allCountry[index].RegDomainNum11A; /* After Set ChGeography need invoke SSID change procedural again for Beacon update. */ /* it's no longer necessary since APStartUp will rebuild channel again. */ /*BuildChannelList(pAd); */ success = TRUE; } else { success = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("The Country are not Support A Band Channel\n")); } } } else success = FALSE; } if (success == TRUE) { /* if set country string, driver needs to be reset */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_CountryString_Proc::(CountryString=%s CountryRegin=%d CountryCode=%s)\n", allCountry[index].pCountryName, pAd->CommonCfg.CountryRegion, pAd->CommonCfg.CountryCode)); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_CountryString_Proc::Parameters out of range\n")); } return success; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set SSID Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_SSID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING arg) { INT success = FALSE; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAdapter->OS_Cookie; if(strlen(arg) <= MAX_LEN_OF_SSID) { NdisZeroMemory(pAdapter->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Ssid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); NdisMoveMemory(pAdapter->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Ssid, arg, strlen(arg)); pAdapter->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].SsidLen = (UCHAR)strlen(arg); success = TRUE; { /* If in detection mode, need to stop detect first. */ if (pAdapter->CommonCfg.bIEEE80211H == FALSE) { APStop(pAdapter); APStartUp(pAdapter); } else { /* each mode has different restart method */ if (pAdapter->Dot11_H.RDMode == RD_SILENCE_MODE) { APStop(pAdapter); APStartUp(pAdapter); } else if (pAdapter->Dot11_H.RDMode == RD_SWITCHING_MODE) { } else if (pAdapter->Dot11_H.RDMode == RD_NORMAL_MODE) { APStop(pAdapter); APStartUp(pAdapter); AsicEnableBssSync(pAdapter); } } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(ra%d) Set_SSID_Proc::(Len=%d,Ssid=%s)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAdapter->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].SsidLen, pAdapter->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Ssid)); } } else success = FALSE; return success; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set TxRate Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_TxRate_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DesiredRates, MAX_LEN_OF_SUPPORTED_RATES); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DesiredRatesIndex = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); /* todo RTMPBuildDesireRate(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].DesiredRatesIndex); */ /*todo MlmeUpdateTxRates(pAd); */ return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set BasicRate Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_BasicRate_Proc(RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; ULONG BasicRateBitmap; BasicRateBitmap = (ULONG) simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (BasicRateBitmap > 4095) /* (2 ^ MAX_LEN_OF_SUPPORTED_RATES) -1 */ return FALSE; pAd->CommonCfg.BasicRateBitmap = BasicRateBitmap; pAd->CommonCfg.BasicRateBitmapOld = BasicRateBitmap; MlmeUpdateTxRates(pAd, FALSE, (UCHAR)pObj->ioctl_if); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_BasicRate_Proc::(BasicRateBitmap=0x%08lx)\n", pAd->CommonCfg.BasicRateBitmap)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Beacon Period Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_BeaconPeriod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { USHORT BeaconPeriod; INT success = FALSE; BeaconPeriod = (USHORT) simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if((BeaconPeriod >= 20) && (BeaconPeriod < 1024)) { pAd->CommonCfg.BeaconPeriod = BeaconPeriod; success = TRUE; #ifdef AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT /* re-calculate QloadBusyTimeThreshold */ QBSS_LoadAlarmReset(pAd); #endif /* AP_QLOAD_SUPPORT */ } else success = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_BeaconPeriod_Proc::(BeaconPeriod=%d)\n", pAd->CommonCfg.BeaconPeriod)); return success; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Dtim Period Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_DtimPeriod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { USHORT DtimPeriod; INT success = FALSE; DtimPeriod = (USHORT) simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if((DtimPeriod >= 1) && (DtimPeriod <= 255)) { pAd->ApCfg.DtimPeriod = DtimPeriod; success = TRUE; } else success = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_DtimPeriod_Proc::(DtimPeriod=%d)\n", pAd->ApCfg.DtimPeriod)); return success; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Disable/enable OLBC detection manually Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_OLBCDetection_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { switch (simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10)) { case 0: /*enable OLBC detect */ pAd->CommonCfg.DisableOLBCDetect = 0; break; case 1: /*disable OLBC detect */ pAd->CommonCfg.DisableOLBCDetect = 1; break; default: /*Invalid argument */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #ifdef WMM_SUPPORT /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WmmCapable Enable or Disable Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_WmmCapable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { BOOLEAN bWmmCapable; POS_COOKIE pObj= (POS_COOKIE)pAd->OS_Cookie; bWmmCapable = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (bWmmCapable == 1) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bWmmCapable = TRUE; else if (bWmmCapable == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bWmmCapable = FALSE; else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bWmmCapableOrg = \ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bWmmCapable; #ifdef RTL865X_FAST_PATH if (!isFastPathCapable(pAd)) { rtlairgo_fast_tx_unregister(); rtl865x_extDev_unregisterUcastTxDev(pAd->net_dev); } #endif #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /*Sync with the HT relate info. In N mode, we should re-enable it */ SetCommonHT(pAd); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WmmCapable_Proc::(bWmmCapable=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bWmmCapable)); return TRUE; } #endif /* WMM_SUPPORT */ INT Set_AP_MaxStaNum_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; INT apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; return ApCfg_Set_MaxStaNum_Proc(pAd, apidx, arg); } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set session idle timeout Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_IdleTimeout_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { return ApCfg_Set_IdleTimeout_Proc(pAd, arg); } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set No Forwarding Enable or Disable Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_NoForwarding_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG NoForwarding; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; NoForwarding = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (NoForwarding == 1) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IsolateInterStaTraffic = TRUE; else if (NoForwarding == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IsolateInterStaTraffic = FALSE; else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_NoForwarding_Proc::(NoForwarding=%ld)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IsolateInterStaTraffic)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set No Forwarding between each SSID Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_NoForwardingBTNSSID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG NoForwarding; NoForwarding = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (NoForwarding == 1) pAd->ApCfg.IsolateInterStaTrafficBTNBSSID = TRUE; else if (NoForwarding == 0) pAd->ApCfg.IsolateInterStaTrafficBTNBSSID = FALSE; else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_NoForwardingBTNSSID_Proc::(NoForwarding=%ld)\n", pAd->ApCfg.IsolateInterStaTrafficBTNBSSID)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Hide SSID Enable or Disable Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_HideSSID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { BOOLEAN bHideSsid; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; bHideSsid = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (bHideSsid == 1) bHideSsid = TRUE; else if (bHideSsid == 0) bHideSsid = FALSE; else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bHideSsid != bHideSsid) { pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bHideSsid = bHideSsid; } #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2) WscOnOff(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bHideSsid); #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_HideSSID_Proc::(HideSSID=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bHideSsid)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set VLAN's ID field Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_VLANID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].VLAN_VID = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_VLANID_Proc::(VLAN_VID=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].VLAN_VID)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set VLAN's priority field Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_VLANPriority_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].VLAN_Priority = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_VLANPriority_Proc::(VLAN_Priority=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].VLAN_Priority)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set enable or disable carry VLAN in the air Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_VLAN_TAG_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { BOOLEAN bVLAN_Tag; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; bVLAN_Tag = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (bVLAN_Tag == 1) bVLAN_Tag = TRUE; else if (bVLAN_Tag == 0) bVLAN_Tag = FALSE; else return FALSE; //Invalid argument if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bVLAN_Tag != bVLAN_Tag) { pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bVLAN_Tag = bVLAN_Tag; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_VLAN_TAG_Proc::(VLAN_Tag=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bVLAN_Tag)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Authentication mode Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_AuthMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG i; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; if (apidx >= pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum) return FALSE; /* Set Authentication mode */ ApCfg_Set_AuthMode_Proc(pAd, apidx, arg); /* reset the portSecure for all entries */ for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i])) { pAd->MacTab.Content[i].PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; } } /* reset the PortSecure this BSS */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; /* Default key index is always 2 in WPA mode */ if(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId = 1; return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Encryption Type Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_EncrypType_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; if ((strcmp(arg, "NONE") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WEP") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wep") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPEnabled; else if ((strcmp(arg, "TKIP") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "tkip") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; else if ((strcmp(arg, "AES") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "aes") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled; else if ((strcmp(arg, "TKIPAES") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "tkipaes") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled; #ifdef WAPI_SUPPORT else if ((strcmp(arg, "SMS4") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "sms4") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionSMS4Enabled; #endif /* WAPI_SUPPORT */ else return FALSE; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus >= Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId = 1; /* decide the group key encryption type */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; else pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus; /* move to ap.c::APStartUp to process */ /*RTMPMakeRSNIE(pAd, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus, apidx); */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_EncrypType_Proc::(EncrypType=%d)\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WPA pairwise mix-cipher combination Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_WpaMixPairCipher_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; /* In WPA-WPA2 mix mode, it provides a more flexible cipher combination. - WPA-AES and WPA2-TKIP - WPA-AES and WPA2-TKIPAES - WPA-TKIP and WPA2-AES - WPA-TKIP and WPA2-TKIPAES - WPA-TKIPAES and WPA2-AES - WPA-TKIPAES and WPA2-TKIP - WPA-TKIPAES and WPA2-TKIPAES (default) */ if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_AES_WPA2_TKIPAES", 20) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_aes_wpa2_tkipaes", 20) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_AES_WPA2_TKIPAES; else if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_AES_WPA2_TKIP", 17) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_aes_wpa2_tkip", 17) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_AES_WPA2_TKIP; else if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_TKIP_WPA2_AES", 17) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_tkip_wpa2_aes", 17) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_TKIP_WPA2_AES; else if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_TKIP_WPA2_TKIPAES", 21) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_tkip_wpa2_tkipaes", 21) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_TKIP_WPA2_TKIPAES; else if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_TKIPAES_WPA2_AES", 20) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_tkipaes_wpa2_aes", 20) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_TKIPAES_WPA2_AES; else if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_TKIPAES_WPA2_TKIPAES", 24) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_tkipaes_wpa2_tkipaes", 24) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_TKIPAES_WPA2_TKIPAES; else if ((strncmp(arg, "WPA_TKIPAES_WPA2_TKIP", 21) == 0) || (strncmp(arg, "wpa_tkipaes_wpa2_tkip", 21) == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher = WPA_TKIPAES_WPA2_TKIP; else return FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(ra%d) Set_AP_WpaMixPairCipher_Proc=0x%02x\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WPA rekey interval value Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_RekeyInterval_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; INT32 val; val = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if((val >= 10) && (val < MAX_REKEY_INTER)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WPAREKEY.ReKeyInterval = val; else /* Default */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WPAREKEY.ReKeyInterval = 3600; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(ra%d) Set_AP_RekeyInterval_Proc=%ld\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WPAREKEY.ReKeyInterval)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WPA rekey method Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_RekeyMethod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; PRT_WPA_REKEY pInfo = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WPAREKEY; if ((strcmp(arg, "TIME") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "time") == 0)) pInfo->ReKeyMethod = TIME_REKEY; else if ((strcmp(arg, "PKT") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "pkt") == 0)) pInfo->ReKeyMethod = PKT_REKEY; else if ((strcmp(arg, "DISABLE") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "disable") == 0)) pInfo->ReKeyMethod = DISABLE_REKEY; else pInfo->ReKeyMethod = DISABLE_REKEY; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(ra%d) Set_AP_RekeyMethod_Proc=%ld\n", apidx, pInfo->ReKeyMethod)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set PMK-cache period Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_PMKCachePeriod_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; UINT32 val = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMKCachePeriod = val * 60 * OS_HZ; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(ra%d) Set_AP_PMKCachePeriod_Proc=%ld\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMKCachePeriod)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Default Key ID Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_DefaultKeyID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG KeyIdx; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; KeyIdx = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if((KeyIdx >= 1 ) && (KeyIdx <= 4)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) (KeyIdx - 1 ); else return FALSE; /* Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_DefaultKeyID_Proc::(DefaultKeyID(0~3)=%d)\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY1 Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_Key1_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR apidx; CIPHER_KEY *pSharedKey; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pSharedKey = &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][0]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, pSharedKey, 0); if (retVal == TRUE) { /* Set keys (into ASIC) */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) ; /* not support */ else /* Old WEP stuff */ { AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, apidx, 0, pSharedKey); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_Key1_Proc::(Key1=%s) success!\n", apidx, arg)); } return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY2 Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_Key2_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR apidx; CIPHER_KEY *pSharedKey; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pSharedKey = &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][1]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, pSharedKey, 1); if (retVal == TRUE) { /* Set keys (into ASIC) */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) ; /* not support */ else /* Old WEP stuff */ { AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, apidx, 1, pSharedKey); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_Key2_Proc::(Key2=%s) success!\n", apidx, arg)); } return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY3 Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_Key3_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR apidx; CIPHER_KEY *pSharedKey; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pSharedKey = &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][2]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, pSharedKey, 2); if (retVal == TRUE) { /* Set keys (into ASIC) */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) ; /* not support */ else /* Old WEP stuff */ { AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, apidx, 2, pSharedKey); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_Key3_Proc::(Key3=%s) success!\n", apidx, arg)); } return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY4 Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_Key4_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR apidx; CIPHER_KEY *pSharedKey; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; pSharedKey = &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][3]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, pSharedKey, 3); if (retVal == TRUE) { /* Set keys (into ASIC) */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) ; /* not support */ else /* Old WEP stuff */ { AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, apidx, 3, pSharedKey); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_Key4_Proc::(Key4=%s) success!\n", apidx, arg)); } return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Access ctrol policy Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AccessPolicy_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; switch (simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10)) { case 0: /*Disable */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy = 0; break; case 1: /* Allow All, and ACL is positive. */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy = 1; break; case 2: /* Reject All, and ACL is negative. */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy = 2; break; default: /*Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_AccessPolicy_Proc::Invalid argument (=%s)\n", arg)); return FALSE; } /* check if the change in ACL affects any existent association */ ApUpdateAccessControlList(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_AccessPolicy_Proc::(AccessPolicy=%ld)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy)); return TRUE; } /* Replaced by Set_ACLAddEntry_Proc() and Set_ACLClearAll_Proc() */ /* ========================================================================== Description: Add one entry or several entries(if allowed to) into Access control mac table list Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ACLAddEntry_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR macAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; /* RT_802_11_ACL acl; */ RT_802_11_ACL *pacl = NULL; PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; INT i, j; BOOLEAN isDuplicate=FALSE; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num >= (MAX_NUM_OF_ACL_LIST - 1)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The AccessControlList is full, and no more entry can join the list!\n")); return FALSE; } /* allocate memory */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pacl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); if (pacl == NULL) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s: Allocate memory fail!!!\n", __FUNCTION__)); return FALSE; } NdisZeroMemory(pacl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisMoveMemory(pacl, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&arg, ";")) != NULL) { if (*this_char == '\0') { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("An unnecessary delimiter entered!\n")); continue; } if (strlen(this_char) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("illegal MAC address length!\n")); continue; } for (i=0, value = rstrtok(this_char,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("illegal MAC address format or octet!\n")); /* Do not use "continue" to replace "break" */ break; } AtoH(value, &macAddr[i++], 1); } if (i != MAC_ADDR_LEN) { continue; } /* Check if this entry is duplicate. */ isDuplicate = FALSE; for (j=0; jNum; j++) { if (memcmp(pacl->Entry[j].Addr, &macAddr, 6) == 0) { isDuplicate = TRUE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("You have added an entry before :\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The duplicate entry is %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", macAddr[0],macAddr[1],macAddr[2],macAddr[3],macAddr[4],macAddr[5])); } } if (!isDuplicate) { NdisMoveMemory(pacl->Entry[pacl->Num++].Addr, &macAddr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } if (pacl->Num == MAX_NUM_OF_ACL_LIST) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The AccessControlList is full, and no more entry can join the list!\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The last entry of ACL is %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", macAddr[0],macAddr[1],macAddr[2],macAddr[3],macAddr[4],macAddr[5])); break; } } ASSERT(pacl->Num < MAX_NUM_OF_ACL_LIST); NdisZeroMemory(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisMoveMemory(&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, pacl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); /* check if the change in ACL affects any existent association */ ApUpdateAccessControlList(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::%s(Policy=%ld, Entry#=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__ , pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num)); #ifdef DBG DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("=============== Entry ===============\n")); for (i=0; iApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num; i++) { printk("Entry #%02d: ", i+1); for (j=0; jApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Entry[i].Addr[j]); printk("\n"); } #endif if (pacl != NULL) os_free_mem(NULL, pacl); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Delete one entry or several entries(if allowed to) from Access control mac table list Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ACLDelEntry_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR macAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; UCHAR nullAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; RT_802_11_ACL acl; PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; INT i, j; BOOLEAN isFound=FALSE; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; NdisZeroMemory(&acl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisMoveMemory(&acl, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisZeroMemory(nullAddr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&arg, ";")) != NULL) { if (*this_char == '\0') { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("An unnecessary delimiter entered!\n")); continue; } if (strlen(this_char) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("illegal MAC address length!\n")); continue; } for (i=0, value = rstrtok(this_char,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if ((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("illegal MAC address format or octet!\n")); /* Do not use "continue" to replace "break" */ break; } AtoH(value, &macAddr[i++], 1); } if (i != MAC_ADDR_LEN) { continue; } /* Check if this entry existed. */ isFound = FALSE; for (j=0; jApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy = acl.Policy; ASSERT(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num == 0); i = 0; for (j=0; jApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Entry[i++]), acl.Entry[j].Addr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } } pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num = i; ASSERT(acl.Num >= pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num); /* check if the change in ACL affects any existent association */ ApUpdateAccessControlList(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::%s(Policy=%ld, Entry#=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__ , pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num)); #ifdef DBG DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("=============== Entry ===============\n")); for (i=0; iApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num; i++) { printk("Entry #%02d: ", i+1); for (j=0; jApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Entry[i].Addr[j]); printk("\n"); } #endif return TRUE; } /* for ACL policy message */ #define ACL_POLICY_TYPE_NUM 3 char const *pACL_PolicyMessage[ACL_POLICY_TYPE_NUM] = { "the Access Control feature is disabled", /* 0 : Disable */ "only the following entries are allowed to join this BSS", /* 1 : Allow */ "all the following entries are rejected to join this BSS", /* 2 : Reject */ }; /* ========================================================================== Description: Dump all the entries in the Access control mac table list of a specified BSS Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ACLShowAll_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { RT_802_11_ACL acl; BOOLEAN bDumpAll=FALSE; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; INT i, j; bDumpAll = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (bDumpAll == 1) { bDumpAll = TRUE; } else if (bDumpAll == 0) { bDumpAll = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("Your input is 0!