{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} #{\footnote HIDC_POVDLG_LGEO} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Complete path to the LGEO library (optional). \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_POVDLG_OUTPOV} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Output file in POV-Ray format. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_POVDLG_POVRAY} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Path to the POV-Ray executable. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_POVDLG_RENDER} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Check this box to call POV-Ray and render the file. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_CC} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Sets the number of columns that will be printed on each page of the pieces catalog. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_CR} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Sets the number of rows that will be printed on each page of the pieces catalog. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_IC} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Sets the number of columns that will be printed on each page of the instructions. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_IR} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Sets the number of rows that will be printed on each page of the instructions. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_FOOTER} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Enables you to print information at the bottom of each page. To customize the footer, use the letter combinations in the following table.\par \trgaph180\trleft-360 \cellx2880\cellx4320\intbl {\b To\cell Type\cell \row }\intbl Insert the open file's name or "(untitled)" if the file has no name\cell {\b &F}\cell \row \intbl Insert the date\cell {\b &D}\cell \row \intbl Insert the time specified by your computer's clock\cell {\b &T}\cell \row \intbl Insert page numbers\cell {\b &P}\cell \row \intbl Insert the name of the author of the project\cell {\b &A}\cell \row \intbl Insert the project description\cell {\b &N}\cell \row \intbl Insert an ampersand (&) character\cell {\b &&}\cell \row \intbl Align the footer to the left, center, or right\cell {\b &L, &C, or &R}\cell \row \trowd\par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_HEADER} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Enables you to print information at the top of each page. To customize the header, use the letter combinations in the following table.\par \trgaph180\trleft-360 \cellx2880\cellx4320\intbl {\b To\cell Type\cell \row}\intbl Insert the open file's name or "(untitled)" if the file has no name\cell {\b &F}\cell \row \intbl Insert the date\cell {\b &D}\cell \row \intbl Insert the time specified by your computer's clock\cell {\b &T}\cell \row \intbl Insert page numbers\cell {\b &P}\cell \row \intbl Insert the name of the author of the project\cell {\b &A}\cell \row \intbl Insert the project description\cell {\b &N}\cell \row \intbl Insert an ampersand (&) character\cell {\b &&}\cell \row \intbl Align the header to the left, center, or right\cell {\b &L, &C, or &R}\cell \row \trowd\par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_MB} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Provides a space for you to specify the width, in inches, of the bottom margin on every printed page. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_ML} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Provides a space for you to specify the width, in inches, of the left margin on every printed page. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_MR} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Provides a space for you to specify the width, in inches, of the right margin on every printed page. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_PRINT_MT} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Provides a space for you to specify the width, in inches, of the top margin on every printed page. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_PREVIEW} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Check this box to save information that will allow you to preview a file before opening it (increases saved file size by about 30 Kb). \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_INTERLACED} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Save intelaced (progressive) GIFs or JPEGs to be used on web pages. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_TRANSPARENT} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Save transparent GIFs. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_WALLPAPER} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Save a BMP file and set it the current Windows wallpaper. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_WIDTH} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Select the width of the saved image. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_HEIGHT} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Select the height of the saved image. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_SAVEDLG_QUALITY} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Select the quality of a JPEG file, choose a value from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest). \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_OPENDLG_BITMAP} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Displays a preview of the selected file if it was saved. \par\page #{\footnote HIDC_OPENDLG_PREVIEWBOX} \f0\fs8\cf0\sl250 Check this box to enable loading a preview of the selected file. \par\page }