path: root/cesar/cp/eoc/sta/mgr/test/utest/doc/net.txt
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diff --git a/cesar/cp/eoc/sta/mgr/test/utest/doc/net.txt b/cesar/cp/eoc/sta/mgr/test/utest/doc/net.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3424c2ba52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cesar/cp/eoc/sta/mgr/test/utest/doc/net.txt
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+Network test
+Test the APIs available in the cp_net.
+Test 1 : Unassociated STAs
+Add some station to the net list and verify the data. The STA are added with a
+TEI null and a known mac address.
+The Station shall be added as unassociated stations and be added in the set of
+unassociated stations.
+Their status shall be equal to CP_STA_STATE_EXISTS.
+The Mac address shall be set.
+Test 2 : Associated STAs
+Add some stations to the net list and verify the data. The STA are added with
+a TEI different of any one already present in the Net list.
+The mac address is not necessary if the TEI is set, the station status shall
+Test 3 : Authenticated STAs
+Add some authenticated stations to the net list. The STAs are added with a TEI
+different of any one already present in the Net list.
+The stations status shall be equal to CP_STA_STATE_AUTHENTICATED.
+Test 4 : Modifying the CCo in the NET
+Add a station authenticated and set it as a CCo in the AVLN.
+The station shall be in the CP_STA_STATE_AUTHENTICATED, and the AVLN shall
+have a pointer to this station in the cco variable.
+Test 5 : Modifying the PCo in the NET
+Add a station authenticated and set it as a PCo in the AVLN.
+The station shall be in the CP_STA_STATE_AUTHENTICATED, and the AVLN shall
+have a pointer to this station in the pco variable.
+Remove Sta
+Test 1 : Removing a Associated station (not CCo, not PCo)
+Add some station and remove it.
+At the end the list must be empty.
+Test 2 : Removing the CCo station of the net.
+Add some station in the net list as associated, one of those stations is the
+CCo (TEI = 3 for examples).
+At the beginning of the test, the station with the TEI = 3, shall have its
+status cco flag setted and the network has its cco pointer corresponding to
+this station.
+At the end, the station shall not exist in the network and the pointer to the
+CCo in the network shall be null.
+The other stations of the AVLN shall remain present.
+Test 3 : Removing the PCo Station of the net.
+Add some station in the net list as associated, one of those stations is the
+PCo (TEI = 3 for examples).
+At the beginning of the test, the station with the TEI = 3, shall have its
+status pco flag setted and the network has its pco pointer corresponding to
+this station.
+At the end, the station shall not exist in the network and the pointer to the
+PCo in the network shall be null.
+The other stations of the AVLN shall remain present.
+Commit to data plane
+Add some station to the list and call the commit to data plane function.
+The function of the CL have been overwritten in the cl_stub.c file (see in the
+src directory).
+It will normally allocate a block and all the station present in the network
+list will be present in it.
+| Tag | TEI | MAC @ |
+Verify the expiration date of all the station in the network. It the network
+is empty it shall post an event in the FSM.
+Add an AVLN and some station with different status.
+Three associated and three not associated stations.
+| sta | assoc | tei | mac @ | last seen |
+| 1 | false | 0 | 1 | 5 |
+| 2 | false | 0 | 2 | 7 |
+| 3 | false | 0 | 3 | 9 |
+| 4 | true | 1 | 1 | 6 |
+| 5 | true | 2 | 5 | 8 |
+| 6 | true | 3 | 9 | 10 |
+The station 1 and the station 4 shall be expired and shall not appear in the
+list after the garbage.
+The others shall be still present.
+Set slot id
+Add an AVLN and set the slot id to 5.
+ The slot id shall be equal to 5.
+Network mode
+This test case shall test the function to set and get the network mode of an
+Net configuration
+ After the initialization of the network the network mode is CSMA-Only.
+ At the second modification the network mode shall be setted to coordinated mode.
+ The network shall be in CSMA only mode at the first read of the network mode.
+ The network shall be in Coordinated mode at the second read.
+Set sta visible
+This function has for job to set the neighbour station as visible allowing to
+increase or decrease the counter of visible stations in the network.
+Test 1 : Adding a STA
+ Add a station to the network and set it as visible.
+ The network shall have one station as visible.
+Test 2 : Adding two STAs
+ Add two station to the AVLN configured as followed :
+ * STA 1 : visible
+ * STA 2 : hidden
+ The network shall have two station and only one visible.