path: root/src/d_bt.r
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/d_bt.r')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/d_bt.r b/src/d_bt.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c9558f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/d_bt.r
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// Date init 14.12.2004
+// Revision date $Date:: 24-04-08 14:33 $
+// Filename $Workfile:: d_bt.r $
+// Version $Revision:: 3 $
+// Archive $Archive:: /LMS2006/Sys01/Main_V02/Firmware/Source/d_bt.r $
+// Platform C
+#ifdef SAM7S256
+#if defined (PROTOTYPE_PCB_3) || (PROTOTYPE_PCB_4)
+#define BT_RX_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA21
+#define BT_TX_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA22
+#define BT_SCK_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA23
+#define BT_RTS_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA24
+#define BT_CTS_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA25
+#define BT_CS_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA31
+#define BT_RST_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA11
+#define BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN AT91C_PIO_PA27
+#define BAUD_RATE 460800L
+#define SIZE_OF_INBUF 128
+#define NO_OF_INBUFFERS 2
+#define SIZE_OF_OUTBUF 256
+#define PER_ID7_UART_1 0x80
+#define UART1_INQ 0x80
+#define EXT_LEN_MSG_BIT 0x80
+static UBYTE InBufInPtr;
+static UBYTE LengthSize;
+static UBYTE DmaBufPtr;
+static UBYTE *pBuffer;
+static UBYTE MsgIn;
+static UBYTE InBufOutCnt;
+static UWORD FullRxLength;
+static UWORD RemainingLength;
+#define ENABLEDebugOutput {\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_PER = 0x20000000; /* Enable PIO on PA029 */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = 0x20000000; /* PA029 set to Output */\
+ }
+#define SETDebugOutputHigh *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = 0x20000000
+#define SETDebugOutputLow *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = 0x20000000
+#define BTInit {\
+ UBYTE Tmp;\
+ LengthSize = 1;\
+ InBufInPtr = 0;\
+ for(Tmp = 0; Tmp < NO_OF_INBUFFERS; Tmp++)\
+ {\
+ InBufPtrs[Tmp] = (ULONG)&(InBuf[Tmp][0]);\
+ }\
+ *AT91C_PMC_PCER = PER_ID7_UART_1; /* Enable PMC clock for UART 1 */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_PDR = BT_RX_PIN | BT_TX_PIN | BT_SCK_PIN | BT_RTS_PIN | BT_CTS_PIN; /* Disable Per. A on PA21, PA22, PA23, PA24 & PA25 */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ASR = BT_RX_PIN | BT_TX_PIN | BT_SCK_PIN | BT_RTS_PIN | BT_CTS_PIN; /* Enable Per. A on PA21, PA22, PA23, PA24 & PA25 */\
+ *AT91C_US1_CR = AT91C_US_RSTSTA; /* Resets pins on UART1 */\
+ *AT91C_US1_CR = AT91C_US_STTTO; /* Start timeout functionality after 1 byte */\
+ *AT91C_US1_RTOR = 10000; /* Approxitely 20 mS,x times bit time with 115200 bit pr s */\
+ *AT91C_US1_IDR = AT91C_US_TIMEOUT; /* Disable interrupt on timeout */\
+ *AT91C_AIC_IDCR = UART1_INQ; /* Disable UART1 interrupt */\
+ *AT91C_AIC_ICCR = UART1_INQ; /* Clear interrupt register */\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR = AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH; /* Set UART with HW handshake */\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR &= ~AT91C_US_SYNC; /* Set UART in asynchronous mode */\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR |= AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK; /* Clock setup MCK*/\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR |= AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS; /* UART using 8-bit */\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR |= AT91C_US_PAR_NONE; /* UART using none parity bit */\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR |= AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT; /* UART using 1 stop bit */\
