path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP')
37 files changed, 15673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/BUG b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/BUG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..380e98bb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/BUG
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+1) Memory leak (have not seen this lately)
+The following snippet used to grow in memory (and may still) - please
+notify me if anyone still observes this and even better has a fix.
+perl -le '
+use SNMP;
+$obj = new SNMP::Session DestHost, "dubravka";
+while (){
+print $obj->get(["ifNumber",0]);
+***Note: need to verify this with the async API as well***
+2) not sure if this is a bug but I can cause a crash with a 'goto
+LABEL;' from within an async callback function.
+3) the following varbind format is not encoded correctly ... I have seen this crash the agent as well
+use the following instead:
+4) this is not handled yet
+but strangely
+5) if you are on a system that does not have vsnprintf in libc but you
+do have BerkleyDB installed ucd configure will assume you will get it
+from there - you will need to change hints/ to
+$self->{LIBS} .= ' -lkstat -ldb';
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/MANIFEST b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb32c37592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/MANIFEST.SKIP b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/MANIFEST.SKIP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3183e1843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/MANIFEST.SKIP
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/Makefile.PL b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..928cb67a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+require 5;
+use Config;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $lib_version;
+my %MakeParams = ();
+my $opts;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+%MakeParams = InitMakeParams();
+sub InitMakeParams {
+ my %Params = (
+ NAME => 'SNMP',
+ dist => { SUFFIX => "gz", COMPRESS => "gzip -9f"},
+ MAN3PODS => { '' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/SNMP.3' },
+ XSPROTOARG => '-noprototypes', # XXX remove later?
+ realclean => { FILES => 'host' },
+ );
+ if ($ENV{'OSTYPE'} eq 'msys') {
+ $Params{'DEFINE'} = "-DMINGW_PERL";
+ }
+ my ($snmp_lib, $snmp_llib, $sep);
+ if (($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32' && $ENV{'OSTYPE'} ne 'msys')) {
+ $opts = NetSNMPGetOpts();
+ $Params{'DEFINE'} = "-DMSVC_PERL";
+ $sep = '\\';
+ $snmp_lib_file = 'netsnmp.lib';
+ $snmp_link_lib = 'netsnmp';
+ if (lc($opts->{'debug'}) eq "true") {
+ $lib_dir = 'lib\\debug';
+ }
+ else {
+ $lib_dir = 'lib\\release';
+ }
+ if (lc($opts->{'insource'}) eq "true") {
+ $Params{'LIBS'} = "-L$basedir\\win32\\$lib_dir\\ -l$snmp_link_lib";
+ }
+ else {
+ my @LibDirs = split (';',$ENV{LIB});
+ my $LibDir;
+ if ($opts->{'prefix'}) {
+ push (@LibDirs,"$ENV{'NET-SNMP-PATH'}${sep}lib");
+ }
+ $noLibDir = 1;
+ while ($noLibDir) {
+ $LibDir = find_files(["$snmp_lib_file"],\@LibDirs);
+ if ($LibDir ne '') {
+ $noLibDir = 0;
+ # Put quotes around LibDir to allow spaces in paths
+ $LibDir = '"' . $LibDir . '"';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @LibDirs = ();
+ $LibDirs[0] = prompt("The Net-SNMP library ($snmp_lib_file) could not be found.\nPlease enter the directory where it is located:");
+ $LibDirs[0] =~ s/\\$//;
+ }
+ }
+ $Params{LIBS} = "-L$LibDir -l$snmp_link_lib";
+ }
+ $Params{'INC'} = "-I$basedir\\include\\ -I$basedir\\include\\net-snmp\\ -I$basedir\\win32\\ ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $opts = NetSNMPGetOpts();
+ $Params{'LDDLFLAGS'} = "$Config{lddlflags} " . `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --ldflags`;
+ if (!$ENV{'NETSNMP_LIBS'}) {
+ $Params{'LIBS'} = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --libs`;
+ chomp($Params{'LIBS'});
+ } else {
+ $Params{'LIBS'} = $ENV{'NETSNMP_LIBS'};
+ }
+ $Params{'CCFLAGS'} = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --cflags`;
+ chomp($Params{'CCFLAGS'});
+ $Params{'CCFLAGS'} .= " " . $Config{'ccflags'};
+ } else {
+ }
+ $lib_version = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --version`;
+ if (lc($opts->{'insource'}) eq "true") {
+ $Params{'LIBS'} = "-L../../snmplib/.libs -L../../snmplib/ " . $Params{'LIBS'};
+ $Params{'CCFLAGS'} = "-I../../include " . $Params{'CCFLAGS'};
+# } else {
+# $Params{'PREREQ_PM'} = { 'NetSNMP::default_store' => 0.01 };
+ }
+ $Params{'CCFLAGS'} =~ s/ -W(all|inline|strict-prototypes|write-strings|cast-qual|no-char-subscripts)//g; # ignore developer warnings
+ if (!$ENV{'NETSNMP_PREFIX'}) {
+ $prefix = `$opts->{'nsconfig'} --prefix`;
+ chomp($prefix);
+ $sep = '/';
+ } else {
+ $prefix = $ENV{'NETSNMP_PREFIX'};
+ }
+ if ($Params{'LIBS'} eq "" || $Params{'CCFLAGS'} eq "") {
+ die "You need to install net-snmp first (I can't find net-snmp-config)";
+ }
+ }
+ return(%Params);
+sub GetTestInfo {
+ my $sep = ($^O =~ /win32/i ? '\\' : '/');
+ my $info_file = "t${sep}snmptest.cmd";
+ my $snmpd_path1 = "${prefix}${sep}sbin";
+ my $snmpd_path2 = "${sep}usr${sep}sbin";
+ my $snmpd_path3 = "${sep}usr${sep}bin";
+ my $win32_snmpd_path = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-PATH'} . $sep . "bin";
+ open(H, ">$info_file") || die "Error: could not open file '$info_file'($!)";
+ my ($mibdir, $snmpd, $snmptrapd);
+ # Windows
+ if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32' && $ENV{'OSTYPE'} ne 'msys') {
+ if (lc ($opts->{'insource'}) eq "true") {
+ $mibdir = "../../mibs";
+ if (lc($opts->{'debug'}) eq "true") {
+ $snmpd = "../../win32/bin/debug";
+ $snmptrapd = "../../win32/bin/debug";
+ }
+ else {
+ $snmpd = "../../win32/bin/release";
+ $snmptrapd = "../../win32/bin/release";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $mibdir = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-PATH'} . "${sep}share${sep}snmp${sep}mibs";
+ $snmpd = find_files(["snmpd.exe"], [$win32_snmpd_path]);
+ $snmptrapd = find_files(["snmptrapd.exe"], [$win32_snmpd_path]);
+ }
+ }
+ # Unix
+ else {
+ if (lc($opts->{'insource'}) eq "true") {
+ $mibdir = "../../mibs";
+ $snmpd = "../../agent/snmpd";
+ $snmptrapd = "../../apps/snmptrapd";
+ } else {
+ $mibdir = "${prefix}${sep}share${sep}snmp${sep}mibs";
+ $snmpd = find_files(["snmpd"], [$snmpd_path1, $snmpd_path2]);
+ $snmptrapd = find_files(["snmptrapd"], [$snmpd_path1, $snmpd_path2]);
+ }
+ }
+ $mibdir = find_files(["NET-SNMP-MIB.txt"],[$mibdir]);
+ $mibdir ||= prompt("Unable to locate the MIBs, Please enter the path: ",
+ $mibdir);
+ $snmpd ||= prompt("Unable to locate \"snmpd\". Please enter the path: ",
+ $snmpd_path1);
+ $snmptrapd ||=
+ prompt("Unable to locate \"snmptrapd\". Please enter the path: ",
+ $snmpd_path1);
+ if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32' && $ENV{'OSTYPE'} ne 'msys') {
+ $snmpd = $snmpd . $sep . "snmpd.exe";
+ $snmptrapd = $snmptrapd . $sep . "snmptrapd.exe";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($ENV{'OSTYPE'} eq 'msys') {
+ $snmpd =~ s/snmpd$/snmpd.exe/;
+ $snmptrapd =~ s/snmptrapd$/snmptrapd.exe/;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $snmpd =~ s/($sep)?(snmpd)?$/${sep}snmpd/;
+ $snmptrapd =~ s/($sep)?(snmptrapd)?$/${sep}snmptrapd/;
+ }
+ }
+ print H "SNMPD => $snmpd\n";
+ print H "SNMPTRAPD => $snmptrapd\n";
+ print H "MIBDIR => $mibdir\n";
+ if (!(lc($opts->{'insource'}) eq "true")) {
+ if (-e $snmpd and -r $snmpd) {
+ if (not -x $snmpd) {
+ warn("Error: $snmpd not executable. 'make test' will not work.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn("Error: $snmpd does not exist or is unreadable. 'make test' will not work.\n");
+ }
+ if (-e $snmptrapd and -r $snmptrapd) {
+ if (not -x $snmptrapd) {
+ warn("Error: $snmptrapd not executable. 'make test' will not work.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn("Error: $snmptrapd does not exist or is unreadable. 'make test' will not work.\n");
+ }
+ }
+# end of else
+ close H;
+sub HasSSL {
+ my $config_header = shift;
+ my $has_ssl;
+ unless (open(C,"<$config_header")) {
+ warn("Unable to open $config_header, assuming no SSL\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ while (<C>) {
+ $has_ssl++, last if /^\s*#define\s+NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL/;
+ }
+ close C;
+ return $has_ssl;
+# common subroutines -- DO NOT EDIT.
+# They are imported from the file
+sub NetSNMPGetOpts {
+ my %ret;
+ my $rootpath = shift;
+ $rootpath = "../" if (!$rootpath);
+ $rootpath .= '/' if ($rootpath !~ /\/$/);
+ if (($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32' && $ENV{'OSTYPE'} ne 'msys')) {
+ # Grab command line options first. Only used if environment variables are not set
+ GetOptions("NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=s" => \$ret{'insource'},
+ "NET-SNMP-PATH=s" => \$ret{'prefix'},
+ "NET-SNMP-DEBUG=s" => \$ret{'debug'});
+ {
+ $ret{'insource'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'};
+ undef ($ret{'prefix'});
+ }
+ elsif ($ENV{'NET-SNMP-PATH'})
+ {
+ $ret{'prefix'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-PATH'};
+ }
+ {
+ $ret{'debug'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-DEBUG'};
+ }
+ # Update environment variables in case they are needed
+ $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'} = $ret{'insource'};
+ $ENV{'NET-SNMP-PATH'} = $ret{'prefix'};
+ $ENV{'NET-SNMP-DEBUG'} = $ret{'debug'};
+ $basedir = `%COMSPEC% /c cd`;
+ chomp $basedir;
+ $basedir =~ /(.*?)\\perl.*/;
+ $basedir = $1;
+ print "Net-SNMP base directory: $basedir\n";
+ if ($basedir =~ / /) {
+ die "\nA space has been detected in the base directory. This is not " .
+ "supported\nPlease rename the folder and try again.\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($ENV{'NET-SNMP-CONFIG'} &&
+ # have env vars, pull from there
+ $ret{'nsconfig'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-CONFIG'};
+ $ret{'insource'} = $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'};
+ } else {
+ # don't have env vars, pull from command line and put there
+ GetOptions("NET-SNMP-CONFIG=s" => \$ret{'nsconfig'},
+ "NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=s" => \$ret{'insource'});
+ if (lc($ret{'insource'}) eq "true" && $ret{'nsconfig'} eq "") {
+ $ret{'nsconfig'}="sh ROOTPATH../net-snmp-config";
+ } elsif ($ret{'nsconfig'} eq "") {
+ $ret{'nsconfig'}="net-snmp-config";
+ }
+ $ENV{'NET-SNMP-CONFIG'} = $ret{'nsconfig'};
+ $ENV{'NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE'} = $ret{'insource'};
+ }
+ }
+ $ret{'nsconfig'} =~ s/ROOTPATH/$rootpath/;
+ $ret{'rootpath'} = $rootpath;
+ \%ret;
+sub find_files {
+ my($f,$d) = @_;
+ my ($dir,$found,$file);
+ for $dir (@$d){
+ $found = 0;
+ for $file (@$f) {
+ $found++ if -f "$dir/$file";
+ }
+ if ($found == @$f) {
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ }
+sub Check_Version {
+ if (($Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32' || $ENV{'OSTYPE'} eq 'msys')) {
+ my $foundversion = 0;
+ open(I,"<Makefile");
+ while (<I>) {
+ if (/^VERSION = (.*)/) {
+ my $perlver = $1;
+ my $srcver = $lib_version;
+ chomp($srcver);
+ my $srcfloat = floatize_version($srcver);
+ $perlver =~ s/pre/0./;
+ # we allow for perl/CPAN-only revisions beyond the default
+ # version formatting of net-snmp itself.
+ $perlver =~ s/(\.\d{5}).*/\1/;
+ $perlver =~ s/0*$//;
+ if ($srcfloat ne $perlver) {
+ if (!$foundversion) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR:
+Net-SNMP installed version: $srcver => $srcfloat
+Perl Module Version: $perlver
+These versions must match for perfect support of the module. It is possible
+that different versions may work together, but it is strongly recommended
+that you make these two versions identical. You can get the Net-SNMP
+source code and the associated perl modules directly from
+If you want to continue anyway please set the NETSNMP_DONT_CHECK_VERSION
+environmental variable to 1 and re-run the Makefile.PL script.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ $foundversion = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(I);
+ die "ERROR: Couldn't find version number of this module\n"
+ if (!$foundversion);
+ }
+sub floatize_version {
+ my ($major, $minor, $patch, $opps) = ($_[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d*)\.?(\d*)/);
+ return $major + $minor/100 + $patch/10000 + $opps/100000;
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/README b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d85acafe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/README
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+ The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module
+ for the Net-SNMP Library
+ Introduction:
+ Availability:
+ Contact:
+ Supported Platforms:
+ Release Notes:
+ Installation:
+ Operational Description:
+ Trouble Shooting:
+ Acknowledgments:
+ History:
+ Copyright:
+ ******************************NOTE NOTE NOTE**************************
+ This module now relies on many other modules. Ideally, do not try
+ to build it independently, as it won't work as well. Instead of
+ running "perl Makefile.PL" in this directory, run it in the
+ net-snmp/perl directory instead which has a global makefile used to
+ build all the sub-modules in their proper order.
+ ******************************NOTE NOTE NOTE**************************
+ Note: The perl SNMP 5.x module which comes with net-snmp 5.0 and
+ higher is different than previous versions in a number of ways. Most
+ importantly, it behaves like a proper net-snmp application and calls
+ init_snmp properly, which means it will read configuration files and
+ use those defaults where appropriate automatically parse MIB files,
+ etc. This will likely affect your perl applications if you have, for
+ instance, default values set up in your snmp.conf file (as the perl
+ module will now make use of those defaults). The docmuentation,
+ however, has sadly not been updated yet (aside from this note).
+ This is the Perl5 'SNMP' extension module. The SNMP module provides a
+ full featured, tri-lingual SNMP (SNMPv3, SNMPv2c, SNMPv1) API. The
+ SNMP module also provides an interface to the SMI MIB parse-tree for
+ run-time access to parsed MIB data. The SNMP module internals rely on
+ the Net-SNMP toolkit library (previously known as ucd-snmp). For
+ information on the Net-SNMP library see the documentation provided
+ with the Net-SNMP distribution or the project web page available on
+ 'Source Forge':
+ The most recent release of the Perl5 SNMP module can be found bundled
+ with the latest Net-SNMP distibution available from:
+ (Note: The perl SNMP distribution obtained this way has the highest
+ chance of being up to date and compatible with the Net-SNMP version
+ with which it is bundled.)
+ A seperately bundled package of the SNMP module can be obtained from CPAN.
+ (Note: In previous releases this module was compatible with the CMU
+ SNMP library. Starting with Perl5/SNMP-1.7 this module will *only*
+ work with the Net-SNMP (aka ucd-snmp) library due to dependence on new
+ features)
+ The following mailing list should be consider the primary support
+ mechanism for this module:
+ net-snmp-users ATATAT mail list
+ (see to subscribe)
+Supported Platforms:
+ Linux 1.2.x, 2.x
+ Solaris 2.x (see the net-snmp README.solaris file!)
+ MS Windows
+ Many other UNIX variants
+ Let us know what it *doesn't* work on, as it should on most systems
+Release Notes:
+ SNMP module version 5.x is being developed against NET-SNMP-5.0
+ see for details.
+ Compatibility with earlier or later versions of Net-SNMP or
+ UCD-SNMP is not guaranteed due to the dynamic nature of open
+ software development :). The perl module will check the version of
+ net-snmp you have installed for a match and warn you if they don't
+ match exactly.
+ The make test suite likely won't work perfectly. It relies on
+ running an existing Net-SNMP SNMP agent and various configuration
+ which makes it very hard to ensure exact compatibility. If "make
+ test" fails on you we suggest you install the module anyway.
+ (none?) (HA!)
+* the rest of this file is likely out of date ************************
+* the rest of this file is likely out of date ************************
+* the rest of this file is likely out of date ************************
+ Build and install the Net-SNMP package - see Net-SNMP README and
+ INSTALL docs.
+ (Note: To ensure that any previous Net-SNMP, ucd-snmp or cmu snmp
+ installation's library or headers are not used by mistake, use the
+ -NET-SNMP-CONFIG directive to explicitly set the path to the
+ net-snmp-config command that knows about the net-snmp installation you
+ want to use.)
+ NOTE: build all the perl modules at once using the Makefile.PL in the
+ net-snmp/perl directory rather than the one in this directory.
+ Unix:
+ cd net-snmp/perl
+ perl Makefile.PL [-NET-SNMP-CONFIG="sh ../../net-snmp-config"] [-NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=true]
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+ FreeBSD:
+ cd net-snmp/perl
+ perl Makefile.PL -NET-SNMP-CONFIG="sh ../../net-snmp-config" -NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=true
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+ Win32 (MSVC++)
+ This section covers installation of the Perl modules for Microsoft Visual
+ C++ 6.0 and Microsoft Microsoft Development Environment 2003/2003
+ (MSVC 7.0/7.1). See the following sections for Cygwin and MinGW.
+ ActiveState Perl is required.
+ Note: With ActiveState Perl (currently at 5.8.2 build 808) and possibly other
+ versions of Perl on Windows, if a Perl script modifies a
+ system environment variable and then calls a C function, the
+ C function will not see the new environment variable. This
+ problem can be seen with the failure of test #3 in the SNMP
+ conf test (perl/SNMP/t/conf.t). The change to the
+ SNMPCONFPATH env variable is not seen by the calls to the C
+ SNMP module.
+ Note: The source code should *not* be in a folder that contains a space. For
+ example, compiling in your 'My Documents' or your Desktop (usually
+ c:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop) is not supported.
+ Automatic building / testing with nmakeperl.bat:
+ 1. Ensure a static version of Net-SNMP has been compiled and
+ installed. Also ensure the DLL version of snmplib has been
+ compiled and installed. The Perl modules will not function
+ correctly without a shared snmplib library or DLL.
+ 2. Install the regex win32 package (gnu_regex.exe). It is available from
+ a. Copy regex.h to the include folder of MSVC++
+ Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\
+ Vc7\include\regex.h"
+ b. Copy gnu_regex.lib to the lib folder of MSVC++
+ Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\
+ Vc7\lib\gnu_regex.lib"
+ c. Copy gnu_regex.dll to your %windir%\system32 folder
+ Example: "C:\winnt\system32\gnu_regex.dll"
+ 3. Set the environment PATH to locate "nmake", "cl", and "link".
+ Visual Studio installs a VCVARS32.BAT batch file for this purpose.
+ 4. Using a command prompt window, cd to the source base directory.
+ 5. Invoke win32\nmakeperl.bat to build the Perl SNMP modules. If you see
+ errors, review the "nmake.out" file first. If no errors there,
+ then the modules built correctly, but the tests did not rigourously
+ prove the mettle of the modules. Review "nmaketest.out". If the
+ first three sections mostly pass, the modules are well formed.
+ NOTE: If the tests fail, there may be a perl application left hanging.
+ Use the Task Manager to remove any stale perl or snmp*.exe process.
+ 6. The final step is to invoke "nmake install". If no errors occurred,
+ then the SNMP modules are available for use by your Perl programs.
+ Manual building / testing:
+ 1. Ensure a static version of Net-SNMP has been compiled and
+ installed. Also ensure the DLL version of snmplib has been
+ compiled and installed. The Perl modules will not function
+ correctly without a shared snmplib library or DLL.
+ 2. Install the regex win32 package (gnu_regex.exe). It is available from
+ a. Copy regex.h to the include folder of MSVC++
+ Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\
+ Vc7\include\regex.h"
+ b. Copy gnu_regex.lib to the lib folder of MSVC++
+ Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\
+ Vc7\lib\gnu_regex.lib"
+ c. Copy gnu_regex.dll to your %windir%\system32 folder
+ Example: "C:\winnt\system32\gnu_regex.dll"
+ 3. Set the environment PATH to locate "nmake", "cl", and "link".
+ Visual Studio installs a VCVARS32.BAT for this purpose.
+ 4. Using a command prompt window, cd to the perl directory.
+ 5. Type:
+ to compile against the RELEASE version of Net-SNMP, or:
+ to compile against the DEBUG version of Net-SNMP.
+ nmake
+ nmake test
+ nmake install
+ Note: The --NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=TRUE causes the Makefile to use the
+ library files from the installed Net-SNMP directory.
+ To specify the installed Net-SNMP directory, use:
+ perl Makefile.PL CAPI=TRUE -NET-SNMP-PATH="c:\usr"
+ Note: -NET-SNMP-DEBUG has no effect while compiling against an
+ installed copy of Net-SNMP.
+ Note: To include OpenSSL, see the net-snmp/README.win32 to compile
+ libsnmp with libeay32 and see that libeay.lib is in the
+ lib folder, or in the lib folder of the installed
+ Net-SNMP if using -NET-SNMP-PATH. For example,
+ c:\usr\lib
+ Note: 'nmake test' will automatically start and stop the
+ agent(snmpd) and trap receiver (snmptrapd) while testing the
+ SNMP module.
+ Win32 (Cygwin):
+ cd net-snmp\perl
+ perl Makefile.PL -NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=true
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+ If you get an error saying your system can't compile, you are
+ probably missing the regex library. Install regex from
+ Note: The source code should *not* be in a folder that contains a space. For
+ example, compiling in your 'My Documents' or your Desktop (usually
+ c:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop) is not supported.
+ Win32 (MinGW):
+ Note: As of February 25th, 2004, the MinGW build of Net-SNMP does not
+ compile the DLL version of libsnmp. Some modules will not function
+ correctly without a shared library / DLL. The OID module does not
+ appear to work at all without the DLL, and some parts of other
+ modules may not work. For example, sharing configurations between
+ modules which is why the SNMP conf test fails.
+ Note: The source code should *not* be in a folder that contains a space. For
+ example, compiling in your 'My Documents' or your Desktop (usually
+ c:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop) is not supported.
+ These directions are for MinGW 3.1.0 with MSYS 1.0.9 and ActiveState Perl.
+ Compiling the Perl modules using a MinGW built Perl environment has not
+ been tested.
+ Note: With ActiveState Perl (currently at 5.8.2 build 808) and
+ possibly other versions of Perl on Windows, if a Perl script
+ modifies a system environment variable and then calls a C
+ function, the C function will not see the new environment
+ variable. This problem can be seen with the failure of test
+ #3 in the SNMP conf test (perl/SNMP/t/conf.t). The change to
+ the SNMPCONFPATH env variable is not seen by the calls to the
+ C SNMP module.
+ The main Net-SNMP package must be compiled with the regex library.
+ See Net-SNMP README.win32 for compiling with MinGW.
+ The following additional software is required:
+ dmake:
+ ExtUtils-FakeConfig:
+ Note: A PPM package is available from ActiveState for
+ ExtUtils-FakeConfig, but it does not include the
+ script. Downloading from CPAN is
+ recommended.
+ Installing DMAKE and ExtUtils-FakeConfig:
+ -----------------------------------------
+ 1. Install DMAKE as described in the README.NOW contained in the DMAKE .ZIP
+ file ensuring the DMAKE program can be found in the system path.
+ 2. Extract to a temporary folder.
+ 3. Add the MinGW bin folder to your system path.
+ 4. Open a Windows command prompt (cmd) and cd into
+ ExtUtils-FakeConfig-0.05 and typet he following to build and
+ install the ExtUtils-FakeConfig module:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ dmake
+ dmake install
+ 5. A Perl import library needs to be created using the ExtUtils-FakeConfig
+ script.
+ For ActiveState Perl 5.6.x installed to c:\Perl, type the
+ following on one line:
+ perl script/ --output-dir=C:/Perl/lib/CORE
+ --output-lib=libperl56.a --target=mingw c:/Perl/bin/Perl56.dll
+ For ActiveState Perl 5.8.x installed to c:\Perl, type the
+ following on one line:
+ perl script/ --output-dir=C:/Perl/lib/CORE
+ --output-lib=libperl58.a --target=mingw c:/Perl/bin/Perl58.dll
+Building the Perl module:
+ 1. Complete the section titled 'Installing DMAKE and ExtUtils-FakeConfig'
+ 2. Open an MSYS shell and cd into the net-snmp/Perl folder and type the
+ following on one line:
+ perl -MConfig_m Makefile.PL -NET-SNMP-IN-SOURCE=true DEFINE=-DMINGW_PERL
+ 3. Open a Windows command prompt (cmd) and cd into the net-snmp/perl folder
+ and type:
+ dmake
+ dmake test
+ dmake install
+ Note: 'dmake test' will automatically start and stop the agent(snmpd) and
+ trap receiver (snmptrapd) while testing the SNMP module.
+ 4. Remove the MinGW bin folder to your system path if it was not already in
+ your path for step 3 of 'Installing DMAKE and ExtUtils-FakeConfig'.
+ Operational Description:
+ The basic operations of the SNMP protocol are provided by this module
+ through an object oriented interface for modularity and ease of use.
+ The primary class is SNMP::Session which encapsulates the persistent
+ aspects of a connection between the management application and the
+ managed agent. Internally the class is implemented as a blessed hash
+ reference. This class supplies 'get', 'getnext', 'set', 'fget', and
+ 'fgetnext' and other method calls. The methods take a variety of input
+ argument formats and support both synchronous and asynchronous
+ operation through a polymorphic API (i.e., method behaviour varies
+ dependent on args passed - see below).
+ A description of the fields which can be specified when an
+ SNMP::Session object is created follows:
+ SNMP::Session
+ public:
+ DestHost - default 'localhost', hostname or ip addr of SNMP agent
+ Community - default 'public', SNMP community string (used for both R/W)
+ Version - default '1', [2 (same as 2c), 2c, 3]
+ RemotePort - default '161', allow remote UDP port to be overridden
+ Timeout - default '1000000', micro-seconds before retry
+ Retries - default '5', retries before failure
+ RetryNoSuch - default '0', if enabled NOSUCH errors in 'get' pdus will
+ be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent -
+ undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, when set
+ to '0' this feature is disabled and the entire get request
+ will fail on any NOSUCH error (applies to v1 only)
+ SecName - default 'initial', security name (v3)
+ SecLevel - default 'noAuthNoPriv', security level [noAuthNoPriv,
+ authNoPriv, authPriv] (v3)
+ SecEngineId - default <none>, security engineID, will be probed if not
+ supplied (v3)
+ ContextEngineId - default <SecEngineId>, context engineID, will be
+ probed if not supplied (v3)
+ Context - default '', context name (v3)
+ AuthProto - default 'MD5', authentication protocol [MD5, SHA] (v3)
+ AuthPass - default <none>, authentication passphrase
+ PrivProto - default 'DES', privacy protocol [DES] (v3)
+ PrivPass - default <none>, privacy passphrase (v3)
+ VarFormats - default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
+ reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<obj> =>
+ <sub-ref>, ... }, <obj> must match the <obj> and format
+ used in the get operation. A special <obj>, '*', may be
+ used to apply all <obj>s, the supplied sub is called to
+ translate the value to a new format. The sub is called
+ passing the Varbind as the arg
+ TypeFormats - default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
+ reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<type> =>
+ <sub-ref>, ... }, the supplied sub is called to translate
+ the value to a new format, unless a VarFormat mathces first
+ (e.g., $session->{TypeFormats}{INTEGER} = \&mapEnum();
+ although this can be done more efficiently by enabling
+ $SNMP::use_enums or session creation param 'UseEnums')
+ UseLongNames - defaults to the value of SNMP::use_long_names at time
+ of session creation. set to non-zero to have <tags>
+ for 'getnext' methods generated preferring longer Mib name
+ convention (e.g., system.sysDescr vs just sysDescr)
+ UseSprintValue - defaults to the value of SNMP::use_sprint_value at time
+ of session creation. set to non-zero to have return values
+ for 'get' and 'getnext' methods formatted with the libraries
+ sprint_value function. This will result in certain data types
+ being returned in non-canonical format Note: values returned
+ with this option set may not be appropriate for 'set' operations
+ (see discussion of value formats in <vars> description section)
+ UseEnums - defaults to the value of SNMP::use_enums at time of session
+ creation. set to non-zero to have integer return values
+ converted to enumeration identifiers if possible, these values
+ will also be acceptable when supplied to 'set' operations
+ UseNumeric - defaults to the value of SNMP::use_numeric at time of session
+ creation. set to non-zero to have <tags> returned by the 'get'
+ methods untranslated (i.e. dotted-decimal). Setting the
+ UseLongNames value for the session is highly recommended.
+ BestGuess - defaults to the value of SNMP::best_guess at time of session
+ creation. this setting controls how <tags> are parsed. setting
+ to 0 causes a regular lookup. setting to 1 causes a regular
+ expression match (defined as -Ib in snmpcmd) and setting to 2
+ causes a random access lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd).
+ ErrorStr - read-only, holds the error message assoc. w/ last request
+ ErrorNum - read-only, holds the snmp_err or status of last request
+ ErrorInd - read-only, holds the snmp_err_index when appropriate
+ private:
+ DestAddr - internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field
+ SessPtr - internal field used to cache a created session structure
+ methods:
+ new(<fields>) - Constructs a new SNMP::Session object. The fields are
+ passed to the constructor as a hash list
+ (e.g., $session = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'foo',
+ Community => 'private');), returns an object reference
+ or undef in case of error.
+ update(<fields>)- Updates the SNMP::Session object with the values fields
+ passed in as a hash list (similar to new(<fields>))
+ (WARNING! not fully implemented)
+ get(<vars>[,<callback>])
+ - do SNMP GET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
+ for synchronous operation <vars> will be updated
+ with value(s) and type(s) and will also return
+ retrieved value(s). If <callback> supplied method
+ will operate asynchronously
+ fget(<vars>[,<callback>])
+ - do SNMP GET like 'get' and format the values according
+ the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
+ $sess->{TypeFormats}. Async *not supported*
+ getnext(<vars>[,<callback>])
+ - do SNMP GETNEXT, multiple <vars> formats accepted,
+ returns retrieved value(s), <vars> passed as arguments are
+ updated to indicate next lexicographical <obj>,<iid>,<val>,
+ and <type> Note: simple string <vars>,(e.g., 'sysDescr.0')
+ form is not updated. If <callback> supplied method
+ will operate asynchronously
+ fgetnext(<vars>[,<callback>])
+ - do SNMP GETNEXT like getnext and format the values according
+ the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
+ $sess->{TypeFormats}. Async *not supported*
+ set(<vars>[,<callback>])
+ - do SNMP SET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
+ the value field in all <vars> formats must be in a canonical
+ format (i.e., well known format) to ensure unambiguous
+ translation to SNMP MIB data value (see discussion of
+ canonical value format <vars> description section),
+ returns true on success or undef on error. If <callback>
+ supplied method will operate asynchronously
+ getbulk(<non-repeaters>, <max-repeaters>, <vars> [, <callback>])
+ - do an SNMP GETBULK, from the list of Varbinds, the single
+ next lexico instance is fetched for the first n Varbinds
+ as defined by <non-repeaters>. For remaining Varbinds,
+ the m lexico instances are retrieved each of the remaining
+ Varbinds, where m is <max-repeaters>.
+ bulkwalk(<non-repeaters>, <max-repeaters>, <vars> [, <callback>])
+ - do an "SNMP bulkwalk" on the given variables. Bulkwalk is
+ implemented by sending an SNMP GETBULK request to fetch the
+ variables. Objects are copied to the return list until the
+ sub-tree is exited. If the request is not completed at the
+ end of a packet, a new request is created, starting where
+ the previous packet left off. This implementation is able
+ to handle multiple repeated vars, as well as non-repeaters.
+ Returns a list (or, in scalar context, a reference to a
+ list) of arrays of VarBinds. The VarBinds consist of the
+ responses for each requested variable. bulkwalk() leaves
+ the original Varbinds list intact to facilitate querying
+ of multiple devices.
+ SNMP::TrapSession - supports all applicable fields from SNMP::Session
+ (see above)
+ methods:
+ new(<fields>) - Constructs a new SNMP::TrapSession object. The fields are
+ passed to the constructor as a hash list
+ (e.g., $trapsess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'foo',
+ Community => 'private');), returns an object reference
+ or undef in case of error.
+ trap(enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>)
+ $sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
+ agent => '', # or 'localhost',[dflt 1st intf on host]
+ generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
+ specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
+ uptime => 1234, # dflt to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
+ [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+ # always last
+ or v2 format
+ trap(oid, uptime, <vars>)
+ $sess->trap(oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
+ uptime => 1234,
+ [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+ # always last
+ Acceptable variable formats:
+ <vars> may be one of the following forms:
+ SNMP::VarList: - represents an array of MIB objects to get or set,
+ implemented as a blessed reference to an array of
+ SNMP::Varbinds, (e.g., [<varbind1>, <varbind2>, ...])
+ SNMP::Varbind: - represents a single MIB object to get or set, implemented as
+ a blessed reference to a 4 element array;
+ [<obj>, <iid>, <val>, <type>].
+ <obj> - one of the following forms:
+ 1) leaf identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr') assumed to be
+ unique for practical purposes
+ 2) fully qualified identifier (e.g.,
+ '')
+ 3) fully qualified, dotted-decimal, numeric OID (e.g.,
+ '.')
+ <iid> - the dotted-decimal, instance identifier. for
+ scalar MIB objects use '0'
+ <val> - the SNMP data value retrieved from or being set
+ to the agents MIB. for (f)get(next) operations
+ <val> may have a variety of formats as determined by
+ session and package settings. However for set
+ operations the <val> format must be canonical to
+ ensure unambiguous translation. The canonical forms
+ are as follows:
+ OBJECTID => dotted-decimal (e.g., .
+ OCTETSTR => perl scalar containing octets,
+ INTEGER => decimal signed integer (or enum),
+ NETADDR => dotted-decimal,
+ IPADDR => dotted-decimal,
+ COUNTER => decimal unsigned integer,
+ COUNTER64 => decimal unsigned integer,
+ GAUGE, => decimal unsigned integer,
+ UINTEGER, => decimal unsigned integer,
+ TICKS, => decimal unsigned integer,
+ OPAQUE => perl scalar containing octets,
+ NULL, => perl scalar containing nothing,
+ <type> - SNMP data type (see list above), this field is
+ populated by 'get' and 'getnext' operations. In
+ some cases the programmer needs to populate this
+ field when passing to a 'set' operation. this
+ field need not be supplied when the attribute
+ indicated by <tag> is already described by loaded
+ Mib modules. for 'set's, if a numeric OID is used
+ and the object is not currently in the loaded Mib,
+ the <type> field must be supplied
+ simple string - light weight form of <var> used to 'set' or 'get' a
+ single attribute without constructing an SNMP::Varbind.
+ stored in a perl scalar, has the form '<tag>.<iid>',
+ (e.g., 'sysDescr.0'). for 'set' operations the value
+ is passed as a second arg. Note: This argument form is
+ not updated in get[next] operations as are the other forms.
+ Acceptable callback formats:
+ <callback> may be one of the following forms:
+ without arguments:
+ \&subname
+ sub { ... }
+ or with arguments:
+ [ \&subname, $arg1, ... ]
+ [ sub { ... }, $arg1, ... ]
+ [ "method", $obj, $arg1, ... ]
+ callback will be called when response is received or timeout
+ occurs. the last argument passed to callback will be a
+ SNMP::VarList reference. In case of timeout the last argument
+ will be undef.
+ SNMP package variables and functions:
+ $SNMP::VERSION - the current version specifier (e.g., 3.1.0)
+ $SNMP::auto_init_mib - default '1', set to 0 to disable automatic reading
+ of the MIB upon session creation. set to non-zero
+ to call initMib at session creation which will result
+ in MIB loading according to Net-SNMP env. variables
+ (see man mib_api)
+ $SNMP::verbose - default '0', controls warning/info output of
+ SNMP module, 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning/info
+ output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
+ by SNMP::debugging - see below)
+ $SNMP::use_long_names - default '0', set to non-zero to enable the use of
+ longer Mib identifiers. see translateObj. will also
+ influence the formatting of <tag> in varbinds returned
+ from 'getnext' operations. Can be set on a per session
+ basis (UseLongNames)
+ $SNMP::use_sprint_value - default '0', set to non-zero to enable formatting of
+ response values using the snmp libraries sprint_value
+ function. can also be set on a per session basis (see
+ UseSprintValue) Note: returned values may not be
+ suitable for 'set' operations
+ $SNMP::use_enums - default '0',set non-zero to return values as enums and
+ allow sets using enums where appropriate. integer data
+ will still be accepted for set operations. can also be
+ set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
+ $SNMP::use_numeric - default '0', set to non-zero to return tags as numeric
+ OID's, instead of translating them. Also setting
+ $SNMP::use_long_names to non-zero is highly recommended.
+ $SNMP::best_guess - default '0'. this setting controls how <tags> are
+ parsed. setting to 0 causes a regular lookup. setting
+ to 1 causes a regular expression match (defined as -Ib
+ in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random access
+ lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd). can also be set
+ on a per session basis (see BestGuess)
+ $SNMP::save_descriptions - default '0',set non-zero to have mib parser save
+ attribute descriptions. must be set prior to mib
+ initialization
+ $SNMP::debugging - default '0', controls debugging output level
+ within SNMP module and libsnmp
+ 1 => enables 'SNMP::verbose' (see above)
+ 2 => level 1 plus snmp_set_do_debugging(1),
+ 3 => level 2 plus snmp_set_dump_packet(1)
+ $SNMP::dump_packet - default '0', set [non-]zero to independently set
+ snmp_set_dump_packet()
+ %SNMP::MIB - a tied hash to access parsed MIB information. After
+ the MIB has been loaded this hash allows access to
+ to the parsed in MIB meta-data(the structure of the
+ MIB (i.e., schema)). The hash returns blessed
+ references to SNMP::MIB::NODE objects which represent
+ a single MIB attribute. The nodes can be fetched with
+ multiple 'key' formats - the leaf name (e.g.,sysDescr)
+ or fully/partially qualified name (e.g.,
+ system.sysDescr) or fully qualified numeric OID. The
+ returned node object supports the following fields:
+ objectID - dotted decimal fully qualified OID
+ label - leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
+ subID - leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
+ moduleID - textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
+ parent - parent node
+ children - array reference of children nodes
+ nextNode - next lexico node (BUG!does not return in lexico order)
+ type - returns application type (see getType for values)
+ access - returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
+ NoAccess, Notify, Create)
+ status - returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
+ Deprecated, Current)
+ syntax - returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
+ textualConvention - returns TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ units - returns UNITS
+ hint - returns HINT
+ enums - returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
+ ranges - returns array ref of hash ref [{low=>num, high=>num}]
+ defaultValue - returns default value
+ description - returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
+ be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing)
+ &SNMP::setMib(<file>) - allows dynamic parsing of the mib and explicit
+ specification of mib file independent of environment
+ variables. called with no args acts like initMib,
+ loading MIBs indicated by environment variables (see
+ Net-SNMP mib_api docs). passing non-zero second arg
+ forces previous mib to be freed and replaced
+ (Note: second arg not working since freeing previous
+ Mib is more involved than before).
+ &SNMP::initMib() - calls library netsnmp_init_mib function if MIB not
+ already loaded - does nothing if MIB already loaded.
+ Will parse directories and load modules according to
+ environment variables described in Net-SNMP
+ documentations.
+ (see man mib_api, MIBDIRS, MIBS, MIBFILE(S), etc.)
+ &SNMP::addMibDirs(<dir>,...) - calls library add_mibdir for each directory
+ supplied. will cause directory(s) to be added to
+ internal list and made available for searching in
+ subsequent loadModules calls
+ &SNMP::addMibFiles(<file>,...) - calls library read_mib function. The file(s)
+ supplied will be read and all Mib module definitions
+ contained therein will be added to internal mib tree
+ structure
+ &SNMP::loadModules(<mod>,...) - calls library read_module function. The
+ module(s) supplied will be searched for in the
+ current mibdirs and and added to internal mib tree
+ structure. Passing special <mod>, 'ALL', will cause
+ all known modules to be loaded.
+ &SNMP::unloadModules(<mod>,...) - *Not Implemented*
+ &SNMP::translateObj(<var>[,arg,[arg]]) - will convert a text obj tag to an
+ OID and vice-versa. Any iid suffix is retained
+ numerically. Default behaviour when converting a
+ numeric OID to text form is to return leaf identifier
+ only (e.g.,'sysDescr') but when $SNMP::use_long_names
+ is non-zero or a non-zero second arg is supplied it
+ will return a longer textual identifier. An optional
+ third argument of non-zero will cause the module name
+ to be prepended to the text name (e.g.
+ 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). When converting a text obj,
+ the $SNMP::best_guess option is used. If no Mib is
+ loaded when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled
+ then the Mib will be loaded. Will return 'undef' upon
+ failure.
+ &SNMP::getType(<var>) - return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
+ &SNMP::mapEnum(<var>) - converts integer value to enumeration tag defined
+ in Mib or converts tag to integer depending on
+ input. the function will return the corresponding
+ integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
+ and value. The function will sense which direction
+ to perform the conversion. Various arg formats are
+ supported
+ $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind);
+ # where $varbind is SNMP::Varbind or equiv
+ # note: $varbind will be updated
+ $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
+ $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
+ &SNMP::MainLoop([<timeout>, [<callback>]])
+ - to be used with async SNMP::Session
+ calls. MainLoop must be called after initial async calls
+ so return packets from the agent will not be processed.
+ If no args supplied this function enters an infinite loop
+ so program must be exited in a callback or externally
+ interrupted. If <timeout
+ &SNMP::finish()
+ - This function, when called from an SNMP::MainLoop()
+ callback function, will cause the current SNMP::MainLoop
+ to return after the callback is completed. finish() can
+ be used to terminate an otherwise-infinite MainLoop. A
+ new MainLoop() instance can then be started to handle
+ further requests.
+ Exported SNMP utility functions
+ &snmp_get() - takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
+ SNMP::Session::get
+ &snmp_getnext() - takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
+ SNMP::Session::getnext
+ &snmp_set() - takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
+ SNMP::Session::set
+ &snmp_trap() - takes args of SNMP::TrapSession::new followed by those of
+ SNMP::TrapSession::trap
+ Note: utility functions do not support async operation yet.
+Trouble Shooting:
+ If problems occur there are number areas to look at to narrow down the
+ possibilities.
+ The first step should be to test the Net-SNMP installation
+ independently from the Perl5 SNMP interface.
+ Try running the apps from the Net-SNMP distribution.
+ Make sure your agent (snmpd) is running and properly configured with
+ read-write access for the community you are using.
+ Ensure that your MIBs are installed and environment variables are set
+ appropriately (see man mib_api)
+ Be sure to ensure headers and libraries from old CMU installations are
+ not being used by mistake (see -NET-SNMP-PATH).
+ If the problem occurs during compilation/linking check that the snmp
+ library being linked is actually the Net-SNMP library (there have been
+ name conflicts with existing snmp libs).
+ Also check that the header files are correct and up to date.
+ Sometimes compiling the Net-SNMP library with
+ 'position-independent-code' enabled is required (HPUX specifically).
+ If you cannot resolve the problem you can post to
+ comp.lang.perl.modules or email
+ please give sufficient information to analyze the problem (OS type,
+ versions for OS/Perl/net-SNMP/compiler, complete error output, etc.)
+ Many thanks to all those who supplied patches, suggestions and
+ feedback.
+ Joe Marzot (the original author)
+ Wes Hardaker and the net-snmp-coders
+ Dave Perkins
+ Marcel Wiget
+ David Blackburn
+ John Stofell
+ Gary Hayward
+ Claire Harrison
+ Achim Bohnet
+ Doug Kingston
+ Jacques Vidrine
+ Carl Jacobsen
+ Wayne Marquette
+ Scott Schumate
+ Michael Slifcak
+ Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan
+ Bill Fenner
+ Jef Peeraer
+ Daniel Hagerty
+ Karl "Rat" Schilke and Electric Lightwave, Inc.
+ Perl5 Porters
+ Alex Burger
+ Apologies to any/all who's patch/feature/request was not mentioned or
+ included - most likely it was lost when paying work intruded on my
+ fun. Please try again if you do not see a desired feature. This may
+ actually turn out to be a decent package with such excellent help and
+ the fact that I have more time to work on it than in the past.
+ [See the COPYING file for the copyright license of Net-SNMP]
+ Copyright (c) 1995-2000 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. All
+ Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can
+ redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
+ itself.
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2006 SPARTA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This
+ program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12305afc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/
@@ -0,0 +1,2491 @@
+# -- Perl 5 interface to the Net-SNMP toolkit
+# written by G. S. Marzot (
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2006 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package SNMP;
+$VERSION = '5.04021'; # current release version number
+require Exporter;
+require DynaLoader;
+require AutoLoader;
+use NetSNMP::default_store (':all');
+@SNMP::ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader DynaLoader);
+# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
+# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
+# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
+@SNMP::EXPORT = qw(
+ snmp_get
+ snmp_getnext
+ snmp_set
+ snmp_trap
+ # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
+ # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
+ # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
+ my($val,$pack,$file,$line);
+ local($constname);
+ ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
+ # croak "&$module::constant not defined" if $constname eq 'constant';
+ $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
+ if ($! != 0) {
+ if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
+ $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
+ goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
+ }
+ else {
+ ($pack,$file,$line) = caller;
+ die "Your vendor has not defined SNMP macro $constname, used at $file line $line.
+ }
+ }
+ eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+bootstrap SNMP;
+# Preloaded methods go here.