\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The Access Control List will not be dumped!\n")); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; /* Invalid argument */ } NdisZeroMemory(&acl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisMoveMemory(&acl, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); /* Check if the list is already empty. */ if (acl.Num == 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The Access Control List is empty!\n")); return TRUE; } ASSERT(((bDumpAll == 1) && (acl.Num > 0))); /* Show the corresponding policy first. */ printk("=============== Access Control Policy ===============\n"); printk("Policy is %ld : ", acl.Policy); printk("%s\n", pACL_PolicyMessage[acl.Policy]); /* Dump the entry in the list one by one */ printk("=============== Access Control List ===============\n"); for (i=0; iOS_Cookie; bClearAll = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (bClearAll == 1) { bClearAll = TRUE; } else if (bClearAll == 0) { bClearAll = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("Your input is 0!\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The Access Control List will be kept unchanged!\n")); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; /* Invalid argument */ } /* allocate memory */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pacl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); if (pacl == NULL) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s: Allocate memory fail!!!\n", __FUNCTION__)); return FALSE; } NdisZeroMemory(pacl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisMoveMemory(pacl, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); /* Check if the list is already empty. */ if (pacl->Num == 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("The Access Control List is empty!\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("No need to clear the Access Control List!\n")); return TRUE; } ASSERT(((bClearAll == 1) && (pacl->Num > 0))); /* Clear the entry in the list one by one */ /* Keep the corresponding policy unchanged. */ do { NdisZeroMemory(pacl->Entry[pacl->Num - 1].Addr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); pacl->Num -= 1; }while (pacl->Num > 0); ASSERT(pacl->Num == 0); NdisZeroMemory(&(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList), sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); NdisMoveMemory(&(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList), pacl, sizeof(RT_802_11_ACL)); /* check if the change in ACL affects any existent association */ ApUpdateAccessControlList(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if); if (pacl != NULL) os_free_mem(NULL, pacl); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set::%s(Policy=%ld, Entry#=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Policy, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AccessControlList.Num)); return TRUE; } #ifdef DBG static void _rtmp_hexdump(int level, const char *title, const UINT8 *buf, size_t len, int show) { size_t i; if (level < RTDebugLevel) return; printk("%s - hexdump(len=%lu):", title, (unsigned long) len); if (show) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printk(" %02x", buf[i]); } else { printk(" [REMOVED]"); } printk("\n"); } void rtmp_hexdump(int level, const char *title, const UINT8 *buf, size_t len) { _rtmp_hexdump(level, title, buf, len, 1); } #endif /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WPA PSK key Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter arg WPA pre-shared key string Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_WPAPSK_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; INT retval; MULTISSID_STRUCT *pMBSSStruct; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WPAPSK_Proc::(WPAPSK=%s)\n", arg)); pMBSSStruct = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; retval = RT_CfgSetWPAPSKKey(pAd, arg, strlen(arg), (PUCHAR)pMBSSStruct->Ssid, pMBSSStruct->SsidLen, pMBSSStruct->PMK); if (retval == FALSE) return FALSE; #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT NdisZeroMemory(pMBSSStruct->WscControl.WpaPsk, 64); pMBSSStruct->WscControl.WpaPskLen = 0; pMBSSStruct->WscControl.WpaPskLen = strlen(arg); NdisMoveMemory(pMBSSStruct->WscControl.WpaPsk, arg, pMBSSStruct->WscControl.WpaPskLen); #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Reset statistics counter Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter arg Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_RadioOn_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR radio; radio = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (radio) { MlmeRadioOn(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("==>Set_RadioOn_Proc (ON)\n")); } else { MlmeRadioOff(pAd); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("==>Set_RadioOn_Proc (OFF)\n")); } return TRUE; } #ifdef AP_SCAN_SUPPORT /* ========================================================================== Description: Issue a site survey command to driver Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 set site_survey ========================================================================== */ /* ========================================================================== Description: Issue a Auto-Channel Selection command to driver Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 set AutoChannelSel=1 Ues the number of AP to choose 2.) iwpriv ra0 set AutoChannelSel=2 Ues the False CCA count to choose ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AutoChannelSel_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { NDIS_802_11_SSID Ssid; NdisZeroMemory(&Ssid, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_SSID)); if (strlen(arg) <= MAX_LEN_OF_SSID) { if (strlen(arg) != 0) { NdisMoveMemory(Ssid.Ssid, arg, strlen(arg)); Ssid.SsidLength = strlen(arg); } else /*ANY ssid */ { Ssid.SsidLength = 0; memcpy(Ssid.Ssid, "", 0); } } if (strcmp(arg,"1") == 0) pAd->ApCfg.AutoChannelAlg = ChannelAlgApCnt; else if (strcmp(arg,"2") == 0) pAd->ApCfg.AutoChannelAlg = ChannelAlgCCA; else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set_AutoChannelSel_Proc Alg isn't defined\n")); return FALSE; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_AutoChannelSel_Proc Alg=%d \n", pAd->ApCfg.AutoChannelAlg)); if (Ssid.SsidLength == 0) ApSiteSurvey(pAd, &Ssid, SCAN_PASSIVE, TRUE); else ApSiteSurvey(pAd, &Ssid, SCAN_ACTIVE, TRUE); return TRUE; } #endif /* AP_SCAN_SUPPORT */ INT Show_DriverInfo_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { printk("Driver version: %s (%s %s) .\n", AP_DRIVER_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); return TRUE; } INT Show_StaCount_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT i;/*, QueIdx=0; */ UINT32 RegValue; printk("\n"); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG, &RegValue); printk("BackOff Slot : %s slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104) = 0x%08x\n", OPSTATUS_TEST_FLAG(pAd, fOP_STATUS_SHORT_SLOT_INUSED) ? "short" : "long", RegValue); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT printk("HT Operating Mode : %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo2.OperaionMode); printk("\n"); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ printk("\n%-19s%-4s%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s\n", "MAC", "AID","TxPackets","RxPackets","TxBytes","RxBytes"); for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]; if ((IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) || IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pEntry)) && (pEntry->Sst == SST_ASSOC)) { printk("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ", pEntry->Addr[0], pEntry->Addr[1], pEntry->Addr[2], pEntry->Addr[3], pEntry->Addr[4], pEntry->Addr[5]); printk("%-4d", (int)pEntry->Aid); printk("%-12ld",(ULONG)pEntry->TxPackets.QuadPart); printk("%-12ld", (ULONG)pEntry->RxPackets.QuadPart); printk("%-12ld", (ULONG)pEntry->TxBytes); printk("%-12ld", (ULONG)pEntry->RxBytes); printk("\n"); } } return TRUE; } INT Show_StaSecurityInfo_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT i; UCHAR apidx; printk("\n"); for (apidx = 0; apidx < pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; apidx++) { printk(" BSS(%d) AuthMode(%d)=%s, WepStatus(%d)=%s, GroupWepStatus(%d)=%s, WPAMixPairCipher(0x%02X)\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode, GetAuthMode(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode), pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus, GetEncryptType(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus), pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus, GetEncryptType(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].GroupKeyWepStatus), pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WpaMixPairCipher); } printk("\n"); printk("\n%-19s%-4s%-4s%-15s%-12s\n", "MAC", "AID", "BSS", "Auth", "Encrypt"); for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]; if (pEntry && IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) && pEntry->Sst == SST_ASSOC) { printk("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ", pEntry->Addr[0], pEntry->Addr[1], pEntry->Addr[2], pEntry->Addr[3], pEntry->Addr[4], pEntry->Addr[5]); printk("%-4d", (int)pEntry->Aid); printk("%-4d", (int)pEntry->apidx); printk("%-15s", GetAuthMode(pEntry->AuthMode)); printk("%-12s", GetEncryptType(pEntry->WepStatus)); printk("\n"); } } return TRUE; } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT INT Show_BaTable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT i, j; BA_ORI_ENTRY *pOriBAEntry; BA_REC_ENTRY *pRecBAEntry; STRING tmpBuf[6]; for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]; if (IS_ENTRY_NONE(pEntry)) continue; if ((IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) || IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pEntry)) && (pEntry->Sst != SST_ASSOC)) continue; if (IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pEntry)) strcpy(tmpBuf, "ApCli"); else if (IS_ENTRY_WDS(pEntry)) strcpy(tmpBuf, "WDS"); else if (IS_ENTRY_MESH(pEntry)) strcpy(tmpBuf, "Mesh"); else strcpy(tmpBuf, "STA"); printk("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X (Aid = %d) (%s) -\n", pEntry->Addr[0], pEntry->Addr[1], pEntry->Addr[2], pEntry->Addr[3], pEntry->Addr[4], pEntry->Addr[5], pEntry->Aid, tmpBuf); printk("[Recipient]\n"); for (j=0; j < NUM_OF_TID; j++) { if (pEntry->BARecWcidArray[j] != 0) { pRecBAEntry =&pAd->BATable.BARecEntry[pEntry->BARecWcidArray[j]]; printk("TID=%d, BAWinSize=%d, LastIndSeq=%d, ReorderingPkts=%d\n", j, pRecBAEntry->BAWinSize, pRecBAEntry->LastIndSeq, pRecBAEntry->list.qlen); } } printk("\n"); printk("[Originator]\n"); for (j=0; j < NUM_OF_TID; j++) { if (pEntry->BAOriWcidArray[j] != 0) { pOriBAEntry =&pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[pEntry->BAOriWcidArray[j]]; printk("TID=%d, BAWinSize=%d, StartSeq=%d, CurTxSeq=%d\n", j, pOriBAEntry->BAWinSize, pOriBAEntry->Sequence, pEntry->TxSeq[j]); } } printk("\n\n"); } return TRUE; } #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ INT Show_RAInfo_Proc( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { #ifdef PRE_ANT_SWITCH DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("PreAntSwitch: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.PreAntSwitch)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("PreAntSwitchRSSI: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.PreAntSwitchRSSI)); #endif /* PRE_ANT_SWITCH */ #ifdef CFO_TRACK DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("CFOTrack: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.CFOTrack)); #endif /* CFO_TRACK */ #ifdef NEW_RATE_ADAPT_SUPPORT DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("LowTrafficThrd: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.lowTrafficThrd)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("TrainUpRule: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.TrainUpRule)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("TrainUpRuleRSSI: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.TrainUpRuleRSSI)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("TrainUpLowThrd: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.TrainUpLowThrd)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("TrainUpHighThrd: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.TrainUpHighThrd)); #endif /* NEW_RATE_ADAPT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef STREAM_MODE_SUPPORT DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("StreamMode: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.StreamMode)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("StreamModeMCS: 0x%04x\n", pAd->CommonCfg.StreamModeMCS)); #endif /* STREAM_MODE_SUPPORT */ #ifdef TXBF_SUPPORT DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("ITxBfEn: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.ITxBfEn)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("ITxBfTimeout: %ld\n", pAd->CommonCfg.ITxBfTimeout)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("ETxBfTimeout: %ld\n", pAd->CommonCfg.ETxBfTimeout)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("ETxBfEnCond: %ld\n", pAd->CommonCfg.ETxBfEnCond)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("ETxBfNoncompress: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.ETxBfNoncompress)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("ETxBfIncapable: %d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.ETxBfIncapable)); #endif /* TXBF_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("DebugFlags: 0x%lx\n", pAd->CommonCfg.DebugFlags)); #endif /* DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT */ return TRUE; } INT Show_Sat_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { /* Sanity check for calculation of sucessful count */ printk("TransmitCountFromOS = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.TransmitCountFrmOs.u.LowPart); printk("TransmittedFragmentCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.u.LowPart + pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.QuadPart); printk("MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.u.LowPart); printk("FailedCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart); printk("RetryCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart); printk("MultipleRetryCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.MultipleRetryCount.u.LowPart); printk("RTSSuccessCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.RTSSuccessCount.u.LowPart); printk("RTSFailureCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.RTSFailureCount.u.LowPart); printk("ACKFailureCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.ACKFailureCount.u.LowPart); printk("FrameDuplicateCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart); printk("ReceivedFragmentCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.u.LowPart); printk("MulticastReceivedFrameCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastReceivedFrameCount.u.LowPart); printk("Rx drop due to out of resource = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->Counters8023.RxNoBuffer); #ifdef DBG printk("RealFcsErrCount = %d\n", pAd->RalinkCounters.RealFcsErrCount.u.LowPart); #else printk("FCSErrorCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart); printk("FrameDuplicateCount.LowPart = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart / 100); #endif printk("TransmittedFrameCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.u.LowPart); printk("WEPUndecryptableCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.WEPUndecryptableCount.u.LowPart); #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT printk("\n===Some 11n statistics variables: \n"); /* Some 11n statistics variables */ printk("TransmittedAMSDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedAMSDUCount.u.LowPart); printk("TransmittedOctetsInAMSDU = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedOctetsInAMSDU.QuadPart); printk("ReceivedAMSDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.ReceivedAMSDUCount.u.LowPart); printk("ReceivedOctesInAMSDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.ReceivedOctesInAMSDUCount.QuadPart); printk("TransmittedAMPDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedAMPDUCount.u.LowPart); printk("TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount.u.LowPart); printk("TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount.u.LowPart); printk("MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount.u.LowPart); #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 printk("fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=%d\n", pAd->MacTab.fAnyStaFortyIntolerant); #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ { int apidx; for (apidx=0; apidx < pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; apidx++) { printk("-- IF-ra%d -- \n", apidx); printk("Packets Received = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RxCount); printk("Packets Sent = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].TxCount); printk("Bytes Received = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].ReceivedByteCount); printk("Byte Sent = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].TransmittedByteCount); printk("Error Packets Received = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RxErrorCount); printk("Drop Received Packets = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RxDropCount); #ifdef WSC_INCLUDED if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfMode != WSC_DISABLE) { WSC_CTRL *pWscCtrl; pWscCtrl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; printk("WscInfo:\n" "\tWscConfMode=%d\n" "\tWscMode=%s\n" "\tWscConfStatus=%d\n" "\tWscPinCode=%d\n" "\tWscState=0x%x\n" "\tWscStatus=0x%x\n", pWscCtrl->WscConfMode, ((pWscCtrl->WscMode == WSC_PIN_MODE) ? "PIN" : "PBC"), pWscCtrl->WscConfStatus, pWscCtrl->WscEnrolleePinCode, pWscCtrl->WscState, pWscCtrl->WscStatus); } #endif /* WSC_INCLUDED */ printk("-- IF-ra%d end -- \n", apidx); } } { int i, j, k, maxMcs = MAX_MCS_SET -1; PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry; #ifdef DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT if (IS_RT2883(pAd) || IS_RT3883(pAd)) maxMcs = 23; #endif /* DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT */ for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]; if (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) && (pEntry->Sst == SST_ASSOC)) { printk("\n%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x - ", PRINT_MAC(pEntry->Addr)); printk("%-4d\n", (int)pEntry->Aid); for (j=maxMcs; j>=0; j--) { if ((pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] != 0) || (pEntry->TXMCSFailed[j] !=0)) { printk("MCS[%02d]: Expected %u, Successful %u (%d%%), Failed %u\n", j, pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j], pEntry->TXMCSSuccessful[j], pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] ? (100*pEntry->TXMCSSuccessful[j])/pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] : 0, pEntry->TXMCSFailed[j]); for(k=maxMcs; k>=0; k--) { if (pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k] != 0) { printk("\t\t\tAutoMCS[%02d]: %u (%d%%)\n", k, pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k], (100*pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k])/pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j]); } } } } } } } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /* Display Tx Aggregation statistics */ DisplayTxAgg(pAd); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ return TRUE; } INT Show_Sat_Reset_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { /* Sanity check for calculation of sucessful count */ printk("TransmittedFragmentCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.u.LowPart + pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.QuadPart); printk("MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.u.LowPart); printk("FailedCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart); printk("RetryCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart); printk("MultipleRetryCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.MultipleRetryCount.u.LowPart); printk("RTSSuccessCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.RTSSuccessCount.u.LowPart); printk("RTSFailureCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.RTSFailureCount.u.LowPart); printk("ACKFailureCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.ACKFailureCount.u.LowPart); printk("FrameDuplicateCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart); printk("ReceivedFragmentCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.u.LowPart); printk("MulticastReceivedFrameCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastReceivedFrameCount.u.LowPart); printk("Rx drop due to out of resource = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->Counters8023.RxNoBuffer); #ifdef DBG printk("RealFcsErrCount = %d\n", pAd->RalinkCounters.RealFcsErrCount.u.LowPart); #else printk("FCSErrorCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart); printk("FrameDuplicateCount.LowPart = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart / 100); #endif printk("TransmittedFrameCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFrameCount.u.LowPart); printk("WEPUndecryptableCount = %d\n", pAd->WlanCounters.WEPUndecryptableCount.u.LowPart); pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastTransmittedFrameCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.MultipleRetryCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.RTSSuccessCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.RTSFailureCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.ACKFailureCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.MulticastReceivedFrameCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->Counters8023.RxNoBuffer = 0; #ifdef DBG pAd->RalinkCounters.RealFcsErrCount.u.LowPart = 0; #else pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart = 0; #endif pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFrameCount.u.LowPart = 0; pAd->WlanCounters.WEPUndecryptableCount.u.LowPart = 0; { int i, j, k, maxMcs = 15; PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry; #ifdef DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT if (IS_RT2883(pAd) || IS_RT3883(pAd)) maxMcs = 23; #endif /* DOT11N_SS3_SUPPORT */ for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]; if (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) && (pEntry->Sst == SST_ASSOC)) { printk("\n%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X - ", pEntry->Addr[0], pEntry->Addr[1], pEntry->Addr[2], pEntry->Addr[3], pEntry->Addr[4], pEntry->Addr[5]); printk("%-4d\n", (int)pEntry->Aid); for (j = maxMcs; j >= 0; j--) { if ((pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] != 0) || (pEntry->TXMCSFailed[j] !=0)) { printk("MCS[%02d]: Expected %u, Successful %u (%d%%), Failed %u\n", j, pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j], pEntry->TXMCSSuccessful[j], pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] ? (100*pEntry->TXMCSSuccessful[j])/pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] : 0, pEntry->TXMCSFailed[j] ); for(k = maxMcs; k >= 0; k--) { if (pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k] != 0) { printk("\t\t\tAutoMCS[%02d]: %u (%d%%)\n", k, pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k], (100*pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k])/pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j]); } } } } } for (j = 0; j < (maxMcs + 1); j++) { pEntry->TXMCSExpected[j] = 0; pEntry->TXMCSSuccessful[j] = 0; pEntry->TXMCSFailed[j] = 0; for(k = maxMcs; k >= 0; k--) { pEntry->TXMCSAutoFallBack[j][k] = 0; } } } } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /* Display Tx Aggregation statistics */ DisplayTxAgg(pAd); #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ return TRUE; } #ifdef MAT_SUPPORT INT Show_MATTable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { extern VOID dumpIPMacTb(MAT_STRUCT *pMatCfg, int index); extern NDIS_STATUS dumpSesMacTb(MAT_STRUCT *pMatCfg, int hashIdx); extern NDIS_STATUS dumpUidMacTb(MAT_STRUCT *pMatCfg, int hashIdx); extern NDIS_STATUS dumpIPv6MacTb(MAT_STRUCT *pMatCfg, int hashIdx); dumpIPMacTb(&pAd->MatCfg, -1); dumpSesMacTb(&pAd->MatCfg, -1); dumpUidMacTb(&pAd->MatCfg, -1); dumpIPv6MacTb(&pAd->MatCfg, -1); printk("Default BroadCast Address=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x!\n", BROADCAST_ADDR[0], BROADCAST_ADDR[1], BROADCAST_ADDR[2], BROADCAST_ADDR[3], BROADCAST_ADDR[4], BROADCAST_ADDR[5]); return TRUE; } #endif /* MAT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT /* ========================================================================== Description: It only shall be queried by 802.1x daemon for querying radius configuration. Arguments: pAd Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlQueryRadiusConf( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { UCHAR apidx, srv_idx, keyidx, KeyLen = 0; UCHAR *mpool; PDOT1X_CMM_CONF pConf; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPIoctlQueryRadiusConf==>\n")); /* Allocate memory */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (PUCHAR *)&mpool, sizeof(DOT1X_CMM_CONF)); if (mpool == NULL) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("!!!%s: out of resource!!!\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } NdisZeroMemory(mpool, sizeof(DOT1X_CMM_CONF)); pConf = (PDOT1X_CMM_CONF)mpool; /* get MBSS number */ pConf->mbss_num = pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; /* get own ip address */ pConf->own_ip_addr = pAd->ApCfg.own_ip_addr; /* get retry interval */ pConf->retry_interval = pAd->ApCfg.retry_interval; /* get session timeout interval */ pConf->session_timeout_interval = pAd->ApCfg.session_timeout_interval; /* Get the quiet interval */ pConf->quiet_interval = pAd->ApCfg.quiet_interval; for (apidx = 0; apidx < pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; apidx++) { PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; PDOT1X_BSS_INFO p1xBssInfo = &pConf->Dot1xBssInfo[apidx]; p1xBssInfo->radius_srv_num = pMbss->radius_srv_num; /* prepare radius ip, port and key */ for (srv_idx = 0; srv_idx < pMbss->radius_srv_num; srv_idx++) { if (pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_ip != 0) { p1xBssInfo->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_ip = pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_ip; p1xBssInfo->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_port = pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_port; p1xBssInfo->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_key_len = pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_key_len; if (pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_key_len > 0) { NdisMoveMemory(p1xBssInfo->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_key, pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_key, pMbss->radius_srv_info[srv_idx].radius_key_len); } } } p1xBssInfo->ieee8021xWEP = (pMbss->IEEE8021X) ? 