#ifndef _PROJECT_H_ #define _PROJECT_H_ #include "object.h" #include "defines.h" #include "typedefs.h" #include "opengl.h" #include "texfont.h" #include "array.h" typedef enum { LC_TRACK_NONE, LC_TRACK_START_LEFT, LC_TRACK_LEFT, LC_TRACK_START_RIGHT, LC_TRACK_RIGHT } LC_MOUSE_TRACK; class Piece; class Camera; class Light; class Group; class Texture; class Terrain; class PieceInfo; class Matrix; class View; class Image; // Undo support #include "file.h" typedef struct LC_UNDOINFO { FileMem file; char strText[21]; LC_UNDOINFO* pNext; LC_UNDOINFO() { pNext = NULL; }; } LC_UNDOINFO; class Project { public: // Constructors Project(); ~Project(); bool Initialize(int argc, char *argv[], char* binpath, char* libpath); // Attributes public: bool IsModified() { return m_bModified; } void SetModifiedFlag(bool bModified) { m_bModified = bModified; } // Access to protected members unsigned char GetLastStep(); bool IsAnimation() { return m_bAnimation; } unsigned short GetCurrentTime () { return m_bAnimation ? m_nCurFrame : m_nCurStep; } int GetPieceLibraryCount() { return m_nPieceCount; } const char* GetLibraryPath() { return m_LibraryPath; } void SetCurrentPiece(PieceInfo* pInfo) { m_pCurPiece = pInfo; } int GetCurrentColor() { return m_nCurColor; } float* GetBackgroundColor() { return m_fBackground; } Camera* GetCamera(int i); PieceInfo* GetPieceInfo(int index); void GetTimeRange(int* from, int* to) { *from = m_bAnimation ? m_nCurFrame : m_nCurStep; *to = m_bAnimation ? m_nTotalFrames : 255; } unsigned short GetTotalFrames () const { return m_nTotalFrames; } void GetArrays(Piece** ppPiece, Camera** ppCamera, Light** ppLight) { *ppPiece = m_pPieces; *ppCamera = m_pCameras; *ppLight = m_pLights; } void SetPathName (const char* lpszPathName, bool bAddToMRU); void SetTitle (const char* lpszTitle); public: // Special notifications void DeleteContents(bool bUndo); // delete doc items etc void LoadDefaults(bool cameras); void Render(bool bToMemory); void SetViewSize(int cx, int cy); Texture* FindTexture (const char* name); PieceInfo* FindPieceInfo (const char* name) const; void CheckAutoSave(); void GetFocusPosition(float* pos); void AddView (View* pView); void RemoveView (View* pView); void UpdateAllViews (View* pSender = NULL); // Implementation protected: // default implementation char m_strTitle[LC_MAXPATH]; char m_strPathName[LC_MAXPATH]; bool m_bModified; // changed since last saved PtrArray m_ViewList; char m_strAuthor[101]; char m_strDescription[101]; char m_strComments[256]; // Piece library bool LoadPieceLibrary (char* libpath); char m_LibraryPath[LC_MAXPATH]; // path to the library files char m_AppPath[LC_MAXPATH]; // path to the LeoCAD executable int m_nPieceCount; // number of pieces PieceInfo* m_pPieceIdx; // index int m_nTextureCount; Texture* m_pTextures; TexFont m_ScreenFont; char* m_pMovedReference; int m_nMovedCount; // Undo support LC_UNDOINFO* m_pUndoList; LC_UNDOINFO* m_pRedoList; bool m_bUndoOriginal; void CheckPoint (const char* text); // Objects Piece* m_pPieces; Camera* m_pCameras; Light* m_pLights; Group* m_pGroups; Camera* m_pViewCameras[4]; Terrain* m_pTerrain; File* m_pClipboard[10]; unsigned char m_nCurClipboard; CONNECTION_TYPE m_pConnections[LC_CONNECTIONS]; void AddPiece(Piece* pPiece); void RemovePiece(Piece* pPiece); bool RemoveSelectedObjects(); void