# inter - Robot simulation interface. {{{ # # Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolas Schodet # # APBTeam: # Web: http://apbteam.org/ # Email: team AT apbteam DOT org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # }}} """Inter and its childrens.""" from Tkinter import * from drawable import * from math import pi, cos, sin class Robot (Drawable): """The robot.""" def draw (self): self.reset () self.trans_rotate (self.angle) self.trans_translate (self.pos) self.draw_polygon ((115, 30), (170, 85), (150, 127), (130, 145), (-25, 200), (-70, 200), (-70, -200), (-25, -200), (130, -145), (150, -127), (170, -85), (115, -30)) axes_fill = '#404040' self.draw_line ((-70, 0), (170, 0), fill = axes_fill, arrow = LAST) f = 142 + 2 * 31.5 - 13.5 wr = 63 / 2 self.draw_line ((0, +f / 2), (0, -f / 2), fill = axes_fill) self.draw_line ((-wr, f / 2), (+wr, f / 2), fill = axes_fill) self.draw_line ((-wr, -f / 2), (+wr, -f / 2), fill = axes_fill) class Table (Drawable): """The table and its elements.""" def draw (self): # Redraw. self.reset () # Table. self.draw_rectangle ((-22, -22 - 80), (3000 / 2, 2100 + 22), fill = '#ff1f1f') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 / 2, -22 - 80), (3000 + 22, 2100 + 22), fill = '#201fff') self.draw_rectangle ((0, 0), (3000, 2100), fill = '#a49d8b') self.draw_rectangle ((0, -22 - 80), (3000, -22), fill = '#a49d8b') self.draw_rectangle ((0, 2100 - 500), (500, 2100), fill = '#201fff') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 - 500, 2100 - 500), (3000, 2100), fill = '#ff1f1f') self.draw_line ((3000 / 2, -22 - 80), (3000 / 2, 2100 + 22)) # Axes. self.draw_line ((0, 200), (0, 0), (200, 0), arrow = BOTH) # Beacons and baskets. self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 2100), (-22 - 80, 2100 + 80), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 1050 - 40), (-22 - 80, 1050 + 40), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 500), (-22 - 80, 500 + 80), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((-22, -80), (-22 - 80, 0), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 0), (-22 - 80, 500), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((-22 - 80 - 250, 0), (-22 - 80, 500), fill = '#6d6dad', stipple = 'gray75') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 2100), (3000 + 22 + 80, 2100 + 80), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 1050 - 40), (3000 + 22 + 80, 1050 + 40), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 500), (3000 + 22 + 80, 500 + 80), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, -80), (3000 + 22 + 80, 0), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 0), (3000 + 22 + 80, 500), fill = '#5b5b5d') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22 + 80 + 250, 0), (3000 + 22 + 80, 500), fill = '#6d6dad', stipple = 'gray75') # Vertical dispensers. self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 2100 - 750 - 85 / 2), (0, 2100 - 750 + 85 / 2), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_circle ((40, 2100 - 750), 40) self.draw_rectangle ((750 - 85 / 2, 2100), (750 + 85 / 2, 2100 + 22), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_circle ((750, 2100 - 40), 40) self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 2100 - 750 - 85 / 2), (3000, 2100 - 750 + 85 / 2), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_circle ((3000 - 40, 2100 - 750), 40) self.draw_rectangle ((3000 - 750 + 85 / 2, 2100), (3000 - 750 - 85 / 2, 2100 + 22), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_circle ((3000 - 750, 2100 - 40), 40) # Horizontal dispenser. self.draw_rectangle ((3000 / 2 - 924 / 2, 2100 + 22), (3000 / 2 + 924 / 2, 2100 + 22 + 80 + 22), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 / 2 - 924 / 2 + 22, 2100 + 22), (3000 / 2 + 924 / 2 - 22, 2100 + 22 + 80), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 / 2 - 880 / 2 - 35 - 60, 2100), (3000 / 2 - 880 / 2 - 35, 2100 + 44), fill = '#5b5b5b') self.draw_rectangle ((3000 / 2 + 880 / 2 + 35 + 60, 2100), (3000 / 2 + 880 / 2 + 35, 2100 + 44), fill = '#5b5b5b') # Balls. balls = [ (800, 200, 'rb'), (800, 400, 'RB'), (800, 600, 'ww'), (1300, 200, 'rb'), (1300, 400, 'rb'), (1300, 600, 'ww'), (520, 800, 'WW'), (750, 40, 'RB'), (40, 750, 'WW'), (450, 1120, 'ww'), (750, 1070, 'ww'), (1050, 1020, 'ww'), (1500 - 72 / 2, -22 - 80 / 2, 'BR'), (1500 - 72 / 2 - 1 * 73, -22 - 80 / 2, 'RB'), (1500 - 72 / 2 - 2 * 73, -22 - 80 / 2, 'BR'), (1500 - 72 / 2 - 3 * 73, -22 - 80 / 2, 'RB'), (1500 - 72 / 2 - 4 * 73, -22 - 80 / 2, 'BR'), (1500 - 72 / 2 - 5 * 73, -22 - 80 / 2, 'RB'), (1500, 1000, 'W'), ] balls_config = { 'r': { 'outline': '#bf4141' }, 'R': { 'fill': '#bf4141' }, 'b': { 'outline': '#4241bf' }, 'B': { 'fill': '#4241bf' }, 'w': { 'outline': '#bfbfbf' }, 'W': { 'fill': '#bfbfbf' } } for b in balls: self.draw_circle ((3000 - b[0], 2100 - b[1]), 72 / 2, **balls_config[b[2][0]]) if len (b[2]) > 1: self.draw_circle ((b[0], 2100 - b[1]), 72 / 2, **balls_config[b[2][1]]) class TableView (DrawableCanvas): """This class handle the view of the table and every items inside it.""" WIDTH = 3000 + 2 * 22 + 2 * 80 + 2 * 50 + 2 * 10 HEIGHT = 2100 + 2 * 22 + 2 * 80 + 22 + 2 * 10 XORIGIN = -3000 / 2 YORIGIN = -2100 / 2 def __init__ (self, master = None): DrawableCanvas.