The eCos Kernel Kernel Overview Kernel Overview of the eCos Kernel Description The kernel is one of the key packages in all of eCos. It provides the core functionality needed for developing multi-threaded applications: The ability to create new threads in the system, either during startup or when the system is already running. Control over the various threads in the system, for example manipulating their priorities. A choice of schedulers, determining which thread should currently be running. A range of synchronization primitives, allowing threads to interact and share data safely. Integration with the system's support for interrupts and exceptions. In some other operating systems the kernel provides additional functionality. For example the kernel may also provide memory allocation functionality, and device drivers may be part of the kernel as well. This is not the case for eCos. Memory allocation is handled by a separate package. Similary each device driver will typically be a separate package. Various packages are combined and configured using the eCos configuration technology to meet the requirements of the application. The eCos kernel package is optional. It is possible to write single-threaded applications which do not use any kernel functionality, for example RedBoot. Typically such applications are based around a central polling loop, continually checking all devices and taking appropriate action when I/O occurs. A small amount of calculation is possible every iteration, at the cost of an increased delay between an I/O event occurring and the polling loop detecting the event. When the requirements are straightforward it may well be easier to develop the application using a polling loop, avoiding the complexities of multiple threads and synchronization between threads. As requirements get more complicated a multi-threaded solution becomes more appropriate, requiring the use of the kernel. In fact some of the more advanced packages in eCos, for example the TCP/IP stack, use multi-threading internally. Therefore if the application uses any of those packages then the kernel becomes a required package, not an optional one. The kernel functionality can be used in one of two ways. The kernel provides its own C API, with functions like cyg_thread_create and cyg_mutex_lock. These can be called directly from application code or from other packages. Alternatively there are a number of packages which provide compatibility with existing API's, for example POSIX threads or µITRON. These allow application code to call standard functions such as pthread_create, and those functions are implemented using the basic functionality provided by the eCos kernel. Using compatibility packages in an eCos application can make it much easier to reuse code developed in other environments, and to share code. Although the different compatibility packages have similar requirements on the underlying kernel, for example the ability to create a new thread, there are differences in the exact semantics. For example, strict µITRON compliance requires that kernel timeslicing is disabled. This is achieved largely through the configuration technology. The kernel provides a number of configuration options that control the exact semantics that are provided, and the various compatibility packages require particular settings for those options. This has two important consequences. First, it is not usually possible to have two different compatibility packages in one eCos configuration because they will have conflicting requirements on the underlying kernel. Second, the semantics of the kernel's own API are only loosely defined because of the many configuration options. For example cyg_mutex_lock will always attempt to lock a mutex, but various configuration options determine the behaviour when the mutex is already locked and there is a possibility of priority inversion. The optional nature of the kernel package presents some complications for other code, especially device drivers. Wherever possible a device driver should work whether or not the kernel is present. However there are some parts of the system, especially those related to interrupt handling, which should be implemented differently in multi-threaded environments containing the eCos kernel and in single-threaded environments without the kernel. To cope with both scenarios the common HAL package provides a driver API, with functions such as cyg_drv_interrupt_attach. When the kernel package is present these driver API functions map directly on to the equivalent kernel functions such as cyg_interrupt_attach, using macros to avoid any overheads. When the kernel is absent the common HAL package implements the driver API directly, but this implementation is simpler than the one in the kernel because it can assume a single-threaded environment. Schedulers When a system involves multiple threads, a scheduler is needed to determine which thread should currently be running. The eCos kernel can be configured with one of two schedulers, the bitmap scheduler and the multi-level queue (MLQ) scheduler. The bitmap scheduler is somewhat more efficient, but has a number of limitations. Most systems will instead use the MLQ scheduler. Other schedulers may be added in the future, either as extensions to the kernel package or in separate packages. Both the bitmap and the MLQ scheduler use a simple numerical priority to determine which thread should be running. The number of priority levels is configurable via the option CYGNUM_KERNEL_SCHED_PRIORITIES, but a typical system will have up to 32 priority levels. Therefore thread priorities will be in the range 0 to 31, with 0 being the highest priority and 31 the lowest. Usually only the system's idle thread will run at the lowest priority. Thread priorities are absolute, so the kernel will only run a lower-priority thread if all higher-priority threads are currently blocked. The bitmap scheduler only allows one thread per priority level, so if the system is configured with 32 priority levels then it is limited to only 32 threads — still enough for many applications. A simple bitmap can be used to keep track of which threads are currently runnable. Bitmaps can also be used to keep track of threads waiting on a mutex or other synchronization primitive. Identifying the highest-priority runnable or waiting thread involves a simple operation on the bitmap, and an array index operation can then be used to get hold of the thread data structure itself. This makes the bitmap scheduler fast and totally deterministic. The MLQ scheduler allows multiple threads to run at the same priority. This means that there is no limit on the number of threads in the system, other than the amount of memory available. However operations such as finding the highest priority runnable thread are a little bit more expensive than for the bitmap scheduler. Optionally the MLQ scheduler supports timeslicing, where the scheduler automatically switches from one runnable thread to another when some number of clock ticks have occurred. Timeslicing only comes into play when there are two runnable threads at the same priority and no higher priority runnable threads. If timeslicing is disabled then a thread will not be preempted by another thread of the same priority, and will continue running until either it explicitly yields the processor or until it blocks by, for example, waiting on a synchronization primitive. The configuration options CYGSEM_KERNEL_SCHED_TIMESLICE and CYGNUM_KERNEL_SCHED_TIMESLICE_TICKS control timeslicing. The bitmap scheduler does not provide timeslicing support. It only allows one thread per priority level, so it is not possible to preempt the current thread in favour of another one with the same priority. Another important configuration option that affects the MLQ scheduler is CYGIMP_KERNEL_SCHED_SORTED_QUEUES. This determines what happens when a thread blocks, for example by waiting on a semaphore which has no pending events. The default behaviour of the system is last-in-first-out queuing. For example if several threads are waiting on a semaphore and an event is posted, the thread that gets woken up is the last one that called cyg_semaphore_wait. This allows for a simple and fast implementation of both the queue and dequeue operations. However if there are several queued threads with different priorities, it may not be the highest priority one that gets woken up. In practice this is rarely a problem: usually there will be at most one thread waiting on a queue, or when there are several threads they will be of the same priority. However if the application does require strict priority queueing then the option CYGIMP_KERNEL_SCHED_SORTED_QUEUES should be enabled. There are disadvantages: more work is needed whenever a thread is queued, and the scheduler needs to be locked for this operation so the system's dispatch latency is worse. If the bitmap scheduler is used then priority queueing is automatic and does not involve any penalties. Some kernel functionality is currently only supported with the MLQ scheduler, not the bitmap scheduler. This includes support for SMP systems, and protection against priority inversion using either mutex priority ceilings or priority inheritance. Synchronization Primitives The eCos kernel provides a number of different synchronization primitives: mutexes, condition variables, counting semaphores, mail boxes and event flags. Mutexes serve a very different purpose from the other primitives. A mutex allows multiple threads to share a resource safely: a thread locks a mutex, manipulates the shared resource, and then unlocks the mutex again. The other primitives are used to communicate information between threads, or alternatively from a DSR associated with an interrupt handler to a thread. When a thread that has locked a mutex needs to wait for some condition to become true, it should use a condition variable. A condition variable is essentially just a place for a thread to wait, and which another thread, or DSR, can use to wake it up. When a thread waits on a condition variable it releases the mutex before waiting, and when it wakes up it reacquires it before proceeding. These operations are atomic so that synchronization race conditions cannot be introduced. A counting semaphore is used to indicate that a particular event has occurred. A consumer thread can wait for this event to occur, and a producer thread or a DSR can post the event. There is a count associated with the semaphore so if the event occurs multiple times in quick succession this information is not lost, and the appropriate number of semaphore wait operations will succeed. Mail boxes are also used to indicate that a particular event has occurred, and allows for one item of data to be exchanged per event. Typically this item of data would be a pointer to some data structure. Because of the need to store this extra data, mail boxes have a finite capacity. If a producer thread generates mail box events faster than they can be consumed then, to avoid overflow, it will be blocked until space is again available in the mail box. This means that mail boxes usually cannot be used by a DSR to wake up a thread. Instead mail boxes are typically only used between threads. Event flags can be used to wait on some number of different events, and to signal that one or several of these events have occurred. This is achieved by associating bits in a bit mask with the different events. Unlike a counting semaphore no attempt is made to keep track of the number of events that have occurred, only the fact that an event has occurred at least once. Unlike a mail box it is not possible to send additional data with the event, but this does mean that there is no possibility of an overflow and hence event flags can be used between a DSR and a thread as well as between threads. The eCos common HAL package provides its own device driver API which contains some of the above synchronization primitives. These allow the DSR for an interrupt handler to signal events to higher-level code. If the configuration includes the eCos kernel package then the driver API routines map directly on to the equivalent kernel routines, allowing interrupt handlers to interact with threads. If the kernel package is not included and the application consists of just a single thread running in polled mode then the driver API is implemented entirely within the common HAL, and with no need to worry about multiple threads the implementation can obviously be rather simpler. Threads and Interrupt Handling During normal operation the processor will be running one of the threads in the system. This may be an application thread, a system thread running inside say the TCP/IP stack, or the idle thread. From time to time a hardware interrupt will occur, causing control to be transferred briefly to an interrupt handler. When the interrupt has been completed the system's scheduler will decide whether to return control to the interrupted thread or to some other runnable thread. Threads and interrupt handlers must be able to interact. If a thread is waiting for some I/O operation to complete, the interrupt handler associated with that I/O must be able to inform the thread that the operation has completed. This can be achieved in a number of ways. One very simple approach is for the interrupt handler to set a volatile variable. A thread can then poll continuously until this flag is set, possibly sleeping for a clock tick in between. Polling continuously means that the cpu time is not available for other activities, which may be acceptable for some but not all applications. Polling once every clock tick imposes much less overhead, but means that the thread may not detect that the I/O event has occurred until an entire clock tick has elapsed. In typical systems this could be as long as 10 milliseconds. Such a delay might be acceptable for some applications, but not all. A better solution would be to use one of the synchronization primitives. The interrupt handler could signal a condition variable, post to a semaphore, or use one of the other primitives. The thread would perform a wait operation on the same primitive. It would not consume any cpu cycles until the I/O event had occurred, and when the event does occur the thread can start running again immediately (subject to any higher priority threads that might also be runnable). Synchronization primitives constitute shared data, so care must be taken to avoid problems with concurrent access. If the thread that was interrupted was just performing some calculations then the interrupt handler could manipulate the synchronization primitive quite safely. However if the interrupted thread happened to be inside some kernel call then there is a real possibility that some kernel data structure will be corrupted. One way of avoiding such problems would be for the kernel functions to disable interrupts when executing any critical region. On most architectures this would be simple to implement and very fast, but it would mean that interrupts would be disabled often and for quite a long time. For some applications that might not matter, but many embedded applications require that the interrupt handler run as soon as possible after the hardware interrupt has occurred. If the kernel relied on disabling interrupts then it would not be able to support such applications. Instead the kernel uses a two-level approach to interrupt handling. Associated with every interrupt vector is an Interrupt Service Routine or ISR, which will run as quickly as possible so that it can service the hardware. However an ISR can make only a small number of kernel calls, mostly related to the interrupt subsystem, and it cannot make any call that would cause a thread to wake up. If an ISR detects that an I/O operation has completed and hence that a thread should be woken up, it can cause the associated Deferred Service Routine or DSR to run. A DSR is allowed to make more kernel calls, for example it can signal a condition variable or post to a semaphore. Disabling interrupts prevents ISRs from running, but very few parts of the system disable interrupts and then only for short periods of time. The main reason for a thread to disable interrupts is to manipulate some state that is shared with an ISR. For example if a thread needs to add another buffer to a linked list of free buffers and the ISR may remove a buffer from this list at any time, the thread would need to disable interrupts for the few instructions needed to manipulate the list. If the hardware raises an interrupt at this time, it remains pending until interrupts are reenabled. Analogous to interrupts being disabled or enabled, the kernel has a scheduler lock. The various kernel functions such as cyg_mutex_lock and cyg_semaphore_post will claim the scheduler lock, manipulate the kernel data structures, and then release the scheduler lock. If an interrupt results in a DSR being requested and the scheduler is currently locked, the DSR remains pending. When the scheduler lock is released any pending DSRs will run. These may post events to synchronization primitives, causing other higher priority threads to be woken up. For an example, consider the following scenario. The system has a high priority thread A, responsible for processing some data coming from an external device. This device will raise an interrupt when data is available. There are two other threads B and C which spend their time performing calculations and occasionally writing results to a display of some sort. This display is a shared resource so a mutex is used to control access. At a particular moment in time thread A is likely to be blocked, waiting on a semaphore or another synchronization primitive until data is available. Thread B might be running performing some calculations, and thread C is runnable waiting for its next timeslice. Interrupts are enabled, and the scheduler is unlocked because none of the threads are in the middle of a kernel operation. At this point the device raises an interrupt. The hardware transfers control to a low-level interrupt handler provided by eCos which works out exactly which interrupt occurs, and then the corresponding ISR is run. This ISR manipulates the hardware as appropriate, determines that there is now data available, and wants to wake up thread A by posting to the semaphore. However ISR's are not allowed to call cyg_semaphore_post directly, so instead the ISR requests that its associated DSR be run and returns. There are no more interrupts to be processed, so the kernel next checks for DSR's. One DSR is pending and the scheduler is currently unlocked, so the DSR can run immediately and post the semaphore. This will have the effect of making thread A runnable again, so the scheduler's data structures are adjusted accordingly. When the DSR returns thread B is no longer the highest priority runnable thread so it will be suspended, and instead thread A gains control over the cpu. In the above example no kernel data structures were being manipulated at the exact moment that the interrupt happened. However that cannot be assumed. Suppose that thread B had finished its current set of calculations and wanted to write the results to the display. It would claim the appropriate mutex and manipulate the display. Now suppose that thread B was timesliced in favour of thread C, and that thread C also finished its calculations and wanted to write the results to the display. It would call cyg_mutex_lock. This kernel call locks the scheduler, examines the current state of the mutex, discovers that the mutex is already owned by another thread, suspends the current thread, and switches control to another runnable thread. Another interrupt happens in the middle of this cyg_mutex_lock call, causing the ISR to run immediately. The ISR decides that thread A should be woken up so it requests that its DSR be run and returns back to the kernel. At this point there is a pending DSR, but the scheduler is still locked by the call to cyg_mutex_lock so the DSR cannot run immediately. Instead the call to cyg_mutex_lock is allowed to continue, which at some point involves unlocking the scheduler. The pending DSR can now run, safely post the semaphore, and thus wake up thread A. If the ISR had called cyg_semaphore_post directly rather than leaving it to a DSR, it is likely that there would have been some sort of corruption of a kernel data structure. For example the kernel might have completely lost track of one of the threads, and that thread would never have run again. The two-level approach to interrupt handling, ISR's and DSR's, prevents such problems with no need to disable interrupts. Calling Contexts eCos defines a number of contexts. Only certain calls are allowed from inside each context, for example most operations on threads or synchronization primitives are not allowed from ISR context. The different contexts are initialization, thread, ISR and DSR. When eCos starts up it goes through a number of phases, including setting up the hardware and invoking C++ static constructors. During this time interrupts are disabled and the scheduler is locked. When a configuration includes the kernel package the final operation is a call to cyg_scheduler_start. At this point interrupts are enabled, the scheduler is unlocked, and control is transferred to the highest priority runnable thread. If the configuration also includes the C library package then usually the C library startup package will have created a thread which will call the application's main entry point. Some application code can also run before the scheduler is started, and this code runs in initialization context. If the application is written partly or completely in C++ then the constructors for any static objects will be run. Alternatively application code can define a function