path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/snmpconf.dir/snmp-data/output
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/snmpconf.dir/snmp-data/output')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/snmpconf.dir/snmp-data/output b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/snmpconf.dir/snmp-data/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae3c561c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/snmpconf.dir/snmp-data/output
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+title Output style options
+description This section allows you to control how the output of the
+description various commands will be formated
+token logTimestamp
+info Should timestamps be shown on the output
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+question 1 Should timestamps be shown on the output
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+token printNumericEnums
+info Print enums numericly or textually
+info command line equivelent: -Oe
+question 1 Print enums numericly
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+token printNumericOids
+info Print OIDs numericly or textually
+info command line equivelent: -On
+question 1 Print enums numericly
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+token dontBreakdownOids
+info When OIDs contain a index to a table, they are broken
+info into the displayable pieces and shown to you.
+info For example the oid vacmSecurityModel.
+info is nicely broken down by
+info default and the string hidden in the oid is shown
+info to you as vacmSecurityModel.0."wes". This token and the -Ob
+info option diables this feature and displays it as
+info vacmSecurityModel. again.
+info command line equivelent: -Ob
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+question 1 Disable the breaking-down of OIDs?
+token escapeQuotes
+info Should the quotation marks in broken down oids be escaped
+info If you want to cut and paste oids that have been broken down
+info into indexes and strings, this will put a backslash in front of them
+info so your shell will pass them rather than interpret them.
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+question 1 Should the quotation marks in broken down oids be escaped
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+token quickPrinting
+info Make the output simple for quick parsing
+info This option removes the equal sign and value identifies leaving
+info just the oid and the value on the output for easier parsing in scripts
+info command line equivelent: -Oq
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+question 1 Make the output simple for quick parsing
+token numericTimeticks
+info Print timeticks as a number and not a time-string
+info command line equivelent:
+info arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)
+question 1 Print timeticks as a number and not a time-string
+validanswer 1 ^(1|yes|true|0|no|false)$
+token suffixPrinting
+info Shorten OIDs printed to the screen
+info possible values:
+info - 0: UCD-style. OIDs are displayed like:
+info - system.sysUpTime.0
+info - 1: deletes all by the last symbolic part of the OID:
+info - system.sysUpTime.0 becomes sysUpTime.0
+info - 2: is a variant of this, adding the name of the MIB
+info - that defined this object:
+info - system.sysUpTime.0 becomes SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0
+info - (This is the default with net-snmp v5)
+info command line equivelent: 0 = -Ou, 1 = -Os, 2 = -OS
+info arguments: (1|2)
+question 1 Shorten OIDs (0|1|2)
+validanswer 1 ^(0|1|2)$