{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %} {% if not new and not choices %}

{% trans "As long as no options were added to the poll, it will not be made available." %}

{% endif %}

{% if new %}{% trans "New poll" %}{% else %}{% trans "Edit poll" %}{% endif %}

{% if error %}

{{ error }}

{% endif %} {% if not new %} {% endif %} {% if choices %} {% for choice in choices %} {% endfor %}{% endif %} {% if new %}
http://{{full_base_url}} {% trans "Copy this address and send it to voters who want to participate to this poll" %}
http://{{full_admin_url}} {% trans "Address to modify the current poll" %}
{% if new %}{% else %}{{author_name}}{% endif %} {% trans "Name, firstname or nickname of the author" %}
{% if new %}{% else %}{% endif %} {% trans "Global name to present the poll" %}
{% if new %}{% else %}{% endif %} {% trans "Precise description of the poll" %}
{% if new %}{% else %}{{type_name}}{% endif %} {% trans "Type of the poll:" %}
  • {% trans '"Poll" is the appropriate type for a simple multi-choice poll' %}
  • {% trans '"Balanced poll" lets voters setting negative vote for some choices' %}
  • {% trans '"One choice poll"' %}
{% trans "Choices" %}{% trans "Label" %}{% trans "Limit" %}{% trans "Delete?"%}
 {{choice.name}}{%if choice.limit%}{% blocktrans with choice.limit as choice_limit%}Limited to {{choice_limit}} vote(s){% endblocktrans %}{%endif%}
{% if new %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{%trans "Limited to"%} {%trans "vote(s)"%}{% trans "Setting a new choice. Optionally you can set a limit of vote for this choice. This limit is usefull for limited resources allocation." %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}