# mex - Messages exchange library. {{{ # # Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolas Schodet # # APBTeam: # Web: http://apbteam.org/ # Email: team AT apbteam DOT org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # }}} """mex Hub.""" import mex from msg import Msg import msg import socket, select from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize class Hub: def __init__ (self, addr = mex.DEFAULT_ADDR, min_clients = 0, log = None): """Initialise a new Hub and bind to server address.""" self.addr = addr self.min_clients = min_clients self.log = log self.clients = { } self.next_client_id = 1 self.date = 0 self.socket = socket.socket () self.socket.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.bind (self.addr) self.socket.listen (5) def wait (self, cond = False): """Wait until a cond is True and handle message exchanges.""" while not cond and self.date != None: self.select () def select (self): """Wait until the next event (connection or message) occurs and handle it.""" if not self.min_clients: # Check idle and wanted dates. idle = True min_wait_date = None for c in self.clients.itervalues (): if not c.idle: idle = False break if c.wait_date != None and (c.wait_date < min_wait_date or min_wait_date == None): min_wait_date = c.wait_date # Abort if everyone waits forever. if idle and min_wait_date == None: self.date = None return # Send new date. if idle: self.date = min_wait_date if self.log: self.log ('[%d] date' % self.date) date = Msg (mex.DATE) date.push ('L', self.date) for c in self.clients.itervalues (): c.send (date) # Prepare fdset and select. infds = [ self.socket ] if not self.min_clients: infds += self.clients.values () readyfds = select.select (infds, (), ()) [0] for i in readyfds: if i is self.socket: self.accept () else: i.read () def accept (self): """Accept a new connection and create a client.""" # Add client. a = self.socket.accept () if self.log: self.log ('[%d] connect from %s' % (self.date, str (a[1]))) c = Hub.Client (self, a[0], self.next_client_id) self.next_client_id += 1 assert self.next_client_id < 256 self.clients[c.id] = c if self.min_clients: self.min_clients -= 1 # Send first date. date = Msg (mex.DATE) date.push ('L', self.date) c.send (date) def broadcast (self, msg, exclude = None): """Send a message broadcasted, could exclude a client.""" for c in self.clients.itervalues (): if c is not exclude: c.send (msg) class Client: def __init__ (self, hub, socket, id): """Initialise a new client.""" self.hub = hub self.socket = socket self.id = id self.seq = 0 self.idle = True self.wait_date = None def read (self): """Read and dispatch a message from this client.""" # Read message. head = self.socket.recv (calcsize (mex.HEADER_FMT)) if head == '': self.socket.close () del self.hub.clients[self.id] return size, seq = unpack (mex.HEADER_FMT, head) data = self.socket.recv (size) m = Msg (data) if self.hub.log: self.hub.log ('[%d] received from %d(%d): %s' % (self.hub.date, self.id, seq, str (m))) # Dispatch. if m.mtype == mex.IDLE: if seq == self.seq: self.idle = True if len (m): self.wait_date, = m.pop ('L') assert self.wait_date >= self.hub.date else: self.wait_date = None elif m.mtype == mex.REQ: m.pop ('B') mr = Msg (mex.REQ) mr.push ('B', self.id) mr.push (m.pop ()) self.hub.broadcast (mr, self) elif m.mtype == mex.RSP: to, = m.pop ('B') mr = Msg (mex.RSP) mr.push ('B', 0) mr.push (m.pop ()) self.hub.clients[to].send (mr) else: self.hub.broadcast (m, self) def send (self, msg): """Send a message to this client.""" data = msg.data () self.seq += 1 if self.seq == 256: self.seq = 0 packet = pack (mex.HEADER_FMT, len (data), self.seq) + data self.socket.sendall (packet) self.idle = False if self.hub.log: self.hub.log ('[%d] sending to %d(%d): %s' % (self.hub.date, self.id, self.seq, str (msg))) def fileno (self): """Return socket filedescriptor.""" return self.socket.fileno ()