+# Package variables
+tie $SNMP::debugging, SNMP::DEBUGGING;
+tie $SNMP::debug_internals, SNMP::DEBUG_INTERNALS;
+tie $SNMP::dump_packet, SNMP::DUMP_PACKET;
+tie $SNMP::save_descriptions, SNMP::MIB::SAVE_DESCR;
+tie $SNMP::replace_newer, SNMP::MIB::REPLACE_NEWER;
+tie $SNMP::mib_options, SNMP::MIB::MIB_OPTIONS;
+%SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP = (noAuthNoPriv => 1, authNoPriv => 2, authPriv =>3);
+$auto_init_mib = 1; # enable automatic MIB loading at session creation time
+$use_long_names = 0; # non-zero to prefer longer mib textual identifiers rather
+ # than just leaf indentifiers (see translateObj)
+ # may also be set on a per session basis(see UseLongNames)
+$use_sprint_value = 0; # non-zero to enable formatting of response values
+ # using the snmp libraries "snprint_value"
+ # may also be set on a per session basis(see UseSprintValue)
+ # note: returned values not suitable for 'set' operations
+$use_enums = 0; # non-zero to return integers as enums and allow sets
+ # using enums where appropriate - integer data will
+ # still be accepted for set operations
+ # may also be set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
+$use_numeric = 0; # non-zero to return object tags as numeric OID's instead
+ # of converting to textual representations. use_long_names,
+ # if non-zero, returns the entire OID, otherwise, return just
+ # the label portion. use_long_names is also set if the
+ # use_numeric variable is set.
+%MIB = (); # tied hash to access libraries internal mib tree structure
+ # parsed in from mib files
+$verbose = 0; # controls warning/info output of SNMP module,
+ # 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning and info
+ # output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
+ # by SNMP::debugging)
+$debugging = 0; # non-zero to globally enable libsnmp do_debugging output
+ # set to >= 2 to enabling packet dumping (see below)
+$dump_packet = 0; # non-zero to globally enable libsnmp dump_packet output.
+ # is also enabled when $debugging >= 2
+$save_descriptions = 0; #tied scalar to control saving descriptions during
+ # mib parsing - must be set prior to mib loading
+$best_guess = 0; # determine whether or not to enable best-guess regular
+ # expression object name translation. 1 = Regex (-Ib),
+ # 2 = random (-IR)
+$non_increasing = 0; # stop polling with an "OID not increasing"-error
+ # when an OID does not increases in bulkwalk.
+$replace_newer = 0; # determine whether or not to tell the parser to replace
+ # older MIB modules with newer ones when loading MIBs.
+ # WARNING: This can cause an incorrect hierarchy.
+sub setMib {
+# loads mib from file name provided
+# setting second arg to true causes currently loaded mib to be replaced
+# otherwise mib file will be added to existing loaded mib database
+# NOTE: now deprecated in favor of addMibFiles and new module based funcs
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $force = shift || '0';
+ return 0 if $file and not (-r $file);
+ SNMP::_read_mib($file,$force);
+sub initMib {
+# eqivalent to calling the snmp library init_mib if Mib is NULL
+# if Mib is already loaded this function does nothing
+# Pass a zero valued argument to get minimal mib tree initialzation
+# If non zero agrgument or no argument then full mib initialization
+ SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
+ return;
+ if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] == 0) {
+ SNMP::_init_mib_internals();
+ } else {
+ SNMP::_read_mib("");
+ }
+sub addMibDirs {
+# adds directories to search path when a module is requested to be loaded
+ SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
+ foreach (@_) {
+ SNMP::_add_mib_dir($_) or return undef;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub addMibFiles {
+# adds mib definitions to currently loaded mib database from
+# file(s) supplied
+ SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
+ foreach (@_) {
+ SNMP::_read_mib($_) or return undef;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub loadModules {
+# adds mib module definitions to currently loaded mib database.
+# Modules will be searched from previously defined mib search dirs
+# Passing and arg of 'ALL' will cause all known modules to be loaded
+ SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
+ foreach (@_) {
+ SNMP::_read_module($_) or return undef;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub unloadModules {
+# causes modules to be unloaded from mib database
+# Passing and arg of 'ALL' will cause all known modules to be unloaded
+ warn("SNMP::unloadModules not implemented! (yet)");
+sub translateObj {
+# Translate object identifier(tag or numeric) into alternate representation
+# (i.e., sysDescr => '.' and '.' => sysDescr)
+# when $SNMP::use_long_names or second arg is non-zero the translation will
+# return longer textual identifiers (e.g., system.sysDescr). An optional
+# third argument of non-zero will cause the module name to be prepended
+# to the text name (e.g. 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). If no Mib is loaded
+# when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled then the Mib will be
+# loaded. Will return 'undef' upon failure.
+ SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $temp = shift;
+ my $include_module_name = shift || "0";
+ my $long_names = $temp || $SNMP::use_long_names;
+ return undef if not defined $obj;
+ my $res;
+ if ($obj =~ /^\.?(\d+\.)*\d+$/) {
+ $res = SNMP::_translate_obj($obj,1,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,0,$include_module_name);
+ } elsif ($obj =~ /(\.\d+)*$/ && $SNMP::best_guess == 0) {
+ $res = SNMP::_translate_obj($`,0,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,0,$include_module_name);
+ $res .= $& if defined $res and defined $&;
+ } elsif ($SNMP::best_guess) {
+ $res = SNMP::_translate_obj($obj,0,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,$SNMP::best_guess,$include_module_name);
+ }
+ return($res);
+sub getType {
+# return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
+ my $tag = shift;
+ SNMP::_get_type($tag, $SNMP::best_guess);
+sub mapEnum {
+# return the corresponding integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
+# and value. The function will sense which direction to perform the conversion
+# various arg formats are supported
+# $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind); # note: will update $varbind
+# $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
+# $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
+ my $var = shift;
+ my ($tag, $val, $update);
+ if (ref($var) =~ /ARRAY/ or ref($var) =~ /Varbind/) {
+ $tag = $var->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f];
+ $val = $var->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f];
+ $update = 1;
+ } else {
+ $tag = $var;
+ $val = shift;
+ }
+ my $iflag = $val =~ /^\d+$/;
+ my $res = SNMP::_map_enum($tag, $val, $iflag, $SNMP::best_guess);
+ if ($update and defined $res) { $var->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f] = $res; }
+ return($res);
+%session_params = (DestHost => 1,
+ Community => 1,
+ Version => 1,
+ Timeout => 1,
+ Retries => 1,
+ RemotePort => 1,
+ LocalPort => 1);
+sub strip_session_params {
+ my @params;
+ my @args;
+ my $param;
+ while ($param = shift) {
+ push(@params,$param, shift), next
+ if $session_params{$param};
+ push(@args,$param);
+ }
+ @_ = @args;
+ @params;
+sub snmp_get {
+# procedural form of 'get' method. sometimes quicker to code
+# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
+# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
+# SNMP::Session::get (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
+ my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
+ my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
+ $sess->get(@_);
+sub snmp_getnext {
+# procedural form of 'getnext' method. sometimes quicker to code
+# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
+# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
+# SNMP::Session::getnext (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
+ my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
+ my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
+ $sess->getnext(@_);
+sub snmp_set {
+# procedural form of 'set' method. sometimes quicker to code
+# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
+# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
+# SNMP::Session::set (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
+ my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
+ my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
+ $sess->set(@_);
+sub snmp_trap {
+# procedural form of 'trap' method. sometimes quicker to code
+# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
+# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::TrapSession::new and
+# SNMP::TrapSession::trap
+ my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
+ my $sess = new SNMP::TrapSession(@sess_params);
+ $sess->trap(@_);
+sub MainLoop {
+ my $time = shift;
+ my $callback = shift;
+ my $time_sec = ($time ? int $time : 0);
+ my $time_usec = ($time ? int(($time-$time_sec)*1000000) : 0);
+ SNMP::_main_loop($time_sec,$time_usec,$callback);
+sub finish {
+ SNMP::_mainloop_finish();
+sub reply_cb {
+ # callback function for async snmp calls
+ # when triggered, will do a SNMP read on the
+ # given fd
+ my $fd = shift;
+ SNMP::_read_on_fd($fd);
+sub select_info {
+ # retrieves SNMP used fd's and timeout info
+ # calculates timeout in fractional seconds
+ # ( easy to use with select statement )
+ my($block, $to_sec, $to_usec, @fd_set)=SNMP::_get_select_info();
+ my $time_sec_dec = ($block? 0 : $to_sec + $to_usec * 1e-6);
+ #print "fd's for snmp -> ", @fd_set, "\n";
+ #print "block -> ", $block, "\n";
+ #print "timeout_sec -> ", $to_sec, "\n";
+ #print "timeout_usec -> ", $to_usec, "\n";
+ #print "timeout dec -> ", $time_sec_dec, "\n";
+ return ($time_sec_dec,@fd_set);
+sub check_timeout {
+ # check to see if a snmp session
+ # timed out, and if so triggers
+ # the callback function
+ SNMP::_check_timeout();
+ # check to see when have to check again
+ my($block, $to_sec, $to_usec, @fd_set)=SNMP::_get_select_info();
+ my $time_sec_dec = ($block? 0 : $to_sec + $to_usec * 1e-6);
+ #print "fd's for snmp -> ", @fd_set, "\n";
+ #print "block -> ", $block, "\n";
+ #print "timeout_sec -> ", $to_sec, "\n";
+ #print "timeout_usec -> ", $to_usec, "\n";
+ #print "timeout dec -> ", $time_sec_dec, "\n";
+ return ($time_sec_dec);
+sub _tie {
+# this is a little implementation hack so ActiveState can access pp_tie
+# thru perl code. All other environments allow the calling of pp_tie from
+# XS code but AS was not exporting it when PERL_OBJECT was used.
+# short term solution was call this perl func which calls 'tie'
+# longterm fix is to supply a patch which allows AS to export pp_tie in
+# such a way that it can be called from XS code. gsarathy says:
+# a patch to util.c is needed to provide access to PL_paddr
+# so it is possible to call PL_paddr[OP_TIE] as the compiler does
+ tie($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3]);
+sub split_vars {
+ # This sub holds the regex that is used throughout this module
+ # to parse the base part of an OID from the IID.
+ # eg: portName.9.30 -> ['portName','9.30']
+ my $vars = shift;
+ # The regex was changed to this simple form by patch 722075 for some reason.
+ # Testing shows now (2/05) that it is not needed, and that the long expression
+ # works fine. AB
+ # my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^(.*?)\.?(\d+)+$/);
+ # These following two are the same. Broken down for easier maintenance
+ # my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^((?:\.\d+)+|(?:\w+(?:\-*\w+)+))\.?(.*)$/);
+ my ($tag, $iid) =
+ ($vars =~ /^( # Capture $1
+ # 1. either this
+ (?:\.\d+)+ # for grouping, won't increment $1
+ |
+ # 2. or asdf-asdf-asdf-asdf
+ (?: # grouping again
+ \w+ # needs some letters followed by
+ (?:\-*\w+)+ # zero or more dashes, one or more letters
+ )
+ )
+ \.? # optionally match a dot
+ (.*) # whatever is left in the string is our iid ($2)
+ $/x
+ );
+ return [$tag,$iid];
+package SNMP::Session;
+sub new {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $this = {};
+ my ($name, $aliases, $host_type, $len, $thisaddr);
+ SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
+ %$this = @_;
+ $this->{ErrorStr} = ''; # if methods return undef check for expln.
+ $this->{ErrorNum} = 0; # contains SNMP error return
+ $this->{Version} ||=
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_int(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SNMPVERSION) ||
+ if ($this->{Version} eq 128) {
+ # special handling of the bogus v1 definition.
+ $this->{Version} = 1;
+ }
+ # allow override of local SNMP port
+ $this->{LocalPort} ||= 0;
+ # destination host defaults to localhost
+ $this->{DestHost} ||= 'localhost';
+ # community defaults to public
+ $this->{Community} ||= NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_COMMUNITY()) || 'public';
+ # number of retries before giving up, defaults to SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES
+ $this->{Retries} = SNMP::SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES() unless defined($this->{Retries});
+ # timeout before retry, defaults to SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ $this->{Timeout} = SNMP::SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT() unless defined($this->{Timeout});
+ # flag to enable fixing pdu and retrying with a NoSuch error
+ $this->{RetryNoSuch} ||= 0;
+ # backwards compatibility. Make host = host:port
+ if ($this->{RemotePort} && $this->{DestHost} !~ /:/) {
+ $this->{DestHost} = $this->{DestHost} . ":" . $this->{RemotePort};
+ }
+ if ($this->{Version} eq '1' or $this->{Version} eq '2'
+ or $this->{Version} eq '2c') {
+ $this->{SessPtr} = SNMP::_new_session($this->{Version},
+ $this->{Community},
+ $this->{DestHost},
+ $this->{LocalPort},
+ $this->{Retries},
+ $this->{Timeout},
+ );
+ } elsif ($this->{Version} eq '3' ) {
+ $this->{SecName} ||=
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SECNAME()) ||
+ 'initial';
+ if (!$this->{SecLevel}) {
+ $this->{SecLevel} =
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_int(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SECLEVEL()) ||
+ $SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP{'noAuthNoPriv'};
+ } elsif ($this->{SecLevel} !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $this->{SecLevel} = $SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP{$this->{SecLevel}};
+ }
+ $this->{SecEngineId} ||= '';
+ $this->{ContextEngineId} ||= $this->{SecEngineId};
+ $this->{Context} ||=
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CONTEXT()) || '';
+ $this->{AuthProto} ||= 'DEFAULT'; # defaults to the library's default
+ $this->{AuthPass} ||=
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PASSPHRASE()) || '';
+ $this->{AuthMasterKey} ||= '';
+ $this->{PrivMasterKey} ||= '';
+ $this->{AuthLocalizedKey} ||= '';
+ $this->{PrivLocalizedKey} ||= '';
+ $this->{PrivProto} ||= 'DEFAULT'; # defaults to hte library's default
+ $this->{PrivPass} ||=
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
+ NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PASSPHRASE()) || '';
+ $this->{EngineBoots} = 0 if not defined $this->{EngineBoots};
+ $this->{EngineTime} = 0 if not defined $this->{EngineTime};
+ $this->{SessPtr} = SNMP::_new_v3_session($this->{Version},
+ $this->{DestHost},
+ $this->{Retries},
+ $this->{Timeout},
+ $this->{SecName},
+ $this->{SecLevel},
+ $this->{SecEngineId},
+ $this->{ContextEngineId},
+ $this->{Context},
+ $this->{AuthProto},
+ $this->{AuthPass},
+ $this->{PrivProto},
+ $this->{PrivPass},
+ $this->{EngineBoots},
+ $this->{EngineTime},
+ $this->{AuthMasterKey},
+ length($this->{AuthMasterKey}),
+ $this->{PrivMasterKey},
+ length($this->{PrivMasterKey}),
+ $this->{AuthLocalizedKey},
+ length($this->{AuthLocalizedKey}),
+ $this->{PrivLocalizedKey},
+ length($this->{PrivLocalizedKey}),
+ );
+ }
+ unless ($this->{SessPtr}) {
+ warn("unable to create session") if $SNMP::verbose;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ SNMP::initMib($SNMP::auto_init_mib); # ensures that *some* mib is loaded
+ $this->{UseLongNames} = $SNMP::use_long_names
+ unless exists $this->{UseLongNames};
+ $this->{UseSprintValue} = $SNMP::use_sprint_value
+ unless exists $this->{UseSprintValue};
+ $this->{BestGuess} = $SNMP::best_guess unless exists $this->{BestGuess};
+ $this->{NonIncreasing} ||= $SNMP::non_increasing;
+ $this->{UseEnums} = $SNMP::use_enums unless exists $this->{UseEnums};
+ $this->{UseNumeric} = $SNMP::use_numeric unless exists $this->{UseNumeric};
+ # Force UseLongNames if UseNumeric is in use.
+ $this->{UseLongNames}++ if $this->{UseNumeric};
+ bless $this, $type;
+sub update {
+# *Not Implemented*
+# designed to update the fields of session to allow retargetting to different
+# host, community name change, timeout, retry changes etc. Unfortunately not
+# working yet because some updates (the address in particular) need to be
+# done on the internal session pointer which cannot be fetched w/o touching
+# globals at this point which breaks win32. A patch to the net-snmp toolkit
+# is needed
+ my $this = shift;
+ my ($name, $aliases, $host_type, $len, $thisaddr);
+ my %new_fields = @_;
+ @$this{keys %new_fields} = values %new_fields;
+ $this->{UseLongNames} = $SNMP::use_long_names
+ unless exists $this->{UseLongNames};
+ $this->{UseSprintValue} = $SNMP::use_sprint_value
+ unless exists $this->{UseSprintValue};
+ $this->{BestGuess} = $SNMP::best_guess unless exists $this->{BestGuess};
+ $this->{NonIncreasing} ||= $SNMP::non_increasing;
+ $this->{UseEnums} = $SNMP::use_enums unless exists $this->{UseEnums};
+ $this->{UseNumeric} = $SNMP::use_numeric unless exists $this->{UseNumeric};
+ # Force UseLongNames if UseNumeric is in use.
+ $this->{UseLongNames}++ if $this->{UseNumeric};
+ SNMP::_update_session($this->{Version},
+ $this->{Community},
+ $this->{DestHost},
+ $this->{RemotePort},
+ $this->{LocalPort},
+ $this->{Retries},
+ $this->{Timeout},
+ );
+sub set {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my $varbind_list_ref;
+ my $res = 0;
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ #$varbind_list_ref = [[$tag, $iid, $val]];
+ my $split_vars = SNMP::split_vars($vars);
+ my $val = shift;
+ push @$split_vars,$val;
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$split_vars];
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ $res = SNMP::_set($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+sub get {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ @res = SNMP::_get($this, $this->{RetryNoSuch}, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+use strict;
+my $have_netsnmp_oid = eval { require NetSNMP::OID; };
+sub gettable {
+ #
+ # getTable
+ # --------
+ #
+ # Get OIDs starting at $table_oid, and continue down the tree
+ # until we get to an OID which does not start with $table_oid,
+ # i.e. we have reached the end of this table.
+ #
+ my $state;
+ my ($this, $root_oid, @options) = @_;
+ $state->{'options'} = {@options};
+ my ($textnode, $varbinds, $vbl, $res, $repeat);
+ # translate the OID into numeric form if its not
+ if ($root_oid !~ /^[\.0-9]+$/) {
+ $textnode = $root_oid;
+ $root_oid = SNMP::translateObj($root_oid);
+ } else {
+ $textnode = SNMP::translateObj($root_oid);
+ }
+ # bail if we don't have a valid oid.
+ return if (!$root_oid);
+ # deficed if we're going to parse indexes
+ my $parse_indexes = (defined($state->{'options'}{'noindexes'})) ?
+ 0 : $have_netsnmp_oid;
+ # get the list of columns we should look at.
+ my @columns;
+ if (!$state->{'options'}{'columns'}) {
+ if ($textnode) {
+ my %indexes;
+ if ($parse_indexes) {
+ # get indexes
+ my @indexes =
+ @{$SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'indexes'} || [] };
+ # quick translate into a hash
+ map { $indexes{$_} = 1; } @indexes;
+ }
+ # calculate the list of accessible columns that aren't indexes
+ my $children = $SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'children'};
+ foreach my $c (@$children) {
+ push @{$state->{'columns'}},
+ $root_oid . ".1." . $c->{'subID'}
+ if (!$indexes{$c->{'label'}});
+ }
+ if ($#{$state->{'columns'}} == -1) {
+ # some tables are only indexes, and we need to walk at
+ # least one column. We pick the last.
+ push @{$state->{'columns'}}, $root_oid . ".1." .
+ $children->[$#$children]{'subID'}
+ if ref($state) eq 'HASH' and ref($children) eq 'HASH';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # XXX: requires specification in numeric OID... ack.!
+ @{$state->{'columns'}} = @{$state->{'options'}{'columns'}};
+ # if the columns aren't numeric, we need to turn them into
+ # numeric columns...
+ map {
+ if ($_ !~ /\.1\.3/) {
+ $_ = $SNMP::MIB{$_}{'objectID'};
+ }
+ } @{$state->{'columns'}};
+ }
+ # create the initial walking info.
+ foreach my $c (@{$state->{'columns'}}) {
+ push @{$state->{'varbinds'}}, [$c];
+ push @{$state->{'stopconds'}}, $c;
+ }
+ if ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
+ print STDERR "ack: gettable failed to find any columns to look for.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $vbl = $state->{'varbinds'};
+ my $repeatcount;
+ if ($this->{Version} eq '1' || $state->{'options'}{nogetbulk}) {
+ $state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
+ } elsif ($state->{'options'}{'repeat'}) {
+ $state->{'repeatcount'} = $state->{'options'}{'repeat'};
+ } elsif ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
+ $state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
+ } else {
+ # experimentally determined maybe guess at a best repeat value
+ # 1000 bytes max (safe), 30 bytes average for encoding of the
+ # varbind (experimentally determined to be closer to
+ # 26. Again, being safe. Then devide by the number of
+ # varbinds.
+ $state->{'repeatcount'} = int(1000 / 36 / ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} + 1));
+ }
+ #
+ # if we've been configured with a callback, then call the
+ # sub-functions with a callback to our own "next" processing
+ # function (_gettable_do_it). or else call the blocking method and
+ # call the next processing function ourself.
+ #
+ if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
+ if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
+ $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl,
+ [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
+ $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
+ } else {
+ $res = $this->getnext($vbl,
+ [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
+ $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
+ $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl);
+ } else {
+ $res = $this->getnext($vbl);
+ }
+ return $this->_gettable_do_it($vbl, $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub _gettable_do_it() {
+ my ($this, $vbl, $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state) = @_;
+ my ($res);
+ $vbl = $_[$#_] if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'});
+ while ($#$vbl > -1 && !$this->{ErrorNum}) {
+ if (($#$vbl + 1) % ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}} + 1) != 0) {
+ if ($vbl->[$#$vbl][2] ne 'ENDOFMIBVIEW') {
+ # unless it's an end of mib view we didn't get the
+ # proper number of results back.
+ print STDERR "ack: gettable results not appropriate\n";
+ }
+ my @k = keys(%{$state->{'result_hash'}});
+ last if ($#k > -1); # bail with what we have
+ return;
+ }
+ $state->{'varbinds'} = [];
+ my $newstopconds;
+ my $lastsetstart = ($state->{'repeatcount'}-1) * ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$vbl; $i++) {
+ my $row_oid = SNMP::translateObj($vbl->[$i][0]);
+ my $row_text = $vbl->[$i][0];
+ my $row_index = $vbl->[$i][1];
+ my $row_value = $vbl->[$i][2];
+ my $row_type = $vbl->[$i][3];
+ if ($row_oid =~
+ /^$state->{'stopconds'}[$i % ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1)]/ &&
+ $row_value ne 'ENDOFMIBVIEW' ){
+ if ($row_type eq "OBJECTID") {
+ # If the value returned is an OID, translate this
+ # back in to a textual OID
+ $row_value = SNMP::translateObj($row_value);
+ }
+ # Place the results in a hash
+ $state->{'result_hash'}{$row_index}{$row_text} = $row_value;
+ # continue past this next time
+ if ($i >= $lastsetstart) {
+ push @$newstopconds,
+ $state->{'stopconds'}->[$i%($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1)];
+ push @{$state->{'varbinds'}},[$vbl->[$i][0],$vbl->[$i][1]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($#$newstopconds == -1) {
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
+ print "gettable ack. shouldn't get here\n";
+ }
+ $vbl = $state->{'varbinds'};
+ $state->{'stopconds'} = $newstopconds;
+ #
+ # if we've been configured with a callback, then call the
+ # sub-functions with a callback to our own "next" processing
+ # function (_gettable_do_it). or else call the blocking method and
+ # call the next processing function ourself.
+ #
+ if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
+ if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
+ $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl,
+ [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
+ $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
+ } else {
+ $res = $this->getnext($vbl,
+ [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
+ $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
+ $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl);
+ } else {
+ $res = $this->getnext($vbl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # finish up
+ _gettable_end_routine($state, $parse_indexes, $textnode);
+ # return the hash if no callback was specified
+ if (!$state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
+ return($state->{'result_hash'});
+ }
+ #
+ # if they provided a callback, call it
+ # (if an array pass the args as well)
+ #
+ if (ref($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $code = shift @{$state->{'options'}{'callback'}};
+ $code->(@{$state->{'options'}{'callback'}}, $state->{'result_hash'});
+ } else {
+ $state->{'options'}{'callback'}->($state->{'result_hash'});
+ }
+sub _gettable_end_routine {
+ my ($state, $parse_indexes, $textnode) = @_;
+ if ($parse_indexes) {
+ my @indexes = @{$SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'indexes'}};
+ my $i;
+ foreach my $trow (keys(%{$state->{'result_hash'}})) {
+ my $noid = new NetSNMP::OID($state->{'columns'}[0] . "." . $trow);
+ if (!$noid) {
+ print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB OID\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $nindexes = $noid->get_indexes();
+ if (!$nindexes || ref($nindexes) ne 'ARRAY' ||
+ $#indexes != $#$nindexes) {
+ print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB indexes:\n $noid => " . ref($nindexes) . "\n [should be an ARRAY]\n expended # indexes = $#indexes\n";
+ if (ref($nindexes) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB indexes: " . ref($nindexes) . " $#indexes $#$nindexes\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $#indexes; $i++) {
+ $state->{'result_hash'}{$trow}{$indexes[$i]} = $nindexes->[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+no strict;
+sub fget {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ SNMP::_get($this, $this->{RetryNoSuch}, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ foreach $varbind (@$varbind_list_ref) {
+ $sub = $this->{VarFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f]} ||
+ $this->{TypeFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::type_f]};
+ &$sub($varbind) if defined $sub;
+ push(@res, $varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f]);
+ }
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+sub getnext {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ @res = SNMP::_getnext($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+sub fgetnext {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ SNMP::_getnext($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ foreach $varbind (@$varbind_list_ref) {
+ $sub = $this->{VarFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f]} ||
+ $this->{TypeFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::type_f]};
+ &$sub($varbind) if defined $sub;
+ push(@res, $varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f]);
+ }
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+sub getbulk {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $nonrepeaters = shift;
+ my $maxrepetitions = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ @res = SNMP::_getbulk($this, $nonrepeaters, $maxrepetitions, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+sub bulkwalk {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $nonrepeaters = shift;
+ my $maxrepetitions = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ } else {
+ # my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^((?:\.\d+)+|\w+)\.?(.*)$/);
+ my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^(.*?)\.?(\d+)+$/);
+ $varbind_list_ref = [[$tag, $iid]];
+ }
+ if (scalar @$varbind_list_ref == 0) {
+ $this->{ErrorNum} = SNMP::constant("SNMPERR_GENERR", 0);
+ $this->{ErrorStr} = "cannot bulkwalk() empty variable list";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (scalar @$varbind_list_ref < $nonrepeaters) {
+ $this->{ErrorNum} = SNMP::constant("SNMPERR_GENERR", 0);
+ $this->{ErrorStr} = "bulkwalk() needs at least $nonrepeaters varbinds";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $cb = shift;
+ @res = SNMP::_bulkwalk($this, $nonrepeaters, $maxrepetitions,
+ $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ # Return, in list context, a copy of the array of arrays of Varbind refs.
+ # In scalar context, return either a reference to the array of arrays of
+ # Varbind refs, or the request ID for an asynchronous bulkwalk. This is
+ # a compromise between the getbulk()-ish return, and the more useful array
+ # of arrays of Varbinds return from the synchronous bulkwalk().
+ #
+ return @res if (wantarray());
+ return defined($cb) ? $res[0] : \@res;
+%trap_type = (coldStart => 0, warmStart => 1, linkDown => 2, linkUp => 3,
+ authFailure => 4, egpNeighborLoss => 5, specific => 6 );
+sub trap {
+# (v1) enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>
+# $sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
+# agent => '', # or 'localhost',[default 1st intf on host]
+# generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
+# specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
+# uptime => 1234, # default to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
+# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+# # always last
+# (v2) oid, uptime, <vars>
+# $sess->trap(uptime => 1234,
+# oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
+# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+# # always last
+# # always last
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars = pop if ref($_[$#_]); # last arg may be varbind or varlist
+ my %param = @_;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ }
+ if ($this->{Version} eq '1') {
+ my $enterprise = $param{enterprise} || 'ucdavis';
+ $enterprise = SNMP::translateObj($enterprise)
+ unless $enterprise =~ /^[\.\d]+$/;
+ my $agent = $param{agent} || '';
+ my $generic = $param{generic} || 'specific';
+ $generic = $trap_type{$generic} || $generic;
+ my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
+ my $specific = $param{specific} || 0;
+ @res = SNMP::_trapV1($this, $enterprise, $agent, $generic, $specific,
+ $uptime, $varbind_list_ref);
+ } elsif (($this->{Version} eq '2')|| ($this->{Version} eq '2c')) {
+ my $trap_oid = $param{oid} || $param{trapoid} || '.0.0';
+ my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
+ @res = SNMP::_trapV2($this, $uptime, $trap_oid, $varbind_list_ref);
+ }
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+sub inform {
+# (v3) oid, uptime, <vars>
+# $sess->inform(uptime => 1234,
+# oid => 'coldStart',
+# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+# # then callback
+ # always last
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $vars;
+ my $cb;
+ $cb = pop if ref($_[$#_]) eq 'CODE'; # last arg may be code
+ $vars = pop if ref($_[$#_]); # varbind or varlist
+ my %param = @_;
+ my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
+ if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
+ $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
+ }
+ my $trap_oid = $param{oid} || $param{trapoid};
+ my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
+ if($this->{Version} eq '3') {
+ @res = SNMP::_inform($this, $uptime, $trap_oid, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
+ } else {
+ warn("error:inform: This version doesn't support the command\n");
+ }
+ return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
+package SNMP::TrapSession;
+@ISA = ('SNMP::Session');
+sub new {
+ my $type = shift;
+ # allow override of remote SNMP trap port
+ unless (grep(/RemotePort/, @_)) {
+ push(@_, 'RemotePort', 162); # push on new default for trap session
+ }
+ SNMP::Session::new($type, @_);
+package SNMP::Varbind;
+$tag_f = 0;
+$iid_f = 1;
+$val_f = 2;
+$type_f = 3;
+$time_f = 4;
+sub new {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $this = shift;
+ $this ||= [];
+ bless $this;
+sub tag {
+ $_[0]->[$tag_f];
+sub iid {
+ $_[0]->[$iid_f];
+sub val {
+ $_[0]->[$val_f];
+sub type {
+ $_[0]->[$type_f];
+sub name {
+ if (defined($_[0]->[$iid_f]) && ($_[0]->[$iid_f] =~ m/^[0-9]+$/)) {
+ return $_[0]->[$tag_f] . "." . $_[0]->[$iid_f];
+ }
+ return $_[0]->[$tag_f];
+sub fmt {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->name . " = \"" . $self->val . "\" (" . $self->type . ")";
+#sub DESTROY {
+# print "SNMP::Varbind::DESTROY($_[0])\n";
+package SNMP::VarList;
+sub new {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $this = [];
+ my $varb;
+ foreach $varb (@_) {
+ $varb = new SNMP::Varbind($varb) unless ref($varb) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/;
+ push(@{$this}, $varb);
+ }
+ bless $this;
+#sub DESTROY {
+# print "SNMP::VarList::DESTROY($_[0])\n";
+# controls info/debugging output from SNMP module and libsnmp
+# $SNMP::debugging == 1 => enables general info and warning output
+# (eqiv. to setting $SNMP::verbose)
+# $SNMP::debugging == 2 => enables do_debugging from libsnmp as well
+# $SNMP::debugging == 3 => enables packet_dump from libsnmp as well
+sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
+sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
+sub STORE {
+ $SNMP::verbose = $_[1];
+ SNMP::_set_debugging($_[1]>1);
+ $SNMP::dump_packet = ($_[1]>2);
+ ${$_[0]} = $_[1];
+sub DELETE {
+ $SNMP::verbose = 0;
+ SNMP::_set_debugging(0);
+ $SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
+ ${$_[0]} = undef;
+package SNMP::DEBUG_INTERNALS; # Controls SNMP.xs debugging.
+sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
+sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
+sub STORE {
+ SNMP::_debug_internals($_[1]);
+ ${$_[0]} = $_[1];
+sub DELETE {
+ SNMP::_debug_internals(0);
+ ${$_[0]} = undef;
+# controls packet dump output from libsnmp
+sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
+sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
+sub STORE { SNMP::_dump_packet($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
+sub DELETE { SNMP::_dump_packet(0); ${$_[0]} = 0; }
+package SNMP::MIB;
+sub TIEHASH {
+ bless {};
+sub FETCH {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ if (!defined $this->{$key}) {
+ tie(%{$this->{$key}}, SNMP::MIB::NODE, $key) or return undef;
+ }
+ $this->{$key};
+sub STORE {
+ warn "STORE(@_) : write access to the MIB not implemented\n";
+sub DELETE {
+ delete $_[0]->{$_[1]}; # just delete cache entry
+sub FIRSTKEY { return '.1'; } # this should actually start at .0 but
+ # because nodes are not stored in lexico
+ # order in ucd-snmp node tree walk will
+ # miss most of the tree
+sub NEXTKEY { # this could be sped up by using an XS __get_next_oid maybe
+ my $node = $_[0]->FETCH($_[1])->{nextNode};
+ $node->{objectID};
+sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{$_[1]} || $_[0]->FETCH($_[1]); }
+sub CLEAR { undef %{$_[0]}; } # clear the cache
+package SNMP::MIB::NODE;
+my %node_elements =
+ (
+ objectID => 0, # dotted decimal fully qualified OID
+ label => 0, # leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
+ subID => 0, # leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
+ moduleID => 0, # textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
+ parent => 0, # parent node
+ children => 0, # array reference of children nodes
+ indexes => 0, # returns array of column labels
+ varbinds => 0, # returns array of trap/notification varbinds
+ nextNode => 0, # next lexico node (BUG! does not return in lexico order)
+ type => 0, # returns simple type (see getType for values)
+ access => 0, # returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
+ # NoAccess, Notify, Create)
+ status => 0, # returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
+ # Deprecated)
+ syntax => 0, # returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
+ textualConvention => 0, # returns TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ units => 0, # returns UNITS
+ hint => 0, # returns HINT
+ enums => 0, # returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
+ ranges => 0, # returns array ref of hash ref [{low => num, high => num}]
+ defaultValue => 0, # returns default value
+ description => 0, # returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
+ # be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing
+ augments => 0, # textual identifier of augmented object
+ );
+# sub TIEHASH - implemented in SNMP.xs
+# sub FETCH - implemented in SNMP.xs
+sub STORE {
+ warn "STORE(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
+sub DELETE {
+ warn "DELETE(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
+sub FIRSTKEY { my $k = keys %node_elements; (each(%node_elements))[0]; }
+sub NEXTKEY { (each(%node_elements))[0]; }
+sub EXISTS { exists($node_elements{$_[1]}); }
+sub CLEAR {
+ warn "CLEAR(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
+#sub DESTROY {
+# warn "DESTROY(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
+# # print "SNMP::MIB::NODE::DESTROY : $_[0]->{label} ($_[0])\n";
+sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
+sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
+sub STORE { SNMP::_set_save_descriptions($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
+sub DELETE { SNMP::_set_save_descriptions(0); ${$_[0]} = 0; }
+package SNMP::MIB::REPLACE_NEWER; # Controls MIB parsing
+sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
+sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
+sub STORE {
+ SNMP::_set_replace_newer($_[1]);
+ ${$_[0]} = $_[1];
+sub DELETE {
+ SNMP::_set_replace_newer(0);
+ ${$_[0]} = 0;
+sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
+sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
+sub STORE { SNMP::_mib_toggle_options($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
+sub DELETE { SNMP::_mib_toggle_options(0); ${$_[0]} = ''; }
+package SNMP;
+END{SNMP::_sock_cleanup() if defined &SNMP::_sock_cleanup;}
+# Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit prog.
+=head1 NAME
+SNMP - The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module for the Net-SNMP SNMP package.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use SNMP;
+ ...
+ $sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => localhost, Community => public);
+ $val = $sess->get('sysDescr.0');
+ ...
+ $vars = new SNMP::VarList([sysDescr,0], [sysContact,0], [sysLocation,0]);
+ @vals = $sess->get($vars);
+ ...
+ $vb = new SNMP::Varbind();
+ do {
+ $val = $sess->getnext($vb);
+ print "@{$vb}\n";
+ } until ($sess->{ErrorNum});
+ ...
+ $SNMP::save_descriptions = 1;
+ SNMP::initMib(); # assuming mib is not already loaded
+ print "$SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{description}\n";
+Note: The perl SNMP 5.0 module which comes with net-snmp 5.0 and
+higher is different than previous versions in a number of ways. Most
+importantly, it behaves like a proper net-snmp application and calls
+init_snmp properly, which means it will read configuration files and
+use those defaults where appropriate automatically parse MIB files,
+etc. This will likely affect your perl applications if you have, for
+instance, default values set up in your snmp.conf file (as the perl
+module will now make use of those defaults). The docmuentation,
+however, has sadly not been updated yet (aside from this note), nor is
+the read_config default usage implementation fully complete.
+The basic operations of the SNMP protocol are provided by this module
+through an object oriented interface for modularity and ease of use.
+The primary class is SNMP::Session which encapsulates the persistent
+aspects of a connection between the management application and the
+managed agent. Internally the class is implemented as a blessed hash
+reference. This class supplies 'get', 'getnext', 'set', 'fget', and
+'fgetnext' method calls. The methods take a variety of input argument
+formats and support both syncronous and asyncronous operation through
+a polymorphic API (i.e., method behaviour varies dependent on args
+passed - see below).
+=head1 SNMP::Session
+$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'host', ...)
+The following arguments may be passed to new as a hash.
+=over 4
+=item DestHost
+default 'localhost', hostname or ip addr of SNMP agent
+=item Community
+default 'public', SNMP community string (used for both R/W)
+=item Version
+default taken from library configuration - probably 3 [1, 2 (same as 2c), 2c, 3]
+=item RemotePort
+default '161', allow remote UDP port to be overriden
+=item Timeout
+default '1000000', micro-seconds before retry
+=item Retries
+default '5', retries before failure
+=item RetryNoSuch
+default '0', if enabled NOSUCH errors in 'get' pdus will
+be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent -
+undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, when set
+to '0' this feature is disabled and the entire get request
+will fail on any NOSUCH error (applies to v1 only)
+=item SecName
+default 'initial', security name (v3)
+=item SecLevel
+default 'noAuthNoPriv', security level [noAuthNoPriv,
+authNoPriv, authPriv] (v3)
+=item SecEngineId
+default <none>, security engineID, will be probed if not
+supplied (v3)
+=item ContextEngineId
+default <SecEngineId>, context engineID, will be
+probed if not supplied (v3)
+=item Context
+default '', context name (v3)
+=item AuthProto
+default 'MD5', authentication protocol [MD5, SHA] (v3)
+=item AuthPass
+default <none>, authentication passphrase
+=item PrivProto
+default 'DES', privacy protocol [DES, AES] (v3)
+=item PrivPass
+default <none>, privacy passphrase (v3)
+=item AuthMasterKey
+=item PrivMasterKey
+=item AuthLocalizedKey
+=item PrivLocalizedKey
+Directly specified SNMPv3 USM user keys (used if you want to specify
+the keys instead of deriving them from a password as above).
+=item VarFormats
+default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
+reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<obj> =>
+<sub-ref>, ... }, <obj> must match the <obj> and format
+used in the get operation. A special <obj>, '*', may be
+used to apply all <obj>s, the supplied sub is called to
+translate the value to a new format. The sub is called
+passing the Varbind as the arg
+=item TypeFormats
+default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
+reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<type> =>
+<sub-ref>, ... }, the supplied sub is called to translate
+the value to a new format, unless a VarFormat mathces first
+(e.g., $sess->{TypeFormats}{INTEGER} = \&mapEnum();
+although this can be done more efficiently by enabling
+$SNMP::use_enums or session creation param 'UseEnums')
+=item UseLongNames
+defaults to the value of SNMP::use_long_names at time
+of session creation. set to non-zero to have <tags>
+for 'getnext' methods generated preferring longer Mib name
+convention (e.g., system.sysDescr vs just sysDescr)
+=item UseSprintValue
+defaults to the value of SNMP::use_sprint_value at time
+of session creation. set to non-zero to have return values
+for 'get' and 'getnext' methods formatted with the libraries
+snprint_value function. This will result in certain data types
+being returned in non-canonical format Note: values returned
+with this option set may not be appropriate for 'set' operations
+(see discussion of value formats in <vars> description section)
+=item UseEnums
+defaults to the value of SNMP::use_enums at time of session
+creation. set to non-zero to have integer return values
+converted to enumeration identifiers if possible, these values
+will also be acceptable when supplied to 'set' operations
+=item UseNumeric
+defaults to the value of SNMP::use_numeric at time of session
+creation. set to non-zero to have <tags> for get methods returned
+as numeric OID's rather than descriptions. UseLongNames will be
+set so that the full OID is returned to the caller.
+=item BestGuess
+defaults to the value of SNMP::best_guess at time of session
+creation. this setting controls how <tags> are parsed. setting to
+0 causes a regular lookup. setting to 1 causes a regular expression
+match (defined as -Ib in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random
+access lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd).
+=item NonIncreasing
+defaults to the value of SNMP::non_increasing at time of session
+creation. this setting controls if a non-increasing OID during
+bulkwalk will causes an error. setting to 0 causes the default
+behaviour (which may, in very badly performing agents, result in a never-ending loop).
+setting to 1 causes an error (OID not increasing) when this error occur.
+=item ErrorStr
+read-only, holds the error message assoc. w/ last request
+=item ErrorNum
+read-only, holds the snmp_err or staus of last request
+=item ErrorInd
+read-only, holds the snmp_err_index when appropriate
+Private variables:
+=item DestAddr
+internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field
+=item SessPtr
+internal field used to cache a created session structure
+=head2 SNMP::Session methods
+=item $sess->update(E<lt>fieldsE<gt>)
+Updates the SNMP::Session object with the values fields
+passed in as a hash list (similar to new(E<lt>fieldsE<gt>))
+B<(WARNING! not fully implemented)>
+=item $sess->get(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
+do SNMP GET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
+for syncronous operation <vars> will be updated
+with value(s) and type(s) and will also return
+retrieved value(s). If <callback> supplied method
+will operate asyncronously
+=item $sess->fget(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
+do SNMP GET like 'get' and format the values according
+the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
+=item $sess->getnext(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
+do SNMP GETNEXT, multiple <vars> formats accepted,
+returns retrieved value(s), <vars> passed as arguments are
+updated to indicate next lexicographical <obj>,<iid>,<val>,
+and <type>
+Note: simple string <vars>,(e.g., 'sysDescr.0')
+form is not updated. If <callback> supplied method
+will operate asyncronously
+=item $sess->fgetnext(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
+do SNMP GETNEXT like getnext and format the values according
+the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
+=item $sess->set(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
+do SNMP SET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
+the value field in all <vars> formats must be in a canonical
+format (i.e., well known format) to ensure unambiguous
+translation to SNMP MIB data value (see discussion of
+canonical value format <vars> description section),
+returns snmp_errno. If <callback> supplied method
+will operate asyncronously
+=item $sess->getbulk(E<lt>non-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>max-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>varsE<gt>)
+do an SNMP GETBULK, from the list of Varbinds, the single
+next lexico instance is fetched for the first n Varbinds
+as defined by <non-repeaters>. For remaining Varbinds,
+the m lexico instances are retrieved each of the remaining
+Varbinds, where m is <max-repeaters>.
+=item $sess->bulkwalk(E<lt>non-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>max-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
+Do a "bulkwalk" of the list of Varbinds. This is done by
+sending a GETBULK request (see getbulk() above) for the
+Varbinds. For each requested variable, the response is
+examined to see if the next lexico instance has left the
+requested sub-tree. Any further instances returned for
+this variable are ignored, and the walk for that sub-tree
+is considered complete.
+If any sub-trees were not completed when the end of the
+responses is reached, another request is composed, consisting
+of the remaining variables. This process is repeated until
+all sub-trees have been completed, or too many packets have
+been exchanged (to avoid loops).
+The bulkwalk() method returns an array containing an array of
+Varbinds, one for each requested variable, in the order of the
+variable requests. Upon error, bulkwalk() returns undef and
+sets $sess->ErrorStr and $sess->ErrorNum. If a callback is
+supplied, bulkwalk() returns the SNMP request id, and returns
+immediately. The callback will be called with the supplied
+argument list and the returned variables list.
+Note: Because the client must "discover" that the tree is
+complete by comparing the returned variables with those that
+were requested, there is a potential "gotcha" when using the
+max-repeaters value. Consider the following code to print a
+list of interfaces and byte counts:
+ $numInts = $sess->get('ifNumber.0');
+ ($desc, $in, $out) = $sess->bulkwalk(0, $numInts,
+ [['ifDescr'], ['ifInOctets'], ['ifOutOctets']]);
+ for $i (0..($numInts - 1)) {
+ printf "Interface %4s: %s inOctets, %s outOctets\n",
+ $$desc[$i]->val, $$in[$i]->val, $$out[$i]->val;
+ }
+This code will produce *two* requests to the agent -- the first
+to get the interface values, and the second to discover that all
+the information was in the first packet. To get around this,
+use '$numInts + 1' for the max_repeaters value. This asks the
+agent to include one additional (unrelated) variable that signals
+the end of the sub-tree, allowing bulkwalk() to determine that
+the request is complete.
+=item $results = $sess->gettable(E<lt>TABLE OIDE<gt>, E<lt>OPTIONS<gt>)
+This will retrieve an entire table of data and return a hash reference
+to that data. The returned hash reference will have indexes of the
+OID suffixes for the index data as the key. The value for each entry
+will be another hash containing the data for a given row. The keys to
+that hash will be the column names, and the values will be the data.
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use SNMP;
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ my $s = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'localhost');
+ print Dumper($s->gettable('ifTable'));
+On my machine produces:
+ $VAR1 = {
+ '6' => {
+ 'ifMtu' => '1500',
+ 'ifPhysAddress' => 'PV',
+ # ...
+ 'ifInUnknownProtos' => '0'
+ },
+ '4' => {
+ 'ifMtu' => '1480',
+ 'ifPhysAddress' => '',
+ # ...
+ 'ifInUnknownProtos' => '0'
+ },
+ # ...
+ };
+By default, it will try to do as optimized retrieval as possible.
+It'll request multiple columns at once, and use GETBULK if possible.
