{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %}

{%if poll.category %}{{poll.category.name}} - {%endif%}{{poll.name}}

{% if error %}

{{ error }}

{% endif %} {% if not poll.open %}

{% trans "The current poll is closed."%}

{% endif %}

{{ poll.description }}

{% for choice in choices %} {% endfor %} {% if not hide_vote %} {% for voter in voters %} {% ifequal current_voter_id voter.id %} {% for vote in voter.votes %}{%endfor%} {%else%} {% for vote in voter.votes %} {%endfor%} {%endifequal%} {%endfor%} {%endif%} {%if not current_voter_id%}{% if poll.open %} {%for choice in choices%}{%endfor%} {%endif%}{%endif%} {% if not hide_vote %} {% for choice in choices %}{{choice.sum}} {% endfor %} {%endif%}
{{choice.name}}{% if choice.limit %} ({% trans "max" %} {{choice.limit}}){%endif%}
{% if vote.choice.available or vote.value %} {% ifequal poll.type 'P' %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal poll.type 'O' %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal poll.type 'B' %} {% endifequal %} {% else %} {% trans "Limit reached" %} {% endif %} {% if poll.open %}{% trans "Edit" %}{%else%} {%endif%} {{voter.user.name}} {%ifequal poll.type 'B'%} {%for VOT in VOTE%} {%ifequal VOT.0 vote.value%}{{VOT.1.1}}{%endifequal%}{%endfor%} {%else%} {%for VOT in VOTE%} {%ifequal VOT.0 vote.value%}{{VOT.1.0}}{%endifequal%}{%endfor%} {%endifequal%}
{% if choice.available %} {% ifequal poll.type 'P' %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal poll.type 'O' %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal poll.type 'B' %} {% endifequal %} {% else %} {% trans "Limit reached" %} {% endif %}
{% trans "Sum" %}
{% if poll.open %} {% endif %}

{%if hide_vote%}

{% trans "You have already vote? You are enough wise not to be influenced by other votes? You can display result by clicking" %} {% trans "here" %}.


{% trans "Remain informed of poll evolution:" %} {%trans "Syndication"%}

{% endblock %}