cyg_user_start which gets called after any C++ static constructors. This allows applications to be written entirely in C. void cyg_user_start(void) { /* Perform application-specific initialization here */ } It is not necessary for applications to provide a cyg_user_start function since the system will provide a default implementation which does nothing. Typical operations that are performed from inside static constructors or cyg_user_start include creating threads, synchronization primitives, setting up alarms, and registering application-specific interrupt handlers. In fact for many applications all such creation operations happen at this time, using statically allocated data, avoiding any need for dynamic memory allocation or other overheads. Code running in initialization context runs with interrupts disabled and the scheduler locked. It is not permitted to reenable interrupts or unlock the scheduler because the system is not guaranteed to be in a totally consistent state at this point. A consequence is that initialization code cannot use synchronization primitives such as cyg_semaphore_wait to wait for an external event. It is permitted to lock and unlock a mutex: there are no other threads running so it is guaranteed that the mutex is not yet locked, and therefore the lock operation will never block; this is useful when making library calls that may use a mutex internally. At the end of the startup sequence the system will call cyg_scheduler_start and the various threads will start running. In thread context nearly all of the kernel functions are available. There may be some restrictions on interrupt-related operations, depending on the target hardware. For example the hardware may require that interrupts be acknowledged in the ISR or DSR before control returns to thread context, in which case cyg_interrupt_acknowledge should not be called by a thread. At any time the processor may receive an external interrupt, causing control to be transferred from the current thread. Typically a VSR provided by eCos will run and determine exactly which interrupt occurred. Then the VSR will switch to the appropriate ISR, which can be provided by a HAL package, a device driver, or by the application. During this time the system is running at ISR context, and most of the kernel function calls are disallowed. This includes the various synchronization primitives, so for example an ISR is not allowed to post to a semaphore to indicate that an event has happened. Usually the only operations that should be performed from inside an ISR are ones related to the interrupt subsystem itself, for example masking an interrupt or acknowledging that an interrupt has been processed. On SMP systems it is also possible to use spinlocks from ISR context. When an ISR returns it can request that the corresponding DSR be run as soon as it is safe to do so, and that will run in DSR context. This context is also used for running alarm functions, and threads can switch temporarily to DSR context by locking the scheduler. Only certain kernel functions can be called from DSR context, although more than in ISR context. In particular it is possible to use any synchronization primitives which cannot block. These include cyg_semaphore_post, cyg_cond_signal, cyg_cond_broadcast, cyg_flag_setbits, and cyg_mbox_tryput. It is not possible to use any primitives that may block such as cyg_semaphore_wait, cyg_mutex_lock, or cyg_mbox_put. Calling such functions from inside a DSR may cause the system to hang. The specific documentation for the various kernel functions gives more details about valid contexts. Error Handling and Assertions In many APIs each function is expected to perform some validation of its parameters and possibly of the current state of the system. This is supposed to ensure that each function is used correctly, and that application code is not attempting to perform a semaphore operation on a mutex or anything like that. If an error is detected then a suitable error code is returned, for example the POSIX function pthread_mutex_lock can return various error codes including EINVAL and EDEADLK. There are a number of problems with this approach, especially in the context of deeply embedded systems: Performing these checks inside the mutex lock and all the other functions requires extra cpu cycles and adds significantly to the code size. Even if the application is written correctly and only makes system function calls with sensible arguments and under the right conditions, these overheads still exist. Returning an error code is only useful if the calling code detects these error codes and takes appropriate action. In practice the calling code will often ignore any errors because the programmer “knows” that the function is being used correctly. If the programmer is mistaken then an error condition may be detected and reported, but the application continues running anyway and is likely to fail some time later in mysterious ways. If the calling code does always check for error codes, that adds yet more cpu cycles and code size overhead. Usually there will be no way to recover from certain errors, so if the application code detected an error such as EINVAL then all it could do is abort the application somehow. The approach taken within the eCos kernel is different. Functions such as cyg_mutex_lock will not return an error code. Instead they contain various assertions, which can be enabled or disabled. During the development process assertions are normally left enabled, and the various kernel functions will perform parameter checks and other system consistency checks. If a problem is detected then an assertion failure will be reported and the application will be terminated. In a typical debug session a suitable breakpoint will have been installed and the developer can now examine the state of the system and work out exactly what is going on. Towards the end of the development cycle assertions will be disabled by manipulating configuration options within the eCos infrastructure package, and all assertions will be eliminated at compile-time. The assumption is that by this time the application code has been mostly debugged: the initial version of the code might have tried to perform a semaphore operation on a mutex, but any problems like that will have been fixed some time ago. This approach has a number of advantages: In the final application there will be no overheads for checking parameters and other conditions. All that code will have been eliminated at compile-time. Because the final application will not suffer any overheads, it is reasonable for the system to do more work during the development process. In particular the various assertions can test for more error conditions and more complicated errors. When an error is detected it is possible to give a text message describing the error rather than just return an error code. There is no need for application programmers to handle error codes returned by various kernel function calls. This simplifies the application code. If an error is detected then an assertion failure will be reported immediately and the application will be halted. There is no possibility of an error condition being ignored because application code did not check for an error code. Although none of the kernel functions return an error code, many of them do return a status condition. For example the function cyg_semaphore_timed_wait waits until either an event has been posted to a semaphore, or until a certain number of clock ticks have occurred. Usually the calling code will need to know whether the wait operation succeeded or whether a timeout occurred. cyg_semaphore_timed_wait returns a boolean: a return value of zero or false indicates a timeout, a non-zero return value indicates that the wait succeeded. In conventional APIs one common error conditions is lack of memory. For example the POSIX function pthread_create usually has to allocate some memory dynamically for the thread stack and other per-thread data. If the target hardware does not have enough memory to meet all demands, or more commonly if the application contains a memory leak, then there may not be enough memory available and the function call would fail. The eCos kernel avoids such problems by never performing any dynamic memory allocation. Instead it is the responsibility of the application code to provide all the memory required for kernel data structures and other needs. In the case of cyg_thread_create this means a cyg_thread data structure to hold the thread details, and a char array for the thread stack. In many applications this approach results in all data structures being allocated statically rather than dynamically. This has several advantages. If the application is in fact too large for the target hardware's memory then there will be an error at link-time rather than at run-time, making the problem much easier to diagnose. Static allocation does not involve any of the usual overheads associated with dynamic allocation, for example there is no need to keep track of the various free blocks in the system, and it may be possible to eliminate malloc from the system completely. Problems such as fragmentation and memory leaks cannot occur if all data is allocated statically. However, some applications are sufficiently complicated that dynamic memory allocation is required, and the various kernel functions do not distinguish between statically and dynamically allocated memory. It still remains the responsibility of the calling code to ensure that sufficient memory is available, and passing null pointers to the kernel will result in assertions or system failure. SMP Support SMP Support Symmetric Multiprocessing Systems Description eCos contains support for limited Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP). This is only available on selected architectures and platforms. The implementation has a number of restrictions on the kind of hardware supported. These are described in . The following sections describe the changes that have been made to the eCos kernel to support SMP operation. System Startup The system startup sequence needs to be somewhat different on an SMP system, although this is largely transparent to application code. The main startup takes place on only one CPU, called the primary CPU. All other CPUs, the secondary CPUs, are either placed in suspended state at reset, or are captured by the HAL and put into a spin as they start up. The primary CPU is responsible for copying the DATA segment and zeroing the BSS (if required), calling HAL variant and platform initialization routines and invoking constructors. It then calls cyg_start to enter the application. The application may then create extra threads and other objects. It is only when the application calls cyg_scheduler_start that the secondary CPUs are initialized. This routine scans the list of available secondary CPUs and invokes HAL_SMP_CPU_START to start each CPU. Finally it calls an internal function Cyg_Scheduler::start_cpu to enter the scheduler for the primary CPU. Each secondary CPU starts in the HAL, where it completes any per-CPU initialization before calling into the kernel at cyg_kernel_cpu_startup. Here it claims the scheduler lock and calls Cyg_Scheduler::start_cpu. Cyg_Scheduler::start_cpu is common to both the primary and secondary CPUs. The first thing this code does is to install an interrupt object for this CPU's inter-CPU interrupt. From this point on the code is the same as for the single CPU case: an initial thread is chosen and entered. From this point on the CPUs are all equal, eCos makes no further distinction between the primary and secondary CPUs. However, the hardware may still distinguish between them as far as interrupt delivery is concerned. Scheduling To function correctly an operating system kernel must protect its vital data structures, such as the run queues, from concurrent access. In a single CPU system the only concurrent activities to worry about are asynchronous interrupts. The kernel can easily guard its data structures against these by disabling interrupts. However, in a multi-CPU system, this is inadequate since it does not block access by other CPUs. The eCos kernel protects its vital data structures using the scheduler lock. In single CPU systems this is a simple counter that is atomically incremented to acquire the lock and decremented to release it. If the lock is decremented to zero then the scheduler may be invoked to choose a different thread to run. Because interrupts may continue to be serviced while the scheduler lock is claimed, ISRs are not allowed to access kernel data structures, or call kernel routines that can. Instead all such operations are deferred to an associated DSR routine that is run during the lock release operation, when the data structures are in a consistent state. By choosing a kernel locking mechanism that does not rely on interrupt manipulation to protect data structures, it is easier to convert eCos to SMP than would otherwise be the case. The principal change needed to make eCos SMP-safe is to convert the scheduler lock into a nestable spin lock. This is done by adding a spinlock and a CPU id to the original counter. The algorithm for acquiring the scheduler lock is very simple. If the scheduler lock's CPU id matches the current CPU then it can just increment the counter and continue. If it does not match, the CPU must spin on the spinlock, after which it may increment the counter and store its own identity in the CPU id. To release the lock, the counter is decremented. If it goes to zero the CPU id value must be set to NONE and the spinlock cleared. To protect these sequences against interrupts, they must be performed with interrupts disabled. However, since these are very short code sequences, they will not have an adverse effect on the interrupt latency. Beyond converting the scheduler lock, further preparing the kernel for SMP is a relatively minor matter. The main changes are to convert various scalar housekeeping variables into arrays indexed by CPU id. These include the current thread pointer, the need_reschedule flag and the timeslice counter. At present only the Multi-Level Queue (MLQ) scheduler is capable of supporting SMP configurations. The main change made to this scheduler is to cope with having several threads in execution at the same time. Running threads are marked with the CPU that they are executing on. When scheduling a thread, the scheduler skips past any running threads until it finds a thread that is pending. While not a constant-time algorithm, as in the single CPU case, this is still deterministic, since the worst case time is bounded by the number of CPUs in the system. A second change to the scheduler is in the code used to decide when the scheduler should be called to choose a new thread. The scheduler attempts to keep the n CPUs running the n highest priority threads. Since an event or interrupt on one CPU may require a reschedule on another CPU, there must be a mechanism for deciding this. The algorithm currently implemented is very simple. Given a thread that has just been awakened (or had its priority changed), the scheduler scans the CPUs, starting with the one it is currently running on, for a current thread that is of lower priority than the new one. If one is found then a reschedule interrupt is sent to that CPU and the scan continues, but now using the current thread of the rescheduled CPU as the candidate thread. In this way the new thread gets to run as quickly as possible, hopefully on the current CPU, and the remaining CPUs will pick up the remaining highest priority threads as a consequence of processing the reschedule interrupt. The final change to the scheduler is in the handling of timeslicing. Only one CPU receives timer interrupts, although all CPUs must handle timeslicing. To make this work, the CPU that receives the timer interrupt decrements the timeslice counter for all CPUs, not just its own. If the counter for a CPU reaches zero, then it sends a timeslice interrupt to that CPU. On receiving the interrupt the destination CPU enters the scheduler and looks for another thread at the same priority to run. This is somewhat more efficient than distributing clock ticks to all CPUs, since the interrupt is only needed when a timeslice occurs. All existing synchronization mechanisms work as before in an SMP system. Additional synchronization mechanisms have been added to provide explicit synchronization for SMP, in the form of spinlocks. SMP Interrupt Handling The main area where the SMP nature of a system requires special attention is in device drivers and especially interrupt handling. It is quite possible for the ISR, DSR and thread components of a device driver to execute on different CPUs. For this reason it is much more important that SMP-capable device drivers use the interrupt-related functions correctly. Typically a device driver would use the driver API rather than call the kernel directly, but it is unlikely that anybody would attempt to use a multiprocessor system without the kernel package. Two new functions have been added to the Kernel API to do interrupt routing: cyg_interrupt_set_cpu and cyg_interrupt_get_cpu. Although not currently supported, special values for the cpu argument may be used in future to indicate that the interrupt is being routed dynamically or is CPU-local. Once a vector has been routed to a new CPU, all other interrupt masking and configuration operations are relative to that CPU, where relevant. There are more details of how interrupts should be handled in SMP systems in . Thread creation cyg_thread_create Create a new thread #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_thread_create cyg_addrword_t sched_info cyg_thread_entry_t* entry cyg_addrword_t entry_data char* name void* stack_base cyg_ucount32 stack_size cyg_handle_t* handle cyg_thread* thread Description The cyg_thread_create function allows application code and eCos packages to create new threads. In many applications this only happens during system initialization and all required data is allocated statically. However additional threads can be created at any time, if necessary. A newly created thread is always in suspended state and will not start running until it has been resumed via a call to cyg_thread_resume. Also, if threads are created during system initialization then they will not start running until the eCos scheduler has been started. The name argument is used primarily for debugging purposes, making it easier to keep track of which cyg_thread structure is associated with which application-level thread. The kernel configuration option CYGVAR_KERNEL_THREADS_NAME controls whether or not this name is actually used. On creation each thread is assigned a unique handle, and this will be stored in the location pointed at by the handle argument. Subsequent operations on this thread including the required cyg_thread_resume should use this handle to identify the thread. The kernel requires a small amount of space for each thread, in the form of a cyg_thread data structure, to hold information such as the current state of that thread. To avoid any need for dynamic memory allocation within the kernel this space has to be provided by higher-level code, typically in the form of a static variable. The thread argument provides this space. Thread Entry Point The entry point for a thread takes the form: void thread_entry_function(cyg_addrword_t data) { … } The second argument to cyg_thread_create is a pointer to such a function. The third argument entry_data is used to pass additional data to the function. Typically this takes the form of a pointer to some static data, or a small integer, or 0 if the thread does not require any additional data. If the thread entry function ever returns then this is equivalent to the thread calling cyg_thread_exit. Even though the thread will no longer run again, it remains registered with the scheduler. If the application needs to re-use the cyg_thread data structure then a call to cyg_thread_delete is required first. Thread Priorities The sched_info argument provides additional information to the scheduler. The exact details depend on the scheduler being used. For the bitmap and mlqueue schedulers it is a small integer, typically in the range 0 to 31, with 0 being the highest priority. The lowest priority is normally used only by the system's idle thread. The exact number of priorities is controlled by the kernel configuration option CYGNUM_KERNEL_SCHED_PRIORITIES. It is the responsibility of the application developer to be aware of the various threads in the system, including those created by eCos packages, and to ensure that all threads run at suitable priorities. For threads created by other packages the documentation provided by those packages should indicate any requirements. The functions cyg_thread_set_priority, cyg_thread_get_priority, and cyg_thread_get_current_priority can be used to manipulate a thread's priority. Stacks and Stack Sizes Each thread needs its own stack for local variables and to keep track of function calls and returns. Again it is expected that this stack is provided by the calling code, usually in the form of static data, so that the kernel does not need any dynamic memory allocation facilities. cyg_thread_create takes two arguments related to the stack, a pointer to the base of the stack and the total size of this stack. On many processors stacks actually descend from the top down, so the kernel will add the stack size to the base address to determine the starting location. The exact stack size requirements for any given thread depend on a number of factors. The most important is of course the code that will be executed in the context of this code: if this involves significant nesting of function calls, recursion, or large local