+A few options may be specified by passing in an I<OPTIONS> hash
+containing various parameters:
+=item noindexes => 1
+Instructs the code not to parse the indexes and place the results in
+the second hash. If you don't need the index data, this will be
+=item columns => [ colname1, ... ]
+This specifies which columns to collect. By default, it will try to
+collect all the columns defined in the MIB table.
+=item repeat => I<COUNT>
+Specifies a GETBULK repeat I<COUNT>. IE, it will request this many
+varbinds back per column when using the GETBULK operation. Shortening
+this will mean smaller packets which may help going through some
+systems. By default, this value is calculated and attepmts to guess
+at what will fit all the results into 1000 bytes. This calculation is
+fairly safe, hopefully, but you can either raise or lower the number
+using this option if desired. In lossy networks, you want to make
+sure that the packets don't get fragmented and lowering this value is
+one way to help that.
+=item nogetbulk => 1
+Force the use of GETNEXT rather than GETBULK. (always true for
+SNMPv1, as it doesn't have GETBULK anyway). Some agents are great
+implementers of GETBULK and this allows you to force the use of
+GETNEXT oprations instead.
+=item callback => \&subroutine
+=item callback => [\&subroutine, optarg1, optarg2, ...]
+If a callback is specified, gettable will return quickly without
+returning results. When the results are finally retrieved the
+callback subroutine will be called (see the other sections defining
+callback behaviour and how to make use of SNMP::MainLoop which is
+required fro this to work). An additional argument of the normal hash
+result will be added to the callback subroutine arguments.
+Note 1: internally, the gettable function uses it's own callbacks
+which are passed to getnext/getbulk as appropriate.
+Note 2: callback support is only available in the SNMP module version
+5.04 and above. To test for this in code intending to support both
+versions prior to 5.04 and and 5.04 and up, the following should work:
+ if ($response = $sess->gettable('ifTable', callback => \&my_sub)) {
+ # got a response, gettable doesn't support callback
+ my_sub($response);
+ $no_mainloop = 1;
+ }
+Deciding on whether to use SNMP::MainLoop is left as an excersize to
+the reader since it depends on whether your code uses other callbacks
+as well.
+=head1 SNMP::TrapSession
+$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'host', ...)
+supports all applicable fields from SNMP::Session
+(see above)
+=head2 SNMP::TrapSession methods
+=item $sess->trap(enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>)
+ $sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
+ agent => '', # or 'localhost',[dflt 1st intf on host]
+ generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
+ specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
+ uptime => 1234, # dflt to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
+ [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+ # always last
+=item trap(oid, uptime, <vars>) - v2 format
+ $sess->trap(oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
+ uptime => 1234,
+ [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
+ # always last
+=head1 Acceptable variable formats:
+<vars> may be one of the following forms:
+=item SNMP::VarList
+represents an array of MIB objects to get or set,
+implemented as a blessed reference to an array of
+SNMP::Varbinds, (e.g., [<varbind1>, <varbind2>, ...])
+=item SNMP::Varbind
+represents a single MIB object to get or set, implemented as
+a blessed reference to a 4 element array;
+[<obj>, <iid>, <val>, <type>].
+=item <obj>
+one of the following forms:
+=item 1)
+leaf identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr') assumed to be
+unique for practical purposes
+=item 2)
+fully qualified identifier (e.g.,
+=item 3)
+fully qualified, dotted-decimal, numeric OID (e.g.,
+=item <iid>
+the dotted-decimal, instance identifier. for
+scalar MIB objects use '0'
+=item <val>
+the SNMP data value retrieved from or being set
+to the agents MIB. for (f)get(next) operations
+<val> may have a variety of formats as determined by
+session and package settings. However for set
+operations the <val> format must be canonical to
+ensure unambiguous translation. The canonical forms
+are as follows:
+dotted-decimal (e.g., .
+perl scalar containing octets
+=item INTEGER
+decimal signed integer (or enum)
+=item NETADDR
+=item IPADDR
+=item COUNTER
+decimal unsigned integer
+=item COUNTER64
+decimal unsigned integer
+=item GAUGE
+decimal unsigned integer
+decimal unsigned integer
+=item TICKS
+decimal unsigned integer
+=item OPAQUE
+perl scalar containing octets
+=item NULL
+perl scalar containing nothing
+=item <type>
+SNMP data type (see list above), this field is
+populated by 'get' and 'getnext' operations. In
+some cases the programmer needs to populate this
+field when passing to a 'set' operation. this
+field need not be supplied when the attribute
+indicated by <tag> is already described by loaded
+Mib modules. for 'set's, if a numeric OID is used
+and the object is not currently in the loaded Mib,
+the <type> field must be supplied
+=item simple string
+light weight form of <var> used to 'set' or 'get' a
+single attribute without constructing an SNMP::Varbind.
+stored in a perl scalar, has the form '<tag>.<iid>',
+(e.g., 'sysDescr.0'). for 'set' operations the value
+is passed as a second arg. Note: This argument form is
+not updated in get[next] operations as are the other forms.
+=head1 Acceptable callback formats
+<callback> may be one of the following forms:
+=item without arguments
+=item \&subname
+=item sub { ... }
+=item or with arguments
+=item [ \&subname, $arg1, ... ]
+=item [ sub { ... }, $arg1, ... ]
+=item [ "method", $obj, $arg1, ... ]
+callback will be called when response is received or timeout
+occurs. the last argument passed to callback will be a
+SNMP::VarList reference. In case of timeout the last argument
+will be undef.
+=item &SNMP::MainLoop([<timeout>, [<callback>]])
+to be used with async SNMP::Session
+calls. MainLoop must be called after initial async calls
+so return packets from the agent will not be processed.
+If no args suplied this function enters an infinite loop
+so program must be exited in a callback or externally
+interupted. If <timeout(sic)
+=item &SNMP::finish()
+This function, when called from an SNMP::MainLoop() callback
+function, will cause the current SNMP::MainLoop() to return
+after the callback is completed. finish() can be used to
+terminate an otherwise-infinite MainLoop. A new MainLoop()
+instance can then be started to handle further requests.
+=head1 SNMP package variables and functions
+the current version specifier (e.g., 3.1.0)
+=item $SNMP::auto_init_mib
+default '1', set to 0 to disable automatic reading
+of the MIB upon session creation. set to non-zero
+to call initMib at session creation which will result
+in MIB loading according to Net-SNMP env. variables (see
+man mib_api)
+=item $SNMP::verbose
+default '0', controls warning/info output of
+SNMP module, 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning/info
+output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
+by SNMP::debugging - see below)
+=item $SNMP::use_long_names
+default '0', set to non-zero to enable the use of
+longer Mib identifiers. see translateObj. will also
+influence the formatting of <tag> in varbinds returned
+from 'getnext' operations. Can be set on a per session
+basis (UseLongNames)
+=item $SNMP::use_sprint_value
+default '0', set to non-zero to enable formatting of
+response values using the snmp libraries snprint_value
+function. can also be set on a per session basis (see
+UseSprintValue) Note: returned values may not be
+suitable for 'set' operations
+=item $SNMP::use_enums
+default '0',set non-zero to return values as enums and
+allow sets using enums where appropriate. integer data
+will still be accepted for set operations. can also be
+set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
+=item $SNMP::use_numeric
+default to '0',set to non-zero to have <tags> for 'get'
+methods returned as numeric OID's rather than descriptions.
+UseLongNames will be set so that the entire OID will be
+returned. Set on a per-session basis (see UseNumeric).
+=item $SNMP::best_guess
+default '0'. This setting controls how <tags> are
+parsed. Setting to 0 causes a regular lookup. Setting
+to 1 causes a regular expression match (defined as -Ib
+in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random access
+lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd). Can also be set
+on a per session basis (see BestGuess)
+=item $SNMP::save_descriptions
+default '0',set non-zero to have mib parser save
+attribute descriptions. must be set prior to mib
+=item $SNMP::debugging
+default '0', controlls debugging output level
+within SNMP module and libsnmp
+=item 1
+enables 'SNMP::verbose' (see above)
+=item 2
+level 1 plus snmp_set_do_debugging(1)
+=item 3
+level 2 plus snmp_set_dump_packet(1)
+=item $SNMP::dump_packet
+default '0', set [non-]zero to independently set
+=head1 %SNMP::MIB
+a tied hash to access parsed MIB information. After
+the MIB has been loaded this hash allows access to
+to the parsed in MIB meta-data(the structure of the
+MIB (i.e., schema)). The hash returns blessed
+references to SNMP::MIB::NODE objects which represent
+a single MIB attribute. The nodes can be fetched with
+multiple 'key' formats - the leaf name (e.g.,sysDescr)
+or fully/partially qualified name (e.g.,
+system.sysDescr) or fully qualified numeric OID. The
+returned node object supports the following fields:
+=item objectID
+dotted decimal fully qualified OID
+=item label
+leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
+=item subID
+leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
+=item moduleID
+textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
+=item parent
+parent node
+=item children
+array reference of children nodes
+=item nextNode
+next lexico node B<(BUG!does not return in lexico order)>
+=item type
+returns application type (see getType for values)
+=item access
+returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
+NoAccess, Notify, Create)
+=item status
+returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
+=item syntax
+returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
+=item textualConvention
+=item TCDescription
+=item units
+returns UNITS
+=item hint
+returns HINT
+=item enums
+returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
+=item ranges
+returns array ref of hash ref [{low => num, high => num}, ...]
+=item description
+returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
+be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing)
+=item reference
+returns the REFERENCE clause
+=head1 MIB Functions
+=item &SNMP::setMib(<file>)
+allows dynamic parsing of the mib and explicit
+specification of mib file independent of enviroment
+variables. called with no args acts like initMib,
+loading MIBs indicated by environment variables (see
+Net-SNMP mib_api docs). passing non-zero second arg
+forces previous mib to be freed and replaced
+B<(Note: second arg not working since freeing previous
+Mib is more involved than before)>.
+=item &SNMP::initMib()
+calls library init_mib function if Mib not already
+loaded - does nothing if Mib already loaded. will
+parse directories and load modules according to
+environment variables described in Net-SNMP documentations.
+(see man mib_api, MIBDIRS, MIBS, MIBFILE(S), etc.)
+=item &SNMP::addMibDirs(<dir>,...)
+calls library add_mibdir for each directory
+supplied. will cause directory(s) to be added to
+internal list and made available for searching in
+subsequent loadModules calls
+=item &SNMP::addMibFiles(<file>,...)
+calls library read_mib function. The file(s)
+supplied will be read and all Mib module definitions
+contained therein will be added to internal mib tree
+=item &SNMP::loadModules(<mod>,...)
+calls library read_module function. The
+module(s) supplied will be searched for in the
+current mibdirs and and added to internal mib tree
+structure. Passing special <mod>, 'ALL', will cause
+all known modules to be loaded.
+=item &SNMP::unloadModules(<mod>,...)
+B<*Not Implemented*>
+=item &SNMP::translateObj(<var>[,arg,[arg]])
+will convert a text obj tag to an OID and vice-versa.
+Any iid suffix is retained numerically. Default
+behaviour when converting a numeric OID to text
+form is to return leaf identifier only
+(e.g.,'sysDescr') but when $SNMP::use_long_names
+is non-zero or a non-zero second arg is supplied it
+will return a longer textual identifier. An optional
+third argument of non-zero will cause the module name
+to be prepended to the text name (e.g.
+'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). When converting a text obj,
+the $SNMP::best_guess option is used. If no Mib is
+loaded when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled
+then the Mib will be loaded. Will return 'undef' upon
+=item &SNMP::getType(<var>)
+return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
+=item &SNMP::mapEnum(<var>)
+converts integer value to enumertion tag defined
+in Mib or converts tag to integer depending on
+input. the function will return the corresponding
+integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
+and value. The function will sense which direction
+to perform the conversion. Various arg formats are
+=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind);
+where $varbind is SNMP::Varbind or equiv.
+note: $varbind will be updated
+=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
+=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
+=head1 Exported SNMP utility functions
+Note: utility functions do not support async operation yet.
+=item &snmp_get()
+takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
+=item &snmp_getnext()
+takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
+=item &snmp_set()
+takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
+=item &snmp_trap()
+takes args of SNMP::TrapSession::new followed by those of
+=head1 Trouble Shooting
+If problems occur there are number areas to look at to narrow down the
+The first step should be to test the Net-SNMP installation
+independently from the Perl5 SNMP interface.
+Try running the apps from the Net-SNMP distribution.
+Make sure your agent (snmpd) is running and properly configured with
+read-write access for the community you are using.
+Ensure that your MIBs are installed and enviroment variables are set
+appropriately (see man mib_api)
+Be sure to remove old net-snmp installations and ensure headers and
+libraries from old CMU installations are not being used by mistake.
+If the problem occurs during compilation/linking check that the snmp
+library being linked is actually the Net-SNMP library (there have been
+name conflicts with existing snmp libs).
+Also check that the header files are correct and up to date.
+Sometimes compiling the Net-SNMP library with
+'position-independent-code' enabled is required (HPUX specifically).
+If you cannot resolve the problem you can post to
+comp.lang.perl.modules or
+please give sufficient information to analyze the problem (OS type,
+versions for OS/Perl/Net-SNMP/compiler, complete error output, etc.)
+=head1 Acknowledgements
+Many thanks to all those who supplied patches, suggestions and
+ Joe Marzot (the original author)
+ Wes Hardaker and the net-snmp-coders
+ Dave Perkins
+ Marcel Wiget
+ David Blackburn
+ John Stofell
+ Gary Hayward
+ Claire Harrison
+ Achim Bohnet
+ Doug Kingston
+ Jacques Vidrine
+ Carl Jacobsen
+ Wayne Marquette
+ Scott Schumate
+ Michael Slifcak
+ Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan
+ Bill Fenner
+ Jef Peeraer
+ Daniel Hagerty
+ Karl "Rat" Schilke and Electric Lightwave, Inc.
+ Perl5 Porters
+ Alex Burger
+Apologies to any/all who's patch/feature/request was not mentioned or
+included - most likely it was lost when paying work intruded on my
+fun. Please try again if you do not see a desired feature. This may
+actually turn out to be a decent package with such excellent help and
+the fact that I have more time to work on it than in the past.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+bugs, comments, questions to
+=head1 Copyright
+ Copyright (c) 1995-2000 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. All
+ Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can
+ redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
+ itself.
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/SNMP.xs b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/SNMP.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b567c5dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/SNMP.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,5322 @@
+/* -*- C -*-
+ SNMP.xs -- Perl 5 interface to the Net-SNMP toolkit
+ written by G. S. Marzot (
+ Copyright (c) 1995-2006 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
+#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifndef MSVC_PERL
+ #include <signal.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifdef I_SYS_TIME
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef MSVC_PERL
+ #include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H
+#include <regex.h>
+#ifndef __P
+#define __P(x) x
+#ifndef na
+#define na PL_na
+#ifndef sv_undef
+#define sv_undef PL_sv_undef
+#ifndef stack_base
+#define stack_base PL_stack_base
+#ifndef G_VOID
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define SOCK_STARTUP winsock_startup()
+#define SOCK_CLEANUP winsock_cleanup()
+#define strcasecmp _stricmp
+#define strncasecmp _strnicmp
+#include "perlsnmp.h"
+#define SUCCESS 1
+#define FAILURE 0
+#define ZERO_BUT_TRUE "0 but true"
+#define VARBIND_TAG_F 0
+#define VARBIND_IID_F 1
+#define VARBIND_VAL_F 2
+#define VARBIND_TYPE_F 3
+#define TYPE_UNKNOWN 0
+#define MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN 32
+#define ENG_ID_BUF_SIZE 32
+#define SNMP_TRAP_OID_LEN 11
+#define NO_RETRY_NOSUCH 0
+static oid sysUpTime[SYS_UPTIME_OID_LEN] = {1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0};
+static oid snmpTrapOID[SNMP_TRAP_OID_LEN] = {1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 0};
+/* Internal flag to determine snmp_main_loop() should return after callback */
+static int mainloop_finish = 0;
+/* these should be part of transform_oids.h ? */
+#define USM_AUTH_PROTO_MD5_LEN 10
+/* why does ucd-snmp redefine sockaddr_in ??? */
+#define SIN_ADDR(snmp_addr) (((struct sockaddr_in *) &(snmp_addr))->sin_addr)
+typedef netsnmp_session SnmpSession;
+typedef struct tree SnmpMibNode;
+typedef struct snmp_xs_cb_data {
+ SV* perl_cb;
+ SV* sess_ref;
+} snmp_xs_cb_data;
+static void __recalc_timeout _((struct timeval*,struct timeval*,
+ struct timeval*,struct timeval*, int* ));
+static in_addr_t __parse_address _((char*));
+static int __is_numeric_oid _((char*));
+static int __is_leaf _((struct tree*));
+static int __translate_appl_type _((char*));
+static int __translate_asn_type _((int));
+static int __snprint_value _((char *, size_t,
+ netsnmp_variable_list*, struct tree *,
+ int, int));
+static int __sprint_num_objid _((char *, oid *, int));
+static int __scan_num_objid _((char *, oid *, size_t *));
+static int __get_type_str _((int, char *));
+static int __get_label_iid _((char *, char **, char **, int));
+static int __oid_cmp _((oid *, size_t, oid *, size_t));
+static int __tp_sprint_num_objid _((char*,SnmpMibNode *));
+static SnmpMibNode * __get_next_mib_node _((SnmpMibNode *));
+static struct tree * __oid2tp _((oid*, int, struct tree *, int*));
+static struct tree * __tag2oid _((char *, char *, oid *, size_t *, int *, int));
+static int __concat_oid_str _((oid *, size_t *, char *));
+static int __add_var_val_str _((netsnmp_pdu *, oid *, size_t, char *,
+ int, int));
+static int __send_sync_pdu _((netsnmp_session *, netsnmp_pdu *,
+ netsnmp_pdu **, int , SV *, SV *, SV *));
+static int __snmp_xs_cb __P((int, netsnmp_session *, int,
+ netsnmp_pdu *, void *));
+static SV* __push_cb_args2 _((SV * sv, SV * esv, SV * tsv));
+#define __push_cb_args(a,b) __push_cb_args2(a,b,NULL)
+static int __call_callback _((SV * sv, int flags));
+static char* __av_elem_pv _((AV * av, I32 key, char *dflt));
+#define USE_NUMERIC_OIDS 0x08
+#define NON_LEAF_NAME 0x04
+#define USE_LONG_NAMES 0x02
+#define FAIL_ON_NULL_IID 0x01
+#define NO_FLAGS 0x00
+/* Structures used by snmp_bulkwalk method to track requested OID's/subtrees. */
+typedef struct bulktbl {
+ oid req_oid[MAX_OID_LEN]; /* The OID originally requested. */
+ oid last_oid[MAX_OID_LEN]; /* Last-seen OID under this branch. */
+ AV *vars; /* Array of Varbinds for this OID. */
+ size_t req_len; /* Length of requested OID. */
+ size_t last_len; /* Length of last-seen OID. */
+ char norepeat; /* Is this a non-repeater OID? */
+ char complete; /* Non-zero if this tree complete. */
+ char ignore; /* Ignore this OID, not requested. */
+} bulktbl;
+/* Context for bulkwalk() sessions. Used to store state across callbacks. */
+typedef struct walk_context {
+ SV *sess_ref; /* Reference to Perl SNMP session object. */
+ SV *perl_cb; /* Pointer to Perl callback func or array. */
+ bulktbl *req_oids; /* Pointer to bulktbl[] for requested OIDs. */
+ bulktbl *repbase; /* Pointer to first repeater in req_oids[]. */
+ bulktbl *reqbase; /* Pointer to start of requests req_oids[]. */
+ int nreq_oids; /* Number of valid bulktbls in req_oids[]. */
+ int req_remain; /* Number of outstanding requests remaining */
+ int non_reps; /* Number of nonrepeater vars in req_oids[] */
+ int repeaters; /* Number of repeater vars in req_oids[]. */
+ int max_reps; /* Maximum repetitions of variable per PDU. */
+ int exp_reqid; /* Expect a response to this request only. */
+ int getlabel_f; /* Flag long/numeric names for get_label(). */
+ int sprintval_f; /* Flag enum/sprint values for sprintval(). */
+ int pkts_exch; /* Number of packet exchanges with agent. */
+ int oid_total; /* Total number of OIDs received this walk. */
+ int oid_saved; /* Total number of OIDs saved as results. */
+} walk_context;
+/* Prototypes for bulkwalk support functions. */
+static netsnmp_pdu *_bulkwalk_send_pdu _((walk_context *context));
+static int _bulkwalk_done _((walk_context *context));
+static int _bulkwalk_recv_pdu _((walk_context *context, netsnmp_pdu *pdu));
+static int _bulkwalk_finish _((walk_context *context, int okay));
+static int _bulkwalk_async_cb _((int op, SnmpSession *ss, int reqid,
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu, void *context_ptr));
+/* Structure to hold valid context sessions. */
+struct valid_contexts {
+ walk_context **valid; /* Array of valid walk_context pointers. */
+ int sz_valid; /* Maximum size of valid contexts array. */
+ int num_valid; /* Count of valid contexts in the array. */
+static struct valid_contexts *_valid_contexts = NULL;
+static int _context_add _((walk_context *context));
+static int _context_del _((walk_context *context));
+static int _context_okay _((walk_context *context));
+/* Wrapper around fprintf(stderr, ...) for clean and easy debug output. */
+static int _debug_level = 0;
+#define DBOUT PerlIO_stderr(),
+#define DBPRT(severity, otherargs) \
+ do { \
+ if (_debug_level && severity <= _debug_level) { \
+ (void)PerlIO_printf otherargs; \
+ } \
+ } while (/*CONSTCOND*/0)
+char _debugx[1024]; /* Space to sprintf() into - used by sprint_objid(). */
+#define DBDCL(x) x
+/* wrapper around snprint_objid to snprint_objid to return the pointer
+ instead of length */
+static char *
+__snprint_oid(const oid *objid, size_t objidlen) {
+ snprint_objid(_debugx, sizeof(_debugx), objid, objidlen);
+ return _debugx;
+#else /* DEBUGGING */
+#define DBDCL(x)
+#define DBOUT
+#define DBPRT(severity, otherargs) /* Ignore */
+#endif /* DEBUGGING */
+__libraries_init(char *appname)
+ {
+ static int have_inited = 0;
+ if (have_inited)
+ return;
+ have_inited = 1;
+ snmp_set_quick_print(1);
+ snmp_enable_stderrlog();
+ init_snmp(appname);
+ }
+static void
+__recalc_timeout (tvp, ctvp, ltvp, itvp, block)
+struct timeval* tvp;
+struct timeval* ctvp;
+struct timeval* ltvp;
+struct timeval* itvp;
+int *block;
+ struct timeval now;
+ if (!timerisset(itvp)) return; /* interval zero means loop forever */
+ *block = 0;
+ gettimeofday(&now,(struct timezone *)0);
+ if (ctvp->tv_sec < 0) { /* first time or callback just fired */
+ timersub(&now,ltvp,ctvp);
+ timersub(ctvp,itvp,ctvp);
+ timersub(itvp,ctvp,ctvp);
+ timeradd(ltvp,itvp,ltvp);
+ } else {
+ timersub(&now,ltvp,ctvp);
+ timersub(itvp,ctvp,ctvp);
+ }
+ /* flag is set for callback but still hasnt fired so set to something
+ * small and we will service packets first if there are any ready
+ * (also guard against negative timeout - should never happen?)
+ */
+ if (!timerisset(ctvp) || ctvp->tv_sec < 0 || ctvp->tv_usec < 0) {
+ ctvp->tv_sec = 0;
+ ctvp->tv_usec = 10;
+ }
+ /* if snmp timeout > callback timeout or no more requests to process */
+ if (timercmp(tvp, ctvp, >) || !timerisset(tvp)) {
+ *tvp = *ctvp; /* use the smaller non-zero timeout */
+ timerclear(ctvp); /* used as a flag to let callback fire on timeout */
+ }
+static in_addr_t
+char *address;
+ in_addr_t addr;
+ struct sockaddr_in saddr;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ if ((addr = inet_addr(address)) != -1)
+ return addr;
+ hp = gethostbyname(address);
+ if (hp == NULL){
+ return (-1); /* error value */
+ } else {
+ memcpy(&saddr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
+ return saddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
+ }
+static int
+__is_numeric_oid (oidstr)
+char* oidstr;
+ if (!oidstr) return 0;
+ for (; *oidstr; oidstr++) {
+ if (isalpha((int)*oidstr)) return 0;
+ }
+ return(1);
+static int
+__is_leaf (tp)
+struct tree* tp;
+ char buf[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ return (tp && __get_type_str(tp->type,buf));
+static SnmpMibNode*
+__get_next_mib_node (tp)
+SnmpMibNode* tp;
+ /* printf("tp = %lX, parent = %lX, peer = %lX, child = %lX\n",
+ tp, tp->parent, tp->next_peer, tp->child_list); */
+ if (tp->child_list) return(tp->child_list);
+ if (tp->next_peer) return(tp->next_peer);
+ if (!tp->parent) return(NULL);
+ for (tp = tp->parent; !tp->next_peer; tp = tp->parent) {
+ if (!tp->parent) return(NULL);
+ }
+ return(tp->next_peer);
+static int
+char* typestr;
+ if (typestr == NULL || *typestr == '\0') return TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"INTEGER32",8))
+ return(TYPE_INTEGER32);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"INTEGER",3))
+ return(TYPE_INTEGER);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"UNSIGNED32",3))
+ return(TYPE_UNSIGNED32);
+ if (!strcasecmp(typestr,"COUNTER")) /* check all in case counter64 */
+ return(TYPE_COUNTER);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"GAUGE",3))
+ return(TYPE_GAUGE);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"IPADDR",3))
+ return(TYPE_IPADDR);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"OCTETSTR",3))
+ return(TYPE_OCTETSTR);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"TICKS",3))
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"OPAQUE",3))
+ return(TYPE_OPAQUE);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"OBJECTID",3))
+ return(TYPE_OBJID);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"NETADDR",3))
+ return(TYPE_NETADDR);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"COUNTER64",3))
+ return(TYPE_COUNTER64);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"NULL",3))
+ return(TYPE_NULL);
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"BITS",3))
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"ENDOFMIBVIEW",3))
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"NOSUCHOBJECT",7))
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"NOSUCHINSTANCE",7))
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr,"UINTEGER",3))
+ return(TYPE_UINTEGER); /* historic - should not show up */
+ /* but it does? */
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr, "NOTIF", 3))
+ if (!strncasecmp(typestr, "TRAP", 4))
+ return(TYPE_TRAPTYPE);
+ return(TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+static int
+int type;
+ switch (type) {
+ return(TYPE_INTEGER);
+ break;
+ return(TYPE_OCTETSTR);
+ break;
+ case ASN_OPAQUE:
+ return(TYPE_OPAQUE);
+ break;
+ return(TYPE_OBJID);
+ break;
+ break;
+ case ASN_GAUGE:
+ return(TYPE_GAUGE);
+ break;
+ return(TYPE_COUNTER);
+ break;
+ return(TYPE_IPADDR);
+ break;
+ case ASN_BIT_STR:
+ break;
+ case ASN_NULL:
+ return(TYPE_NULL);
+ break;
+ /* no translation for these exception type values */
+ return(type);
+ break;
+ return(TYPE_UINTEGER);
+ break;
+ case ASN_COUNTER64:
+ return(TYPE_COUNTER64);
+ break;
+ default:
+ warn("translate_asn_type: unhandled asn type (%d)\n",type);
+ return(TYPE_OTHER);
+ break;
+ }
+#define USE_BASIC 0
+#define USE_ENUMS 1
+static int
+__snprint_value (buf, buf_len, var, tp, type, flag)
+char * buf;
+size_t buf_len;
+netsnmp_variable_list * var;
+struct tree * tp;
+int type;
+int flag;
+ int len = 0;
+ u_char* ip;
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ if (flag == USE_SPRINT_VALUE) {
+ snprint_value(buf, buf_len, var->name, var->name_length, var);
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ } else {
+ switch (var->type) {
+ if (flag == USE_ENUMS) {
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (ep->value == *var->val.integer) {
+ strncpy(buf, ep->label, buf_len);
+ buf[buf_len-1] = '\0';
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!len) {
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%ld", *var->val.integer);
+ buf[buf_len-1] = '\0';
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ASN_GAUGE:
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%lu", (unsigned long) *var->val.integer);
+ buf[buf_len-1] = '\0';
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ case ASN_OPAQUE:
+ len = var->val_len;
+ if ( len > buf_len )
+ len = buf_len;
+ memcpy(buf, (char*)var->val.string, len);
+ break;
+ ip = (u_char*)var->val.string;
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
+ buf[buf_len-1] = '\0';
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ case ASN_NULL:
+ break;
+ __sprint_num_objid(buf, (oid *)(var->val.objid),
+ var->val_len/sizeof(oid));
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s", "ENDOFMIBVIEW");
+ break;
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s", "NOSUCHOBJECT");
+ break;
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s", "NOSUCHINSTANCE");
+ break;
+ case ASN_COUNTER64:
+ case ASN_OPAQUE_U64:
+ printU64(buf,(struct counter64 *)var->val.counter64);
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ case ASN_OPAQUE_I64:
+ printI64(buf,(struct counter64 *)var->val.counter64);
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ case ASN_BIT_STR:
+ snprint_bitstring(buf, buf_len, var, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ break;
+ if (var->val.floatVal)
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%f", *var->val.floatVal);
+ break;
+ if (var->val.doubleVal)
+ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%f", *var->val.doubleVal);
+ break;
+ case ASN_NSAP:
+ default:
+ warn("snprint_value: asn type not handled %d\n",var->type);
+ }
+ }
+ return(len);
+static int
+__sprint_num_objid (buf, objid, len)
+char *buf;
+oid *objid;
+int len;
+ int i;
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
+ sprintf(buf,".%lu",*objid++);
+ buf += strlen(buf);
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int
+__tp_sprint_num_objid (buf, tp)
+char *buf;
+SnmpMibNode *tp;
+ oid newname[MAX_OID_LEN], *op;
+ /* code taken from get_node in snmp_client.c */
+ for (op = newname + MAX_OID_LEN - 1; op >= newname; op--) {
+ *op = tp->subid;
+ tp = tp->parent;
+ if (tp == NULL) break;
+ }
+ return __sprint_num_objid(buf, op, newname + MAX_OID_LEN - op);
+static int
+__scan_num_objid (buf, objid, len)
+char *buf;
+oid *objid;
+size_t *len;
+ char *cp;
+ *len = 0;
+ if (*buf == '.') buf++;
+ cp = buf;
+ while (*buf) {
+ if (*buf++ == '.') {
+ sscanf(cp, "%lu", objid++);
+ /* *objid++ = atoi(cp); */
+ (*len)++;
+ cp = buf;
+ } else {
+ if (isalpha((int)*buf)) {
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sscanf(cp, "%lu", objid++);
+ /* *objid++ = atoi(cp); */
+ (*len)++;
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int
+__get_type_str (type, str)
+int type;
+char * str;
+ switch (type) {
+ case TYPE_OBJID:
+ strcpy(str, "OBJECTID");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "OCTETSTR");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "INTEGER");
+ break;
+ case TYPE_INTEGER32:
+ strcpy(str, "INTEGER32");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "UNSIGNED32");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "NETADDR");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "IPADDR");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "COUNTER");
+ break;
+ case TYPE_GAUGE:
+ strcpy(str, "GAUGE");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "TICKS");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "OPAQUE");
+ break;
+ case TYPE_COUNTER64:
+ strcpy(str, "COUNTER64");
+ break;
+ case TYPE_NULL:
+ strcpy(str, "NULL");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "ENDOFMIBVIEW");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "NOSUCHOBJECT");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "NOSUCHINSTANCE");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "UINTEGER"); /* historic - should not show up */
+ /* but it does? */
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "NOTIF");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "BITS");
+ break;
+ strcpy(str, "TRAP");
+ break;
+ case TYPE_OTHER: /* not sure if this is a valid leaf type?? */
+ default: /* unsupported types for now */
+ strcpy(str, "");
+ return(FAILURE);
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+/* does a destructive disection of <label1>...<labeln>.<iid> returning
+ <labeln> and <iid> in seperate strings (note: will destructively
+ alter input string, 'name') */
+static int
+__get_label_iid (name, last_label, iid, flag)
+char * name;
+char ** last_label;
+char ** iid;
+int flag;
+ char *lcp;
+ char *icp;
+ int len = strlen(name);
+ int found_label = 0;
+ *last_label = *iid = NULL;
+ if (len == 0) return(FAILURE);
+ /* Handle case where numeric oid's have been requested. The input 'name'
+ ** in this case should be a numeric OID -- return failure if not.
+ */
+ if ((flag & USE_NUMERIC_OIDS)) {
+ if (!__is_numeric_oid(name))
+ return(FAILURE);
+ /* Walk backward through the string, looking for first two '.' chars */
+ lcp = &(name[len]);
+ icp = NULL;
+ while (lcp > name) {
+ if (*lcp == '.') {
+ /* If this is the first occurence of '.', note it in icp.
+ ** Otherwise, this must be the second occurrence, so break
+ ** out of the loop.
+ */
+ if (icp == NULL)
+ icp = lcp;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ lcp --;
+ }
+ /* Make sure we found at least a label and index. */
+ if (!icp)
+ return(FAILURE);
+ /* Push forward past leading '.' chars and separate the strings. */
+ lcp ++;
+ *icp ++ = '\0';
+ *last_label = (flag & USE_LONG_NAMES) ? name : lcp;
+ *iid = icp;
+ return(SUCCESS);
+ }
+ lcp = icp = &(name[len]);
+ while (lcp > name) {
+ if (*lcp == '.') {
+ if (found_label) {
+ lcp++;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ icp = lcp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_label && isalpha((int)*lcp)) found_label = 1;
+ lcp--;
+ }
+ if (!found_label || (!isdigit((int)*(icp+1)) && (flag & FAIL_ON_NULL_IID)))
+ return(FAILURE);
+ if (flag & NON_LEAF_NAME) { /* dont know where to start instance id */
+ /* put the whole thing in label */
+ icp = &(name[len]);
+ flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ /* special hack in case no mib loaded - object identifiers will
+ * start with .iso.<num>.<num>...., in which case it is preferable
+ * to make the label entirely numeric (i.e., convert "iso" => "1")
+ */
+ if (*lcp == '.' && lcp == name) {
+ if (!strncmp(".ccitt.",lcp,7)) {
+ name += 2;
+ *name = '.';
+ *(name+1) = '0';
+ } else if (!strncmp(".iso.",lcp,5)) {
+ name += 2;
+ *name = '.';
+ *(name+1) = '1';
+ } else if (!strncmp(".joint-iso-ccitt.",lcp,17)) {
+ name += 2;
+ *name = '.';
+ *(name+1) = '2';
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (*icp) {
+ *(icp++) = '\0';
+ }
+ *last_label = (flag & USE_LONG_NAMES ? name : lcp);
+ *iid = icp;
+ return(SUCCESS);
+static int
+__oid_cmp(oida_arr, oida_arr_len, oidb_arr, oidb_arr_len)
+oid *oida_arr;
+size_t oida_arr_len;
+oid *oidb_arr;
+size_t oidb_arr_len;
+ for (;oida_arr_len && oidb_arr_len;
+ oida_arr++, oida_arr_len--, oidb_arr++, oidb_arr_len--) {
+ if (*oida_arr == *oidb_arr) continue;
+ return(*oida_arr > *oidb_arr ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ if (oida_arr_len == oidb_arr_len) return(0);
+ return(oida_arr_len > oidb_arr_len ? 1 : -1);
+/* Convert a tag (string) to an OID array */
+/* Tag can be either a symbolic name, or an OID string */
+static struct tree *
+__tag2oid(tag, iid, oid_arr, oid_arr_len, type, best_guess)
+char * tag;
+char * iid;
+oid * oid_arr;
+size_t * oid_arr_len;
+int * type;
+int best_guess;
+ struct tree *tp = NULL;
+ struct tree *rtp = NULL;
+ oid newname[MAX_OID_LEN], *op;
+ size_t newname_len = 0;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ str_buf[0] = '\0';
+ if (type) *type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+ if (oid_arr_len) *oid_arr_len = 0;
+ if (!tag) goto done;
+ /*********************************************************/
+ /* best_guess = 0 - same as no switches (read_objid) */
+ /* if multiple parts, or uses find_node */
+ /* if a single leaf */
+ /* best_guess = 1 - same as -Ib (get_wild_node) */
+ /* best_guess = 2 - same as -IR (get_node) */
+ /*********************************************************/
+ /* numeric scalar (1,2) */
+ /* single symbolic (1,2) */
+ /* single regex (1) */
+ /* partial full symbolic (2) */
+ /* full symbolic (2) */
+ /* module::single symbolic (2) */
+ /* module::partial full symbolic (2) */
+ if (best_guess == 1 || best_guess == 2) {
+ if (!__scan_num_objid(tag, newname, &newname_len)) { /* make sure it's not a numeric tag */
+ newname_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ if (best_guess == 2) { /* Random search -IR */
+ if (get_node(tag, newname, &newname_len)) {
+ rtp = tp = get_tree(newname, newname_len, get_tree_head());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (best_guess == 1) { /* Regex search -Ib */
+ clear_tree_flags(get_tree_head());
+ if (get_wild_node(tag, newname, &newname_len)) {
+ rtp = tp = get_tree(newname, newname_len, get_tree_head());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rtp = tp = get_tree(newname, newname_len, get_tree_head());
+ }
+ if (type) *type = (tp ? tp->type : TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+ if ((oid_arr == NULL) || (oid_arr_len == NULL)) return rtp;
+ memcpy(oid_arr,(char*)newname,newname_len*sizeof(oid));
+ *oid_arr_len = newname_len;
+ }
+ /* if best_guess is off and multi part tag or module::tag */
+ /* numeric scalar */
+ /* module::single symbolic */
+ /* module::partial full symbolic */
+ /* FULL symbolic OID */
+ else if (strchr(tag,'.') || strchr(tag,':')) {
+ if (!__scan_num_objid(tag, newname, &newname_len)) { /* make sure it's not a numeric tag */
+ newname_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ if (read_objid(tag, newname, &newname_len)) { /* long name */
+ rtp = tp = get_tree(newname, newname_len, get_tree_head());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rtp = tp = get_tree(newname, newname_len, get_tree_head());
+ }
+ if (type) *type = (tp ? tp->type : TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+ if ((oid_arr == NULL) || (oid_arr_len == NULL)) return rtp;
+ memcpy(oid_arr,(char*)newname,newname_len*sizeof(oid));
+ *oid_arr_len = newname_len;
+ }
+ /* else best_guess is off and it is a single leaf */
+ /* single symbolic */
+ else {
+ rtp = tp = find_node(tag, get_tree_head());
+ if (tp) {
+ if (type) *type = tp->type;
+ if ((oid_arr == NULL) || (oid_arr_len == NULL)) return rtp;
+ /* code taken from get_node in snmp_client.c */
+ for(op = newname + MAX_OID_LEN - 1; op >= newname; op--){
+ *op = tp->subid;
+ tp = tp->parent;
+ if (tp == NULL)
+ break;
+ }
+ *oid_arr_len = newname + MAX_OID_LEN - op;
+ memcpy(oid_arr, op, *oid_arr_len * sizeof(oid));
+ } else {
+ return(rtp); /* HACK: otherwise, concat_oid_str confuses things */
+ }
+ }
+ done:
+ if (iid && *iid && oid_arr_len) __concat_oid_str(oid_arr, oid_arr_len, iid);
+ return(rtp);
+/* searches down the mib tree for the given oid
+ returns the last found tp and its index in lastind
+ */
+static struct tree *
+__oid2tp (oidp, len, subtree, lastind)
+oid* oidp;
+int len;
+struct tree * subtree;
+int* lastind;
+ struct tree *return_tree = NULL;
+ for (; subtree; subtree = subtree->next_peer) {
+ if (*oidp == subtree->subid){
+ goto found;
+ }
+ }
+ *lastind=0;
+ return NULL;
+ if (len > 1){
+ return_tree =
+ __oid2tp(oidp + 1, len - 1, subtree->child_list, lastind);
+ (*lastind)++;
+ } else {
+ *lastind=1;
+ }
+ if (return_tree)
+ return return_tree;
+ else
+ return subtree;
+/* function: __concat_oid_str
+ *
+ * This function converts a dotted-decimal string, soid_str, to an array
+ * of oid types and concatenates them on doid_arr begining at the index
+ * specified by doid_arr_len.
+ *
+ * returns : SUCCESS, FAILURE
+ */
+static int
+__concat_oid_str(doid_arr, doid_arr_len, soid_str)
+oid *doid_arr;
+size_t *doid_arr_len;
+char * soid_str;
+ char soid_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ char *cp;
+ char *st;
+ if (!soid_str || !*soid_str) return SUCCESS;/* successfully added nothing */
+ if (*soid_str == '.') soid_str++;
+ strcpy(soid_buf, soid_str);
+ cp = strtok_r(soid_buf,".",&st);
+ while (cp) {
+ sscanf(cp, "%lu", &(doid_arr[(*doid_arr_len)++]));
+ /* doid_arr[(*doid_arr_len)++] = atoi(cp); */
+ cp = strtok_r(NULL,".",&st);
+ }
+ return(SUCCESS);
+ * add a varbind to PDU
+ */
+static int
+__add_var_val_str(pdu, name, name_length, val, len, type)
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu;
+ oid *name;
+ size_t name_length;
+ char * val;
+ int len;
+ int type;
+ netsnmp_variable_list *vars;
+ oid oidbuf[MAX_OID_LEN];
+ int ret = SUCCESS;
+ if (pdu->variables == NULL){
+ pdu->variables = vars =
+ (netsnmp_variable_list *)calloc(1,sizeof(netsnmp_variable_list));
+ } else {
+ for(vars = pdu->variables;
+ vars->next_variable;
+ vars = vars->next_variable)
+ /*EXIT*/;
+ vars->next_variable =
+ (netsnmp_variable_list *)calloc(1,sizeof(netsnmp_variable_list));
+ vars = vars->next_variable;
+ }
+ vars->next_variable = NULL;
+ vars->name = (oid *)malloc(name_length * sizeof(oid));
+ memcpy((char *)vars->name, (char *)name, name_length * sizeof(oid));
+ vars->name_length = name_length;
+ switch (type) {
+ case TYPE_INTEGER32:
+ vars->type = ASN_INTEGER;
+ vars->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
+ if (val)
+ *(vars->val.integer) = strtol(val,NULL,0);
+ else {
+ ret = FAILURE;
+ *(vars->val.integer) = 0;
+ }
+ vars->val_len = sizeof(long);
+ break;
+ case TYPE_GAUGE:
+ vars->type = ASN_GAUGE;
+ goto UINT;
+ vars->type = ASN_COUNTER;
+ goto UINT;
+ vars->type = ASN_TIMETICKS;
+ goto UINT;
+ vars->type = ASN_UINTEGER;
+ vars->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
+ if (val)
+ sscanf(val,"%lu",vars->val.integer);
+ else {
+ ret = FAILURE;
+ *(vars->val.integer) = 0;
+ }
+ vars->val_len = sizeof(long);
+ break;
+ vars->type = ASN_OCTET_STR;
+ goto OCT;
+ vars->type = ASN_OCTET_STR;
+ goto OCT;
+ vars->type = ASN_OCTET_STR;
+ vars->val.string = (u_char *)malloc(len);
+ vars->val_len = len;
+ if (val && len)
+ memcpy((char *)vars->val.string, val, len);
+ else {
+ ret = FAILURE;
+ vars->val.string = (u_char*)strdup("");
+ vars->val_len = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ vars->type = ASN_IPADDRESS;
+ vars->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(in_addr_t));
+ if (val)
+ *(vars->val.integer) = inet_addr(val);
+ else {
+ ret = FAILURE;
+ *(vars->val.integer) = 0;
+ }
+ vars->val_len = sizeof(in_addr_t);
+ break;
+ case TYPE_OBJID:
+ vars->type = ASN_OBJECT_ID;
+ vars->val_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ /* if (read_objid(val, oidbuf, &(vars->val_len))) { */
+ /* tp = __tag2oid(val,NULL,oidbuf,&(vars->val_len),NULL,0); */
+ if (!val || !snmp_parse_oid(val, oidbuf, &vars->val_len)) {
+ vars->val.objid = NULL;
+ ret = FAILURE;
+ } else {
+ vars->val_len *= sizeof(oid);
+ vars->val.objid = (oid *)malloc(vars->val_len);
+ memcpy((char *)vars->val.objid, (char *)oidbuf, vars->val_len);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ vars->type = ASN_NULL;
+ vars->val_len = 0;
+ vars->val.string = NULL;
+ ret = FAILURE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* takes ss and pdu as input and updates the 'response' argument */
+/* the input 'pdu' argument will be freed */
+static int
+__send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, response, retry_nosuch,
+ err_str_sv, err_num_sv, err_ind_sv)
+netsnmp_session *ss;
+netsnmp_pdu *pdu;
+netsnmp_pdu **response;
+int retry_nosuch;
+SV * err_str_sv;
+SV * err_num_sv;
+SV * err_ind_sv;
+ int status;
+ long command = pdu->command;
+ *response = NULL;
+ status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, response);
+ if ((*response == NULL) && (status == STAT_SUCCESS)) status = STAT_ERROR;
+ switch (status) {
+ switch ((*response)->errstat) {
+ break;
+ if (retry_nosuch && (pdu = snmp_fix_pdu(*response, command))) {
+ if (*response) snmp_free_pdu(*response);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ /* Pv1, SNMPsec, Pv2p, v2c, v2u, v2*, and SNMPv3 PDUs */
+ /* in SNMPv2p, SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u, SNMPv2*, and SNMPv3 PDUs */
+ /* in SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u, SNMPv2*, and SNMPv3 PDUs */
+ default:
+ sv_catpv(err_str_sv,
+ (char*)snmp_errstring((*response)->errstat));
+ sv_setiv(err_num_sv, (*response)->errstat);
+ sv_setiv(err_ind_sv, (*response)->errindex);
+ status = (*response)->errstat;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case STAT_ERROR:
+ sv_catpv(err_str_sv, (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(err_num_sv, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ break;
+ default:
+ sv_catpv(err_str_sv, "send_sync_pdu: unknown status");
+ sv_setiv(err_num_sv, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ break;
+ }
+ return(status);
+static int
+__snmp_xs_cb (op, ss, reqid, pdu, cb_data)
+int op;
+netsnmp_session *ss;
+int reqid;
+netsnmp_pdu *pdu;
+void *cb_data;
+ SV *varlist_ref;
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV *varbind_ref;
+ AV *varbind;
+ SV *traplist_ref = NULL;
+ AV *traplist = NULL;
+ netsnmp_variable_list *vars;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ int len;
+ SV *tmp_sv;
+ int type;
+ char tmp_type_str[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE], *str_bufp = str_buf;
+ size_t str_buf_len = sizeof(str_buf);
+ size_t out_len = 0;
+ int buf_over = 0;
+ char *label;
+ char *iid;
+ char *cp;
+ int getlabel_flag = NO_FLAGS;
+ int sprintval_flag = USE_BASIC;
+ netsnmp_pdu *reply_pdu;
+ int old_numeric, old_printfull, old_format;
+ netsnmp_transport *transport = NULL;
+ SV* cb = ((struct snmp_xs_cb_data*)cb_data)->perl_cb;
+ SV* sess_ref = ((struct snmp_xs_cb_data*)cb_data)->sess_ref;
+ SV **err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ if (cb_data != ss->callback_magic)
+ free(cb_data);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, (char*)snmp_errstring(pdu->errstat));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, pdu->errstat);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, pdu->errindex);
+ varlist_ref = &sv_undef; /* Prevent unintialized use below. */
+ switch (op) {
+ traplist_ref = NULL;
+ switch (pdu->command) {
+ /*
+ * Ideally, we would use the return value from the callback to
+ * decide what response, if any, we send, and what the error status
+ * and error index should be.
