/**************************************************************************//** \file nlmeLeave.h \brief NLME-LEAVE interface \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n Support email: avr@atmel.com Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). \internal History: 2009-04-13 Max Gekk - Created. Last change: $Id: nlmeLeave.h 17448 2011-06-09 13:53:59Z ataradov $ ******************************************************************************/ #if !defined _NLME_LEAVE_H #define _NLME_LEAVE_H /****************************************************************************** Includes section ******************************************************************************/ #include #include /****************************************************************************** Types section ******************************************************************************/ /**//** * \brief NLME-LEAVE confirm primitive's parameters structure declaration. * ZigBee Specification r17, NLME-LEAVE.confirm, page 291. */ typedef struct _NWK_LeaveConf_t { /** The status of the corresponding request.*/ NWK_Status_t status; } NWK_LeaveConf_t; /**//** * \brief NLME-LEAVE request primitive's parameters structure declaration. * Zigbee Specification r17, NLME-LEAVE.request, page 288. */ typedef struct _NWK_LeaveReq_t { /** Service fields - for internal needs. */ struct { QueueElement_t qelem; /**< link used for queuing */ } service; /** The 64-bit IEEE address of the entity to be removed from the network * or NULL if the device removes itself from the network. */ ExtAddr_t deviceAddress; /** This parameter has a value of TRUE if the device being asked to leave the * network is also being asked to remove its child devices, if any. Otherwise, * it has a value of FALSE. */ bool removeChildren; /** This parameter has a value of TRUE if the device being asked to leave from * the current parent is requested to rejoin the network. * Otherwise, the parameter has a value of FALSE. */ bool rejoin; /** NLME-LEAVE confirm callback function's pointer. */ void (*NWK_LeaveConf)(NWK_LeaveConf_t *conf); NWK_LeaveConf_t confirm; } NWK_LeaveReq_t; /**//** * \brief NLME-LEAVE indication primitive's parameters structure declaration. * Zigbee Specification r17, NLME-LEAVE.indication, page 290. */ typedef struct _NWK_LeaveInd_t { /** The 64-bit IEEE address of an entity that has removed itself from * the network or NULL in the case that the device issuing the primitive has * been removed from the network by its parent. */ ExtAddr_t deviceAddress; /** This parameter has a value of TRUE if the device being asked to leave the * current parent is requested to rejoin the network. Otherwise, this parameter * has a value of FALSE. */ bool rejoin; } NWK_LeaveInd_t; /****************************************************************************** Prototypes section ******************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************//** \brief NLME-LEAVE request primitive's prototype. \param[in] req - NLME-LEAVE request parameters' structure pointer. \return None. ******************************************************************************/ void NWK_LeaveReq(NWK_LeaveReq_t *const req); /**************************************************************************//** \brief NLME-LEAVE indication primitive's prototype. \param[in] ind - NLME-LEAVE indication parameters' structure pointer. \return None. ******************************************************************************/ extern void NWK_LeaveInd(NWK_LeaveInd_t *ind); #endif /* _NLME_LEAVE_H */ /** eof nlmeLeave.h */