FindObjectFromPoint(int x, int y, LC_CLICKLINE* pLine); void SelectAndFocusNone(bool bFocusOnly); void CalculateStep(); void MoveSelectedObjects(float x, float y, float z); void RotateSelectedObjects(float x, float y, float z); void SnapPoint (float *point, float *reminder) const; // Rendering void RenderScene(bool bShaded, bool bDrawViewports); void RenderViewports(bool bBackground, bool bLines); void RenderBoxes(bool bHilite); void RenderInitialize(); void CreateImages(Image* images, int width, int height, unsigned short from, unsigned short to, bool hilite); void CreateHTMLPieceList(FILE* f, int nStep, bool bImages, char* ext); inline bool IsDrawing() { if (m_bRendering) m_bStopRender = true; return m_bRendering; } bool m_bRendering; bool m_bStopRender; File* m_pTrackFile; bool m_bTrackCancel; int m_nTracking; int m_nDownX; int m_nDownY; float m_fTrack[3]; int m_nMouse; void LoadViewportProjection(); bool SetActiveViewport(int x, int y); bool StopTracking(bool bAccept); void StartTracking(int mode); void UpdateSelection(); void RemoveEmptyGroups(); public: // Call this functions from each OS void OnLeftButtonDown(int x, int y, bool bControl, bool bShift); void OnLeftButtonUp(int x, int y, bool bControl, bool bShift); void OnLeftButtonDoubleClick(int x, int y, bool bControl, bool bShift); void OnRightButtonDown(int x, int y, bool bControl, bool bShift); void OnRightButtonUp(int x, int y, bool bControl, bool bShift); void OnMouseMove(int x, int y, bool bControl, bool bShift); bool OnKeyDown(char nKey, bool bControl, bool bShift); void SetAction(int nAction); void HandleNotify(LC_NOTIFY id, unsigned long param); void HandleCommand(LC_COMMANDS id, unsigned long nParam); protected: // State variables unsigned char m_nViewportMode; unsigned char m_nActiveViewport; int m_nViewX; int m_nViewY; PieceInfo* m_pCurPiece; unsigned char m_nCurColor; unsigned char m_nCurAction; unsigned char m_nCurGroup; bool m_bAnimation; bool m_bAddKeys; unsigned char m_nFPS; unsigned char m_nCurStep; unsigned short m_nCurFrame; unsigned short m_nTotalFrames; unsigned long m_nScene; unsigned long m_nDetail; unsigned long m_nSnap; unsigned short m_nMoveSnap; unsigned short m_nAngleSnap; unsigned short m_nGridSize; float m_fLineWidth; float m_fFogDensity; float m_fFogColor[4]; float m_fAmbient[4]; float m_fBackground[4]; float m_fGradient1[3]; float m_fGradient2[3]; char m_strFooter[256]; char m_strHeader[256]; GLuint m_nGridList; unsigned long m_nAutosave; unsigned long m_nSaveTimer; char m_strModelsPath[LC_MAXPATH]; char m_strBackground[LC_MAXPATH]; Texture* m_pBackground; protected: // implementation helpers bool DoSave(char* lpszPathName, bool bReplace); bool DoFileSave(); bool FileLoad(File* file, bool bUndo, bool bMerge); void FileSave(File* file, bool bUndo); void FileReadLDraw(File* file, Matrix* prevmat, int* nOk, int DefColor, int* nStep); public: // File helpers bool OnNewDocument (); bool OnOpenDocument (const char* lpszPathName); bool SaveModified (); protected: // mail enabling // void OnFileSendMail(); // void OnUpdateFileSendMail(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); // TODO: Fix ! This is a hack to make things work now friend class CCADView; friend void PrintPiecesThread(void* pv); friend void Export3DStudio(); }; #endif // _PROJECT_H_