+ */
+ reply_pdu = snmp_clone_pdu(pdu);
+ if (reply_pdu) {
+ reply_pdu->command = SNMP_MSG_RESPONSE;
+ reply_pdu->reqid = pdu->reqid;
+ reply_pdu->errstat = reply_pdu->errindex = 0;
+ snmp_send(ss, reply_pdu);
+ } else {
+ warn("Couldn't clone PDU for inform response");
+ }
+ /* FALLTHRU */
+ case SNMP_MSG_TRAP2:
+ traplist = newAV();
+ traplist_ref = newRV_noinc((SV*)traplist);
+#if 0
+ /* of dubious utility... */
+ av_push(traplist, newSViv(pdu->command));
+ av_push(traplist, newSViv(pdu->reqid));
+ if ((transport = snmp_sess_transport(snmp_sess_pointer(ss))) != NULL) {
+ cp = transport->f_fmtaddr(transport, pdu->transport_data,
+ pdu->transport_data_length);
+ av_push(traplist, newSVpv(cp, strlen(cp)));
+ free(cp);
+ } else {
+ /* This shouldn't ever happen; every session has a transport. */
+ av_push(traplist, newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ av_push(traplist, newSVpv((char*) pdu->community, pdu->community_len));
+ if (pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_TRAP) {
+ /* SNMP v1 only trap fields */
+ snprint_objid(str_buf, sizeof(str_buf), pdu->enterprise, pdu->enterprise_length);
+ av_push(traplist, newSVpv(str_buf,strlen(str_buf)));
+ cp = inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) pdu->agent_addr));
+ av_push(traplist, newSVpv(cp,strlen(cp)));
+ av_push(traplist, newSViv(pdu->trap_type));
+ av_push(traplist, newSViv(pdu->specific_type));
+ /* perl didn't have perlSVuv until 5.6.0 */
+ tmp_sv=newSViv(0);
+ sv_setuv(tmp_sv, pdu->time);
+ av_push(traplist, tmp_sv);
+ }
+ /* FALLTHRU */
+ {
+ varlist = newAV();
+ varlist_ref = newRV_noinc((SV*)varlist);
+ /*
+ ** Set up for numeric OID's, if necessary. Save the old values
+ ** so that they can be restored when we finish -- these are
+ ** library-wide globals, and have to be set/restored for each
+ ** session.
+ */
+ old_numeric = netsnmp_ds_get_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_NUMERIC_OIDS);
+ old_printfull = netsnmp_ds_get_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_FULL_OID);
+ old_format = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT);
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ }
+ /* Setting UseNumeric forces UseLongNames on so check for UseNumeric
+ after UseLongNames (above) to make sure the final outcome of
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ }
+ sv_bless(varlist_ref, gv_stashpv("SNMP::VarList",0));
+ for(vars = (pdu?pdu->variables:NULL); vars; vars = vars->next_variable) {
+ int local_getlabel_flag = getlabel_flag;
+ varbind = newAV();
+ varbind_ref = newRV_noinc((SV*)varbind);
+ sv_bless(varbind_ref, gv_stashpv("SNMP::Varbind",0));
+ av_push(varlist, varbind_ref);
+ *str_buf = '.';
+ *(str_buf+1) = '\0';
+ out_len = 0;
+ tp = netsnmp_sprint_realloc_objid_tree((u_char**)&str_bufp,
+ &str_buf_len,
+ &out_len, 0, &buf_over,
+ vars->name,vars->name_length);
+ str_buf[sizeof(str_buf)-1] = '\0';
+ if (__is_leaf(tp)) {
+ type = tp->type;
+ } else {
+ local_getlabel_flag |= NON_LEAF_NAME;
+ type = __translate_asn_type(vars->type);
+ }
+ __get_label_iid(str_buf,&label,&iid,local_getlabel_flag);
+ if (label) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv(label, strlen(label)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ if (iid) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv(iid, strlen(iid)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ __get_type_str(type, tmp_type_str);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv(tmp_type_str, strlen(tmp_type_str));
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, tmp_sv);
+ len = __snprint_value(str_buf, sizeof(str_buf),
+ vars, tp, type, sprintval_flag);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv((char*)str_buf, len);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, tmp_sv);
+ } /* for */
+ /* Reset the library's behavior for numeric/symbolic OID's. */
+ netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_NUMERIC_OIDS, old_numeric );
+ netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_FULL_OID, old_printfull);
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT, old_format);
+ } /* case SNMP_MSG_RESPONSE */
+ break;
+ default:;
+ } /* switch pdu->command */
+ break;
+ varlist_ref = &sv_undef;
+ break;
+ default:;
+ } /* switch op */
+ if (cb_data != ss->callback_magic)
+ sv_2mortal(cb);
+ cb = __push_cb_args2(cb,
+ (SvTRUE(varlist_ref) ? sv_2mortal(varlist_ref):varlist_ref),
+ (SvTRUE(traplist_ref) ? sv_2mortal(traplist_ref):traplist_ref));
+ __call_callback(cb, G_DISCARD);
+ if (cb_data != ss->callback_magic)
+ sv_2mortal(sess_ref);
+ return 1;
+static SV *
+SV *sv;
+SV *esv;
+SV *tsv;
+ dSP;
+ if (SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) != SVt_PVCV) sv = SvRV(sv);
+ if (SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVAV) {
+ AV *av = (AV *) sv;
+ int n = av_len(av) + 1;
+ SV **x = av_fetch(av, 0, 0);
+ if (x) {
+ int i = 1;
+ sv = *x;
+ for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ x = av_fetch(av, i, 0);
+ if (x) {
+ SV *arg = *x;
+ XPUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(arg));
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ sv = &sv_undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if (esv) XPUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(esv));
+ if (tsv) XPUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(tsv));
+ return sv;
+static int
+__call_callback(sv, flags)
+SV *sv;
+int flags;
+ I32 myframe = TOPMARK;
+ I32 count;
+ if (SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_PVCV)
+ {
+ count = perl_call_sv(sv, flags);
+ }
+ else if (SvROK(sv) && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVCV)
+ {
+ count = perl_call_sv(SvRV(sv), flags);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SV **top = stack_base + myframe + 1;
+ SV *obj = *top;
+ if (SvPOK(sv) && SvROK(obj) && SvOBJECT(SvRV(obj)))
+ {
+ count = perl_call_method(SvPV(sv, na), flags);
+ }
+ else if (SvPOK(obj) && SvROK(sv) && SvOBJECT(SvRV(sv)))
+ {
+ /* We have obj method ...
+ Used to be used instead of LangMethodCall()
+ */
+ *top = sv;
+ count = perl_call_method(SvPV(obj, na), flags);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ count = perl_call_sv(sv, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+/* Bulkwalk support routines */
+/* Add a context pointer to the list of valid pointers. Place it in the first
+** NULL slot in the array.
+static int
+_context_add(walk_context *context)
+ int i, j, new_sz;
+ if ((i = _context_okay(context)) != 0) /* Already exists? Okay. */
+ return i;
+ /* Initialize the array if necessary. */
+ if (_valid_contexts == NULL) {
+ /* Create the _valid_contexts structure. */
+ Newz(0, _valid_contexts, 1, struct valid_contexts);
+ assert(_valid_contexts != NULL);
+ /* Populate the original valid contexts array. */
+ Newz(0, _valid_contexts->valid, 4, walk_context *);
+ assert(_valid_contexts->valid != NULL);
+ /* Computer number of slots in the array. */
+ _valid_contexts->sz_valid = sizeof(*_valid_contexts->valid) /
+ sizeof(walk_context *);
+ for (i = 0; i < _valid_contexts->sz_valid; i++)
+ _valid_contexts->valid[i] = NULL;
+ DBPRT(3, (DBOUT "Created valid_context array 0x%p (%d slots)\n",
+ _valid_contexts->valid, _valid_contexts->sz_valid));
+ }
+ /* Search through the list, looking for NULL's -- unused slots. */
+ for (i = 0; i < _valid_contexts->sz_valid; i++)
+ if (_valid_contexts->valid[i] == NULL)
+ break;
+ /* Did we walk off the end of the list? Need to grow the list. Double
+ ** it for now.
+ */
+ if (i == _valid_contexts->sz_valid) {
+ new_sz = _valid_contexts->sz_valid * 2;
+ Renew(_valid_contexts->valid, new_sz, walk_context *);
+ assert(_valid_contexts->valid != NULL);
+ DBPRT(3, (DBOUT "Resized valid_context array 0x%p from %d to %d slots\n",
+ _valid_contexts->valid, _valid_contexts->sz_valid, new_sz));
+ _valid_contexts->sz_valid = new_sz;
+ /* Initialize the new half of the resized array. */
+ for (j = i; j < new_sz; j++)
+ _valid_contexts->valid[j] = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Store the context pointer in the array and return 0 (success). */
+ _valid_contexts->valid[i] = context;
+ DBPRT(3,(DBOUT "Add context 0x%p to valid context list\n", context));
+ return 0;
+/* Remove a context pointer from the valid list. Replace the pointer with
+** NULL in the valid pointer list.
+static int
+_context_del(walk_context *context)
+ int i;
+ if (_valid_contexts == NULL) /* Make sure it was initialized. */
+ return 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < _valid_contexts->sz_valid; i++) {
+ if (_valid_contexts->valid[i] == context) {
+ DBPRT(3,(DBOUT "Remove context 0x%p from valid context list\n", context));
+ _valid_contexts->valid[i] = NULL; /* Remove it from the list. */
+ return 0; /* Return successful status. */
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Check if a specific context pointer is in the valid list. Return true (1)
+** if the context is still in the valid list, or 0 if not (or context is NULL).
+static int
+_context_okay(walk_context *context)
+ int i;
+ if (_valid_contexts == NULL) /* Make sure it was initialized. */
+ return 0;
+ if (context == NULL) /* Asked about a NULL context? Fail. */
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < _valid_contexts->sz_valid; i++)
+ if (_valid_contexts->valid[i] == context)
+ return 1; /* Found it! */
+ return 0; /* No match -- return failure. */
+/* Check if the walk is completed, based upon the context. Also set the
+** ignore flag on any completed variables -- this prevents them from being
+** being sent in later packets.
+static int
+_bulkwalk_done(walk_context *context)
+ int is_done = 1;
+ int i;
+ bulktbl *bt_entry; /* bulktbl requested OID entry */
+ /* Don't consider walk done until at least one packet has been exchanged. */
+ if (context->pkts_exch == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Fix up any requests that have completed. If the complete flag is set,
+ ** or it is a non-repeater OID, set the ignore flag so that it will not
+ ** be considered further. Assume we are done with the walk, and note
+ ** otherwise if we aren't. Return 1 if all requests are complete, or 0
+ ** if there's more to do.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < context->nreq_oids; i ++) {
+ bt_entry = &context->req_oids[i];
+ if (bt_entry->complete || bt_entry->norepeat) {
+ /* This request is complete. Remove it from list of
+ ** walks still in progress.
+ */
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "Ignoring %s request oid %s\n",
+ bt_entry->norepeat? "nonrepeater" : "completed",
+ __snprint_oid(bt_entry->req_oid, bt_entry->req_len)));
+ /* Ignore this OID in any further packets. */
+ bt_entry->ignore = 1;
+ }
+ /* If any OID is not being ignored, the walk is not done. Must loop
+ ** through all requests to do the fixup -- no early return possible.
+ */
+ if (!bt_entry->ignore)
+ is_done = 0;
+ }
+ return is_done; /* Did the walk complete? */
+/* Callback registered with SNMP. Return 1 from this callback to cause the
+** current request to be deleted from the retransmit queue.
+static int
+_bulkwalk_async_cb(int op,
+ SnmpSession *ss,
+ int reqid,
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu,
+ void *context_ptr)
+ walk_context *context;
+ int done = 0;
+ int npushed;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ /* Handle callback request for asynchronous bulkwalk. If the bulkwalk has
+ ** not completed, and has not timed out, send the next request packet in
+ ** the walk.
+ **
+ ** Return 0 to indicate success (caller ignores return value).
+ */
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT "bulkwalk_async_cb(op %d, reqid 0x%08X, context 0x%p)\n",
+ op, reqid, context_ptr));
+ context = (walk_context *)context_ptr;
+ /* Make certain this is a valid context pointer. This pdu may
+ ** have been retransmitted after the bulkwalk was completed
+ ** (and the context was destroyed). If so, just return.
+ */
+ if (!_context_okay(context)) {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "Ignoring PDU for dead context 0x%p...\n", context));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Is this a retransmission of a request we've already seen or some
+ ** unexpected request id? If so, just ignore it.
+ */
+ if (reqid != context->exp_reqid) {
+ DBPRT(2,
+ (DBOUT "Got reqid 0x%08X, expected reqid 0x%08X. Ignoring...\n", reqid,
+ context->exp_reqid));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Ignore any future packets for this reqid. */
+ context->exp_reqid = -1;
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ switch (op) {
+ {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Received message for reqid 0x%08X ...\n", reqid));
+ switch (pdu->command)
+ {
+ {
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT "Calling bulkwalk_recv_pdu(context 0x%p, pdu 0x%p)\n",
+ context_ptr, pdu));
+ /* Handle the response PDU. If an error occurs or there were
+ ** no variables in the response, consider the walk done. If
+ ** the response was okay, check if we have any more to do after
+ ** this response.
+ */
+ if (_bulkwalk_recv_pdu(context, pdu) <= 0)
+ done = 1;
+ else
+ done = _bulkwalk_done(context); /* Also set req ignore flags */
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "unexpected pdu->command %d\n", pdu->command));
+ done = 1; /* "This can't happen!", so bail out when it does. */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "\n*** Timeout for reqid 0x%08X\n\n", reqid));
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_TIMEOUT));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_TIMEOUT);
+ /* Timeout means something bad has happened. Return a not-okay
+ ** result to the async callback.
+ */
+ npushed = _bulkwalk_finish(context, 0 /* NOT OKAY */);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "unexpected callback op %d\n", op));
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_GENERR));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_GENERR);
+ npushed = _bulkwalk_finish(context, 0 /* NOT OKAY */);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We have either timed out, or received and parsed in a response. Now,
+ ** if we have more variables to test, call bulkwalk_send_pdu() to enqueue
+ ** another async packet, and return.
+ **
+ ** If, however, the bulkwalk has completed (or an error has occurred that
+ ** cuts the walk short), call bulkwalk_finish() to push the results onto
+ ** the Perl call stack. Then explicitly call the Perl callback that was
+ ** passed in by the user oh-so-long-ago.
+ */
+ if (!done) {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "bulkwalk not complete -- send next pdu from callback\n"));
+ if (_bulkwalk_send_pdu(context) != NULL)
+ return 1;
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "send_pdu() failed!\n"));
+ /* Fall through and return what we have so far. */
+ }
+ /* Call the perl callback with the return values and we're done. */
+ npushed = _bulkwalk_finish(context, 1 /* OKAY */);
+ return 1;
+static netsnmp_pdu *
+_bulkwalk_send_pdu(walk_context *context)
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu = NULL;
+ netsnmp_pdu *response = NULL;
+ struct bulktbl *bt_entry;
+ int nvars = 0;
+ int reqid;
+ int status;
+ int i;
+ /* Send a pdu requesting any remaining variables in the context.
+ **
+ ** In synchronous mode, returns a pointer to the response packet.
+ **
+ ** In asynchronous mode, it returns the request ID, cast to a struct snmp *,
+ ** not a valid SNMP response packet. The async code should not be trying
+ ** to get variables out of this "response".
+ **
+ ** In either case, return a NULL pointer on error or failure.
+ */
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ netsnmp_session *ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ SV **err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ /* Create a new PDU and send the remaining set of requests to the agent. */
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETBULK);
+ if (pdu == NULL) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "snmp_pdu_create(GETBULK) failed: ");
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp, strerror(errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_MALLOC);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Request non-repeater variables only in the first packet exchange. */
+ pdu->errstat = (context->pkts_exch == 0) ? context->non_reps : 0;
+ pdu->errindex = context->max_reps;
+ for (i = 0; i < context->nreq_oids; i++) {
+ bt_entry = &context->req_oids[i];
+ if (bt_entry->ignore)
+ continue;
+ assert(bt_entry->complete == 0);
+ if (!snmp_add_null_var(pdu, bt_entry->last_oid, bt_entry->last_len)) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "snmp_add_null_var() failed");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_GENERR);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, i);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ nvars ++;
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT " Add %srepeater %s\n", bt_entry->norepeat ? "non" : "",
+ __snprint_oid(bt_entry->last_oid, bt_entry->last_len)));
+ }
+ /* Make sure variables are actually being requested in the packet. */
+ assert (nvars != 0);
+ context->pkts_exch ++;
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "Sending %ssynchronous request %d...\n",
+ SvTRUE(context->perl_cb) ? "a" : "", context->pkts_exch));
+ /* We handle the asynchronous and synchronous requests differently here.
+ ** For async, we simply enqueue the packet with a callback to handle the
+ ** returned response, then return. Note that this we call the bulkwalk
+ ** callback, and hand it the walk_context, not the Perl callback. The
+ ** snmp_async_send() function returns the reqid on success, 0 on failure.
+ */
+ if (SvTRUE(context->perl_cb)) {
+ reqid = snmp_async_send(ss, pdu, _bulkwalk_async_cb, (void *)context);
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "bulkwalk_send_pdu(): snmp_async_send => 0x%08X\n", reqid));
+ if (reqid == 0) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Make a note of the request we expect to be answered. */
+ context->exp_reqid = reqid;
+ /* Callbacks take care of the rest. Let the caller know how many vars
+ ** we sent in this request. Note that this is not a valid SNMP PDU,
+ ** but that's because a response has not yet been received.
+ */
+ return (netsnmp_pdu *)(intptr_t)reqid;
+ }
+ /* This code is for synchronous mode support.
+ **
+ ** Send the PDU and block awaiting the response. Return the response
+ ** packet back to the caller. Note that snmp_sess_read() frees the pdu.
+ */
+ status = __send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, &response, NO_RETRY_NOSUCH,
+ *err_str_svp, *err_num_svp, *err_ind_svp);
+ pdu = NULL;
+ /* Check for a failed request. __send_sync_pdu() will set the appropriate
+ ** values in the error string and number SV's.
+ */
+ if (status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "__send_sync_pdu() -> %d\n",(int)status));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "%d packets exchanged, response 0x%p\n", context->pkts_exch,
+ response));
+ return response;
+ err:
+ if (pdu)
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ return NULL;
+/* Handle an incoming GETBULK response PDU. This function just pulls the
+** variables off of the PDU and builds up the arrays of returned values
+** that are stored in the context.
+** Returns the number of variables found in this packet, or -1 on error.
+** Note that the caller is expected to free the pdu.
+static int
+_bulkwalk_recv_pdu(walk_context *context, netsnmp_pdu *pdu)
+ netsnmp_variable_list *vars;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ char type_str[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE], *str_bufp = str_buf;
+ size_t str_buf_len = sizeof(str_buf);
+ size_t out_len = 0;
+ int buf_over = 0;
+ char *label;
+ char *iid;
+ bulktbl *expect = NULL;
+ int old_numeric;
+ int old_printfull;
+ int old_format;
+ int getlabel_flag;
+ int type;
+ int pix;
+ int len;
+ int i;
+ AV *varbind;
+ SV *rv;
+ DBDCL(SV**sess_ptr_sv=hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref),"SessPtr",7,1);)
+ SV **err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ int check = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "NonIncreasing",13,1));
+ DBPRT(3, (DBOUT "bulkwalk: sess_ref = 0x%p, sess_ptr_sv = 0x%p\n",
+ context->sess_ref, sess_ptr_sv));
+ /* Set up for numeric OID's, if necessary. Save the old values
+ ** so that they can be restored when we finish -- these are
+ ** library-wide globals, and have to be set/restored for each
+ ** session.
+ */
+ old_numeric = netsnmp_ds_get_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_NUMERIC_OIDS);
+ old_printfull = netsnmp_ds_get_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_FULL_OID);
+ old_format = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT);
+ if (context->getlabel_f & USE_NUMERIC_OIDS) {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "Using numeric oid's\n"));
+ }
+ /* Parse through the list of variables returned, adding each return to
+ ** the appropriate array (as a VarBind). Also keep track of which
+ ** repeated OID we're expecting to see, and check if that tree walk has
+ ** been completed (i.e. we've walked past the root of our request). If
+ ** so, mark the request complete so that we don't send it again in any
+ ** subsequent request packets.
+ */
+ if (context->pkts_exch == 1)
+ context->reqbase = context->req_oids; /* Request with non-repeaters */
+ else
+ context->reqbase = context->repbase; /* Request only repeater vars */
+ /* Note the first variable we expect to see. Should be reqbase. */
+ expect = context->reqbase;
+ for (vars = pdu->variables, pix = 0;
+ vars != NULL;
+ vars = vars->next_variable, pix ++)
+ {
+ /* If no outstanding requests remain, we're done. This works, but it
+ ** causes the reported total variable count to be wrong (since the
+ ** remaining vars on the last packet are not counted). In practice
+ ** this is probably worth the win, but for debugging it's not.
+ */
+ if (context->req_remain == 0) {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "No outstanding requests remain. Terminating processing.\n"));
+ while (vars) {
+ pix ++;
+ vars = vars->next_variable;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Determine which OID we expect to see next. We assert that the OID's
+ ** must be returned in the expected order. The first nreq_oids returns
+ ** should match the req_oids array, after that, we must cycle through
+ ** the repeaters in order. Non-repeaters are not included in later
+ ** packets, so cannot have the "ignore" flag set.
+ */
+ if (context->oid_saved < context->non_reps) {
+ assert(context->pkts_exch == 1);
+ expect = context->reqbase ++;
+ assert(expect->norepeat);
+ } else {
+ /* Must be a repeater. Look for the first one that is not being
+ ** ignored. Make sure we don't loop around to where we started.
+ ** If we get here but everything is being ignored, there's a problem.
+ **
+ ** Note that we *do* accept completed but not ignored OID's -- these
+ ** are OID's for trees that have been completed sometime in this
+ ** response, but must be looked at to maintain ordering.
+ */
+ /* In previous version we started from 1st repeater any time when
+ ** pix == 0. But if 1st repeater is ignored we can get wrong results,
+ ** because it was not included in 2nd and later request. So we set
+ ** expect to repbase-1 and then search for 1st non-ignored repeater.
+ ** repbase-1 is nessessary because we're starting search in loop below
+ ** from ++expect and it will be exactly repbase on 1st search pass.
+ */
+ if (pix == 0)
+ expect = context->repbase - 1;
+ /* Find the repeater OID we expect to see. Ignore any
+ ** OID's marked 'ignore' -- these have been completed
+ ** and were not requested in this iteration.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < context->repeaters; i++) {
+ /* Loop around to first repeater if we hit the end. */
+ if (++ expect == &context->req_oids[context->nreq_oids])
+ expect = context->reqbase = context->repbase;
+ /* Stop if this OID is not being ignored. */
+ if (!expect->ignore)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT "Var %03d request %s\n", pix,
+ __snprint_oid(expect->req_oid, expect->req_len)));
+ /* Did we receive an error condition for this variable?
+ ** If it's a repeated variable, mark it as complete and
+ ** fall through to the block below.
+ */
+ if ((vars->type == SNMP_ENDOFMIBVIEW) ||
+ (vars->type == SNMP_NOSUCHOBJECT) ||
+ (vars->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE))
+ {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "error type %d\n", (int)vars->type));
+ /* ENDOFMIBVIEW should be okay for a repeater - just walked off the
+ ** end of the tree. Mark the request as complete, and go on to the
+ ** next one.
+ */
+ if ((context->oid_saved >= context->non_reps) &&
+ (vars->type == SNMP_ENDOFMIBVIEW))
+ {
+ expect->complete = 1;
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT "Ran out of tree for oid %s\n",
+ __snprint_oid(vars->name,vars->name_length)));
+ context->req_remain --;
+ /* Go on to the next variable. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, pix);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* If this is not the first packet, skip any duplicated OID values, if
+ ** present. These should be the seed values copied from the last OID's
+ ** of the previous packet. In practice we don't see this, but it is
+ ** easy enough to do, and will avoid confusion for the caller from mis-
+ ** behaving agents (badly misbehaving... ;^).
+ */
+ if ((context->pkts_exch > 1) && (pix < context->repeaters)) {
+ if (__oid_cmp(vars->name, vars->name_length,
+ context->reqbase[pix].last_oid,
+ context->reqbase[pix].last_len) <= 0)
+ {
+ if (check)
+ {
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT "Error: OID not increasing: %s\n",
+ __snprint_oid(vars->name,vars->name_length)));
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_OID_NONINCREASING));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_OID_NONINCREASING);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, pix);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT "Ignoring repeat oid: %s\n",
+ __snprint_oid(vars->name,vars->name_length)));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ context->oid_total ++; /* Count each variable received. */
+ /* If this is a non-repeater, handle it. Otherwise, if it is a
+ ** repeater, has the walk wandered off of the requested tree? If so,
+ ** this request is complete, so mark it as such. Ignore any other
+ ** variables in a completed request. In order to maintain the correct
+ ** ordering of which variables we expect to see in this packet, we must
+ ** not set the ignore flags immediately. It is done in bulkwalk_done().
+ ** XXX Can we use 'expect' instead of 'context->req_oids[pix]'?
+ */
+ if (context->oid_saved < context->non_reps) {
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT " expected var %s (nonrepeater %d/%d)\n",
+ __snprint_oid(context->req_oids[pix].req_oid,
+ context->req_oids[pix].req_len),
+ pix, context->non_reps));
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT " received var %s\n",
+ __snprint_oid(vars->name, vars->name_length)));
+ /* This non-repeater has now been seen, so mark the sub-tree as
+ ** completed. Note that this may not be the same oid as requested,
+ ** since non-repeaters act like GETNEXT requests, not GET's. <sigh>
+ */
+ context->req_oids[pix].complete = 1;
+ context->req_remain --;
+ } else { /* Must be a repeater variable. */
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT " received oid %s\n",
+ __snprint_oid(vars->name, vars->name_length)));
+ /* Are we already done with this tree? If so, just ignore this
+ ** variable and move on to the next expected variable.
+ */
+ if (expect->complete) {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT " this branch is complete - ignoring.\n"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* If the base oid of this variable doesn't match the expected oid,
+ ** assume that we've walked past the end of the subtree. Set this
+ ** subtree to be completed, and go on to the next variable.
+ */
+ if ((vars->name_length < expect->req_len) ||
+ (memcmp(vars->name, expect->req_oid, expect->req_len*sizeof(oid))))
+ {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT " walked off branch - marking subtree as complete.\n"));
+ expect->complete = 1;
+ context->req_remain --;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Still interested in the tree -- we need to keep track of the
+ ** last-seen value in case we need to send an additional request
+ ** packet.
+ */
+ (void)memcpy(expect->last_oid, vars->name,
+ vars->name_length * sizeof(oid));
+ expect->last_len = vars->name_length;
+ }
+ /* Create a new Varbind and populate it with the parsed information
+ ** returned by the agent. This Varbind is then pushed onto the arrays
+ ** maintained for each request OID in the context. These varbinds are
+ ** collected into a return array by bulkwalk_finish().
+ */
+ varbind = (AV*) newAV();
+ if (varbind == NULL) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "newAV() failed: ");
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp, (char*)strerror(errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_MALLOC);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ *str_buf = '.';
+ *(str_buf+1) = '\0';
+ out_len = 0;
+ tp = netsnmp_sprint_realloc_objid_tree((u_char**)&str_bufp, &str_buf_len,
+ &out_len, 0, &buf_over,
+ vars->name,vars->name_length);
+ str_buf[sizeof(str_buf)-1] = '\0';
+ getlabel_flag = context->getlabel_f;
+ if (__is_leaf(tp)) {
+ type = tp->type;
+ } else {
+ getlabel_flag |= NON_LEAF_NAME;
+ type = __translate_asn_type(vars->type);
+ }
+ if (__get_label_iid(str_buf, &label, &iid, getlabel_flag) == FAILURE) {
+ label = str_buf;
+ iid = label + strlen(label);
+ }
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT " save var %s.%s = ", label, iid));
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, newSVpv(label, strlen(label)));
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F, newSVpv(iid, strlen(iid)));
+ __get_type_str(type, type_str);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, newSVpv(type_str, strlen(type_str)));
+ len=__snprint_value(str_buf, sizeof(str_buf),
+ vars, tp, type, context->sprintval_f);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, newSVpv(str_buf, len));
+ str_buf[len] = '\0';
+ DBPRT(3,(DBOUT "'%s' (%s)\n", str_buf, type_str));
+#if 0
+ /* huh? */
+ /* If necessary, store a timestamp as the semi-documented 5th element. */
+ if (sv_timestamp)
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TIME_F, SvREFCNT_inc(sv_timestamp));
+ /* Push ref to the varbind onto the list of vars for OID. */
+ rv = newRV_noinc((SV *)varbind);
+ sv_bless(rv, gv_stashpv("SNMP::Varbind", 0));
+ av_push(expect->vars, rv);
+ context->oid_saved ++; /* Count this as a saved variable. */
+ } /* next variable in response packet */
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "-- pkt %d saw %d vars, total %d (%d saved)\n", context->pkts_exch,
+ pix, context->oid_total, context->oid_saved));
+ /* We assert that all non-repeaters must be returned in
+ ** the initial response (they are not repeated in additional
+ ** packets, so would be dropped). If nonrepeaters still
+ ** exist, consider it a fatal error.
+ */
+ if ((context->pkts_exch == 1) && (context->oid_saved < context->non_reps)) {
+ /* Re-use space from the value string for error message. */
+ sprintf(str_buf, "%d non-repeaters went unanswered", context->non_reps);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, str_buf);
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_GENERR);
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, context->oid_saved);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Reset the library's behavior for numeric/symbolic OID's. */
+ if (context->getlabel_f & USE_NUMERIC_OIDS) {
+ netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_NUMERIC_OIDS, old_numeric);
+ netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PRINT_FULL_OID, old_printfull);
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT, old_format);
+ }
+ return pix;
+ err:
+ return -1;
+/* Once the bulkwalk has completed, extend the stack and push references to
+** each of the arrays of SNMP::Varbind's onto the stack. Return the number
+** of arrays pushed on the stack. The caller should return to Perl, or call
+** the Perl callback function.
+** Note that this function free()'s the walk_context and request bulktbl's.
+static int
+_bulkwalk_finish(walk_context *context, int okay)
+ dSP;
+ int npushed = 0;
+ int i;
+ int async = 0;
+ bulktbl *bt_entry;
+ AV *ary = NULL;
+ SV *rv;
+ SV *perl_cb;
+ SV **err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ SV **err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(context->sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ async = SvTRUE(context->perl_cb);
+ /* XXX
+ _bulkwalk_finish() was originally intended to be called from XS code, and
+ would extend the caller's stack with result. Later it was changed into
+ an asynchronous version that calls perl code instead. These two branches
+ differ significantly in how they treat perl stack. Due to these differences,
+ often implicit (f.ex. dMARK calls POPMARK ), it would be a good idea
+ to write two different procedures, _bulkwalk_finish_sync and _bulkwalk_finish_async
+ for cleaner separation. */
+ if (async) PUSHMARK(sp);
+ {
+#ifdef dITEMS
+ dMARK;
+ /* unfortunately this may pop a mark, which is not what we want */
+ /* older perl versions don't declare dITEMS though and the
+ following declars it but also uses dAXMARK instead of dMARK
+ which is the bad popping version */
+ dMARK;
+ /* err... This is essentially what the newer dITEMS does */
+ I32 items = sp - mark;
+ /* Successfully completed the bulkwalk. For synchronous calls, push each
+ ** of the request value arrays onto the stack, and return the number of
+ ** items pushed onto the stack. For async, create a new array and push
+ ** the references onto it. The array is then passed to the Perl callback.
+ */
+ if(!async)
+ SP -= items;
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "Bulwalk %s (saved %d/%d), ", okay ? "completed" : "had error",
+ context->oid_saved, context->oid_total));
+ if (okay) {
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "%s %d varbind refs %s\n",
+ async ? "pass ref to array of" : "return",
+ context->nreq_oids,
+ async ? "to callback" : "on stack to caller"));
+ /* Create the array to hold the responses for the asynchronous callback,
+ ** or pre-extend the stack enough to hold responses for synch return.
+ */
+ if (async) {
+ ary = (AV *)newAV();
+ if (ary == NULL) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "newAV(): ");
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp, (char *)strerror(errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, errno);
+ }
+ /* NULL ary pointer is okay -- we'll handle it below... */
+ } else {
+ EXTEND(sp, context->nreq_oids);
+ }
+ /* Push a reference to each array of varbinds onto the stack, in
+ ** the order requested. Note that these arrays may be empty.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < context->nreq_oids; i++) {
+ bt_entry = &context->req_oids[i];
+ DBPRT(2, (DBOUT " %sreq #%d (%s) => %d var%s\n",
+ bt_entry->complete ? "" : "incomplete ", i,
+ __snprint_oid(bt_entry->req_oid, bt_entry->req_len),
+ (int)av_len(bt_entry->vars) + 1,
+ (int)av_len(bt_entry->vars) > 0 ? "s" : ""));
+ if (async && ary == NULL) {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT " [dropped due to newAV() failure]\n"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Get a reference to the varlist, and push it onto array or stack */
+ rv = newRV_noinc((SV *)bt_entry->vars);
+ sv_bless(rv, gv_stashpv("SNMP::VarList",0));
+ if (async)
+ av_push(ary, rv);
+ else
+ PUSHs(sv_2mortal((SV *)rv));
+ npushed ++;
+ }
+ } else { /* Not okay -- push a single undef on the stack if not async */
+ if (!async) {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ npushed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* XXX Future enhancement -- make statistics (pkts exchanged, vars
+ ** saved vs. received, total time, etc) available to caller so they
+ ** can adjust their request parameters and/or re-order requests.
+ */
+ if(!async)
+ SP -= items;
+ if (async) {
+ /* Asynchronous callback. Push the caller's arglist onto the stack,
+ ** and follow it with the contents of the array (or undef if newAV()
+ ** failed or the session had an error). Then mortalize the Perl
+ ** callback pointer, and call the callback.
+ */
+ if (!okay || ary == NULL)
+ rv = &sv_undef;
+ else
+ rv = newRV_noinc((SV *)ary);
+ sv_2mortal(perl_cb = context->perl_cb);
+ perl_cb = __push_cb_args(perl_cb, (SvTRUE(rv) ? sv_2mortal(rv) : rv));
+ __call_callback(perl_cb, G_DISCARD);
+ }
+ sv_2mortal(context->sess_ref);
+ /* Free the allocated space for the request states and return number of
+ ** variables found. Remove the context from the valid context list.
+ */
+ _context_del(context);
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "Free() context->req_oids\n"));
+ Safefree(context->req_oids);
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "Free() context 0x%p\n", context));
+ Safefree(context);
+ return npushed;
+/* End of bulkwalk support routines */
+static char *
+__av_elem_pv(AV *av, I32 key, char *dflt)
+ SV **elem = av_fetch(av, key, 0);
+ return (elem && SvOK(*elem)) ? SvPV(*elem, na) : dflt;
+static int
+char *s;
+ warn("%s not implemented on this architecture", s);
+ return -1;
+static double
+constant(name, arg)
+char *name;
+int arg;
+ errno = 0;
+ switch (*name) {
+ case 'R':
+ goto not_there;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMPERR_BAD_ADDRESS"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMPERR_BAD_LOCPORT"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMPERR_BAD_SESSION"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMPERR_GENERR"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMPERR_TOO_LONG"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_ADDRESS"))
+ goto not_there;
+ goto not_there;
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_ERRINDEX"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_ERRSTAT"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_PEERNAME"))
+ return 0;
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_REMPORT"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_REQID"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_TIME"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT"))
+ goto not_there;
+ if (strEQ(name, "SNMP_DEFAULT_VERSION"))
+ goto not_there;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ goto not_there;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ goto not_there;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+ not_here(name);
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return 0;
+ char * name
+ int arg
+ RETVAL = get_uptime();
+ char *appname
+ __libraries_init(appname);
+SnmpSession *
+snmp_new_session(version, community, peer, lport, retries, timeout)
+ char * version
+ char * community
+ char * peer
+ int lport
+ int retries
+ int timeout
+ {
+ SnmpSession session = {0};
+ SnmpSession *ss = NULL;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ __libraries_init("perl");
+ session.version = -1;
+ if (!strcmp(version, "1")) {
+ session.version = SNMP_VERSION_1;
+ }
+ if ((!strcmp(version, "2")) || (!strcmp(version, "2c"))) {
+ session.version = SNMP_VERSION_2c;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(version, "3")) {
+ session.version = SNMP_VERSION_3;
+ }
+ if (session.version == -1) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:snmp_new_session:Unsupported SNMP version (%s)\n", version);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ session.community_len = strlen((char *)community);
+ = (u_char *)community;
+ session.peername = peer;
+ session.local_port = lport;
+ session.retries = retries; /* 5 */
+ session.timeout = timeout; /* 1000000L */
+ session.authenticator = NULL;
+ ss = snmp_open(&session);
+ if (ss == NULL) {
+ if (verbose) warn("error:snmp_new_session: Couldn't open SNMP session");
+ }
+ end:
+ RETVAL = ss;
+ }
+SnmpSession *
+snmp_new_v3_session(version, peer, retries, timeout, sec_name, sec_level, sec_eng_id, context_eng_id, context, auth_proto, auth_pass, priv_proto, priv_pass, eng_boots, eng_time, auth_master_key, auth_master_key_len, priv_master_key, priv_master_key_len, auth_localized_key, auth_localized_key_len, priv_localized_key, priv_localized_key_len)
+ int version
+ char * peer
+ int retries
+ int timeout
+ char * sec_name
+ int sec_level
+ char * sec_eng_id
+ char * context_eng_id
+ char * context
+ char * auth_proto
+ char * auth_pass
+ char * priv_proto
+ char * priv_pass
+ int eng_boots
+ int eng_time
+ char * auth_master_key
+ size_t auth_master_key_len
+ char * priv_master_key
+ size_t priv_master_key_len
+ char * auth_localized_key
+ size_t auth_localized_key_len
+ char * priv_localized_key
+ size_t priv_localized_key_len
+ {
+ SnmpSession session = {0};
+ SnmpSession *ss = NULL;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ __libraries_init("perl");
+ if (version == 3) {
+ session.version = SNMP_VERSION_3;
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:snmp_new_v3_session:Unsupported SNMP version (%d)\n", version);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ session.peername = strdup(peer);
+ session.retries = retries; /* 5 */
+ session.timeout = timeout; /* 1000000L */
+ session.authenticator = NULL;
+ session.contextNameLen = strlen(context);
+ session.contextName = context;
+ session.securityNameLen = strlen(sec_name);
+ session.securityName = sec_name;
+ session.securityLevel = sec_level;
+ session.securityModel = USM_SEC_MODEL_NUMBER;
+ session.securityEngineIDLen =
+ hex_to_binary2((u_char*)sec_eng_id, strlen(sec_eng_id),
+ (char **) &session.securityEngineID);
+ session.contextEngineIDLen =
+ hex_to_binary2((u_char*)context_eng_id, strlen(context_eng_id),
+ (char **) &session.contextEngineID);
+ session.engineBoots = eng_boots;
+ session.engineTime = eng_time;
+ if (!strcmp(auth_proto, "MD5")) {
+ session.securityAuthProto =
+ snmp_duplicate_objid(usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol,
+ session.securityAuthProtoLen = USM_AUTH_PROTO_MD5_LEN;
+ } else
+ if (!strcmp(auth_proto, "SHA")) {
+ session.securityAuthProto =
+ snmp_duplicate_objid(usmHMACSHA1AuthProtocol,
+ session.securityAuthProtoLen = USM_AUTH_PROTO_SHA_LEN;
+ } else if (!strcmp(auth_proto, "DEFAULT")) {
+ const oid *theoid =
+ get_default_authtype(&session.securityAuthProtoLen);
+ session.securityAuthProto =
+ snmp_duplicate_objid(theoid, session.securityAuthProtoLen);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:snmp_new_v3_session:Unsupported authentication protocol(%s)\n", auth_proto);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (session.securityLevel >= SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV) {
+ if (auth_localized_key_len) {
+ memdup(&session.securityAuthLocalKey,
+ (u_char*)auth_localized_key,
+ auth_localized_key_len);
+ session.securityAuthLocalKeyLen = auth_localized_key_len;
+ } else if (auth_master_key_len) {
+ session.securityAuthKeyLen =
+ SNMP_MIN(auth_master_key_len,
+ sizeof(session.securityAuthKey));
+ memcpy(session.securityAuthKey, auth_master_key,
+ session.securityAuthKeyLen);
+ } else {
+ if (strlen(auth_pass) > 0) {
+ session.securityAuthKeyLen = USM_AUTH_KU_LEN;
+ if (generate_Ku(session.securityAuthProto,
+ session.securityAuthProtoLen,
+ (u_char *)auth_pass, strlen(auth_pass),
+ session.securityAuthKey,
+ &session.securityAuthKeyLen) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:snmp_new_v3_session:Error generating Ku from authentication password.\n");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(priv_proto, "DES")) {
+ session.securityPrivProto =
+ snmp_duplicate_objid(usmDESPrivProtocol,
+ session.securityPrivProtoLen = USM_PRIV_PROTO_DES_LEN;
+ } else
+ if (!strncmp(priv_proto, "AES", 3)) {
+ session.securityPrivProto =
+ snmp_duplicate_objid(usmAESPrivProtocol,
+ session.securityPrivProtoLen = USM_PRIV_PROTO_AES_LEN;
+ } else if (!strcmp(priv_proto, "DEFAULT")) {
+ const oid *theoid =
+ get_default_privtype(&session.securityPrivProtoLen);
+ session.securityPrivProto =
+ snmp_duplicate_objid(theoid, session.securityPrivProtoLen);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:snmp_new_v3_session:Unsupported privacy protocol(%s)\n", priv_proto);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (session.securityLevel >= SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV) {
+ if (priv_localized_key_len) {
+ memdup(&session.securityPrivLocalKey,
+ (u_char*)priv_localized_key,
+ priv_localized_key_len);
+ session.securityPrivLocalKeyLen = priv_localized_key_len;
+ } else if (priv_master_key_len) {
+ session.securityPrivKeyLen =
+ SNMP_MIN(auth_master_key_len,
+ sizeof(session.securityPrivKey));
+ memcpy(session.securityPrivKey, priv_master_key,
+ session.securityPrivKeyLen);
+ } else {
+ session.securityPrivKeyLen = USM_PRIV_KU_LEN;
+ if (generate_Ku(session.securityAuthProto,
+ session.securityAuthProtoLen,
+ (u_char *)priv_pass, strlen(priv_pass),
+ session.securityPrivKey,
+ &session.securityPrivKeyLen) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:snmp_new_v3_session:Error generating Ku from privacy pass phrase.\n");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ss = snmp_open(&session);
+ if (ss == NULL) {
+ if (verbose) warn("error:snmp_new_v3_session:Couldn't open SNMP session");
+ }
+ end:
+ RETVAL = ss;
+ free (session.contextEngineID);
+ }
+SnmpSession *
+snmp_update_session(sess_ref, version, community, peer, lport, retries, timeout)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ char * version
+ char * community
+ char * peer
+ int lport
+ int retries
+ int timeout
+ {
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SnmpSession *ss;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ if (!ss) goto update_end;
+ ss->version = -1;
+ if (!strcmp(version, "1")) {
+ ss->version = SNMP_VERSION_1;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(version, "2") || !strcmp(version, "2c")) {
+ ss->version = SNMP_VERSION_2c;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(version, "3")) {
+ ss->version = SNMP_VERSION_3;
+ }
+ if (ss->version == -1) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("snmp_update_session: Unsupported SNMP version (%s)\n", version);
+ goto update_end;
+ }
+ /* WARNING LEAKAGE but I cant free lib memory under win32 */
+ ss->community_len = strlen((char *)community);
+ ss->community = (u_char *)strdup(community);
+ ss->peername = strdup(peer);
+ ss->local_port = lport;
+ ss->retries = retries; /* 5 */
+ ss->timeout = timeout; /* 1000000L */
+ ss->authenticator = NULL;
+ update_end:
+ RETVAL = ss;
+ }
+ char * mib_dir
+ int force
+ {
+ int result = 0; /* Avoid use of uninitialized variable below. */
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ if (mib_dir && *mib_dir) {
+ result = add_mibdir(mib_dir);
+ }
+ if (result) {
+ if (verbose) warn("snmp_add_mib_dir: Added mib dir %s\n", mib_dir);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose) warn("snmp_add_mib_dir: Failed to add %s\n", mib_dir);
+ }
+ RETVAL = (I32)result;
+ }
+ {
+ int notused = 1; notused++;
+ /* this function does nothing */
+ /* it is kept only for backwards compatibility */
+ }
+snmp_read_mib(mib_file, force=0)
+ char * mib_file
+ int force
+ {
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ if ((mib_file == NULL) || (*mib_file == '\0')) {
+ if (get_tree_head() == NULL) {
+ if (verbose) warn("snmp_read_mib: initializing MIB\n");
+ netsnmp_init_mib();
+ if (get_tree_head()) {
+ if (verbose) warn("done\n");
+ } else {
+ if (verbose) warn("failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (verbose) warn("snmp_read_mib: reading MIB: %s\n", mib_file);
+ if (strcmp("ALL",mib_file))
+ read_mib(mib_file);
+ else
+ read_all_mibs();
+ if (get_tree_head()) {
+ if (verbose) warn("done\n");
+ } else {
+ if (verbose) warn("failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ RETVAL = (IV)get_tree_head();
+ }
+ char * module
+ {
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ if (!strcmp(module,"ALL")) {
+ read_all_mibs();
+ } else {
+ read_module(module);
+ }
+ if (get_tree_head()) {
+ if (verbose) warn("Read %s\n", module);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose) warn("Failed reading %s\n", module);
+ }
+ RETVAL = (IV)get_tree_head();
+ }
+snmp_set(sess_ref, varlist_ref, perl_callback)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ SV **varbind_val_f;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ SnmpSession *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu, *response;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ char *tag_pv;
+ snmp_xs_cb_data *xs_cb_data;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int status = 0;
+ int type;
+ int res;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int use_enums;
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ int best_guess;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref) && SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ use_enums = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums",8,1));
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_SET);
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ tag_pv = __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,NULL);
+ tp=__tag2oid(tag_pv,
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, &type, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len==0) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error: set: unknown object ID (%s)",
+ (tag_pv?tag_pv:"<null>"));
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* unknown OID */
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ type = __translate_appl_type(
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, NULL));
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error: set: no type found for object");
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_VAR_TYPE));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_VAR_TYPE);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* unknown OID */
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ varbind_val_f = av_fetch(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, 0);
+ if (type==TYPE_INTEGER && use_enums && tp && tp->enums) {
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) &&
+ !strcmp(ep->label, SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na))) {
+ sv_setiv(*varbind_val_f, ep->value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len,
+ (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na):NULL),
+ (varbind_val_f && SvPOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvCUR(*varbind_val_f):0), type);
+ if (verbose && res == FAILURE)
+ warn("error: set: adding variable/value to PDU");
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ xs_cb_data =
+ (snmp_xs_cb_data*)malloc(sizeof(snmp_xs_cb_data));
+ xs_cb_data->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ xs_cb_data->sess_ref = newRV_inc(SvRV(sess_ref));
+ status = snmp_async_send(ss, pdu, __snmp_xs_cb,
+ (void*)xs_cb_data);
+ if (status != 0) {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status))); /* push the reqid?? */
+ } else {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ status = __send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, &response,
+ *err_str_svp, *err_num_svp,
+ *err_ind_svp);
+ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response);
+ if (status) {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(ZERO_BUT_TRUE,0)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* BUG!!! need to return an error value */
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+snmp_catch(sess_ref, perl_callback)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ netsnmp_session *ss;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ if (SvROK(sess_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ ss->callback = NULL;
+ ss->callback_magic = NULL;
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ snmp_xs_cb_data *xs_cb_data;
+ xs_cb_data =
+ (snmp_xs_cb_data*)malloc(sizeof(snmp_xs_cb_data));
+ xs_cb_data->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ xs_cb_data->sess_ref = newRV_inc(SvRV(sess_ref));
+ # it might be more efficient to pass the varbind_ref to
+ # __snmp_xs_cb as part of perl_callback so it is not freed
+ # and reconstructed for each call
+ ss->callback = __snmp_xs_cb;
+ ss->callback_magic = xs_cb_data;
+ sv_2mortal(newSViv(1));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ sv_2mortal(newSViv(0));
+ done:
+ ;
+ }
+snmp_get(sess_ref, retry_nosuch, varlist_ref, perl_callback)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ int retry_nosuch
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ netsnmp_session *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu, *response;
+ netsnmp_variable_list *vars;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ int len;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ SV *tmp_sv;
+ int type;
+ char tmp_type_str[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ snmp_xs_cb_data *xs_cb_data;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int status;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE], *str_bufp = str_buf;
+ size_t str_buf_len = sizeof(str_buf);
+ size_t out_len = 0;
+ int buf_over = 0;
+ char *label;
+ char *iid;
+ int getlabel_flag = NO_FLAGS;
+ int sprintval_flag = USE_BASIC;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int old_format;
+ SV *sv_timestamp = NULL;
+ int best_guess;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref) && SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1)))
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1)))
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums", 8, 1)))
+ sprintval_flag = USE_ENUMS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseSprintValue", 14, 1)))
+ sprintval_flag = USE_SPRINT_VALUE;
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET);
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ char *tag_pv;
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ tag_pv = __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, ".0");
+ tp = __tag2oid(tag_pv,
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F, NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, NULL, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len) {
+ snmp_add_null_var(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error: get: unknown object ID (%s)",
+ (tag_pv?tag_pv:"<null>"));
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* unknown OID */
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ if (perl_callback && SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ xs_cb_data =
+ (snmp_xs_cb_data*)malloc(sizeof(snmp_xs_cb_data));
+ xs_cb_data->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ xs_cb_data->sess_ref = newSVsv(sess_ref);
+ status = snmp_async_send(ss, pdu, __snmp_xs_cb,
+ (void*)xs_cb_data);
+ if (status != 0) {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status))); /* push the reqid?? */
+ } else {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ status = __send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, &response,
+ retry_nosuch,
+ *err_str_svp, *err_num_svp,
+ *err_ind_svp);
+ /*
+ ** Set up for numeric or full OID's, if necessary. Save the old
+ ** output format so that it can be restored when we finish -- this
+ ** is a library-wide global, and has to be set/restored for each
+ ** session.