arrays, then the stack size needs to be set to a suitably high value. There are some architectural issues, for example the number of cpu registers and the calling conventions will have some effect on stack usage. Also, depending on the configuration, it is possible that some other code such as interrupt handlers will occasionally run on the current thread's stack. This depends in part on configuration options such as CYGIMP_HAL_COMMON_INTERRUPTS_USE_INTERRUPT_STACK and CYGSEM_HAL_COMMON_INTERRUPTS_ALLOW_NESTING. Determining an application's actual stack size requirements is the responsibility of the application developer, since the kernel cannot know in advance what code a given thread will run. However, the system does provide some hints about reasonable stack sizes in the form of two constants: CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM and CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL. These are defined by the appropriate HAL package. The MINIMUM value is appropriate for a thread that just runs a single function and makes very simple system calls. Trying to create a thread with a smaller stack than this is illegal. The TYPICAL value is appropriate for applications where application calls are nested no more than half a dozen or so levels, and there are no large arrays on the stack. If the stack sizes are not estimated correctly and a stack overflow occurs, the probably result is some form of memory corruption. This can be very hard to track down. The kernel does contain some code to help detect stack overflows, controlled by the configuration option CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_STACK_CHECKING: a small amount of space is reserved at the stack limit and filled with a special signature: every time a thread context switch occurs this signature is checked, and if invalid that is a good indication (but not absolute proof) that a stack overflow has occurred. This form of stack checking is enabled by default when the system is built with debugging enabled. A related configuration option is CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_STACK_MEASUREMENT: enabling this option means that a thread can call the function cyg_thread_measure_stack_usage to find out the maximum stack usage to date. Note that this is not necessarily the true maximum because, for example, it is possible that in the current run no interrupt occurred at the worst possible moment. Valid contexts cyg_thread_create may be called during initialization and from within thread context. It may not be called from inside a DSR. Example A simple example of thread creation is shown below. This involves creating five threads, one producer and four consumers or workers. The threads are created in the system's cyg_user_start: depending on the configuration it might be more appropriate to do this elsewhere, for example inside main. #include <cyg/hal/hal_arch.h> #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> // These numbers depend entirely on your application #define NUMBER_OF_WORKERS 4 #define PRODUCER_PRIORITY 10 #define WORKER_PRIORITY 11 #define PRODUCER_STACKSIZE CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_TYPICAL #define WORKER_STACKSIZE (CYGNUM_HAL_STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM + 1024) static unsigned char producer_stack[PRODUCER_STACKSIZE]; static unsigned char worker_stacks[NUMBER_OF_WORKERS][WORKER_STACKSIZE]; static cyg_handle_t producer_handle, worker_handles[NUMBER_OF_WORKERS]; static cyg_thread producer_thread, worker_threads[NUMBER_OF_WORKERS]; static void producer(cyg_addrword_t data) { … } static void worker(cyg_addrword_t data) { … } void cyg_user_start(void) { int i; cyg_thread_create(PRODUCER_PRIORITY, &producer, 0, "producer", producer_stack, PRODUCER_STACKSIZE, &producer_handle, &producer_thread); cyg_thread_resume(producer_handle); for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_WORKERS; i++) { cyg_thread_create(WORKER_PRIORITY, &worker, i, "worker", worker_stacks[i], WORKER_STACKSIZE, &(worker_handles[i]), &(worker_threads[i])); cyg_thread_resume(worker_handles[i]); } } Thread Entry Points and C++ For code written in C++ the thread entry function must be either a static member function of a class or an ordinary function outside any class. It cannot be a normal member function of a class because such member functions take an implicit additional argument this, and the kernel has no way of knowing what value to use for this argument. One way around this problem is to make use of a special static member function, for example: class fred { public: void thread_function(); static void static_thread_aux(cyg_addrword_t); }; void fred::static_thread_aux(cyg_addrword_t objptr) { fred* object = static_cast<fred*>(objptr); object->thread_function(); } static fred instance; extern "C" void cyg_start( void ) { … cyg_thread_create( …, &fred::static_thread_aux, static_cast<cyg_addrword_t>(&instance), …); … } Effectively this uses the entry_data argument to cyg_thread_create to hold the this pointer. Unfortunately this approach does require the use of some C++ casts, so some of the type safety that can be achieved when programming in C++ is lost. Thread information cyg_thread_self cyg_thread_idle_thread cyg_thread_get_stack_base cyg_thread_get_stack_size cyg_thread_measure_stack_usage cyg_thread_get_next cyg_thread_get_info cyg_thread_get_id cyg_thread_find Get basic thread information #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> cyg_handle_t cyg_thread_self cyg_handle_t cyg_thread_idle_thread cyg_addrword_t cyg_thread_get_stack_base cyg_handle_t thread cyg_uint32 cyg_thread_get_stack_size cyg_handle_t thread cyg_uint32 cyg_thread_measure_stack_usage cyg_handle_t thread cyg_bool cyg_thread_get_next cyg_handle_t *thread cyg_uint16 *id cyg_bool cyg_thread_get_info cyg_handle_t thread cyg_uint16 id cyg_thread_info *info cyg_uint16 cyg_thread_get_id cyg_handle_t thread cyg_handle_t cyg_thread_find cyg_uint16 id Description These functions can be used to obtain some basic information about various threads in the system. Typically they serve little or no purpose in real applications, but they can be useful during debugging. cyg_thread_self returns a handle corresponding to the current thread. It will be the same as the value filled in by cyg_thread_create when the current thread was created. This handle can then be passed to other functions such as cyg_thread_get_priority. cyg_thread_idle_thread returns the handle corresponding to the idle thread. This thread is created automatically by the kernel, so application-code has no other way of getting hold of this information. cyg_thread_get_stack_base and cyg_thread_get_stack_size return information about a specific thread's stack. The values returned will match the values passed to cyg_thread_create when this thread was created. cyg_thread_measure_stack_usage is only available if the configuration option CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_STACK_MEASUREMENT is enabled. The return value is the maximum number of bytes of stack space used so far by the specified thread. Note that this should not be considered a true upper bound, for example it is possible that in the current test run the specified thread has not yet been interrupted at the deepest point in the function call graph. Never the less the value returned can give some useful indication of the thread's stack requirements. cyg_thread_get_next is used to enumerate all the current threads in the system. It should be called initially with the locations pointed to by thread and id set to zero. On return these will be set to the handle and ID of the first thread. On subsequent calls, these parameters should be left set to the values returned by the previous call. The handle and ID of the next thread in the system will be installed each time, until a false return value indicates the end of the list. cyg_thread_get_info fills in the cyg_thread_info structure with information about the thread described by the thread and id arguments. The information returned includes the thread's handle and id, its state and name, priorities and stack parameters. If the thread does not exist the function returns false. The cyg_thread_info structure is defined as follows by <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>, but may be extended in future with additional members, and so its size should not be relied upon: typedef struct { cyg_handle_t handle; cyg_uint16 id; cyg_uint32 state; char *name; cyg_priority_t set_pri; cyg_priority_t cur_pri; cyg_addrword_t stack_base; cyg_uint32 stack_size; cyg_uint32 stack_used; } cyg_thread_info; cyg_thread_get_id returns the unique thread ID for the thread identified by thread. cyg_thread_find returns a handle for the thread whose ID is id. If no such thread exists, a zero handle is returned. Valid contexts cyg_thread_self may only be called from thread context. cyg_thread_idle_thread may be called from thread or DSR context, but only after the system has been initialized. cyg_thread_get_stack_base, cyg_thread_get_stack_size and cyg_thread_measure_stack_usage may be called any time after the specified thread has been created, but measuring stack usage involves looping over at least part of the thread's stack so this should normally only be done from thread context. cyg_thread_get_id may be called from any context as long as the caller can guarantee that the supplied thread handle remains valid. Examples A simple example of the use of the cyg_thread_get_next and cyg_thread_get_info follows: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> #include <stdio.h> void show_threads(void) { cyg_handle_t thread = 0; cyg_uint16 id = 0; while( cyg_thread_get_next( &thread, &id ) ) { cyg_thread_info info; if( !cyg_thread_get_info( thread, id, &info ) ) break; printf("ID: %04x name: %10s pri: %d\n",,"----", info.set_pri ); } } Thread control cyg_thread_yield cyg_thread_delay cyg_thread_suspend cyg_thread_resume cyg_thread_release Control whether or not a thread is running #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_thread_yield void cyg_thread_delay cyg_tick_count_t delay void cyg_thread_suspend cyg_handle_t thread void cyg_thread_resume cyg_handle_t thread void cyg_thread_release cyg_handle_t thread Description These functions provide some control over whether or not a particular thread can run. Apart from the required use of cyg_thread_resume to start a newly-created thread, application code should normally use proper synchronization primitives such as condition variables or mail boxes. Yield cyg_thread_yield allows a thread to relinquish control of the processor to some other runnable thread which has the same priority. This can have no effect on any higher-priority thread since, if such a thread were runnable, the current thread would have been preempted in its favour. Similarly it can have no effect on any lower-priority thread because the current thread will always be run in preference to those. As a consequence this function is only useful in configurations with a scheduler that allows multiple threads to run at the same priority, for example the mlqueue scheduler. If instead the bitmap scheduler was being used then cyg_thread_yield() would serve no purpose. Even if a suitable scheduler such as the mlqueue scheduler has been configured, cyg_thread_yield will still rarely prove useful: instead timeslicing will be used to ensure that all threads of a given priority get a fair slice of the available processor time. However it is possible to disable timeslicing via the configuration option CYGSEM_KERNEL_SCHED_TIMESLICE, in which case cyg_thread_yield can be used to implement a form of cooperative multitasking. Delay cyg_thread_delay allows a thread to suspend until the specified number of clock ticks have occurred. For example, if a value of 1 is used and the system clock runs at a frequency of 100Hz then the thread will sleep for up to 10 milliseconds. This functionality depends on the presence of a real-time system clock, as controlled by the configuration option CYGVAR_KERNEL_COUNTERS_CLOCK. If the application requires delays measured in milliseconds or similar units rather than in clock ticks, some calculations are needed to convert between these units as described in . Usually these calculations can be done by the application developer, or at compile-time. Performing such calculations prior to every call to cyg_thread_delay adds unnecessary overhead to the system. Suspend and Resume Associated with each thread is a suspend counter. When a thread is first created this counter is initialized to 1. cyg_thread_suspend can be used to increment the suspend counter, and cyg_thread_resume decrements it. The scheduler will never run a thread with a non-zero suspend counter. Therefore a newly created thread will not run until it has been resumed. An occasional problem with the use of suspend and resume functionality is that a thread gets suspended more times than it is resumed and hence never becomes runnable again. This can lead to very confusing behaviour. To help with debugging such problems the kernel provides a configuration option CYGNUM_KERNEL_MAX_SUSPEND_COUNT_ASSERT which imposes an upper bound on the number of suspend calls without matching resumes, with a reasonable default value. This functionality depends on infrastructure assertions being enabled. Releasing a Blocked Thread When a thread is blocked on a synchronization primitive such as a semaphore or a mutex, or when it is waiting for an alarm to trigger, it can be forcibly woken up using cyg_thread_release. Typically this will call the affected synchronization primitive to return false, indicating that the operation was not completed successfully. This function has to be used with great care, and in particular it should only be used on threads that have been designed appropriately and check all return codes. If instead it were to be used on, say, an arbitrary thread that is attempting to claim a mutex then that thread might not bother to check the result of the mutex lock operation - usually there would be no reason to do so. Therefore the thread will now continue running in the false belief that it has successfully claimed a mutex lock, and the resulting behaviour is undefined. If the system has been built with assertions enabled then it is possible that an assertion will trigger when the thread tries to release the mutex it does not actually own. The main use of cyg_thread_release is in the POSIX compatibility layer, where it is used in the implementation of per-thread signals and cancellation handlers. Valid contexts cyg_thread_yield can only be called from thread context, A DSR must always run to completion and cannot yield the processor to some thread. cyg_thread_suspend, cyg_thread_resume, and cyg_thread_release may be called from thread or DSR context. Thread termination cyg_thread_exit cyg_thread_kill cyg_thread_delete Allow threads to terminate #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_thread_exit void cyg_thread_kill cyg_handle_t thread cyg_bool_t cyg_thread_delete cyg_handle_t thread Description In many embedded systems the various threads are allocated statically, created during initialization, and never need to terminate. This avoids any need for dynamic memory allocation or other resource management facilities. However if a given application does have a requirement that some threads be created dynamically, must terminate, and their resources such as the stack be reclaimed, then the kernel provides the functions cyg_thread_exit, cyg_thread_kill, and cyg_thread_delete. cyg_thread_exit allows a thread to terminate itself, thus ensuring that it will not be run again by the scheduler. However the cyg_thread data structure passed to cyg_thread_create remains in use, and the handle returned by cyg_thread_create remains valid. This allows other threads to perform certain operations on the terminated thread, for example to determine its stack usage via cyg_thread_measure_stack_usage. When the handle and cyg_thread structure are no longer required, cyg_thread_delete should be called to release these resources. If the stack was dynamically allocated then this should not be freed until after the call to cyg_thread_delete. Alternatively, one thread may use cyg_thread_kill on another This has much the same effect as the affected thread calling cyg_thread_exit. However killing a thread is generally rather dangerous because no attempt is made to unlock any synchronization primitives currently owned by that thread or release any other resources that thread may have claimed. Therefore use of this function should be avoided, and cyg_thread_exit is preferred. cyg_thread_kill cannot be used by a thread to kill itself. cyg_thread_delete should be used on a thread after it has exited and is no longer required. After this call the thread handle is no longer valid, and both the cyg_thread structure and the thread stack can be re-used or freed. If cyg_thread_delete is invoked on a thread that is still running then there is an implicit call to cyg_thread_kill. This function returns true if the delete was successful, and false if the delete did not happen. The delete may not happen for example if the thread being destroyed is a lower priority thread than the running thread, and will thus not wake up in order to exit until it is rescheduled. Valid contexts cyg_thread_exit, cyg_thread_kill and cyg_thread_delete can only be called from thread context. Thread priorities cyg_thread_get_priority cyg_thread_get_current_priority cyg_thread_set_priority Examine and manipulate thread priorities #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> cyg_priority_t cyg_thread_get_priority cyg_handle_t thread cyg_priority_t cyg_thread_get_current_priority cyg_handle_t thread void cyg_thread_set_priority cyg_handle_t thread cyg_priority_t priority Description Typical schedulers use the concept of a thread priority to determine which thread should run next. Exactly what this priority consists of will depend on the scheduler, but a typical implementation would be a small integer in the range 0 to 31, with 0 being the highest priority. Usually only the idle thread will run at the lowest priority. The exact number of priority levels available depends on the configuration, typically the option CYGNUM_KERNEL_SCHED_PRIORITIES. cyg_thread_get_priority can be used to determine the priority of a thread, or more correctly the value last used in a cyg_thread_set_priority call or when the thread was first created. In some circumstances it is possible that the thread is actually running at a higher priority. For example, if it owns a mutex and priority ceilings or inheritance is being used to prevent priority inversion problems, then the thread's priority may have been boosted temporarily. cyg_thread_get_current_priority returns the real current priority. In many applications appropriate thread priorities can be determined and allocated statically. However, if it is necessary for a thread's priority to change at run-time then the cyg_thread_set_priority function provides this functionality. Valid contexts cyg_thread_get_priority and cyg_thread_get_current_priority can be called from thread or DSR context, although the latter is rarely useful. cyg_thread_set_priority should also only be called from thread context. Per-thread data cyg_thread_new_data_index cyg_thread_free_data_index cyg_thread_get_data cyg_thread_get_data_ptr cyg_thread_set_data Manipulate per-thread data #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> cyg_ucount32 cyg_thread_new_data_index void cyg_thread_free_data_index cyg_ucount32 index cyg_addrword_t cyg_thread_get_data cyg_ucount32 index cyg_addrword_t* cyg_thread_get_data_ptr cyg_ucount32 index void cyg_thread_set_data cyg_ucount32 index cyg_addrword_t data Description In some applications and libraries it is useful to have some data that is specific to each thread. For example, many of the functions in the POSIX compatibility package return -1 to indicate an error and store additional information in what appears to be a global variable errno. However, if multiple threads make concurrent calls into the POSIX library and if errno were really a global variable then a thread would have no way of knowing whether the current errno value really corresponded to the last POSIX call it made, or whether some other thread had run in the meantime and made a different POSIX call which updated the variable. To avoid such confusion errno is instead implemented as a per-thread variable, and each thread has its own instance. The support for per-thread data can be disabled via the configuration option CYGVAR_KERNEL_THREADS_DATA. If enabled, each cyg_thread data structure holds a small array of words. The size of this array is determined by the configuration option CYGNUM_KERNEL_THREADS_DATA_MAX. When a thread is created the array is filled with zeroes. If an application needs to use per-thread data then it needs an index into this array which has not yet been allocated to other code. This index can be obtained by calling cyg_thread_new_data_index, and then used in subsequent calls to cyg_thread_get_data. Typically indices are allocated during system initialization and stored in static variables. If for some reason a slot in the array is no longer required and can be re-used then it can be released by calling cyg_thread_free_data_index, The current per-thread data in a given slot can be obtained using cyg_thread_get_data. This implicitly operates on the current thread, and its single argument should be an index as returned by cyg_thread_new_data_index. The per-thread data can be updated using cyg_thread_set_data. If a particular item of per-thread data is needed repeatedly then cyg_thread_get_data_ptr can be used to obtain the address of the data, and indirecting