1 : 0; if (p1xBssInfo->ieee8021xWEP) { /* Default Key index, length and material */ keyidx = pMbss->DefaultKeyId; p1xBssInfo->key_index = keyidx; /* Determine if the key is valid. */ KeyLen = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][keyidx].KeyLen; if (KeyLen == 5 || KeyLen == 13) { p1xBssInfo->key_length = KeyLen; NdisMoveMemory(p1xBssInfo->key_material, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][keyidx].Key, KeyLen); } } /* Get NAS-ID per BSS */ if (pMbss->NasIdLen > 0) { p1xBssInfo->nasId_len = pMbss->NasIdLen; NdisMoveMemory(p1xBssInfo->nasId, pMbss->NasId, pMbss->NasIdLen); } /* get EAPifname */ if (pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname_len[apidx] > 0) { pConf->EAPifname_len[apidx] = pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname_len[apidx]; NdisMoveMemory(pConf->EAPifname[apidx], pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname[apidx], pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname_len[apidx]); } /* get PreAuthifname */ if (pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname_len[apidx] > 0) { pConf->PreAuthifname_len[apidx] = pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname_len[apidx]; NdisMoveMemory(pConf->PreAuthifname[apidx], pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname[apidx], pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname_len[apidx]); } } wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(DOT1X_CMM_CONF); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, pConf, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } os_free_mem(NULL, mpool); } /* ========================================================================== Description: UI should not call this function, it only used by 802.1x daemon Arguments: pAd Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlRadiusData( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if ((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) || (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2) || (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1WPA2) || (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X == TRUE)) WpaSend(pAd, (PUCHAR)wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); } /* ========================================================================== Description: UI should not call this function, it only used by 802.1x daemon Arguments: pAd Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlAddWPAKey( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { NDIS_AP_802_11_KEY *pKey; ULONG KeyIdx; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; UCHAR apidx; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = (UCHAR) pObj->ioctl_if; pKey = (PNDIS_AP_802_11_KEY) wrq->u.data.pointer; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) { if ((pKey->KeyLength == 32) || (pKey->KeyLength == 64)) { if ((pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pKey->addr)) != NULL) { INT k_offset = 0; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK, pKey->KeyMaterial + k_offset, 32); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPIoctlAddWPAKey-IF(ra%d) : Add PMK=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x....\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[0],pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[1],pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[2],pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[3], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[4],pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[5],pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[6],pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].PMK[7])); } } } else /* Old WEP stuff */ { UCHAR CipherAlg; PUCHAR Key; if(pKey->KeyLength > 16) return; KeyIdx = pKey->KeyIndex & 0x0fffffff; if (KeyIdx < 4) { /* it is a shared key */ if (pKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { UINT8 Wcid; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPIoctlAddWPAKey-IF(ra%d) : Set Group Key\n", apidx)); /* Default key for tx (shared key) */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) KeyIdx; /* set key material and key length */ if (pKey->KeyLength > 16) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPIoctlAddWPAKey-IF(ra%d) : Key length too long %d\n", apidx, pKey->KeyLength)); pKey->KeyLength = 16; } pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].KeyLen = (UCHAR) pKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].Key, &pKey->KeyMaterial, pKey->KeyLength); /* Set Ciper type */ if (pKey->KeyLength == 5) pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP64; else pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP128; CipherAlg = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].CipherAlg; Key = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].Key; /* Set Group key material to Asic */ AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, apidx, (UINT8)KeyIdx, &pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx]); /* Get a specific WCID to record this MBSS key attribute */ GET_GroupKey_WCID(pAd, Wcid, apidx); RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, apidx,(UINT8)KeyIdx, CipherAlg, Wcid, SHAREDKEYTABLE); } else /* For Pairwise key setting */ { pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pKey->addr); if (pEntry) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPIoctlAddWPAKey-IF(ra%d) : Set Pair-wise Key\n", apidx)); /* set key material and key length */ pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = (UCHAR)pKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, &pKey->KeyMaterial, pKey->KeyLength); /* set Cipher type */ if (pKey->KeyLength == 5) pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP64; else pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP128; /* Add Pair-wise key to Asic */ AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pEntry->Aid, &pEntry->PairwiseKey); /* update WCID attribute table and IVEIV table for this entry */ RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, pEntry->apidx, (UINT8)KeyIdx, pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, pEntry->Aid, PAIRWISEKEYTABLE); } } } } } /* ========================================================================== Description: UI should not call this function, it only used by 802.1x daemon Arguments: pAd Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlAddPMKIDCache( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { UCHAR apidx; NDIS_AP_802_11_KEY *pKey; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = (UCHAR) pObj->ioctl_if; pKey = (PNDIS_AP_802_11_KEY) wrq->u.data.pointer; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2) { if(pKey->KeyLength == 32) { UCHAR digest[80], PMK_key[20], macaddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; /* Calculate PMKID */ NdisMoveMemory(&PMK_key[0], "PMK Name", 8); NdisMoveMemory(&PMK_key[8], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); NdisMoveMemory(&PMK_key[14], pKey->addr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); RT_HMAC_SHA1(pKey->KeyMaterial, PMK_LEN, PMK_key, 20, digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); NdisMoveMemory(macaddr, pKey->addr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); RTMPAddPMKIDCache(pAd, apidx, macaddr, digest, pKey->KeyMaterial); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPA2(pre-auth):(%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)Calc PMKID=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", pKey->addr[0],pKey->addr[1],pKey->addr[2],pKey->addr[3],pKey->addr[4],pKey->addr[5],digest[0],digest[1],digest[2],digest[3],digest[4],digest[5])); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("PMK =%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x-%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",pKey->KeyMaterial[0],pKey->KeyMaterial[1], pKey->KeyMaterial[2],pKey->KeyMaterial[3],pKey->KeyMaterial[4],pKey->KeyMaterial[5],pKey->KeyMaterial[6],pKey->KeyMaterial[7])); } else DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Set::RT_OID_802_11_WPA2_ADD_PMKID_CACHE ERROR or is wep key \n")); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<== RTMPIoctlAddPMKIDCache\n")); } /* ========================================================================== Description: UI should not call this function, it only used by 802.1x daemon Arguments: pAd Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlStaticWepCopy( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; UCHAR MacAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; UCHAR apidx; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; apidx = (UCHAR) pObj->ioctl_if; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPIoctlStaticWepCopy-IF(ra%d)\n", apidx)); if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(MacAddr)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("RTMPIoctlStaticWepCopy: the length isn't match (%d)\n", wrq->u.data.length)); return; } else { UINT32 len; len = copy_from_user(&MacAddr, wrq->u.data.pointer, wrq->u.data.length); pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, MacAddr); if (!pEntry) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("RTMPIoctlStaticWepCopy: the mac address isn't match\n")); return; } else { UCHAR KeyIdx; KeyIdx = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId; /* need to copy the default shared-key to pairwise key table for this entry in 802.1x mode */ if (pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].KeyLen == 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("ERROR: Can not get Default shared-key (index-%d)\n", KeyIdx)); return; } else { pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].KeyLen; NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].Key, pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen); pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = pAd->SharedKey[apidx][KeyIdx].CipherAlg; /* Add Pair-wise key to Asic */ AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pEntry->Aid, &pEntry->PairwiseKey); /* update WCID attribute table and IVEIV table for this entry */ RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, pEntry->apidx, (UINT8)KeyIdx, pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, pEntry->Aid, PAIRWISEKEYTABLE); } } } return; } /* ========================================================================== Description: UI should not call this function, it only used by 802.1x daemon Arguments: pAd Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlSetIdleTimeout( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; PDOT1X_IDLE_TIMEOUT pIdleTime; if (wrq->u.data.length != sizeof(DOT1X_IDLE_TIMEOUT)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s : the length is mis-match\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } pIdleTime = (PDOT1X_IDLE_TIMEOUT)wrq->u.data.pointer; if ((pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pIdleTime->StaAddr)) == NULL) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s : the entry is empty\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } else { pEntry->NoDataIdleCount = 0; pEntry->StaIdleTimeout = pIdleTime->idle_timeout; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s : Update Idle-Timeout(%d) from dot1x daemon\n", __FUNCTION__, pEntry->StaIdleTimeout)); } return; } #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DBG #ifdef RT65xx VOID RTMPAPIoctlBBP32( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; UINT32 regBBP = 0; PSTRING mpool, msg; /*msg[2048]; */ PSTRING arg; /*arg[255]; */ PSTRING ptr; INT bbpId; LONG bbpValue; BOOLEAN bIsPrintAllBBP = FALSE, bAllowDump, bCopyMsg; INT argLen; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&mpool, sizeof(CHAR)*(MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE * 2 +256+12)); if (mpool == NULL) { return; } NdisZeroMemory(mpool, MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE * 2 +256+12); msg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(mpool+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); arg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(msg+MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE * 2+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); bAllowDump = ((wrq->u.data.flags & RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NODUMPMSG) == RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NODUMPMSG) ? FALSE : TRUE; bCopyMsg = ((wrq->u.data.flags & RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NOSPACE) == RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NOSPACE) ? FALSE : TRUE; argLen = strlen((char *)(wrq->u.data.pointer)); if (argLen > 0) { NdisMoveMemory(arg, wrq->u.data.pointer, (argLen > 255) ? 255 : argLen); ptr = arg; sprintf(msg, "\n"); /* Parsing Read or Write */ while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&ptr, ",")) != NULL) { if (!*this_char) continue; if ((value = strchr(this_char, '=')) != NULL) *value++ = 0; if (!value || !*value) { /*Read */ if (sscanf(this_char, "%x", &(bbpId)) == 1) { if ((bbpId <= 0x2fff) && (bbpId >= 0x2000)) { /* according to Andy, Gary, David require. */ /* the command bbp shall read BBP register directly for dubug. */ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ32(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "BBP[0x%04x]:%08x \n", bbpId, regBBP); } else { /*Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } else { /*Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } else { /* Write */ if ((sscanf(this_char, "%x", &(bbpId)) == 1) && (sscanf(value, "%lx", &(bbpValue)) == 1)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("bbpID=%04x, value=0x%lx\n", bbpId, bbpValue)); if ((bbpId <= 0x2fff) && (bbpId >= 0x2000)) { /* according to Andy, Gary, David require. */ /* the command bbp shall read/write BBP register directly for dubug. */ RTMP_BBP_IO_WRITE32(pAdapter, bbpId, bbpValue); /*Read it back for showing */ RTMP_BBP_IO_READ32(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "BBP[0x%04x]:%08x\n", bbpId, regBBP); } else { /* Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } else { /* Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } } } else bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; if (bIsPrintAllBBP) { static RTMP_REG_PAIR bbp_regs[]={ {CORE_R0, CORE_R44}, {IBI_R0, IBI_R11}, {AGC1_R0, AGC1_R63}, {TXC_R1, TXC_R1}, {RXC_R1, RXC_R4}, {TXO_R8, TXO_R8}, {TXBE_R0, TXBE_R17}, {RXFE_R0, RXFE_R4}, {RXO_R13, RXO_R29}, }; UINT32 reg, i; memset(msg, 0x00, MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE * 2); sprintf(msg, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bbp_regs) / sizeof(RTMP_REG_PAIR); i++) { for (reg = bbp_regs[i].Register; reg <= bbp_regs[i].Value; reg += 4) { RTMP_BBP_IO_READ32(pAdapter, reg, ®BBP); if (strlen(msg) >= (MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE * 2 - 25)) break; sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "BBP[0x%04x]:%08x\n", reg, regBBP); if (bbpId%5 == 4) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "\n"); } } } #ifdef LINUX wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } #endif /* LINUX */ if (!bAllowDump) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("%s\n", msg)); } os_free_mem(NULL, mpool); if (!bAllowDump) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<==RTMPIoctlBBP\n\n")); } #endif /* RT65xx */ /* ========================================================================== Description: Read / Write BBP Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 bbp ==> read all BBP 2.) iwpriv ra0 bbp 1 ==> read BBP where RegID=1 3.) iwpriv ra0 bbp 1=10 ==> write BBP R1=0x10 ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPAPIoctlBBP( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; UCHAR regBBP = 0; PSTRING mpool, msg; /*msg[2048]; */ PSTRING arg; /*arg[255]; */ PSTRING ptr; INT bbpId; LONG bbpValue; BOOLEAN bIsPrintAllBBP = FALSE, bAllowDump, bCopyMsg; INT argLen; #ifdef RT65xx if (IS_RT65XX(pAdapter)) { RTMPAPIoctlBBP32(pAdapter, wrq); return; } #endif /* RT65xx */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&mpool, sizeof(CHAR)*(MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE+256+12)); if (mpool == NULL) { return; } NdisZeroMemory(mpool, MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE+256+12); msg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(mpool+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); arg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(msg+MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); bAllowDump = ((wrq->u.data.flags & RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NODUMPMSG) == RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NODUMPMSG) ? FALSE : TRUE; bCopyMsg = ((wrq->u.data.flags & RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NOSPACE) == RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_NOSPACE) ? FALSE : TRUE; argLen = strlen((char *)(wrq->u.data.pointer)); if (argLen > 0) { NdisMoveMemory(arg, wrq->u.data.pointer, (argLen > 255) ? 255 : argLen); ptr = arg; sprintf(msg, "\n"); /* Parsing Read or Write */ while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&ptr, ",")) != NULL) { if (!*this_char) continue; if ((value = strchr(this_char, '=')) != NULL) *value++ = 0; if (!value || !*value) { /*Read */ if (sscanf(this_char, "%d", &(bbpId)) == 1) { if (bbpId <= pAdapter->chipCap.MaxNumOfBbpId) { #ifdef RALINK_ATE /* In RT2860 ATE mode, we do not load 8051 firmware. We must access BBP directly. For RT2870 ATE mode, ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8(/READ8)_BY_REG_ID are redefined. */ if (ATE_ON(pAdapter)) { ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); /* Sync with QA for comparation */ sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%03d = %02X\n", bbpId, regBBP); } else #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ { /* according to Andy, Gary, David require. */ /* the command bbp shall read BBP register directly for dubug. */ BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "R%02d[0x%02x]:%02X ", bbpId, bbpId, regBBP); } } else { /*Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } else { /*Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } else { /* Write */ if ((sscanf(this_char, "%d", &(bbpId)) == 1) && (sscanf(value, "%lx", &(bbpValue)) == 1)) { if (bbpId <= pAdapter->chipCap.MaxNumOfBbpId) { #ifdef RALINK_ATE /* In RT2860 ATE mode, we do not load 8051 firmware. We must access BBP directly. For RT2870 ATE mode, ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8(/READ8)_BY_REG_ID are redefined. */ if (ATE_ON(pAdapter)) { ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, (UCHAR)bbpId,(UCHAR) bbpValue); /*Read it back for showing */ ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); /* Sync with QA for comparation */ sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%03d = %02X\n", bbpId, regBBP); } else #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ { /* according to Andy, Gary, David require. */ /* the command bbp shall read/write BBP register directly for dubug. */ BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); BBP_IO_WRITE8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, (UCHAR)bbpId,(UCHAR) bbpValue); /*Read it back for showing */ BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "R%02d[0x%02X]:%02X\n", bbpId, bbpId, regBBP); } } else { /* Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } else { /* Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; break; } } } } else bIsPrintAllBBP = TRUE; if (bIsPrintAllBBP) { memset(msg, 0x00, MAX_BBP_MSG_SIZE); sprintf(msg, "\n"); for (bbpId = 0; bbpId <= pAdapter->chipCap.MaxNumOfBbpId; bbpId++) { #ifdef RALINK_ATE /* In RT2860 ATE mode, we do not load 8051 firmware. We must access BBP directly. For RT2870 ATE mode, ATE_BBP_IO_WRITE8(/READ8)_BY_REG_ID are redefined. */ if (ATE_ON(pAdapter)) { ATE_BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); /* Sync with QA for comparation */ sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%03d = %02X\n", bbpId, regBBP); } else #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ { /* according to Andy, Gary, David require. */ /* the command bbp shall read/write BBP register directly for dubug. */ BBP_IO_READ8_BY_REG_ID(pAdapter, bbpId, ®BBP); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "R%02d[0x%02X]:%02X ", bbpId, bbpId, regBBP); if (bbpId%5 == 4) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "\n"); } } } #ifdef LINUX wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } #endif /* LINUX */ if (!bAllowDump) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Dump BBP msg[%d]=\n", (UINT32)strlen(msg))); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("%s\n", msg)); } /* kfree(mpool); */ os_free_mem(NULL, mpool); if (!bAllowDump) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<==RTMPIoctlBBP\n\n")); } /* ========================================================================== Description: Read / Write MAC Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 mac 0 ==> read MAC where Addr=0x0 2.) iwpriv ra0 mac 0=12 ==> write MAC where Addr=0x0, value=12 ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPAPIoctlMAC( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING this_char, value; INT j = 0, k = 0; PSTRING mpool, msg; PSTRING arg, ptr; UINT32 macAddr = 0; UCHAR temp[16]; STRING temp2[16]; UINT32 macValue; BOOLEAN bIsPrintAllMAC = FALSE, bFromUI; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&mpool, sizeof(CHAR)*(4096+256+12)); if (!mpool) return; bFromUI = ((wrq->u.data.flags & RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_UI) == RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_UI) ? TRUE : FALSE; msg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(mpool+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); arg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(msg+4096+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); memset(msg, 0x00, 4096); memset(arg, 0x00, 256); //DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("%s():wrq->u.data.length=%d, wrq->u.data.pointer=%s!\n", __FUNCTION__, wrq->u.data.length, wrq->u.data.pointer)); if ((wrq->u.data.length > 1) ) { NdisMoveMemory(arg, wrq->u.data.pointer, (wrq->u.data.length > 255) ? 255 : wrq->u.data.length); ptr = arg; sprintf(msg, "\n"); /*Parsing Read or Write */ while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&ptr, ",")) != NULL) { if (!*this_char) continue; if ((value = strchr(this_char, '=')) != NULL) *value++ = 0; if (!value || !*value) { /*Read */ /* Sanity check */ if(strlen(this_char) > 4) break; j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { if(this_char[j] > 'f' || this_char[j] < '0') goto done; } /* Mac register */ k = j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) this_char[4-k+j] = this_char[j]; while(k < 4) this_char[3-k++]='0'; this_char[4]='\0'; if(strlen(this_char) == 4) { AtoH(this_char, temp, 2); macAddr = *temp*256 + temp[1]; if (macAddr < 0xFFFF) { RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, macAddr, &macValue); if (!bFromUI) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO, ("MacReg=0x%x, MacValue=0x%x\n", macAddr, macValue)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "[0x%04x]:%08x ", macAddr , macValue); } else { /*Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ break; } } } else { /*Write */ NdisMoveMemory(&temp2, value, strlen(value)); temp2[strlen(value)] = '\0'; /* Sanity check */ if((strlen(this_char) > 4) || strlen(temp2) > 8) break; j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { if(this_char[j] > 'f' || this_char[j] < '0') goto done; } j = strlen(temp2); while(j-- > 0) { if(temp2[j] > 'f' || temp2[j] < '0') goto done; } /* MAC register */ k = j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { this_char[4-k+j] = this_char[j]; } while(k < 4) this_char[3-k++]='0'; this_char[4]='\0'; /* MAC value */ k = j = strlen(temp2); while(j-- > 0) { temp2[8-k+j] = temp2[j]; } while(k < 8) temp2[7-k++]='0'; temp2[8]='\0'; { AtoH(this_char, temp, 2); macAddr = *temp*256 + temp[1]; AtoH(temp2, temp, 4); macValue = *temp*256*256*256 + temp[1]*256*256 + temp[2]*256 + temp[3]; /* debug mode */ if (macAddr == (HW_DEBUG_SETTING_BASE + 4)) { /* 0x2bf4: byte0 non-zero: enable R66 tuning, 0: disable R66 tuning */ if (macValue & 0x000000ff) { pAd->BbpTuning.bEnable = TRUE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("turn on R17 tuning\n")); } else { UCHAR R66; pAd->BbpTuning.bEnable = FALSE; R66 = 0x26 + GET_LNA_GAIN(pAd); /* todo rtmp_bbp_set_agc(pAd, (0x26 + GET_LNA_GAIN(pAd)), RX_CHAIN_ALL); */ if (!bFromUI) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("turn off R66 tuning, restore to 0x%02x\n", R66)); } return; } if (!bFromUI) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO, ("MacAddr=%02x, MacValue=0x%x\n", macAddr, macValue)); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, macAddr, macValue); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "[0x%04x]:%08x ", macAddr, macValue); } } } } else { bIsPrintAllMAC = TRUE; } if(strlen(msg) == 1) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "===>Error command format!"); #ifdef LINUX if (bIsPrintAllMAC) { UINT32 *pBufMac = NULL, *pBuf; UINT32 AddrStart = 0x1000, AddrEnd = 0x1800; UINT32 IdAddr; #if defined(RT65xx) || defined(MT7601) if (IS_RT65XX(pAd) || IS_MT7601(pAd)) { AddrStart = 0x0; AddrEnd = 0x1800; } #endif /* defined(RT65xx) || defined(MT7601) */ ASSERT((AddrEnd >= AddrStart)); /* *2 for safe */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&pBufMac, (AddrEnd - AddrStart)*2); if (pBufMac != NULL) { pBuf = pBufMac; for(IdAddr=AddrStart; IdAddr<=AddrEnd; IdAddr+=4, pBuf++) RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, IdAddr, pBuf); RtmpDrvAllMacPrint(pAd, pBufMac, AddrStart, AddrEnd, 4); os_free_mem(NULL, pBufMac); } } else { /* Copy the information into the user buffer */ wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } } #endif /* LINUX */ done: /* kfree(mpool); */ os_free_mem(NULL, mpool); if (!bFromUI) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO, ("<==RTMPIoctlMAC\n\n")); } #ifdef RLT_RF VOID RTMPAPIoctlRF( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; UCHAR regRF = 0, rf_bank = 0; PSTRING mpool, msg; PSTRING arg; PSTRING ptr; INT rfId, maxRFIdx, bank_Id; LONG rfValue; BOOLEAN bIsPrintAllRF = TRUE, bFromUI; INT memLen = sizeof(CHAR) * (2048+256+12); INT argLen; maxRFIdx = pAdapter->chipCap.MaxNumOfRfId; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("==>RTMPIoctlRF (maxRFIdx = %d)\n", maxRFIdx)); memLen = 12*(maxRFIdx+1)*MAC_RF_BANK; os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&mpool, memLen); if (mpool == NULL) { return; } bFromUI = ((wrq->u.data.flags & RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_UI) == RTPRIV_IOCTL_FLAG_UI) ? TRUE : FALSE; NdisZeroMemory(mpool, memLen); msg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(mpool+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); arg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(msg+2048+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); argLen = strlen((char *)(wrq->u.data.pointer)); if (bIsPrintAllRF) { RTMPZeroMemory(msg, memLen); sprintf(msg, "\n"); for (bank_Id = 0; bank_Id <= MAC_RF_BANK; bank_Id++) { if (IS_RT6590(pAdapter)) { if ((bank_Id <=4) && (bank_Id >=1)) continue; } for (rfId = 0; rfId <= maxRFIdx; rfId++) { rlt_rf_read(pAdapter, bank_Id, rfId, ®RF); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%d %03d %02X\n", bank_Id, rfId, regRF); } } RtmpDrvAllRFPrint(NULL, msg, strlen(msg)); /* Copy the information into the user buffer */ #ifdef LINUX wrq->u.data.length = strlen("Dump to RFDump.txt"); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, "Dump to RFDump.txt", wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } #endif /* LINUX */ } os_free_mem(NULL, mpool); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<==RTMPIoctlRF\n")); } #endif /* RLT_RF */ #endif /*#ifdef DBG */ /* ========================================================================== Description: Read / Write E2PROM Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 e2p 0 ==> read E2PROM where Addr=0x0 2.) iwpriv ra0 e2p 0=1234 ==> write E2PROM where Addr=0x0, value=1234 ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPAPIoctlE2PROM( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING this_char; PSTRING value; INT j = 0, k = 0; PSTRING mpool, msg;/*msg[1024]; */ PSTRING arg; /*arg[255]; */ PSTRING ptr; USHORT eepAddr = 0; UCHAR temp[16]; STRING temp2[16]; USHORT eepValue; BOOLEAN bIsPrintAllE2PROM = FALSE; /* mpool = (PSTRING)kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(4096+256+12), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&mpool, sizeof(CHAR)*(4096+256+12)); if (mpool == NULL) { return; } msg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(mpool+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); arg = (PSTRING)((ULONG)(msg+4096+3) & (ULONG)~0x03); memset(msg, 0x00, 4096); memset(arg, 0x00, 256); if ( #ifdef LINUX (wrq->u.data.length > 1) /* If no parameter, dump all e2p. */ #endif /* LINUX */ ) { NdisMoveMemory(arg, wrq->u.data.pointer, (wrq->u.data.length > 255) ? 