#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2008 Étienne Loks # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # See the file COPYING for details. ''' Views management ''' from random import choice as random_choice import string import time from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from papillon.settings import LANGUAGES from papillon.polls.models import Poll, PollUser, Choice, Vote def getBaseResponse(request): """Manage basic fields for the template If not null the second argument returned is a redirection. """ #Get the root url in order to redirect to the main page url = "/".join([request.META['HTTP_HOST'], request.path.split('/')[1], '']) # setting the current language and available languages if 'language' in request.GET: if request.GET['language'] in [language[0] for language in LANGUAGES]: request.session['django_language'] = request.GET['language'] return None, HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) languages = [] for language_code, language_label in LANGUAGES: languages.append((language_code, _(language_label))) return {'root_url':url, 'languages':languages}, None def index(request): "Main page" response_dct, redirect = getBaseResponse(request) if redirect: return redirect error = '' if 'bad_poll' in request.GET: response_dct['error'] = _("The poll requested don't exist (anymore?)") return render_to_response('main.html', response_dct) def createOrEdit(request, admin_url): '''Creation or edition of a poll. admin_url is given to identify a particular poll admin_url is equal to 0 for a new poll response_dct is given to the template with some particular keys: - error is an error message - new is set to true if it is a new poll - admin_url is the url of the current page ''' def genRandomURL(): "Generation of a random url" chars = string.letters + string.digits url = '' for i in xrange(6): url += random_choice(chars) url += str(int(time.time())) return url def submitNewPoll(request, response_dct): "A new poll is submited" # verify if all the mandatory_fields are set mandatory_fields = (('author_name', _("Author name")), ('poll_name', _("Poll name")), ('poll_desc', _("Poll description")), ('poll_type', _("Poll type")), ) error = "" for key, label in mandatory_fields: if key not in request.POST or not request.POST[key]: # only the first error is reported if not error: error = _("%s is a mandatory field") % label else: response_dct[key] = request.POST[key] if error: response_dct['new'] = True response_dct['error'] = error response_dct['admin_url'] += '/0/' return response_dct, None author = PollUser(name=request.POST['author_name']) author.save() base_url = 'b' + genRandomURL() admin_url = 'a' + genRandomURL() poll = Poll(name=request.POST['poll_name'], description=request.POST['poll_desc'], author=author, base_url=base_url, admin_url=admin_url, status = 'D', type=request.POST['poll_type']) poll.save() url = response_dct['admin_url'] + '/%s/' % poll.admin_url return response_dct, HttpResponseRedirect(url) def getExistingPoll(request, response_dct, admin_url): "Get an existing poll" try: poll = Poll.objects.filter(admin_url=admin_url)[0] except IndexError: # if the poll don't exist redirect to the creation page url = response_dct['admin_url'] + '/0/' return response_dct, HttpResponseRedirect(url) # base feed of the template new_dct = {'author_name':poll.author.name, 'poll_name':poll.name, 'poll_desc':poll.description, 'choices':Choice.objects.filter(poll=poll).order_by('order'), 'poll_status':poll.status, 'type_name':poll.getTypeLabel()} response_dct.update(new_dct) # urls base_path = request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + \ "/".join(request.path.split('/')[:-3]) response_dct['base_url'] = poll.base_url response_dct['full_base_url'] = base_path + "/poll/" \ + poll.base_url + "/" response_dct['admin_url'] += '/%s/' % poll.admin_url response_dct['full_admin_url'] = base_path + "/edit/" \ + admin_url + "/" # if a new choice is submitted if 'new_choice' in request.POST and request.POST['new_choice']: try: order = Choice.objects.order_by('-order')[0].order order += 1 except IndexError: order = 0 choice = Choice(poll=poll, name=request.POST['new_choice'], order=order) choice.save() # check if a choice has been choosen for deletion for key in request.POST: if key.startswith('delete_') and request.POST[key]: choice = Choice.objects.get(id=int(key[len('delete_'):])) Vote.objects.filter(choice=choice).delete() choice.delete() return response_dct, None response_dct, redirect = getBaseResponse(request) if redirect: return redirect response_dct['TYPES'] = Poll.TYPE response_dct['admin_url'] = \ "/".join(request.path.split('/')[:-2]) redirection = None if 'new' in request.POST: # new poll is submited response_dct, redirection = submitNewPoll(request, response_dct) elif