through this pointer allows the data to be examined and updated efficiently. Some packages, for example the error and POSIX packages, have pre-allocated slots in the array of per-thread data. These slots should not normally be used by application code, and instead slots should be allocated during initialization by a call to cyg_thread_new_data_index. If it is known that, for example, the configuration will never include the POSIX compatibility package then application code may instead decide to re-use the slot allocated to that package, CYGNUM_KERNEL_THREADS_DATA_POSIX, but obviously this does involve a risk of strange and subtle bugs if the application's requirements ever change. Valid contexts Typically cyg_thread_new_data_index is only called during initialization, but may also be called at any time in thread context. cyg_thread_free_data_index, if used at all, can also be called during initialization or from thread context. cyg_thread_get_data, cyg_thread_get_data_ptr, and cyg_thread_set_data may only be called from thread context because they implicitly operate on the current thread. Thread destructors cyg_thread_add_destructor cyg_thread_rem_destructor Call functions on thread termination #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> typedef void (*cyg_thread_destructor_fn)(cyg_addrword_t); cyg_bool_t cyg_thread_add_destructor cyg_thread_destructor_fn fn cyg_addrword_t data cyg_bool_t cyg_thread_rem_destructor cyg_thread_destructor_fn fn cyg_addrword_t data Description These functions are provided for cases when an application requires a function to be automatically called when a thread exits. This is often useful when, for example, freeing up resources allocated by the thread. This support must be enabled with the configuration option CYGPKG_KERNEL_THREADS_DESTRUCTORS. When enabled, you may register a function of type cyg_thread_destructor_fn to be called on thread termination using cyg_thread_add_destructor. You may also provide it with a piece of arbitrary information in the data argument which will be passed to the destructor function fn when the thread terminates. If you no longer wish to call a function previous registered with cyg_thread_add_destructor, you may call cyg_thread_rem_destructor with the same parameters used to register the destructor function. Both these functions return true on success and false on failure. By default, thread destructors are per-thread, which means that registering a destructor function only registers that function for the current thread. In other words, each thread has its own list of destructors. Alternatively you may disable the configuration option CYGSEM_KERNEL_THREADS_DESTRUCTORS_PER_THREAD in which case any registered destructors will be run when any threads exit. In other words, the thread destructor list is global and all threads have the same destructors. There is a limit to the number of destructors which may be registered, which can be controlled with the CYGNUM_KERNEL_THREADS_DESTRUCTORS configuration option. Increasing this value will very slightly increase the amount of memory in use, and when CYGSEM_KERNEL_THREADS_DESTRUCTORS_PER_THREAD is enabled, the amount of memory used per thread will increase. When the limit has been reached, cyg_thread_add_destructor will return false. Valid contexts When CYGSEM_KERNEL_THREADS_DESTRUCTORS_PER_THREAD is enabled, these functions must only be called from a thread context as they implicitly operate on the current thread. When CYGSEM_KERNEL_THREADS_DESTRUCTORS_PER_THREAD is disabled, these functions may be called from thread or DSR context, or at initialization time. Exception handling cyg_exception_set_handler cyg_exception_clear_handler cyg_exception_call_handler Handle processor exceptions #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_exception_set_handler cyg_code_t exception_number cyg_exception_handler_t* new_handler cyg_addrword_t new_data cyg_exception_handler_t** old_handler cyg_addrword_t* old_data void cyg_exception_clear_handler cyg_code_t exception_number void cyg_exception_call_handler cyg_handle_t thread cyg_code_t exception_number cyg_addrword_t exception_info Description Sometimes code attempts operations that are not legal on the current hardware, for example dividing by zero, or accessing data through a pointer that is not properly aligned. When this happens the hardware will raise an exception. This is very similar to an interrupt, but happens synchronously with code execution rather than asynchronously and hence can be tied to the thread that is currently running. The exceptions that can be raised depend very much on the hardware, especially the processor. The corresponding documentation should be consulted for more details. Alternatively the architectural HAL header file hal_intr.h, or one of the variant or platform header files it includes, will contain appropriate definitions. The details of how to handle exceptions, including whether or not it is possible to recover from them, also depend on the hardware. Exception handling is optional, and can be disabled through the configuration option CYGPKG_KERNEL_EXCEPTIONS. If an application has been exhaustively tested and is trusted never to raise a hardware exception then this option can be disabled and code and data sizes will be reduced somewhat. If exceptions are left enabled then the system will provide default handlers for the various exceptions, but these do nothing. Even the specific type of exception is ignored, so there is no point in attempting to decode this and distinguish between say a divide-by-zero and an unaligned access. If the application installs its own handlers and wants details of the specific exception being raised then the configuration option CYGSEM_KERNEL_EXCEPTIONS_DECODE has to be enabled. An alternative handler can be installed using cyg_exception_set_handler. This requires a code for the exception, a function pointer for the new exception handler, and a parameter to be passed to this handler. Details of the previously installed exception handler will be returned via the remaining two arguments, allowing that handler to be reinstated, or null pointers can be used if this information is of no interest. An exception handling function should take the following form: void my_exception_handler(cyg_addrword_t data, cyg_code_t exception, cyg_addrword_t info) { … } The data argument corresponds to the new_data parameter supplied to cyg_exception_set_handler. The exception code is provided as well, in case a single handler is expected to support multiple exceptions. The info argument will depend on the hardware and on the specific exception. cyg_exception_clear_handler can be used to restore the default handler, if desired. It is also possible for software to raise an exception and cause the current handler to be invoked, but generally this is useful only for testing. By default the system maintains a single set of global exception handlers. However, since exceptions occur synchronously it is sometimes useful to handle them on a per-thread basis, and have a different set of handlers for each thread. This behaviour can be obtained by disabling the configuration option CYGSEM_KERNEL_EXCEPTIONS_GLOBAL. If per-thread exception handlers are being used then cyg_exception_set_handler and cyg_exception_clear_handler apply to the current thread. Otherwise they apply to the global set of handlers. In the current implementation cyg_exception_call_handler can only be used on the current thread. There is no support for delivering an exception to another thread. Exceptions at the eCos kernel level refer specifically to hardware-related events such as unaligned accesses to memory or division by zero. There is no relation with other concepts that are also known as exceptions, for example the throw and catch facilities associated with C++. Valid contexts If the system is configured with a single set of global exception handlers then cyg_exception_set_handler and cyg_exception_clear_handler may be called during initialization or from thread context. If instead per-thread exception handlers are being used then it is not possible to install new handlers during initialization because the functions operate implicitly on the current thread, so they can only be called from thread context. cyg_exception_call_handler should only be called from thread context. Counters cyg_counter_create cyg_counter_delete cyg_counter_current_value cyg_counter_set_value cyg_counter_tick Count event occurrences #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_counter_create cyg_handle_t* handle cyg_counter* counter void cyg_counter_delete cyg_handle_t counter cyg_tick_count_t cyg_counter_current_value cyg_handle_t counter void cyg_counter_set_value cyg_handle_t counter cyg_tick_count_t new_value void cyg_counter_tick cyg_handle_t counter Description Kernel counters can be used to keep track of how many times a particular event has occurred. Usually this event is an external signal of some sort. The most common use of counters is in the implementation of clocks, but they can be useful with other event sources as well. Application code can attach alarms to counters, causing a function to be called when some number of events have occurred. A new counter is initialized by a call to cyg_counter_create. The first argument is used to return a handle to the new counter which can be used for subsequent operations. The second argument allows the application to provide the memory needed for the object, thus eliminating any need for dynamic memory allocation within the kernel. If a counter is no longer required and does not have any alarms attached then cyg_counter_delete can be used to release the resources, allowing the cyg_counter data structure to be re-used. Initializing a counter does not automatically attach it to any source of events. Instead some other code needs to call cyg_counter_tick whenever a suitable event occurs, which will cause the counter to be incremented and may cause alarms to trigger. The current value associated with the counter can be retrieved using cyg_counter_current_value and modified with cyg_counter_set_value. Typically the latter function is only used during initialization, for example to set a clock to wallclock time, but it can be used to reset a counter if necessary. However cyg_counter_set_value will never trigger any alarms. A newly initialized counter has a starting value of 0. The kernel provides two different implementations of counters. The default is CYGIMP_KERNEL_COUNTERS_SINGLE_LIST which stores all alarms attached to the counter on a single list. This is simple and usually efficient. However when a tick occurs the kernel code has to traverse this list, typically at DSR level, so if there are a significant number of alarms attached to a single counter this will affect the system's dispatch latency. The alternative implementation, CYGIMP_KERNEL_COUNTERS_MULTI_LIST, stores each alarm in one of an array of lists such that at most one of the lists needs to be searched per clock tick. This involves extra code and data, but can improve real-time responsiveness in some circumstances. Another configuration option that is relevant here is CYGIMP_KERNEL_COUNTERS_SORT_LIST, which is disabled by default. This provides a trade off between doing work whenever a new alarm is added to a counter and doing work whenever a tick occurs. It is application-dependent which of these is more appropriate. Valid contexts cyg_counter_create is typically called during system initialization but may also be called in thread context. Similarly cyg_counter_delete may be called during initialization or in thread context. cyg_counter_current_value, cyg_counter_set_value and cyg_counter_tick may be called during initialization or from thread or DSR context. In fact, cyg_counter_tick is usually called from inside a DSR in response to an external event of some sort. Clocks cyg_clock_create cyg_clock_delete cyg_clock_to_counter cyg_clock_set_resolution cyg_clock_get_resolution cyg_real_time_clock cyg_current_time Provide system clocks #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_clock_create cyg_resolution_t resolution cyg_handle_t* handle cyg_clock* clock void cyg_clock_delete cyg_handle_t clock void cyg_clock_to_counter cyg_handle_t clock cyg_handle_t* counter void cyg_clock_set_resolution cyg_handle_t clock cyg_resolution_t resolution cyg_resolution_t cyg_clock_get_resolution cyg_handle_t clock cyg_handle_t cyg_real_time_clock cyg_tick_count_t cyg_current_time Description In the eCos kernel clock objects are a special form of counter objects. They are attached to a specific type of hardware, clocks that generate ticks at very specific time intervals, whereas counters can be used with any event source. In a default configuration the kernel provides a single clock instance, the real-time clock. This gets used for timeslicing and for operations that involve a timeout, for example cyg_semaphore_timed_wait. If this functionality is not required it can be removed from the system using the configuration option CYGVAR_KERNEL_COUNTERS_CLOCK. Otherwise the real-time clock can be accessed by a call to cyg_real_time_clock, allowing applications to attach alarms, and the current counter value can be obtained using cyg_current_time. Applications can create and destroy additional clocks if desired, using cyg_clock_create and cyg_clock_delete. The first argument to cyg_clock_create specifies the resolution this clock will run at. The second argument is used to return a handle for this clock object, and the third argument provides the kernel with the memory needed to hold this object. This clock will not actually tick by itself. Instead it is the responsibility of application code to initialize a suitable hardware timer to generate interrupts at the appropriate frequency, install an interrupt handler for this, and call cyg_counter_tick from inside the DSR. Associated with each clock is a kernel counter, a handle for which can be obtained using cyg_clock_to_counter. Clock Resolutions and Ticks At the kernel level all clock-related operations including delays, timeouts and alarms work in units of clock ticks, rather than in units of seconds or milliseconds. If the calling code, whether the application or some other package, needs to operate using units such as milliseconds then it has to convert from these units to clock ticks. The main reason for this is that it accurately reflects the hardware: calling something like nanosleep with a delay of ten nanoseconds will not work as intended on any real hardware because timer interrupts simply will not happen that frequently; instead calling cyg_thread_delay with the equivalent delay of 0 ticks gives a much clearer indication that the application is attempting something inappropriate for the target hardware. Similarly, passing a delay of five ticks to cyg_thread_delay makes it fairly obvious that the current thread will be suspended for somewhere between four and five clock periods, as opposed to passing 50000000 to nanosleep which suggests a granularity that is not actually provided. A secondary reason is that conversion between clock ticks and units such as milliseconds can be somewhat expensive, and whenever possible should be done at compile-time or by the application developer rather than at run-time. This saves code size and cpu cycles. The information needed to perform these conversions is the clock resolution. This is a structure with two fields, a dividend and a divisor, and specifies the number of nanoseconds between clock ticks. For example a clock that runs at 100Hz will have 10 milliseconds between clock ticks, or 10000000 nanoseconds. The ratio between the resolution's dividend and divisor will therefore be 10000000 to 1, and typical values for these might be 1000000000 and 100. If the clock runs at a different frequency, say 60Hz, the numbers could be 1000000000 and 60 respectively. Given a delay in nanoseconds, this can be converted to clock ticks by multiplying with the the divisor and then dividing by the dividend. For example a delay of 50 milliseconds corresponds to 50000000 nanoseconds, and with a clock frequency of 100Hz this can be converted to ((50000000 * 100) / 1000000000) = 5 clock ticks. Given the large numbers involved this arithmetic normally has to be done using 64-bit precision and the long long data type, but allows code to run on hardware with unusual clock frequencies. The default frequency for the real-time clock on any platform is usually about 100Hz, but platform-specific documentation should be consulted for this information. Usually it is possible to override this default by configuration options, but again this depends on the capabilities of the underlying hardware. The resolution for any clock can be obtained using cyg_clock_get_resolution. For clocks created by application code, there is also a function cyg_clock_set_resolution. This does not affect the underlying hardware timer in any way, it merely updates the information that will be returned in subsequent calls to cyg_clock_get_resolution: changing the actual underlying clock frequency will require appropriate manipulation of the timer hardware. Valid contexts cyg_clock_create is usually only called during system initialization (if at all), but may also be called from thread context. The same applies to cyg_clock_delete. The remaining functions may be called during initialization, from thread context, or from DSR context, although it should be noted that there is no locking between cyg_clock_get_resolution and cyg_clock_set_resolution so theoretically it is possible that the former returns an inconsistent data structure. Alarms cyg_alarm_create cyg_alarm_delete cyg_alarm_initialize cyg_alarm_enable cyg_alarm_disable Run an alarm function when a number of events have occurred #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_alarm_create cyg_handle_t counter cyg_alarm_t* alarmfn cyg_addrword_t data cyg_handle_t* handle cyg_alarm* alarm void cyg_alarm_delete cyg_handle_t alarm void cyg_alarm_initialize cyg_handle_t alarm cyg_tick_count_t trigger cyg_tick_count_t interval void cyg_alarm_enable cyg_handle_t alarm void cyg_alarm_disable cyg_handle_t alarm Description Kernel alarms are used together with counters and allow for action to be taken when a certain number of events have occurred. If the counter is associated with a clock then the alarm action happens when the appropriate number of clock ticks have occurred, in other words after a certain period of time. Setting up an alarm involves a two-step process. First the alarm must be created with a call to cyg_alarm_create. This takes five arguments. The first identifies the counter to which the alarm should be attached. If the alarm should be attached to the system's real-time clock then cyg_real_time_clock and cyg_clock_to_counter can be used to get hold of the appropriate handle. The next two arguments specify the action to be taken when the alarm is triggered, in the form of a function pointer and some data. This function should take the form: void alarm_handler(cyg_handle_t alarm, cyg_addrword_t data) { … } The data argument passed to the alarm function corresponds to the third argument passed to cyg_alarm_create. The fourth argument to cyg_alarm_create is used to return a handle to the newly-created alarm object, and the final argument provides the memory needed for the alarm object and thus avoids any need for dynamic memory allocation within the kernel. Once an alarm has been created a further call to cyg_alarm_initialize is needed to activate it. The first argument specifies the alarm. The second argument indicates the number of events, for example clock ticks, that need to occur before the alarm triggers. If the third argument is 0 then the alarm will only trigger once. A non-zero value specifies that the alarm should trigger repeatedly, with an interval of the specified number of events. Alarms can be temporarily disabled and reenabled using cyg_alarm_disable and cyg_alarm_enable. Alternatively another call to cyg_alarm_initialize can be used to modify the behaviour of an existing alarm. If an alarm is no longer required then the associated resources can be released using cyg_alarm_delete. The alarm function is invoked when a counter tick occurs, in other words when there is a call to cyg_counter_tick, and will happen in the same context. If the alarm is associated with the system's real-time clock then this will be DSR context, following a clock interrupt. If the alarm is associated with some other application-specific counter then the details will depend on how that counter is updated. If two or more alarms are registered for precisely the same counter tick, the order of execution of the alarm functions is unspecified. Valid contexts cyg_alarm_create cyg_alarm_initialize is typically called during system initialization but may also be called in thread context. The same applies to cyg_alarm_delete. cyg_alarm_initialize, cyg_alarm_disable and cyg_alarm_enable may be called during initialization or from thread or DSR context, but cyg_alarm_enable and cyg_alarm_initialize may be expensive operations and should only be called when necessary. Mutexes cyg_mutex_init cyg_mutex_destroy cyg_mutex_lock cyg_mutex_trylock cyg_mutex_unlock cyg_mutex_release cyg_mutex_set_ceiling cyg_mutex_set_protocol Synchronization primitive #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_mutex_init cyg_mutex_t* mutex void cyg_mutex_destroy cyg_mutex_t* mutex cyg_bool_t cyg_mutex_lock cyg_mutex_t* mutex cyg_bool_t cyg_mutex_trylock cyg_mutex_t* mutex void cyg_mutex_unlock cyg_mutex_t* mutex void cyg_mutex_release cyg_mutex_t* mutex void cyg_mutex_set_ceiling cyg_mutex_t* mutex cyg_priority_t priority void cyg_mutex_set_protocol cyg_mutex_t* mutex enum cyg_mutex_protocol protocol/ Description