path: root/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/Host/
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Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/Host/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/Host/ b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/Host/
deleted file mode 100755
index 03a95d3..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/Host/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2011 the NxOS developers
-# Module Developed by: Nicolas Schodet
-# TC Wan
-# See AUTHORS for a full list of the developers.
-# See COPYING for redistribution license
-# Exchange GDB messages with the NXT brick.
-# Every message is encapsulated with the debug command and message length.
-# This can be used by the firmware to make the distinction between debug
-# messages and regular messages.
-import nxt.locator
-import socket
-import optparse
-import select
- import pyfantom
-except ImportError:
- import usb
-import struct
-import sys
-CTRLC = chr(3)
-NAKCHAR = '-'
-ACKCHAR = '+'
-DEBUG = False
-DEBUG2 = False
-# Libusb 0.12.x blocks on USB reads
-class NXTGDBServer:
- # Socket read size.
- recv_size = 1024
- # Maximum message size.
- pack_size = 61
- # Debug command header, no reply.
- debug_command = 0x8d
- def __init__ (self, port, nowait):
- """Initialise server."""
- self.nowait = nowait
- self.port = port
- self.in_buf = ''
- self.brick = None
- def pack (self, data, segment_no):
- """Return packed data to send to NXT."""
- # Insert command and length.
- assert len (data) <= self.pack_size
- return struct.pack ('BBB', self.debug_command, segment_no, len (data)) + data
- def unpack (self, data):
- """Return unpacked data from NXT."""
- # May be improved, for now, check command and announced length.
- if len (data) == 0:
- return '', 0 # No message, exit
- if len (data) < 3:
- return '', NXT_RECV_ERR
- header, body = data[0:3], data[3:]
- command, segment_no, length = struct.unpack ('BBB', header)
- if command != self.debug_command or length != len (body):
- return '', NXT_RECV_ERR
- return body, segment_no
- def segment (self, data):
- """Split messages in GDB commands and make segments with each command."""
- segs = [ ]
- self.in_buf += data
- # Find ACK '+'
- end = self.in_buf.find (ACKCHAR)
- while end == 0:
- self.in_buf = self.in_buf[end+1:] # Strip out any leading ACKCHAR
- if DEBUG2:
- print "stripped ACK, remain: ", self.in_buf
- end = self.in_buf.find (ACKCHAR)
- # Find NAK '-'
- end = self.in_buf.find (NAKCHAR)
- if end == 0:
- msg, self.in_buf = self.in_buf[0:end+1], self.in_buf[end+1:]
- segs.append (self.pack (msg, 0))
- end = self.in_buf.find (NAKCHAR)
- # Find Ctrl-C (assumed to be by itself and not following a normal command)
- end = self.in_buf.find (CTRLC)
- if end >= 0:
- msg, self.in_buf = self.in_buf[0:end+1], self.in_buf[end+1:]
- assert len (msg) <= self.pack_size, "Ctrl-C Command Packet too long!"
- segs.append (self.pack (msg, 0))
- end = self.in_buf.find (CTRLC)
- end = self.in_buf.find ('#')
- # Is # found and enough place for the checkum?
- while end >= 0 and end < len (self.in_buf) - 2:
- msg, self.in_buf = self.in_buf[0:end + 3], self.in_buf[end + 3:]
- i = 0
- gdbprefix = msg[i]
- while gdbprefix in [ACKCHAR]:
- # Ignore any '+'
- i += 1
- gdbprefix = msg[i]
- if DEBUG2:
- print "Checking '", gdbprefix, "'"
- assert gdbprefix == '$', "not a GDB command"
- # Make segments.
- seg_no = 0
- while msg:
- seg, msg = msg[0:self.pack_size], msg[self.pack_size:]
- seg_no += 1
- if not msg: # Last segment.
- seg_no = 0
- segs.append (self.pack (seg, seg_no))
- # Look for next one.
