/* * THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT! * * Skeleton for move callbacks implementation. * * */ #include "common.h" #include "fsm.h" #include "move_cb.h" #include "move.h" #include "asserv.h" #include "main.h" /* main_post_event_for_top_fsm */ /* * IDLE =start=> * => DESIRED_POSITION * Tries to reach a position provided by the user. If the position desired can not be reached, it all try to move on the right or the left. */ fsm_branch_t move__IDLE__start (void) { asserv_goto (move_data.position_x, move_data.position_y); return move_next (IDLE, start); } /* * MOVE_ON_RIGHT =blocked=> * => MOVE_ON_LEFT * The robot will try to go on the left because the previous movement block on the left. */ fsm_branch_t move__MOVE_ON_RIGHT__blocked (void) { move_go_to_left (); return move_next (MOVE_ON_RIGHT, blocked); } /* * MOVE_ON_RIGHT =reached=> * => DESIRED_POSITION * The position has been reached. It will now try to reach the position provided by the user. */ fsm_branch_t move__MOVE_ON_RIGHT__reached (void) { asserv_goto (move_data.position_x, move_data.position_y); return move_next (MOVE_ON_RIGHT, reached); } /* * DESIRED_POSITION =blocked=> * near_right_border => MOVE_ON_LEFT * The robot will compute the position from the border and will take the decision to go on the left because the right border is too near. * near_left_border => MOVE_ON_RIGHT * The robot will compute the position from the border and will take the decision to go on the right because the left border is too near. */ fsm_branch_t move__DESIRED_POSITION__blocked (void) { asserv_position_t pos; asserv_position_t new_pos; asserv_get_position (&pos); new_pos = pos; new_pos.x += MOVE_BORDER_LEVEL ; if (move_can_go_on_left_or_right (pos, new_pos)) { asserv_goto (new_pos.x, new_pos.y); return move_next_branch (DESIRED_POSITION, blocked, near_left_border); } else { new_pos.x = pos.x + MOVE_BORDER_LEVEL; // replace this by the correct function. asserv_goto (new_pos.x, new_pos.y); return move_next_branch (DESIRED_POSITION, blocked, near_right_border); } } /* * DESIRED_POSITION =reached=> * => IDLE * The position provided by the user has been reached, the FSM can stop. */ fsm_branch_t move__DESIRED_POSITION__reached (void) { main_post_event_for_top_fsm = TOP_EVENT_move_fsm_finished; return move_next (DESIRED_POSITION, reached); } /* * MOVE_ON_LEFT =blocked=> * => MOVE_ON_RIGHT * The robot will try to go on the left because the previous movement block on the right. */ fsm_branch_t move__MOVE_ON_LEFT__blocked (void) { move_go_to_right(); return move_next (MOVE_ON_LEFT, blocked); } /* * MOVE_ON_LEFT =reached=> * => DESIRED_POSITION * The position has been reached. It will now try to reach the position provided by the user. */ fsm_branch_t move__MOVE_ON_LEFT__reached (void) { asserv_goto (move_data.position_x, move_data.position_y); return move_next (MOVE_ON_LEFT, reached); }