+ *AT91C_US1_MR |= AT91C_US_OVER; /* UART is using 8-bit sampling */\
+ *AT91C_US1_BRGR = ((OSC/8/BAUD_RATE) | (((OSC/8) - ((OSC/8/BAUD_RATE) * BAUD_RATE)) / ((BAUD_RATE + 4)/8)) << 16);\
+ *AT91C_US1_PTCR = (AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS | AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS); /* Disable of TX & RX with DMA */\
+ *AT91C_US1_RCR = 0; /* Receive Counter Register */\
+ *AT91C_US1_TCR = 0; /* Transmit Counter Register */\
+ *AT91C_US1_RNPR = 0;\
+ *AT91C_US1_TNPR = 0;\
+ Tmp = *AT91C_US1_RHR;\
+ Tmp = *AT91C_US1_CSR;\
+ *AT91C_US1_RPR = (unsigned int)&(InBuf[InBufInPtr][0]); /* Initialise receiver buffer using DMA */\
+ *AT91C_US1_RNPR = (unsigned int)&(InBuf[(InBufInPtr + 1)%NO_OF_INBUFFERS][0]);\
+ MsgIn = 0;\
+ InBufOutCnt = 0;\
+ FullRxLength = 0;\
+ RemainingLength = 0;\
+ *AT91C_US1_CR = AT91C_US_RXEN | AT91C_US_TXEN; /* Enable Tx & Rx on UART 1*/\
+ *AT91C_US1_PTCR = (AT91C_PDC_RXTEN | AT91C_PDC_TXTEN); /* Enable of TX & RX with DMA */\
+ }
+#define BTInitPIOPins {\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_PER = BT_CS_PIN | BT_RST_PIN; /* Enable PIO on PA11 & PA31 */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = BT_CS_PIN | BT_RST_PIN; /* PA11 & PA31 set to output */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = BT_CS_PIN | BT_RST_PIN; /* PA31 & PA11 set output high */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_PPUDR = BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN; /* Disable PULL-UP resistor on PA27 */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_PER = BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN; /* Enable PIO on PA27 */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN; /* PA27 set output low */\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN; /* PA27 set to output */\
+ }
+#define BTStartADConverter {\
+ *AT91C_ADC_CHER = AT91C_ADC_CH6 | AT91C_ADC_CH4; \
+ ADStart; \
+ while(!((*AT91C_ADC_SR) & AT91C_ADC_CH6)); \
+ *AT91C_ADC_CHDR = AT91C_ADC_CH6 | AT91C_ADC_CH4; \
+ }
+#define BTReadADCValue(ADValue) ADValue = *AT91C_ADC_CDR6;
+#define BTSetResetHigh {\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = BT_RST_PIN; /* PA11 set output high */\
+ }
+#define BTSetResetLow {\
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = BT_RST_PIN; /* PA11 set output low */\
+ }
+#define BTInitReceiver(InputBuffer, Mode)\
+ {\
+ pBuffer = InputBuffer;\
+ MsgIn = 0;\
+ FullRxLength = 0;\
+ if (STREAM_MODE == Mode)\
+ {\
+ LengthSize = 2;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ LengthSize = 1;\
+ }\
+ }
+#define BT_SetArm7CmdPin *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN
+#define BT_ClearArm7CmdPin *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = BT_ARM7_CMD_PIN
+#define BT_GetBc4CmdPin *AT91C_PIOA_PDSR & BT_BC4_CMD_PIN
+#define REQTxEnd(TxEnd) TxEnd = FALSE;\
+ if ((!(*AT91C_US1_TNCR)) && (!(*AT91C_US1_TCR)))\
+ {\
+ TxEnd = TRUE;\
+ }
+#define AVAILOutBuf(Avail) if (!(*AT91C_US1_TNCR))\
+ {\
+ Avail = SIZE_OF_OUTBUF;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ Avail = 0;\
+ }
+#define BTSend(OutputBuffer, BytesToSend)\
+ {\
+ UWORD Avail;\
+ AVAILOutBuf(Avail);\
+ if (BytesToSend < (Avail - 1))\
+ {\
+ memcpy(&(OutDma[DmaBufPtr][0]), OutputBuffer, BytesToSend);\
+ *AT91C_US1_TNPR = (unsigned int)&(OutDma[DmaBufPtr][0]);\
+ *AT91C_US1_TNCR = BytesToSend;\
+ DmaBufPtr = (DmaBufPtr + 1) % NO_OF_DMA_OUTBUFFERS;\
+ }\
+ }