+ */
+ old_format = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ /* Setting UseNumeric forces UseLongNames on so check for UseNumeric
+ after UseLongNames (above) to make sure the final outcome of
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ if (SvIOK(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"TimeStamp", 9, 1)) &&
+ SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"TimeStamp", 9, 1)))
+ sv_timestamp = newSViv((IV)time(NULL));
+ for(vars = (response?response->variables:NULL), varlist_ind = 0;
+ vars && (varlist_ind <= varlist_len);
+ vars = vars->next_variable, varlist_ind++) {
+ int local_getlabel_flag = getlabel_flag;
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ *str_buf = '.';
+ *(str_buf+1) = '\0';
+ out_len = 0;
+ tp = netsnmp_sprint_realloc_objid_tree((u_char**)&str_bufp,
+ &str_buf_len,
+ &out_len, 0,
+ &buf_over,
+ vars->name,
+ vars->name_length);
+ str_buf[sizeof(str_buf)-1] = '\0';
+ if (__is_leaf(tp)) {
+ type = tp->type;
+ } else {
+ local_getlabel_flag |= NON_LEAF_NAME;
+ type = __translate_asn_type(vars->type);
+ }
+ __get_label_iid(str_buf,&label,&iid,local_getlabel_flag);
+ if (label) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv(label, strlen(label)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ if (iid) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv(iid, strlen(iid)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ __get_type_str(type, tmp_type_str);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv(tmp_type_str, strlen(tmp_type_str));
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, tmp_sv);
+ len=__snprint_value(str_buf,sizeof(str_buf),
+ vars,tp,type,sprintval_flag);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv(str_buf, len);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, tmp_sv);
+ if (sv_timestamp)
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, sv_timestamp);
+ XPUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(tmp_sv));
+ } else {
+ /* Return undef for this variable. */
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Reset the library's behavior for numeric/symbolic OID's. */
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ old_format);
+ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response);
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+snmp_getnext(sess_ref, varlist_ref, perl_callback)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ netsnmp_session *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu, *response;
+ netsnmp_variable_list *vars;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ int len;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ SV *tmp_sv;
+ int type;
+ char tmp_type_str[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ snmp_xs_cb_data *xs_cb_data;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int status;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE], *str_bufp = str_buf;
+ size_t str_buf_len = sizeof(str_buf);
+ char tmp_buf_prefix[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ char str_buf_prefix[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ size_t out_len = 0;
+ int buf_over = 0;
+ char *label;
+ char *iid;
+ int getlabel_flag = NO_FLAGS;
+ int sprintval_flag = USE_BASIC;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int old_format;
+ SV *sv_timestamp = NULL;
+ int best_guess;
+ char *tmp_prefix_ptr;
+ char *st;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref) && SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1)))
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1)))
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums", 8, 1)))
+ sprintval_flag = USE_ENUMS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseSprintValue", 14, 1)))
+ sprintval_flag = USE_SPRINT_VALUE;
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETNEXT);
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ char *tag_pv;
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ /* If the varbind includes the module prefix, capture it for use later */
+ strncpy(tmp_buf_prefix, __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, ".0"), STR_BUF_SIZE);
+ tmp_prefix_ptr = strstr(tmp_buf_prefix,"::");
+ if (tmp_prefix_ptr) {
+ tmp_prefix_ptr = strtok_r(tmp_buf_prefix, "::", &st);
+ strncpy(str_buf_prefix, tmp_prefix_ptr, STR_BUF_SIZE);
+ }
+ else {
+ *str_buf_prefix = '\0';
+ }
+ tag_pv = __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, ".0");
+ tp = __tag2oid(tag_pv,
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F, NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, NULL, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len) {
+ snmp_add_null_var(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error: getnext: unknown object ID (%s)",
+ (tag_pv?tag_pv:"<null>"));
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* unknown OID */
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ xs_cb_data =
+ (snmp_xs_cb_data*)malloc(sizeof(snmp_xs_cb_data));
+ xs_cb_data->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ xs_cb_data->sess_ref = newSVsv(sess_ref);
+ status = snmp_async_send(ss, pdu, __snmp_xs_cb,
+ (void*)xs_cb_data);
+ if (status != 0) {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status))); /* push the reqid?? */
+ } else {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ status = __send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, &response,
+ *err_str_svp, *err_num_svp,
+ *err_ind_svp);
+ /*
+ ** Set up for numeric or full OID's, if necessary. Save the old
+ ** output format so that it can be restored when we finish -- this
+ ** is a library-wide global, and has to be set/restored for each
+ ** session.
+ */
+ old_format = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ /* Setting UseNumeric forces UseLongNames on so check
+ for UseNumeric after UseLongNames (above) to make
+ sure the final outcome of
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ if (SvIOK(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"TimeStamp", 9, 1)) &&
+ SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"TimeStamp", 9, 1)))
+ sv_timestamp = newSViv((IV)time(NULL));
+ for(vars = (response?response->variables:NULL), varlist_ind = 0;
+ vars && (varlist_ind <= varlist_len);
+ vars = vars->next_variable, varlist_ind++) {
+ int local_getlabel_flag = getlabel_flag;
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ *str_buf = '.';
+ *(str_buf+1) = '\0';
+ out_len = 0;
+ tp = netsnmp_sprint_realloc_objid_tree((u_char**)&str_bufp,
+ &str_buf_len,
+ &out_len, 0,
+ &buf_over,
+ vars->name,
+ vars->name_length);
+ str_buf[sizeof(str_buf)-1] = '\0';
+ /* Prepend the module prefix to the next OID if needed */
+ if (*str_buf_prefix) {
+ strncat(str_buf_prefix, "::", STR_BUF_SIZE - strlen(str_buf_prefix) - 2);
+ strncat(str_buf_prefix, str_buf, STR_BUF_SIZE - strlen(str_buf_prefix));
+ strncpy(str_buf, str_buf_prefix, STR_BUF_SIZE);
+ }
+ if (__is_leaf(tp)) {
+ type = tp->type;
+ } else {
+ local_getlabel_flag |= NON_LEAF_NAME;
+ type = __translate_asn_type(vars->type);
+ }
+ __get_label_iid(str_buf,&label,&iid,local_getlabel_flag);
+ if (label) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv(label, strlen(label)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ if (iid) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv(iid, strlen(iid)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ __get_type_str(type, tmp_type_str);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv(tmp_type_str, strlen(tmp_type_str));
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, tmp_sv);
+ len=__snprint_value(str_buf,sizeof(str_buf),
+ vars,tp,type,sprintval_flag);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv(str_buf, len);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, tmp_sv);
+ if (sv_timestamp)
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, sv_timestamp);
+ XPUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(tmp_sv));
+ } else {
+ /* Return undef for this variable. */
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Reset the library's behavior for numeric/symbolic OID's. */
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ old_format);
+ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response);
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+snmp_getbulk(sess_ref, nonrepeaters, maxrepetitions, varlist_ref, perl_callback)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ int nonrepeaters
+ int maxrepetitions
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ netsnmp_session *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu, *response;
+ netsnmp_variable_list *vars;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ int len;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ SV *tmp_sv;
+ int type;
+ char tmp_type_str[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ snmp_xs_cb_data *xs_cb_data;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int status;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE], *str_bufp = str_buf;
+ size_t str_buf_len = sizeof(str_buf);
+ size_t out_len = 0;
+ int buf_over = 0;
+ char *label;
+ char *iid;
+ int getlabel_flag = NO_FLAGS;
+ int sprintval_flag = USE_BASIC;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int old_format;
+ SV *rv;
+ SV *sv_timestamp = NULL;
+ int best_guess;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref) && SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1)))
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1)))
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums", 8, 1)))
+ sprintval_flag = USE_ENUMS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseSprintValue", 14, 1)))
+ sprintval_flag = USE_SPRINT_VALUE;
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETBULK);
+ pdu->errstat = nonrepeaters;
+ pdu->errindex = maxrepetitions;
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ char *tag_pv;
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ tag_pv = __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, "0");
+ __tag2oid(tag_pv,
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F, NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, NULL, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len) {
+ snmp_add_null_var(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error: getbulk: unknown object ID (%s)",
+ (tag_pv?tag_pv:"<null>"));
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* unknown OID */
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ xs_cb_data =
+ (snmp_xs_cb_data*)malloc(sizeof(snmp_xs_cb_data));
+ xs_cb_data->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ xs_cb_data->sess_ref = newSVsv(sess_ref);
+ status = snmp_async_send(ss, pdu, __snmp_xs_cb,
+ (void*)xs_cb_data);
+ if (status != 0) {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status))); /* push the reqid?? */
+ } else {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ status = __send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, &response,
+ *err_str_svp, *err_num_svp,
+ *err_ind_svp);
+ if (SvIOK(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"TimeStamp", 9, 1)) &&
+ SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"TimeStamp", 9, 1)))
+ sv_timestamp = newSViv((IV)time(NULL));
+ av_clear(varlist);
+ /*
+ ** Set up for numeric or full OID's, if necessary. Save the old
+ ** output format so that it can be restored when we finish -- this
+ ** is a library-wide global, and has to be set/restored for each
+ ** session.
+ */
+ old_format = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ /* Setting UseNumeric forces UseLongNames on so check for UseNumeric
+ after UseLongNames (above) to make sure the final outcome of
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1))) {
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ getlabel_flag |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ if(response && response->variables) {
+ for(vars = response->variables;
+ vars;
+ vars = vars->next_variable) {
+ int local_getlabel_flag = getlabel_flag;
+ varbind = (AV*) newAV();
+ *str_buf = '.';
+ *(str_buf+1) = '\0';
+ out_len = 0;
+ buf_over = 0;
+ str_bufp = str_buf;
+ tp = netsnmp_sprint_realloc_objid_tree((u_char**)&str_bufp,
+ &str_buf_len,
+ &out_len, 0,
+ &buf_over,
+ vars->name,
+ vars->name_length);
+ str_buf[sizeof(str_buf)-1] = '\0';
+ if (__is_leaf(tp)) {
+ type = tp->type;
+ } else {
+ local_getlabel_flag |= NON_LEAF_NAME;
+ type = __translate_asn_type(vars->type);
+ }
+ __get_label_iid(str_buf,&label,&iid,local_getlabel_flag);
+ if (label) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv(label, strlen(label)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ if (iid) {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv(iid, strlen(iid)));
+ } else {
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,
+ newSVpv("", 0));
+ }
+ __get_type_str(type, tmp_type_str);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, newSVpv(tmp_type_str,
+ strlen(tmp_type_str)));
+ len=__snprint_value(str_buf,sizeof(str_buf),
+ vars,tp,type,sprintval_flag);
+ tmp_sv = newSVpv(str_buf, len);
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, tmp_sv);
+ if (sv_timestamp)
+ av_store(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, SvREFCNT_inc(sv_timestamp));
+ rv = newRV_noinc((SV *)varbind);
+ sv_bless(rv, gv_stashpv("SNMP::Varbind",0));
+ av_push(varlist, rv);
+ XPUSHs(sv_mortalcopy(tmp_sv));
+ }
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ /* Reset the library's behavior for numeric/symbolic OID's. */
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ old_format);
+ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response);
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+snmp_bulkwalk(sess_ref, nonrepeaters, maxrepetitions, varlist_ref,perl_callback)
+ SV * sess_ref
+ int nonrepeaters
+ int maxrepetitions
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ netsnmp_session *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu = NULL;
+ oid oid_arr[MAX_OID_LEN];
+ size_t oid_arr_len;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ walk_context *context = NULL; /* Context for this bulkwalk */
+ bulktbl *bt_entry; /* Current bulktbl/OID entry */
+ int i; /* General purpose iterator */
+ int npushed; /* Number of return arrays */
+ int okay; /* Did bulkwalk complete okay */
+ int best_guess;
+ if (!SvROK(sess_ref) || !SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("bulkwalk: Bad session or varlist reference!\n");
+ }
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ /* Create and initialize a new session context for this bulkwalk.
+ ** This will be used to carry state between callbacks.
+ */
+ Newz(0x57616b6c /* "Walk" */, context, 1, walk_context);
+ if (context == NULL) {
+ sprintf(str_buf, "malloc(context) failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, str_buf);
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_MALLOC);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Store the Perl callback and session reference in the context. */
+ context->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ context->sess_ref = newSVsv(sess_ref);
+ DBPRT(3,(DBOUT "bulkwalk: sess_ref = 0x%p, sess_ptr_sv = 0x%p, ss = 0x%p\n",
+ sess_ref, sess_ptr_sv, ss));
+ context->getlabel_f = NO_FLAGS; /* long/numeric name flags */
+ context->sprintval_f = USE_BASIC; /* Don't do fancy printing */
+ context->req_oids = NULL; /* List of oid's requested */
+ context->repbase = NULL; /* Repeaters in req_oids[] */
+ context->reqbase = NULL; /* Ptr to start of requests */
+ context->nreq_oids = 0; /* Number of oid's in list */
+ context->repeaters = 0; /* Repeater count (see below) */
+ context->non_reps = nonrepeaters; /* Non-repeater var count */
+ context->max_reps = maxrepetitions; /* Max repetition/var count */
+ context->pkts_exch = 0; /* Packets exchanged in walk */
+ context->oid_total = 0; /* OID's received during walk */
+ context->oid_saved = 0; /* OID's saved as results */
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseLongNames", 12, 1)))
+ context->getlabel_f |= USE_LONG_NAMES;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseNumeric", 10, 1)))
+ context->getlabel_f |= USE_NUMERIC_OIDS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums", 8, 1)))
+ context->sprintval_f = USE_ENUMS;
+ if (SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseSprintValue", 14, 1)))
+ context->sprintval_f = USE_SPRINT_VALUE;
+ /* Set up an array of bulktbl's to hold the original list of
+ ** requested OID's. This is used to populate the PDU's with
+ ** oid values, to contain/sort the return values, and (through
+ ** last_oid/last_len) to determine when the bulkwalk for each
+ ** variable has completed.
+ */
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist) + 1; /* XXX av_len returns index of
+ ** last element not #elements */
+ Newz(0, context->req_oids, varlist_len, bulktbl);
+ if (context->req_oids == NULL) {
+ sprintf(str_buf, "Newz(req_oids) failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
+ if (verbose)
+ warn(str_buf);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, str_buf);
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_MALLOC);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Walk through the varbind_list, parsing and copying each OID
+ ** into a bulktbl slot in the req_oids array. Bail if there's
+ ** some error. Create the initial packet to send out, which
+ ** includes the non-repeaters.
+ */
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Building request table:\n"));
+ for (varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind < varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ /* Get a handle on this entry in the request table. */
+ bt_entry = &context->req_oids[context->nreq_oids];
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT " request %d: ", (int) varlist_ind));
+ /* Get the request varbind from the varlist, parse it out to
+ ** tag and index, and copy it to the req_oid[] array slots.
+ */
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (!SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, \
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_BAD_NAME));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_BAD_NAME);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ __tag2oid(__av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, "0"),
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F, NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, NULL, best_guess);
+ if ((oid_arr_len == 0) || (oid_arr_len > MAX_OID_LEN)) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error: bulkwalk(): unknown object ID");
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, \
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_UNKNOWN_OBJID);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Copy the now-parsed OID into the first available slot
+ ** in the req_oids[] array. Set both the req_oid (original
+ ** request) and the last_oid (last requested/seen oid) to
+ ** the initial value. We build packets using last_oid (see
+ ** below), so initialize last_oid to the initial request.
+ */
+ Copy((void *)oid_arr, (void *)bt_entry->req_oid,
+ oid_arr_len, oid);
+ Copy((void *)oid_arr, (void *)bt_entry->last_oid,
+ oid_arr_len, oid);
+ bt_entry->req_len = oid_arr_len;
+ bt_entry->last_len = oid_arr_len;
+ /* Adjust offset to and count of repeaters. Note non-repeater
+ ** OID's in the list, if appropriate.
+ */
+ if (varlist_ind >= context->non_reps) {
+ /* Store a pointer to the first repeater value. */
+ if (context->repbase == NULL)
+ context->repbase = bt_entry;
+ context->repeaters ++;
+ } else {
+ bt_entry->norepeat = 1;
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "HERE 1\n"));
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "(nonrepeater) "));
+ }
+ /* Initialize the array in which to hold the Varbinds to be
+ ** returned for the OID or subtree.
+ */
+ if ((bt_entry->vars = (AV*) newAV()) == NULL) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "newAV() failed: ");
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp, strerror(errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_MALLOC);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "%s\n", __snprint_oid(oid_arr, oid_arr_len)));
+ context->nreq_oids ++;
+ }
+ /* Keep track of the number of outstanding requests. This lets us
+ ** finish processing early if we're done with all requests.
+ */
+ context->req_remain = context->nreq_oids;
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Total %d variable requests added\n", context->nreq_oids));
+ /* If no good variable requests were found, return an error. */
+ if (context->nreq_oids == 0) {
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "No variables found in varlist");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, SNMPERR_NO_VARS);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Note that this is a good context. This allows later callbacks
+ ** to ignore re-sent PDU's that correspond to completed (and hence
+ ** destroyed) bulkwalk contexts.
+ */
+ _context_add(context);
+ /* For asynchronous bulkwalk requests, all we have to do at this
+ ** point is enqueue the asynchronous GETBULK request with our
+ ** bulkwalk-specific callback and return. Remember that the
+ ** bulkwalk_send_pdu() function returns the reqid cast to an
+ ** snmp_pdu pointer, or NULL on failure. Return undef if the
+ ** initial send fails; bulkwalk_send_pdu() takes care of setting
+ ** the various error values.
+ **
+ ** From here, the callbacks do all the work, including sending
+ ** requests for variables and handling responses. The caller's
+ ** callback will be invoked as soon as the walk completes.
+ */
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Starting asynchronous bulkwalk...\n"));
+ pdu = _bulkwalk_send_pdu(context);
+ if (pdu == NULL) {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Initial asynchronous send failed...\n"));
+ }
+ /* Sent okay... Return the request ID in 'pdu' as an SvIV. */
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Okay, request id is %d\n", (intptr_t) pdu));
+/* XSRETURN_IV((intptr_t)pdu); */
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV)pdu)));
+ }
+ /* For synchronous bulkwalk, we perform the basic send/receive
+ ** iteration right here. Once the walk has been completed, the
+ ** bulkwalk_finish() function will push the return values onto
+ ** the Perl call stack, and we return.
+ */
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "Starting synchronous bulkwalk...\n"));
+ while (!(okay = _bulkwalk_done(context))) {
+ /* Send a request for the next batch of variables. */
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "Building %s GETBULK bulkwalk PDU (%d)...\n",
+ context->pkts_exch ? "next" : "first",
+ context->pkts_exch));
+ pdu = _bulkwalk_send_pdu(context);
+ /* If the request failed, consider the walk done. */
+ if (pdu == NULL) {
+ DBPRT(1,(DBOUT "bulkwalk_send_pdu() failed!\n"));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Handle the variables in this response packet. Break out
+ ** of the loop if an error occurs or no variables are found
+ ** in the response.
+ */
+ if ((i = _bulkwalk_recv_pdu(context, pdu)) <= 0) {
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "bulkwalk_recv_pdu() returned %d (error/empty)\n", i));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Free the returned pdu. Don't bother to do this for the async
+ ** case, since the SNMP callback mechanism itself does the free
+ ** for us.
+ */
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ /* And loop. The call to bulkwalk_done() sets the ignore flags
+ ** for any completed request subtrees. Next time around, they
+ ** won't be added to the request sent to the agent.
+ */
+ continue;
+ }
+ DBPRT(1, (DBOUT "Bulkwalk done... calling bulkwalk_finish(%s)...\n",
+ okay ? "okay" : "error"));
+ npushed = _bulkwalk_finish(context, okay);
+ DBPRT(2,(DBOUT "Returning %d values on the stack.\n", npushed));
+ XSRETURN(npushed);
+ /* Handle error cases and clean up after ourselves. */
+ err:
+ if (context->req_oids && context->nreq_oids) {
+ bt_entry = context->req_oids;
+ for (i = 0; i < context->nreq_oids; i++, bt_entry++)
+ av_clear(bt_entry->vars);
+ }
+ if (context->req_oids)
+ Safefree(context->req_oids);
+ if (context)
+ Safefree(context);
+ if (pdu)
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ }
+ SV * sess_ref
+ char * enterprise
+ char * agent
+ int generic
+ int specific
+ long uptime
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ SV **varbind_val_f;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ SnmpSession *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu = NULL;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int type;
+ int res;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int use_enums = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums",8,1));
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ int best_guess;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_TRAP);
+ if (SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ tp=__tag2oid(__av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F, NULL),
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F, NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, &type, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len == 0) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:trap: unable to determine oid for object");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ type = __translate_appl_type(
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, NULL));
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:trap: no type found for object");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ varbind_val_f = av_fetch(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, 0);
+ if (type==TYPE_INTEGER && use_enums && tp && tp->enums) {
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) &&
+ !strcmp(ep->label, SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na))) {
+ sv_setiv(*varbind_val_f, ep->value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len,
+ (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na):NULL),
+ (varbind_val_f && SvPOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvCUR(*varbind_val_f):0),
+ type);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:trap: adding varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ }
+ pdu->enterprise = (oid *)malloc( MAX_OID_LEN * sizeof(oid));
+ tp = __tag2oid(enterprise,NULL, pdu->enterprise,
+ &pdu->enterprise_length, NULL, best_guess);
+ if (pdu->enterprise_length == 0) {
+ if (verbose) warn("error:trap:invalid enterprise id: %s", enterprise);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* If agent is given then set the v1-TRAP specific
+ agent-address field to that. Otherwise set it to
+ our address. */
+ if (agent && strlen(agent)) {
+ if (__parse_address(agent) == -1 && verbose) {
+ warn("error:trap:invalid agent address: %s", agent);
+ goto err;
+ } else {
+ *((in_addr_t *)pdu->agent_addr) = __parse_address(agent);
+ }
+ } else {
+ *((in_addr_t *)pdu->agent_addr) = get_myaddr();
+ }
+ pdu->trap_type = generic;
+ pdu->specific_type = specific;
+ pdu->time = uptime;
+ if (snmp_send(ss, pdu) == 0) {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ }
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(ZERO_BUT_TRUE,0)));
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ if (pdu) snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+ SV * sess_ref
+ char * uptime
+ char * trap_oid
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ SV **varbind_val_f;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ SnmpSession *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu = NULL;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int type;
+ int res;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int use_enums = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums",8,1));
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ int best_guess;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref) && SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_TRAP2);
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ /************************************************/
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, sysUpTime, SYS_UPTIME_OID_LEN,
+ uptime, strlen(uptime), TYPE_TIMETICKS);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:trap v2: adding sysUpTime varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, snmpTrapOID, SNMP_TRAP_OID_LEN,
+ trap_oid ,strlen(trap_oid) ,TYPE_OBJID);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:trap v2: adding snmpTrapOID varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /******************************************************/
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ tp=__tag2oid(__av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,NULL),
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, &type, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len == 0) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:trap v2: unable to determine oid for object");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ type = __translate_appl_type(
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, NULL));
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:trap v2: no type found for object");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ varbind_val_f = av_fetch(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, 0);
+ if (type==TYPE_INTEGER && use_enums && tp && tp->enums) {
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) &&
+ !strcmp(ep->label, SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na))) {
+ sv_setiv(*varbind_val_f, ep->value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len,
+ (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na):NULL),
+ (varbind_val_f && SvPOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvCUR(*varbind_val_f):0),
+ type);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:trap v2: adding varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ if (snmp_send(ss, pdu) == 0) {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ }
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(ZERO_BUT_TRUE,0)));
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ if (pdu) snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+ SV * sess_ref
+ char * uptime
+ char * trap_oid
+ SV * varlist_ref
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ AV *varlist;
+ SV **varbind_ref;
+ SV **varbind_val_f;
+ AV *varbind;
+ I32 varlist_len;
+ I32 varlist_ind;
+ SnmpSession *ss;
+ netsnmp_pdu *pdu = NULL;
+ netsnmp_pdu *response;
+ struct tree *tp;
+ oid *oid_arr;
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ snmp_xs_cb_data *xs_cb_data;
+ SV **sess_ptr_sv;
+ SV **err_str_svp;
+ SV **err_num_svp;
+ SV **err_ind_svp;
+ int status = 0;
+ int type;
+ int res;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ int use_enums = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"UseEnums",8,1));
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ int best_guess;
+ New (0, oid_arr, MAX_OID_LEN, oid);
+ if (oid_arr && SvROK(sess_ref) && SvROK(varlist_ref)) {
+ sess_ptr_sv = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "SessPtr", 7, 1);
+ ss = (SnmpSession *)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(*sess_ptr_sv));
+ err_str_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorStr", 8, 1);
+ err_num_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorNum", 8, 1);
+ err_ind_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref), "ErrorInd", 8, 1);
+ sv_setpv(*err_str_svp, "");
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, 0);
+ sv_setiv(*err_ind_svp, 0);
+ best_guess = SvIV(*hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(sess_ref),"BestGuess",9,1));
+ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_INFORM);
+ varlist = (AV*) SvRV(varlist_ref);
+ varlist_len = av_len(varlist);
+ /************************************************/
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, sysUpTime, SYS_UPTIME_OID_LEN,
+ uptime, strlen(uptime), TYPE_TIMETICKS);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:inform: adding sysUpTime varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, snmpTrapOID, SNMP_TRAP_OID_LEN,
+ trap_oid ,strlen(trap_oid) ,TYPE_OBJID);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:inform: adding snmpTrapOID varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /******************************************************/
+ for(varlist_ind = 0; varlist_ind <= varlist_len; varlist_ind++) {
+ varbind_ref = av_fetch(varlist, varlist_ind, 0);
+ if (SvROK(*varbind_ref)) {
+ varbind = (AV*) SvRV(*varbind_ref);
+ tp=__tag2oid(__av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TAG_F,NULL),
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_IID_F,NULL),
+ oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, &type, best_guess);
+ if (oid_arr_len == 0) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:inform: unable to determine oid for object");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ type = __translate_appl_type(
+ __av_elem_pv(varbind, VARBIND_TYPE_F, NULL));
+ if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ if (verbose)
+ warn("error:inform: no type found for object");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ varbind_val_f = av_fetch(varbind, VARBIND_VAL_F, 0);
+ if (type==TYPE_INTEGER && use_enums && tp && tp->enums) {
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) &&
+ !strcmp(ep->label, SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na))) {
+ sv_setiv(*varbind_val_f, ep->value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res = __add_var_val_str(pdu, oid_arr, oid_arr_len,
+ (varbind_val_f && SvOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvPV(*varbind_val_f,na):NULL),
+ (varbind_val_f && SvPOK(*varbind_val_f) ?
+ SvCUR(*varbind_val_f):0),
+ type);
+ if(res == FAILURE) {
+ if(verbose) warn("error:inform: adding varbind");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } /* if var_ref is ok */
+ } /* for all the vars */
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ xs_cb_data =
+ (snmp_xs_cb_data*)malloc(sizeof(snmp_xs_cb_data));
+ xs_cb_data->perl_cb = newSVsv(perl_callback);
+ xs_cb_data->sess_ref = newRV_inc(SvRV(sess_ref));
+ status = snmp_async_send(ss, pdu, __snmp_xs_cb,
+ (void*)xs_cb_data);
+ if (status != 0) {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status))); /* push the reqid?? */
+ } else {
+ snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ sv_catpv(*err_str_svp,
+ (char*)snmp_api_errstring(ss->s_snmp_errno));
+ sv_setiv(*err_num_svp, ss->s_snmp_errno);
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ status = __send_sync_pdu(ss, pdu, &response,
+ *err_str_svp, *err_num_svp,
+ *err_ind_svp);
+ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response);
+ if (status) {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef);
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(ZERO_BUT_TRUE,0)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ if (pdu) snmp_free_pdu(pdu);
+ }
+ Safefree(oid_arr);
+ }
+char *
+snmp_get_type(tag, best_guess)
+ char * tag
+ int best_guess
+ {
+ struct tree *tp = NULL;
+ static char type_str[MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+ char *ret = NULL;
+ if (tag && *tag) tp = __tag2oid(tag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, best_guess);
+ if (tp) __get_type_str(tp->type, ret = type_str);
+ RETVAL = ret;
+ }
+ int flag
+ {
+ snmp_set_dump_packet(flag);
+ }
+char *
+snmp_map_enum(tag, val, iflag, best_guess)
+ char * tag
+ char * val
+ int iflag
+ int best_guess
+ {
+ struct tree *tp = NULL;
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ int ival;
+ if (tag && *tag) tp = __tag2oid(tag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, best_guess);
+ if (tp) {
+ if (iflag) {
+ ival = atoi(val);
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (ep->value == ival) {
+ RETVAL = ep->label;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(ep = tp->enums; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (strEQ(ep->label, val)) {
+ sprintf(str_buf,"%d", ep->value);
+ RETVAL = str_buf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+char *
+ char * var
+ int mode
+ int use_long
+ int auto_init
+ int best_guess
+ int include_module_name
+ {
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ char str_buf_temp[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ oid oid_arr[MAX_OID_LEN];
+ size_t oid_arr_len = MAX_OID_LEN;
+ char * label;
+ char * iid;
+ int status = FAILURE;
+ int verbose = SvIV(perl_get_sv("SNMP::verbose", 0x01 | 0x04));
+ struct tree *module_tree = NULL;
+ char modbuf[256];
+ int old_format; /* Current NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT */
+ str_buf[0] = '\0';
+ str_buf_temp[0] = '\0';
+ if (auto_init)
+ netsnmp_init_mib(); /* vestigial */
+ /* Save old output format and set to FULL so long_names works */
+ old_format = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT);
+ switch (mode) {
+ if (!__tag2oid(var, NULL, oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, NULL, best_guess)) {
+ if (verbose) warn("error:snmp_translate_obj:Unknown OID %s\n",var);
+ } else {
+ status = __sprint_num_objid(str_buf, oid_arr, oid_arr_len);
+ }
+ break;
+ oid_arr_len = 0;
+ __concat_oid_str(oid_arr, &oid_arr_len, var);
+ snprint_objid(str_buf_temp, sizeof(str_buf_temp), oid_arr, oid_arr_len);
+ if (!use_long) {
+ label = NULL; iid = NULL;
+ if (((status=__get_label_iid(str_buf_temp,
+ &label, &iid, NO_FLAGS)) == SUCCESS)
+ && label) {
+ strcpy(str_buf_temp, label);
+ if (iid && *iid) {
+ strcat(str_buf_temp, ".");
+ strcat(str_buf_temp, iid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Prepend modulename:: if enabled */
+ if (include_module_name) {
+ module_tree = get_tree (oid_arr, oid_arr_len, get_tree_head());
+ if (module_tree) {
+ if (strcmp(module_name(module_tree->modid, modbuf), "#-1") ) {
+ strcat(str_buf, modbuf);
+ strcat(str_buf, "::");
+ }
+ else {
+ strcat(str_buf, "UNKNOWN::");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(str_buf, str_buf_temp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (verbose) warn("snmp_translate_obj:unknown translation mode: %s\n", mode);
+ }
+ if (*str_buf) {
+ RETVAL = (char*)str_buf;
+ } else {
+ RETVAL = (char*)NULL;
+ }
+ netsnmp_ds_set_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_OID_OUTPUT_FORMAT, old_format);
+ }
+ int val
+ {
+ netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ }
+ int val
+ {
+ snmp_set_save_descriptions(val);
+ }
+ int val
+ {
+ snmp_set_do_debugging(val);
+ }
+ int val
+ {
+ _debug_level = val;
+ val++;
+#endif /* DEBUGGING */
+ }
+ char *options
+ {
+ snmp_mib_toggle_options(options);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ mainloop_finish = 1;
+ }
+ int timeout_sec
+ int timeout_usec
+ SV * perl_callback
+ {
+ int numfds, fd_count;
+ fd_set fdset;
+ struct timeval time_val, *tvp;
+ struct timeval last_time, *ltvp;
+ struct timeval ctimeout, *ctvp;
+ struct timeval interval, *itvp;
+ int block;
+ SV *cb;
+ mainloop_finish = 0;
+ itvp = &interval;
+ itvp->tv_sec = timeout_sec;
+ itvp->tv_usec = timeout_usec;
+ ctvp = &ctimeout;
+ ctvp->tv_sec = -1;
+ ctvp->tv_usec = 0;
+ ltvp = &last_time;
+ gettimeofday(ltvp,(struct timezone*)0);
+ timersub(ltvp,itvp,ltvp);
+ while (1) {
+ numfds = 0;
+ FD_ZERO(&fdset);
+ block = 1;
+ tvp = &time_val;
+ timerclear(tvp);
+ snmp_select_info(&numfds, &fdset, tvp, &block);
+ __recalc_timeout(tvp,ctvp,ltvp,itvp,&block);
+ # printf("pre-select: numfds = %ld, block = %ld\n", numfds, block);
+ if (block == 1) tvp = NULL; /* block without timeout */
+ fd_count = select(numfds, &fdset, 0, 0, tvp);
+ #printf("post-select: fd_count = %ld,block = %ld\n",fd_count,block);
+ if (fd_count > 0) {
+ snmp_read(&fdset);
+ } else switch(fd_count) {
+ case 0:
+ snmp_timeout();
+ if (!timerisset(ctvp)) {
+ if (SvTRUE(perl_callback)) {
+ /* sv_2mortal(perl_callback); */
+ cb = __push_cb_args(perl_callback, NULL);
+ __call_callback(cb, G_DISCARD);
+ ctvp->tv_sec = -1;
+ } else {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ if (errno == EINTR) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ /* snmp_set_detail(strerror(errno)); */
+ /* snmp_errno = SNMPERR_GENERR; */
+ }
+ default:;
+ }
+ /* A call to snmp_mainloop_finish() in the callback sets the
+ ** mainloop_finish flag. Exit the loop after the callback returns.
+ */
+ if (mainloop_finish)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ done:
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ int numfds;
+ fd_set fdset;
+ struct timeval time_val, *tvp;
+ int block;
+ int i;
+ numfds = 0;
+ block = 1;
+ tvp = &time_val;
+ FD_ZERO(&fdset);
+ snmp_select_info(&numfds, &fdset, tvp, &block);
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(block)));
+ if(block){
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(0)));
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(tvp->tv_sec)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(tvp->tv_usec)));
+ }
+ if ( numfds ) {
+ for(i=0; i<numfds ; i++) {
+ if(FD_ISSET(i, &fdset)){
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(i)));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ XPUSHs(&sv_undef); /* no mem or bad args */
+ }
+ }
+ int fd
+ {
+ fd_set fdset;
+ FD_ZERO(&fdset);
+ FD_SET(fd, &fdset);
+ snmp_read(&fdset);
+ }
+ {
+ snmp_timeout();
+ }
+SV *
+ char * cl
+ char * key
+ IV tp
+ {
+ __libraries_init("perl");
+ if (!tp) tp = (IV)__tag2oid(key, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,0);
+ if (tp) {
+ RETVAL = sv_setref_iv(newSV(0), cl, tp);
+ } else {
+ RETVAL = &sv_undef;
+ }
+ }
+SV *
+snmp_mib_node_FETCH(tp_ref, key)
+ SV * tp_ref
+ char * key
+ {
+ char c = *key;
+ char str_buf[STR_BUF_SIZE];
+ SnmpMibNode *tp = NULL, *tptmp = NULL;
+ struct index_list *ip;
+ struct enum_list *ep;
+ struct range_list *rp;
+ struct varbind_list *vp;
+ struct module *mp;
+ SV *child_list_aref, *next_node_href, *mib_tied_href = NULL;
+ SV **nn_hrefp;
+ HV *mib_hv, *enum_hv, *range_hv;
+ AV *index_av, *varbind_av, *ranges_av;
+ MAGIC *mg = NULL;
+ SV *ret = NULL;
+ if (SvROK(tp_ref)) tp = (SnmpMibNode*)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(tp_ref));
+ ret = newSV(0);
+ if (tp)
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'a': /* access */
+ if (strncmp("access", key, strlen(key)) == 0) {
+ switch (tp->access) {
+ sv_setpv(ret,"ReadOnly");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"ReadWrite");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"WriteOnly");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"NoAccess");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Notify");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Create");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (strncmp("augments", key, strlen(key)) == 0) {
+ sv_setpv(ret,tp->augments);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c': /* children */
+ if (strncmp("children", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ child_list_aref = newRV((SV*)newAV());
+ for (tp = tp->child_list; tp; tp = tp->next_peer) {
+ mib_hv = perl_get_hv("SNMP::MIB", FALSE);
+ if (SvMAGICAL(mib_hv)) mg = mg_find((SV*)mib_hv, 'P');
+ if (mg) mib_tied_href = (SV*)mg->mg_obj;
+ next_node_href = newRV((SV*)newHV());
+ __tp_sprint_num_objid(str_buf, tp);
+ nn_hrefp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(mib_tied_href),
+ str_buf, strlen(str_buf), 1);
+ if (!SvROK(*nn_hrefp)) {
+ sv_setsv(*nn_hrefp, next_node_href);
+ PUSHMARK(sp) ;
+ XPUSHs(SvRV(*nn_hrefp));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("SNMP::MIB::NODE",0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(str_buf,0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV)tp)));
+ perl_call_pv("SNMP::_tie",G_VOID);
+ /* pp_tie(ARGS); */
+ } /* if SvROK */
+ av_push((AV*)SvRV(child_list_aref), *nn_hrefp);
+ } /* for child_list */
+ sv_setsv(ret, child_list_aref);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if (strncmp("varbinds", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ varbind_av = newAV();
+ for (vp = tp->varbinds; vp; vp = vp->next) {
+ av_push(varbind_av, newSVpv((vp->vblabel),strlen(vp->vblabel)));
+ }
+ sv_setsv(ret, newRV((SV*)varbind_av));
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* description */
+ if (strncmp("description", key, strlen(key))) {
+ if(!(strncmp("defaultValue",key,strlen(key)))) {
+ /* We're looking at defaultValue */
+ sv_setpv(ret, tp->defaultValue);
+ break;
+ } /* end if */
+ } /* end if */
+ /* we must be looking at description */
+ sv_setpv(ret,tp->description);
+ break;
+ case 'i': /* indexes */
+ if (strncmp("indexes", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ index_av = newAV();
+ if (tp->augments) {
+ clear_tree_flags(get_tree_head());
+ tptmp = find_best_tree_node(tp->augments, get_tree_head(), NULL);
+ if (tptmp == NULL) {
+ tptmp = tp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ tptmp = tp;
+ }
+ if (tptmp)
+ for(ip=tptmp->indexes; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) {
+ av_push(index_av,newSVpv((ip->ilabel),strlen(ip->ilabel)));
+ }
+ sv_setsv(ret, newRV((SV*)index_av));
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* label */
+ if (strncmp("label", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,tp->label);
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* moduleID */
+ if (strncmp("moduleID", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ mp = find_module(tp->modid);
+ if (mp) sv_setpv(ret, mp->name);
+ break;
+ case 'n': /* nextNode */
+ if (strncmp("nextNode", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ tp = __get_next_mib_node(tp);
+ if (tp == NULL) {
+ sv_setsv(ret, &sv_undef);
+ break;
+ }
+ mib_hv = perl_get_hv("SNMP::MIB", FALSE);
+ if (SvMAGICAL(mib_hv)) mg = mg_find((SV*)mib_hv, 'P');
+ if (mg) mib_tied_href = (SV*)mg->mg_obj;
+ __tp_sprint_num_objid(str_buf, tp);
+ nn_hrefp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(mib_tied_href),
+ str_buf, strlen(str_buf), 1);
+ /* if (!SvROK(*nn_hrefp)) { */ /* bug in ucd - 2 .0.0 nodes */
+ next_node_href = newRV((SV*)newHV());
+ sv_setsv(*nn_hrefp, next_node_href);
+ PUSHMARK(sp) ;
+ XPUSHs(SvRV(*nn_hrefp));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("SNMP::MIB::NODE",0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(str_buf,0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV)tp)));
+ perl_call_pv("SNMP::_tie",G_VOID);
+ /* pp_tie(ARGS); */
+ /* } */
+ sv_setsv(ret, *nn_hrefp);
+ break;
+ case 'o': /* objectID */
+ if (strncmp("objectID", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ __tp_sprint_num_objid(str_buf, tp);
+ sv_setpv(ret,str_buf);
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* parent */
+ if (strncmp("parent", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ tp = tp->parent;
+ if (tp == NULL) {
+ sv_setsv(ret, &sv_undef);
+ break;
+ }
+ mib_hv = perl_get_hv("SNMP::MIB", FALSE);
+ if (SvMAGICAL(mib_hv)) mg = mg_find((SV*)mib_hv, 'P');
+ if (mg) mib_tied_href = (SV*)mg->mg_obj;
+ next_node_href = newRV((SV*)newHV());
+ __tp_sprint_num_objid(str_buf, tp);
+ nn_hrefp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(mib_tied_href),
+ str_buf, strlen(str_buf), 1);
+ if (!SvROK(*nn_hrefp)) {
+ sv_setsv(*nn_hrefp, next_node_href);
+ PUSHMARK(sp) ;
+ XPUSHs(SvRV(*nn_hrefp));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("SNMP::MIB::NODE",0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(str_buf,0)));
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv((IV)tp)));
+ perl_call_pv("SNMP::_tie",G_VOID);
+ /* pp_tie(ARGS); */
+ }
+ sv_setsv(ret, *nn_hrefp);
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* ranges */
+ if (strncmp("reference", key, strlen(key)) == 0) {
+ sv_setpv(ret,tp->reference);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (strncmp("ranges", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ ranges_av = newAV();
+ for(rp=tp->ranges; rp ; rp = rp->next) {
+ range_hv = newHV();
+ hv_store(range_hv, "low", strlen("low"), newSViv(rp->low), 0);
+ hv_store(range_hv, "high", strlen("high"), newSViv(rp->high), 0);
+ av_push(ranges_av, newRV((SV*)range_hv));
+ }
+ sv_setsv(ret, newRV((SV*)ranges_av));
+ break;
+ case 's': /* subID */
+ if (strncmp("subID", key, strlen(key))) {
+ if (strncmp("status", key, strlen(key))) {
+ if (strncmp("syntax", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ if (tp->tc_index >= 0) {
+ sv_setpv(ret, get_tc_descriptor(tp->tc_index));
+ } else {
+ __get_type_str(tp->type, str_buf);
+ sv_setpv(ret, str_buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(tp->status) {
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Mandatory");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Optional");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Obsolete");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Deprecated");
+ break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,"Current");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sv_setiv(ret,(I32)tp->subid);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't': /* type */
+ if (strncmp("type", key, strlen(key))) {
+ if (strncmp("textualConvention", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ sv_setpv(ret, get_tc_descriptor(tp->tc_index));
+ break;
+ }
+ __get_type_str(tp->type, str_buf);
+ sv_setpv(ret, str_buf);
+ break;
+ case 'T': /* textual convention description */
+ if (strncmp("TCDescription", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ sv_setpv(ret, get_tc_description(tp->tc_index));
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* units */
+ if (strncmp("units", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,tp->units);
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* hint */
+ if (strncmp("hint", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ sv_setpv(ret,tp->hint);
+ break;
+ case 'e': /* enums */
+ if (strncmp("enums", key, strlen(key))) break;
+ enum_hv = newHV();
+ for(ep=tp->enums; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next) {
+ hv_store(enum_hv, ep->label, strlen(ep->label),
+ newSViv(ep->value), 0);
+ }
+ sv_setsv(ret, newRV((SV*)enum_hv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ RETVAL = ret;
+ }
+MODULE = SNMP PACKAGE = SnmpSessionPtr PREFIX = snmp_session_
+ SnmpSession *sess_ptr
+ {
+ snmp_close( sess_ptr );
+ }
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/TODO b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edd7c7c32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+enhance make test
+implement v2 traps and v3 inform requests.