__init__ (self, self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT, self.XORIGIN, self.YORIGIN, master, borderwidth = 1, relief = 'sunken', background = 'white') self.table = Table (self) self.robot = Robot (self.table) self.robot.angle = 0 self.robot.pos = (0, 0) def draw (self): self.table.draw () self.robot.draw () class Arm (Drawable): """The robot arm.""" def draw (self): self.reset () self.draw_arc ((0, 0), 0.45, start = 7 * pi / 12, extent = 10 * pi / 12, style = 'arc', outline = '#808080') self.draw_arc ((0, 0), 0.45, start = -5 * pi / 12, extent = 10 * pi / 12, style = 'arc', outline = '#808080') self.trans_scale (0.4) self.trans_rotate (self.angle) self.draw_line ((0, 0), (0, -1)) self.draw_line ((0, 0), (cos (pi / 6), sin (pi / 6))) self.draw_line ((0, 0), (-cos (pi / 6), sin (pi / 6))) class Servo: """Servo motor.""" def __init__ (self, coord, l, start, extent): self.coord = coord self.l = l self.start = start self.extent = extent self.pos = 0 def draw (self, d): d.draw_arc (self.coord, self.l, start = self.start, extent = self.extent, style = 'arc', outline = '#808080') a = self.start + self.pos * self.extent d.draw_line (self.coord, (self.coord[0] + self.l * cos (a), self.coord[1] + self.l * sin (a))) class Rear (Drawable): """Rear actuators.""" def __init__ (self, onto): Drawable.__init__ (self, onto) self.traps = [ Servo ((-2.5, -1), 0.8, 0, pi/2), Servo ((-1.5, -0.9), 0.8, 0, pi/2), Servo ((-0.5, -0.8), 0.8, 0, pi/2), Servo ((0.5, -0.8), 0.8, pi, -pi/2), Servo ((1.5, -0.9), 0.8, pi, -pi/2), Servo ((-2.5, 1.3), 0.8, -pi/6, pi/3), ] def draw (self): self.reset () self.trans_scale (0.9/5) for i in self.traps: i.draw (self) self.draw_line ((-0.5, 1.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-2.5, 0.2), fill = '#808080') self.draw_line ((-2.5, -1.2), (-2.5, -2.3), (2.5, -2.3), (2.5, 0.2), (0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 1.5), fill = '#808080') for i in (-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5): self.draw_line ((i, -2.3), (i, -2), fill = '#808080') class ActuatorView (DrawableCanvas): """This class handle the view of the actuators inside the robot.""" def __init__ (self, master = None): DrawableCanvas.__init__ (self, 1, 2, 0, 0, master, borderwidth = 1, relief = 'sunken', background = 'white') self.configure (width = 120, height = 240) self.arm_drawable = Drawable (self) self.arm_drawable.trans_translate ((0, 0.5)) self.arm = Arm (self.arm_drawable) self.arm.angle = 0 self.rear_drawable = Drawable (self) self.rear_drawable.trans_translate ((0, -0.5)) self.rear = Rear (self.rear_drawable) def draw (self): self.arm.draw () self.rear.draw () class Inter (Frame): """Robot simulation interface.""" def __init__ (self, master = None): Frame.__init__ (self, master) self.pack (expand = 1, fill = 'both') self.createWidgets () self.updated = [ ] def createWidgets (self): self.rightFrame = Frame (self) self.rightFrame.pack (side = 'right', fill = 'y') self.quitButton = Button (self.rightFrame, text = 'Quit', command = self.quit) self.quitButton.pack (side = 'top') self.actuatorview = ActuatorView (self.rightFrame) self.actuatorview.pack (side = 'bottom', fill = 'x') self.sensorFrame = Frame (self.rightFrame, borderwidth = 1, relief = 'sunken') self.sensorFrame.pack (side = 'bottom', fill = 'x') self.jackVar = IntVar () self.jackButton = Checkbutton (self.sensorFrame, text = 'Jack', indicatoron = False, variable = self.jackVar) self.jackButton.pack (side = 'top') self.colorVar = IntVar () self.colorButton = Checkbutton (self.sensorFrame, text = 'Color', indicatoron = False, variable = self.colorVar) self.colorButton.pack (side = 'top') self.tableview = TableView (self) self.tableview.pack (expand = True, fill = 'both') def update (self, *args): """If called with arguments, add them to the list of objects to be updated. If called without argument, redraw all objects to be updated.""" if args: for i in args: if i not in self.updated: self.updated.append (i) else: for i in self.updated: i.draw () self.updated = [ ] if __name__ == '__main__': app = Inter () app.tableview.robot.angle = pi / 3 app.tableview.robot.pos = (700, 700) app.actuatorview.arm.angle = pi/6 app.actuatorview.rear.traps[0].pos = 1 app.actuatorview.rear.traps[1].pos = 0 app.actuatorview.rear.traps[2].pos = 0 app.actuatorview.rear.traps[3].pos = 1 app.actuatorview.rear.traps[4].pos = 0 app.actuatorview.rear.traps[5].pos = 0 app.mainloop()