255 : wrq->u.data.length); ptr = arg; sprintf(msg, "\n"); /*Parsing Read or Write */ while ((this_char = strsep((char **)&ptr, ",")) != NULL) { if (!*this_char) continue; if ((value = strchr(this_char, '=')) != NULL) *value++ = 0; if (!value || !*value) { /*Read */ /* Sanity check */ if(strlen(this_char) > 4) break; j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { if(this_char[j] > 'f' || this_char[j] < '0') goto done; /*return; */ } /* E2PROM addr */ k = j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { this_char[4-k+j] = this_char[j]; } while(k < 4) this_char[3-k++]='0'; this_char[4]='\0'; if(strlen(this_char) == 4) { AtoH(this_char, temp, 2); eepAddr = *temp*256 + temp[1]; if (eepAddr < 0xFFFF) { RT28xx_EEPROM_READ16(pAdapter, eepAddr, eepValue); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "[0x%04X]:0x%04X ", eepAddr , eepValue); } else {/*Invalid parametes, so default printk all bbp */ break; } } } else { /*Write */ NdisMoveMemory(&temp2, value, strlen(value)); temp2[strlen(value)] = '\0'; /* Sanity check */ if((strlen(this_char) > 4) || strlen(temp2) > 8) break; j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { if(this_char[j] > 'f' || this_char[j] < '0') goto done; /* return; */ } j = strlen(temp2); while(j-- > 0) { if(temp2[j] > 'f' || temp2[j] < '0') goto done; /* return; */ } /* MAC Addr */ k = j = strlen(this_char); while(j-- > 0) { this_char[4-k+j] = this_char[j]; } while(k < 4) this_char[3-k++]='0'; this_char[4]='\0'; /* MAC value */ k = j = strlen(temp2); while(j-- > 0) { temp2[4-k+j] = temp2[j]; } while(k < 4) temp2[3-k++]='0'; temp2[4]='\0'; AtoH(this_char, temp, 2); eepAddr = *temp*256 + temp[1]; AtoH(temp2, temp, 2); eepValue = *temp*256 + temp[1]; RT28xx_EEPROM_WRITE16(pAdapter, eepAddr, eepValue); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "[0x%02X]:%02X ", eepAddr, eepValue); } } } else { bIsPrintAllE2PROM = TRUE; } if (bIsPrintAllE2PROM) { sprintf(msg, "\n"); /* E2PROM Registers */ for (eepAddr = 0x00; eepAddr < 0x200; eepAddr += 2) { RT28xx_EEPROM_READ16(pAdapter, eepAddr, eepValue); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "[0x%04X]:%04X ", eepAddr , eepValue); if ((eepAddr & 0x6) == 0x6) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "\n"); } } if(strlen(msg) == 1) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "===>Error command format!"); /* Copy the information into the user buffer */ AP_E2PROM_IOCTL_PostCtrl(wrq, msg); done: /* kfree(mpool); */ os_free_mem(NULL, mpool); if (wrq->u.data.flags != RT_OID_802_11_HARDWARE_REGISTER) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<==RTMPIoctlE2PROM\n")); } //#define ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY // Display PER and PLR statistics /* ========================================================================== Description: Read statistics counter Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 stat 0 ==> Read statistics counter ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlStatistics( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { INT Status; PSTRING msg; #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT UCHAR idx = 0; #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ ULONG txCount = 0; #ifdef ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY ULONG per, plr; INT i; #endif #ifdef RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT UINT efusefreenum=0; #endif /* RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT */ /* msg = (PSTRING)kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(2048), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(2048)); if (msg == NULL) { return; } memset(msg, 0x00, 1600); sprintf(msg, "\n"); #ifdef RALINK_ATE if(ATE_ON(pAd)) { txCount = pAd->ate.TxDoneCount; } else #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ { txCount = pAd->WlanCounters.TransmittedFragmentCount.u.LowPart; } sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Tx success = %ld\n", txCount); #ifdef ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY per = txCount==0? 0: 1000*(pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart+pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart)/(pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart+pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart+txCount); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Tx retry count = %ld, PER=%ld.%1ld%%\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart, per/10, per % 10); plr = txCount==0? 0: 10000*pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart/(pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart+txCount); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Tx fail to Rcv ACK after retry = %ld, PLR=%ld.%02ld%%\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart, plr/100, plr%100); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx success = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.QuadPart); per = pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.u.LowPart==0? 0: 1000*(pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart)/(pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart+pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx with CRC = %ld, PER=%ld.%1ld%%\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart, per/10, per % 10); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx drop due to out of resource = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->Counters8023.RxNoBuffer); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx duplicate frame = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "False CCA = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.FalseCCACnt); #else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Tx retry count = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.RetryCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Tx fail to Rcv ACK after retry = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.FailedCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RTS Success Rcv CTS = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.RTSSuccessCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RTS Fail Rcv CTS = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.RTSFailureCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx success = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.ReceivedFragmentCount.QuadPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx with CRC = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.FCSErrorCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx drop due to out of resource = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->Counters8023.RxNoBuffer); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Rx duplicate frame = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->WlanCounters.FrameDuplicateCount.u.LowPart); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "False CCA (one second) = %ld\n", (ULONG)pAd->RalinkCounters.OneSecFalseCCACnt); #endif /* ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY */ #ifdef RALINK_ATE if(ATE_ON(pAd)) { if (pAd->ate.RxAntennaSel == 0) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI-A = %ld\n", (LONG)(pAd->ate.LastRssi0 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI-B (if available) = %ld\n", (LONG)(pAd->ate.LastRssi1 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI-C (if available) = %ld\n\n", (LONG)(pAd->ate.LastRssi2 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); } else { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI = %ld\n", (LONG)(pAd->ate.LastRssi0 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); } } else #endif /* RALINK_ATE */ { #ifdef ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI = %ld %ld %ld\n", (LONG)(pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample.LastRssi0 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta), (LONG)(pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample.LastRssi1 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta), (LONG)(pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample.LastRssi2 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); /* Display Last Rx Rate and BF SNR of first Associated entry in MAC table */ if (pAd->MacTab.Size > 0) { static char *phyMode[5] = {"CCK", "OFDM", "MM", "GF", "VHT"}; #ifdef RT65xx static char *bw[3] = {"20M", "40M", "80M"}; #endif /* RT65xx */ for (i=1; iMacTab.Content[i]); if (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) && pEntry->Sst==SST_ASSOC) { UINT32 lastRxRate = pEntry->LastRxRate; #ifndef RT65xx sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Last RX Rate = MCS %d, %2dM, %cGI, %s%s\n", lastRxRate & 0x7F, ((lastRxRate>>7) & 0x1)? 40: 20, ((lastRxRate>>8) & 0x1)? 'S': 'L', phyMode[(lastRxRate>>14) & 0x3], ((lastRxRate>>9) & 0x3)? ", STBC": " "); #else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Last RX Rate = MCS %d, %s, %cGI, %s%s\n", lastRxRate & 0x7F, bw[((lastRxRate>>7) & 0x3)], ((lastRxRate>>9) & 0x1)? 'S': 'L', phyMode[(lastRxRate>>14) & 0x7], ((lastRxRate>>10) & 0x3)? ", STBC": " "); #endif break; } } } #else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI-A = %ld\n", (LONG)(pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample.LastRssi0 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI-B (if available) = %ld\n", (LONG)(pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample.LastRssi1 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "RSSI-C (if available) = %ld\n\n", (LONG)(pAd->ApCfg.RssiSample.LastRssi2 - pAd->BbpRssiToDbmDelta)); #endif /* ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY */ } #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "WPS Information:\n"); { for (idx = 0; idx < pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; idx++) { /* display pin code */ if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[idx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCodeLen == 8) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Enrollee PinCode(ra%d) %08u\n", idx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[idx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Enrollee PinCode(ra%d) %04u\n", idx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[idx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode); } } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "\n"); if (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCodeLen == 8) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) %08u\n", pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) %04u\n", pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Ap Client WPS Profile Count = %d\n", pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscProfile.ProfileCnt); for (idx = 0; idx < pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscProfile.ProfileCnt ; idx++) { PWSC_CREDENTIAL pCredential = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[0].WscControl.WscProfile.Profile[idx]; sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Profile[%d]:\n", idx); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "SSID = %s\n", pCredential->SSID.Ssid); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "AuthType = %s\n", WscGetAuthTypeStr(pCredential->AuthType)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "EncrypType = %s\n", WscGetEncryTypeStr(pCredential->EncrType)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "KeyIndex = %d\n", pCredential->KeyIndex); if (pCredential->KeyLength != 0) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "Key = %s\n", pCredential->Key); } } sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "\n"); #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT if (pAd->bUseEfuse == FALSE && pAd->bFroceEEPROMBuffer == FALSE) { ; } else { eFuseGetFreeBlockCount(pAd, &efusefreenum); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "efuseFreeNumber = %d\n", efusefreenum); } #endif /* RTMP_EFUSE_SUPPORT */ /* Copy the information into the user buffer */ wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); Status = copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length); os_free_mem(NULL, msg); /* kfree(msg); */ #if defined(TXBF_SUPPORT) && defined(ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY) #ifdef DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT /* Debug code to display BF statistics */ if (pAd->CommonCfg.DebugFlags & DBF_SHOW_BF_STATS) { for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i]); COUNTER_TXBF *pCnt; ULONG totalNBF, totalEBF, totalIBF, totalTx, totalRetry, totalSuccess; if (!IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) || pEntry->Sst!=SST_ASSOC) continue; pCnt = &pEntry->TxBFCounters; totalNBF = pCnt->TxSuccessCount + pCnt->TxFailCount; totalEBF = pCnt->ETxSuccessCount + pCnt->ETxFailCount; totalIBF = pCnt->ITxSuccessCount + pCnt->ITxFailCount; totalTx = totalNBF + totalEBF + totalIBF; totalRetry = pCnt->TxRetryCount + pCnt->ETxRetryCount + pCnt->ITxRetryCount; totalSuccess = pCnt->TxSuccessCount + pCnt->ETxSuccessCount + pCnt->ITxSuccessCount; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("MacTable[%d] Success Retry/PER Fail/PLR\n", i) ); if (totalTx==0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, (" Total = 0\n") ); continue; } if (totalNBF!=0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, (" NonBF (%3lu%%): %7lu %7lu (%2lu%%) %5lu (%1lu%%)\n", 100*totalNBF/totalTx, pCnt->TxSuccessCount, pCnt->TxRetryCount, 100*pCnt->TxRetryCount/(pCnt->TxSuccessCount+pCnt->TxRetryCount), pCnt->TxFailCount, 100*pCnt->TxFailCount/totalNBF) ); } if (totalEBF!=0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, (" ETxBF (%3lu%%): %7lu %7lu (%2lu%%) %5lu (%1lu%%)\n", 100*totalEBF/totalTx, pCnt->ETxSuccessCount, pCnt->ETxRetryCount, 100*pCnt->ETxRetryCount/(pCnt->ETxSuccessCount+pCnt->ETxRetryCount), pCnt->ETxFailCount, 100*pCnt->ETxFailCount/totalEBF) ); } if (totalIBF!=0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, (" ITxBF (%3lu%%): %7lu %7lu (%2lu%%) %5lu (%1lu%%)\n", 100*totalIBF/totalTx, pCnt->ITxSuccessCount, pCnt->ITxRetryCount, 100*pCnt->ITxRetryCount/(pCnt->ITxSuccessCount+pCnt->ITxRetryCount), pCnt->ITxFailCount, 100*pCnt->ITxFailCount/totalIBF) ); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, (" Total %7lu %7lu (%2lu%%) %5lu (%1lu%%)\n", totalSuccess, totalRetry, 100*totalRetry/(totalSuccess + totalRetry), pCnt->TxFailCount+pCnt->ETxFailCount+pCnt->ITxFailCount, 100*(pCnt->TxFailCount+pCnt->ETxFailCount+pCnt->ITxFailCount)/totalTx) ); } } #endif /* DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT */ #endif /* defined(TXBF_SUPPORT) && defined(ENHANCED_STAT_DISPLAY) */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<==RTMPIoctlStatistics\n")); } #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT /* ========================================================================== Description: Get Block ACK Table Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 get_ba_table 3.) UI needs to prepare at least 4096bytes to get the results ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlQueryBaTable( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { /*char *msg; */ UCHAR TotalEntry, i, j, index; QUERYBA_TABLE *BAT; BAT = vmalloc(sizeof(QUERYBA_TABLE)); RTMPZeroMemory(BAT, sizeof(QUERYBA_TABLE)); TotalEntry = pAd->MacTab.Size; index = 0; for (i=0; ((i < MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE) && (TotalEntry > 0)); i++) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[i]; if (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) && (pEntry->Sst == SST_ASSOC) && (pEntry->TXBAbitmap)) { NdisMoveMemory(BAT->BAOriEntry[index].MACAddr, pEntry->Addr, 6); for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (pEntry->BAOriWcidArray[j] != 0) BAT->BAOriEntry[index].BufSize[j] = pAd->BATable.BAOriEntry[pEntry->BAOriWcidArray[j]].BAWinSize; else BAT->BAOriEntry[index].BufSize[j] = 0; } TotalEntry--; index++; BAT->OriNum++; } } TotalEntry = pAd->MacTab.Size; index = 0; for (i=0; ((i < MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE) && (TotalEntry > 0)); i++) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[i]; if (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pEntry) && (pEntry->Sst == SST_ASSOC) && (pEntry->RXBAbitmap)) { NdisMoveMemory(BAT->BARecEntry[index].MACAddr, pEntry->Addr, 6); BAT->BARecEntry[index].BaBitmap = (UCHAR)pEntry->RXBAbitmap; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (pEntry->BARecWcidArray[j] != 0) BAT->BARecEntry[index].BufSize[j] = pAd->BATable.BARecEntry[pEntry->BARecWcidArray[j]].BAWinSize; else BAT->BARecEntry[index].BufSize[j] = 0; } TotalEntry--; index++; BAT->RecNum++; } } wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(QUERYBA_TABLE); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, BAT, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } vfree(BAT); } #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT INT Set_ApCli_Enable_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UINT Enable; POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR ifIndex; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; Enable = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 16); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable = (Enable > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_Enable_Proc::(enable = %d)\n", ifIndex, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable)); ApCliIfDown(pAd); return TRUE; } INT Set_ApCli_Ssid_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR ifIndex; BOOLEAN apcliEn; INT success = FALSE; /*UCHAR keyMaterial[40]; */ UCHAR PskKey[100]; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; if(strlen(arg) <= MAX_LEN_OF_SSID) { apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; /* bring apcli interface down first */ if(apcliEn == TRUE ) { pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable = FALSE; ApCliIfDown(pAd); } NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsid, arg, strlen(arg)); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsidLen = (UCHAR)strlen(arg); success = TRUE; /* Upadte PMK and restart WPAPSK state machine for ApCli link */ if (((pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK) || (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK)) && pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].PSKLen > 0) { NdisZeroMemory(PskKey, 100); NdisMoveMemory(PskKey, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].PSK, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].PSKLen); RT_CfgSetWPAPSKKey(pAd, (PSTRING)PskKey, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].PSKLen, (PUCHAR)pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsid, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsidLen, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].PMK); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_Ssid_Proc::(Len=%d,Ssid=%s)\n", ifIndex, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsidLen, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsid)); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable = apcliEn; } else success = FALSE; return success; } INT Set_ApCli_Bssid_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT i; PSTRING value; UCHAR ifIndex; BOOLEAN apcliEn; POS_COOKIE pObj; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable; /* bring apcli interface down first */ if(apcliEn == TRUE ) { pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable = FALSE; ApCliIfDown(pAd); } NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); if(strlen(arg) == 17) /* Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ { for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":"), i++) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /* Invalid */ AtoH(value, &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[i], 1); } if(i != 6) return FALSE; /* Invalid */ } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_ApCli_Bssid_Proc (%2X:%2X:%2X:%2X:%2X:%2X)\n", pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[0], pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[1], pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[2], pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[3], pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[4], pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgApCliBssid[5])); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].Enable = apcliEn; return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set ApCli-IF Authentication mode Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_AuthMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG i; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR ifIndex; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; if ((strcmp(arg, "WEPAUTO") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wepauto") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeAutoSwitch; else if ((strcmp(arg, "SHARED") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "shared") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeShared; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPAPSK") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpapsk") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA2PSK") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa2psk") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "WPAPSKWPA2PSK") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK; #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA2") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa2") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2; #endif /*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT */ else pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen; for (i=0; iMacTab.Content[i])) { pAd->MacTab.Content[i].PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_NOT_SECURED; } } RTMPMakeRSNIE(pAd, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WepStatus, (ifIndex + MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_APCLI)); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DefaultKeyId = 0; if(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].DefaultKeyId = 1; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_AuthMode_Proc::(AuthMode=%d)\n", ifIndex, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].AuthMode)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set ApCli-IF Encryption Type Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_EncrypType_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR ifIndex; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pApCliEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled; if ((strcmp(arg, "WEP") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wep") == 0)) { if (pApCliEntry->AuthMode < Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) pApCliEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPEnabled; } else if ((strcmp(arg, "TKIP") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "tkip") == 0)) { if (pApCliEntry->AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) pApCliEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; } else if ((strcmp(arg, "AES") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "aes") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "TKIPAES") == 0)) { if (pApCliEntry->AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) pApCliEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled; } else { pApCliEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled; } pApCliEntry->PairCipher = pApCliEntry->WepStatus; pApCliEntry->GroupCipher = pApCliEntry->WepStatus; pApCliEntry->bMixCipher = FALSE; if (pApCliEntry->WepStatus >= Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId = 1; RTMPMakeRSNIE(pAd, pApCliEntry->AuthMode, pApCliEntry->WepStatus, (ifIndex + MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_APCLI)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_EncrypType_Proc::(EncrypType=%d)\n", ifIndex, pApCliEntry->WepStatus)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Default Key ID Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_DefaultKeyID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG KeyIdx; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR ifIndex; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; KeyIdx = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if((KeyIdx >= 1 ) && (KeyIdx <= 4)) pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) (KeyIdx - 1 ); else return FALSE; /* Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_DefaultKeyID_Proc::(DefaultKeyID(0~3)=%d)\n", ifIndex, pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WPA PSK key for ApCli link Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter arg WPA pre-shared key string Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_WPAPSK_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR ifIndex; POS_COOKIE pObj; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; INT retval; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_ApCli_WPAPSK_Proc::(WPAPSK=%s)\n", arg)); retval = RT_CfgSetWPAPSKKey(pAd, arg, strlen(arg), (PUCHAR)pApCliEntry->CfgSsid, pApCliEntry->CfgSsidLen, pApCliEntry->PMK); if (retval == FALSE) return FALSE; NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->PSK, arg, strlen(arg)); pApCliEntry->PSKLen = strlen(arg); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY1 for ApCli-IF Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_Key1_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; UCHAR ifIndex; INT retVal; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, &pApCliEntry->SharedKey[0], 0); if(retVal == TRUE) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_Key1_Proc::(Key1=%s) success!\n", ifIndex, arg)); return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY2 for ApCli-IF Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_Key2_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; UCHAR ifIndex; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, &pApCliEntry->SharedKey[1], 1); if(retVal == TRUE) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_Key2_Proc::(Key2=%s) success!