HomePlug AV FRAME CONTROL : 00000010 (0x40) => 01000000 => 0x40 -----000 DTAV = Beacon ; ----0--- ACCESS = in-home network ; 0000---- SNID = 4 10010110 (0x69) => 01101001 => 0x69 \ 10001100 (0x31) => 00110001 => 0x31 | 10110111 (0xed) => 11101101 => 0xed | 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 / BTS = 0x00ed3169 (15544681) 00001010 (0x50) => 01010000 => 0x50 \ 01111111 (0xfe) => 11111110 => 0xfe / BTO(0) = 0xfe50 (-432) 11111110 (0x7f) => 01111111 => 0x7f \ 01111111 (0xfe) => 11111110 => 0xfe / BTO(1) = 0xfe7f (-385) 01110000 (0x0e) => 00001110 => 0x0e \ 01111111 (0xfe) => 11111110 => 0xfe / BTO(2) = 0xfe0e (-498) 00111001 (0x9c) => 10011100 => 0x9c \ 10111111 (0xfd) => 11111101 => 0xfd / BTO(3) = 0xfd9c (-612) 11101110 (0x77) => 01110111 => 0x77 \ 00110111 (0xec) => 11101100 => 0xec | 10001100 (0x31) => 00110001 => 0x31 / CRC24 = 0x31ec77 40.69.31.ed.00.50.fe.7f.fe.0e.fe.9c.fd.77.ec.31. Lancement processus de test CRC : ~/workspace/cesar/tools/hpav_decode/obj/test_crc -@ 0804dbe0 -s 16 -f > HP_AV_FC_tmp.txt 2>&1 ... running suite: crc 100%, tests: 53, failures: 0 taille buffer (frame control) = 16 (13 octets utiles + CRC24) 40.69.31.ed.00.50.fe.7f.fe.0e.fe.9c.fd.77.ec.31. CRC24 expected = 0x0031ec77 HomePlug AV PAYLOAD : 01000000 (0x02) => 00000010 => 0x02 \ 00000010 11010110 (0x6b) => 01101011 => 0x6b | 01101011 11010011 (0xcb) => 11001011 => 0xcb | 11001011 10100101 (0xa5) => 10100101 => 0xa5 | 10100101 10101100 (0x35) => 00110101 => 0x35 | 00110101 01110010 (0x4e) => 01001110 => 0x4e | 01001110 00010001 (0x88) => 10001000 => 0x88 / --001000 NID = 0x084e35a5cb6b02 ; --00---- SL = 0 (Simple-Connect) 10------ HM = 2 (Fully Hybrid mode) 01000000 (0x02) => 00000010 => 0x02 > STEI = 2 (0x02) 10000000 (0x01) => 00000001 => 0x01 > -----001 BT = 1 (Discover Beacon) ; ----0--- NCNR = 0 (no Non-Coordinating networks reported) ; ---0---- NPSM = 0 (not in Power-Saving mode) ; 000----- NumSlots = 0 (=> 1 Beacon slots) 10000000 (0x01) => 00000001 => 0x01 > SlotUsage = 00000001 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > -----000 SlotID = 0 (1st Beacon Slot); --000--- ACLSS = 0 (AC Line Cycle Sync on 1st Beacon Slot) ; -0------ HOIP = 0 (no Handover in progress) ; 0------- RTSBF = 0 (MPDUs don't have to use RTS/CTS) 01000000 (0x02) => 00000010 => 0x02 > ------10 NM = 2 (CSMA-Only Mode); ----00-- CCoCap = 0 (Level-0 CCo capable, does not support QoS and TDMA) ; 0000---- (Reserved bits) 00100000 (0x04) => 00000100 => 0x04 > NBE (Number of Beacon Entries) = 4 01000000 (0x02) => 00000010 => 0x02 > BEHDR[1] = Regions 10100000 (0x05) => 00000101 => 0x05 > BELEN[1] = 5 01000000 (0x02) => 00000010 => 0x02 10100010 (0x45) => 01000101 => 0x45 11000000 (0x03) => 00000011 => 0x03 10001000 (0x11) => 00010001 => 0x11 00101111 (0xf4) => 11110100 => 0xf4 11000000 (0x03) => 00000011 => 0x03 > BEHDR[2] = MAC Address 01100000 (0x06) => 00000110 => 0x06 > BELEN[2] = 6 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 \ 11010000 (0x0b) => 00001011 => 0x0b | 11011100 (0x3b) => 00111011 => 0x3b | 00111000 (0x1c) => 00011100 => 0x1c | 01100110 (0x66) => 01100110 => 0x66 | 00111011 (0xdc) => 11011100 => 0xdc / 00:0b:3b:1c:66:dc (00:0b:3b:xx:xx:xx => devolo AG) 10100000 (0x05) => 00000101 => 0x05 > BEHDR[3] = Discovered Info 00100000 (0x04) => 00000100 => 0x04 > BELEN[3] = 4 00001000 (0x10) => 00010000 => 0x10 \ Updated = 0 (no) ; CCo capability = 0 (Level-0 CCo capable, does not support QoS and TDMA) ; Proxy Networking Capability = 0 (does not support Proxy Networking) ; Backup CCo Capability = 1 (STA supports Backup CCo function) ; CCo Status = 0 (STA is not the CCo) ; PCo Status = 0 (STA is not a PCo) ; Backup CCo Status = 0 (STA is not a Backup CCo) ; 10000000 (0x01) => 00000001 => 0x01 | NumDisSTA = 1 (Number of entries in the Discovered STA List) ; 10000000 (0x01) => 00000001 => 0x01 | NumDisNet = 1 (Number of entries in the Discovered Network List) ; 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 / Authentication Status = 0 (STA Associated but not authenticated) ; User-Appointed CCo Status = 0 (STA is not configured as user-appointed CCo) ; 01100000 (0x06) => 00000110 => 0x06 > BEHDR[4] = Beacon Period Start Time Offset 11000000 (0x03) => 00000011 => 0x03 > BELEN[4] = 3 00111111 (0xfc) => 11111100 => 0xfc 11001100 (0x33) => 00110011 => 0x33 10000000 (0x01) => 00000001 => 0x01 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 00000000 (0x00) => 00000000 => 0x00 > (padding, to be ignored) 11111011 (0xdf) => 11011111 => 0xdf \ 00101000 (0x14) => 00010100 => 0x14 | 11000001 (0x83) => 10000011 => 0x83 | 10011101 (0xb9) => 10111001 => 0xb9 / CRC32 = 0xb98314df 02.6b.cb.a5.35.4e. Lancement processus de test CRC : ~/workspace/cesar/tools/hpav_decode/obj/test_crc -@ 0804dbe0 -s 136 -p > HP_AV_PLD_tmp.txt 2>&1 ... running suite: crc 100%, tests: 53, failures: 0 taille buffer (payload) = 136 (132 octets utiles + CRC32) 02.6b.cb.a5.35.4e. CRC32 expected = 0xb98314df