path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/agent/mibgroup/spc300-eoc-mib/spc300EoCSlaveGroup/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable-README-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/agent/mibgroup/spc300-eoc-mib/spc300EoCSlaveGroup/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable-README-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.txt')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/agent/mibgroup/spc300-eoc-mib/spc300EoCSlaveGroup/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable-README-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.txt b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/agent/mibgroup/spc300-eoc-mib/spc300EoCSlaveGroup/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable-README-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.txt
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+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/agent/mibgroup/spc300-eoc-mib/spc300EoCSlaveGroup/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable/spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable-README-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable README
+ This readme file describes the code generated by mib2c (using the MIBs
+ for Dummies (MFD) configuration file). The code generated was
+ generated specifically for the following SNMP table:
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+ Your code will be called when the snmp agent receives requests for
+ the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable table. The agent will start by looking for the right
+ row in your existing data to operate on, if one exists.
+ Configuration Variables
+ ------------------------------------------------------------
+ Some variables used for code generation may be set to affect the code
+ generation. You may override these variables by setting them in the
+ file defaults/table-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.m2d, and then re-running mib2c.
+ m2c_table_settable (currently '1')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines whether or not code is generated to support
+ MIB object which have an access of read-write or read-create. The
+ default is set based on whether or not the table contains writable
+ objects, but can be over-ridden.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_table_settable = 0@
+ m2c_table_dependencies (currently '0')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines whether or not code is generated to support
+ checking dependencies between columns, rows or tables. The default
+ is set based on whether or not the table contains writable objects,
+ but can be over-ridden.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_table_dependencies = 0@
+ m2c_table_row_creation (currently '0')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines whether or not code is generated to support
+ checking creation of new rows via SNMP. The default is set based on
+ whether or not the table contains read-create objects, but can be
+ over-ridden.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_table_row_creation = 0@
+ m2c_context_reg (currently 'netsnmp_data_list')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable contains the structure name to typedef for the
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_registration.
+ During initilization, you will provide a pointer to a structure of
+ this type. This pointer is used as a parameter to many functions so
+ that you have access to your registration data. The default is a
+ netsnmp_data_list pointer, which will allow you to keep multiple
+ pointers tagged by a text name. If you have a new or existing structure
+ you would rather use, you can redefine this variable.
+ To avoid regenerating code, you may also change this typedef directly
+ in the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.h header.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_context_reg = "struct my_registration_context@
+ m2c_data_context (currently 'generated')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable contains the structure name to typedef for the
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data.
+ This typedef is used in the row request context structure for the table,
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_rowreq_ctx.
+ The typedef in the primary table context will be used for the data and
+ undo structure types. This structure should contain all the data
+ needed for all the columns in the table. The default is 'generated',
+ which will cuase a new data strcuture to be generated with data members
+ for each column.
+ To avoid regenerating code, you may also change this typedef directly
+ in the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.h header.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_data_context = "struct my_data_context"@
+ m2c_data_allocate (currently '0')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines whether or not the data context (see above)
+ requires memory to be allocated. The default generated data structure
+ does not. If you are using a custom data context which needs to
+ allocate memory, override this value and two additional functions
+ will be generated:
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_allocate_data
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_release_data
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_data_allocate = 1@
+ m2c_data_init (currently '1')
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines whether or not the data context (see above)
+ or any other items you have added to the table context requires
+ initialization. The default generated data structure does not. If you
+ are using a custom data context or have added items needing initialization
+ to the table context, override this value and two additional functions
+ will be generated:
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_rowreq_ctx_init
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_rowreq_ctx_cleanup
+ Syntax: @eval 1 = 1@
+ m2c_table_access (currently 'container-cached')
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines which data interface will be use to generate
+ code for looking up data for a given index. The default is the
+ 'container-cached' access code, which caches the data in a netsnmp-
+ container (usually a sorted array).
+ Available options can be determined by checking for mib2c configuration
+ files that begin with 'mfd-access-*'.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_table_access = 'container-cached'@
+ m2c_include_examples (currently '0')
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines whether or not to generate example code. The
+ default is to generate example code.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_include_examples = 0@
+ m2c_data_transient (currently '2')
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This variable determines how the generated example code deals with the
+ data during data lookup. See the table readme file for details on how
+ the current table access method interprets this value. In general,
+ a value of 0 indicates persistent data, 1 indicates semi-transient and
+ 2 indicates transient data.
+ Syntax: @eval $m2c_data_transient = 0@
+ Index(es) for the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable table
+ ------------------------------------------------------------
+ The index(es) for the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable table are:
+ modEoCCNUServiceIndex:
+ Syntax: INTEGER
+ DataType: INTEGER
+ C-code type: long
+ You should know how to set all these values from your data context,
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data.
+spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable File Overview
+ Several files have been generated to implement the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+ table. We'll go through these files, one by one, explaining each and
+ letting you know which you need to edit.