The purpose of mutexes is to let threads share resources safely. If two or more threads attempt to manipulate a data structure with no locking between them then the system may run for quite some time without apparent problems, but sooner or later the data structure will become inconsistent and the application will start behaving strangely and is quite likely to crash. The same can apply even when manipulating a single variable or some other resource. For example, consider: static volatile int counter = 0; void process_event(void) { … counter++; } Assume that after a certain period of time counter has a value of 42, and two threads A and B running at the same priority call process_event. Typically thread A will read the value of counter into a register, increment this register to 43, and write this updated value back to memory. Thread B will do the same, so usually counter will end up with a value of 44. However if thread A is timesliced after reading the old value 42 but before writing back 43, thread B will still read back the old value and will also write back 43. The net result is that the counter only gets incremented once, not twice, which depending on the application may prove disastrous. Sections of code like the above which involve manipulating shared data are generally known as critical regions. Code should claim a lock before entering a critical region and release the lock when leaving. Mutexes provide an appropriate synchronization primitive for this. static volatile int counter = 0; static cyg_mutex_t lock; void process_event(void) { … cyg_mutex_lock(&lock); counter++; cyg_mutex_unlock(&lock); } A mutex must be initialized before it can be used, by calling cyg_mutex_init. This takes a pointer to a cyg_mutex_t data structure which is typically statically allocated, and may be part of a larger data structure. If a mutex is no longer required and there are no threads waiting on it then cyg_mutex_destroy can be used. The main functions for using a mutex are cyg_mutex_lock and cyg_mutex_unlock. In normal operation cyg_mutex_lock will return success after claiming the mutex lock, blocking if another thread currently owns the mutex. However the lock operation may fail if other code calls cyg_mutex_release or cyg_thread_release, so if these functions may get used then it is important to check the return value. The current owner of a mutex should call cyg_mutex_unlock when a lock is no longer required. This operation must be performed by the owner, not by another thread. cyg_mutex_trylock is a variant of cyg_mutex_lock that will always return immediately, returning success or failure as appropriate. This function is rarely useful. Typical code locks a mutex just before entering a critical region, so if the lock cannot be claimed then there may be nothing else for the current thread to do. Use of this function may also cause a form of priority inversion if the owner owner runs at a lower priority, because the priority inheritance code will not be triggered. Instead the current thread continues running, preventing the owner from getting any cpu time, completing the critical region, and releasing the mutex. cyg_mutex_release can be used to wake up all threads that are currently blocked inside a call to cyg_mutex_lock for a specific mutex. These lock calls will return failure. The current mutex owner is not affected. Priority Inversion The use of mutexes gives rise to a problem known as priority inversion. In a typical scenario this requires three threads A, B, and C, running at high, medium and low priority respectively. Thread A and thread B are temporarily blocked waiting for some event, so thread C gets a chance to run, needs to enter a critical region, and locks a mutex. At this point threads A and B are woken up - the exact order does not matter. Thread A needs to claim the same mutex but has to wait until C has left the critical region and can release the mutex. Meanwhile thread B works on something completely different and can continue running without problems. Because thread C is running a lower priority than B it will not get a chance to run until B blocks for some reason, and hence thread A cannot run either. The overall effect is that a high-priority thread A cannot proceed because of a lower priority thread B, and priority inversion has occurred. In simple applications it may be possible to arrange the code such that priority inversion cannot occur, for example by ensuring that a given mutex is never shared by threads running at different priority levels. However this may not always be possible even at the application level. In addition mutexes may be used internally by underlying code, for example the memory allocation package, so careful analysis of the whole system would be needed to be sure that priority inversion cannot occur. Instead it is common practice to use one of two techniques: priority ceilings and priority inheritance. Priority ceilings involve associating a priority with each mutex. Usually this will match the highest priority thread that will ever lock the mutex. When a thread running at a lower priority makes a successful call to cyg_mutex_lock or cyg_mutex_trylock its priority will be boosted to that of the mutex. For example, given the previous example the priority associated with the mutex would be that of thread A, so for as long as it owns the mutex thread C will run in preference to thread B. When C releases the mutex its priority drops to the normal value again, allowing A to run and claim the mutex. Setting the priority for a mutex involves a call to cyg_mutex_set_ceiling, which is typically called during initialization. It is possible to change the ceiling dynamically but this will only affect subsequent lock operations, not the current owner of the mutex. Priority ceilings are very suitable for simple applications, where for every thread in the system it is possible to work out which mutexes will be accessed. For more complicated applications this may prove difficult, especially if thread priorities change at run-time. An additional problem occurs for any mutexes outside the application, for example used internally within eCos packages. A typical eCos package will be unaware of the details of the various threads in the system, so it will have no way of setting suitable ceilings for its internal mutexes. If those mutexes are not exported to application code then using priority ceilings may not be viable. The kernel does provide a configuration option CYGSEM_KERNEL_SYNCH_MUTEX_PRIORITY_INVERSION_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT_PRIORITY that can be used to set the default priority ceiling for all mutexes, which may prove sufficient. The alternative approach is to use priority inheritance: if a thread calls cyg_mutex_lock for a mutex that it currently owned by a lower-priority thread, then the owner will have its priority raised to that of the current thread. Often this is more efficient than priority ceilings because priority boosting only happens when necessary, not for every lock operation, and the required priority is determined at run-time rather than by static analysis. However there are complications when multiple threads running at different priorities try to lock a single mutex, or when the current owner of a mutex then tries to lock additional mutexes, and this makes the implementation significantly more complicated than priority ceilings. There are a number of configuration options associated with priority inversion. First, if after careful analysis it is known that priority inversion cannot arise then the component CYGSEM_KERNEL_SYNCH_MUTEX_PRIORITY_INVERSION_PROTOCOL can be disabled. More commonly this component will be enabled, and one of either CYGSEM_KERNEL_SYNCH_MUTEX_PRIORITY_INVERSION_PROTOCOL_INHERIT or CYGSEM_KERNEL_SYNCH_MUTEX_PRIORITY_INVERSION_PROTOCOL_CEILING will be selected, so that one of the two protocols is available for all mutexes. It is possible to select multiple protocols, so that some mutexes can have priority ceilings while others use priority inheritance or no priority inversion protection at all. Obviously this flexibility will add to the code size and to the cost of mutex operations. The default for all mutexes will be controlled by CYGSEM_KERNEL_SYNCH_MUTEX_PRIORITY_INVERSION_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, and can be changed at run-time using cyg_mutex_set_protocol. Priority inversion problems can also occur with other synchronization primitives such as semaphores. For example there could be a situation where a high-priority thread A is waiting on a semaphore, a low-priority thread C needs to do just a little bit more work before posting the semaphore, but a medium priority thread B is running and preventing C from making progress. However a semaphore does not have the concept of an owner, so there is no way for the system to know that it is thread C which would next post to the semaphore. Hence there is no way for the system to boost the priority of C automatically and prevent the priority inversion. Instead situations like this have to be detected by application developers and appropriate precautions have to be taken, for example making sure that all the threads run at suitable priorities at all times. The current implementation of priority inheritance within the eCos kernel does not handle certain exceptional circumstances completely correctly. Problems will only arise if a thread owns one mutex, then attempts to claim another mutex, and there are other threads attempting to lock these same mutexes. Although the system will continue running, the current owners of the various mutexes involved may not run at the priority they should. This situation never arises in typical code because a mutex will only be locked for a small critical region, and there is no need to manipulate other shared resources inside this region. A more complicated implementation of priority inheritance is possible but would add significant overhead and certain operations would no longer be deterministic. Support for priority ceilings and priority inheritance is not implemented for all schedulers. In particular neither priority ceilings nor priority inheritance are currently available for the bitmap scheduler. Alternatives In nearly all circumstances, if two or more threads need to share some data then protecting this data with a mutex is the correct thing to do. Mutexes are the only primitive that combine a locking mechanism and protection against priority inversion problems. However this functionality is achieved at a cost, and in exceptional circumstances such as an application's most critical inner loop it may be desirable to use some other means of locking. When a critical region is very very small it is possible to lock the scheduler, thus ensuring that no other thread can run until the scheduler is unlocked again. This is achieved with calls to cyg_scheduler_lock and cyg_scheduler_unlock. If the critical region is sufficiently small then this can actually improve both performance and dispatch latency because cyg_mutex_lock also locks the scheduler for a brief period of time. This approach will not work on SMP systems because another thread may already be running on a different processor and accessing the critical region. Another way of avoiding the use of mutexes is to make sure that all threads that access a particular critical region run at the same priority and configure the system with timeslicing disabled (CYGSEM_KERNEL_SCHED_TIMESLICE). Without timeslicing a thread can only be preempted by a higher-priority one, or if it performs some operation that can block. This approach requires that none of the operations in the critical region can block, so for example it is not legal to call cyg_semaphore_wait. It is also vulnerable to any changes in the configuration or to the various thread priorities: any such changes may now have unexpected side effects. It will not work on SMP systems. Recursive Mutexes The implementation of mutexes within the eCos kernel does not support recursive locks. If a thread has locked a mutex and then attempts to lock the mutex again, typically as a result of some recursive call in a complicated call graph, then either an assertion failure will be reported or the thread will deadlock. This behaviour is deliberate. When a thread has just locked a mutex associated with some data structure, it can assume that that data structure is in a consistent state. Before unlocking the mutex again it must ensure that the data structure is again in a consistent state. Recursive mutexes allow a thread to make arbitrary changes to a data structure, then in a recursive call lock the mutex again while the data structure is still inconsistent. The net result is that code can no longer make any assumptions about data structure consistency, which defeats the purpose of using mutexes. Valid contexts cyg_mutex_init, cyg_mutex_set_ceiling and cyg_mutex_set_protocol are normally called during initialization but may also be called from thread context. The remaining functions should only be called from thread context. Mutexes serve as a mutual exclusion mechanism between threads, and cannot be used to synchronize between threads and the interrupt handling subsystem. If a critical region is shared between a thread and a DSR then it must be protected using cyg_scheduler_lock and cyg_scheduler_unlock. If a critical region is shared between a thread and an ISR, it must be protected by disabling or masking interrupts. Obviously these operations must be used with care because they can affect dispatch and interrupt latencies. Condition Variables cyg_cond_init cyg_cond_destroy cyg_cond_wait cyg_cond_timed_wait cyg_cond_signal cyg_cond_broadcast Synchronization primitive #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_cond_init cyg_cond_t* cond cyg_mutex_t* mutex void cyg_cond_destroy cyg_cond_t* cond cyg_bool_t cyg_cond_wait cyg_cond_t* cond cyg_bool_t cyg_cond_timed_wait cyg_cond_t* cond cyg_tick_count_t abstime void cyg_cond_signal cyg_cond_t* cond void cyg_cond_broadcast cyg_cond_t* cond Description Condition variables are used in conjunction with mutexes to implement long-term waits for some condition to become true. For example consider a set of functions that control access to a pool of resources: cyg_mutex_t res_lock; res_t res_pool[RES_MAX]; int res_count = RES_MAX; void res_init(void) { cyg_mutex_init(&res_lock); <fill pool with resources> } res_t res_allocate(void) { res_t res; cyg_mutex_lock(&res_lock); // lock the mutex if( res_count == 0 ) // check for free resource res = RES_NONE; // return RES_NONE if none else { res_count--; // allocate a resources res = res_pool[res_count]; } cyg_mutex_unlock(&res_lock); // unlock the mutex return res; } void res_free(res_t res) { cyg_mutex_lock(&res_lock); // lock the mutex res_pool[res_count] = res; // free the resource res_count++; cyg_mutex_unlock(&res_lock); // unlock the mutex } These routines use the variable res_count to keep track of the resources available. If there are none then res_allocate returns RES_NONE, which the caller must check for and take appropriate error handling actions. Now suppose that we do not want to return RES_NONE when there are no resources, but want to wait for one to become available. This is where a condition variable can be used: cyg_mutex_t res_lock; cyg_cond_t res_wait; res_t res_pool[RES_MAX]; int res_count = RES_MAX; void res_init(void) { cyg_mutex_init(&res_lock); cyg_cond_init(&res_wait, &res_lock); <fill pool with resources> } res_t res_allocate(void) { res_t res; cyg_mutex_lock(&res_lock); // lock the mutex while( res_count == 0 ) // wait for a resources cyg_cond_wait(&res_wait); res_count--; // allocate a resource res = res_pool[res_count]; cyg_mutex_unlock(&res_lock); // unlock the mutex return res; } void res_free(res_t res) { cyg_mutex_lock(&res_lock); // lock the mutex res_pool[res_count] = res; // free the resource res_count++; cyg_cond_signal(&res_wait); // wake up any waiting allocators cyg_mutex_unlock(&res_lock); // unlock the mutex } In this version of the code, when res_allocate detects that there are no resources it calls cyg_cond_wait. This does two things: it unlocks the mutex, and puts the calling thread to sleep on the condition variable. When res_free is eventually called, it puts a resource back into the pool and calls cyg_cond_signal to wake up any thread waiting on the condition variable. When the waiting thread eventually gets to run again, it will re-lock the mutex before returning from cyg_cond_wait. There are two important things to note about the way in which this code works. The first is that the mutex unlock and wait in cyg_cond_wait are atomic: no other thread can run between the unlock and the wait. If this were not the case then a call to res_free by that thread would release the resource but the call to cyg_cond_signal would be lost, and the first thread would end up waiting when there were resources available. The second feature is that the call to cyg_cond_wait is in a while loop and not a simple if statement. This is because of the need to re-lock the mutex in cyg_cond_wait when the signalled thread reawakens. If there are other threads already queued to claim the lock then this thread must wait. Depending on the scheduler and the queue order, many other threads may have entered the critical section before this one gets to run. So the condition that it was waiting for may have been rendered false. Using a loop around all condition variable wait operations is the only way to guarantee that the condition being waited for is still true after waiting. Before a condition variable can be used it must be initialized with a call to cyg_cond_init. This requires two arguments, memory for the data structure and a pointer to an existing mutex. This mutex will not be initialized by cyg_cond_init, instead a separate call to cyg_mutex_init is required. If a condition variable is no longer required and there are no threads waiting on it then cyg_cond_destroy can be used. When a thread needs to wait for a condition to be satisfied it can call cyg_cond_wait. The thread must have already locked the mutex that was specified in the cyg_cond_init call. This mutex will be unlocked and the current thread will be suspended in an atomic operation. When some other thread performs a signal or broadcast operation the current thread will be woken up and automatically reclaim ownership of the mutex again, allowing it to examine global state and determine whether or not the condition is now satisfied. The kernel supplies a variant of this function, cyg_cond_timed_wait, which can be used to wait on the condition variable or until some number of clock ticks have occurred. The number of ticks is specified as an absolute, not relative tick count, and so in order to wait for a relative number of ticks, the return value of the cyg_current_time() function should be added to determine the absolute number of ticks. The mutex will always be reclaimed before cyg_cond_timed_wait returns, regardless of whether it was a result of a signal operation or a timeout. There is no cyg_cond_trywait function because this would not serve any purpose. If a thread has locked the mutex and determined that the condition is satisfied, it can just release the mutex and return. There is no need to perform any operation on the condition variable. When a thread changes shared state that may affect some other thread blocked on a condition variable, it should call either cyg_cond_signal or cyg_cond_broadcast. These calls do not require ownership of the mutex, but usually the mutex will have been claimed before updating the shared state. A signal operation only wakes up the first thread that is waiting on the condition variable, while a broadcast wakes up all the threads. If there are no threads waiting on the condition variable at the time, then the signal or broadcast will have no effect: past signals are not counted up or remembered in any way. Typically a signal should be used when all threads will check the same condition and at most one thread can continue running. A broadcast should be used if threads check slightly different conditions, or if the change to the global state might allow multiple threads to proceed. Valid contexts cyg_cond_init is typically called during system initialization but may also be called in thread context. The same applies to cyg_cond_delete. cyg_cond_wait and cyg_cond_timedwait may only be called from thread context since they may block. cyg_cond_signal and cyg_cond_broadcast may be called from thread or DSR context. Semaphores cyg_semaphore_init cyg_semaphore_destroy cyg_semaphore_wait cyg_semaphore_timed_wait cyg_semaphore_post cyg_semaphore_peek Synchronization primitive #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_semaphore_init cyg_sem_t* sem cyg_count32 val void cyg_semaphore_destroy cyg_sem_t* sem cyg_bool_t cyg_semaphore_wait cyg_sem_t* sem cyg_bool_t cyg_semaphore_timed_wait cyg_sem_t* sem cyg_tick_count_t abstime cyg_bool_t cyg_semaphore_trywait cyg_sem_t* sem void cyg_semaphore_post cyg_sem_t* sem void cyg_semaphore_peek cyg_sem_t* sem cyg_count32* val Description Counting semaphores are a synchronization primitive that allow threads to wait until an event has occurred. The event may be generated by a producer thread, or by a DSR in response to a hardware interrupt. Associated with each semaphore is an integer counter that keeps track of the number of events that have not yet been processed. If this counter is zero, an attempt by a consumer thread to wait on the semaphore will block until some other thread or a DSR posts a new event to the semaphore. If the counter is greater than zero then an attempt to wait on the semaphore will consume one event, in other words decrement the counter, and return immediately. Posting