\n", ifIndex, arg)); return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY3 for ApCli-IF Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_Key3_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; UCHAR ifIndex; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, &pApCliEntry->SharedKey[2], 2); if(retVal == TRUE) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_Key3_Proc::(Key3=%s) success!\n", ifIndex, arg)); return retVal; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set WEP KEY4 for ApCli-IF Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_ApCli_Key4_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; UCHAR ifIndex; INT retVal; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; retVal = RT_CfgSetWepKey(pAd, arg, &pApCliEntry->SharedKey[3], 3); if(retVal == TRUE) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_Key4_Proc::(Key4=%s) success!\n", ifIndex, arg)); return retVal; } INT Set_ApCli_TxMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR ifIndex; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pApCliEntry->DesiredTransmitSetting.field.FixedTxMode = RT_CfgSetFixedTxPhyMode(arg); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_TxMode_Proc = %d\n", ifIndex, pApCliEntry->DesiredTransmitSetting.field.FixedTxMode)); return TRUE; } INT Set_ApCli_TxMcs_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR ifIndex; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pApCliEntry->DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS = RT_CfgSetTxMCSProc(arg, &pApCliEntry->bAutoTxRateSwitch); if (pApCliEntry->DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS == MCS_AUTO) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_TxMcs_Proc = AUTO\n", ifIndex)); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("I/F(apcli%d) Set_ApCli_TxMcs_Proc = %d\n", ifIndex, pApCliEntry->DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS)); } return TRUE; } #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT INT Set_ApCli_Wpa_Support( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR ifIndex; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; if ( simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10) == 0) pApCliEntry->WpaSupplicantUP = WPA_SUPPLICANT_DISABLE; else if ( simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10) == 1) pApCliEntry->WpaSupplicantUP = WPA_SUPPLICANT_ENABLE; else if ( simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10) == 2) pApCliEntry->WpaSupplicantUP = WPA_SUPPLICANT_ENABLE_WITH_WEB_UI; else pApCliEntry->WpaSupplicantUP = WPA_SUPPLICANT_DISABLE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_ApCli_Wpa_Support::(WpaSupplicantUP=%d)\n", pApCliEntry->WpaSupplicantUP)); return TRUE; } INT Set_ApCli_IEEE8021X_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG ieee8021x; POS_COOKIE pObj; UCHAR ifIndex; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry = NULL; pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; ieee8021x = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (ieee8021x == 1) pApCliEntry->IEEE8021X = TRUE; else if (ieee8021x == 0) pApCliEntry->IEEE8021X = FALSE; else return FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_ApCli_IEEE8021X_Proc::(IEEE8021X=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pApCliEntry->IEEE8021X)); return TRUE; } #endif /* APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT INT Set_AP_WscSsid_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR ifIndex = pObj->ioctl_if; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].WscControl; if (pObj->ioctl_if_type != INT_APCLI) return FALSE; NdisZeroMemory(&pWscControl->WscSsid, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_SSID)); if( (strlen(arg) > 0) && (strlen(arg) <= MAX_LEN_OF_SSID)) { NdisMoveMemory(pWscControl->WscSsid.Ssid, arg, strlen(arg)); pWscControl->WscSsid.SsidLength = strlen(arg); NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsid, MAX_LEN_OF_SSID); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsid, arg, strlen(arg)); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex].CfgSsidLen = (UCHAR)strlen(arg); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscSsid_Proc:: (Select SsidLen=%d,Ssid=%s)\n", pWscControl->WscSsid.SsidLength, pWscControl->WscSsid.Ssid)); } else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ return TRUE; } #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT INT Set_AP_WscConfMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT ConfModeIdx; /*INT IsAPConfigured; */ POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if, mac_addr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; BOOLEAN bFromApCli = FALSE; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; ConfModeIdx = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { bFromApCli = TRUE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: This command is from apcli interface now.\n", apidx)); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { bFromApCli = FALSE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: This command is from ra interface now.\n", apidx)); } pWscControl->bWscTrigger = FALSE; if ((ConfModeIdx & WSC_ENROLLEE_PROXY_REGISTRAR) == WSC_DISABLE) { pWscControl->WscConfMode = WSC_DISABLE; pWscControl->WscStatus = STATUS_WSC_NOTUSED; if (bFromApCli) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: WPS is disabled.\n", apidx)); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: WPS is disabled.\n", apidx)); /* Clear WPS IE in Beacon and ProbeResp */ pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscIEBeacon.ValueLen = 0; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscIEProbeResp.ValueLen = 0; APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, apidx); } } else { #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli) { if (ConfModeIdx == WSC_ENROLLEE) { pWscControl->WscConfMode = WSC_ENROLLEE; WscInit(pAd, TRUE, apidx); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: Ap Client only supports Enrollee mode.(ConfModeIdx=%d)\n", apidx, ConfModeIdx)); return FALSE; } } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { pWscControl->WscConfMode = (ConfModeIdx & WSC_ENROLLEE_PROXY_REGISTRAR); WscInit(pAd, FALSE, apidx); } pWscControl->WscStatus = STATUS_WSC_IDLE; } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli) { memcpy(mac_addr, &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].CurrentAddress[0], MAC_ADDR_LEN); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { memcpy(mac_addr, &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[0], MAC_ADDR_LEN); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) Set_WscConfMode_Proc::(WscConfMode(0~7)=%d)\n", mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5], pWscControl->WscConfMode)); return TRUE; } INT Set_AP_WscConfStatus_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR IsAPConfigured = 0; INT IsSelectedRegistrar; USHORT WscMode; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscConfStatus_Proc:: Ap Client doesn't need this command.\n", apidx)); return FALSE; } #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT if ((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscV2Info.bWpsEnable == FALSE) && (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2)) { pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscIEBeacon.ValueLen = 0; pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscIEProbeResp.ValueLen = 0; return FALSE; } #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ IsAPConfigured = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); IsSelectedRegistrar = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscSelReg; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscMode == 1) WscMode = DEV_PASS_ID_PIN; else WscMode = DEV_PASS_ID_PBC; if ((IsAPConfigured > 0) && (IsAPConfigured <= 2)) { pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfStatus = IsAPConfigured; /* Change SC State of WPS IE in Beacon and ProbeResp */ WscBuildBeaconIE(pAd, IsAPConfigured, IsSelectedRegistrar, WscMode, 0, apidx, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); WscBuildProbeRespIE(pAd, WSC_MSGTYPE_AP_WLAN_MGR, IsAPConfigured, IsSelectedRegistrar, WscMode, 0, apidx, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, apidx); } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscConfStatus_Proc:: Set failed!!(WscConfStatus=%s), WscConfStatus is 1 or 2 \n", apidx, arg)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscConfStatus_Proc:: WscConfStatus is not changed (%d) \n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfStatus)); return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) Set_WscConfStatus_Proc::(WscConfStatus=%d)\n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[0], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[1], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[2], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[3], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[4], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[5], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfStatus)); return TRUE; } INT Set_AP_WscMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT WscMode; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if, mac_addr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; BOOLEAN bFromApCli = FALSE; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { bFromApCli = TRUE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscMode_Proc:: This command is from apcli interface now.\n", apidx)); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { bFromApCli = FALSE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscMode_Proc:: This command is from ra interface now.\n", apidx)); } WscMode = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if ((WscMode > 0) && (WscMode <= 2)) { pWscControl->WscMode = WscMode; if (WscMode == WSC_PBC_MODE) { WscGetRegDataPIN(pAd, pWscControl->WscPinCode, pWscControl); } } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscMode_Proc:: Set failed!!(Set_WscMode_Proc=%s), WscConfStatus is 1 or 2 \n", arg)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscMode_Proc:: WscMode is not changed (%d) \n", pWscControl->WscMode)); return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli) { memcpy(mac_addr, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].CurrentAddress, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { memcpy(mac_addr, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) Set_WscMode_Proc::(WscMode=%d)\n", mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5], pWscControl->WscMode)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscStatus_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscStatus_Proc::(WscStatus=%d)\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscStatus)); return TRUE; } #define WSC_GET_CONF_MODE_EAP 1 #define WSC_GET_CONF_MODE_UPNP 2 INT Set_AP_WscGetConf_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT WscMode, wscGetConfMode = 0; INT IsAPConfigured; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; PWSC_UPNP_NODE_INFO pWscUPnPNodeInfo; INT idx; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if, mac_addr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; BOOLEAN bFromApCli = FALSE; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT BOOLEAN apcliEn = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].Enable; #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT PWSC_V2_INFO pWscV2Info = NULL; #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WSC_LED_SUPPORT UCHAR WPSLEDStatus; #endif /* WSC_LED_SUPPORT */ #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { if (apcliEn == FALSE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_AP_WscGetConf_Proc:: ApCli is disabled.\n", apidx)); return FALSE; } bFromApCli = TRUE; apidx &= (~MIN_NET_DEVICE_FOR_APCLI); pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_AP_WscGetConf_Proc:: This command is from apcli interface now.\n", apidx)); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { bFromApCli = FALSE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_AP_WscGetConf_Proc:: This command is from ra interface now.\n", apidx)); } NdisZeroMemory(mac_addr, MAC_ADDR_LEN); #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT pWscV2Info = &pWscControl->WscV2Info; #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ wscGetConfMode = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); IsAPConfigured = pWscControl->WscConfStatus; pWscUPnPNodeInfo = &pWscControl->WscUPnPNodeInfo; if ((pWscControl->WscConfMode == WSC_DISABLE) #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT || ((pWscV2Info->bWpsEnable == FALSE) && (pWscV2Info->bEnableWpsV2)) #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ ) { pWscControl->bWscTrigger = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscGetConf_Proc: WPS is disabled.\n")); return FALSE; } WscStop(pAd, bFromApCli, pWscControl); /* trigger wsc re-generate public key */ pWscControl->RegData.ReComputePke = 1; if (pWscControl->WscMode == 1) WscMode = DEV_PASS_ID_PIN; else { WscMode = DEV_PASS_ID_PBC; } WscInitRegistrarPair(pAd, pWscControl, apidx); /* Enrollee 192 random bytes for DH key generation */ for (idx = 0; idx < 192; idx++) pWscControl->RegData.EnrolleeRandom[idx] = RandomByte(pAd); #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli) { /* bring apcli interface down first */ pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].Enable = FALSE; ApCliIfDown(pAd); if (WscMode == DEV_PASS_ID_PIN) { NdisMoveMemory(pWscControl->RegData.SelfInfo.MacAddr, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].CurrentAddress, 6); pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].Enable = apcliEn; NdisMoveMemory(mac_addr, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].CurrentAddress, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } else { pWscControl->WscSsid.SsidLength = 0; NdisZeroMemory(&pWscControl->WscSsid, sizeof(NDIS_802_11_SSID)); pWscControl->WscPBCBssCount = 0; /* WPS - SW PBC */ WscPushPBCAction(pAd, pWscControl); } } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { WscBuildBeaconIE(pAd, IsAPConfigured, TRUE, WscMode, pWscControl->WscConfigMethods, apidx, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); WscBuildProbeRespIE(pAd, WSC_MSGTYPE_AP_WLAN_MGR, IsAPConfigured, TRUE, WscMode, pWscControl->WscConfigMethods, apidx, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, apidx); NdisMoveMemory(mac_addr, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli && (WscMode == DEV_PASS_ID_PBC)) ; else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { /* 2mins time-out timer */ RTMPSetTimer(&pWscControl->Wsc2MinsTimer, WSC_TWO_MINS_TIME_OUT); pWscControl->Wsc2MinsTimerRunning = TRUE; pWscControl->WscStatus = STATUS_WSC_LINK_UP; pWscControl->bWscTrigger = TRUE; } pWscControl->bWscAutoTigeer = FALSE; if (!bFromApCli) { if (WscMode == DEV_PASS_ID_PIN) { WscAssignEntryMAC(pAd, pWscControl); WscSendUPnPConfReqMsg(pAd, pWscControl->EntryIfIdx, (PUCHAR)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pWscControl->EntryIfIdx].Ssid, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, 3, 0, AP_MODE); } else { RTMP_SEM_LOCK(&pWscControl->WscPeerListSemLock); WscClearPeerList(&pWscControl->WscPeerList); RTMP_SEM_UNLOCK(&pWscControl->WscPeerListSemLock); } } #ifdef WSC_LED_SUPPORT WPSLEDStatus = LED_WPS_IN_PROCESS; RTMPSetLED(pAd, WPSLEDStatus); #endif /* WSC_LED_SUPPORT */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) Set_WscGetConf_Proc trigger WSC state machine, wscGetConfMode=%d\n", mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5], wscGetConfMode)); return TRUE; } INT Set_AP_WscPinCode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UINT PinCode = 0; BOOLEAN validatePin, bFromApCli = FALSE; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if, mac_addr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; #define IsZero(c) ('0' == (c) ? TRUE:FALSE) PinCode = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); /* When PinCode is 03571361, return value is 3571361. */ #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { bFromApCli = TRUE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscPinCode_Proc:: This command is from apcli interface now.\n", apidx)); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { bFromApCli = FALSE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscPinCode_Proc:: This command is from ra interface now.\n", apidx)); } if (strlen(arg) == 4) validatePin = TRUE; else validatePin = ValidateChecksum(PinCode); if ( validatePin ) { if (pWscControl->WscRejectSamePinFromEnrollee && (PinCode == pWscControl->WscLastPinFromEnrollee)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("PIN authentication or communication error occurs!!\n" "Registrar does NOT accept the same PIN again!(PIN:%s)\n", arg)); return FALSE; } else { pWscControl->WscPinCode = PinCode; pWscControl->WscLastPinFromEnrollee = pWscControl->WscPinCode; pWscControl->WscRejectSamePinFromEnrollee = FALSE; /* PIN Code */ if (strlen(arg) == 4) { pWscControl->WscPinCodeLen = 4; pWscControl->RegData.PinCodeLen = 4; NdisMoveMemory(pWscControl->RegData.PIN, arg, 4); } else { pWscControl->WscPinCodeLen = 8; if (IsZero(*arg)) { pWscControl->RegData.PinCodeLen = 8; NdisMoveMemory(pWscControl->RegData.PIN, arg, 8); } else WscGetRegDataPIN(pAd, pWscControl->WscPinCode, pWscControl); } } } else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set failed!!(Set_WscPinCode_Proc=%s), PinCode Checksum invalid \n", arg)); return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli) { memcpy(mac_addr, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].CurrentAddress, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { memcpy(mac_addr, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid, MAC_ADDR_LEN); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) Set_WscPinCode_Proc::(PinCode=%d)\n", mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5], pWscControl->WscPinCode)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscOOB_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { char *pTempSsid = NULL; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscPinCode_Proc:: Ap Client doesn't need this command.\n", apidx)); return FALSE; } #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ Set_AP_WscConfStatus_Proc(pAd, "1"); Set_AP_AuthMode_Proc(pAd, "WPA2PSK"); Set_AP_EncrypType_Proc(pAd, "AES"); pTempSsid = vmalloc(33); if (pTempSsid) { memset(pTempSsid, 0, 33); snprintf(pTempSsid, 33,"RalinkInitialAP%02X%02X%02X", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[3], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[4], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[5]); Set_AP_SSID_Proc(pAd, pTempSsid); vfree(pTempSsid); } Set_AP_WPAPSK_Proc(pAd, "RalinkInitialAPxx1234"); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscOOB_Proc\n", apidx)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscStop_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; PWSC_CTRL pWscControl; BOOLEAN bFromApCli = FALSE; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return FALSE; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { bFromApCli = TRUE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscStop_Proc:: This command is from apcli interface now.\n", apidx)); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { bFromApCli = FALSE; pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscStop_Proc:: This command is from ra interface now.\n", apidx)); } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (bFromApCli) { WscStop(pAd, TRUE, pWscControl); pWscControl->WscConfMode = WSC_DISABLE; } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { INT IsAPConfigured = pWscControl->WscConfStatus; WscBuildBeaconIE(pAd, IsAPConfigured, FALSE, 0, 0, apidx, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); WscBuildProbeRespIE(pAd, WSC_MSGTYPE_AP_WLAN_MGR, IsAPConfigured, FALSE, 0, 0, apidx, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, apidx); WscStop(pAd, FALSE, pWscControl); } pWscControl->bWscTrigger = FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<===== Set_WscStop_Proc")); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Get WSC Profile Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 get_wsc_profile 3.) UI needs to prepare at least 4096bytes to get the results ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPIoctlWscProfile( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { WSC_CONFIGURED_VALUE Profile; PSTRING msg; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Hostapd == TRUE) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("WPS is control by hostapd now.\n")); return; } #endif /*HOSTAPD_SUPPORT*/ memset(&Profile, 0x00, sizeof(WSC_CONFIGURED_VALUE)); Profile.WscConfigured = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfStatus; NdisZeroMemory(Profile.WscSsid, 32 + 1); NdisMoveMemory(Profile.WscSsid, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Ssid, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].SsidLen); Profile.WscSsid[pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].SsidLen] = '\0'; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1PSKWPA2PSK) Profile.WscAuthMode = WSC_AUTHTYPE_WPAPSK | WSC_AUTHTYPE_WPA2PSK; else Profile.WscAuthMode = WscGetAuthType(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled) Profile.WscEncrypType = WSC_ENCRTYPE_TKIP |WSC_ENCRTYPE_AES; else Profile.WscEncrypType = WscGetEncryType(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus); NdisZeroMemory(Profile.WscWPAKey, 64 + 1); if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 2) { Profile.DefaultKeyIdx = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId + 1; { int i; for (i=0; iSharedKey[apidx][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen; i++) { snprintf((PSTRING) Profile.WscWPAKey, sizeof(Profile.WscWPAKey), "%s%02x", Profile.WscWPAKey, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId].Key[i]); } Profile.WscWPAKey[(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen)*2] = '\0'; } } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType >= 4) { Profile.DefaultKeyIdx = 2; NdisMoveMemory(Profile.WscWPAKey, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WpaPsk, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WpaPskLen); Profile.WscWPAKey[pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WpaPskLen] = '\0'; } else { Profile.DefaultKeyIdx = 1; } wrq->u.data.length = sizeof(Profile); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, &Profile, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s: copy_to_user() fail\n", __FUNCTION__)); } /* msg = (PSTRING)kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(2048), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(2048)); if (msg == NULL) { return; } memset(msg, 0x00, 2048); sprintf(msg,"%s","\n"); if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 1) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s%-33s%-12s%-12s\n", "Configured", "SSID", "AuthMode", "EncrypType"); } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 2) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s%-33s%-12s%-12s%-13s%-26s\n", "Configured", "SSID", "AuthMode", "EncrypType", "DefaultKeyID", "Key"); } else { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s%-33s%-12s%-12s%-64s\n", "Configured", "SSID", "AuthMode", "EncrypType", "Key"); } if (Profile.WscConfigured == 1) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s", "No"); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s", "Yes"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-33s", Profile.WscSsid); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1PSKWPA2PSK) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", "WPAPSKWPA2PSK"); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", WscGetAuthTypeStr(Profile.WscAuthMode)); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", "TKIPAES"); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", WscGetEncryTypeStr(Profile.WscEncrypType)); if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 1) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%s\n", ""); } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 2) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-13d",Profile.DefaultKeyIdx); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-26s\n",Profile.WscWPAKey); } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType >= 4) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-64s\n",Profile.WscWPAKey); } #ifdef INF_AR9 wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length); #endif/* INF_AR9 */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s", msg)); /* kfree(msg); */ os_free_mem(NULL, msg); } #ifdef INF_AR9 #ifdef AR9_MAPI_SUPPORT /* ========================================================================== Description: Get WSC Profile Arguments: pAdapter Pointer to our adapter wrq Pointer to the ioctl argument Return Value: None Note: Usage: 1.) iwpriv ra0 ar9_show get_wsc_profile 3.) UI needs to prepare at least 4096bytes to get the results ========================================================================== */ VOID RTMPAR9IoctlWscProfile( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { WSC_CONFIGURED_VALUE Profile; PSTRING msg; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; memset(&Profile, 0x00, sizeof(WSC_CONFIGURED_VALUE)); Profile.WscConfigured = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscConfStatus; NdisZeroMemory(Profile.WscSsid, 32 + 1); NdisMoveMemory(Profile.WscSsid, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Ssid, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].SsidLen); Profile.WscSsid[pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].SsidLen] = '\0'; if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1PSKWPA2PSK) Profile.WscAuthMode = WSC_AUTHTYPE_WPAPSK | WSC_AUTHTYPE_WPA2PSK; else Profile.WscAuthMode = WscGetAuthType(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled) Profile.WscEncrypType = WSC_ENCRTYPE_TKIP |WSC_ENCRTYPE_AES; else Profile.WscEncrypType = WscGetEncryType(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus); NdisZeroMemory(Profile.WscWPAKey, 64 + 1); if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 2) { Profile.DefaultKeyIdx = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId + 1; { int i; for (i=0; iSharedKey[apidx][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen; i++) { snprintf((PSTRING) Profile.WscWPAKey, sizeof(Profile.WscWPAKey), "%s%02x", Profile.WscWPAKey, pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId].Key[i]); } Profile.WscWPAKey[(pAd->SharedKey[apidx][pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].DefaultKeyId].KeyLen)*2] = '\0'; } } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType >= 4) { Profile.DefaultKeyIdx = 2; NdisMoveMemory(Profile.WscWPAKey, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WpaPsk, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WpaPskLen); Profile.WscWPAKey[pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WpaPskLen] = '\0'; } else { Profile.DefaultKeyIdx = 1; } /* msg = (PSTRING)kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(2048), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(pAd, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(2048)); if (msg == NULL) { return; } memset(msg, 0x00, 2048); sprintf(msg,"%s","\n"); if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 1) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s%-33s%-12s%-12s\n", "Configured", "SSID", "AuthMode", "EncrypType"); } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 2) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s%-33s%-12s%-12s%-13s%-26s\n", "Configured", "SSID", "AuthMode", "EncrypType", "DefaultKeyID", "Key"); } else { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s%-33s%-12s%-12s%-64s\n", "Configured", "SSID", "AuthMode", "EncrypType", "Key"); } if (Profile.WscConfigured == 1) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s", "No"); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"%-12s", "Yes"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-33s", Profile.WscSsid); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1PSKWPA2PSK) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", "WPAPSKWPA2PSK"); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", WscGetAuthTypeStr(Profile.WscAuthMode)); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption4Enabled) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", "TKIPAES"); else sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-12s", WscGetEncryTypeStr(Profile.WscEncrypType)); if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 1) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%s\n", ""); } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType == 2) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-13d",Profile.DefaultKeyIdx); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-26s\n",Profile.WscWPAKey); } else if (Profile.WscEncrypType >= 4) { sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "%-64s\n",Profile.WscWPAKey); } wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length); { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s", msg)); } /* kfree(msg); */ os_free_mem(NULL, msg); } VOID RTMPIoctlWscPINCode( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING msg; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; UCHAR tempPIN[9]={0}; /* msg = (PSTRING)kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(128), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(128)); if (msg == NULL) { return; } memset(msg, 0x00, 128); sprintf(msg,"%s","\n"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"WSC_PINCode="); if(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode) { if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCodeLen == 8) sprintf((PSTRING) tempPIN, "%08u", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode); else sprintf((PSTRING) tempPIN, "%04u", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscEnrolleePinCode); sprintf(msg,"%s%s\n",msg,tempPIN); } wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length); { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s", msg)); } /* kfree(msg); */ os_free_mem(NULL, msg); } VOID RTMPIoctlWscStatus( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { PSTRING msg; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; /* msg = (PSTRING)kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(128), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(128)); if (msg == NULL) { return; } memset(msg, 0x00, 128); sprintf(msg,"%s","\n"); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"WSC_Status="); sprintf(msg,"%s%d\n",msg,pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl.WscStatus); wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length); { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s", msg)); } /* kfree(msg); */ os_free_mem(NULL, msg); } VOID RTMPIoctlGetWscDynInfo( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { char *msg; PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss; INT apidx,configstate; /* msg = kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum*(14*128)), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum*(14*128))); if (msg == NULL) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s():Alloc memory failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } memset(msg, 0 ,pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum*(14*128)); sprintf(msg,"%s","\n"); for (apidx=0; apidxApCfg.BssidNum; apidx++) { pMbss=&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; if(pMbss->WscControl.WscConfStatus == WSC_SCSTATE_UNCONFIGURED) configstate = 0; else configstate = 1; sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"ra%d\n",apidx); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"UUID = %s\n",(pMbss->WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_Str)); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"wpsVersion = 0x%x\n",WSC_VERSION); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"setuoLockedState = %d\n",0); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"configstate = %d\n",configstate); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"lastConfigError = %d\n",0); } wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("%s", msg)); } /* kfree(msg); */ os_free_mem(NULL, msg); } VOID RTMPIoctlGetWscRegsDynInfo( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq) { char *msg; PMULTISSID_STRUCT pMbss; INT apidx; /* msg = kmalloc(sizeof(CHAR)*(pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum*(14*128)), MEM_ALLOC_FLAG); */ os_alloc_mem(NULL, (UCHAR **)&msg, sizeof(CHAR)*(pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum*(14*128))); if (msg == NULL) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("%s():Alloc memory failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } memset(msg, 0 ,pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum*(14*128)); sprintf(msg,"%s","\n"); for (apidx=0; apidxApCfg.BssidNum; apidx++) { pMbss=&pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx]; sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"ra%d\n",apidx); sprintf(msg+strlen(msg),"UUID_R = %s\n",(pMbss->WscControl.RegData.PeerInfo.Uuid)); } wrq->u.data.length = strlen(msg); if (copy_to_user(wrq->u.data.pointer, msg, wrq->u.data.length)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("%s", msg)); } /* kfree(msg); */ os_free_mem(NULL, msg); } #endif /*AR9_MAPI_SUPPORT*/ #endif/* INF_AR9 */ BOOLEAN WscCheckEnrolleeNonceFromUpnp( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING pData, IN USHORT Length, IN PWSC_CTRL pWscControl) { USHORT WscType, WscLen; USHORT WscId = WSC_ID_ENROLLEE_NONCE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("check Enrollee Nonce\n")); /* We have to look for WSC_IE_MSG_TYPE to classify M2 ~ M8, the remain size must large than 4 */ while (Length > 4) { WSC_IE TLV_Recv; char ZeroNonce[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; memcpy((UINT8 *)&TLV_Recv, pData, 4); WscType = be2cpu16(TLV_Recv.Type); WscLen = be2cpu16(TLV_Recv.Length); pData += 4; Length -= 4; if (WscType == WscId) { if (RTMPCompareMemory(pWscControl->RegData.SelfNonce, pData, 16) == 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Nonce match!!\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<----- WscCheckNonce\n")); return TRUE; } else if (NdisEqualMemory(pData, ZeroNonce, 16)) { /* Intel external registrar will send WSC_NACK with enrollee nonce */ /* "10 1A 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" */ /* when AP is configured and user selects not to configure AP. */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Zero Enrollee Nonce!!\n")); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("<----- WscCheckNonce\n")); return TRUE; } } /* Offset to net WSC Ie */ pData += WscLen; Length -= WscLen; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Nonce mismatch!!\n")); return FALSE; } UCHAR WscRxMsgTypeFromUpnp( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN PSTRING pData, IN USHORT Length) { USHORT WscType, WscLen; { /* Eap-Esp(Messages) */ /* the first TLV item in EAP Messages must be WSC_IE_VERSION */ NdisMoveMemory(&WscType, pData, 2); if (ntohs(WscType) != WSC_ID_VERSION) goto out; /* Not Wsc Start, We have to look for WSC_IE_MSG_TYPE to classify M2 ~ M8, the remain size must large than 4 */ while (Length > 4) { /* arm-cpu has packet alignment issue, it's better to use memcpy to retrieve data */ NdisMoveMemory(&WscType, pData, 2); NdisMoveMemory(&WscLen, pData + 2, 2); WscLen = ntohs(WscLen); if (ntohs(WscType) == WSC_ID_MSG_TYPE) { return(*(pData + 4)); /* Found the message type */ } else { pData += (WscLen + 4); Length -= (WscLen + 4); } } } out: return WSC_MSG_UNKNOWN; } VOID RTMPIoctlSetWSCOOB( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd) { char *pTempSsid = NULL; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscPinCode_Proc:: Ap Client doesn't need this command.\n", apidx)); return; } #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ Set_AP_WscConfStatus_Proc(pAd, "1"); Set_AP_AuthMode_Proc(pAd, "WPAPSK"); Set_AP_EncrypType_Proc(pAd, "TKIP"); pTempSsid = vmalloc(33); if (pTempSsid) { memset(pTempSsid, 0, 33); snprintf(pTempSsid, 33, "RalinkInitialAP%02X%02X%02X", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[3], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[4], pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].Bssid[5]); Set_AP_SSID_Proc(pAd, pTempSsid); vfree(pTempSsid); } Set_AP_WPAPSK_Proc(pAd, "RalinkInitialAPxx1234"); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscOOB_Proc\n", apidx)); return; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Wsc Security Mode 0 : WPA2PSK AES 1 : WPA2PSK TKIP 2 : WPAPSK AES 3 : WPAPSK TKIP Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_AP_WscSecurityMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; if (strcmp(arg, "0") == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscSecurityMode = WPA2PSKAES; else if (strcmp(arg, "1") == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscSecurityMode = WPA2PSKTKIP; else if (strcmp(arg, "2") == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscSecurityMode = WPAPSKAES; else if (strcmp(arg, "3") == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscSecurityMode = WPAPSKTKIP; else return FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscSecurityMode_Proc::(WscSecurityMode=%d)\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscSecurityMode )); return TRUE; } INT Set_AP_WscMultiByteCheck_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; BOOLEAN bEnable = FALSE; PWSC_CTRL pWpsCtrl = NULL; BOOLEAN bFromApCli = FALSE; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pObj->ioctl_if_type == INT_APCLI) { bFromApCli = TRUE; pWpsCtrl = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(apcli%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: This command is from apcli interface now.\n", apidx)); } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { bFromApCli = FALSE; pWpsCtrl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].WscControl; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_WscConfMode_Proc:: This command is from ra interface now.\n", apidx)); } if (strcmp(arg, "0") == 0) bEnable = FALSE; else if (strcmp(arg, "1") == 0) bEnable = TRUE; else return FALSE; if (pWpsCtrl->bCheckMultiByte != bEnable) { pWpsCtrl->bCheckMultiByte = bEnable; } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_AP_WscMultiByteCheck_Proc::(bCheckMultiByte=%d)\n", apidx, pWpsCtrl->bCheckMultiByte)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscVersion_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR version = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 16); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscVersion_Proc::(version=%x)\n",version)); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.RegData.SelfInfo.Version = version; return TRUE; } #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT INT Set_WscFragment_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR bool_flag = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 16); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscFragment_Proc::(bool_flag=%d)\n",bool_flag)); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.bWscFragment = bool_flag; return TRUE; } INT Set_WscFragmentSize_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; USHORT WscFragSize = (USHORT)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscFragmentSize_Proc::(WscFragSize=%d)\n", WscFragSize)); if ((WscFragSize >=128) && (WscFragSize <=300)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.WscFragSize = WscFragSize; return TRUE; } INT Set_WscSetupLock_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR bEnable = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); PWSC_CTRL pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl; if (bEnable == 0) { BOOLEAN bCancelled = FALSE; if (pWscControl->WscSetupLockTimerRunning) { RTMPCancelTimer(&pWscControl->WscSetupLockTimer, &bCancelled); } WscSetupLockTimeout(NULL, pWscControl, NULL, NULL); } else { pWscControl->bSetupLock = TRUE; WscBuildBeaconIE(pAd, pWscControl->WscConfStatus, FALSE, 0, 0, pObj->ioctl_if, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); WscBuildProbeRespIE(pAd, WSC_MSGTYPE_AP_WLAN_MGR, pWscControl->WscConfStatus, FALSE, 0, 0, pObj->ioctl_if, NULL, 0, AP_MODE); APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscSetupLock_Proc::(bSetupLock=%d)\n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.bSetupLock)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscV2Support_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR bEnable = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); PWSC_CTRL pWscControl = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl; INT IsAPConfigured = pWscControl->WscConfStatus; if (bEnable == 0) pWscControl->WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2 = FALSE; else pWscControl->WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2 = TRUE; if (pWscControl->WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2) { /* WPS V2 doesn't support WEP and WPA/WPAPSK-TKIP. */ if ((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WepStatus == Ndis802_11WEPEnabled) || (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WepStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) || (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].bHideSsid)) WscOnOff(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if, TRUE); else WscOnOff(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if, FALSE); APUpdateBeaconFrame(pAd, pObj->ioctl_if); } else { WscInit(pAd, FALSE, pObj->ioctl_if); } DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscV2Support_Proc::(bEnableWpsV2=%d)\n", pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.WscV2Info.bEnableWpsV2)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscVersion2_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR version = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 16); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscVersion2_Proc::(version=%x)\n",version)); if (version >= 0x20) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.RegData.SelfInfo.Version2 = version; else return FALSE; return TRUE; } INT Set_WscExtraTlvTag_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; USHORT new_tag = (USHORT)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 16); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.WscV2Info.ExtraTlv.TlvTag = new_tag; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscExtraTlvTag_Proc::(new_tag=0x%04X)\n",new_tag)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscExtraTlvType_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR type = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.WscV2Info.ExtraTlv.TlvType = type; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscExtraTlvType_Proc::(type=%d)\n",type)); return TRUE; } INT Set_WscExtraTlvData_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UINT DataLen = (UINT)strlen(arg); PWSC_TLV pWscTLV = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.WscV2Info.ExtraTlv; INT i; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscExtraTlvData_Proc::(DataLen = %d)\n", DataLen)); if ((DataLen != 0) && (pWscTLV->TlvType == TLV_HEX)) { for(i=0; i < DataLen; i++) { if( !isxdigit(*(arg+i)) ) return FALSE; /*Not Hex value; */ } } if (pWscTLV->pTlvData) { os_free_mem(NULL, pWscTLV->pTlvData); pWscTLV->pTlvData = NULL; } if (DataLen == 0) return TRUE; pWscTLV->TlvLen = 0; os_alloc_mem(NULL, &pWscTLV->pTlvData, DataLen); if (pWscTLV->pTlvData) { if (pWscTLV->TlvType == TLV_ASCII) { NdisMoveMemory(pWscTLV->pTlvData, arg, DataLen); pWscTLV->TlvLen = DataLen; } else { pWscTLV->TlvLen = DataLen/2; AtoH(arg, pWscTLV->pTlvData, pWscTLV->TlvLen); } return TRUE; } else DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscExtraTlvData_Proc::os_alloc_mem fail\n")); return FALSE; } INT Set_WscMaxPinAttack_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR MaxPinAttack = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscMaxPinAttack_Proc::(MaxPinAttack=%d)\n", MaxPinAttack)); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.MaxPinAttack = MaxPinAttack; return TRUE; } INT Set_WscSetupLockTime_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UINT SetupLockTime = (UINT)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_WscSetupLockTime_Proc::(SetupLockTime=%d)\n", SetupLockTime)); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].WscControl.SetupLockTime = SetupLockTime; return TRUE; } #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef IAPP_SUPPORT INT Set_IappPID_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { unsigned long IappPid; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; IappPid = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); RTMP_GET_OS_PID(pObj->IappPid, IappPid); pObj->IappPid_nr = IappPid; /* DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("pObj->IappPid = %d", GET_PID_NUMBER(pObj->IappPid))); */ return TRUE; } /* End of Set_IappPID_Proc */ #endif /* IAPP_SUPPORT */ INT Set_DisConnectSta_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR macAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; PSTRING value; INT i; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry = NULL; if(strlen(arg) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ return FALSE; for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /*Invalid */ AtoH(value, &macAddr[i++], 1); } pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, macAddr); if (pEntry) { MlmeDeAuthAction(pAd, pEntry, REASON_DISASSOC_STA_LEAVING, FALSE); /* MacTableDeleteEntry(pAd, pEntry->Aid, Addr); */ } return TRUE; } INT Set_DisConnectAllSta_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { { MacTableReset(pAd); } return TRUE; } #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT /* ========================================================================== Description: Set IEEE8021X. This parameter is 1 when 802.1x-wep turn on, otherwise 0 Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_IEEE8021X_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG ieee8021x; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; ieee8021x = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (ieee8021x == 1) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X = TRUE; else if (ieee8021x == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X = FALSE; else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_IEEE8021X_Proc::(IEEE8021X=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].IEEE8021X)); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set pre-authentication enable or disable when WPA/WPA2 turn on Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT Set_PreAuth_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG PreAuth; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; PreAuth = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (PreAuth == 1) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].PreAuth = TRUE; else if (PreAuth == 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].PreAuth = FALSE; else return FALSE; /*Invalid argument */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) Set_PreAuth_Proc::(PreAuth=%d)\n", pObj->ioctl_if, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].PreAuth)); return TRUE; } INT Set_OwnIPAddr_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UINT32 ip_addr; if (rtinet_aton(arg, &ip_addr)) { pAd->ApCfg.own_ip_addr = ip_addr; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("own_ip_addr=%s(%x)\n", arg, pAd->ApCfg.own_ip_addr)); } return TRUE; } INT Set_EAPIfName_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT i; PSTRING macptr; for (i=0, macptr = rstrtok(arg,";"); (macptr && i < MAX_MBSSID_NUM(pAd)); macptr = rstrtok(NULL,";"), i++) { if (strlen(macptr) > 0) { pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname_len[i] = strlen(macptr); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname[i], macptr, strlen(macptr)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("NO.%d EAPifname=%s, len=%d\n", i, pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname[i], pAd->ApCfg.EAPifname_len[i])); } } return TRUE; } INT Set_PreAuthIfName_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT i; PSTRING macptr; for (i=0, macptr = rstrtok(arg,";"); (macptr && i < MAX_MBSSID_NUM(pAd)); macptr = rstrtok(NULL,";"), i++) { if (strlen(macptr) > 0) { pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname_len[i] = strlen(macptr); NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname[i], macptr, strlen(macptr)); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("NO.%d PreAuthifname=%s, len=%d\n", i, pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname[i], pAd->ApCfg.PreAuthifname_len[i])); } } return TRUE; } INT Set_RADIUS_Server_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; PSTRING macptr; INT count; UINT32 ip_addr; INT srv_cnt = 0; for (count = 0, macptr = rstrtok(arg,";"); (macptr && count < MAX_RADIUS_SRV_NUM); macptr = rstrtok(NULL,";"), count++) { if (rtinet_aton(macptr, &ip_addr)) { PRADIUS_SRV_INFO pSrvInfo = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].radius_srv_info[srv_cnt]; pSrvInfo->radius_ip = ip_addr; srv_cnt++; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d), radius_ip(seq-%d)=%s(%x)\n", apidx, srv_cnt, macptr, pSrvInfo->radius_ip)); } } if (srv_cnt > 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].radius_srv_num = srv_cnt; return TRUE; } INT Set_RADIUS_Port_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; PSTRING macptr; INT count; INT srv_cnt = 0; for (count = 0, macptr = rstrtok(arg,";"); (macptr && count < MAX_RADIUS_SRV_NUM); macptr = rstrtok(NULL,";"), count++) { if (srv_cnt < pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].radius_srv_num) { PRADIUS_SRV_INFO pSrvInfo = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].radius_srv_info[srv_cnt]; pSrvInfo->radius_port = (UINT32) simple_strtol(macptr, 0, 10); srv_cnt ++; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d), radius_port(seq-%d)=%d\n", apidx, srv_cnt, pSrvInfo->radius_port)); } } return TRUE; } INT Set_RADIUS_Key_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR apidx = pObj->ioctl_if; PSTRING macptr; INT count; INT srv_cnt = 0; for (count = 0, macptr = rstrtok(arg,";"); (macptr && count < MAX_RADIUS_SRV_NUM); macptr = rstrtok(NULL,";"), count++) { if (strlen(macptr) > 0 && srv_cnt < pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].radius_srv_num) { PRADIUS_SRV_INFO pSrvInfo = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].radius_srv_info[srv_cnt]; pSrvInfo->radius_key_len = strlen(macptr); NdisMoveMemory(pSrvInfo->radius_key, macptr, pSrvInfo->radius_key_len); srv_cnt ++; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d), radius_key(seq-%d)=%s, len=%d\n", apidx, srv_cnt, pSrvInfo->radius_key, pSrvInfo->radius_key_len)); } } return TRUE; } #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ #ifdef UAPSD_SUPPORT INT Set_UAPSD_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE) pAd->OS_Cookie; UCHAR IdMbss = pObj->ioctl_if; if (simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10) != 0) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[IdMbss].UapsdInfo.bAPSDCapable = TRUE; else pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[IdMbss].UapsdInfo.bAPSDCapable = FALSE; /* End of if */ return TRUE; } /* End of Set_UAPSD_Proc */ #endif /* UAPSD_SUPPORT */ #ifdef MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC INT Set_McastPhyMode( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR PhyMode = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.BW = pAd->CommonCfg.RegTransmitSetting.field.BW; switch (PhyMode) { case MCAST_DISABLE: /* disable */ NdisMoveMemory(&pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode, &pAd->MacTab.Content[MCAST_WCID].HTPhyMode, sizeof(HTTRANSMIT_SETTING)); break; case MCAST_CCK: /* CCK */ pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.BW = BW_20; break; case MCAST_OFDM: /* OFDM */ pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; break; #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT case MCAST_HTMIX: /* HTMIX */ pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTMIX; break; #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ default: printk("unknow Muticast PhyMode %d.\n", PhyMode); printk("0:Disable 1:CCK, 2:OFDM, 3:HTMIX.\n"); break; } return TRUE; } INT Set_McastMcs( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR Mcs = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (Mcs > 15) printk("Mcs must in range of 0 to 15\n"); switch(pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MODE) { case MODE_CCK: if ((Mcs <= 3) || (Mcs >= 8 && Mcs <= 11)) pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MCS = Mcs; else printk("MCS must in range of 0 ~ 3 and 8 ~ 11 for CCK Mode.\n"); break; case MODE_OFDM: if (Mcs > 7) printk("MCS must in range from 0 to 7 for CCK Mode.