path: root/win/disabtab.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'win/disabtab.cpp')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/win/disabtab.cpp b/win/disabtab.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930a686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win/disabtab.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// CTabCtrlWithDisable 1998 Microsoft Systems Journal.
+// If this program works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
+// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
+// CTabCtrlWithDisable implements a CTabCtrl with tabs that you can disable.
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "DisabTab.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define new DEBUG_NEW
+#undef THIS_FILE
+static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CTabCtrlWithDisable, CTabCtrl)
+BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTabCtrlWithDisable, CTabCtrl)
+ //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CTabCtrlWithDisable)
+ m_bPrintOnly = FALSE;
+// Subclass the tab control: also make ownder-draw
+CTabCtrlWithDisable::SubclassDlgItem(UINT nID, CWnd* pParent)
+ if (!CTabCtrl::SubclassDlgItem(nID, pParent))
+ return FALSE;
+ // If first tab is disabled, go to next enabled tab
+ if (!IsTabEnabled(0))
+ {
+ int iTab = NextEnabledTab(0, TRUE);
+ SetActiveTab(iTab);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// Draw the tab: mimic SysTabControl32, except use gray if tab is disabled
+void CTabCtrlWithDisable::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
+ DRAWITEMSTRUCT& ds = *lpDrawItemStruct;
+ int iItem = ds.itemID;
+ // Get tab item info
+ char text[128];
+ TCITEM tci;
+ tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
+ tci.pszText = text;
+ tci.cchTextMax = sizeof(text);
+ GetItem(iItem, &tci);
+ // use draw item DC
+ CDC dc;
+ dc.Attach(ds.hDC);
+ dc.FillSolidRect(&ds.rcItem, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
+ // calculate text rectangle and color
+ CRect rc = ds.rcItem;
+ rc += CPoint(0,3); // ?? by trial and error
+ // draw the text
+ OnDrawText(dc, rc, text, !IsTabEnabled(iItem));
+ dc.Detach();
+// Draw tab text. You can override to use different color/font.
+void CTabCtrlWithDisable::OnDrawText(CDC& dc, CRect rc, CString sText, BOOL bDisabled)
+ if (bDisabled)
+ rc += CPoint(1,1);
+ dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
+ dc.SetTextColor(GetSysColor(bDisabled ? COLOR_3DHILIGHT : COLOR_BTNTEXT));
+ dc.DrawText(sText, &rc, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
+ if (bDisabled)
+ {
+ // disabled: draw again shifted northwest for shadow effect
+ rc -= CPoint(1,1);
+ dc.SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
+ dc.DrawText(sText, &rc, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
+ }
+// Selection is changing: disallow if tab is disabled
+BOOL CTabCtrlWithDisable::OnSelChanging(NMHDR* pnmh, LRESULT* pRes)
+ // Figure out index of new tab we are about to go to, as opposed
+ // to the current one we're at. Believe it or not, Windows doesn't
+ // pass this info
+ GetCursorPos(&;
+ ScreenToClient(&;
+ int iNewTab = HitTest(&htinfo);
+ BOOL bDisallowChange = (iNewTab >= 0 && !IsTabEnabled(iNewTab));
+ *pRes = bDisallowChange;
+ // If change disallowed, return TRUE and stop processing; otherwise
+ // (change allowed) return FALSE to let MFC continue routing the message,
+ // so Windows will send PSN_KILLACTIVE to de-activate current prop page.
+ return bDisallowChange;
+// Trap arrow-left key to skip disabled tabs.
+// This is the only way to know where we're coming from--ie from
+// arrow-left (prev) or arrow-right (next).
+BOOL CTabCtrlWithDisable::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
+ if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN &&
+ (pMsg->wParam == VK_LEFT || pMsg->wParam == VK_RIGHT))
+ {
+ int iNewTab = (pMsg->wParam == VK_LEFT) ?
+ PrevEnabledTab(GetCurSel(), FALSE) :
+ NextEnabledTab(GetCurSel(), FALSE);
+ if (iNewTab >= 0)
+ SetActiveTab(iNewTab);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return CTabCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
+// Translate parent property sheet message. Translates Control-Tab and
+// Control-Shift-Tab keys. These are normally handled by the property
+// sheet, so you must call this function from your prop sheet's
+// PreTranslateMessage function.
+BOOL CTabCtrlWithDisable::TranslatePropSheetMsg(MSG* pMsg)
+ WPARAM key = pMsg->wParam;
+ if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 &&
+ (key == VK_TAB || key == VK_PRIOR || key == VK_NEXT))
+ {
+ int iNewTab = (key==VK_PRIOR || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) ?
+ PrevEnabledTab(GetCurSel(), TRUE) :
+ NextEnabledTab(GetCurSel(), TRUE);
+ if (iNewTab >= 0)
+ SetActiveTab(iNewTab);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Helper to set the active page, when moving backwards (left-arrow and
+// Control-Shift-Tab). Must simulate Windows messages to tell parent I
+// am changing the tab; SetCurSel does not do this!!
+// In normal operation, this fn will always succeed, because I don't call it
+// unless I already know IsTabEnabled() = TRUE; but if you call SetActiveTab
+// with a random value, it could fail.
+BOOL CTabCtrlWithDisable::SetActiveTab(UINT iNewTab)
+ // send the parent TCN_SELCHANGING
+ NMHDR nmh;
+ nmh.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
+ nmh.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID();
+ nmh.code = TCN_SELCHANGING;
+ if (GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, nmh.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmh) >=0)
+ {
+ // OK to change: set the new tab
+ SetCurSel(iNewTab);
+ // send parent TCN_SELCHANGE
+ nmh.code = TCN_SELCHANGE;
+ GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, nmh.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmh);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Return the index of the next enabled tab after a given index, or -1 if none
+// (0 = first tab).
+// If bWrap is TRUE, wrap from beginning to end; otherwise stop at zero.
+int CTabCtrlWithDisable::NextEnabledTab(int iCurrentTab, BOOL bWrap)
+ int nTabs = GetItemCount();
+ for (int iTab = iCurrentTab+1; iTab != iCurrentTab; iTab++)
+ {
+ if (iTab >= nTabs)
+ {
+ if (!bWrap)
+ return -1;
+ iTab = 0;
+ }
+ if (IsTabEnabled(iTab))
+ return iTab;
+ }
+ return -1;
+// Return the index of the previous enabled tab before a given index, or -1.
+// (0 = first tab).
+// If bWrap is TRUE, wrap from beginning to end; otherwise stop at zero.
+int CTabCtrlWithDisable::PrevEnabledTab(int iCurrentTab, BOOL bWrap)
+ for (int iTab = iCurrentTab-1; iTab != iCurrentTab; iTab--)
+ {
+ if (iTab < 0)
+ {
+ if (!bWrap)
+ return -1;
+ iTab = GetItemCount() - 1;
+ }
+ if (IsTabEnabled(iTab))
+ return iTab;
+ }
+ return -1;
+BOOL CTabCtrlWithDisable::IsTabEnabled(int iTab)
+ if (m_bPrintOnly && (iTab != 4))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;