/**************************************************************************//** \file halrfSpi.c \brief SPI interface routines. \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n Support email: avr@atmel.com Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). \internal History: 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include /****************************************************************************** Performs initialization of SPI interface. ******************************************************************************/ void HAL_InitRfSpi(void) { GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); GPIO_SPI_MISO_make_in(); GPIO_SPI_MOSI_make_out(); GPIO_SPI_SCK_make_out(); GPIO_SPI_CS_make_out(); SPCR = ((1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR)); // SPI enable, master mode. SPSR = (1 << SPI2X); // rate = fosc/2 } /****************************************************************************** Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. CPU clock critical function (4 MHz only). parameters: value - byte to write. Returns: the byte which was read. ******************************************************************************/ uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value) { uint8_t tmp8; SPDR = value; // Write data. asm("nop"); // 1 asm("nop"); // 2 asm("nop"); // 3 asm("nop"); // 4 asm("nop"); // 5 asm("nop"); // 5 asm("nop"); // 7 asm("nop"); // 8 asm("nop"); // 9 asm("nop"); // 10 asm("nop"); // 11 asm("nop"); // 12 asm("nop"); // 13 asm("nop"); // 14 asm("nop"); // 15 asm("nop"); // 16 asm("nop"); // 17 tmp8 = SPSR; (void)tmp8; return SPDR; } /****************************************************************************** Deselects a slave device. ******************************************************************************/ void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void) { GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); } /****************************************************************************** Selects a slave device. ******************************************************************************/ void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void) { GPIO_SPI_CS_clr(); } // eof halrfSpi.c