+solidify/enhance the V3 api
+handle TCP sessions
+See that informative strings are returned and the the error number is
+useful in all cases. (need to set $! for errors where a session is not
+returned (failed engineId discovery, memory alloc error, failed key
+PC and other unix builds - any platform issues
+building with shared libs
+ensure module does not complain with -w.
+enhance async api so that a boolean false return from a callback exits
+the MainLoop
+enhance async api to store a reference to the perl SNMP::Sesion object
+for 2 reasons: 1) if the initial calling session goes out of scope we
+won't destroy the C-struct session until the callback is called. 2) it
+allows us to set error codes in the perl SNMP::Session object
+see if new async hooks play with
+handle dynamic changes to Session parameters, perhaps tie Error* to
+snmp_session struct rather than current duplicate representation.
+make the parsed mib interface $SNMP::MIB writable
+allow unloading and reinitialization of parsed MIB
+attach to libucdagent - provide agent functionality
+look for *Not Implemeted* and implement :)
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffd6065ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+use SNMP;
+$SNMP::auto_init_mib = 0;
+$sess = new SNMP::Session();
+sub poller {
+ # VarList is undefined if TIMEOUT occured
+ if (!defined($_[1])) { die "request timed out[$_[0]->{ErrorStr}]\n"; }
+ if ($i++>100000) { die "completed 500 polls\n"; }
+ #print $_[1][0]->tag, " = ", $_[1][0]->val, "\n";
+ $_[0]->get($_[1], [\&poller, $_[0]]);
+$sess->get([["."]], [\&poller, $sess]);
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0e41b326e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use SNMP;
+$SNMP::auto_init_mib = 0;
+$sess = new SNMP::Session();
+sub poller_handler {
+ if (++$i>500) { die "completed 500 polls\n"; };
+ # VarList is undefined if TIMEOUT occured
+ if (!defined($_[1])) {
+ warn "request timed out[$_[0]->{ErrorStr}]\n";
+ return;
+ }
+# print "$i) ",$_[1][0]->tag, " = ", $_[1][0]->val, "\n";
+# $sess->get([["."]], [\&poller_handler, $sess]);
+SNMP::MainLoop(.1,sub {for (1..50) {$sess->get([['.']], [\&poller_handler, $sess]);} });
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee2412072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+use SNMP;
+# Hard-coded hostname and community. This is icky, but I didn't want to
+# muddle the example with parsing command line arguments. Deal with it. -r
+my $hostname='localhost';
+my $port='161';
+my $community='public';
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+$SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
+$sess = new SNMP::Session( 'DestHost' => $hostname,
+ 'Community' => $community,
+ 'RemotePort' => $port,
+ 'Timeout' => 300000,
+ 'Retries' => 3,
+ 'Version' => '2c',
+ 'UseLongNames' => 1, # Return full OID tags
+ 'UseNumeric' => 1, # Return dotted decimal OID
+ 'UseEnums' => 0, # Don't use enumerated vals
+ 'UseSprintValue' => 0); # Don't pretty-print values
+die "Cannot create session: ${SNMP::ErrorStr}\n" unless defined $sess;
+# Set up a list of two non-repeaters and some repeated variables.
+# The 'get' performed for non-repeaters is a "GETNEXT" (the non-repeater
+# requests are not fulfilled with SNMP GET's). This means that you must
+# ask for the lexicographically preceeding variable for non-repeaters.
+# For most branches (i.e. 'sysUpTime'), this "just works" -- be sure you
+# don't ask for an instance, and the response will be as expected. However,
+# if you want a specific variable instance (i.e. 'ifSpeed.5'), you must
+# ask for the _preceeding_ variable ('ifSpeed.4' in this example).
+# See section 4.2.3 of RFC 1905 for more details on GETBULK PDU handling.
+my $vars = new SNMP::VarList( ['sysUpTime'], # Nonrepeater variable
+ ['ifNumber'], # Nonrepeater variable
+ ['ifSpeed'], # Repeated variable
+ ['ifDescr'] ); # Repeated variable.
+# Do the bulkwalk of the two non-repeaters, and the repeaters. Ask for no
+# more than 8 values per response packet. If the caller already knows how
+# many instances will be returned for the repeaters, it can ask only for
+# that many repeaters.
+@resp = $sess->bulkwalk(2, 8, $vars);
+die "Cannot do bulkwalk: $sess->{ErrorStr} ($sess->{ErrorNum})\n"
+ if $sess->{ErrorNum};
+# Print out the returned response for each variable.
+for $vbarr ( @resp ) {
+ # Determine which OID this request queried. This is kept in the VarList
+ # reference passed to bulkwalk().
+ $oid = $$vars[$i++]->tag();
+ # Count the number of responses to this query. The count will be 1 for
+ # non-repeaters, 1 or more for repeaters.
+ $num = scalar @$vbarr;
+ print "$num responses for oid $oid: \n";
+ # Display the returned list of varbinds using the SNMP::Varbind methods.
+ for $v (@$vbarr) {
+ printf("\t%s = %s (%s)\n", $v->name, $v->val, $v->type);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# Now do the same bulkwalk again, but in asynchronous mode. Set up a Perl
+# callback to receive the reference to the array of arrays of Varbind's for
+# the return value, and pass along the $vars VarList to it. This allows us
+# to print the oid tags (the callback code is almost the same as above).
+# First, define the Perl callback to be called when the bulkwalk completes.
+# The call to SNMP::finish() will cause the SNMP::MainLoop() to return once
+# the callback has completed, so that processing can continue.
+sub callback {
+ my ($vars, $values) = @_;
+ for $vbarr ( @$values ) {
+ # Determine which OID this request queried. This is kept in the
+ # '$vars' VarList reference passed to the Perl callback by the
+ # asynchronous callback.
+ $oid = (shift @$vars)->tag();
+ # Count the number of responses to this query. The count will be 1 for
+ # non-repeaters, 1 or more for repeaters.
+ $num = scalar @$vbarr;
+ print "$num responses for oid $oid: \n";
+ # Display the returned list of varbinds using the SNMP::Varbind methods.
+ for $v (@$vbarr) {
+ printf("\t%s = %s (%s)\n", $v->name, $v->val, $v->type);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ SNMP::finish();
+# The actual bulkwalk request is done here. Note that the $vars VarList
+# reference will be passed to the Perl callback when the bulkwalk completes.
+my $reqid = $sess->bulkwalk(2, 8, $vars, [ \&callback, $vars ]);
+die "Cannot do async bulkwalk: $sess->{ErrorStr} ($sess->{ErrorNum})\n"
+ if $sess->{ErrorNum};
+# Now drop into the SNMP event loop and await completion of the bulkwalk.
+# The call to SNMP::finish() in &callback will make the SNMP::MainLoop()
+# return to the caller.
+exit 0;
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de61e40201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use SNMP;
+$SNMP::use_enums = 1;
+my $host = shift;
+my $comm = shift;
+$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => $host, Community => $comm);
+$vars = new SNMP::VarList( ['ipRouteIfIndex'], ['ipRouteType'],
+ ['ipRouteProto'], ['ipRouteMask'],
+ ['ipRouteNextHop'], ['ipRouteAge'],
+ ['ipRouteMetric1']);
+format STDOUT_TOP =
+ Destination Next Hop Mask Proto Age Metric
+--------------- --------------- -------------- ------- -------- ------
+format STDOUT =
+@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<< @|||||| @||||||| @|||||
+$dest, $nhop, $mask, $proto, $age, $metric
+for (($index,$type,$proto,$mask,$nhop,$age,$metric) = $sess->getnext($vars);
+ $$vars[0]->tag eq 'ipRouteIfIndex' and not $sess->{ErrorStr};
+ ($index,$type,$proto,$mask,$nhop,$age,$metric) = $sess->getnext($vars)) {
+ $dest = $$vars[0]->iid;
+ write;
+print "$sess->{ErrorStr}\n";
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0616126208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use SNMP;
+$SNMP::save_descriptions = 1; # must be set prior to mib initialization
+SNMP::initMib(); # parses default list of Mib modules from default dirs
+# read dotted decimal oid or symbolic name to look up
+# partial name will be searched and all matches returned
+$val = shift || die "supply partial or complete object name or identifier\n";
+if ($node = $SNMP::MIB{$val}) {
+ print "$node:$node->{label} [$node->{objectID}]\n";
+ while (($k,$v) = each %$node) {
+ print "\t$k => $v\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ while (($k,$v) = each %SNMP::MIB) {
+ print "$v->{label} [$v->{obj}]\n" #accepts unique partial key(objectID)
+ if $k =~ /$val/ or $v->{label} =~ /$val/;
+ }
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae743d3245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# snmpwalk of entire MIB
+# stop on error at end of MIB
+use SNMP 1.8;
+$SNMP::use_sprint_value = 1;
+my $host = shift || localhost;
+my $comm = shift || public;
+$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => $host, Community => $comm);
+$var = new SNMP::Varbind([]);
+do {
+ $val = $sess->getnext($var);
+ print "$var->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f].$var->[$SNMP::Varbind::iid_f] = ",
+ "$var->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f]\n";
+} until ($sess->{ErrorStr});
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22dbe69007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use strict;
+use SNMP;
+my $target = shift || die "no ping target supplied\n"; # numeric ip address
+my $host = shift || 'localhost';
+my $community = shift || 'private';
+ my $sess = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
+ Community => $community,
+ Retries => 1);
+ my $dec = pack("C*",split /\./, $target);
+ my $oid = ".";
+ my $row = "300";
+ $sess->set([
+ ["$oid.16", $row, 6, "INTEGER"],
+ ["$oid.16", $row, 5, "INTEGER"],
+ ["$oid.15", $row, "MoNDS", "OCTETSTR"],
+ ["$oid.2", $row, 1, "INTEGER"],
+ ["$oid.4", $row, 20, "INTEGER"],
+ ["$oid.5", $row, 150, "INTEGER"],
+ ["$oid.3", $row, $dec, "OCTETSTR"]]);
+ $sess->set([["$oid.16", $row, 1, "INTEGER"]]);
+ sleep 30;
+ my ($sent, $received, $low, $avg, $high, $completed) = $sess->get([
+ ["$oid.9", $row], ["$oid.10", $row], ["$oid.11", $row],
+ ["$oid.12", $row], ["$oid.13", $row], ["$oid.14", $row]]);
+ printf "Packet loss: %d% (%d/%d)\n", (100 * ($sent-$received)) / $sent,
+ $received, $sent;
+ print "Average delay $avg (low: $low high: $high)\n";
+ $sess->set(["$oid.16", $row, 6, "INTEGER"]);
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fe344cb3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# snmpwalk of a single table
+# getnext of 3 columns from ipAddrEntry table
+# stop after last row in table
+use SNMP 1.8;
+my $host = shift || localhost;
+my $comm = shift || public;
+my $sess = new SNMP::Session ( DestHost => $host, Community => $comm );
+my $vars = new SNMP::VarList([ipAdEntAddr],[ipAdEntIfIndex],[ipAdEntNetMask]);
+for (@vals = $sess->getnext($vars);
+ $vars->[0]->tag =~ /ipAdEntAddr/ # still in table
+ and not $sess->{ErrorStr}; # and not end of mib or other error
+ @vals = $sess->getnext($vars)) {
+ print " ($vals[1]) $vals[0]/$vals[2]\n";
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495f33b0f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use SNMP 1.6;
+$host = shift;
+unless ($host) {
+ $| = 1; print "enter SNMP host address: "; $| = 0;
+ chomp($host = <STDIN>);
+$obj = new SNMP::Session DestHost, $host;
+while (){
+print $obj->get(["ifNumber",0]);
+ open(COM,"ps -u$$|") || die;
+ @bar = <COM>;
+ $siz = (split(' ',$bar[1]))[4];
+ $rss = (split(' ',$bar[1]))[5];
+ close(COM);
+ print "siz = $siz, rss = $rss\n";
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b8913fb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+use strict;
+use vars qw();
+use SNMP qw();
+ 'RFC2127-MIB',
+ );
+sub trap_call_setup;
+sub trap_dummy;
+# should eventually get these out of the MIB...
+my %dispatch_table = (
+ 'isdnMibCallInformation', \&trap_call_setup,
+ '.', \&trap_dummy,
+sub trap_dispatcher
+ my $session = shift;
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $trapType;
+ my ($reqid, $addr, $community);
+ # if this is a timeout, then there will be no args...
+ if (defined($ref)) {
+ $ref->[1]->[2] = SNMP::translateObj($ref->[1]->val);
+ $trapType = $ref->[1]->val;
+ my $args = shift;
+ ($reqid, $addr, $community) = @{$args};
+ } else {
+ $trapType = 'timeout';
+ }
+ if (defined($dispatch_table{$trapType})) {
+ &{$dispatch_table{$trapType}}($session, $ref);
+ } elsif (defined($dispatch_table{'.'})) {
+ &{$dispatch_table{'.'}}($session, $ref);
+ } else {
+ # don't do anything... silently discard.
+ }
+sub trap_dummy
+ my $session = shift;
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $trapType = $ref->[1]->val;
+ warn "unexpected trap " . $trapType;
+sub trap_call_setup
+ my $session = shift;
+ my $varlist = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $ifIndex = $varlist->[2]->val;
+ my $isdnBearerOperStatus = $varlist->[3]->val;
+ my $isdnBearerPeerAddress = $varlist->[4]->val;
+ my $isdnBearerPeerSubAddress = $varlist->[5]->val;
+ my $isdnBearerInfoType = $varlist->[6]->val;
+ my $isdnBearerCallOrigin = $varlist->[5]->val;
+ my ($reqid, $ipaddr, $community) = @{$args};
+ printf "Call from %s", $isdnBearerPeerAddress;
+ printf "*%s", $isdnBearerPeerSubAddress if ($isdnBearerPeerSubAddress ne '');
+ printf "\n";
+my $session = new SNMP::Session(
+ DestHost => 'udp:162',
+ LocalPort => 1,
+ Version => '2c',
+ UseEnums => 0,
+ );
+if (!defined($session)) {
+ die "can't create listener session";
+# otherwise assume that ErrorNum is zero...
+$session->SNMP::_catch([\&trap_dispatcher, $session]);
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/hints/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/hints/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e388261c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/hints/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# uses libelf for nlist on irix (>= 5.3?)
+$self->{LIBS} .= ' -lelf';
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/hints/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/hints/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87dccd1bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/hints/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# uses kstat on solaris for get_uptime
+$self->{LIBS} .= ' -lkstat';
+# add -ldb if you are getting the vsnprintf not found error
+# $self->{LIBS} .= ' -lkstat -ldb';
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/perlsnmp.h b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/perlsnmp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57bb064baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/perlsnmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#ifndef timeradd
+#define timeradd(a, b, result) \
+ do { \
+ (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec + (b)->tv_sec; \
+ (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec + (b)->tv_usec; \
+ if ((result)->tv_usec >= 1000000) \
+ { \
+ ++(result)->tv_sec; \
+ (result)->tv_usec -= 1000000; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#ifndef timersub
+#define timersub(a, b, result) \
+ do { \
+ (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec; \
+ (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec - (b)->tv_usec; \
+ if ((result)->tv_usec < 0) { \
+ --(result)->tv_sec; \
+ (result)->tv_usec += 1000000; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/README b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..792173277b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/README
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+(save_descriptions, use_long_names)
+ setmib
+ initMib
+ addMibDirs
+ addMibFiles
+ loadModules
+ unloadModules (todo)
+ translateObj
+ getType
+ mapEnum
+ connectivity
+ error handling
+ mib loading
+ parameters
+(use_enums, sprint_val, long_names)
+ var formats
+ fget
+ multi varbinds
+ error reporting
+This is the first stab at setting up comprehensive tests for
+SNMP-1.7 which look and act like regular perl5 test results.
+Use teststub.t attached below as a template for creating additional
+test modules.
+Add more tests and feed them back into the distribution! The more the
+Written by John Stoffel ( =or= 10/14/1997
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+use Test;
+use SNMP 3.0;
+$SNMP::verbose = 0;
+$num = 0; # Number of tests to run
+print "1..$num\n";
+$n = 1;
+my $junk_oid = ".";
+my $oid = '.';
+my $name = 'sysDescr';
+my $junk_name = 'fooDescr';
+# Garbage names return Undef.
+# test 1
+$type = SNMP::getType($junk_name);
+printf "%s %d\n", (!defined($type)) ? "ok" :"not ok", $n++;
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/async.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/async.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef46617c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/async.t
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN {plan tests => 20}
+use SNMP;
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm $agent_host);
+if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+ warn "Win32 detected - skipping and failing async calls\n";
+ for (my $i=1;$i <= 20; $i++) {
+ ok(0);
+ }
+ exit;
+require "t/";
+sub cb1; # forward reference
+sub cb2;
+sub cb3;
+sub cb4;
+sub cb5;
+sub cb6;
+sub cb7;
+sub cbDummy;
+$SNMP::verbose = 0;
+$SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
+my $sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => $agent_host,
+ Version => 1,
+ Community => $comm,
+ RemotePort => $agent_port);
+# try getting unregistered OID.
+my $result = $sess->get([["HooHaaHooHaa","0"]], [\&cbDummy, $sess]);
+# this get should work
+$result = $sess->get([["sysDescr","0"]], [\&cb1, $sess]);
+sub cb1{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ ok(defined($vlist));
+ my $tag = $vlist->[0]->tag;
+ ok($tag eq 'sysDescr');
+ my $val = $vlist->[0]->val;
+ ok(defined $val);
+ my $iid = $vlist->[0]->iid;
+ my $type = $vlist->[0]->type;
+ ok($type eq 'OCTETSTR');
+ my $res = $sess->getnext([["sysDescr",0]], [\&cb2, $sess]);
+ ok ($res);
+} # end of cb1
+sub cb2{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ ok(defined($vlist));
+ ok(ref($vlist->[0]) =~ /Varbind/);
+ ok($vlist->[0][0] eq 'sysObjectID');
+ my $res = $sess->get([["."]], [\&cb3, $sess]);
+ ok($res);
+} # end of cb2
+sub cb3{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ ok(defined($vlist));
+ ok($vlist->[0][0] eq 'sysDescr');
+ my $res = $sess->getnext([["sysDescr",0]], [\&cb4, $sess]);
+ ok($res);
+} # end of cb3
+sub cb4{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ ok(defined $vlist);
+ my $res = $sess->set("sysDescr.0", "hahaha", [\&cb5, $sess]);
+} # end of cb4
+sub cb5{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ ok(defined($vlist));
+ my $res = $sess->set("sysORID.1", ".", [\&cb6, $sess]);
+ ok(defined $res);
+} # end of cb5
+sub cb6{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ my $tag = $vlist->[0]->tag;
+ my $val = $vlist->[0]->val;
+ ok($tag =~ /^sysORID/);
+# create list of varbinds for GETS, val field can be null or omitted
+ my $vars =
+ new SNMP::VarList (
+ ['sysDescr', '0', ''],
+ ['sysObjectID', '0'],
+ ['sysUpTime', '0'],
+ ['sysContact', '0'],
+ ['sysName', '0'],
+ ['sysLocation', '0'],
+ ['sysServices', '0'],
+ ['ifNumber', '0'],
+ ['ifDescr', '1'],
+ ['ifSpeed', '1'],
+ ['snmpInPkts', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadVersions', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadCommunityNames', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadCommunityUses', '0'],
+ ['snmpInASNParseErrs', '0'],
+ ['snmpEnableAuthenTraps', '0'],
+ ['sysORID', '1'],
+ ['sysORDescr', '1'],
+ ['sysORUpTime', '1'],
+ ['sysORLastChange', '0'],
+ ['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
+ ['ipDefaultTTL', '0'],
+ ['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
+ );
+ my $res = $sess->get($vars, [\&cb7, $sess]);
+ ok(defined $res);
+} # end of cb6
+sub cb7{
+ my $sess = shift;
+ my $vlist = shift;
+ my $tag = $vlist->[0]->tag;
+ my $val = $vlist->[0]->val;
+ ok(@{$vlist} == 23);
+ snmptest_cleanup();
+ exit(0);
+} # end of cb7
+sub cbDummy {
+ warn("error: this should not get called");
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/bulkwalk.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/bulkwalk.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57d5500cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/bulkwalk.t
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# $Id: bulkwalk.t 15551 2006-11-13 23:50:20Z tanders $
+# Test bulkwalk functionality.
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN { $num = 62; plan test => $num; }
+use SNMP;
+require "t/";
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm2 $agent_host);
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+$SNMP::verbose = 0;
+#print "1..$num\n";
+# Fire up a session.
+$s1 = new SNMP::Session(
+ 'DestHost' => $agent_host,
+ 'Community' => $comm2,
+ 'RemotePort' => $agent_port,
+ 'Version' => '2c',
+ 'UseNumeric' => 1,
+ 'UseEnum' => 0,
+ 'UseLongNames' => 1
+# Attempt to use the bulkwalk method to get a few variables from the
+# SNMP agent.
+# test 1
+$vars = new SNMP::VarList ( ['sysUpTime'], ['ifNumber'], # NON-repeaters
+ ['ifSpeed'], ['ifDescr']); # Repeated variables.
+$expect = scalar @$vars;
+@list = $s1->bulkwalk(2, 16, $vars);
+ok($s1->{ErrorNum} == 0);
+# Did we get back the list of references to returned values?
+ok(scalar @list == $expect);
+if (defined($list[0][0])) {
+ # Sanity check the returned values. list[0] is sysUptime nonrepeater.
+ ok($list[0][0]->tag eq "."); # check system.sysUptime OID
+ ok($list[0][0]->iid eq "0"); # check system.sysUptime.0 IID
+ ok($list[0][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Uptime is numeric
+ ok($list[0][0]->type eq "TICKS"); # Uptime should be in ticks.
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+if (defined($list[1][0])) {
+ # Find out how many interfaces to expect. list[1] is ifNumber nonrepeater.
+ ok($list[1][0]->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifNumber OID.
+ ok($list[1][0]->iid eq "0"); # system.ifNumber.0 IID.
+ ok($list[1][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ #XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+ #ok($list[1][0]->type eq "INTEGER32"); # Number should be integer.
+ $ifaces = $list[1][0]->val;
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+# Make sure we got an ifSpeed for each interface. list[2] is ifSpeed repeater.
+ok(scalar @{$list[2]} == $ifaces);
+# Make sure we got an ifDescr for each interface. list[3] is ifDescr repeater.
+ok(scalar @{$list[3]} == $ifaces);
+if (defined($list[2][0])) {
+ # Test for reasonable values from the agent.
+ ok($list[2][0]->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifSpeed OID.
+ ok($list[2][0]->iid eq "1"); # Instance should be 1.
+ ok($list[2][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ ok($list[2][0]->type eq "GAUGE"); # Number should be a gauge.
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+if (defined($list[3][0])) {
+ ok($list[3][0]->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifDescr OID.
+ ok($list[3][0]->iid eq "1"); # Instance should be 1.
+ # The first interface is probably loopback. Check this.
+ ok($list[3][0]->type eq "OCTETSTR"); # Description is a string.
+ # This might fail on systems that don't have lo0/loopback as their first
+ # interface. Please adjust accordingly.
+ $loopback = $list[3][0]->val;
+ if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+ ok(($loopback =~ /loopback/i));
+ } elsif ($^O =~ /(irix|hpux)/i) {
+ # IRIX/HP-UX may have lo0 at the *end* of the interface list,
+ # so just check for a non-empty string
+ ok(($loopback ne ''));
+ } else {
+ ok(($loopback =~ /^lo/));
+ }
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+# Attempt to use the bulkwalk method to get only non-repeaters
+# test 2
+$vars = new SNMP::VarList ( ['sysUpTime'], ['ifNumber'] ); # NON-repeaters
+$expect = scalar @$vars;
+@list = $s1->bulkwalk(2, 0, $vars);
+#@list = $s1->bulkwalk(2, 16, $vars);
+ok($s1->{ErrorNum} == 0);
+# Did we get back the list of references to returned values?
+ok(scalar @list == $expect);
+if (defined($list[0][0])) {
+ # Sanity check the returned values. list[0] is sysUptime nonrepeater.
+ ok($list[0][0]->tag eq "."); # check system.sysUptime OID
+ ok($list[0][0]->iid eq "0"); # check system.sysUptime.0 IID
+ ok($list[0][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Uptime is numeric
+ ok($list[0][0]->type eq "TICKS"); # Uptime should be in ticks.
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+if (defined($list[1][0])) {
+ # Find out how many interfaces to expect. list[1] is ifNumber nonrepeater.
+ ok($list[1][0]->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifNumber OID.
+ ok($list[1][0]->iid eq "0"); # system.ifNumber.0 IID.
+ ok($list[1][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ #XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+ #ok($list[1][0]->type eq "INTEGER32"); # Number should be integer.
+ $ifaces = $list[1][0]->val;
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+# Attempt to use the bulkwalk method to get only repeated variables
+# test 3
+$vars = new SNMP::VarList ( ['ifIndex'], ['ifSpeed'] ); # repeaters
+$expect = scalar @$vars;
+@list = $s1->bulkwalk(0, 16, $vars);
+ok($s1->{ErrorNum} == 0);
+# Did we get back the list of references to returned values?
+ok(scalar @list == $expect);
+# Make sure we got an ifIndex for each interface. list[0] is ifIndex repeater.
+ok(scalar @{$list[0]} == $ifaces);
+# Make sure we got an ifSpeed for each interface. list[0] is ifSpeed repeater.
+ok(scalar @{$list[1]} == $ifaces);
+if (defined($list[0][0])) {
+ # Test for reasonable values from the agent.
+ ok($list[0][0]->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifIndex OID.
+ ok($list[0][0]->iid eq "1"); # Instance should be 1.
+ ok($list[0][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ #XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+ #ok($list[0][0]->type eq "INTEGER32"); # Number should be an integer.
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+if (defined($list[1][0])) {
+ ok($list[1][0]->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifSpeed OID.
+ ok($list[1][0]->iid eq "1"); # Instance should be 1.
+ ok($list[1][0]->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ ok($list[1][0]->type eq "GAUGE"); # Number should be a gauge.
+else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+# Asynchronous Bulkwalk Methods
+# Attempt to use the bulkwalk method to get a few variables from the
+# SNMP agent.
+# test 4
+sub async_cb1 {
+ my ($vars, $list) = @_;
+ ok(defined $list && ref($list) =~ m/ARRAY/);
+ ok(defined $vars && ref($vars) =~ m/SNMP::VarList/);
+ ok(scalar @$list == scalar @$vars);
+ my $vbr;
+ if (defined($list->[0][0])) {
+ # Sanity check the returned values. First is sysUptime nonrepeater.
+ $vbr = $list->[0][0];
+ ok($vbr->tag eq "."); # check system.sysUptime OID
+ ok($vbr->iid eq "0"); # check system.sysUptime.0 IID
+ ok($vbr->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Uptime is numeric
+ ok($vbr->type eq "TICKS"); # Uptime should be in ticks.
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ }
+ if (defined($list->[1][0])) {
+ # Find out how many interfaces to expect. Next is ifNumber nonrepeater.
+ $vbr = $list->[1][0];
+ ok($vbr->tag eq "."); # Should be system.ifNumber OID.
+ ok($vbr->iid eq "0"); # system.ifNumber.0 IID.
+ ok($vbr->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ #XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+ # ok($vbr->type eq "INTEGER32"); # Number should be integer.
+ $ifaces = $vbr->[2];
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ }
+ # Test for reasonable values from the agent.
+ ok(scalar @{$list->[2]} == $ifaces);
+ if (defined($list->[2][0])) {
+ $vbr = $list->[2][0];
+ ok($vbr->tag eq "."); # Should be ifSpeed OID
+ ok($vbr->iid eq "1"); # Instance should be 1.
+ ok($vbr->val =~ m/^\d+$/); # Number is all numeric
+ ok($vbr->type eq "GAUGE"); # Should be a gauge.
+ ok(scalar @{$list->[3]} == $ifaces);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ }
+ if (defined($list->[3][0])) {
+ $vbr = $list->[3][0];
+ ok($vbr->tag eq "."); # Should be ifDescr OID
+ ok($vbr->iid eq "1"); # Instance should be 1.
+ # The first interface is probably loopback. Check this.
+ ok($vbr->type eq "OCTETSTR");
+ # This might fail on systems that don't have lo0/loopback as their first
+ # interface. Please adjust accordingly.
+ if ($^O =~ /(irix|hpux)/i) {
+ # IRIX/HP-UX may have lo0 at the *end* of the interface list,
+ # so just check for a non-empty string
+ ok(($vbr->val ne ''));
+ } else {
+ ok(($vbr->val =~ /^lo/));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ ok(0);
+ }
+ SNMP::finish();
+$vars = new SNMP::VarList ( ['sysUpTime'], ['ifNumber'], # NON-repeaters
+ ['ifSpeed'], ['ifDescr']); # Repeated variables.
+if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+ warn "Win32 detected - skipping and failing async calls\n";
+ for (my $i=1;$i <= 21; $i++) {
+ ok(0);
+ }
+else {
+ @list = $s1->bulkwalk(2, 16, $vars, [ \&async_cb1, $vars ] );
+ ok($s1->{ErrorNum} == 0);
+ SNMP::MainLoop();
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/conf.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/conf.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11ef8b41f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/conf.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ $ENV{'MIBS'} = '';
+# This merely checks to see if the default_store routines work from
+# read configuration files. Functionally, if this fails then it's a
+# serious problem because they linked with static libraries instead of
+# shared ones as the memory space is different.
+use Test;
+BEGIN {plan tests => 3}
+$ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = ".:t";
+ok(1); # just start up
+use SNMP;
+use NetSNMP::default_store(':all');
+# should be 0, as it's un-initialized
+$myint = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+ok($myint == 0);
+$myint = netsnmp_ds_get_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
+# ok, should be 1 as it's initalized by the snmp.conf config file.
+ok($myint == 1);
+# this is a pretty major error, so if it's not true we really really
+# print a big big warning. Technically, I suspect this is a bad thing
+# to do in perl tests but...
+if ($myint != 1) {
+ die "\n\n\n" . "*" x 75 . "\nBIG PROBLEM($myint): I wasn't able to read
+ data from a configuration file. This likely means that you've
+ compiled the net-snmp package with static libraries, which can
+ cause real problems with the perl module. Please reconfigure your
+ net-snmp package for use with shared libraries (run configure with
+ --enable-shared)\n" . "*" x 75 . "\n\n\n\n";
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/conftest.conf b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/conftest.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cf5219af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/conftest.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+numericTimeticks 1
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/get.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/get.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f88de65d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/get.t
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN { $n = 17; plan tests => $n }
+use SNMP;
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm $agent_host);
+require "t/";
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+$SNMP::verbose = 0;
+$SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
+my $junk_oid = ".";
+my $oid = '.';
+my $junk_name = 'fooDescr';
+my $junk_host = '';
+my $name = "gmarzot\";
+my $s1;
+# create list of varbinds for GETS, val field can be null or omitted
+$vars = new SNMP::VarList (
+ ['sysDescr', '0', ''],
+ ['sysObjectID', '0'],
+ ['sysUpTime', '0'],
+ ['sysContact', '0'],
+ ['sysName', '0'],
+ ['sysLocation', '0'],
+ ['sysServices', '0'],
+ ['snmpInPkts', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadVersions', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadCommunityNames', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadCommunityUses', '0'],
+ ['snmpInASNParseErrs', '0'],
+ ['snmpEnableAuthenTraps', '0'],
+ ['sysORID', '1'],
+ ['sysORDescr', '1'],
+ ['sysORUpTime', '1'],
+ ['sysORLastChange', '0'],
+ ['snmpSilentDrops', '0'],
+ ['snmpProxyDrops', '0'],
+## not all agents we know will support these objects
+# ['hrStorageType', '2'],
+# ['hrSystemDate', '0'],
+# ['sysORIndex', '1'],
+# ['ifName', '1'],
+# ['ifNumber', '0'],
+# ['ifDescr', '1'],
+# ['ifSpeed', '1'],
+# ['snmpTrapEnterprise', '2'],
+# ['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
+# ['ipDefaultTTL', '0'],
+# ['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
+ );
+# Yet to do:
+# test for the max limit the 'get' can provide.
+# Figure out why the IP and Physical address are not getting printed.
+# why ifname is not getting printed?
+# ['ipNetToMediaPhysAddress', '0'],
+# ['ipAdEntAddr', '0'],
+# ['snmpTrapOID', '0'],
+# ['hrSystemNumUsers', '0'],
+# ['hrFSLastFullBackupDate', '0'],
+# ['ifPromiscuousMode', '0'],
+# Fire up a session.
+ $s1 =
+ new SNMP::Session (DestHost=>$agent_host,Version=>1,Community=>$comm,RemotePort=>$agent_port);
+ ok(defined($s1));
+# Get the standard Vars and check that we got some defined vars back
+@ret = $s1->get($vars);
+ok(!$s1->{ErrorStr} and defined($ret[0]));
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+# Check that we got back the number we asked for.
+ok($#ret == $#{$vars});
+#print("dude : $#ret\n");
+# Test for a string
+$contact = $s1->get('sysContact.0');
+#print("contact is : $contact\n");
+ok( defined($contact));
+$name = $s1->get('sysName.0');
+#print("Name is : $name\n");
+ok( defined($name));
+$location = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
+#print("Location is : $location\n");
+ok( defined($location));
+# Test for an integer
+$ttl = $s1->get('ipDefaultTTL.0');
+#print("TTL is : $ttl\n");
+ok( defined($ttl));
+# Test for a TimeTicks
+$time = $s1->get('sysUpTime.0');
+#print("up time is : $time hundredths of a second\n");
+ok( defined($time));
+#Test for a Counter32 type.
+$totalDatagramsReceived = $s1->get('ipInHdrErrors.0');
+#print("totalDatagramsReceived is : $totalDatagramsReceived\n");
+ok( defined($totalDatagramsReceived));
+#Test for a PhysicalAddr type
+$physaddr = $s1->get('ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.0');
+#print("physical addr is : $physaddr \n");
+ok( defined($physaddr));
+#Test for a IpAddr type
+$ipaddr = $s1->get('ipAdEntAddr.0');
+#print("Ip address is : $ipaddr \n");
+ok( defined($ipaddr));
+#Test for a OID type
+$trapOID = $s1->get('snmpTrapOID.0');
+#print("trap OID is : $trapOID $s1->{ErrorStr}\n");
+ok( defined($trapOID));
+#Test for a Gauge type
+#$numusers = $s1->get('hrSystemNumUsers.0');
+#print("Number of users is : $numusers \n");
+#ok( defined($numusers));
+#Test for a date & time type
+#$datetime = $s1->get('hrFSLastFullBackupDate.0');
+#print("Number of users is : $datetime \n");
+#ok( defined($datetime));
+#Test for a Truth value type
+#$mode = $s1->get('ifPromiscuousMode.16');
+#print("Truth value(1 true, 2 false) is : $mode \n");
+#ok( defined($mode));
+# Time stamp test
+$time = $s1->get('sysORLastChange.0');
+#print("time stamp is : $time \n");
+# Integer test
+#$index = $s1->get('sysORIndex.0');
+#print("index is : $index\n");
+# OID test
+$oid = $s1->get('sysORID.1');
+#print("index is : $oid\n");
+# String test
+$descr = $s1->get('sysORDescr.1');
+#print("Sys Descr is : $descr\n");
+# string String test
+$ifname = $s1->get('ifDescr.1');
+#print("ifname is : $ifname $s1->{ErrorStr}\n");
+# Try getting some unknown(wrong ?) data
+$unknown = $s1->get('ifmyData.0');
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/getnext.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/getnext.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..417ae91317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/getnext.t
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 9 }
+use SNMP;
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm $agent_host);
+require "t/";
+my $junk_oid = ".";
+my $oid = '.';
+my $junk_name = 'fooDescr';
+my $junk_host = '';
+my $name = "gmarzot\";
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+my $n = 9; # Number of tests to run
+#print "1..$n\n";
+#if ($n == 0) { exit 0; }
+# create list of varbinds for GETS, val field can be null or omitted
+my $vars = new SNMP::VarList (
+ ['sysDescr', '0', ''],
+ ['sysContact', '0'],
+ ['sysName', '0'],
+ ['sysLocation', '0'],
+ ['sysServices', '0'],
+ ['ifNumber', '0'],
+ ['ifDescr', '1'],
+ ['ifSpeed', '1'],
+ );
+############################## 1 #####################################
+# Fire up a session.
+ my $s1 =
+ new SNMP::Session (DestHost=>$agent_host,Version=>1,Community=>$comm,RemotePort=>$agent_port);
+ ok(defined($s1));
+############################# 2 #######################################
+# Try getnext on sysDescr.0
+my $next = $s1->getnext('sysDescr.0');
+#print ("The next OID is : $next\n");
+ok($s1->{ErrorStr} eq '');
+#print STDERR "Error string1 = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+########################### 3 ########################################
+#$v1 = $s1->getnext('sysLocation.0');
+#print ("The next OID is : $v1\n");
+my $v2 = $s1->getnext('sysServices.0');
+#print ("The next OID is : $v2\n");
+ok($s1->{ErrorStr} eq '');
+#print STDERR "Error string2 = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+############################ 4 #######################################
+# try it on an unknown OID
+my $v3 = $s1->getnext('Srivathsan.0');
+#print ("The unknown OID is : $v3\n");
+ok($s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^Unknown/);
+#print STDERR "Error string5 = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+############################# 5 #######################################
+# On a non-accessible value
+#my $kkk = $s1->getnext('vacmSecurityName.1');
+#print("kkk is $kkk\n");
+#ok($s1->{ErrorInd} != 0);
+#print STDERR "Error string5 = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+############################# 6 ####################################
+# We should get back sysDescr.0 here.
+my $var = new SNMP::Varbind(['sysDescr']);
+my $res2 = $s1->getnext($var);
+#print("res2 is : $res2\n");
+ok((not $s1->{ErrorStr} and not $s1->{ErrorInd}));
+ok((defined $var->iid and $var->iid eq 0));
+ok((defined $var->val and $var->val eq $res2));
+############################# 7 ######################################
+# get the next one after that as well for a second check
+my $res3 = $s1->getnext($var);
+#print("res3 is : $res3\n");
+ok((defined $var->tag and $var->tag eq 'sysObjectID'));
+ok((defined $var->val and $var->val eq $res3));
+ snmptest_cleanup();
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mib.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mib.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18193d2195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mib.t
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Written by John Stoffel ( - 10/13/1997
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+# to print the description...
+$SNMP::save_descriptions = 1;
+use Test;
+BEGIN {plan tests => 35}
+use SNMP;
+$SNMP::verbose = 0;
+$SNMP::best_guess = 2;
+use vars qw($bad_oid);
+require "t/";
+my $mib_file = 't/mib.txt';
+my $bad_mib_file = 'mib.txt';
+############################# 1 ######################################
+#check if
+my $res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{label};
+#print("Label is:$res\n");
+ok("sysDescr" eq $res);
+############################# 2 ######################################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{objectID};
+#print("OID is: $res\n");
+############################# 3 ######################################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{access};
+#print("access is: $res\n");
+ok($res eq 'ReadOnly');
+############################## 4 ###################################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysLocation}{access};
+#$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysORIndex}{access};
+ok($res eq 'ReadWrite');
+############################## 5 ###################################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysLocation}{type};
+ok($res eq 'OCTETSTR');
+############################# 6 ####################################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysLocation}{status};
+#print STDERR ("status is: $res\n");
+ok($res eq 'Current');
+#print STDERR ("\n");
+############################# 7 #################################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysORTable}{access};
+#print("access is: $res\n");
+ok($res eq 'NoAccess');
+############################# 8 ###############################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysLocation}{subID};
+#print("subID is: $res\n");
+############################ 9 ##############################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysLocation}{syntax};
+#print("syntax is: $res\n");
+ok($res eq 'DisplayString');
+############################ 10 ###########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{ipAdEntAddr}{syntax};
+ok($res eq 'IPADDR');
+########################## 11 ##########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{atNetAddress}{syntax};
+#print ("syntax is: $res\n");
+ok($res eq 'NETADDR');
+######################## 12 ###############################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{ipReasmOKs}{syntax};
+#print("syntax is: $res\n");
+ok($res eq 'COUNTER');
+###################### 13 ##############################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{moduleID};
+#print("Module ID is: $res\n");
+###################### 14 #########################
+$des = $SNMP::MIB{atNetAddress}{description};
+#print("des is --> $des\n");
+###################### 15 #########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{atNetAddress}{nextNode};
+#print("res is --> $res\n");
+ok(ref($res) eq "HASH");
+######################## 16 #########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{children};
+#print("res is --> $res\n");
+ok(ref($res) eq "ARRAY");
+#################### 17 #########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{badField};
+###################### 18 #########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{hint};
+#print("res is --> $res\n");
+#XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+#ok(defined($res) && $res =~ /^255a/);
+###################### 19 #########################
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{ifPhysAddress}{hint};
+#print("res is --> $res\n");
+#XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+#ok(defined($res) && $res =~ /^1x:/);
+###################### some translate tests #######
+##################### 20 #########################
+# Garbage names return Undef.
+my $type1 = SNMP::getType($bad_name);
+#printf "%s %d\n", (!defined($type1)) ? "ok" :"not ok", $n++;
+# getType() supports numeric OIDs now
+my $type2 = SNMP::getType($oid);
+#XXX: test fails due SMIv1 codes being returned intstead of SMIv2...
+#ok(defined($type2) && $type2 =~ /OCTETSTR/);
+# This tests that sysDescr returns a valid type.
+my $type3 = SNMP::getType($name);
+# Translation tests from Name -> OID
+# sysDescr to .
+$oid_tag = SNMP::translateObj($name);
+ok($oid eq $oid_tag);
+# Translation tests from Name -> OID
+# RFC1213-MIB::sysDescr to .
+$oid_tag = SNMP::translateObj($name_module);
+ok($oid eq $oid_tag);
+# Translation tests from Name -> OID
+# to .
+$oid_tag = SNMP::translateObj($name_long);
+ok($oid eq $oid_tag);
+# bad name returns 'undef'
+$oid_tag = '';
+$oid_tag = SNMP::translateObj($bad_name);
+# OID -> name
+# . to sysDescr
+$name_tag = SNMP::translateObj($oid);
+ok($name eq $name_tag);
+# OID -> name
+# . to RFC1213-MIB::sysDescr or
+# . to SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr
+$name_tag = SNMP::translateObj($oid,0,1);
+$name_module2 = $name_module2; # To eliminate 'only use once' variable warning
+ok(($name_module eq $name_tag) || ($name_module2 eq $name_tag));
+# OID -> name
+# . to
+$name_tag = SNMP::translateObj($oid,1);
+ok($name_long eq $name_tag);
+# OID -> name
+# . to or
+# . to
+$name_module_long = $name_module_long; # To eliminate 'only use once' variable warning
+$name_module_long2 = $name_module_long2; # To eliminate 'only use once' variable warning
+$name_tag = SNMP::translateObj($oid,1,1);
+ok(($name_module_long eq $name_tag) || ($name_module_long2 eq $name_tag));
+# bad OID -> Name
+$name_tag = SNMP::translateObj($bad_oid);
+ok($name ne $name_tag);
+#printf "%s %d\n", ($name ne $name_tag) ? "ok" :"not ok", $n++;
+# ranges
+$node = $SNMP::MIB{snmpTargetAddrMMS};
+$ranges = $node->{ranges};
+ok($ranges and ref $ranges eq 'ARRAY');
+ok(@$ranges == 2);
+ok($$ranges[0]{low} == 0);
+ok($$ranges[0]{high} == 0);
+ok($$ranges[1]{low} == 484);
+ok($$ranges[1]{high} == 2147483647);
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mib.txt b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mib.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..347a2afad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mib.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4208 @@
+ nullOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccitt 0 }
+ internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) 1 }
+ directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }
+ mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }
+ experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }
+ private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
+ enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
+-- @(#)WSCCS o/mibs-rfc1213.mib 1.1 8/30/95
+-- Changes to rfc1213 (MIB-II):
+-- No changes needed.
