import sys import time import os from lib.traceclass import * templatedir = os.path.split (__file__)[0] class Writer: """Template writer""" def __init__ (self): self.__header_name = "events.h" self.__file_name = "" def parse_event_identifiers (self, event_list = None): """Parse the event list and construct a string to embedded in a header file.""" if event_list != None: string = "" prefix = " " for i in range (0, len (event_list)): string += prefix + "TRACE_" + event_list[i].name() + ",\n" string += prefix + "TRACE_NB" return string.upper() def __parse_event_string_cb (self, event): """Create a default string interpretation for callbacks events.""" assert event.callback string = "\"" + () for i in range (event.param_nb ()): string += " %d" string += "\\n\"," return string def parse_event_string (self, event_list = None): """Parse the event list and construct a string containing on each line the string interpretation for a human.""" if event_list != None: string = "" prefix = " " for i in event_list: if i.callback: string += prefix + self.__parse_event_string_cb (i) else: string += prefix + i.string_get () + ",\n" return string def __read_template_header (self, string, string_nb): f = open (templatedir + '/template.h', 'r') template = f.close() template = template.replace('%%ids%%', string) template = template.replace('%%year%%', time.strftime ('%Y')) template = template.replace('%%NB%%', string_nb); return template def __read_template_file (self, string_table, string_nb): f = open (templatedir + '/template.c', 'r') template = f.close() template = template.replace('%%NB%%', string_nb); template = template.replace('%%DATA%%', string_table) return template def __write (self, template, outfile): f = open (outfile, 'w') f.write (template) f.close() def write_file (self, id_table, string_table, string_table_nb): template = self.__read_template_header (id_table, string_table_nb) self.__write (template, self.__header_name) template = self.__read_template_file (string_table, string_table_nb) self.__write (template, self.__file_name) def print_file (self, id_table, string_table, string_table_nb): template = self.__read_template_header (id_table, string_table_nb) print template template = self.__read_template_file (string_table, string_table_nb) print template