to a semaphore will wake up the first thread that is currently waiting, which will then resume inside the semaphore wait operation and decrement the counter again. Another use of semaphores is for certain forms of resource management. The counter would correspond to how many of a certain type of resource are currently available, with threads waiting on the semaphore to claim a resource and posting to release the resource again. In practice condition variables are usually much better suited for operations like this. cyg_semaphore_init is used to initialize a semaphore. It takes two arguments, a pointer to a cyg_sem_t structure and an initial value for the counter. Note that semaphore operations, unlike some other parts of the kernel API, use pointers to data structures rather than handles. This makes it easier to embed semaphores in a larger data structure. The initial counter value can be any number, zero, positive or negative, but typically a value of zero is used to indicate that no events have occurred yet. cyg_semaphore_wait is used by a consumer thread to wait for an event. If the current counter is greater than 0, in other words if the event has already occurred in the past, then the counter will be decremented and the call will return immediately. Otherwise the current thread will be blocked until there is a cyg_semaphore_post call. cyg_semaphore_post is called when an event has occurs. This increments the counter and wakes up the first thread waiting on the semaphore (if any). Usually that thread will then continue running inside cyg_semaphore_wait and decrement the counter again. However other scenarioes are possible. For example the thread calling cyg_semaphore_post may be running at high priority, some other thread running at medium priority may be about to call cyg_semaphore_wait when it next gets a chance to run, and a low priority thread may be waiting on the semaphore. What will happen is that the current high priority thread continues running until it is descheduled for some reason, then the medium priority thread runs and its call to cyg_semaphore_wait succeeds immediately, and later on the low priority thread runs again, discovers a counter value of 0, and blocks until another event is posted. If there are multiple threads blocked on a semaphore then the configuration option CYGIMP_KERNEL_SCHED_SORTED_QUEUES determines which one will be woken up by a post operation. cyg_semaphore_wait returns a boolean. Normally it will block until it has successfully decremented the counter, retrying as necessary, and return success. However the wait operation may be aborted by a call to cyg_thread_release, and cyg_semaphore_wait will then return false. cyg_semaphore_timed_wait is a variant of cyg_semaphore_wait. It can be used to wait until either an event has occurred or a number of clock ticks have happened. The number of ticks is specified as an absolute, not relative tick count, and so in order to wait for a relative number of ticks, the return value of the cyg_current_time() function should be added to determine the absolute number of ticks. The function returns success if the semaphore wait operation succeeded, or false if the operation timed out or was aborted by cyg_thread_release. If support for the real-time clock has been removed from the current configuration then this function will not be available. cyg_semaphore_trywait is another variant which will always return immediately rather than block, again returning success or failure. If cyg_semaphore_timedwait is given a timeout in the past, it operates like cyg_semaphore_trywait. cyg_semaphore_peek can be used to get hold of the current counter value. This function is rarely useful except for debugging purposes since the counter value may change at any time if some other thread or a DSR performs a semaphore operation. Valid contexts cyg_semaphore_init is normally called during initialization but may also be called from thread context. cyg_semaphore_wait and cyg_semaphore_timed_wait may only be called from thread context because these operations may block. cyg_semaphore_trywait, cyg_semaphore_post and cyg_semaphore_peek may be called from thread or DSR context. Mail boxes cyg_mbox_create cyg_mbox_delete cyg_mbox_get cyg_mbox_timed_get cyg_mbox_tryget cyg_mbox_peek_item cyg_mbox_put cyg_mbox_timed_put cyg_mbox_tryput cyg_mbox_peek cyg_mbox_waiting_to_get cyg_mbox_waiting_to_put Synchronization primitive #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_mbox_create cyg_handle_t* handle cyg_mbox* mbox void cyg_mbox_delete cyg_handle_t mbox void* cyg_mbox_get cyg_handle_t mbox void* cyg_mbox_timed_get cyg_handle_t mbox cyg_tick_count_t abstime void* cyg_mbox_tryget cyg_handle_t mbox cyg_count32 cyg_mbox_peek cyg_handle_t mbox void* cyg_mbox_peek_item cyg_handle_t mbox cyg_bool_t cyg_mbox_put cyg_handle_t mbox void* item cyg_bool_t cyg_mbox_timed_put cyg_handle_t mbox void* item cyg_tick_count_t abstime cyg_bool_t cyg_mbox_tryput cyg_handle_t mbox void* item cyg_bool_t cyg_mbox_waiting_to_get cyg_handle_t mbox cyg_bool_t cyg_mbox_waiting_to_put cyg_handle_t mbox Description Mail boxes are a synchronization primitive. Like semaphores they can be used by a consumer thread to wait until a certain event has occurred, but the producer also has the ability to transmit some data along with each event. This data, the message, is normally a pointer to some data structure. It is stored in the mail box itself, so the producer thread that generates the event and provides the data usually does not have to block until some consumer thread is ready to receive the event. However a mail box will only have a finite capacity, typically ten slots. Even if the system is balanced and events are typically consumed at least as fast as they are generated, a burst of events can cause the mail box to fill up and the generating thread will block until space is available again. This behaviour is very different from semaphores, where it is only necessary to maintain a counter and hence an overflow is unlikely. Before a mail box can be used it must be created with a call to cyg_mbox_create. Each mail box has a unique handle which will be returned via the first argument and which should be used for subsequent operations. cyg_mbox_create also requires an area of memory for the kernel structure, which is provided by the cyg_mbox second argument. If a mail box is no longer required then cyg_mbox_delete can be used. This will simply discard any messages that remain posted. The main function for waiting on a mail box is cyg_mbox_get. If there is a pending message because of a call to cyg_mbox_put then cyg_mbox_get will return immediately with the message that was put into the mail box. Otherwise this function will block until there is a put operation. Exceptionally the thread can instead be unblocked by a call to cyg_thread_release, in which case cyg_mbox_get will return a null pointer. It is assumed that there will never be a call to cyg_mbox_put with a null pointer, because it would not be possible to distinguish between that and a release operation. Messages are always retrieved in the order in which they were put into the mail box, and there is no support for messages with different priorities. There are two variants of cyg_mbox_get. The first, cyg_mbox_timed_get will wait until either a message is available or until a number of clock ticks have occurred. The number of ticks is specified as an absolute, not relative tick count, and so in order to wait for a relative number of ticks, the return value of the cyg_current_time() function should be added to determine the absolute number of ticks. If no message is posted within the timeout then a null pointer will be returned. cyg_mbox_tryget is a non-blocking operation which will either return a message if one is available or a null pointer. New messages are placed in the mail box by calling cyg_mbox_put or one of its variants. The main put function takes two arguments, a handle to the mail box and a pointer for the message itself. If there is a spare slot in the mail box then the new message can be placed there immediately, and if there is a waiting thread it will be woken up so that it can receive the message. If the mail box is currently full then cyg_mbox_put will block until there has been a get operation and a slot is available. The cyg_mbox_timed_put variant imposes a time limit on the put operation, returning false if the operation cannot be completed within the specified number of clock ticks and as for cyg_mbox_timed_get this is an absolute tick count. The cyg_mbox_tryput variant is non-blocking, returning false if there are no free slots available and the message cannot be posted without blocking. There are a further four functions available for examining the current state of a mailbox. The results of these functions must be used with care because usually the state can change at any time as a result of activity within other threads, but they may prove occasionally useful during debugging or in special situations. cyg_mbox_peek returns a count of the number of messages currently stored in the mail box. cyg_mbox_peek_item retrieves the first message, but it remains in the mail box until a get operation is performed. cyg_mbox_waiting_to_get and cyg_mbox_waiting_to_put indicate whether or not there are currently threads blocked in a get or a put operation on a given mail box. The number of slots in each mail box is controlled by a configuration option CYGNUM_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOX_QUEUE_SIZE, with a default value of 10. All mail boxes are the same size. Valid contexts cyg_mbox_create is typically called during system initialization but may also be called in thread context. The remaining functions are normally called only during thread context. Of special note is cyg_mbox_put which can be a blocking operation when the mail box is full, and which therefore must never be called from DSR context. It is permitted to call cyg_mbox_tryput, cyg_mbox_tryget, and the information functions from DSR context but this is rarely useful. Event Flags cyg_flag_init cyg_flag_destroy cyg_flag_setbits cyg_flag_maskbits cyg_flag_wait cyg_flag_timed_wait cyg_flag_poll cyg_flag_peek cyg_flag_waiting Synchronization primitive #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_flag_init cyg_flag_t* flag void cyg_flag_destroy cyg_flag_t* flag void cyg_flag_setbits cyg_flag_t* flag cyg_flag_value_t value void cyg_flag_maskbits cyg_flag_t* flag cyg_flag_value_t value cyg_flag_value_t cyg_flag_wait cyg_flag_t* flag cyg_flag_value_t pattern cyg_flag_mode_t mode cyg_flag_value_t cyg_flag_timed_wait cyg_flag_t* flag cyg_flag_value_t pattern cyg_flag_mode_t mode cyg_tick_count_t abstime cyg_flag_value_t cyg_flag_poll cyg_flag_t* flag cyg_flag_value_t pattern cyg_flag_mode_t mode cyg_flag_value_t cyg_flag_peek cyg_flag_t* flag cyg_bool_t cyg_flag_waiting cyg_flag_t* flag Description Event flags allow a consumer thread to wait for one of several different types of event to occur. Alternatively it is possible to wait for some combination of events. The implementation is relatively straightforward. Each event flag contains a 32-bit integer. Application code associates these bits with specific events, so for example bit 0 could indicate that an I/O operation has completed and data is available, while bit 1 could indicate that the user has pressed a start button. A producer thread or a DSR can cause one or more of the bits to be set, and a consumer thread currently waiting for these bits will be woken up. Unlike semaphores no attempt is made to keep track of event counts. It does not matter whether a given event occurs once or multiple times before being consumed, the corresponding bit in the event flag will change only once. However semaphores cannot easily be used to handle multiple event sources. Event flags can often be used as an alternative to condition variables, although they cannot be used for completely arbitrary conditions and they only support the equivalent of condition variable broadcasts, not signals. Before an event flag can be used it must be initialized by a call to cyg_flag_init. This takes a pointer to a cyg_flag_t data structure, which can be part of a larger structure. All 32 bits in the event flag will be set to 0, indicating that no events have yet occurred. If an event flag is no longer required it can be cleaned up with a call to cyg_flag_destroy, allowing the memory for the cyg_flag_t structure to be re-used. A consumer thread can wait for one or more events by calling cyg_flag_wait. This takes three arguments. The first identifies a particular event flag. The second is some combination of bits, indicating which events are of interest. The final argument should be one of the following: CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_AND The call to cyg_flag_wait will block until all the specified event bits are set. The event flag is not cleared when the wait succeeds, in other words all the bits remain set. CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_OR The call will block until at least one of the specified event bits is set. The event flag is not cleared on return. CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_AND | CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR The call will block until all the specified event bits are set, and the entire event flag is cleared when the call succeeds. Note that if this mode of operation is used then a single event flag cannot be used to store disjoint sets of events, even though enough bits might be available. Instead each disjoint set of events requires its own event flag. CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_OR | CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR The call will block until at least one of the specified event bits is set, and the entire flag is cleared when the call succeeds. A call to cyg_flag_wait normally blocks until the required condition is satisfied. It will return the value of the event flag at the point that the operation succeeded, which may be a superset of the requested events. If cyg_thread_release is used to unblock a thread that is currently in a wait operation, the cyg_flag_wait call will instead return 0. cyg_flag_timed_wait is a variant of cyg_flag_wait which adds a timeout: the wait operation must succeed within the specified number of ticks, or it will fail with a return value of 0. The number of ticks is specified as an absolute, not relative tick count, and so in order to wait for a relative number of ticks, the return value of the cyg_current_time() function should be added to determine the absolute number of ticks. cyg_flag_poll is a non-blocking variant: if the wait operation can succeed immediately it acts like cyg_flag_wait, otherwise it returns immediately with a value of 0. cyg_flag_setbits is called by a producer thread or from inside a DSR when an event occurs. The specified bits are or'd into the current event flag value. This may cause one or more waiting threads to be woken up, if their conditions are now satisfied. How many threads are awoken depends on the use of CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR . The queue of threads waiting on the flag is walked to find threads which now have their wake condition fulfilled. If the awoken thread has passed CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR the walking of the queue is terminated, otherwise the walk continues. Thus if no threads have passed CYG_FLAG_WAITMORE_CLR all threads with fulfilled conditions will be awoken. If CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR is passed by threads with fulfilled conditions, the number of awoken threads will depend on the order the threads are in the queue. cyg_flag_maskbits can be used to clear one or more bits in the event flag. This can be called from a producer when a particular condition is no longer satisfied, for example when the user is no longer pressing a particular button. It can also be used by a consumer thread if CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR was not used as part of the wait operation, to indicate that some but not all of the active events have been consumed. If there are multiple consumer threads performing wait operations without using CYG_FLAG_WAITMODE_CLR then typically some additional synchronization such as a mutex is needed to prevent multiple threads consuming the same event. Two additional functions are provided to query the current state of an event flag. cyg_flag_peek returns the current value of the event flag, and cyg_flag_waiting can be used to find out whether or not there are any threads currently blocked on the event flag. Both of these functions must be used with care because other threads may be operating on the event flag. Valid contexts cyg_flag_init is typically called during system initialization but may also be called in thread context. The same applies to cyg_flag_destroy. cyg_flag_wait and cyg_flag_timed_wait may only be called from thread context. The remaining functions may be called from thread or DSR context. Spinlocks cyg_spinlock_create cyg_spinlock_destroy cyg_spinlock_spin cyg_spinlock_clear cyg_spinlock_test cyg_spinlock_spin_intsave cyg_spinlock_clear_intsave Low-level Synchronization Primitive #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_spinlock_init cyg_spinlock_t* lock cyg_bool_t locked void cyg_spinlock_destroy cyg_spinlock_t* lock void cyg_spinlock_spin cyg_spinlock_t* lock void cyg_spinlock_clear cyg_spinlock_t* lock cyg_bool_t cyg_spinlock_try cyg_spinlock_t* lock cyg_bool_t cyg_spinlock_test cyg_spinlock_t* lock void cyg_spinlock_spin_intsave cyg_spinlock_t* lock cyg_addrword_t* istate void cyg_spinlock_clear_intsave cyg_spinlock_t* lock cyg_addrword_t istate Description Spinlocks provide an additional synchronization primitive for applications running on SMP systems. They operate at a lower level than the other primitives such as mutexes, and for most purposes the higher-level primitives should be preferred. However there are some circumstances where a spinlock is appropriate, especially when interrupt handlers and threads need to share access to hardware, and on SMP systems the kernel implementation itself depends on spinlocks. Essentially a spinlock is just a simple flag. When code tries to claim a spinlock it checks whether or not the flag is already set. If not then the flag is set and the operation succeeds immediately. The exact implementation of this is hardware-specific, for example it may use a test-and-set instruction to guarantee the desired behaviour even if several processors try to access the spinlock at the exact same time. If it is not possible to claim a spinlock then the current thead spins in a tight loop, repeatedly checking the flag until it is clear. This behaviour is very different from other synchronization primitives such as mutexes, where contention would cause a thread to be suspended. The assumption is that a spinlock will only be held for a very short time. If claiming a spinlock could cause the current thread to be suspended then spinlocks could not be used inside interrupt handlers, which is not acceptable. This does impose a constraint on any code which uses spinlocks. Specifically it is important that spinlocks are held only for a short period of time, typically just some dozens of instructions. Otherwise another processor could be blocked on the spinlock for a long time, unable to do any useful work. It is also important that a thread which owns a spinlock does not get preempted because that might cause another processor to spin for a whole timeslice period, or longer. One way of achieving this is to disable interrupts on the current processor, and the function cyg_spinlock_spin_intsave is provided to facilitate this. Spinlocks should not be used on single-processor systems. Consider a high priority thread which attempts to claim a spinlock already held by a lower priority thread: it will just loop forever and the lower priority thread will never get another chance to run and release the spinlock. Even if the two threads were running at the same priority, the one attempting to claim the spinlock would spin until it was timesliced and a lot of cpu time would be wasted. If an interrupt handler tried to claim a spinlock owned by a thread, the interrupt handler would loop forever. Therefore spinlocks are only appropriate for SMP systems where the current owner of a spinlock can continue running on a different processor. Before a spinlock can be used it must be initialized by a call to cyg_spinlock_init. This takes two arguments, a pointer to a cyg_spinlock_t data structure, and a flag to specify whether the spinlock starts off locked or unlocked. If a spinlock is no longer required then it can be destroyed by a call to cyg_spinlock_destroy. There are two routines for claiming a spinlock: cyg_spinlock_spin and cyg_spinlock_spin_intsave. The former can be used when it is known the current code will not be preempted, for example because it is running in an interrupt handler or because interrupts are disabled. The latter will disable interrupts in addition to claiming the spinlock, so is safe to use in all circumstances. The previous interrupt state is returned via the second argument, and should be used in a subsequent call to cyg_spinlock_clear_intsave. Similarly there are two routines for releasing a spinlock: cyg_spinlock_clear and cyg_spinlock_clear_intsave. Typically the former will be used if the spinlock was claimed by a call to cyg_spinlock_spin, and the latter when cyg_spinlock_intsave was used. There are two additional routines. cyg_spinlock_try is a non-blocking version of cyg_spinlock_spin: if possible the lock will be claimed and the function will return true; otherwise the function will return immediately with