admin_url == '0': # new empty poll response_dct['new'] = True response_dct['admin_url'] += '/0/' else: # existing poll response_dct, redirection = getExistingPoll(request, response_dct, admin_url) if redirection: return redirection return render_to_response('createOrEdit.html', response_dct) def poll(request, poll_url): """Display a poll poll_url is given to identify the poll """ def modifyVote(request, choices): "Modify user's votes" try: author = PollUser.objects.filter( id=int(request.POST['voter']))[0] except (ValueError, IndexError): return # if no author_name is given deletion of associated votes and # author if not request.POST['author_name']: for choice in choices: v = Vote.objects.filter(voter=author, choice=choice) v.delete() author.delete() return # update the name author.name = request.POST['author_name'] author.save() selected_choices = [] # set the selected choices for key in request.POST: if key.startswith('vote_') and request.POST[key]: try: id = int(key.split('_')[1]) vote = Vote.objects.filter(id=id)[0] if vote.choice not in choices: # bad vote id : the associated choice has # probably been deleted vote.delete() else: vote.value = 1 vote.save() selected_choices.append(vote.choice) except (ValueError, IndexError): # the vote don't exist anymore pass elif key.startswith('choice_') and request.POST[key]: try: id = int(key.split('_')[1]) choice = Choice.objects.filter(id=id)[0] if choice not in choices: raise ValueError v = Vote(voter=author, choice=choice, value=1) v.save() selected_choices.append(choice) except (ValueError, IndexError): # bad choice id : the choice has probably been deleted pass # update non selected choices for choice in choices: if choice not in selected_choices: try: v = Vote.objects.filter(voter=author, choice=choice)[0] v.value = 0 except IndexError: # the vote don't exist with this choice : probably # a new choice v = Vote(voter=author, choice=choice, value=0) v.save() def newVote(request, choices): "Create new votes" if not request.POST['author_name']: return author = PollUser(name=request.POST['author_name']) author.save() selected_choices = [] # set the selected choices for key in request.POST: if key.startswith('choice_') and request.POST[key]: try: id = int(key.split('_')[1]) choice = Choice.objects.filter(id=id)[0] if choice not in choices: raise ValueError v = Vote(voter=author, choice=choice, value=1) v.save() selected_choices.append(choice) except (ValueError, IndexError): # bad choice id : the choice has probably been deleted pass # set non selected choices for choice in choices: if choice not in selected_choices: v = Vote(voter=author, choice=choice, value=0) v.save() response_dct, redirect = getBaseResponse(request) if redirect: return redirect try: poll = Poll.objects.filter(base_url=poll_url)[0] except IndexError: poll = None choices = Choice.objects.filter(poll=poll).order_by('order') # if the poll don't exist or if it has no choices the user is # redirected to the main page if not choices or not poll: url = "/".join(request.path.split('/')[:-3]) url += "/?bad_poll=1" return HttpResponseRedirect(url) # a vote is submitted if 'author_name' in request.POST: if 'voter' in request.POST: # modification of an old vote modifyVote(request, choices) else: newVote(request, choices) # 'voter' is in request.GET when the edit button is pushed if 'voter' in request.GET: try: response_dct['current_voter_id'] = int(request.GET['voter']) except ValueError: pass response_dct.update({'choices':choices, 'poll_type_name':poll.getTypeLabel(), 'poll_name':poll.name, 'poll_desc':poll.description}) response_dct['base_url'] = "/".join(request.path.split('/')[:-2]) \ + '/%s/' % poll.base_url # get voters and sum for each choice for this poll votes = [] # all votes for this poll votes = Vote.objects.extra(where=['choice_id IN (%s)' \ % ",".join([str(choice.id) for choice in choices])]) voters = [] choices_sum = [0 for choice in choices] choices_ids = [choice.id for choice in choices] for vote in votes: if vote.voter not in voters: # initialize a votes list for the current voter vote.voter.votes = [None for choice in choices] voters.append(vote.voter) voter = vote.voter else: # get the appropriate voter voter = voters[voters.index(vote.voter)] idx = choices_ids.index(vote.choice.id) # associate vote in the votes list of the voter voter.votes[idx] = vote choices_sum[idx] += vote.value # for undefined vote get the choice id # on the template the distinction between the choice and the vote # is made by the type of the "vote" for voter in voters: for vote in voter.votes: if not vote: idx = voter.votes.index(vote) voter.votes[idx] = choices[idx].id response_dct.update({'voters':voters, 'voter':voters, 'choices_sum':[str(sum) for sum in choices_sum] }) return render_to_response('vote.html', response_dct)