\n"); else pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MCS = Mcs; break; default: pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MCS = Mcs; break; } return TRUE; } INT Show_McastRate( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { printk("Mcast PhyMode =%d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MODE); printk("Mcast Mcs =%d\n", pAd->CommonCfg.MCastPhyMode.field.MCS); return TRUE; } #endif /* MCAST_RATE_SPECIFIC */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT #ifdef DOT11N_DRAFT3 INT Set_OBSSScanParam_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { INT ObssScanValue; UINT Idx; PSTRING thisChar; Idx = 0; while ((thisChar = strsep((char **)&arg, "-")) != NULL) { ObssScanValue = (INT) simple_strtol(thisChar, 0, 10); switch (Idx) { case 0: if (ObssScanValue < 5 || ObssScanValue > 1000) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Invalid OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanPassiveDwell(%d), should in range 5~1000\n", ObssScanValue)); } else { pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanPassiveDwell = ObssScanValue; /* Unit : TU. 5~1000 */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanPassiveDwell=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); } break; case 1: if (ObssScanValue < 10 || ObssScanValue > 1000) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Invalid OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanActiveDwell(%d), should in range 10~1000\n", ObssScanValue)); } else { pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanActiveDwell = ObssScanValue; /* Unit : TU. 10~1000 */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanActiveDwell=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); } break; case 2: pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthTriggerScanInt = ObssScanValue; /* Unit : Second */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11BssWidthTriggerScanInt=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); break; case 3: if (ObssScanValue < 200 || ObssScanValue > 10000) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Invalid OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel(%d), should in range 200~10000\n", ObssScanValue)); } else { pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel = ObssScanValue; /* Unit : TU. 200~10000 */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); } break; case 4: if (ObssScanValue < 20 || ObssScanValue > 10000) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Invalid OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanActiveTotalPerChannel(%d), should in range 20~10000\n", ObssScanValue)); } else { pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanActiveTotalPerChannel = ObssScanValue; /* Unit : TU. 20~10000 */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11OBssScanActiveTotalPerChannel=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); } break; case 5: pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelayFactor = ObssScanValue; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelayFactor=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); break; case 6: pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanActivityThre = ObssScanValue; /* Unit : percentage */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelayFactor=%d\n", ObssScanValue)); break; } Idx++; } if (Idx != 7) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("Wrong OBSSScanParamtetrs format in ioctl cmd!!!!! Use default value\n")); pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanPassiveDwell = dot11OBSSScanPassiveDwell; /* Unit : TU. 5~1000 */ pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanActiveDwell = dot11OBSSScanActiveDwell; /* Unit : TU. 10~1000 */ pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthTriggerScanInt = dot11BSSWidthTriggerScanInterval; /* Unit : Second */ pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanPassiveTotalPerChannel = dot11OBSSScanPassiveTotalPerChannel; /* Unit : TU. 200~10000 */ pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanActiveTotalPerChannel = dot11OBSSScanActiveTotalPerChannel; /* Unit : TU. 20~10000 */ pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelayFactor = dot11BSSWidthChannelTransactionDelayFactor; pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11OBssScanActivityThre = dot11BSSScanActivityThreshold; /* Unit : percentage */ } pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelay = (pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthTriggerScanInt * pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelayFactor); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("OBSSScanParam for Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelay=%ld\n", pAd->CommonCfg.Dot11BssWidthChanTranDelay)); return TRUE; } INT Set_AP2040ReScan_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { APOverlappingBSSScan(pAd); /* apply setting */ SetCommonHT(pAd); AsicBBPAdjust(pAd); AsicSwitchChannel(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel, FALSE); AsicLockChannel(pAd, pAd->CommonCfg.CentralChannel); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set_AP2040ReScan_Proc() Trigger AP ReScan !!!\n")); return TRUE; } #endif /* DOT11N_DRAFT3 */ #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ INT Set_EntryLifeCheck_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { ULONG LifeCheckCnt = (ULONG) simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (LifeCheckCnt <= 65535) pAd->ApCfg.EntryLifeCheck = LifeCheckCnt; else printk("LifeCheckCnt must in range of 0 to 65535\n"); printk("EntryLifeCheck Cnt = %ld.\n", pAd->ApCfg.EntryLifeCheck); return TRUE; } /* ========================================================================== Description: Set Authentication mode Return: TRUE if all parameters are OK, FALSE otherwise ========================================================================== */ INT ApCfg_Set_AuthMode_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN INT apidx, IN PSTRING arg) { if ((strcmp(arg, "WEPAUTO") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wepauto") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeAutoSwitch; else if ((strcmp(arg, "OPEN") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "open") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen; else if ((strcmp(arg, "SHARED") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "shared") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeShared; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPAPSK") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpapsk") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA2PSK") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa2psk") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPAPSKWPA2PSK") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpapskwpa2psk") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1PSKWPA2PSK; #ifdef DOT1X_SUPPORT else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA2") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa2") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WPA1WPA2") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "wpa1wpa2") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA1WPA2; #endif /* DOT1X_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WAPI_SUPPORT else if ((strcmp(arg, "WAICERT") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "waicert") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWAICERT; else if ((strcmp(arg, "WAIPSK") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "waipsk") == 0)) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWAIPSK; #endif /* WAPI_SUPPORT */ else pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d)::AuthMode=%d\n", apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].AuthMode)); return TRUE; } INT ApCfg_Set_MaxStaNum_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN INT apidx, IN PSTRING arg) { pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].MaxStaNum = (UCHAR)simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IF(ra%d) %s::(MaxStaNum=%d)\n", apidx, __FUNCTION__, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].MaxStaNum)); return TRUE; } INT ApCfg_Set_IdleTimeout_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { LONG idle_time; idle_time = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); if (idle_time < MAC_TABLE_MIN_AGEOUT_TIME) pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout = MAC_TABLE_MIN_AGEOUT_TIME; else pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout = idle_time; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s : IdleTimeout=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout)); return TRUE; } INT Set_MemDebug_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { #ifdef VENDOR_FEATURE2_SUPPORT printk("Number of Packet Allocated = %lu\n", OS_NumOfPktAlloc); printk("Number of Packet Freed = %lu\n", OS_NumOfPktFree); printk("Offset of Packet Allocated/Freed = %lu\n", OS_NumOfPktAlloc - OS_NumOfPktFree); #endif /* VENDOR_FEATURE2_SUPPORT */ return TRUE; } #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT VOID RTMPApCliAddKey( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN INT apidx, IN PNDIS_APCLI_802_11_KEY pKey) { ULONG KeyIdx; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry; INT ifIndex,BssIdx; PAPCLI_STRUCT pApCliEntry; MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *pMacEntry=(MAC_TABLE_ENTRY *)NULL; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPApCliAddKey ------>\n")); ifIndex=apidx; pApCliEntry = &pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[ifIndex]; pMacEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[pApCliEntry->MacTabWCID]; BssIdx = pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum + MAX_MESH_NUM + ifIndex; if (pApCliEntry->AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) { if (pKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { if (pApCliEntry->AuthMode == Ndis802_11AuthModeWPANone) { NdisZeroMemory(pApCliEntry->PMK, 32); NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->PMK, pKey->KeyMaterial, pKey->KeyLength); goto end; } /* Update PTK */ NdisZeroMemory(&pMacEntry->PairwiseKey, sizeof(CIPHER_KEY)); pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = LEN_TK; NdisMoveMemory(pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, pKey->KeyMaterial, LEN_TK); if (pApCliEntry->PairCipher == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { NdisMoveMemory(pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.RxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK, LEN_TKIP_MIC); NdisMoveMemory(pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.TxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK + LEN_TKIP_MIC, LEN_TKIP_MIC); } else { NdisMoveMemory(pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.TxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK, LEN_TKIP_MIC); NdisMoveMemory(pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.RxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK + LEN_TKIP_MIC, LEN_TKIP_MIC); } /* Decide its ChiperAlg */ if (pApCliEntry->PairCipher == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_TKIP; else if (pApCliEntry->PairCipher == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_AES; else pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_NONE; AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pMacEntry->Aid, &pMacEntry->PairwiseKey); RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, BssIdx, 0, pMacEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, (UCHAR)pMacEntry->Aid, PAIRWISEKEYTABLE); if (pMacEntry->AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) { /* set 802.1x port control */ pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; pMacEntry->PrivacyFilter = Ndis802_11PrivFilterAcceptAll; } } else { /* Update GTK */ pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId = (pKey->KeyIndex & 0xFF); NdisZeroMemory(&pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId], sizeof(CIPHER_KEY)); pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].KeyLen = LEN_TK; NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].Key, pKey->KeyMaterial, LEN_TK); if (pApCliEntry->GroupCipher == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].RxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK, LEN_TKIP_MIC); NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].TxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK + LEN_TKIP_MIC, LEN_TKIP_MIC); } else { NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].TxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK, LEN_TKIP_MIC); NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].RxMic, pKey->KeyMaterial + LEN_TK + LEN_TKIP_MIC, LEN_TKIP_MIC); } /* Update Shared Key CipherAlg */ pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg = CIPHER_NONE; if (pApCliEntry->GroupCipher == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg = CIPHER_TKIP; else if (pApCliEntry->GroupCipher == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg = CIPHER_AES; /* Update group key information to ASIC Shared Key Table */ AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, BssIdx, pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId, &pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId]); /* Update ASIC WCID attribute table and IVEIV table */ RTMPAddWcidAttributeEntry(pAd, BssIdx, pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId, pApCliEntry->SharedKey[pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId].CipherAlg, NULL); /* set 802.1x port control */ if (pMacEntry->AuthMode >= Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA) { /* set 802.1x port control */ pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; pMacEntry->PrivacyFilter = Ndis802_11PrivFilterAcceptAll; } } } else /* dynamic WEP from wpa_supplicant */ { UCHAR CipherAlg; PUCHAR Key; if(pKey->KeyLength == 32) goto end; KeyIdx = pKey->KeyIndex & 0x0fffffff; if (KeyIdx < 4) { /* it is a default shared key, for Pairwise key setting */ if (pKey->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) { pEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, pKey->BSSID); if (pEntry && IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pEntry)) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("RTMPAddKey: Set Pair-wise Key\n")); /* set key material and key length */ pEntry->PairwiseKey.KeyLen = (UCHAR )pKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(pEntry->PairwiseKey.Key, &pKey->KeyMaterial, pKey->KeyLength); /* set Cipher type */ if (pKey->KeyLength == 5) pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP64; else pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP128; /* Add Pair-wise key to Asic */ AsicAddPairwiseKeyEntry( pAd, (UCHAR)pEntry->Aid, &pEntry->PairwiseKey); /* update WCID attribute table and IVEIV table for this entry */ RTMPSetWcidSecurityInfo(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, pEntry->PairwiseKey.CipherAlg, pEntry->Aid, PAIRWISEKEYTABLE); } } else { /* Default key for tx (shared key) */ pApCliEntry->DefaultKeyId = (UCHAR) KeyIdx; /*/ set key material and key length */ pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx].KeyLen = (UCHAR) pKey->KeyLength; NdisMoveMemory(pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx].Key, &pKey->KeyMaterial, pKey->KeyLength); /* Set Ciper type */ if (pKey->KeyLength == 5) pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP64; else pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx].CipherAlg = CIPHER_WEP128; CipherAlg = pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx].CipherAlg; Key = pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx].Key; /* Set Group key material to Asic */ AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, &pApCliEntry->SharedKey[KeyIdx]); /* STA doesn't need to set WCID attribute for group key */ /* Update WCID attribute table and IVEIV table for this group key table */ RTMPAddWcidAttributeEntry(pAd, BssIdx, KeyIdx, CipherAlg, NULL); } } } end: DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_INFO, ("<------ RTMPApCliAddKey\n")); return; } #endif/*APCLI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT*/ #endif/*APCLI_SUPPORT*/ #ifdef CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT /* ======================================================================== Routine Description: Set power save life time. Arguments: pAd - WLAN control block pointer Arg - Input arguments Return Value: None Note: ======================================================================== */ INT Set_PowerSaveLifeTime_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { pAd->MacTab.MsduLifeTime = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Set new life time = %d\n", pAd->MacTab.MsduLifeTime)); return TRUE; } #endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef MBSS_SUPPORT /* ======================================================================== Routine Description: Show MBSS information. Arguments: pAd - WLAN control block pointer Arg - Input arguments Return Value: None Note: ======================================================================== */ INT Show_MbssInfo_Display_Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UINT32 IdBss; UCHAR PhyMode; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n\tBSS Idx\t\tPhy Mode\n")); for(IdBss=0; IdBss<=pAd->ApCfg.BssidNum; IdBss++) { if (IdBss == 0) { PhyMode = pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\tMAX\t\t")); } else { PhyMode = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[IdBss-1].PhyMode; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\t%d\t\t", IdBss-1)); } /* End of if */ switch(PhyMode) { case (WMODE_B | WMODE_G): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("BG Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_B): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("B Only\n")); break; case (WMODE_A): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("A Only\n")); break; case (WMODE_A | WMODE_B | WMODE_G): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("ABG Mixed ==> BG Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_G): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("G Only\n")); break; #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT case (WMODE_A | WMODE_B | WMODE_G | WMODE_AN | WMODE_GN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("ABGN Mixed ==> BGN Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_GN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("2.4G N Only\n")); break; case (WMODE_G | WMODE_GN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("GN Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_A | WMODE_AN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("AN Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_B | WMODE_G | WMODE_GN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("BGN Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_A | WMODE_G | WMODE_GN | WMODE_AN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("AGN Mixed\n")); break; case (WMODE_AN): DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("5G N Only\n")); break; #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ } /* End of switch */ } /* End of for */ DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR, ("\n")); return TRUE; } /* End of Show_MbssInfo_Display_Proc */ #endif /* MBSS_SUPPORT */ #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT VOID RtmpHostapdSecuritySet( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrqin) { if(wrqin->u.data.length > 20 && MAX_LEN_OF_RSNIE > wrqin->u.data.length && wrqin->u.data.pointer) { UCHAR RSNIE_Len[2]; UCHAR RSNIe[2]; int offset_next_ie=0; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("ioctl SIOCSIWGENIE pAd->IoctlIF=%d\n",apidx)); RSNIe[0]=*(UINT8 *)wrqin->u.data.pointer; if(IE_WPA != RSNIe[0] && IE_RSN != RSNIe[0] ) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("IE %02x != 0x30/0xdd\n",RSNIe[0])); Status = -EINVAL; break; } RSNIE_Len[0]=*((UINT8 *)wrqin->u.data.pointer + 1); if(wrqin->u.data.length != RSNIE_Len[0]+2) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("IE use WPA1 WPA2\n")); NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RSN_IE[1], MAX_LEN_OF_RSNIE); RSNIe[1]=*(UINT8 *)wrqin->u.data.pointer; RSNIE_Len[1]=*((UINT8 *)wrqin->u.data.pointer + 1); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,( "IE1 %02x %02x\n",RSNIe[1],RSNIE_Len[1])); pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RSNIE_Len[1] = RSNIE_Len[1]; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RSN_IE[1], (UCHAR *)(wrqin->u.data.pointer)+2, RSNIE_Len[1]); offset_next_ie=RSNIE_Len[1]+2; } else DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE,("IE use only %02x\n",RSNIe[0])); NdisZeroMemory(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RSN_IE[0], MAX_LEN_OF_RSNIE); RSNIe[0]=*(((UINT8 *)wrqin->u.data.pointer)+offset_next_ie); RSNIE_Len[0]=*(((UINT8 *)wrqin->u.data.pointer) + offset_next_ie + 1); if(IE_WPA != RSNIe[0] && IE_RSN != RSNIe[0] ) { Status = -EINVAL; break; } pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RSNIE_Len[0] = RSNIE_Len[0]; NdisMoveMemory(pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[apidx].RSN_IE[0], ((UCHAR *)(wrqin->u.data.pointer))+2+offset_next_ie, RSNIE_Len[0]); APMakeAllBssBeacon(pAd); APUpdateAllBeaconFrame(pAd); } } #endif /* HOSTAPD_SUPPORT */ /* ======================================================================== Routine Description: Driver Ioctl for AP. Arguments: pAdSrc - WLAN control block pointer wrq - the IOCTL parameters cmd - the command ID subcmd - the sub-command ID pData - the IOCTL private data pointer Data - the IOCTL private data Return Value: NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS - IOCTL OK Otherwise - IOCTL fail Note: ======================================================================== */ INT RTMP_AP_IoctlHandle( IN VOID *pAdSrc, IN RTMP_IOCTL_INPUT_STRUCT *wrq, IN INT cmd, IN USHORT subcmd, IN VOID *pData, IN ULONG Data) { PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd = (PRTMP_ADAPTER)pAdSrc; POS_COOKIE pObj = (POS_COOKIE)pAd->OS_Cookie; INT Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch(cmd) { case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_SET: Status = RTMPAPPrivIoctlSet(pAd, wrq); break; case CMD_RT_PRIV_IOCTL: if (subcmd & OID_GET_SET_TOGGLE) Status = RTMPAPSetInformation(pAd, wrq, (INT)subcmd); else { #ifdef LLTD_SUPPORT if (subcmd == RT_OID_GET_PHY_MODE) { if(pData != NULL) { UINT modetmp = 0; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("Query::Get phy mode (%02X) \n", pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode)); modetmp = (UINT) pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode; wrq->u.data.length = 1; /**(ULONG *)pData = (ULONG)pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode; */ if (copy_to_user(pData, &modetmp, wrq->u.data.length)) Status = -EFAULT; } else Status = -EFAULT; } else #endif /* LLTD_SUPPORT */ Status = RTMPAPQueryInformation(pAd, wrq, (INT)subcmd); } break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_SHOW: Status = RTMPAPPrivIoctlShow(pAd, wrq); break; #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_SET_WSCOOB: RTMPIoctlSetWSCOOB(pAd); break; #endif/*WSC_AP_SUPPORT*/ case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_GET_MAC_TABLE: RTMPIoctlGetMacTable(pAd,wrq); break; #if defined (AP_SCAN_SUPPORT) || defined (CONFIG_STA_SUPPORT) case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_GSITESURVEY: RTMPIoctlGetSiteSurvey(pAd,wrq); break; #endif /* AP_SCAN_SUPPORT */ case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_STATISTICS: RTMPIoctlStatistics(pAd, wrq); break; #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_WSC_PROFILE: RTMPIoctlWscProfile(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_QUERY_BATABLE: RTMPIoctlQueryBaTable(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /* DOT11_N_SUPPORT */ case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_E2P: RTMPAPIoctlE2PROM(pAd, wrq); break; #ifdef DBG case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_BBP: RTMPAPIoctlBBP(pAd, wrq); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MAC: RTMPAPIoctlMAC(pAd, wrq); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_RF: RTMPAPIoctlRF(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /* DBG */ #ifdef INF_AR9 #ifdef AR9_MAPI_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_GET_AR9_SHOW: Status = RTMPAPPrivIoctlAR9Show(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /*AR9_MAPI_SUPPORT*/ #endif/* INF_AR9 */ case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_GET_MAC_TABLE_STRUCT: break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_AP_SIOCGIFHWADDR: if (pObj->ioctl_if < MAX_MBSSID_NUM(pAd)) NdisCopyMemory((PSTRING) wrq->u.name, (PSTRING) pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Bssid, 6); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_AP_SIOCGIWESSID: { RT_CMD_AP_IOCTL_SSID *pSSID = (RT_CMD_AP_IOCTL_SSID *)pData; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pSSID->priv_flags == INT_APCLI) { if (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[pObj->ioctl_if].Valid == TRUE) { pSSID->length = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[pObj->ioctl_if].SsidLen; pSSID->pSsidStr = (char *)&pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[pObj->ioctl_if].Ssid; } else { pSSID->length = 0; pSSID->pSsidStr = NULL; } } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { pSSID->length = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pSSID->apidx].SsidLen; pSSID->pSsidStr = (char *)pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pSSID->apidx].Ssid; } } break; #ifdef MBSS_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MBSS_BEACON_UPDATE: APMakeAllBssBeacon(pAd); APUpdateAllBeaconFrame(pAd); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MBSS_OPEN: if (MBSS_Open(pData) != 0) return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MBSS_CLOSE: MBSS_Close(pData); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MBSS_INIT: MBSS_Init(pAd, pData); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MBSS_REMOVE: MBSS_Remove(pAd); break; #endif /* MBSS_SUPPORT */ case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_WSC_INIT: { #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT #ifdef WSC_AP_SUPPORT #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT PWSC_V2_INFO pWscV2Info; #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ APCLI_STRUCT *pApCliEntry = (APCLI_STRUCT *)pData; WscGenerateUUID(pAd, &pApCliEntry->WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_E[0], &pApCliEntry->WscControl.Wsc_Uuid_Str[0], 0, FALSE); pApCliEntry->WscControl.bWscFragment = FALSE; pApCliEntry->WscControl.WscFragSize = 128; pApCliEntry->WscControl.WscRxBufLen = 0; pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscRxBuf = NULL; os_alloc_mem(pAd, &pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscRxBuf, MGMT_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE); if (pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscRxBuf) NdisZeroMemory(pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscRxBuf, MGMT_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE); pApCliEntry->WscControl.WscTxBufLen = 0; pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscTxBuf = NULL; os_alloc_mem(pAd, &pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscTxBuf, MGMT_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE); if (pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscTxBuf) NdisZeroMemory(pApCliEntry->WscControl.pWscTxBuf, MGMT_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE); initList(&pApCliEntry->WscControl.WscPeerList); NdisAllocateSpinLock(pAd, &pApCliEntry->WscControl.WscPeerListSemLock); pApCliEntry->WscControl.PinAttackCount = 0; pApCliEntry->WscControl.bSetupLock = FALSE; #ifdef WSC_V2_SUPPORT pWscV2Info = &pApCliEntry->WscControl.WscV2Info; pWscV2Info->bWpsEnable = TRUE; pWscV2Info->ExtraTlv.TlvLen = 0; pWscV2Info->ExtraTlv.TlvTag = 0; pWscV2Info->ExtraTlv.pTlvData = NULL; pWscV2Info->ExtraTlv.TlvType = TLV_ASCII; pWscV2Info->bEnableWpsV2 = TRUE; #endif /* WSC_V2_SUPPORT */ WscInit(pAd, TRUE, Data); #endif /* WSC_AP_SUPPORT */ #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ } break; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_APC_UP: ApCliIfUp(pAd); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_APC_DISCONNECT: MlmeEnqueue(pAd, APCLI_CTRL_STATE_MACHINE, APCLI_CTRL_DISCONNECT_REQ, 0, NULL, Data); RTMP_MLME_HANDLER(pAd); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_APC_INIT: APCli_Init(pAd, pData); break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_APC_OPEN: if (ApCli_Open(pAd, pData) != TRUE) return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_APC_CLOSE: if (ApCli_Close(pAd, pData) != TRUE) return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_APC_REMOVE: ApCli_Remove(pAd); break; #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_MAIN_OPEN: pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[MAIN_MBSSID].bBcnSntReq = TRUE; break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_PREPARE: { RT_CMD_AP_IOCTL_CONFIG *pConfig = (RT_CMD_AP_IOCTL_CONFIG *)pData; pConfig->Status = RTMP_AP_IoctlPrepare(pAd, pData); if (pConfig->Status != 0) return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_AP_SIOCGIWAP: { UCHAR *pBssidDest = (UCHAR *)pData; PCHAR pBssidStr; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (Data == INT_APCLI) { if (pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[pObj->ioctl_if].Valid == TRUE) pBssidStr = (PCHAR)&APCLI_ROOT_BSSID_GET(pAd, pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[pObj->ioctl_if].MacTabWCID); else pBssidStr = NULL; } else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ { pBssidStr = (PCHAR) &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].Bssid[0]; } if (pBssidStr != NULL) { memcpy(pBssidDest, pBssidStr, ETH_ALEN); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("IOCTL::SIOCGIWAP(=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)\n", pBssidStr[0],pBssidStr[1],pBssidStr[2], pBssidStr[3],pBssidStr[4],pBssidStr[5])); } else { memset(pBssidDest, 0, ETH_ALEN); } } break; case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_AP_SIOCGIWRATEQ: /* handle for SIOCGIWRATEQ */ { RT_CMD_IOCTL_RATE *pRate = (RT_CMD_IOCTL_RATE *)pData; HTTRANSMIT_SETTING HtPhyMode; #ifdef APCLI_SUPPORT if (pRate->priv_flags == INT_APCLI) HtPhyMode = pAd->ApCfg.ApCliTab[pObj->ioctl_if].HTPhyMode; else #endif /* APCLI_SUPPORT */ #ifdef WDS_SUPPORT if (pRate->priv_flags == INT_WDS) HtPhyMode = pAd->WdsTab.WdsEntry[pObj->ioctl_if].HTPhyMode; else #endif /* WDS_SUPPORT */ { HtPhyMode = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pObj->ioctl_if].HTPhyMode; #ifdef MBSS_SUPPORT /* reset phy mode for MBSS */ MBSS_PHY_MODE_RESET(pObj->ioctl_if, HtPhyMode); #endif /* MBSS_SUPPORT */ } RtmpDrvMaxRateGet(pAd, HtPhyMode.field.MODE, HtPhyMode.field.ShortGI, HtPhyMode.field.BW, HtPhyMode.field.MCS, (UINT32 *)&pRate->BitRate); } break; #ifdef HOSTAPD_SUPPORT case CMD_RTPRIV_IOCTL_AP_SIOCGIWRATEQ: RtmpHostapdSecuritySet(pAd, wrq); break; #endif /* HOSTAPD_SUPPORT */ default: Status = RTMP_COM_IoctlHandle(pAd, wrq, cmd, subcmd, pData, Data); break; } return Status; } INT Set_LoopBackFlag_Proc( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { pAd->bloopBackTest = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("LoopBackFlag = %d \n", pAd->bloopBackTest)); return TRUE; } INT Set_TestTxFrameProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { LONG WirelessMode; PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pMacEntry = NULL; UINT32 Value1 = 0; UCHAR tempMAC[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55}; WirelessMode = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, MAC_SYS_CTRL, &Value1); if (Value1 == 0x2c) pAd->bloopBackTest = 1; else pAd->bloopBackTest = 0; // allocate one MAC entry pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, tempMAC); if (pMacEntry && IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pMacEntry)) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MacTable Entry exist !!!