failure. cyg_spinlock_test can be used to find out whether or not the spinlock is currently locked. This function must be used with care because, especially on a multiprocessor system, the state of the spinlock can change at any time. Spinlocks should only be held for a short period of time, and attempting to claim a spinlock will never cause a thread to be suspended. This means that there is no need to worry about priority inversion problems, and concepts such as priority ceilings and inheritance do not apply. Valid contexts All of the spinlock functions can be called from any context, including ISR and DSR context. Typically cyg_spinlock_init is only called during system initialization. Scheduler Control cyg_scheduler_start cyg_scheduler_lock cyg_scheduler_unlock cyg_scheduler_safe_lock cyg_scheduler_read_lock Control the state of the scheduler #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_scheduler_start void cyg_scheduler_lock void cyg_scheduler_unlock cyg_ucount32 cyg_scheduler_read_lock Description cyg_scheduler_start should only be called once, to mark the end of system initialization. In typical configurations it is called automatically by the system startup, but some applications may bypass the standard startup in which case cyg_scheduler_start will have to be called explicitly. The call will enable system interrupts, allowing I/O operations to commence. Then the scheduler will be invoked and control will be transferred to the highest priority runnable thread. The call will never return. The various data structures inside the eCos kernel must be protected against concurrent updates. Consider a call to cyg_semaphore_post which causes a thread to be woken up: the semaphore data structure must be updated to remove the thread from its queue; the scheduler data structure must also be updated to mark the thread as runnable; it is possible that the newly runnable thread has a higher priority than the current one, in which case preemption is required. If in the middle of the semaphore post call an interrupt occurred and the interrupt handler tried to manipulate the same data structures, for example by making another thread runnable, then it is likely that the structures will be left in an inconsistent state and the system will fail. To prevent such problems the kernel contains a special lock known as the scheduler lock. A typical kernel function such as cyg_semaphore_post will claim the scheduler lock, do all its manipulation of kernel data structures, and then release the scheduler lock. The current thread cannot be preempted while it holds the scheduler lock. If an interrupt occurs and a DSR is supposed to run to signal that some event has occurred, that DSR is postponed until the scheduler unlock operation. This prevents concurrent updates of kernel data structures. The kernel exports three routines for manipulating the scheduler lock. cyg_scheduler_lock can be called to claim the lock. On return it is guaranteed that the current thread will not be preempted, and that no other code is manipulating any kernel data structures. cyg_scheduler_unlock can be used to release the lock, which may cause the current thread to be preempted. cyg_scheduler_read_lock can be used to query the current state of the scheduler lock. This function should never be needed because well-written code should always know whether or not the scheduler is currently locked, but may prove useful during debugging. The implementation of the scheduler lock involves a simple counter. Code can call cyg_scheduler_lock multiple times, causing the counter to be incremented each time, as long as cyg_scheduler_unlock is called the same number of times. This behaviour is different from mutexes where an attempt by a thread to lock a mutex multiple times will result in deadlock or an assertion failure. Typical application code should not use the scheduler lock. Instead other synchronization primitives such as mutexes and semaphores should be used. While the scheduler is locked the current thread cannot be preempted, so any higher priority threads will not be able to run. Also no DSRs can run, so device drivers may not be able to service I/O requests. However there is one situation where locking the scheduler is appropriate: if some data structure needs to be shared between an application thread and a DSR associated with some interrupt source, the thread can use the scheduler lock to prevent concurrent invocations of the DSR and then safely manipulate the structure. It is desirable that the scheduler lock is held for only a short period of time, typically some tens of instructions. In exceptional cases there may also be some performance-critical code where it is more appropriate to use the scheduler lock rather than a mutex, because the former is more efficient. Valid contexts cyg_scheduler_start can only be called during system initialization, since it marks the end of that phase. The remaining functions may be called from thread or DSR context. Locking the scheduler from inside the DSR has no practical effect because the lock is claimed automatically by the interrupt subsystem before running DSRs, but allows functions to be shared between normal thread code and DSRs. Interrupt Handling cyg_interrupt_create cyg_interrupt_delete cyg_interrupt_attach cyg_interrupt_detach cyg_interrupt_configure cyg_interrupt_acknowledge cyg_interrupt_enable cyg_interrupt_disable cyg_interrupt_mask cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe cyg_interrupt_unmask cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe cyg_interrupt_set_cpu cyg_interrupt_get_cpu cyg_interrupt_get_vsr cyg_interrupt_set_vsr Manage interrupt handlers #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h> void cyg_interrupt_create cyg_vector_t vector cyg_priority_t priority cyg_addrword_t data cyg_ISR_t* isr cyg_DSR_t* dsr cyg_handle_t* handle cyg_interrupt* intr void cyg_interrupt_delete cyg_handle_t interrupt void cyg_interrupt_attach cyg_handle_t interrupt void cyg_interrupt_detach cyg_handle_t interrupt void cyg_interrupt_configure cyg_vector_t vector cyg_bool_t level cyg_bool_t up void cyg_interrupt_acknowledge cyg_vector_t vector void cyg_interrupt_disable void cyg_interrupt_enable void cyg_interrupt_mask cyg_vector_t vector void cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe cyg_vector_t vector void cyg_interrupt_unmask cyg_vector_t vector void cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe cyg_vector_t vector void cyg_interrupt_set_cpu cyg_vector_t vector cyg_cpu_t cpu cyg_cpu_t cyg_interrupt_get_cpu cyg_vector_t vector void cyg_interrupt_get_vsr cyg_vector_t vector cyg_VSR_t** vsr void cyg_interrupt_set_vsr cyg_vector_t vector cyg_VSR_t* vsr Description The kernel provides an interface for installing interrupt handlers and controlling when interrupts occur. This functionality is used primarily by eCos device drivers and by any application code that interacts directly with hardware. However in most cases it is better to avoid using this kernel functionality directly, and instead the device driver API provided by the common HAL package should be used. Use of the kernel package is optional, and some applications such as RedBoot work with no need for multiple threads or synchronization primitives. Any code which calls the kernel directly rather than the device driver API will not function in such a configuration. When the kernel package is present the device driver API is implemented as #define's to the equivalent kernel calls, otherwise it is implemented inside the common HAL package. The latter implementation can be simpler than the kernel one because there is no need to consider thread preemption and similar issues. The exact details of interrupt handling vary widely between architectures. The functionality provided by the kernel abstracts away from many of the details of the underlying hardware, thus simplifying application development. However this is not always successful. For example, if some hardware does not provide any support at all for masking specific interrupts then calling cyg_interrupt_mask may not behave as intended: instead of masking just the one interrupt source it might disable all interrupts, because that is as close to the desired behaviour as is possible given the hardware restrictions. Another possibility is that masking a given interrupt source also affects all lower-priority interrupts, but still allows higher-priority ones. The documentation for the appropriate HAL packages should be consulted for more information about exactly how interrupts are handled on any given hardware. The HAL header files will also contain useful information. Interrupt Handlers Interrupt handlers are created by a call to cyg_interrupt_create. This takes the following arguments: cyg_vector_t vector The interrupt vector, a small integer, identifies the specific interrupt source. The appropriate hardware documentation or HAL header files should be consulted for details of which vector corresponds to which device. cyg_priority_t priority Some hardware may support interrupt priorities, where a low priority interrupt handler can in turn be interrupted by a higher priority one. Again hardware-specific documentation should be consulted for details about what the valid interrupt priority levels are. cyg_addrword_t data When an interrupt occurs eCos will first call the associated interrupt service routine or ISR, then optionally a deferred service routine or DSR. The data argument to cyg_interrupt_create will be passed to both these functions. Typically it will be a pointer to some data structure. cyg_ISR_t isr When an interrupt occurs the hardware will transfer control to the appropriate vector service routine or VSR, which is usually provided by eCos. This performs any appropriate processing, for example to work out exactly which interrupt occurred, and then as quickly as possible transfers control the installed ISR. An ISR is a C function which takes the following form: cyg_uint32 isr_function(cyg_vector_t vector, cyg_addrword_t data) { cyg_bool_t dsr_required = 0; … return dsr_required ? CYG_ISR_CALL_DSR : CYG_ISR_HANDLED; } The first argument identifies the particular interrupt source, especially useful if there multiple instances of a given device and a single ISR can be used for several different interrupt vectors. The second argument is the data field passed to cyg_interrupt_create, usually a pointer to some data structure. The exact conditions under which an ISR runs will depend partly on the hardware and partly on configuration options. Interrupts may currently be disabled globally, especially if the hardware does not support interrupt priorities. Alternatively interrupts may be enabled such that higher priority interrupts are allowed through. The ISR may be running on a separate interrupt stack, or on the stack of whichever thread was running at the time the interrupt happened. A typical ISR will do as little work as possible, just enough to meet the needs of the hardware and then acknowledge the interrupt by calling cyg_interrupt_acknowledge. This ensures that interrupts will be quickly reenabled, so higher priority devices can be serviced. For some applications there may be one device which is especially important and whose ISR can take much longer than normal. However eCos device drivers usually will not assume that they are especially important, so their ISRs will be as short as possible. The return value of an ISR is normally one of CYG_ISR_CALL_DSR or CYG_ISR_HANDLED. The former indicates that further processing is required at DSR level, and the interrupt handler's DSR will be run as soon as possible. The latter indicates that the interrupt has been fully handled and no further effort is required. An ISR is allowed to make very few kernel calls. It can manipulate the interrupt mask, and on SMP systems it can use spinlocks. However an ISR must not make higher-level kernel calls such as posting to a semaphore, instead any such calls must be made from the DSR. This avoids having to disable interrupts throughout the kernel and thus improves interrupt latency. cyg_DSR_t dsr If an interrupt has occurred and the ISR has returned a value CYG_ISR_CALL_DSR, the system will call the deferred service routine or DSR associated with this interrupt handler. If the scheduler is not currently locked then the DSR will run immediately. However if the interrupted thread was in the middle of a kernel call and had locked the scheduler, then the DSR will be deferred until the scheduler is again unlocked. This allows the DSR to make certain kernel calls safely, for example posting to a semaphore or signalling a condition variable. A DSR is a C function which takes the following form: void dsr_function(cyg_vector_t vector, cyg_ucount32 count, cyg_addrword_t data) { } The first argument identifies the specific interrupt that has caused the DSR to run. The second argument indicates the number of these interrupts that have occurred and for which the ISR requested a DSR. Usually this will be 1, unless the system is suffering from a very heavy load. The third argument is the data field passed to cyg_interrupt_create. cyg_handle_t* handle The kernel will return a handle to the newly created interrupt handler via this argument. Subsequent operations on the interrupt handler such as attaching it to the interrupt source will use this handle. cyg_interrupt* intr This provides the kernel with an area of memory for holding this interrupt handler and associated data. The call to cyg_interrupt_create simply fills in a kernel data structure. A typical next step is to call cyg_interrupt_attach using the handle returned by the create operation. This makes it possible to have several different interrupt handlers for a given vector, attaching whichever one is currently appropriate. Replacing an interrupt handler requires a call to cyg_interrupt_detach, followed by another call to cyg_interrupt_attach for the replacement handler. cyg_interrupt_delete can be used if an interrupt handler is no longer required. Some hardware may allow for further control over specific interrupts, for example whether an interrupt is level or edge triggered. Any such hardware functionality can be accessed using cyg_interrupt_configure: the level argument selects between level versus edge triggered; the up argument selects between high and low level, or between rising and falling edges. Usually interrupt handlers are created, attached and configured during system initialization, while global interrupts are still disabled. On most hardware it will also be necessary to call cyg_interrupt_unmask, since the sensible default for interrupt masking is to ignore any interrupts for which no handler is installed. Controlling Interrupts eCos provides two ways of controlling whether or not interrupts happen. It is possible to disable and reenable all interrupts globally, using cyg_interrupt_disable and cyg_interrupt_enable. Typically this works by manipulating state inside the cpu itself, for example setting a flag in a status register or executing special instructions. Alternatively it may be possible to mask a specific interrupt source by writing to one or to several interrupt mask registers. Hardware-specific documentation should be consulted for the exact details of how interrupt masking works, because a full implementation is not possible on all hardware. The primary use for these functions is to allow data to be shared between ISRs and other code such as DSRs or threads. If both a thread and an ISR need to manipulate either a data structure or the hardware itself, there is a possible conflict if an interrupt happens just when the thread is doing such manipulation. Problems can be avoided by the thread either disabling or masking interrupts during the critical region. If this critical region requires only a few instructions then usually it is more efficient to disable interrupts. For larger critical regions it may be more appropriate to use interrupt masking, allowing other interrupts to occur. There are other uses for interrupt masking. For example if a device is not currently being used by the application then it may be desirable to mask all interrupts generated by that device. There are two functions for masking a specific interrupt source, cyg_interrupt_mask and cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe. On typical hardware masking an interrupt is not an atomic operation, so if two threads were to perform interrupt masking operations at the same time there could be problems. cyg_interrupt_mask disables all interrupts while it manipulates the interrupt mask. In situations where interrupts are already know to be disabled, cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe can be used instead. There are matching functions cyg_interrupt_unmask and cyg_interrupt_unmask_intsafe. SMP Support On SMP systems the kernel provides an additional two functions related to interrupt handling. cyg_interrupt_set_cpu specifies that a particular hardware interrupt should always be handled on one specific processor in the system. In other words when the interrupt triggers it is only that processor which detects it, and it is only on that processor that the VSR and ISR will run. If a DSR is requested then it will also run on the same CPU. The function cyg_interrupt_get_cpu can be used to find out which interrupts are handled on which processor. VSR Support When an interrupt occurs the hardware will transfer control to a piece of code known as the VSR, or Vector Service Routine. By default this code is provided by eCos. Usually it is written in assembler, but on some architectures it may be possible to implement VSRs in C by specifying an interrupt attribute. Compiler documentation should be consulted for more information on this. The default eCos VSR will work out which ISR function should process the interrupt, and set up a C environment suitable for this ISR. For some applications it may be desirable to replace the default eCos VSR and handle some interrupts directly. This minimizes interrupt latency, but it requires application developers to program at a lower level. Usually the best way to write a custom VSR is to copy the existing one supplied by eCos and then make appropriate modifications. The function cyg_interrupt_get_vsr can be used to get hold of the current VSR for a given interrupt vector, allowing it to be restored if the custom VSR is no longer required. cyg_interrupt_set_vsr can be used to install a replacement VSR. Usually the vsr argument will correspond to an exported label in an assembler source file. Valid contexts In a typical configuration interrupt handlers are created and attached during system initialization, and never detached or deleted. However it is possible to perform these operations at thread level, if desired. Similarly cyg_interrupt_configure, cyg_interrupt_set_vsr, and cyg_interrupt_set_cpu are usually called only during system initialization, but on typical hardware may be called at any time. cyg_interrupt_get_vsr and cyg_interrupt_get_cpu may be called at any time. The functions for enabling, disabling, masking and unmasking interrupts can be called in any context, when appropriate. It is the responsibility of application developers to determine when the use of these functions is appropriate. Kernel Real-time Characterization tm_basic Measure the performance of the eCos kernel Description When building a real-time system, care must be taken to ensure that the system will be able to perform properly within the constraints of that system. One of these constraints may be how fast certain operations can be performed. Another might be how deterministic the overall behavior of the system is. Lastly the memory footprint (size) and unit cost may be important. One of the major problems encountered while evaluating a system will be how to compare it with possible alternatives. Most manufacturers of real-time systems publish performance numbers, ostensibly so that users can compare the different offerings. However, what these numbers mean and how they were gathered is often not clear. The values are typically measured on a particular piece of hardware, so in order to truly compare, one must obtain measurements for exactly the same set of hardware that were gathered in a similar fashion. Two major items need to be present in any given set of measurements. First, the raw values for the various operations; these are typically quite easy to measure and will be available for most systems. Second, the determinacy of the numbers; in other words how much the value might change depending on other factors within the system. This value is affected by a number of factors: how long interrupts might be masked, whether or not the function can be interrupted, even very hardware-specific effects such as cache locality and pipeline usage. It is very difficult to measure the determinacy of any given operation, but that determinacy is fundamentally important to proper overall characterization of a system. In the discussion and numbers that follow, three key measurements are provided. The first measurement is an estimate of the interrupt latency: this is the length of time from when a hardware interrupt occurs until its Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is called. The second measurement is an estimate of overall interrupt overhead: this is the length of time average interrupt processing takes, as measured by the real-time clock interrupt (other interrupt sources will certainly take a different amount of time, but this data cannot be easily gathered). The third measurement consists of the timings for the various kernel primitives. Methodology Key operations in the kernel were measured by using a simple test program which exercises the various kernel primitive operations. A hardware timer, normally the one used to