- end = self.in_buf.find ('#')
- return segs
- def reassemble (self, sock):
- msg = ''
- prev_segno = 0
- segno = NXT_RECV_ERR # force initial pass through while loop
- while segno != 0:
- try:
- s, segno = self.unpack (sock.recv ())
- if len (s) == 0:
- if segno == 0 and prev_segno == 0:
- return '' # No message pending
- else:
- segno = NXT_RECV_ERR # Keep waiting for segments
- # Ignore error packets
- if segno >= 0:
- # Check segno, if non-zero it must be monotonically increasing from 1, otherwise 0
- if segno > 0:
- assert segno == prev_segno + 1, "segno = %s, prev_segno = %s" % (segno, prev_segno)
- prev_segno = segno
- msg += s
- except IOError as e:
- # Some pyusb are buggy, ignore some "errors".
- if e.args != ('No error', ):
- raise e
- return msg
- def run (self):
- """Endless run loop."""
- # Create the listening socket.
- s = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- s.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- s.bind (('', self.port))
- s.listen (1)
- while True:
- # We should open the NXT connection first, otherwise Python startup delay
- # may cause GDB to misbehave
- if not self.nowait:
- dummy = raw_input('Waiting...Press <ENTER> when NXT GDB Stub is ready. ')
- # Open connection to the NXT brick.
- self.brick = nxt.locator.find_one_brick ()
- self.brick.sock.debug = DEBUG
- # Wait for a connection.
- print "Waiting for GDB connection on port %s..." % self.port
- client, addr = s.accept ()
- print "Client from", addr
- # Work loop, wait for a message from client socket or NXT brick.
- while client is not None:
- data = ''
- # Wait for a message from client or timeout.
- rlist, wlist, xlist = ([ client ], [ ], [ ],
- for c in rlist:
- assert c is client
- # Data from client, read it and forward it to NXT brick.
- data = client.recv (self.recv_size)
- data = data.strip()
- if len (data) > 0:
- #if len (data) == 1 and data.find(CTRLC) >= 0:
- # print "CTRL-C Received!"
- # data = STATUS_QUERY
- if DEBUG:
- if data[0] == CTRLC:
- print "[GDB->NXT] <CTRL-C>"
- else:
- print "[GDB->NXT] %s" % data
- segments = self.segment (data)
- data = ''
- for seg in segments:
- try:
- self.brick.sock.send (seg)
- except IOError as e:
- # Some pyusb are buggy, ignore some "errors".
- if e.args != ('No error', ):
- raise e
- if segments != [] and LIBUSB_RECEIVE_BLOCKING:
- if DEBUG2:
- print "Accessing Blocking sock.recv()"
- data = self.reassemble (self.brick.sock)
- else:
- client.close ()
- client = None
- if DEBUG2:
- print "Accessing Non-Blocking sock.recv()"
- data = self.reassemble (self.brick.sock)
- # Is there something from NXT brick?
- if data:
- if DEBUG:
- print "[NXT->GDB] %s" % data
- if client:
- client.send (data)
- data = ''
- self.brick.sock.close()
- print "Connection closed."
- if self.nowait:
- break
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Read options from command line.
- parser = optparse.OptionParser (description = """
- Gateway between the GNU debugger and a NXT brick.
- """)
- parser.add_option ('-p', '--port', type = 'int', default = DEFAULT_PORT,
- help = "server listening port (default: %default)", metavar = "PORT")
- parser.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default = False,
- help = "verbose mode (default: %default)")
- parser.add_option ('-n', '--nowait', action='store_true', dest='nowait', default = False,
- help = "Don't wait for NXT GDB Stub Setup before connecting (default: %default)")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
- if args:
- parser.error ("Too many arguments")
- # Run.
- try:
- DEBUG = options.verbose
- if DEBUG:
- print "Debug Mode Enabled!"
- server = NXTGDBServer (options.port, options.nowait)
- ()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print "\n\nException caught. Bye!"
- if server.brick is not None:
- server.brick.sock.close()
- sys.exit()