\n")); else pMacEntry = MacTableInsertEntry(pAd, tempMAC, BSS0, OPMODE_AP, TRUE); if (pMacEntry) { pMacEntry->AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen; pMacEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled; pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; pMacEntry->Sst = SST_ASSOC; pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate = RATE_54; if (pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate < RATE_FIRST_OFDM_RATE) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MCS = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MCS = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; } else { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = OfdmRateToRxwiMCS[pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate]; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MCS = OfdmRateToRxwiMCS[pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate]; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MCS = OfdmRateToRxwiMCS[pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate]; } // Set WMM capability if ((pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode >= PHY_11ABGN_MIXED) || (pAd->CommonCfg.bWmmCapable)) { CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_WMM_CAPABLE); } else { CLIENT_STATUS_CLEAR_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_WMM_CAPABLE); } if (pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode >= PHY_11ABGN_MIXED) { UCHAR j, bitmask; /*k,bitmask; */ CHAR i; if ((pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.GF) && (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.GF)) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTGREENFIELD; } else { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTMIX; pAd->MacTab.fAnyStationNonGF = TRUE; pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo2.NonGfPresent = 1; } if ((pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth) && (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.ChannelWidth)) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW= BW_40; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.ShortGI = ((pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.ShortGIfor40)&(pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor40)); } else { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW = BW_20; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.ShortGI = ((pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.ShortGIfor20)&(pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor20)); pAd->MacTab.fAnyStation20Only = TRUE; } /* find max fixed rate */ for (i=23; i>=0; i--) /* 3*3 */ { j = i/8; bitmask = (1<<(i-(j*8))); if ((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredHtPhyInfo.MCSSet[j] & bitmask) && (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[j] & bitmask)) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = i; break; } if (i==0) break; } if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS != MCS_AUTO) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("@@@ IF-ra%d DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS = %d\n", pMacEntry->apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS)); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS == 32) { /* Fix MCS as HT Duplicated Mode */ pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW = 1; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTMIX; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.STBC = 0; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.ShortGI = 0; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = 32; } else if (pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS > pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].HTPhyMode.field.MCS) { /* STA supports fixed MCS */ pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].HTPhyMode.field.MCS; } } pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.STBC = (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.RxSTBC & (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.TxSTBC)); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MpduDensity < 5) pMacEntry->MpduDensity = 5; else pMacEntry->MpduDensity = pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MpduDensity; pMacEntry->MaxRAmpduFactor = pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MaxRAmpduFactor; pMacEntry->MmpsMode = (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.MimoPs; pMacEntry->AMsduSize = (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.AMsduSize; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.word = pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.word; if (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.AmsduEnable && (pAd->CommonCfg.REGBACapability.field.AutoBA == FALSE)) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_AMSDU_INUSED); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor20) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_SGI20_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor40) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_SGI40_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.TxSTBC) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_TxSTBC_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.RxSTBC) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_RxSTBC_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.ExtHtCapInfo.PlusHTC) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_HTC_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.bRdg && pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.ExtHtCapInfo.RDGSupport) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_RDG_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.ExtHtCapInfo.MCSFeedback == 0x03) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_MCSFEEDBACK_CAPABLE); /* Record the received capability from association request */ NdisMoveMemory(&pMacEntry->HTCapability, &pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_IE)); } else { pAd->MacTab.fAnyStationIsLegacy = TRUE; NdisZeroMemory(&pMacEntry->HTCapability, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_IE)); } pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.word = pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.word; pMacEntry->CurrTxRate = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; } { UCHAR TDLS_ETHERTYPE[] = {0x89, 0x0d}; UCHAR Header802_3[14]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; ULONG FrameLen = 0; ULONG TempLen; UCHAR idxCount; ULONG TmpLen1 = 0; UCHAR RalinkIe[10] = {0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf}; NDIS_STATUS NStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; MAKE_802_3_HEADER(Header802_3, tempMAC, pAd->CurrentAddress, TDLS_ETHERTYPE); // Allocate buffer for transmitting message NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NStatus; for (idxCount = 0; idxCount < WirelessMode; idxCount++) { //ULONG TmpLen1 = 0; //UCHAR RalinkIe[10] = {0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa5}; TmpLen1 = 0; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer+FrameLen, &TmpLen1, 10, RalinkIe, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen = FrameLen + TmpLen1; } RTMPToWirelessSta(pAd, pMacEntry, Header802_3, LENGTH_802_3, pOutBuffer, (UINT)FrameLen, FALSE); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } return TRUE; } INT Set_TestTxFrame1Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pMacEntry = NULL; UCHAR tempMAC[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x33,0x52,0xb8}; PSTRING value; INT i; UINT32 Value1 = 0; RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, MAC_SYS_CTRL, &Value1); if (Value1 == 0x2c) pAd->bloopBackTest = 1; else pAd->bloopBackTest = 0; if(strlen(arg) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ return FALSE; for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /*Invalid */ AtoH(value, &tempMAC[i++], 1); } // allocate one MAC entry pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, tempMAC); if (pMacEntry && IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pMacEntry)) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MacTable Entry exist !!!\n")); else pMacEntry = MacTableInsertEntry(pAd, tempMAC, BSS0, OPMODE_AP, TRUE); if (pMacEntry) { pMacEntry->AuthMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen; pMacEntry->WepStatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled; pMacEntry->PortSecured = WPA_802_1X_PORT_SECURED; pMacEntry->Sst = SST_ASSOC; pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate = RATE_54; if (pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate < RATE_FIRST_OFDM_RATE) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MCS = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_CCK; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MCS = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; } else { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = OfdmRateToRxwiMCS[pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate]; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pMacEntry->MinHTPhyMode.field.MCS = OfdmRateToRxwiMCS[pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate]; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_OFDM; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.field.MCS = OfdmRateToRxwiMCS[pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate]; } // Set WMM capability if ((pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode >= PHY_11ABGN_MIXED) || (pAd->CommonCfg.bWmmCapable)) { CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_WMM_CAPABLE); } else { CLIENT_STATUS_CLEAR_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_WMM_CAPABLE); } if (pAd->CommonCfg.PhyMode >= PHY_11ABGN_MIXED) { UCHAR j, bitmask; /*k,bitmask; */ CHAR i; if ((pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.GF) && (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.GF)) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTGREENFIELD; } else { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTMIX; pAd->MacTab.fAnyStationNonGF = TRUE; pAd->CommonCfg.AddHTInfo.AddHtInfo2.NonGfPresent = 1; } if ((pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ChannelWidth) && (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.ChannelWidth)) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW= BW_40; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.ShortGI = ((pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.ShortGIfor40)&(pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor40)); } else { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW = BW_20; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.ShortGI = ((pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.ShortGIfor20)&(pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor20)); pAd->MacTab.fAnyStation20Only = TRUE; } /* find max fixed rate */ for (i=23; i>=0; i--) /* 3*3 */ { j = i/8; bitmask = (1<<(i-(j*8))); if ((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredHtPhyInfo.MCSSet[j] & bitmask) && (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.MCSSet[j] & bitmask)) { pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = i; break; } if (i==0) break; } if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS != MCS_AUTO) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("@@@ IF-ra%d DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS = %d\n", pMacEntry->apidx, pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS)); if (pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].DesiredTransmitSetting.field.MCS == 32) { /* Fix MCS as HT Duplicated Mode */ pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.BW = 1; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MODE = MODE_HTMIX; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.STBC = 0; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.ShortGI = 0; pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = 32; } else if (pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS > pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].HTPhyMode.field.MCS) { /* STA supports fixed MCS */ pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.MCS = pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pMacEntry->apidx].HTPhyMode.field.MCS; } } pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.field.STBC = (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.RxSTBC & (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.TxSTBC)); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MpduDensity < 5) pMacEntry->MpduDensity = 5; else pMacEntry->MpduDensity = pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MpduDensity; pMacEntry->MaxRAmpduFactor = pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapParm.MaxRAmpduFactor; pMacEntry->MmpsMode = (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.MimoPs; pMacEntry->AMsduSize = (UCHAR)pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.AMsduSize; pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.word = pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.word; if (pAd->CommonCfg.DesiredHtPhy.AmsduEnable && (pAd->CommonCfg.REGBACapability.field.AutoBA == FALSE)) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_AMSDU_INUSED); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor20) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_SGI20_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.ShortGIfor40) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_SGI40_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.TxSTBC) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_TxSTBC_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.HtCapInfo.RxSTBC) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_RxSTBC_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.ExtHtCapInfo.PlusHTC) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_HTC_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.bRdg && pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.ExtHtCapInfo.RDGSupport) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_RDG_CAPABLE); if (pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability.ExtHtCapInfo.MCSFeedback == 0x03) CLIENT_STATUS_SET_FLAG(pMacEntry, fCLIENT_STATUS_MCSFEEDBACK_CAPABLE); /* Record the received capability from association request */ NdisMoveMemory(&pMacEntry->HTCapability, &pAd->CommonCfg.HtCapability, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_IE)); } else { pAd->MacTab.fAnyStationIsLegacy = TRUE; NdisZeroMemory(&pMacEntry->HTCapability, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_IE)); } pMacEntry->HTPhyMode.word = pMacEntry->MaxHTPhyMode.word; pMacEntry->CurrTxRate = pMacEntry->MaxSupportedRate; } { UCHAR TDLS_ETHERTYPE[] = {0x89, 0x0d}; UCHAR Header802_3[14]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; ULONG FrameLen = 0; ULONG TempLen; UCHAR RemoteFrameType = 0xaf; NDIS_STATUS NStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; MAKE_802_3_HEADER(Header802_3, tempMAC, pAd->CurrentAddress, TDLS_ETHERTYPE); // Allocate buffer for transmitting message NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NStatus; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &TempLen, 1, &RemoteFrameType, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen = FrameLen + TempLen; { ULONG TmpLen; UCHAR RalinkIe[9] = {0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf}; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer+FrameLen, &TmpLen, 9, RalinkIe, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen += TmpLen; } RTMPToWirelessSta(pAd, pMacEntry, Header802_3, LENGTH_802_3, pOutBuffer, (UINT)FrameLen, FALSE); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } return TRUE; } INT Set_TestTxFrame2Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pMacEntry = NULL; UCHAR tempMAC[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x33,0x52,0xb8}; PSTRING value; INT i; UINT32 Value1 = 0; if(strlen(arg) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ return FALSE; for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /*Invalid */ AtoH(value, &tempMAC[i++], 1); } // allocate one MAC entry pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, tempMAC); if (pMacEntry && IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pMacEntry)) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MacTable Entry exist !!!\n")); else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("Entry non exist !!!\n")); return FALSE; } { UCHAR TDLS_ETHERTYPE[] = {0x89, 0x0d}; UCHAR Header802_3[14]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; ULONG FrameLen = 0; ULONG TempLen; UCHAR RemoteFrameType = 0xaf; NDIS_STATUS NStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; MAKE_802_3_HEADER(Header802_3, tempMAC, pAd->CurrentAddress, TDLS_ETHERTYPE); // Allocate buffer for transmitting message NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NStatus; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &TempLen, 1, &RemoteFrameType, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen = FrameLen + TempLen; { ULONG TmpLen; UCHAR RalinkIe[9] = {0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf}; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer+FrameLen, &TmpLen, 9, RalinkIe, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen += TmpLen; } RTMPToWirelessSta(pAd, pMacEntry, Header802_3, LENGTH_802_3, pOutBuffer, (UINT)FrameLen, FALSE); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } return TRUE; } INT Set_TestTxFrame3Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pMacEntry = NULL; UCHAR tempMAC[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x33,0x52,0xb8}; UCHAR CurrentAddress[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x33,0x52,0x41}; PSTRING value; INT i; UINT32 Value1 = 0; if(strlen(arg) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ return FALSE; for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /*Invalid */ AtoH(value, &tempMAC[i++], 1); } // allocate one MAC entry pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, tempMAC); if (pMacEntry && (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pMacEntry) || IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pMacEntry))) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MacTable Entry exist !!!\n")); else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("Entry non exist !!!\n")); return FALSE; } { UCHAR TDLS_ETHERTYPE[] = {0x89, 0x0d}; UCHAR Header802_3[14]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; ULONG FrameLen = 0; ULONG TempLen; UCHAR RemoteFrameType = 0xaf; NDIS_STATUS NStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; MAKE_802_3_HEADER(Header802_3, tempMAC, CurrentAddress, TDLS_ETHERTYPE); // Allocate buffer for transmitting message NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NStatus; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &TempLen, 1, &RemoteFrameType, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen = FrameLen + TempLen; { ULONG TmpLen; UCHAR RalinkIe[9] = {0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf}; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer+FrameLen, &TmpLen, 9, RalinkIe, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen += TmpLen; } RTMPToWirelessSta(pAd, pMacEntry, Header802_3, LENGTH_802_3, pOutBuffer, (UINT)FrameLen, FALSE); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } return TRUE; } INT Set_TestTxFrame4Proc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pMacEntry = NULL; UCHAR tempMAC[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x33,0x52,0xb8}; UCHAR CurrentAddress[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x77,0x88,0x99}; PSTRING value; INT i; UINT32 Value1 = 0; if(strlen(arg) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ return FALSE; for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /*Invalid */ AtoH(value, &tempMAC[i++], 1); } // allocate one MAC entry pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, tempMAC); if (pMacEntry && (IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pMacEntry) || IS_ENTRY_APCLI(pMacEntry))) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MacTable Entry exist !!!\n")); else { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("Entry non exist !!!\n")); return FALSE; } { UCHAR TDLS_ETHERTYPE[] = {0x89, 0x0d}; UCHAR Header802_3[14]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; ULONG FrameLen = 0; ULONG TempLen; UCHAR RemoteFrameType = 0xaf; NDIS_STATUS NStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; MAKE_802_3_HEADER(Header802_3, tempMAC, CurrentAddress, TDLS_ETHERTYPE); // Allocate buffer for transmitting message NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NStatus; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &TempLen, 1, &RemoteFrameType, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen = FrameLen + TempLen; { ULONG TmpLen; UCHAR RalinkIe[9] = {0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf}; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer+FrameLen, &TmpLen, 9, RalinkIe, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen += TmpLen; } pAd->TestMulMac = TRUE; RTMPToWirelessSta(pAd, pMacEntry, Header802_3, LENGTH_802_3, pOutBuffer, (UINT)FrameLen, FALSE); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } return TRUE; } INT Set_DumpBeaconBuffer_Proc( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { LONG count; UINT32 IdMac; UINT32 macValue; count = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); for(IdMac=0x7800; IdMac<=0x7e00; IdMac+=4) { if ((IdMac & 0x0f) == 0) { DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("\n0x%04x: ", IdMac)); } RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, IdMac, &macValue); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%08x ", macValue)); } return TRUE; } INT Set_InsertWAPIKeyProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { return TRUE; } INT Set_TestWAPIFrameProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { PMAC_TABLE_ENTRY pMacEntry = NULL; UCHAR tempMAC[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = {0x00,0x0C,0x43,0x33,0x52,0xb8}; PSTRING value; INT i; if(strlen(arg) != 17) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 */ return FALSE; for (i=0, value = rstrtok(arg,":"); value; value = rstrtok(NULL,":")) { if((strlen(value) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*value)) || (!isxdigit(*(value+1))) ) return FALSE; /*Invalid */ AtoH(value, &tempMAC[i++], 1); } // allocate one MAC entry pMacEntry = MacTableLookup(pAd, tempMAC); if (pMacEntry && IS_ENTRY_CLIENT(pMacEntry)) DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_ERROR,("MacTable Entry exist !!!\n")); else pMacEntry = MacTableInsertEntry(pAd, tempMAC, BSS0, OPMODE_AP, TRUE); { UCHAR TDLS_ETHERTYPE[] = {0x89, 0x0d}; UCHAR Header802_3[14]; PUCHAR pOutBuffer = NULL; ULONG FrameLen = 0; ULONG TempLen; UCHAR RemoteFrameType = 0xaf; NDIS_STATUS NStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; MAKE_802_3_HEADER(Header802_3, tempMAC, pAd->CurrentAddress, TDLS_ETHERTYPE); // Allocate buffer for transmitting message NStatus = MlmeAllocateMemory(pAd, &pOutBuffer); if (NStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NStatus; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer, &TempLen, 1, &RemoteFrameType, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen = FrameLen + TempLen; { ULONG TmpLen; UCHAR RalinkIe[9] = {0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf}; MakeOutgoingFrame(pOutBuffer+FrameLen, &TmpLen, 9, RalinkIe, END_OF_ARGS); FrameLen += TmpLen; } RTMPToWirelessSta(pAd, pMacEntry, Header802_3, LENGTH_802_3, pOutBuffer, (UINT)FrameLen, FALSE); MlmeFreeMemory(pAd, pOutBuffer); } return TRUE; } INT Set_TestMultiMacAddrProc( IN PRTMP_ADAPTER pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { UCHAR tempMAC[6], tid; PSTRING token; STRING sepValue[] = ":", DASH = '-'; INT i; if(strlen(arg) < 19) /*Mac address acceptable format 01:02:03:04:05:06 length 17 plus the "-" and tid value in decimal format.*/ return FALSE; token = strchr(arg, DASH); if ((token != NULL) && (strlen(token)>1)) { tid = (UCHAR) simple_strtol((token+1), 0, 10); if (tid > 15) return FALSE; *token = '\0'; for (i = 0, token = rstrtok(arg, &sepValue[0]); token; token = rstrtok(NULL, &sepValue[0]), i++) { if((strlen(token) != 2) || (!isxdigit(*token)) || (!isxdigit(*(token+1)))) return FALSE; AtoH(token, (&tempMAC[i]), 1); } if(i != 6) return FALSE; DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_OFF, ("\n%s:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x-%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, tempMAC[0], tempMAC[1], tempMAC[2], tempMAC[3], tempMAC[4], tempMAC[5], tid)); //AsicUpdateRxWCIDTable(pAd, BSSID_WCID + 111 + tid, tempMAC); { ULONG offset; ULONG Addr; offset = 0x1480 + (HW_WCID_ENTRY_SIZE * tid); Addr = tempMAC[0] + (tempMAC[1] << 8) +(tempMAC[2] << 16) +(tempMAC[3] << 24); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, offset, Addr); Addr = tempMAC[4] + (tempMAC[5] << 8); RTMP_IO_WRITE32(pAd, offset + 4, Addr); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } INT Set_HwTxLookupRate_Proc( IN RTMP_ADAPTER *pAd, IN PSTRING arg) { pAd->bHwTxLookupRate = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10); DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("HwTxLookupRate = %d \n", pAd->bHwTxLookupRate)); return TRUE; }