+File: spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data_access.[c|h]
+ The spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data_access file contains the interface to your data in
+ its raw format. These functions are used to build the row cache or
+ locate the row (depending on the table access method).
+ Set MIB context
+ -----------------
+ TODO : Set MIB index values
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_indexes_set
+ WHERE: spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data_access.c
+ This is a convenience function for setting the index context from
+ the native C data. Where necessary, value mapping should be done.
+ This function should update the table index values (found in
+ tbl_idx) for the given raw data.
+ container summary
+ ------------------------
+ The container data access code is for cases when you want to
+ store your data in the agent/sub-agent.
+ ... to be continued...
+ cache summary
+ ------------------------
+ The container-cached data access code is for cases when you want to
+ cache your data in the agent/sub-agent.
+ ... to be continued...
+File: spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_enums.h
+ This file contains macros for mapping enumeration values when the
+ enumerated values defined by the MIB do not match the values used
+ internally.
+ Review this file to see if any values need to be updated.
+File: spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data_get.c
+ Get data for column
+ -------------------
+ TODO : retrieve column data from raw data
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter_get
+ Get data for column
+ -------------------
+ TODO : retrieve column data from raw data
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn_get
+File: spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_data_set.c
+ This code was generated based on the following assumptions or settings:
+ 1) Some of the values for this table have DEPENDENCIES on other objects.
+ DEPENDENCIES on other objects complicates SET request processing. When
+ one or more columns in a table depend on another object (in the same
+ table, or in another table), a DEPENDENCY exists. For example, if you
+ have a table that determine a color with three columns (red, green and
+ blue) that define the percentage of each primary color, the total for
+ the three columns must equal 100 percent. So, in addition to checking
+ that each colums has a valid value between 0 and 100, the total of
+ all three columns must equal 100.
+ Set $m2c_table_dependencies = 0 in defaults/table-spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable.m2d
+ and regenerate code if this assumption is incorrect.
+ 2) This table does not support ROW CREATION.
+ Supporting ROW CREATION allows new rows to be created via SNMP requests.
+ Undo setup
+ ----------
+ TODO : save data for undo
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_undo_setup
+ This function will be called before the individual undo_setup functions are
+ called. This is where you should save any undo information which is not
+ directly related to a particular column. This function will only be called
+ once per row. After this function is called, any column which is being
+ set will have its individual node undo_setup function called.
+ Check value for column
+ ----------------------
+ TODO : perform additional validations on values for a set request
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter_check_value
+ The generated code will automatically validate incoming requests against
+ all the requirements specified by the syntax of the MIB. However, it is
+ often the case that additional requirements are specified in the
+ description of a MIB object. Those type of validations should be checked
+ in this function.
+ Undo setup for column
+ ---------------------
+ TODO : save the value for column
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter_undo_setup
+ After the table level undo setup function has been called, the individual
+ node undo setup functions will be called for columns which are being set.
+ Set value for column
+ --------------------
+ TODO : set the value for column
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter_set
+ After all the validations have been passed, this function will be called to
+ set the new value.
+ Undo value for column
+ ---------------------
+ TODO : undo set for column
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter_undo
+ If an error occurs after a column has been set, this function will be called
+ to undo the set and restore the previous state.
+ Check value for column
+ ----------------------
+ TODO : perform additional validations on values for a set request
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn_check_value
+ The generated code will automatically validate incoming requests against
+ all the requirements specified by the syntax of the MIB. However, it is
+ often the case that additional requirements are specified in the
+ description of a MIB object. Those type of validations should be checked
+ in this function.
+ Undo setup for column
+ ---------------------
+ TODO : save the value for column
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn_undo_setup
+ After the table level undo setup function has been called, the individual
+ node undo setup functions will be called for columns which are being set.
+ Set value for column
+ --------------------
+ TODO : set the value for column
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn_set
+ After all the validations have been passed, this function will be called to
+ set the new value.
+ Undo value for column
+ ---------------------
+ TODO : undo set for column
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn_undo
+ If an error occurs after a column has been set, this function will be called
+ to undo the set and restore the previous state.
+ Commit changes
+ --------------
+ TODO : commit changes
+ FUNC : spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable_commit
+ After all values have been set, the commit function will be called.
+spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable Reference
+Function flow
+To give you the general idea of how the functions flow works, this
+example flow is from a complete table implementation.
+NOTE: Depending on your configuration, some of the functions used in the
+ examples below may not have been generated for the
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable table.
+ Conversely, the examples below may not include some functions that
+ were generated for the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable table.