+ mgmt, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge,
+ TimeTicks
+ FROM RFC-1212;
+ -- This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
+ -- defined in [14];
+ -- MIB-II (same prefix as MIB-I)
+ mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
+ -- textual conventions
+ DisplayString ::=
+ -- This data type is used to model textual information taken
+ -- from the NVT ASCII character set. By convention, objects
+ -- with this syntax are declared as having
+ --
+ -- SIZE (0..255)
+ PhysAddress ::=
+ -- This data type is used to model media addresses. For many
+ -- types of media, this will be in a binary representation.
+ -- For example, an ethernet address would be represented as
+ -- a string of 6 octets.
+ -- groups in MIB-II
+ system OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
+ interfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
+ at OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 3 }
+ ip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 4 }
+ icmp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 5 }
+ tcp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
+ udp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 7 }
+ egp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 8 }
+ -- historical (some say hysterical)
+ -- cmot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 9 }
+ transmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }
+ snmp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 11 }
+ -- the System group
+ -- Implementation of the System group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems. If an agent is not configured to have a value
+ -- for any of these variables, a string of length 0 is
+ -- returned.
+ sysDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A textual description of the entity. This value
+ should include the full name and version
+ identification of the system's hardware type,
+ software operating-system, and networking
+ software. It is mandatory that this only contain
+ printable ASCII characters."
+ ::= { system 1 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
+ network management subsystem contained in the
+ entity. This value is allocated within the SMI
+ enterprises subtree ( and provides an
+ easy and unambiguous means for determining `what
+ kind of box' is being managed. For example, if
+ vendor `Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the
+ subtree, it could assign the
+ identifier to its `Fred
+ Router'."
+ ::= { system 2 }
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
+ network management portion of the system was last
+ re-initialized."
+ ::= { system 3 }
+ sysContact OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The textual identification of the contact person
+ for this managed node, together with information
+ on how to contact this person."
+ ::= { system 4 }
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An administratively-assigned name for this
+ managed node. By convention, this is the node's
+ fully-qualified domain name."
+ ::= { system 5 }
+ sysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The physical location of this node (e.g.,
+ `telephone closet, 3rd floor')."
+ ::= { system 6 }
+ sysServices OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A value which indicates the set of services that
+ this entity primarily offers.
+ The value is a sum. This sum initially takes the
+ value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range
+ 1 through 7, that this node performs transactions
+ for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum. For
+ example, a node which performs primarily routing
+ functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)). In
+ contrast, a node which is a host offering
+ application services would have a value of 72
+ (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)). Note that in the context of
+ the Internet suite of protocols, values should be
+ calculated accordingly:
+ layer functionality
+ 1 physical (e.g., repeaters)
+ 2 datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
+ 3 internet (e.g., IP gateways)
+ 4 end-to-end (e.g., IP hosts)
+ 7 applications (e.g., mail relays)
+ For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and
+ 6 may also be counted."
+ ::= { system 7 }
+ -- the Interfaces group
+ -- Implementation of the Interfaces group is mandatory for
+ -- all systems.
+ ifNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of network interfaces (regardless of
+ their current state) present on this system."
+ ::= { interfaces 1 }
+ -- the Interfaces table
+ -- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's
+ -- interfaces. Each interface is thought of as being
+ -- attached to a `subnetwork'. Note that this term should
+ -- not be confused with `subnet' which refers to an
+ -- addressing partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite
+ -- of protocols.
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A list of interface entries. The number of
+ entries is given by the value of ifNumber."
+ ::= { interfaces 2 }
+ SYNTAX IfEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An interface entry containing objects at the
+ subnetwork layer and below for a particular
+ interface."
+ INDEX { ifIndex }
+ ::= { ifTable 1 }
+ IfEntry ::=
+ ifIndex
+ ifDescr
+ DisplayString,
+ ifType
+ ifMtu
+ ifSpeed
+ Gauge,
+ ifPhysAddress
+ PhysAddress,
+ ifAdminStatus
+ ifOperStatus
+ ifLastChange
+ TimeTicks,
+ ifInOctets
+ Counter,
+ ifInUcastPkts
+ Counter,
+ ifInNUcastPkts
+ Counter,
+ ifInDiscards
+ Counter,
+ ifInErrors
+ Counter,
+ ifInUnknownProtos
+ Counter,
+ ifOutOctets
+ Counter,
+ ifOutUcastPkts
+ Counter,
+ ifOutNUcastPkts
+ Counter,
+ ifOutDiscards
+ Counter,
+ ifOutErrors
+ Counter,
+ ifOutQLen
+ Gauge,
+ ifSpecific
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A unique value for each interface. Its value
+ ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The
+ value for each interface must remain constant at
+ least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+ network management system to the next re-
+ initialization."
+ ::= { ifEntry 1 }
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A textual string containing information about the
+ interface. This string should include the name of
+ the manufacturer, the product name and the version
+ of the hardware interface."
+ ::= { ifEntry 2 }
+ other(1), -- none of the following
+ regular1822(2),
+ hdh1822(3),
+ ddn-x25(4),
+ rfc877-x25(5),
+ ethernet-csmacd(6),
+ iso88023-csmacd(7),
+ iso88024-tokenBus(8),
+ iso88025-tokenRing(9),
+ iso88026-man(10),
+ starLan(11),
+ proteon-10Mbit(12),
+ proteon-80Mbit(13),
+ hyperchannel(14),
+ fddi(15),
+ lapb(16),
+ sdlc(17),
+ ds1(18), -- T-1
+ e1(19), -- european equiv. of T-1
+ basicISDN(20),
+ primaryISDN(21), -- proprietary serial
+ propPointToPointSerial(22),
+ ppp(23),
+ softwareLoopback(24),
+ eon(25), -- CLNP over IP [11]
+ ethernet-3Mbit(26),
+ nsip(27), -- XNS over IP
+ slip(28), -- generic SLIP
+ ultra(29), -- ULTRA technologies
+ ds3(30), -- T-3
+ sip(31), -- SMDS
+ frame-relay(32)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The type of interface, distinguished according to
+ the physical/link protocol(s) immediately `below'
+ the network layer in the protocol stack."
+ ::= { ifEntry 3 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The size of the largest datagram which can be
+ sent/received on the interface, specified in
+ octets. For interfaces that are used for
+ transmitting network datagrams, this is the size
+ of the largest network datagram that can be sent
+ on the interface."
+ ::= { ifEntry 4 }
+ SYNTAX Gauge
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth
+ in bits per second. For interfaces which do not
+ vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate
+ estimation can be made, this object should contain
+ the nominal bandwidth."
+ ::= { ifEntry 5 }
+ ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PhysAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The interface's address at the protocol layer
+ immediately `below' the network layer in the
+ protocol stack. For interfaces which do not have
+ such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object
+ should contain an octet string of zero length."
+ ::= { ifEntry 6 }
+ ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ up(1), -- ready to pass packets
+ down(2),
+ testing(3) -- in some test mode
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The desired state of the interface. The
+ testing(3) state indicates that no operational
+ packets can be passed."
+ ::= { ifEntry 7 }
+ ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ up(1), -- ready to pass packets
+ down(2),
+ testing(3) -- in some test mode
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The current operational state of the interface.
+ The testing(3) state indicates that no operational
+ packets can be passed."
+ ::= { ifEntry 8 }
+ ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface
+ entered its current operational state. If the
+ current state was entered prior to the last re-
+ initialization of the local network management
+ subsystem, then this object contains a zero
+ value."
+ ::= { ifEntry 9 }
+ ifInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of octets received on the
+ interface, including framing characters."
+ ::= { ifEntry 10 }
+ ifInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of subnetwork-unicast packets
+ delivered to a higher-layer protocol."
+ ::= { ifEntry 11 }
+ ifInNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-
+ broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets
+ delivered to a higher-layer protocol."
+ ::= { ifEntry 12 }
+ ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of inbound packets which were chosen
+ to be discarded even though no errors had been
+ detected to prevent their being deliverable to a
+ higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for
+ discarding such a packet could be to free up
+ buffer space."
+ ::= { ifEntry 13 }
+ ifInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of inbound packets that contained
+ errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
+ higher-layer protocol."
+ ::= { ifEntry 14 }
+ ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of packets received via the interface
+ which were discarded because of an unknown or
+ unsupported protocol."
+ ::= { ifEntry 15 }
+ ifOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+ interface, including framing characters."
+ ::= { ifEntry 16 }
+ ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level
+ protocols requested be transmitted to a
+ subnetwork-unicast address, including those that
+ were discarded or not sent."
+ ::= { ifEntry 17 }
+ ifOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level
+ protocols requested be transmitted to a non-
+ unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or
+ subnetwork-multicast) address, including those
+ that were discarded or not sent."
+ ::= { ifEntry 18 }
+ ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of outbound packets which were chosen
+ to be discarded even though no errors had been
+ detected to prevent their being transmitted. One
+ possible reason for discarding such a packet could
+ be to free up buffer space."
+ ::= { ifEntry 19 }
+ ifOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of outbound packets that could not be
+ transmitted because of errors."
+ ::= { ifEntry 20 }
+ SYNTAX Gauge
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The length of the output packet queue (in
+ packets)."
+ ::= { ifEntry 21 }
+ ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+ particular media being used to realize the
+ interface. For example, if the interface is
+ realized by an ethernet, then the value of this
+ object refers to a document defining objects
+ specific to ethernet. If this information is not
+ present, its value should be set to the OBJECT
+ IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntatically valid
+ object identifier, and any conformant
+ implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to
+ generate and recognize this value."
+ ::= { ifEntry 22 }
+ -- the Address Translation group
+ -- Implementation of the Address Translation group is
+ -- mandatory for all systems. Note however that this group
+ -- is deprecated by MIB-II. That is, it is being included
+ -- solely for compatibility with MIB-I nodes, and will most
+ -- likely be excluded from MIB-III nodes. From MIB-II and
+ -- onwards, each network protocol group contains its own
+ -- address translation tables.
+ -- The Address Translation group contains one table which is
+ -- the union across all interfaces of the translation tables
+ -- for converting a NetworkAddress (e.g., an IP address) into
+ -- a subnetwork-specific address. For lack of a better term,
+ -- this document refers to such a subnetwork-specific address
+ -- as a `physical' address.
+ -- Examples of such translation tables are: for broadcast
+ -- media where ARP is in use, the translation table is
+ -- equivalent to the ARP cache; or, on an X.25 network where
+ -- non-algorithmic translation to X.121 addresses is
+ -- required, the translation table contains the
+ -- NetworkAddress to X.121 address equivalences.
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The Address Translation tables contain the
+ NetworkAddress to `physical' address equivalences.
+ Some interfaces do not use translation tables for
+ determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25
+ has an algorithmic method); if all interfaces are
+ of this type, then the Address Translation table
+ is empty, i.e., has zero entries."
+ ::= { at 1 }
+ SYNTAX AtEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "Each entry contains one NetworkAddress to
+ `physical' address equivalence."
+ INDEX { atIfIndex,
+ atNetAddress }
+ ::= { atTable 1 }
+ AtEntry ::=
+ atIfIndex
+ atPhysAddress
+ PhysAddress,
+ atNetAddress
+ NetworkAddress
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
+ is effective. The interface identified by a
+ particular value of this index is the same
+ interface as identified by the same value of
+ ifIndex."
+ ::= { atEntry 1 }
+ atPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PhysAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The media-dependent `physical' address.
+ Setting this object to a null string (one of zero
+ length) has the effect of invaliding the
+ corresponding entry in the atTable object. That
+ is, it effectively dissasociates the interface
+ identified with said entry from the mapping
+ identified with said entry. It is an
+ implementation-specific matter as to whether the
+ agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+ Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
+ to receive tabular information from agents that
+ corresponds to entries not currently in use.
+ Proper interpretation of such entries requires
+ examination of the relevant atPhysAddress object."
+ ::= { atEntry 2 }
+ atNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX NetworkAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The NetworkAddress (e.g., the IP address)
+ corresponding to the media-dependent `physical'
+ address."
+ ::= { atEntry 3 }
+ -- the IP group
+ -- Implementation of the IP group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems.
+ ipForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
+ forwarding(1), -- acting as a gateway
+ not-forwarding(2) -- NOT acting as a gateway
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The indication of whether this entity is acting
+ as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of
+ datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this
+ entity. IP gateways forward datagrams. IP hosts
+ do not (except those source-routed via the host).
+ Note that for some managed nodes, this object may
+ take on only a subset of the values possible.
+ Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to
+ return a `badValue' response if a management
+ station attempts to change this object to an
+ inappropriate value."
+ ::= { ip 1 }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live
+ field of the IP header of datagrams originated at
+ this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied
+ by the transport layer protocol."
+ ::= { ip 2 }
+ ipInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of input datagrams received from
+ interfaces, including those received in error."
+ ::= { ip 3 }
+ ipInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of input datagrams discarded due to
+ errors in their IP headers, including bad
+ checksums, version number mismatch, other format
+ errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered
+ in processing their IP options, etc."
+ ::= { ip 4 }
+ ipInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of input datagrams discarded because
+ the IP address in their IP header's destination
+ field was not a valid address to be received at
+ this entity. This count includes invalid
+ addresses (e.g., and addresses of
+ unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E). For entities
+ which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not
+ forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams
+ discarded because the destination address was not
+ a local address."
+ ::= { ip 5 }
+ ipForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of input datagrams for which this
+ entity was not their final IP destination, as a
+ result of which an attempt was made to find a
+ route to forward them to that final destination.
+ In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this
+ counter will include only those packets which were
+ Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-
+ Route option processing was successful."
+ ::= { ip 6 }
+ ipInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of locally-addressed datagrams
+ received successfully but discarded because of an
+ unknown or unsupported protocol."
+ ::= { ip 7 }
+ ipInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of input IP datagrams for which no
+ problems were encountered to prevent their
+ continued processing, but which were discarded
+ (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this
+ counter does not include any datagrams discarded
+ while awaiting re-assembly."
+ ::= { ip 8 }
+ ipInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of input datagrams successfully
+ delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP)."
+ ::= { ip 9 }
+ ipOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of IP datagrams which local IP
+ user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in
+ requests for transmission. Note that this counter
+ does not include any datagrams counted in
+ ipForwDatagrams."
+ ::= { ip 10 }
+ ipOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of output IP datagrams for which no
+ problem was encountered to prevent their
+ transmission to their destination, but which were
+ discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note
+ that this counter would include datagrams counted
+ in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this
+ (discretionary) discard criterion."
+ ::= { ip 11 }
+ ipOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of IP datagrams discarded because no
+ route could be found to transmit them to their
+ destination. Note that this counter includes any
+ packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this
+ `no-route' criterion. Note that this includes any
+ datagarms which a host cannot route because all of
+ its default gateways are down."
+ ::= { ip 12 }
+ ipReasmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The maximum number of seconds which received
+ fragments are held while they are awaiting
+ reassembly at this entity."
+ ::= { ip 13 }
+ ipReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of IP fragments received which needed
+ to be reassembled at this entity."
+ ::= { ip 14 }
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of IP datagrams successfully re-
+ assembled."
+ ::= { ip 15 }
+ ipReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of failures detected by the IP re-
+ assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed
+ out, errors, etc). Note that this is not
+ necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments
+ since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
+ RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments
+ by combining them as they are received."
+ ::= { ip 16 }
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of IP datagrams that have been
+ successfully fragmented at this entity."
+ ::= { ip 17 }
+ ipFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of IP datagrams that have been
+ discarded because they needed to be fragmented at
+ this entity but could not be, e.g., because their
+ Don't Fragment flag was set."
+ ::= { ip 18 }
+ ipFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of IP datagram fragments that have
+ been generated as a result of fragmentation at
+ this entity."
+ ::= { ip 19 }
+ -- the IP address table
+ -- The IP address table contains this entity's IP addressing
+ -- information.
+ ipAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The table of addressing information relevant to
+ this entity's IP addresses."
+ ::= { ip 20 }
+ ipAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddrEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The addressing information for one of this
+ entity's IP addresses."
+ INDEX { ipAdEntAddr }
+ ::= { ipAddrTable 1 }
+ IpAddrEntry ::=
+ ipAdEntAddr
+ IpAddress,
+ ipAdEntIfIndex
+ ipAdEntNetMask
+ IpAddress,
+ ipAdEntBcastAddr
+ ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
+ INTEGER (0..65535)
+ }
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The IP address to which this entry's addressing
+ information pertains."
+ ::= { ipAddrEntry 1 }
+ ipAdEntIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The index value which uniquely identifies the
+ interface to which this entry is applicable. The
+ interface identified by a particular value of this
+ index is the same interface as identified by the
+ same value of ifIndex."
+ ::= { ipAddrEntry 2 }
+ ipAdEntNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The subnet mask associated with the IP address of
+ this entry. The value of the mask is an IP
+ address with all the network bits set to 1 and all
+ the hosts bits set to 0."
+ ::= { ipAddrEntry 3 }
+ ipAdEntBcastAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The value of the least-significant bit in the IP
+ broadcast address used for sending datagrams on
+ the (logical) interface associated with the IP
+ address of this entry. For example, when the
+ Internet standard all-ones broadcast address is
+ used, the value will be 1. This value applies to
+ both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses
+ used by the entity on this (logical) interface."
+ ::= { ipAddrEntry 4 }
+ ipAdEntReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The size of the largest IP datagram which this
+ entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented
+ datagrams received on this interface."
+ ::= { ipAddrEntry 5 }
+ -- the IP routing table
+ -- The IP routing table contains an entry for each route
+ -- presently known to this entity.
+ ipRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This entity's IP Routing table."
+ ::= { ip 21 }
+ ipRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpRouteEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A route to a particular destination."
+ INDEX { ipRouteDest }
+ ::= { ipRouteTable 1 }
+ IpRouteEntry ::=
+ ipRouteDest
+ IpAddress,
+ ipRouteIfIndex
+ ipRouteMetric1
+ ipRouteMetric2
+ ipRouteMetric3
+ ipRouteMetric4
+ ipRouteNextHop
+ IpAddress,
+ ipRouteType
+ ipRouteProto
+ ipRouteAge
+ ipRouteMask
+ IpAddress,
+ ipRouteMetric5
+ ipRouteInfo
+ }
+ ipRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The destination IP address of this route. An
+ entry with a value of is considered a
+ default route. Multiple routes to a single
+ destination can appear in the table, but access to
+ such multiple entries is dependent on the table-
+ access mechanisms defined by the network
+ management protocol in use."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 1 }
+ ipRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The index value which uniquely identifies the
+ local interface through which the next hop of this
+ route should be reached. The interface identified
+ by a particular value of this index is the same
+ interface as identified by the same value of
+ ifIndex."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 2 }
+ ipRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The primary routing metric for this route. The
+ semantics of this metric are determined by the
+ routing-protocol specified in the route's
+ ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used,
+ its value should be set to -1."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 3 }
+ ipRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An alternate routing metric for this route. The
+ semantics of this metric are determined by the
+ routing-protocol specified in the route's
+ ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used,
+ its value should be set to -1."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 4 }
+ ipRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An alternate routing metric for this route. The
+ semantics of this metric are determined by the
+ routing-protocol specified in the route's
+ ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used,
+ its value should be set to -1."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 5 }
+ ipRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An alternate routing metric for this route. The
+ semantics of this metric are determined by the
+ routing-protocol specified in the route's
+ ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used,
+ its value should be set to -1."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 6 }
+ ipRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The IP address of the next hop of this route.
+ (In the case of a route bound to an interface
+ which is realized via a broadcast media, the value
+ of this field is the agent's IP address on that
+ interface.)"
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 7 }
+ ipRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
+ other(1), -- none of the following
+ invalid(2), -- an invalidated route
+ -- route to directly
+ direct(3), -- connected (sub-)network
+ -- route to a non-local
+ indirect(4) -- host/network/sub-network
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The type of route. Note that the values
+ direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of
+ direct and indirect routing in the IP
+ architecture.
+ Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
+ the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
+ in the ipRouteTable object. That is, it
+ effectively dissasociates the destination
+ identified with said entry from the route
+ identified with said entry. It is an
+ implementation-specific matter as to whether the
+ agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
+ Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
+ to receive tabular information from agents that
+ corresponds to entries not currently in use.
+ Proper interpretation of such entries requires
+ examination of the relevant ipRouteType object."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 8 }
+ ipRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE
+ other(1), -- none of the following
+ -- non-protocol information,
+ -- e.g., manually configured
+ local(2), -- entries
+ -- set via a network
+ netmgmt(3), -- management protocol
+ -- obtained via ICMP,
+ icmp(4), -- e.g., Redirect
+ -- the remaining values are
+ -- all gateway routing
+ -- protocols
+ egp(5),
+ ggp(6),
+ hello(7),
+ rip(8),
+ is-is(9),
+ es-is(10),
+ ciscoIgrp(11),
+ bbnSpfIgp(12),
+ ospf(13),
+ bgp(14)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The routing mechanism via which this route was
+ learned. Inclusion of values for gateway routing
+ protocols is not intended to imply that hosts
+ should support those protocols."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 9 }
+ ipRouteAge OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of seconds since this route was last
+ updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
+ Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied
+ except through knowledge of the routing protocol
+ by which the route was learned."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 10 }
+ ipRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the
+ destination address before being compared to the
+ value in the ipRouteDest field. For those systems
+ that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an
+ agent constructs the value of the ipRouteMask by
+ determining whether the value of the correspondent
+ ipRouteDest field belong to a class-A, B, or C
+ network, and then using one of:
+ mask network
+ class-A
+ class-B
+ class-C
+ If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a
+ default route), then the mask value is also
+ It should be noted that all IP routing
+ subsystems implicitly use this mechanism."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 11 }
+ ipRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "An alternate routing metric for this route. The
+ semantics of this metric are determined by the
+ routing-protocol specified in the route's
+ ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used,
+ its value should be set to -1."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 12 }
+ ipRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
+ particular routing protocol which is responsible
+ for this route, as determined by the value
+ specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If
+ this information is not present, its value should
+ be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is
+ a syntatically valid object identifier, and any
+ conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be
+ able to generate and recognize this value."
+ ::= { ipRouteEntry 13 }
+ -- the IP Address Translation table
+ -- The IP address translation table contain the IpAddress to
+ -- `physical' address equivalences. Some interfaces do not
+ -- use translation tables for determining address
+ -- equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method);
+ -- if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address
+ -- Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
+ ipNetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The IP Address Translation table used for mapping
+ from IP addresses to physical addresses."
+ ::= { ip 22 }
+ ipNetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpNetToMediaEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Each entry contains one IpAddress to `physical'
+ address equivalence."
+ INDEX { ipNetToMediaIfIndex,
+ ipNetToMediaNetAddress }
+ ::= { ipNetToMediaTable 1 }
+ IpNetToMediaEntry ::=
+ ipNetToMediaIfIndex
+ ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
+ PhysAddress,
+ ipNetToMediaNetAddress
+ IpAddress,
+ ipNetToMediaType
+ }
+ ipNetToMediaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The interface on which this entry's equivalence
+ is effective. The interface identified by a
+ particular value of this index is the same
+ interface as identified by the same value of
+ ifIndex."
+ ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 1 }
+ ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PhysAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The media-dependent `physical' address."
+ ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 2 }
+ ipNetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The IpAddress corresponding to the media-
+ dependent `physical' address."
+ ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 3 }
+ ipNetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
+ other(1), -- none of the following
+ invalid(2), -- an invalidated mapping
+ dynamic(3),
+ static(4)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The type of mapping.
+ Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has
+ the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
+ in the ipNetToMediaTable. That is, it effectively
+ dissasociates the interface identified with said
+ entry from the mapping identified with said entry.
+ It is an implementation-specific matter as to
+ whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
+ from the table. Accordingly, management stations
+ must be prepared to receive tabular information
+ from agents that corresponds to entries not
+ currently in use. Proper interpretation of such
+ entries requires examination of the relevant
+ ipNetToMediaType object."
+ ::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 4 }
+ -- additional IP objects
+ ipRoutingDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of routing entries which were chosen
+ to be discarded even though they are valid. One
+ possible reason for discarding such an entry could
+ be to free-up buffer space for other routing
+ entries."
+ ::= { ip 23 }
+ -- the ICMP group
+ -- Implementation of the ICMP group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems.
+ icmpInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of ICMP messages which the
+ entity received. Note that this counter includes
+ all those counted by icmpInErrors."
+ ::= { icmp 1 }
+ icmpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP messages which the entity
+ received but determined as having ICMP-specific
+ errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.)."
+ ::= { icmp 2 }
+ icmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
+ messages received."
+ ::= { icmp 3 }
+ icmpInTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 4 }
+ icmpInParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 5 }
+ icmpInSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 6 }
+ icmpInRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Redirect messages received."
+ ::= { icmp 7 }
+ icmpInEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 8 }
+ icmpInEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received."
+ ::= { icmp 9 }
+ icmpInTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 10 }
+ icmpInTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 11 }
+ icmpInAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 12 }
+ icmpInAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages
+ received."
+ ::= { icmp 13 }
+ icmpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of ICMP messages which this
+ entity attempted to send. Note that this counter
+ includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors."
+ ::= { icmp 14 }
+ icmpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP messages which this entity did
+ not send due to problems discovered within ICMP
+ such as a lack of buffers. This value should not
+ include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer
+ such as the inability of IP to route the resultant
+ datagram. In some implementations there may be no
+ types of error which contribute to this counter's
+ value."
+ ::= { icmp 15 }
+ icmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable
+ messages sent."
+ ::= { icmp 16 }
+ icmpOutTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent."
+ ::= { icmp 17 }
+ icmpOutParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
+ sent."
+ ::= { icmp 18 }
+ icmpOutSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent."
+ ::= { icmp 19 }
+ icmpOutRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a
+ host, this object will always be zero, since hosts
+ do not send redirects."
+ ::= { icmp 20 }
+ icmpOutEchos OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent."
+ ::= { icmp 21 }
+ icmpOutEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent."
+ ::= { icmp 22 }
+ icmpOutTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages
+ sent."
+ ::= { icmp 23 }
+ icmpOutTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages
+ sent."
+ ::= { icmp 24 }
+ icmpOutAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages
+ sent."
+ ::= { icmp 25 }
+ icmpOutAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages
+ sent."
+ ::= { icmp 26 }
+ -- the TCP group
+ -- Implementation of the TCP group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems that implement the TCP.
+ -- Note that instances of object types that represent
+ -- information about a particular TCP connection are
+ -- transient; they persist only as long as the connection
+ -- in question.
+ tcpRtoAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
+ other(1), -- none of the following
+ constant(2), -- a constant rto
+ rsre(3), -- MIL-STD-1778, Appendix B
+ vanj(4) -- Van Jacobson's algorithm [10]
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The algorithm used to determine the timeout value
+ used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets."
+ ::= { tcp 1 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The minimum value permitted by a TCP
+ implementation for the retransmission timeout,
+ measured in milliseconds. More refined semantics
+ for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm
+ used to determine the retransmission timeout. In
+ particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3),
+ an object of this type has the semantics of the
+ LBOUND quantity described in RFC 793."
+ ::= { tcp 2 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The maximum value permitted by a TCP
+ implementation for the retransmission timeout,
+ measured in milliseconds. More refined semantics
+ for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm
+ used to determine the retransmission timeout. In
+ particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3),
+ an object of this type has the semantics of the
+ UBOUND quantity described in RFC 793."
+ ::= { tcp 3 }
+ tcpMaxConn OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The limit on the total number of TCP connections
+ the entity can support. In entities where the
+ maximum number of connections is dynamic, this
+ object should contain the value -1."
+ ::= { tcp 4 }
+ tcpActiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+ direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the
+ CLOSED state."
+ ::= { tcp 5 }
+ tcpPassiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+ direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the
+ LISTEN state."
+ ::= { tcp 6 }
+ tcpAttemptFails OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+ direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
+ the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the
+ number of times TCP connections have made a direct
+ transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD
+ state."
+ ::= { tcp 7 }
+ tcpEstabResets OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of times TCP connections have made a
+ direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
+ the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state."
+ ::= { tcp 8 }
+ tcpCurrEstab OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of TCP connections for which the
+ current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-
+ WAIT."
+ ::= { tcp 9 }
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of segments received, including
+ those received in error. This count includes
+ segments received on currently established
+ connections."
+ ::= { tcp 10 }
+ tcpOutSegs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of segments sent, including
+ those on current connections but excluding those
+ containing only retransmitted octets."
+ ::= { tcp 11 }
+ tcpRetransSegs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of segments retransmitted - that
+ is, the number of TCP segments transmitted
+ containing one or more previously transmitted
+ octets."
+ ::= { tcp 12 }
+ -- the TCP Connection table
+ -- The TCP connection table contains information about this
+ -- entity's existing TCP connections.
+ tcpConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A table containing TCP connection-specific
+ information."
+ ::= { tcp 13 }
+ tcpConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TcpConnEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Information about a particular current TCP
+ connection. An object of this type is transient,
+ in that it ceases to exist when (or soon after)
+ the connection makes the transition to the CLOSED
+ state."
+ INDEX { tcpConnLocalAddress,
+ tcpConnLocalPort,
+ tcpConnRemAddress,
+ tcpConnRemPort }
+ ::= { tcpConnTable 1 }
+ TcpConnEntry ::=
+ tcpConnState
+ tcpConnLocalAddress
+ IpAddress,
+ tcpConnLocalPort
+ INTEGER (0..65535),
+ tcpConnRemAddress
+ IpAddress,
+ tcpConnRemPort
+ INTEGER (0..65535)
+ }
+ tcpConnState OBJECT-TYPE
+ closed(1),
+ listen(2),
+ synSent(3),
+ synReceived(4),
+ established(5),
+ finWait1(6),
+ finWait2(7),
+ closeWait(8),
+ lastAck(9),
+ closing(10),
+ timeWait(11),
+ deleteTCB(12)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The state of this TCP connection.
+ The only value which may be set by a management
+ station is deleteTCB(12). Accordingly, it is
+ appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
+ response if a management station attempts to set
+ this object to any other value.
+ If a management station sets this object to the
+ value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
+ deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
+ corresponding connection on the managed node,
+ resulting in immediate termination of the
+ connection.
+ As an implementation-specific option, a RST
+ segment may be sent from the managed node to the
+ other TCP endpoint (note however that RST segments
+ are not sent reliably)."
+ ::= { tcpConnEntry 1 }
+ tcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The local IP address for this TCP connection. In
+ the case of a connection in the listen state which
+ is willing to accept connections for any IP
+ interface associated with the node, the value
+ is used."
+ ::= { tcpConnEntry 2 }
+ tcpConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The local port number for this TCP connection."
+ ::= { tcpConnEntry 3 }
+ tcpConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The remote IP address for this TCP connection."
+ ::= { tcpConnEntry 4 }
+ tcpConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
+ ::= { tcpConnEntry 5 }
+ -- additional TCP objects
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of segments received in error
+ (e.g., bad TCP checksums)."
+ ::= { tcp 14 }
+ tcpOutRsts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of TCP segments sent containing the
+ RST flag."
+ ::= { tcp 15 }
+ -- the UDP group
+ -- Implementation of the UDP group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems which implement the UDP.
+ udpInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to
+ UDP users."
+ ::= { udp 1 }
+ udpNoPorts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of received UDP datagrams for
+ which there was no application at the destination
+ port."
+ ::= { udp 2 }
+ udpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of received UDP datagrams that could
+ not be delivered for reasons other than the lack
+ of an application at the destination port."
+ ::= { udp 3 }
+ udpOutDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
+ entity."
+ ::= { udp 4 }
+ -- the UDP Listener table
+ -- The UDP listener table contains information about this
+ -- entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is
+ -- currently accepting datagrams.
+ udpTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A table containing UDP listener information."
+ ::= { udp 5 }
+ udpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX UdpEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Information about a particular current UDP
+ listener."
+ INDEX { udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
+ ::= { udpTable 1 }
+ UdpEntry ::=
+ udpLocalAddress
+ IpAddress,
+ udpLocalPort
+ INTEGER (0..65535)
+ }
+ udpLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The local IP address for this UDP listener. In
+ the case of a UDP listener which is willing to
+ accept datagrams for any IP interface associated
+ with the node, the value is used."
+ ::= { udpEntry 1 }
+ udpLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The local port number for this UDP listener."
+ ::= { udpEntry 2 }
+ -- the EGP group
+ -- Implementation of the EGP group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems which implement the EGP.
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP messages received without
+ error."
+ ::= { egp 1 }
+ egpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP messages received that proved
+ to be in error."
+ ::= { egp 2 }
+ egpOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of locally generated EGP
+ messages."
+ ::= { egp 3 }
+ egpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of locally generated EGP messages not
+ sent due to resource limitations within an EGP
+ entity."
+ ::= { egp 4 }
+ -- the EGP Neighbor table
+ -- The EGP neighbor table contains information about this
+ -- entity's EGP neighbors.
+ egpNeighTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The EGP neighbor table."
+ ::= { egp 5 }
+ egpNeighEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX EgpNeighEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Information about this entity's relationship with
+ a particular EGP neighbor."
+ INDEX { egpNeighAddr }
+ ::= { egpNeighTable 1 }
+ EgpNeighEntry ::=
+ egpNeighState
+ egpNeighAddr
+ IpAddress,
+ egpNeighAs
+ egpNeighInMsgs
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighInErrs
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighOutMsgs
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighOutErrs
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighInErrMsgs
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighOutErrMsgs
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighStateUps
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighStateDowns
+ Counter,
+ egpNeighIntervalHello
+ egpNeighIntervalPoll
+ egpNeighMode
+ egpNeighEventTrigger
+ }
+ egpNeighState OBJECT-TYPE
+ idle(1),
+ acquisition(2),
+ down(3),
+ up(4),
+ cease(5)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The EGP state of the local system with respect to
+ this entry's EGP neighbor. Each EGP state is
+ represented by a value that is one greater than
+ the numerical value associated with said state in
+ RFC 904."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 1 }
+ egpNeighAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The IP address of this entry's EGP neighbor."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 2 }
+ egpNeighAs OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The autonomous system of this EGP peer. Zero
+ should be specified if the autonomous system
+ number of the neighbor is not yet known."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 3 }
+ egpNeighInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP messages received without error
+ from this EGP peer."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 4 }
+ egpNeighInErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP messages received from this EGP
+ peer that proved to be in error (e.g., bad EGP
+ checksum)."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 5 }
+ egpNeighOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of locally generated EGP messages to
+ this EGP peer."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 6 }
+ egpNeighOutErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of locally generated EGP messages not
+ sent to this EGP peer due to resource limitations
+ within an EGP entity."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 7 }
+ egpNeighInErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP-defined error messages received
+ from this EGP peer."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 8 }
+ egpNeighOutErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP-defined error messages sent to
+ this EGP peer."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 9 }
+ egpNeighStateUps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP state transitions to the UP
+ state with this EGP peer."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 10 }
+ egpNeighStateDowns OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The number of EGP state transitions from the UP
+ state to any other state with this EGP peer."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 11 }
+ egpNeighIntervalHello OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The interval between EGP Hello command
+ retransmissions (in hundredths of a second). This
+ represents the t1 timer as defined in RFC 904."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 12 }
+ egpNeighIntervalPoll OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The interval between EGP poll command
+ retransmissions (in hundredths of a second). This
+ represents the t3 timer as defined in RFC 904."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 13 }
+ egpNeighMode OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The polling mode of this EGP entity, either
+ passive or active."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 14 }
+ egpNeighEventTrigger OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { start(1), stop(2) }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A control variable used to trigger operator-
+ initiated Start and Stop events. When read, this
+ variable always returns the most recent value that
+ egpNeighEventTrigger was set to. If it has not
+ been set since the last initialization of the
+ network management subsystem on the node, it
+ returns a value of `stop'.
+ When set, this variable causes a Start or Stop
+ event on the specified neighbor, as specified on
+ pages 8-10 of RFC 904. Briefly, a Start event
+ causes an Idle peer to begin neighbor acquisition
+ and a non-Idle peer to reinitiate neighbor
+ acquisition. A stop event causes a non-Idle peer
+ to return to the Idle state until a Start event
+ occurs, either via egpNeighEventTrigger or
+ otherwise."
+ ::= { egpNeighEntry 15 }
+ -- additional EGP objects
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The autonomous system number of this EGP entity."
+ ::= { egp 6 }
+ -- the Transmission group
+ -- Based on the transmission media underlying each interface
+ -- on a system, the corresponding portion of the Transmission
+ -- group is mandatory for that system.
+ -- When Internet-standard definitions for managing
+ -- transmission media are defined, the transmission group is
+ -- used to provide a prefix for the names of those objects.
+ -- Typically, such definitions reside in the experimental
+ -- portion of the MIB until they are "proven", then as a
+ -- part of the Internet standardization process, the
+ -- definitions are accordingly elevated and a new object
+ -- identifier, under the transmission group is defined. By
+ -- convention, the name assigned is:
+ --
+ -- type OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission number }
+ --
+ -- where "type" is the symbolic value used for the media in
+ -- the ifType column of the ifTable object, and "number" is
+ -- the actual integer value corresponding to the symbol.
+ -- the SNMP group
+ -- Implementation of the SNMP group is mandatory for all
+ -- systems which support an SNMP protocol entity. Some of
+ -- the objects defined below will be zero-valued in those
+ -- SNMP implementations that are optimized to support only
+ -- those functions specific to either a management agent or
+ -- a management station. In particular, it should be
+ -- observed that the objects below refer to an SNMP entity,
+ -- and there may be several SNMP entities residing on a
+ -- managed node (e.g., if the node is hosting acting as
+ -- a management station).
+ snmpInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of Messages delivered to the
+ SNMP entity from the transport service."
+ ::= { snmp 1 }
+ snmpOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
+ passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the
+ transport service."
+ ::= { snmp 2 }
+ snmpInBadVersions OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Messages which were
+ delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for
+ an unsupported SNMP version."
+ ::= { snmp 3 }
+ snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to
+ the SNMP protocol entity which used a SNMP
+ community name not known to said entity."
+ ::= { snmp 4 }
+ snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to
+ the SNMP protocol entity which represented an SNMP
+ operation which was not allowed by the SNMP
+ community named in the Message."
+ ::= { snmp 5 }
+ snmpInASNParseErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors
+ encountered by the SNMP protocol entity when
+ decoding received SNMP Messages."
+ ::= { snmp 6 }
+ -- { snmp 7 } is not used in rfc1213, but MIBII.mdl had one :(
+ snmpInBadTypes OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Total number of PDUs having an unknown PDU type"
+ ::= { snmp 7 }
+ snmpInTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `tooBig'."
+ ::= { snmp 8 }
+ snmpInNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `noSuchName'."
+ ::= { snmp 9 }
+ snmpInBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `badValue'."
+ ::= { snmp 10 }
+ snmpInReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were
+ delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `readOnly'. It should be noted that it is a
+ protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU which
+ contains the value `readOnly' in the error-status
+ field, as such this object is provided as a means
+ of detecting incorrect implementations of the
+ SNMP."
+ ::= { snmp 11 }
+ snmpInGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `genErr'."
+ ::= { snmp 12 }
+ snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+ retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
+ as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request
+ and Get-Next PDUs."
+ ::= { snmp 13 }
+ snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of MIB objects which have been
+ altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
+ as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request
+ PDUs."
+ ::= { snmp 14 }
+ snmpInGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+ have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+ protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 15 }
+ snmpInGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
+ been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+ entity."
+ ::= { snmp 16 }
+ snmpInSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+ have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+ protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 17 }
+ snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+ have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
+ protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 18 }
+ snmpInTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
+ been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
+ entity."
+ ::= { snmp 19 }
+ snmpOutTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `tooBig.'"
+ ::= { snmp 20 }
+ snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status is
+ `noSuchName'."
+ ::= { snmp 21 }
+ snmpOutBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `badValue'."
+ ::= { snmp 22 }
+ -- { snmp 23 } is not used in rfc1213, but MIBII.mdl had one :(
+ snmpOutReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `readOnly'."
+ ::= { snmp 23 }
+ snmpOutGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
+ generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for
+ which the value of the error-status field is
+ `genErr'."
+ ::= { snmp 24 }
+ snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
+ have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 25 }
+ snmpOutGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
+ been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 26 }
+ snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
+ have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 27 }
+ snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
+ have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 28 }
+ snmpOutTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
+ been generated by the SNMP protocol entity."
+ ::= { snmp 29 }
+ snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Indicates whether the SNMP agent process is
+ permitted to generate authentication-failure
+ traps. The value of this object overrides any
+ configuration information; as such, it provides a
+ means whereby all authentication-failure traps may
+ be disabled.
+ Note that it is strongly recommended that this
+ object be stored in non-volatile memory so that it
+ remains constant between re-initializations of the
+ network management system."
+ ::= { snmp 30 }
+-- @(#)WSCCS g/mibs-wfcommon.mib 1.4 10/26/95
+ enterprises
+wellfleet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 18 }
+wfSwSeries7 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wellfleet 3 }
+wfHardwareConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfSwSeries7 1 }
+wfHwModuleGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfHardwareConfig 4 }
+wfSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfSwSeries7 3 }
+END -- Wellfleet-COMMON-MIB
+-- @(#)WSCCS i/mibs-hardware.mib 1.2 10/9/95
+-- Created by mdl2asn version 3.1
+-- Creation date: Wed Aug 30 16:42:01 EDT 1995
+ IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks, Opaque, enterprises, mgmt
+ FROM RFC-1212
+ FROM RFC-1215
+ DisplayString, mib-2
+ wfHardwareConfig
+ FROM Wellfleet-COMMON-MIB;
+ wfHwBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfHardwareConfig 1 }
+ acefn(1),
+ aceln(2),
+ acecn(3),
+ afn(4),
+ in(5),
+ an(16),
+ sys5000(5000),
+ freln(16640),
+ frecn(16896),
+ frerbln(17152),
+ asn(20480),
+ asnzcable(20736),
+ asnbcable(20992)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The BackPlane identification number."
+ ::= { wfHwBase 1 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the BackPlane. High byte is in upper 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwBase 2 }
+ wfHwBpSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The serial number of the BackPlane."
+ ::= { wfHwBase 3 }
+ ok(1),
+ fail(2),
+ notpresent(3)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Status of BCN Hot-Swappable Power Supply 1"
+ DEFVAL { notpresent }
+ ::= { wfHwBase 4 }
+ ok(1),
+ fail(2),
+ notpresent(3)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Status of BCN Hot-Swappable Power Supply 2"
+ DEFVAL { notpresent }
+ ::= { wfHwBase 5 }
+ ok(1),
+ fail(2),
+ notpresent(3)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Status of BCN Hot-Swappable Power Supply 3"
+ DEFVAL { notpresent }
+ ::= { wfHwBase 6 }
+ ok(1),
+ fail(2),
+ notpresent(3)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Status of BCN Hot-Swappable Power Supply 4"
+ DEFVAL { notpresent }
+ ::= { wfHwBase 7 }
+ ok(1),
+ fail(2),
+ notpresent(3)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Status of BCN Fan Tray"
+ DEFVAL { notpresent }
+ ::= { wfHwBase 8 }
+ wfBCNTemperature OBJECT-TYPE
+ ok(1),
+ caution(2),
+ notpresent(3)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Status of BCN Temperature sensor"
+ DEFVAL { notpresent }
+ ::= { wfHwBase 9 }
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Hardware Table - indexed by slot number"
+ ::= { wfHardwareConfig 2 }
+ SYNTAX WfHwEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Hardware specific information about a slot."
+ INDEX { wfHwSlot }
+ ::= { wfHwTable 1 }
+ WfHwEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ wfHwSlot
+ wfHwModIdOpt
+ wfHwModRev
+ wfHwModSerialNumber
+ wfHwMotherBdIdOpt
+ wfHwMotherBdRev
+ wfHwMotherBdSerialNumber
+ wfHwDaughterBdIdOpt
+ wfHwDaughterBdRev
+ wfHwDaughterBdSerialNumber
+ wfHwBabyBdIdOpt
+ wfHwBabyBdRev
+ wfHwBabyBdSerialNumber
+ wfHwDiagPromRev
+ wfHwDiagPromDate
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwDiagPromSource
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwBootPromRev
+ wfHwBootPromDate
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwBootPromSource
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwSparePromRev
+ wfHwSparePromDate
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwSparePromSource
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwFileSysPresent
+ wfHwFileSysPresent2
+ wfHwConfigServer
+ wfHwConfigFile
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwConfigDateAndTime
+ wfHwActiveImageName
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwActiveImageSource
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwActiveImageDate
+ DisplayString,
+ wfHwMotherBdMemorySize
+ wfHwFastPacketCacheSize
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1IdOpt
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1AwRev
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1Rev
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1SerialNumber
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2IdOpt
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2AwRev
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2Rev
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2SerialNumber
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A unique value for each slot.
+ Its value ranges between 1 and 14.