drive the real-time clock, was used for these measurements. In most cases this timer can be read with quite high resolution, typically in the range of a few microseconds. For each measurement, the operation was repeated a number of times. Time stamps were obtained directly before and after the operation was performed. The data gathered for the entire set of operations was then analyzed, generating average (mean), maximum and minimum values. The sample variance (a measure of how close most samples are to the mean) was also calculated. The cost of obtaining the real-time clock timer values was also measured, and was subtracted from all other times. Most kernel functions can be measured separately. In each case, a reasonable number of iterations are performed. Where the test case involves a kernel object, for example creating a task, each iteration is performed on a different object. There is also a set of tests which measures the interactions between multiple tasks and certain kernel primitives. Most functions are tested in such a way as to determine the variations introduced by varying numbers of objects in the system. For example, the mailbox tests measure the cost of a 'peek' operation when the mailbox is empty, has a single item, and has multiple items present. In this way, any effects of the state of the object or how many items it contains can be determined. There are a few things to consider about these measurements. Firstly, they are quite micro in scale and only measure the operation in question. These measurements do not adequately describe how the timings would be perturbed in a real system with multiple interrupting sources. Secondly, the possible aberration incurred by the real-time clock (system heartbeat tick) is explicitly avoided. Virtually all kernel functions have been designed to be interruptible. Thus the times presented are typical, but best case, since any particular function may be interrupted by the clock tick processing. This number is explicitly calculated so that the value may be included in any deadline calculations required by the end user. Lastly, the reported measurements were obtained from a system built with all options at their default values. Kernel instrumentation and asserts are also disabled for these measurements. Any number of configuration options can change the measured results, sometimes quite dramatically. For example, mutexes are using priority inheritance in these measurements. The numbers will change if the system is built with priority inheritance on mutex variables turned off. The final value that is measured is an estimate of interrupt latency. This particular value is not explicitly calculated in the test program used, but rather by instrumenting the kernel itself. The raw number of timer ticks that elapse between the time the timer generates an interrupt and the start of the timer ISR is kept in the kernel. These values are printed by the test program after all other operations have been tested. Thus this should be a reasonable estimate of the interrupt latency over time. Using these Measurements These measurements can be used in a number of ways. The most typical use will be to compare different real-time kernel offerings on similar hardware, another will be to estimate the cost of implementing a task using eCos (applications can be examined to see what effect the kernel operations will have on the total execution time). Another use would be to observe how the tuning of the kernel affects overall operation. Influences on Performance A number of factors can affect real-time performance in a system. One of the most common factors, yet most difficult to characterize, is the effect of device drivers and interrupts on system timings. Different device drivers will have differing requirements as to how long interrupts are suppressed, for example. The eCos system has been designed with this in mind, by separating the management of interrupts (ISR handlers) and the processing required by the interrupt (DSR—Deferred Service Routine— handlers). However, since there is so much variability here, and indeed most device drivers will come from the end users themselves, these effects cannot be reliably measured. Attempts have been made to measure the overhead of the single interrupt that eCos relies on, the real-time clock timer. This should give you a reasonable idea of the cost of executing interrupt handling for devices. Measured Items This section describes the various tests and the numbers presented. All tests use the C kernel API (available by way of cyg/kernel/kapi.h). There is a single main thread in the system that performs the various tests. Additional threads may be created as part of the testing, but these are short lived and are destroyed between tests unless otherwise noted. The terminology “lower priority” means a priority that is less important, not necessarily lower in numerical value. A higher priority thread will run in preference to a lower priority thread even though the priority value of the higher priority thread may be numerically less than that of the lower priority thread. Thread Primitives Create thread This test measures the cyg_thread_create() call. Each call creates a totally new thread. The set of threads created by this test will be reused in the subsequent thread primitive tests. Yield thread This test measures the cyg_thread_yield() call. For this test, there are no other runnable threads, thus the test should just measure the overhead of trying to give up the CPU. Suspend [suspended] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_suspend() call. A thread may be suspended multiple times; each thread is already suspended from its initial creation, and is suspended again. Resume thread This test measures the cyg_thread_resume() call. All of the threads have a suspend count of 2, thus this call does not make them runnable. This test just measures the overhead of resuming a thread. Set priority This test measures the cyg_thread_set_priority() call. Each thread, currently suspended, has its priority set to a new value. Get priority This test measures the cyg_thread_get_priority() call. Kill [suspended] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_kill() call. Each thread in the set is killed. All threads are known to be suspended before being killed. Yield [no other] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_yield() call again. This is to demonstrate that the cyg_thread_yield() call has a fixed overhead, regardless of whether there are other threads in the system. Resume [suspended low priority] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_resume() call again. In this case, the thread being resumed is lower priority than the main thread, thus it will simply become ready to run but not be granted the CPU. This test measures the cost of making a thread ready to run. Resume [runnable low priority] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_resume() call again. In this case, the thread being resumed is lower priority than the main thread and has already been made runnable, so in fact the resume call has no effect. Suspend [runnable] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_suspend() call again. In this case, each thread has already been made runnable (by previous tests). Yield [only low priority] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_yield() call. In this case, there are many other runnable threads, but they are all lower priority than the main thread, thus no thread switches will take place. Suspend [runnable->not runnable] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_suspend() call again. The thread being suspended will become non-runnable by this action. Kill [runnable] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_kill() call again. In this case, the thread being killed is currently runnable, but lower priority than the main thread. Resume [high priority] thread This test measures the cyg_thread_resume() call. The thread being resumed is higher priority than the main thread, thus a thread switch will take place on each call. In fact there will be two thread switches; one to the new higher priority thread and a second back to the test thread. The test thread exits immediately. Thread switch This test attempts to measure the cost of switching from one thread to another. Two equal priority threads are started and they will each yield to the other for a number of iterations. A time stamp is gathered in one thread before the cyg_thread_yield() call and after the call in the other thread. Scheduler Primitives Scheduler lock This test measures the cyg_scheduler_lock() call. Scheduler unlock [0 threads] This test measures the cyg_scheduler_unlock() call. There are no other threads in the system and the unlock happens immediately after a lock so there will be no pending DSR’s to run. Scheduler unlock [1 suspended thread] This test measures the cyg_scheduler_unlock() call. There is one other thread in the system which is currently suspended. Scheduler unlock [many suspended threads] This test measures the cyg_scheduler_unlock() call. There are many other threads in the system which are currently suspended. The purpose of this test is to determine the cost of having additional threads in the system when the scheduler is activated by way of cyg_scheduler_unlock(). Scheduler unlock [many low priority threads] This test measures the cyg_scheduler_unlock() call. There are many other threads in the system which are runnable but are lower priority than the main thread. The purpose of this test is to determine the cost of having additional threads in the system when the scheduler is activated by way of cyg_scheduler_unlock(). Mutex Primitives Init mutex This test measures the cyg_mutex_init() call. A number of separate mutex variables are created. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of creating a new mutex and introducing it to the system. Lock [unlocked] mutex This test measures the cyg_mutex_lock() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of locking a mutex which is currently unlocked. There are no other threads executing in the system while this test runs. Unlock [locked] mutex This test measures the cyg_mutex_unlock() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of unlocking a mutex which is currently locked. There are no other threads executing in the system while this test runs. Trylock [unlocked] mutex This test measures the cyg_mutex_trylock() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of locking a mutex which is currently unlocked. There are no other threads executing in the system while this test runs. Trylock [locked] mutex This test measures the cyg_mutex_trylock() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of locking a mutex which is currently locked. There are no other threads executing in the system while this test runs. Destroy mutex This test measures the cyg_mutex_destroy() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of deleting a mutex from the system. There are no other threads executing in the system while this test runs. Unlock/Lock mutex This test attempts to measure the cost of unlocking a mutex for which there is another higher priority thread waiting. When the mutex is unlocked, the higher priority waiting thread will immediately take the lock. The time from when the unlock is issued until after the lock succeeds in the second thread is measured, thus giving the round-trip or circuit time for this type of synchronizer. Mailbox Primitives Create mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_create() call. A number of separate mailboxes is created. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of creating a new mailbox and introducing it to the system. Peek [empty] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_peek() call. An attempt is made to peek the value in each mailbox, which is currently empty. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of checking a mailbox for a value without blocking. Put [first] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_put() call. One item is added to a currently empty mailbox. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of adding an item to a mailbox. There are no other threads currently waiting for mailbox items to arrive. Peek [1 msg] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_peek() call. An attempt is made to peek the value in each mailbox, which contains a single item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of checking a mailbox which has data to deliver. Put [second] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_put() call. A second item is added to a mailbox. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of adding an additional item to a mailbox. There are no other threads currently waiting for mailbox items to arrive. Peek [2 msgs] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_peek() call. An attempt is made to peek the value in each mailbox, which contains two items. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of checking a mailbox which has data to deliver. Get [first] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_get() call. The first item is removed from a mailbox that currently contains two items. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining an item from a mailbox without blocking. Get [second] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_get() call. The last item is removed from a mailbox that currently contains one item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining an item from a mailbox without blocking. Tryput [first] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_tryput() call. A single item is added to a currently empty mailbox. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of adding an item to a mailbox. Peek item [non-empty] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_peek_item() call. A single item is fetched from a mailbox that contains a single item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining an item without disturbing the mailbox. Tryget [non-empty] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_tryget() call. A single item is removed from a mailbox that contains exactly one item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining one item from a non-empty mailbox. Peek item [empty] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_peek_item() call. An attempt is made to fetch an item from a mailbox that is empty. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of trying to obtain an item when the mailbox is empty. Tryget [empty] mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_tryget() call. An attempt is made to fetch an item from a mailbox that is empty. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of trying to obtain an item when the mailbox is empty. Waiting to get mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_waiting_to_get() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of determining how many threads are waiting to obtain a message from this mailbox. Waiting to put mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_waiting_to_put() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of determining how many threads are waiting to put a message into this mailbox. Delete mbox This test measures the cyg_mbox_delete() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of destroying a mailbox and removing it from the system. Put/Get mbox In this round-trip test, one thread is sending data to a mailbox that is being consumed by another thread. The time from when the data is put into the mailbox until it has been delivered to the waiting thread is measured. Note that this time will contain a thread switch. Semaphore Primitives Init semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_init() call. A number of separate semaphore objects are created and introduced to the system. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of creating a new semaphore. Post [0] semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_post() call. Each semaphore currently has a value of 0 and there are no other threads in the system. The purpose of this test is to measure the overhead cost of posting to a semaphore. This cost will differ if there is a thread waiting for the semaphore. Wait [1] semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_wait() call. The semaphore has a current value of 1 so the call is non-blocking. The purpose of the test is to measure the overhead of “taking” a semaphore. Trywait [0] semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_trywait() call. The semaphore has a value of 0 when the call is made. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of seeing if a semaphore can be “taken” without blocking. In this case, the answer would be no. Trywait [1] semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_trywait() call. The semaphore has a value of 1 when the call is made. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of seeing if a semaphore can be “taken” without blocking. In this case, the answer would be yes. Peek semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_peek() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining the current semaphore count value. Destroy semaphore This test measures the cyg_semaphore_destroy() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of deleting a semaphore from the system. Post/Wait semaphore In this round-trip test, two threads are passing control back and forth by using a semaphore. The time from when one thread calls cyg_semaphore_post() until the other thread completes its cyg_semaphore_wait() is measured. Note that each iteration of this test will involve a thread switch. Counters Create counter This test measures the cyg_counter_create() call. A number of separate counters are created. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of creating a new counter and introducing it to the system. Get counter value This test measures the cyg_counter_current_value() call. The current value of each counter is obtained. Set counter value This test measures the cyg_counter_set_value() call. Each counter is set to a new value. Tick counter This test measures the cyg_counter_tick() call. Each counter is “ticked” once. Delete counter This test measures the cyg_counter_delete() call. Each counter is deleted from the system. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of deleting a counter object. Alarms Create alarm This test measures the cyg_alarm_create() call. A number of separate alarms are created, all attached to the same counter object. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of creating a new counter and introducing it to the system. Initialize alarm This test measures the cyg_alarm_initialize() call. Each alarm is initialized to a small value. Disable alarm This test measures the cyg_alarm_disable() call. Each alarm is explicitly disabled. Enable alarm This test measures the cyg_alarm_enable() call. Each alarm is explicitly enabled. Delete alarm This test measures the cyg_alarm_delete() call. Each alarm is destroyed. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of deleting an alarm and removing it from the system. Tick counter [1 alarm] This test measures the cyg_counter_tick() call. A counter is created that has a single alarm attached to it. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of “ticking” a counter when it has a single attached alarm. In this test, the alarm is not activated (fired). Tick counter [many alarms] This test measures the cyg_counter_tick() call. A counter is created that has multiple alarms attached to it. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of “ticking” a counter when it has many attached alarms. In this test, the alarms are not activated (fired). Tick & fire counter [1 alarm] This test measures the cyg_counter_tick() call. A counter is created that has a single alarm attached to it. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of “ticking” a counter when it has a single attached alarm. In this test, the alarm is activated (fired). Thus the measured time will include the overhead of calling the alarm callback function. Tick & fire counter [many alarms] This test measures the cyg_counter_tick() call. A counter is created that has multiple alarms attached to it. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of “ticking” a counter when it has many attached alarms. In this test, the alarms are activated (fired). Thus the measured time will include the overhead of calling the alarm callback function. Alarm latency [0 threads] This test attempts to measure the latency in calling an alarm callback function. The time from the clock interrupt until the alarm function is called is measured. In this test, there are no threads that can be run, other than the system idle thread, when the clock interrupt occurs (all threads are suspended). Alarm latency [2 threads] This test attempts to measure the latency in calling an alarm callback function. The time from the clock interrupt until the alarm function is called is measured. In this test, there are exactly two threads which are running when the clock interrupt occurs. They are simply passing back and forth by way of the cyg_thread_yield() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the variations in the latency when there are executing threads. Alarm latency [many threads] This test attempts to measure the latency in calling an alarm callback function. The time from the clock interrupt until the alarm function is called is measured. In this test, there are a number of threads which are running when the clock interrupt occurs. They are simply passing back and forth by way of the cyg_thread_yield() call. The purpose of this test is to measure the variations in the latency when there are many executing threads.