+To watch the flow of the spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable table, use the
+following debug tokens:
+ snmp_agent
+ helper:table:req
+ spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+ verbose:spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+ internal:spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+ snmpd -f -Le -Dspc300EoCSlaveServiceTable,verbose:spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable,internal:spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+init_xxxTable: called xxx.c
+ initialize_table_xxxTable xxx.c
+ _xxxTable_initialize_interface xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_init_data xxx_data_access.c
+ _xxxTable_container_init xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_container_init xxx_data_access.c
+GET Request
+_cache_load xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_cache_load xxx_data_access.c
+ xxxTable_allocate_rowreq_ctx xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_allocate_data xxx_data_get.c
+ xxxTable_rowreq_ctx_init xxx_data_get.c
+ xxxTable_indexes_set xxx_data_get.c
+ xxxTable_indexes_set_tbl_idx xxx_data_get.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_object_lookup xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_row_prep xxx_data_access.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_get_values xxx_interface.c
+ _mfd_xxxTable_get_column xxx_interface.c
+ yyy_get xxx_data_get.c
+GETNEXT Request
+_cache_load ...
+xxxTable_pre_request ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_object_lookup ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_get_values ...
+xxxTable_post_request ...
+SET Request: success
+_cache_load ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_object_lookup ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_objects xxx_interface.c
+ _xxxTable_check_column xxx_interface.c
+ yyy_check_value xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_setup xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_allocate_data ...
+ xxxTable_undo_setup xxx_interface.c
+ _xxxTable_undo_setup_column xxx_interface.c
+ yyy_undo_setup xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_set_values xxx_interface.c
+ _xxxTable_set_column xxx_interface.c
+ yyy_set xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_dependencies xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_check_dependencies xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_commit xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_commit xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_cleanup xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_undo_cleanup xxx_data_set.c
+ xxxTable_release_data ...
+xxxTable_post_request ...
+SET Request: row creation
+_cache_load ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_object_lookup ...
+ xxxTable_index_from_oid xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_allocate_rowreq_ctx ...
+ ...
+ _xxxTable_check_indexes xxx_interface.c
+ yyy_check_index xxx_data_set.c
+ xxxTable_validate_index xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_objects ...
+ _xxxTable_check_column ...
+ yyy_check_value ...
+ _xxxTable_check_column ...
+ yyy_check_value ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_setup ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_set_values ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_dependencies ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_commit ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_cleanup ...
+xxxTable_post_request ...
+SET Resuest: value error
+_cache_load ...
+xxxTable_pre_request ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_object_lookup ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_objects ...
+ _xxxTable_check_column ...
+ yyy_check_value ...
+ ERROR:"yyy value not supported"
+xxxTable_post_request ...
+SET Request: commit failure
+_cache_load ...
+xxxTable_pre_request ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_object_lookup ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_objects ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_setup ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_set_values ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_check_dependencies ...
+_mfd_xxxTable_commit ...
+ xxxTable_commit ...
+ ERROR: bad rc -1
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_commit xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_undo_commit xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_values xxx_interface.c
+ _xxxTable_undo_column xxx_interface.c
+ yyy_undo xxx_data_set.c
+_mfd_xxxTable_undo_cleanup ...
+xxxTable_post_request ...
+Row release (user initiated)
+xxxTable_release_rowreq_ctx xxx_interface.c
+ xxxTable_rowreq_ctx_cleanup xxx_data_get.c
+ xxxTable_release_data xxx_data_get.c
+Table / column details
+ **********************************************************************
+ ***
+ *** Table spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable
+ ***
+ **********************************************************************
+ **********************************************************************/
+ * SPC300EOC-MIB::spc300EoCSlaveServiceTable is subid 2 of spc300EoCSlaveServiceGroup.
+ * Its status is Current.
+ * OID: ., length: 12
+ * SPC300EOC-MIB::spc300EoCSlaveServiceEntry.spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter
+ * spc300EoCSlaveServiceMaxJitter is subid 2 of spc300EoCSlaveServiceEntry.
+ * Its status is Current, and its access level is ReadWrite.
+ * OID: .
+ * Description:
+Maximal jitter value for service
+ *
+ * Attributes:
+ * accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 0 hasdefval 0
+ * readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
+ * settable 1
+ *
+ *
+ * Its syntax is INTEGER32 (based on perltype INTEGER32)
+ * The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (long)
+ */
+ * SPC300EOC-MIB::spc300EoCSlaveServiceEntry.spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn
+ * spc300EoCSlaveServiceACSEn is subid 3 of spc300EoCSlaveServiceEntry.
+ * Its status is Current, and its access level is ReadWrite.
+ * OID: .
+ * Description:
+Enable or disable Automatic Connection Service
+ *
+ * Attributes:
+ * accessible 1 isscalar 0 enums 1 hasdefval 0
+ * readable 1 iscolumn 1 ranges 0 hashint 0
+ * settable 1
+ *
+ * Enum range: 2/8. Values: disable(0), enable(1)
+ *
+ * Its syntax is INTEGER (based on perltype INTEGER)
+ * The net-snmp type is ASN_INTEGER. The C type decl is long (u_long)
+ */