+ There are products in this family that contain 1, 5, and 14 slots."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 1 }
+ enet1(1),
+ enet2(8),
+ sync1(16),
+ sync1a(17),
+ t11(24),
+ dse1(32),
+ dse1a(33),
+ dst416(40),
+ sst416a(41),
+ dst4(42),
+ sst4a(43),
+ sst416(44),
+ stok416(45),
+ sst4(46),
+ stok4(47),
+ floppy(48),
+ necfloppy(49),
+ t12(56),
+ t12a(57),
+ st1(58),
+ t156k(60),
+ e1(61),
+ st156k(62),
+ se1(63),
+ t12n(64),
+ st1n(65),
+ t156kn(66),
+ st156kn(67),
+ e1n(68),
+ se1n(69),
+ sync(80),
+ sync2a(81),
+ cmcfddi(88),
+ iphfddi(89),
+ dt(104),
+ dsde1(112),
+ dsde1a(113),
+ enet(114),
+ dse2(116),
+ dse2a(117),
+ sse(118),
+ ssea(119),
+ dsde10bt(120),
+ enet3(132),
+ dsde2(156),
+ oldqenf(160),
+ denf(161),
+ qenf(162),
+ qef(164),
+ def(165),
+ mct1(168),
+ smct1(169),
+ dtok(176),
+ mce1(184),
+ smce1(185),
+ mce1ii75(188),
+ smce1ii75(189),
+ mce1ii120(190),
+ smce1ii120(191),
+ wffddi2m(192),
+ wffddi1m(193),
+ wffddi2s(194),
+ wffddi1s(195),
+ wffddi2mf(196),
+ wffddi1mf(197),
+ wffddi2sf(198),
+ wffddi1sf(199),
+ fmdset(200),
+ fmdst(201),
+ fmdse(202),
+ fmsst(203),
+ fmsse(204),
+ fnsdse(208),
+ fnsdsdt(216),
+ fnsdst(217),
+ dhssi(224),
+ shssi(225),
+ esafnf(232),
+ esafdsenf(233),
+ esafssenf(234),
+ esafdenf(235),
+ esaf(236),
+ esafdse(237),
+ esafsse(238),
+ esafde(239),
+ qtok(256),
+ asn(511),
+ anseds(1024),
+ ansedst(1025),
+ ansedsh(1026),
+ ansedsi(1027),
+ ansedsti(1028),
+ ansedshi(1029),
+ ansets(1030),
+ ansetst(1031),
+ ansetsh(1032),
+ andeds(1033),
+ andedst(1034),
+ andedsh(1035),
+ andstx(1036),
+ andst(1037),
+ andsti(1038),
+ antst(1039),
+ antstx(1040),
+ ansdsedst(1041),
+ ansdsedstx(1042),
+ ansedsi2(1043),
+ ansedsti2(1044),
+ ansedshi2(1045),
+ andsti2(1046),
+ ansedsg(1047),
+ ansedsgx(1048),
+ ansetsg(1049),
+ andedsg(1050),
+ ansedsgi(1051),
+ ansetsgx(1052),
+ andedsgx(1053),
+ ansedsgix(1054),
+ ansedsx(1055),
+ ansetsx(1056),
+ andedsx(1057),
+ ansedstx(1058),
+ ansetstx(1059),
+ andedstx(1060),
+ andsti2x(1061),
+ ansedsi2x(1062),
+ ansedsti2x(1063),
+ atmalc(4096),
+ atmalctaxi100(4097),
+ atmalcsonetmm(4098),
+ atmalcsonetsm(4099),
+ osync(4352),
+ comp(4353),
+ comp128(4354),
+ atmcoc3mm(4608),
+ atmcoc3sm(4609),
+ atmcoc3utp5(4610),
+ de100(4864),
+ atmcds3(5120),
+ atmce3(5121),
+ qmct1rj45(5376),
+ qmct1db15(5377),
+ srml(8448),
+ atm5000ah(524288),
+ qe(1048799),
+ qehwf(1048798),
+ qefddi2m(1048831),
+ qefddi2mhwf(1048830),
+ qefddi2s(1048823),
+ qefddi2shwf(1048822),
+ qefddi1m(1048815),
+ qefddi1mhwf(1048814),
+ qefddi1s(1048807),
+ qefddi1shwf(1048806),
+ qecddi2stp(1048827),
+ qecddi2stphwf(1048826),
+ qecddi1stp(1048811),
+ qecddi1stphwf(1048810),
+ qecddi2utp(1048763),
+ qecddi2utphwf(1048762),
+ qecddi1utp(1048747),
+ qecddi1utphwf(1048746),
+ enet3atm(1048832),
+ enet3enet(1048833),
+ enet3fddi(1048834),
+ enet3tok(1048835),
+ enet3tokf(1048836),
+ enet3sync(1048837),
+ enet3only(1048863),
+ fddiatm(1048864),
+ fddienet(1048865),
+ fddifddi(1048866),
+ fdditok(1048867),
+ fdditokf(1048868),
+ fddisync(1048869),
+ fddionly(1048895),
+ tok3atm(1048896),
+ tok3enet(1048897),
+ tok3fddi(1048898),
+ tok3tok(1048899),
+ tok3tokf(1048900),
+ tok3sync(1048901),
+ tok3only(1048927),
+ tokf3atm(1048928),
+ tokf3enet(1048929),
+ tokf3fddi(1048930),
+ tokf3tok(1048931),
+ tokf3tokf(1048932),
+ tokf3sync(1048933),
+ tokf3only(1048959),
+ enet3datm(1048960),
+ enet3denet(1048961),
+ enet3dfddi(1048962),
+ enet3dtok(1048963),
+ enet3dtokf(1048964),
+ enet3dsync(1048965),
+ enet3donly(1048991),
+ chipcomfenet(1049089),
+ chipcomffddi(1049090),
+ chipcomftok(1049091),
+ chipcomftokf(1049092),
+ chipcomfdsync(1049093),
+ chipcomfisdn(1049094),
+ chipcomffddis(1049095),
+ chipcomfonly(1049119),
+ chipcomenet(1049217),
+ chipcomfddi(1049218),
+ chipcomtok(1049219),
+ chipcomtokf(1049220),
+ chipcomdsync(1049221),
+ chipcomisdn(1049222),
+ chipcomfddis(1049223),
+ chipcomonly(1049247)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The module identification number.
+ Port Configurations
+ HWStat Name Enet Sync Async Token Framer Fiber
+ ------ ------------ ------ ---- ----- ----- ------ -----
+ 1 ENET-1 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 8 ENET-2 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 16 SYNC-1 0 4 1 0 0 0
+ 17 SYNC-1 [1] 0 4 1 0 0 0
+ 24 T1-1 0 2 1 0 2 0
+ 32 DSE-1 1 2 1 0 0 0
+ 33 DSE-1 [1] 1 2 1 0 0 0
+ 40 DST-4/16 0 2 1 1 0 0
+ 41 SST-4/16 [1] 0 1 1 1 0 0
+ 42 DST-4 0 2 1 1 0 0
+ 43 SST-4 [1] 0 1 1 1 0 0
+ 44 SST-4/16 0 1 1 1 0 0
+ 45 STOK-4/16 [3] 0 0 0 1 0 0
+ 46 SST-4 0 1 1 1 0 0
+ 47 STOK-4 [3] 0 0 0 1 0 0
+ 48 FLOPPY 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 56 T1-2 0 2 1 0 2 0
+ 57 T1-2 0 2 1 0 2 0
+ 58 ST1 0 1 1 0 1 0
+ 60 T1-56K 0 1 1 0 1 0
+ 61 E1 [3] 0 2 0 0 2 0
+ 62 ST1-56K 0 1 1 0 1 0
+ 63 SE1 [3] 0 1 0 0 1 0
+ 64 T1-2n 0 2 1 0 2 0
+ 65 ST1n 0 1 1 0 1 0
+ 66 T1-56Kn 0 1 1 0 1 0
+ 67 ST1-56Kn 0 1 1 0 1 0
+ 68 E1n [3] 0 2 0 0 2 0
+ 69 SE1n [3] 0 1 0 0 1 0
+ 80 SYNC-2 0 4 1 0 0 0
+ 81 SYNC-2 [1] 0 4 1 0 0 0
+ 88 CMC-FDDI [6] 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 89 IPHASE-FDDI [6] 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 112 DSDE-1 2 2 1 0 0 0
+ 113 DSDE-1 [1] 2 2 1 0 0 0
+ 114 ENET 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 116 DSE-2 1 2 1 0 0 0
+ 117 DSE-2 [1] 1 2 1 0 0 0
+ 118 SSE 1 1 1 0 0 0
+ 119 SSE [1] 1 1 1 0 0 0
+ 132 ENET-3 [2] 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 156 DSDE-2 [2] 2 2 1 0 0 0
+ 160 QE/NF 4 0 0 0 0 0
+ 161 DE/NF [5] 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 162 QE/NF 4 0 0 0 0 0
+ 164 QE/F [4] 4 0 0 0 0 0
+ 165 DE/F [4,5] 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 168 MCT1 0 2 Munich 0 0 2 0
+ 169 SMCT1 0 1 Munich 0 0 1 0
+ 176 DTOK 0 0 0 2 0 0
+ 184 MCE1 0 2 Munich 0 0 2 0
+ 185 SMCE1 0 1 Munich 0 0 1 0
+ 188 MCE1II75 0 2 Munich 0 0 2 0
+ 189 SMCE1II75 0 1 Munich 0 0 1 0
+ 190 MCE1II120 0 2 Munich 0 0 2 0
+ 191 SMCE1II120 0 1 Munich 0 0 1 0
+ 192 WF_FDDI_2M 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 193 WF_FDDI_1M 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 194 WF_FDDI_2S 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 195 WF_FDDI_1S 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 196 WF_FDDI_2MF 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 197 WF_FDDI_1MF 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 198 WF_FDDI_2SF 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 199 WF_FDDI_1SF 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 200 HW_MODULE_FMDSET [7] 1 2 0 1 0 0
+ 201 HW_MODULE_FMDST [7] 0 2 0 1 0 0
+ 202 HW_MODULE_FMDSE [7] 1 2 0 0 0 0
+ 203 HW_MODULE_FMSST [7] 0 1 0 1 0 0
+ 204 HW_MODULE_FMSSE [7] 1 1 0 0 0 0
+ 208 FNSDSE [7] 1 2 0 0 0 0
+ 216 FNSDSDT [7] 0 2 0 2 0 0
+ 217 FNSDST [7] 0 2 0 1 0 0
+ 224 DHSSI 0 2 hssi 0 0 0 0
+ 225 SHSSI 0 1 hssi 0 0 0 0
+ 232 ESAF_NF 2 2 0 0 0 0
+ 233 ESAF_DSE_NF 1 2 0 0 0 0
+ 234 ESAF_SSE_NF 1 1 0 0 0 0
+ 235 ESAF_DE_NF 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 236 ESAF [2] 2 2 0 0 0 0
+ 237 ESAF_DSE [2] 1 2 0 0 0 0
+ 238 ESAF_SSE [2] 1 1 0 0 0 0
+ 239 ESAF_DE [2] 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 256 QTOK 0 0 0 4 0 0
+ ASN (Barracuda)
+ 511 ASN[8]
+ AN Module IDs (Piranha, Guppy...)
+ -- -------- ---- ---- ---- -- --- ---
+ 1024 ANSEDS 1 2 0 0 0 N
+ 1025 ANSEDST 1 2 0 1 0 N
+ 1026 ANSEDSH 1 2 0 0 12 N
+ 1027 ANSEDSI 1 2 1 0 0 N
+ 1028 ANSEDSTI 1 2 1 1 0 N
+ 1029 ANSEDSHI 1 2 1 0 12 N
+ 1030 ANSETS 1 3 0 0 0 N
+ 1031 ANSETST 1 3 0 1 0 N
+ 1032 ANSETSH 1 3 0 0 12 N
+ 1033 ANDEDS 2 2 0 0 0 N
+ 1034 ANDEDST 2 2 0 1 0 N
+ 1035 ANDEDSH 2 2 0 0 12 N
+ 1036 ANDSTX 0 2 0 1 0 Y
+ (formerly ANDS)
+ 1037 ANDST 0 2 0 1 0 N
+ 1038 ANDSTI 0 2 1 1 0 N
+ 1039 ANTST 0 3 0 1 0 N
+ 1040 ANTSTX 0 3 0 1 0 Y
+ (formerly ANSDSEDS)
+ 1041 ANSDSEDST 1 2 0 1 0 N
+ 1042 ANSDSEDSTX 1 2 0 1 0 Y
+ (formerly ANSDSEDSH)
+ 1043 ANSEDSI2 1 2 1 0 0 N
+ 1044 ANSEDSTI2 1 2 1 1 0 N
+ 1045 ANSEDSHI2 1 2 1 0 12 N
+ 1046 ANDSTI2 0 2 1 1 0 N
+ 1047 ANSEDSG 1 2 0 0 8 N
+ 1048 ANSEDSGX 1 2 0 0 8 Y
+ 1049 ANSETSG 1 3 0 0 8 N
+ 1050 ANDEDSG 2 2 0 0 8 N
+ 1051 ANSEDSGI 1 2 1 0 8 N
+ 1052 ANSETSGX 1 3 0 0 8 Y
+ 1053 ANDEDSGX 2 2 0 0 8 Y
+ 1054 ANSEDSGIX 1 2 1 0 8 Y
+ 1055 ANSEDSX 1 2 0 0 0 Y
+ 1056 ANSETSX 1 3 0 0 0 Y
+ 1057 ANDEDSX 2 2 0 0 0 Y
+ 1058 ANSEDSTX 1 2 0 1 0 Y
+ 1059 ANSETSTX 1 3 0 1 0 Y
+ 1060 ANDEDSTX 2 2 0 1 0 Y
+ 1061 ANDSTI2X 0 2 1 0 0 Y
+ 1062 ANSEDSI2X 1 2 1 0 0 Y
+ 1063 ANSEDSTI2X 1 2 1 1 0 Y
+ 4096 ATMALC 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 4097 ATMALCTAXI100 0 0 0 0 0 1
+ 4098 ATMALCSONETMM 0 0 0 0 1 1 [9]
+ 4099 ATMALCSONETSM 0 0 0 0 1 1 [9]
+ 4352 OSYNC 0 8 0 0 0 0
+ 4353 OSYNC_COMP (32) 0 8 0 0 0 0
+ 4354 OSYNC_COMP128 0 8 0 0 0 0
+ 4608 ATMCOC3MM 0 0 0 0 1 1 [10]
+ 4609 ATMCOC3SM 0 0 0 0 1 1 [10]
+ 4610 ATMCOC3UTP5 0 0 0 0 1 0 [10]
+ 4864 DE100 2 0 0 0 0 0
+ 5120 ATMCDS3 0 0 0 0 1 0 [10]
+ 5121 ATMCE3 0 0 0 0 1 0 [10]
+ 8448 SRML 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ [1] Indicates Module has COM Port 1 configured for ASYNC.
+ The AM8530's port B is configured for COM1.
+ [2] This Module contains the DEFA - Hardware Filtering. CAMS
+ must be programmed (can contain 2 - 6 CAMS onboard).
+ [3] The AM8530 has been removed (depopulated) from this module.
+ Programming this device should not be performed.
+ [4] Contains Dual Defa hardware. (Can be depopulated)
+ [5] Depop'd two ports of hardware to make Dual Ethernet module.
+ [6] These are FDDI modules. The ID cannot be read from the Link
+ module I/O space.
+ [7] These are AFN Platform Integrated 'Modules' - Cannot be detached
+ or be used by any other platform.
+ [8] Module IDs from 1280(0x500) to 2559(0x9ff) are used
+ for the ASN Net Modules. Module ID 512(0x200) is
+ used for the ASN SPEX. These IDs are documented in
+ MODULE.mdl. A module ID of 511(0x1ff) in
+ 'wfHwEntry.wfHwModIdOpt' indicates that it is an
+ ASN platform and the user should refer to
+ 'wfHwModuleEntry.wfHwModuleModIdOpt' for Module ID details
+ [9] ATMALC link modules. The physical option for SONET includes a
+ framer and the medium is fiber optics. Only one port per physical
+ daughtercard per link module.
+ [10] ARE UTOPIA link modules. "
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 2 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the module. High byte is in upper 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 3 }
+ wfHwModSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The serial number of the module."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 4 }
+ wfHwMotherBdIdOpt OBJECT-TYPE
+ sysctrl(1),
+ ace12(2),
+ ace25(3),
+ ace32(4),
+ afn(5),
+ in(6),
+ sysctrl2(7),
+ an(16),
+ fre(256),
+ fre2(768),
+ o60(769),
+ asn(1024),
+ are(1280),
+ srmf(8704)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The mother board identification number."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 5 }
+ wfHwMotherBdRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the mother board. High byte is in upper 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 6 }
+ wfHwMotherBdSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The serial number of the mother board."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 7 }
+ wfHwDaughterBdIdOpt OBJECT-TYPE
+ sysctrl(1),
+ ace68020mhz12(2),
+ ace68020mhz25(3),
+ ace68030mhz32(4),
+ fre68040mhz25(4352),
+ fre68040mhz33(4608)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The daughter board identification number."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 8 }
+ wfHwDaughterBdRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the daughter board. High byte is in upper 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 9 }
+ wfHwDaughterBdSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The serial number of the daughter board."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 10 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The baby board identification number."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 11 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the baby board. High byte is in upper 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 12 }
+ wfHwBabyBdSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The serial number of the baby board."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 13 }
+ wfHwDiagPromRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the Diagnostic PROM. Major revision level
+ is in the upper 2 bytes, minor revision level in the lower 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 14 }
+ wfHwDiagPromDate OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The creation date of the Diagnostic PROM"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 15 }
+ wfHwDiagPromSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The origin of the Diagnostic PROM contents"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 16 }
+ wfHwBootPromRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the BOOT PROM. Major revision level
+ is in the upper 2 bytes, minor revision level in the lower 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 17 }
+ wfHwBootPromDate OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The creation date of the Boot PROM"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 18 }
+ wfHwBootPromSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The origin of the Boot PROM contents"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 19 }
+ wfHwSparePromRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the BOOT PROM. Major revision level
+ is in the upper 2 bytes, minor revision level in the lower 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 20 }
+ wfHwSparePromDate OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The creation date of the Spare PROM"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 21 }
+ wfHwSparePromSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The origin of the Spare PROM contents"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 22 }
+ wfHwFileSysPresent OBJECT-TYPE
+ filesys(1),
+ nofilesys(2)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Flag indicating presence of File System on this slot."
+ DEFVAL { nofilesys }
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 23 }
+ wfHwFileSysPresent2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ filesys(1),
+ nofilesys(2)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Flag indicating presence of File System (Syscon2 volume#2) on this slot."
+ DEFVAL { nofilesys }
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 24 }
+ wfHwConfigServer OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The slot number from which this slot was served its
+ configuration. If the value for this attribute is 0, this
+ slot obtained its configuration from a file system resource
+ (not necessarily local); If the value for this attribute is
+ -1, this slot does not participate in the boot process (e.g.
+ SRM). A positive value indicates that the configuration was
+ obtained from memory from the slot indicated by the value of
+ this attribute."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 25 }
+ wfHwConfigFile OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The name of the config file the active configuration was
+ derived from. This does NOT necessarily reflect the
+ current configuration!"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 26 }
+ wfHwConfigDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The 11 octet date and time that a configuration was
+ loaded on/served to this slot. Octet map: 1-2 Year,
+ 3 Month, 4 Day, 5 Hour, 6 Minutes, 7 Seconds,
+ 8 Deci-seconds, 9 Direction from GMT ('+'|`-'), 10 GMT Hour
+ Offset, 11 GMT Minute Offset."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 27 }
+ wfHwActiveImageName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "If slot was booted from a local source: this is the name of the active
+ image, which is in the form of <volume>:<image name>.
+ If slot was booted from a network source: this is the full pathname
+ where the active image was found on the remote server."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 28 }
+ wfHwActiveImageSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The origin of the active image"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 29 }
+ wfHwActiveImageDate OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The date which the active image was created"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 30 }
+ wfHwMotherBdMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The total installed dram size in kilobytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 31 }
+ wfHwFastPacketCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The size of the installed fast packet cache in kilobytes."
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 32 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1IdOpt OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #1 identification number"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 33 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1AwRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #1 artwork revision level"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 34 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1Rev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #1 board revision level"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 35 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd1SerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #1 serial number"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 36 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2IdOpt OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #2 identification number"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 37 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2AwRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #2 artwork revision level"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 38 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2Rev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #2 board revision level"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 39 }
+ wfHwModDaughterBd2SerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Link module daughter board #2 serial number"
+ ::= { wfHwEntry 40 }
+ END -- Wellfleet-HARDWARE-MIB
+-- @(#)WSCCS q/mibs-module.mib 1.1 8/30/95
+-- Created by mdl2asn version 3.1
+-- Creation date: Wed Aug 30 16:45:27 EDT 1995
+ IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks, Opaque, enterprises, mgmt
+ FROM RFC-1212
+ FROM RFC-1215
+ DisplayString, mib-2
+ wfHwModuleGroup
+ FROM Wellfleet-COMMON-MIB;
+ wfHwModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Hardware Module Table
+ Filled in by the Module Driver. Read by SNMP to
+ build the driver load records "
+ ::= { wfHwModuleGroup 1 }
+ wfHwModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX WfHwModuleEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Hardware specific information about a slot."
+ INDEX { wfHwModuleSlot,
+ wfHwModuleModule }
+ ::= { wfHwModuleTable 1 }
+ WfHwModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ wfHwModuleSlot
+ wfHwModuleModule
+ wfHwModuleModIdOpt
+ wfHwModuleModRev
+ wfHwModuleModSerialNumber
+ wfHwModuleArtworkRev
+ DisplayString
+ }
+ wfHwModuleSlot OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A unique value for each slot.
+ Its value ranges between 1 and 4."
+ ::= { wfHwModuleEntry 1 }
+ wfHwModuleModule OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value ranges between 1 and 4"
+ ::= { wfHwModuleEntry 2 }
+ wfHwModuleModIdOpt OBJECT-TYPE
+ spex(512),
+ hss(768),
+ hsd(769),
+ denm(1280),
+ denmhwf(1281),
+ dsnmnn(1536),
+ dsnmn1(1537),
+ dsnmn2(1538),
+ dsnm1n(1540),
+ dsnm11(1541),
+ dsnm12(1542),
+ dsnm2n(1544),
+ dsnm21(1545),
+ dsnm22(1546),
+ dsnmnnisdn(1584),
+ dsnmn1isdn(1585),
+ dsnmn2isdn(1586),
+ dsnm1nisdn(1588),
+ dsnm11isdn(1589),
+ dsnm12isdn(1590),
+ dsnm2nisdn(1592),
+ dsnm21isdn(1593),
+ dsnm22isdn(1594),
+ mmfsdsas(1792),
+ mmfsddas(1793),
+ smfsdsas(1800),
+ smfsddas(1801),
+ mmscsas(1808),
+ mmscdas(1809),
+ smammbdas(1825),
+ mmasmbdas(1833),
+ mmfsdsashwf(1856),
+ mmfsddashwf(1857),
+ smfsdsashwf(1864),
+ smfsddashwf(1865),
+ mmscsashwf(1872),
+ mmscdashwf(1873),
+ smammbdashwf(1889),
+ mmasmbdashwf(1897),
+ dtnm(2048),
+ cam(2049),
+ se100nm(2304),
+ asnqbri(2560)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Module IDs for the net modules modules"
+ ::= { wfHwModuleEntry 3 }
+ wfHwModuleModRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the module. High byte is in upper 2 bytes."
+ ::= { wfHwModuleEntry 4 }
+ wfHwModuleModSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The serial number of the module."
+ ::= { wfHwModuleEntry 5 }
+ wfHwModuleArtworkRev OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The Artwork Revision number of the module"
+ ::= { wfHwModuleEntry 6 }
+ wfModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This table is used by the module driver for Barracuda"
+ ::= { wfHwModuleGroup 2 }
+ wfModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX WfModuleEntry
+ ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Hardware specific information about a slot."
+ INDEX { wfModuleSlot }
+ ::= { wfModuleTable 1 }
+ WfModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ wfModuleDelete
+ wfModuleSlot
+ wfModuleTimerFrequency
+ wfModuleBufferBalance
+ wfModuleFddiWeight
+ wfModuleTokenRingWeight
+ wfModuleCsmacdWeight
+ wfModuleSyncWeight
+ wfModuleFreeBufferCredits
+ wfModuleTotalBufferCredits
+ wfModuleRestart
+ wfModuleCsmacd100Weight
+ }
+ wfModuleDelete OBJECT-TYPE
+ created(1),
+ deleted(2)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "create/delete parameter"
+ DEFVAL { created }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 1 }
+ wfModuleSlot OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A unique value for each slot.
+ Its value ranges between 1 and 14.
+ There are products in this family that contain 1, 5, and 14 slots."
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 2 }
+ wfModuleTimerFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
+ timerdefault(1)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value determines the frequency for the buffer balance
+ algorithm to run"
+ DEFVAL { timerdefault }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 3 }
+ wfModuleBufferBalance OBJECT-TYPE
+ txrx(1),
+ none(2),
+ rx(3),
+ tx(4)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Enable/Disable buffer balancing algorithm selectively"
+ DEFVAL { txrx }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 4 }
+ wfModuleFddiWeight OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value determines the weight of the fddi line
+ for the buffer balancing algorithm"
+ DEFVAL { 6 }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 5 }
+ wfModuleTokenRingWeight OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value determines the weight of the token-ring
+ for the buffer balancing algorithm"
+ DEFVAL { 4 }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 6 }
+ wfModuleCsmacdWeight OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value determines the weight of the csmacd line
+ for the buffer balancing algorithm"
+ DEFVAL { 3 }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 7 }
+ wfModuleSyncWeight OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value determines the weight of the sync line
+ for the buffer balancing algorithm"
+ DEFVAL { 2 }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 8 }
+ wfModuleFreeBufferCredits OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This attribute indicates the number of buffers
+ available to line drivers but not used by them"
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 9 }
+ wfModuleTotalBufferCredits OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This attribute indicates the total number of buffers
+ available to line drivers"
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 10 }
+ wfModuleRestart OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This attribute should be touched after the queue
+ lengths are configured in the line-records"
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 11 }
+ wfModuleCsmacd100Weight OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "This value determines the weight of the csmacd 100MB line
+ for the buffer balancing algorithm"
+ DEFVAL { 6 }
+ ::= { wfModuleEntry 12 }
+ END -- Wellfleet-MODULE-MIB
+-- @(#)WSCCS h/mibs-sys.mib 1.1 8/30/95
+-- Created by mdl2asn version 3.1
+-- Creation date: Wed Aug 30 16:48:50 EDT 1995
+ IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks, Opaque, enterprises, mgmt
+ FROM RFC-1212
+ FROM RFC-1215
+ DisplayString, mib-2
+ wfSystem
+ FROM Wellfleet-COMMON-MIB;
+ wfSys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfSystem 1 }
+ wfSysDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A textual description of the entity including full name and version of
+ the system's hardware type, OS, and networking SW "
+ ::= { wfSys 1 }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Provides an unambiguous means for determining the MIB type (old product vs.
+ harpoon MIB)."
+ ::= { wfSys 2 }
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Time in seconds/100 since the last cold start"
+ ::= { wfSys 3 }
+ wfSysContact OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Contact person for this node and where/how to contact them"
+ ::= { wfSys 4 }
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Node's fully qualified domain name or administratively assigned name"
+ ::= { wfSys 5 }
+ wfSysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Physical Location of this Node"
+ ::= { wfSys 6 }
+ wfSysServices OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "A sum of numbers indicating the set of services the entity offers. For each
+ layer L, add 2**(L - 1). Example: 78 = Layers 2,3,4, and 7."
+ DEFVAL { 78 }
+ ::= { wfSys 7 }
+ wfSysGmtOffset OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The positive or negative offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This
+ effectively describes the time zone."
+ ::= { wfSys 8 }
+ wfSysMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The version of the private management information base currently being
+ used by the system software. Format is: xV.RR"
+ ::= { wfSys 9 }
+ wfSysMibRevision OBJECT-TYPE
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The revision level of the private management information base currently
+ being used by the system software."
+ ::= { wfSys 10 }
+ wfSysAgentType OBJECT-TYPE
+ anrptragenttype(29),
+ anhubagenttype(30)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "The network management agent's module type"
+ ::= { wfSys 11 }
+ wfSysMibCounterEnable OBJECT-TYPE
+ enabled(1),
+ disabled(2)
+ }
+ ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS mandatory
+ "Mib II counter Switch"
+ DEFVAL { enabled }
+ ::= { wfSys 12 }
+ END -- Wellfleet-SYS-MIB
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mibload.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mibload.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e44748a1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/mibload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN {plan tests => 7}
+use SNMP;
+require "t/";
+use vars qw($mibdir);
+$SNMP::verbose = 0;
+my $mib_file = 't/mib.txt';
+my $junk_mib_file = 'mib.txt';
+my $mibfile1;
+my @mibdir;
+my $mibfile2;
+if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+ $mibdir =~ s"/"\\"g;
+ $mibfile1 = "$mibdir\\TCP-MIB.txt";
+ @mibdir = ("$mibdir");
+ $mibfile2 = "$mibdir\\IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt";
+else {
+ $mibfile1 = "$mibdir/TCP-MIB.txt";
+ @mibdir = ("$mibdir");
+ $mibfile2 = "$mibdir/IPV6-TCP-MIB.txt";
+if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+ $mibdir =~ s"/"\\"g;
+# See if we can find a mib to use, return of 0 means the file wasn't
+# found or isn't readable.
+$res = SNMP::setMib($junk_mib_file,1);
+# Now we give the right name
+$res = SNMP::setMib($mib_file,1);
+# See if we can find a mib to use
+$res = SNMP::setMib($mib_file,0);
+######################## 4 ################################
+# add a mib dir
+$res = SNMP::addMibDirs($mibdir[0]);
+SNMP::loadModules("IP-MIB", "IF-MIB", "IANAifType-MIB", "RFC1213-MIB");
+#etherStatsDataSource shouldn't be found.
+#present only in 1271 & RMON-MIB.
+# XXX: because we can't count on user .conf files, we should turn off
+# support for them (maybe set SNMPCONFPATH at the top of this
+# script?). But for the mean time just search for a bogus node that
+# will never exist.
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{bogusetherStatsDataSource};
+######################## 5 ############################
+# add mib file
+$res1 = SNMP::addMibFiles($mibfile1);
+$res2 = SNMP::addMibFiles($mibfile2);
+$res = $SNMP::MIB{ipv6TcpConnState}{moduleID};
+ok($res =~ /^IPV6-TCP-MIB/);
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/notify.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/notify.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..434237f897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/notify.t
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN { $n = 10; plan tests => $n }
+use SNMP;
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm $comm2 $trap_port $agent_host $sec_name $priv_pass $auth_pass $bad_name);
+require 't/';
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+my $res;
+my $enterprise = '.';
+my $generic = 'specific';
+# V1 trap testing
+###################### 1 #############################
+# Fire up a trap session.
+my $s1 =
+ new SNMP::Session (DestHost=>$agent_host,Version=>1,Community=>$comm,RemotePort=>$trap_port);
+########################## 2 ####################################
+# test v1 trap
+if (defined($s1)) {
+ $res = $s1->trap(enterprise => $enterprise, agent=>$agent_host, generic=>$generic,[[sysContact, 0, 'root@localhost'], [sysLocation, 0, 'here']] );
+ok($res =~ /^0 but true/);
+########################### 3 #############################
+# test with wrong varbind
+undef $res;
+if (defined($s1)) {
+ $res = $s1->trap([[$bad_name, 0, 'root@localhost'], [sysLocation, 0, 'here']] );
+ #print("res is $res\n");
+# V2 testing
+########################## 4 ############################
+# Fire up a v2 trap session.
+my $s2 =
+ new SNMP::Session (Version=>2, DestHost=>$agent_host,Community=>$comm2,RemotePort=>$trap_port);
+######################### 5 ###########################
+# test v2 trap
+undef $res;
+if (defined($s2)) {
+ $res = $s2->trap(uptime=>200, trapoid=>'coldStart',[[sysContact, 0, 'root@localhost'], [sysLocation, 0, 'here']] );
+ #print("res is $res\n");
+ok($res =~ /^0 but true/);
+########################## 6 ##########################
+# no trapoid and uptime given. Should take defaults...
+my $ret;
+if (defined($s2)) {
+ $ret = $s2->trap([[sysContact, 0, 'root@localhost'], [sysLocation, 0, 'here']] );
+ #print("res is $ret\n");
+# v3 testing
+######################## 7 ############################
+# Fire up a v3 trap session.
+my $s3 = new SNMP::Session(Version=>3, DestHost=> $agent_host, RemotePort=>$trap_port, SecName => $sec_name);
+######################## 8 ###########################
+if (defined($s3)) {
+ $res = $s3->inform(uptime=>111, trapoid=>'coldStart', [[sysContact, 0, 'root@localhost'], [sysLocation, 0, 'here']] );
+ok($res =~ /^0 but true/);
+#################### 9 #####################
+# Fire up a v3 trap session.
+$s3 = new SNMP::Session(Version=>3, DestHost=> $agent_host, RemotePort=>$trap_port, SecName => $sec_name, SecLevel => authPriv, AuthPass => $auth_pass, PrivPass => $priv_pass);
+######################## 10 ###########################
+undef $res;
+if (defined($s3)) {
+ $res = $s3->inform(uptime=>111, trapoid=>'coldStart', [[sysContact, 0, 'root@localhost'], [sysLocation, 0, 'here']] );
+ print "res = $res\n";
+ok(defined($res) && ($res =~ /^0 but true/));
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/session.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/session.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f51386c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/session.t
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 5}
+use SNMP;
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm $agent_host $bad_auth_pass $auth_pass $sec_name $bad_sec_name $bad_version $bad_priv_pass $priv_pass);
+require "t/";
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+# create list of varbinds for GETS, val field can be null or omitted
+my $vars = new SNMP::VarList (
+ ['sysDescr', '0', ''],
+ ['sysContact', '0'],
+ ['sysName', '0'],
+ ['sysLocation', '0'],
+ ['sysServices', '0'],
+ ['ifNumber', '0'],
+ ['ifDescr', '1'],
+ ['ifSpeed', '1'],
+ );
+#########################== 1 ===#########################################
+# Create a bogus session, undef means the host can't be found.
+# removed! this test can hang for a long time if DNS is not functioning
+# my $s1 = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $bad_host );
+# ok(!defined($s1));
+#####################== 2 ====############################################
+# Fire up a session.
+ my $s2 =
+ new SNMP::Session (DestHost=>$agent_host, Community=>$comm,
+ RemotePort=>$agent_port);
+ ok(defined($s2));
+######################== 3 ==== ##########################################
+# Fire up a V3 session
+my $s3 = new SNMP::Session (Version => 3 , RemotePort => $agent_port,
+ SecName => $sec_name );
+#print STDERR "Error string1 = $s3->{ErrorStr}:$s3->{ErrorInd}\n";
+#####################=== 4 ====###########################################
+#create a V3 session by setting an IP address/port not running an agent
+my $s4 = new SNMP::Session (Version => 3, RemotePort => 1002, Retries => 0);
+# engineId discovery should fail resulting in session creation failure (undef)
+#print STDERR "Error string1 = $s4->{ErrorStr}:$s4->{ErrorInd}\n";
+###################### 5 ###########################################
+#create a session with bad version
+my $s5 = new SNMP::Session (Version=>$bad_version);
+######################## 6 ########################################
+#Test for v3 session creation success
+my $s6 = new SNMP::Session (Version => 3, RemotePort => $agent_port,
+ SecLevel => 'authPriv',
+ SecName => $sec_name,
+ PrivPass => $priv_pass,
+ AuthPass => $auth_pass);
+#print STDERR "Error string2 = $s6->{ErrorStr}:$s6->{ErrorInd}\n";
+##################### 7 ############################################
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/set.t b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/set.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..992565450a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/set.t
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
+ }
+ eval "use Cwd qw(abs_path)";
+ $ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = 'nopath';
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '+' . abs_path("../../mibs");
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
+use SNMP;
+use vars qw($agent_port $comm $agent_host);
+require "t/";
+my $junk_oid = ".";
+my $oid = ".";
+my $junk_name = 'fooDescr';
+my $junk_host = '';
+my $name = "gmarzot\";
+$SNMP::debugging = 0;
+$n = 15; # Number of tests to run
+#print "1..$n\n";
+if ($n == 0) { exit 0; }
+# create list of varbinds for GETS, val field can be null or omitted
+my $vars = new SNMP::VarList (
+ ['sysDescr', '0', ''],
+ ['sysObjectID', '0'],
+ ['sysUpTime', '0'],
+ ['sysContact', '0'],
+ ['sysName', '0'],
+ ['sysLocation', '0'],
+ ['sysServices', '0'],
+ ['ifNumber', '0'],
+ ['ifDescr', '1'],
+ ['ifSpeed', '1'],
+ ['snmpInPkts', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadVersions', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadCommunityNames', '0'],
+ ['snmpInBadCommunityUses', '0'],
+ ['snmpInASNParseErrs', '0'],
+ ['snmpEnableAuthenTraps', '0'],
+# ['snmpSilentDrops', '0'],
+# ['snmpProxyDrops', '0'],
+# ['snmpTrapEnterprise', '2'],
+# ['hrStorageType', '2'],
+# ['hrSystemDate', '0'],
+ ['sysORIndex', '1'],
+ ['sysORID', '2'],
+ ['sysORDescr', '3'],
+ ['sysORUpTime', '4'],
+# ['ifName', '1'],
+ ['sysORLastChange', '0'],
+ ['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
+ ['ipDefaultTTL', '0'],
+ ['ipInHdrErrors', '0'],
+ );
+# ['ipNetToMediaPhysAddress', '0'],
+# ['ipAdEntAddr', '0'],
+# ['snmpTrapOID', '0'],
+# ['hrSystemNumUsers', '0'],
+# ['hrFSLastFullBackupDate', '0'],
+# ['ifPromiscuousMode', '0'],
+######################### 1 #######################################
+# Fire up a session.
+ my $s1 =
+ new SNMP::Session (DestHost=>$agent_host,Version=>1,Community=>$comm,RemotePort=>$agent_port);
+ ok(defined($s1));
+####################### 2 ##########################################
+# Set some value and see if the value is set properly.
+$originalLocation = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
+$value = 'Router Management Labs';
+$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $value);
+$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
+ok($originalLocation ne $finalvalue);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+#print("set value is: $finalvalue\n\n");
+$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $originalLocation);
+######################## 3 #######################################
+# Now, reset that string with a non-string value.
+# This will FAIL. :)
+#$nonstrvalue = '.';
+#$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $nonstrvalue);
+#$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysLocation.0');
+#if (($initialvalue cmp $finalvalue) != 0 ) {
+# ok(1);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+#print("set value is: $finalvalue\n\n");
+#$s1->set('sysLocation.0', $originalLocation);
+####################### 4 #####################################
+# Test for an integer (READ-ONLY)
+$originalservice = $s1->get('sysServices.0');
+#print("services is: $originalservice\n");
+$junk_service = "Nortel Networks";
+$s1->set('sysServices.0', $junk_service);
+$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysServices.0');
+#print("services is: $finalvalue\n");
+#print("Services is: $originalservice\n");
+ok($originalservice eq $finalvalue);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+################## 5 ######################
+# Test for an integer (READ-WRITE)
+# The snmpEnableAuthenTraps takes only two values - 1 and 2.
+# If any other value is tried to be set, it doesn't set and
+# retains the old value.
+$originalTrap = $s1->get('snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0');
+#print("trap is -- $originalTrap\n");
+$junk_trap = "Nortel Networks";
+$s1->set('snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0', $junk_trap);
+$finalvalue = $s1->get('snmpEnableAuthenTraps.0');
+#print("final trap is: $finalvalue\n");
+ok($finalvalue ne $junk_trap);
+# Should the error be 'Value out of range: SNMPERR_RANGE ?
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+################### 6 #######################
+# Test for a TimeTicks (is this advisable? )
+# Trying to set uptime which cannot be done (READ-ONLY).
+#$time = $s1->get('sysUpTime.0');
+#print("up time is : $time hundredths of a second\n");
+#$junk_time = 12345;
+#$s1->set('sysUpTime.0', $junk_time);
+#$finalvalue = $s1->get('sysUpTime.0');
+#print("final time is: $finalvalue hundredths of a second \n");
+# Will the final value always be equal to the initial value?
+# depends on how fast this piece of code executes?
+#ok($finalvalue == $time);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+################### 7 ######################
+#Test for a Counter32 type.
+#$Pkts = $s1->get('snmpInPkts.0');
+#print(" pkts is : $Pkts\n");
+#$junk_pkts = -1234;
+#$s1->set('snmpInPkts.0', $junk_pkts);
+#$finalPkts = $s1->get('snmpInPkts.0');
+#print("now pkts is : $finalPkts\n");
+#ok($finalPkts > $Pkts);
+# Expecting genErr
+#ok($s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^\(gen/);
+#print STDERR "pkts is = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+################## 8 ##############################
+# Set a non-accessible attribute
+$s1->set('ipAddrEntry.1', 'MyEID');
+# What should I expect - genErr or Bad variable type ?
+# What gets checked first - type or accessibility?
+# if type, then this is right..else, genErr is expected.
+ok($s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^Bad/ );
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+################# 12 ##########################
+# Time stamp test - READ-ONLY
+#$origtime = $s1->get('sysORLastChange.0');
+#print("Time is: $origtime\n");
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+#$time = $s1->set('sysORLastChange.0', 12345);
+#print("time stamp is : $time \n");
+# Should get genErr.
+#ok($time =~ /^genErr/);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+############## 13 ############################
+# OID test
+my $oldoid = $s1->get("sysORID.1");
+#print("OID is : $oldoid\n");
+$junk_OID = ".";
+$s1->set('sysORID.1', $junk_OID);
+$newOID = $s1->get("sysORID.1");
+#print("new oid is $newOID\n");
+ok($oldoid eq $newOID);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+################ 14 ##########################
+# Try setting an unregistered OID.
+$junk_data = 'hehehe';
+$s1->set('ifmyData.0', $junk_data);
+#print STDERR "Error string = $s1->{ErrorStr}:$s1->{ErrorInd}\n";
+ok( $s1->{ErrorStr} =~ /^Unknown/ );
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/snmptest.conf b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/snmptest.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..355e3109c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/snmptest.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+sysservices 72
+createUser v3_user MD5 test_pass_auth DES test_pass_priv
+# source community
+com2sec v2c_user default v2c_private
+com2sec v1_user default v1_private
+com2sec v3_user default v3_private
+# sec.model
+group v2c_group v2c v2c_user
+group v1_group v1 v1_user
+group v3_group usm v3_user
+# incl/excl subtree mask
+view all included .1 80
+# context sec.model sec.level match read write notif
+access v2c_group "" any noauth exact all all all
+access v1_group "" any noauth exact all all all
+access v3_group "" any noauth exact all all all
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95cd38e641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# common parameters used in SNMP::Session creation and tests
+$agent_host = 'localhost';
+$agent_port = 8765;
+$trap_port = 8764;
+$mibdir = '/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs';
+$comm = 'v1_private';
+$comm2 = 'v2c_private';
+$comm3 = 'v3_private';
+$sec_name = 'v3_user';
+$oid = '.';
+$name = 'sysDescr';
+$name_module = 'RFC1213-MIB::sysDescr';
+$name_module2 = 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr';
+$name_long = '';
+$name_module_long = '';
+$name_module_long2 = '';
+$auth_pass = 'test_pass_auth';
+$priv_pass = 'test_pass_priv';
+# don't use any .conf files other than those specified.
+$ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} |= "bogus";
+# erroneous input to test failure cases
+$bad_comm = 'BAD_COMMUNITY';
+$bad_name = "badName";
+$bad_oid = ".";
+$bad_host = '';
+$bad_port = '9999999';
+$bad_auth_pass = 'bad_auth_pass';
+$bad_priv_pass = 'bad_priv_pass';
+$bad_sec_name = 'bad_sec_name';
+$bad_version = 7;
+local $snmpd_cmd;
+local $snmptrapd_cmd;
+my $line;
+if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+ require Win32::Process;
+sub snmptest_cleanup {
+ sleep 1; # strangely we need to wait for pid files to appear ??
+ if ((-e "t/") && (-r "t/")) {
+ #warn "\nStopping agents for test script $0\n";
+ # Making sure that any running agents are killed.
+ # warn "killing snmpd:", `cat t/`, "\n";
+ if ($^O !~ /win32/i) {
+ system "kill `cat t/` > /dev/null 2>&1";
+ }
+ else {
+ open(H, "<t/");
+ my $pid = (<H>);
+ close (H);
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ Win32::Process::KillProcess($pid, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ unlink "t/";
+ }
+ if ((-e "t/") && (-r "t/")) {
+ # Making sure that any running agents are killed.
+ # warn "killing snmptrap:", `cat t/`, "\n";
+ if ($^O !~ /win32/i) {
+ system "kill `cat t/` > /dev/null 2>&1";
+ }
+ else {
+ open(H, "<t/");
+ my $pid = (<H>);
+ close (H);
+ if ($pid > 0) {
+ Win32::Process::KillProcess($pid, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ unlink "t/";
+ }
+#Open the snmptest.cmd file and get the info
+if (open(CMD, "<t/snmptest.cmd")) {
+ while ($line = <CMD>) {
+ if ($line =~ /HOST\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s+$/) {
+ $agent_host = $1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /MIBDIR\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s+$/) {
+ $mibdir = $1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /AGENT_PORT\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s+$/) {
+ $agent_port = $1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /SNMPD\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s+$/) {
+ $snmpd_cmd = $1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /SNMPTRAPD\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s+$/) {
+ $snmptrapd_cmd = $1;
+ }
+ } # end of while
+ close CMD;
+} else {
+ die ("Could not start agent. Couldn't find snmptest.cmd file\n");
+#warn "\nStarting agents for test script $0\n";
+if ($^O !~ /win32/i) {
+ # Unix
+ if ($snmpd_cmd) {
+ if (-r $snmpd_cmd and -x $snmpd_cmd) {
+ $basedir = `pwd`;
+ chomp $basedir;
+ system "$snmpd_cmd -r -Lf t/snmptest.log -M+$mibdir -C -c $basedir/t/snmptest.conf -p $basedir/t/ ${agent_host}:${agent_port} > /dev/null 2>&1";
+ } else {
+ warn("Couldn't run snmpd\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($snmptrapd_cmd) {
+ if (-r $snmptrapd_cmd and -x $snmptrapd_cmd) {
+ system "$snmptrapd_cmd -p t/ -M+$mibdir -C -c t/snmptest.conf -C ${agent_host}:${trap_port} > /dev/null 2>&1";
+ } else {
+ warn("Couldn't run snmptrapd\n");
+ }
+ }
+else {
+ # Windows
+ if ($snmpd_cmd) {
+ if (-r $snmpd_cmd) {
+ #print STDERR "start \"SNMPD\" /min \"$snmpd_cmd\" -r -Lf t/snmptest.log -C -c t/snmptest.conf -p t/ $agent_port > nul\n";
+ system "start \"SNMPD\" /min \"$snmpd_cmd\" -r -Lf t/snmptest.log -C -c t/snmptest.conf -p t/ $agent_port > nul";
+ } else {
+ warn("Couldn't run snmpd\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($snmptrapd_cmd) {
+ if (-r $snmptrapd_cmd) {
+ #print STDERR "start /min \"SNMPTRAPD\" \"$snmptrapd_cmd\" -Lf t/snmptrapdtest.log -p t/ -C -c t/snmptest.conf $trap_port > nul\n";
+ system "start /min \"SNMPTRAPD\" \"$snmptrapd_cmd\" -Lf t/snmptrapdtest.log -p t/ -C -c t/snmptest.conf $trap_port > nul";
+ } else {
+ warn("Couldn't run snmptrapd\n");
+ }
+ }
+ sleep 2; # Give programs time to start
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/typemap b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/typemap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5e9826ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/typemap
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SnmpSession * T_PTROBJ
+SnmpMibNode * T_PTROBJ