+#define BTSendMsg(OutputBuffer, BytesToSend, MsgSize)\
+ {\
+ UWORD Avail;\
+ AVAILOutBuf(Avail);\
+ if (BytesToSend < (Avail - 1))\
+ {\
+ if (2 == LengthSize)\
+ {\
+ OutDma[DmaBufPtr][0] = (UBYTE)MsgSize;\
+ OutDma[DmaBufPtr][1] = (UBYTE)(MsgSize>>8);\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ OutDma[DmaBufPtr][0] = (UBYTE)MsgSize;\
+ }\
+ memcpy(&(OutDma[DmaBufPtr][LengthSize]), OutputBuffer, BytesToSend);\
+ *AT91C_US1_TNPR = (unsigned int)&(OutDma[DmaBufPtr][0]);\
+ *AT91C_US1_TNCR = BytesToSend + LengthSize;\
+ DmaBufPtr = (DmaBufPtr + 1) % NO_OF_DMA_OUTBUFFERS;\
+ }\
+ }
+#define BTReceivedData(pByteCnt, pToGo)\
+ {\
+ UWORD InCnt, Cnt;\
+ *pByteCnt = 0;\
+ *pToGo = 0;\
+ InCnt = (SIZE_OF_INBUF - *AT91C_US1_RCR);\
+ if (*AT91C_US1_RNCR == 0)\
+ {\
+ }\
+ InCnt -= InBufOutCnt; /* Remove already read bytes */\
+ if (InCnt)\
+ {\
+ if (0 == FullRxLength) /* FullRxLength still to be calculated */\
+ {\
+ while((MsgIn < LengthSize) && (InCnt > 0))\
+ {\
+ pBuffer[MsgIn] = InBuf[InBufInPtr][InBufOutCnt];\
+ MsgIn++;\
+ InBufOutCnt++;\
+ InCnt--;\
+ }\
+ if (LengthSize == MsgIn)\
+ {\
+ if (2 == LengthSize)\
+ {\
+ FullRxLength = pBuffer[1];\
+ FullRxLength <<= 8;\
+ FullRxLength |= pBuffer[0];\
+ /* Remove Length when in strean mode */\
+ MsgIn = 0;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ FullRxLength = pBuffer[0];\
+ }\
+ RemainingLength = FullRxLength;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ /* Length still not received */\
+ FullRxLength = 0;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if (FullRxLength)\
+ {\
+ /* Incomming msg in progress */\
+ /* room for bytes? */\
+ if (InCnt >= RemainingLength)\
+ {\
+ /* Remaining msg bytes are in the buffer */\
+ /* Can remaining byte be stored in buffer? */\
+ if ((MsgIn + RemainingLength) <= SIZE_OF_INBUF)\
+ {\
+ /* All bytes can be stored */\
+ for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < RemainingLength; Cnt++)\
+ {\
+ pBuffer[MsgIn] = InBuf[InBufInPtr][InBufOutCnt];\
+ MsgIn++;\
+ InBufOutCnt++;\
+ }\
+ *pByteCnt = MsgIn;\
+ *pToGo = 0;\
+ FullRxLength = 0;\
+ RemainingLength = 0;\
+ MsgIn = 0;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ for (Cnt = 0; MsgIn < SIZE_OF_INBUF; Cnt++)\
+ {\
+ pBuffer[MsgIn] = InBuf[InBufInPtr][InBufOutCnt];\
+ MsgIn++;\
+ InBufOutCnt++;\
+ }\
+ *pByteCnt = SIZE_OF_INBUF;\
+ RemainingLength -= Cnt;\
+ *pToGo = RemainingLength;\
+ MsgIn = 0;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ if ((InCnt + MsgIn) < SIZE_OF_INBUF)\
+ {\
+ /* Received bytes do not fill up the buffer */\
+ for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < InCnt; Cnt++)\
+ {\
+ pBuffer[MsgIn] = InBuf[InBufInPtr][InBufOutCnt];\
+ MsgIn++;\
+ InBufOutCnt++;\
+ }\
+ RemainingLength -= InCnt;\
+ }\
+ else\
+ {\
+ /* Received bytes fill up the buffer */\
+ for (Cnt = 0; MsgIn < SIZE_OF_INBUF; Cnt++)\
+ {\
+ pBuffer[MsgIn] = InBuf[InBufInPtr][InBufOutCnt];\
+ MsgIn++;\
+ InBufOutCnt++;\
+ }\
+ *pByteCnt = SIZE_OF_INBUF;\
+ RemainingLength -= Cnt; /* Only substract no removed */\
+ *pToGo = RemainingLength;\
+ MsgIn = 0;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+ if ((*AT91C_US1_RNCR == 0) && (SIZE_OF_INBUF == InBufOutCnt))\
+ {\
+ InBufOutCnt = 0;\
+ *AT91C_US1_RNPR = (unsigned int)InBufPtrs[InBufInPtr];\
+ InBufInPtr = (InBufInPtr + 1) % NO_OF_INBUFFERS;\
+ }\
+ }
+#define BTExit {\
+ *AT91C_PMC_PCDR = PER_ID7_UART_1; /* Disable PMC clock for UART 1*/\
+ *AT91C_US1_IDR = AT91C_US_TIMEOUT; /* Disable interrupt on timeout */\
+ *AT91C_AIC_IDCR = UART1_INQ; /* Disable PIO interrupt */\
+ *AT91C_AIC_ICCR = UART1_INQ; /* Clear interrupt register */\
+ }
+#ifdef PCWIN