/* test_element.c */ /* io - Input & Output with Artificial Intelligence (ai) support on AVR. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jérôme Jutteau * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "element.h" #include "chrono.h" #include #define TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_PICK 0 #define TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_UNLOAD 1 #define TEST_PRINT_TYPE_ELEMENT 2 int test_print_type_ = TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_PICK; position_t test_robot_pos_ = {{0, 2100}, 1}; enum team_color_e team_color; /** Stubbed chrono. */ uint32_t test_chrono_ms; void chrono_init (void) { test_chrono_ms = CHRONO_MATCH_DURATION_MS; } uint32_t chrono_remaining_time (void) { return test_chrono_ms; } uint8_t test_element_convert (const char *l, uint8_t number) { switch (l[0]) { case 'A': switch (number) { case 1: return (31); case 3: return (32); case 5: return (33); case 7: return (34); case 9: return (35); case 11: return (36); } case 'B': switch (number) { case 2: return (0); case 4: return (2); case 8: return (3); case 10: return (1); } case 'C': switch (number) { case 1: return (37); case 3: return (38); case 5: return (39); case 7: return (40); case 9: return (41); case 11: return (42); } case 'D': switch (number) { case 0: return (21); case 2: return (4); case 4: return (6); case 8: return (7); case 10: return (5); case 12: return (22); } case 'E': switch (number) { case 1: return (43); case 3: return (44); case 5: return (45); case 7: return (46); case 9: return (47); case 11: return (48); } case 'F': switch (number) { case 0: return (23); case 12: return (24); } case 'G': switch (number) { case 2: return (8); case 4: return (10); case 6: return (20); case 8: return (11); case 10: return (9); } case 'H': switch (number) { case 0: return (25); case 1: return (49); case 3: return (50); case 5: return (51); case 7: return (52); case 9: return (53); case 11: return (54); case 12: return (26); } case 'I': switch (number) /*12*/ { case 2: return (12); case 4: return (14); case 8: return (15); case 10: return (13); } case 'J': switch (number) { case 0: return (27); case 12: return (28); } case 'K': switch (number) { case 1: return (55); case 3: return (56); case 5: return (57); case 7: return (58); case 9: return (59); case 11: return (60); } case 'L': switch (number) { case 2: return (16); case 4: return (18); case 8: return (19); case 10: return (17); } case 'M': switch (number) { case 0: return (29); case 1: return (63); case 3: return (64); case 5: return (61); case 7: return (62); case 9: return (65); case 11: return (66); case 12: return (30); } } return 0; } long int test_element_get_score (uint8_t element_id) { if (test_print_type_ == TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_PICK) return (long int) element_score (test_robot_pos_, element_id); else if (test_print_type_ == TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_UNLOAD) return (long int) element_unload_score (test_robot_pos_, element_id); else return (long int) element_table[element_id].type; } #define p(l, n) (test_element_print (#l, n)) long int test_element_print (const char *l, uint8_t number) { return test_element_get_score (test_element_convert (l, number)); } void test_element_print_table () { printf ("parameters:\n"); printf ("- robot_pos = (%u, %u)\n", test_robot_pos_.v.x, test_robot_pos_.v.y); printf ("- side = %u\n", team_color); printf (" _____0_________1_____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9___10___11_________12_____ \n"); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("A| Red | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | Blue |\n", p (A, 1), p (A, 3), p (A, 5), p(A, 7), p (A, 9), p (A, 11)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("B| |--------%5ld-----%5ld------+--------%5ld-----%5ld------| |\n", p (B, 2), p (B, 4), p (B, 8), p (B, 10)); printf (" |-----------+ | | | | | +-----------|\n"); printf (" | | | [B] | | | [R] | | |\n"); printf ("C| | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | |\n", p (C, 1), p (C, 3), p (C, 5), p (C, 7), p(C, 9), p (C, 11)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("D| %5ld |--------%5ld-----%5ld------+--------%5ld-----%5ld------| %5ld |\n", p (D, 0), p (D, 2), p (D, 4), p (D, 8), p (D, 10), p (D, 12)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("E| | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | |\n", p (E, 1), p (E, 3), p (E, 5), p (E, 7), p(E, 9), p(E, 11)); printf ("F| %5ld | | | | | | | %5ld |\n", p (F, 0), p(F, 12)); printf ("G| |--------%5ld-----%5ld-----%5ld-----%5ld-----%5ld------| |\n", p (G, 2), p (G, 4), p(G, 6), p (G, 8), p (G, 10)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf (" | | | [B] | | | [R] | | |\n"); printf ("H| %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld |\n", p(H, 0), p (H, 1), p (H, 3), p (H, 5), p (H, 7), p(H, 9), p(H, 11), p(H, 12)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("I| |--------%5ld-----%5ld------+--------%5ld-----%5ld------| |\n", p (I, 2), p (I, 4), p (I, 8), p (I, 10)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("J| %5ld | | | | | | | %5ld |\n", p (J, 0), p(J, 12)); printf ("K| | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | |\n", p (K, 1), p (K, 3), p (K, 5), p (K, 7), p(K, 9), p(K, 11)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("L| |--------%5ld-----%5ld------+--------%5ld-----%5ld------| |\n", p (L, 2), p (L, 4), p (L, 8), p (L, 10)); printf (" | | | | | | | | |\n"); printf ("M| %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld | %5ld |\n", p(M, 0), p (M, 1), p (M, 3), p (M, 5), p (M, 7), p(M, 9), p(M, 11), p(M, 12)); printf (" | |###################| [R] | [B] |###################| |\n"); printf (" | |###################| | |###################| |\n"); printf (" +-----------|###################+---------+---------+###################+-----------+\n"); } int main () { int exit = 0; char cmd; int x; char y[10], z[10]; int type = 0; chrono_init (); while (!exit) { element_init (); printf ("\ncommands:\n"); printf ("s: print scores, "); printf ("p: print unload scores, "); printf ("e: print elements, "); printf ("t: set match time, "); printf ("c: set robot side, "); printf ("r: set robot position, "); printf ("i: pick up an element, "); printf ("n: indicate there is no element, "); printf ("m: id of nearest element, "); printf ("q: quit\n"); printf ("your choice: "); fflush (stdin); scanf ("%c", &cmd); switch (cmd) { case 's': test_print_type_ = TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_PICK; test_element_print_table (); break; case 'p': test_print_type_ = TEST_PRINT_TYPE_SCORE_UNLOAD; test_element_print_table (); break; case 'e': test_print_type_ = TEST_PRINT_TYPE_ELEMENT; test_element_print_table (); break; case 't': printf ("set match time: "); scanf ("%i", &test_chrono_ms); break; case 'c': team_color ^= TEAM_COLOR_RIGHT; printf ("Side is now %u\n", team_color); break; case 'r': printf ("set robot position:\n"); printf ("number: "); scanf ("%i", &x); printf ("letter: "); scanf ("%s", y); test_robot_pos_.v = element_table[test_element_convert (y, x)].pos; break; case 'i': printf ("pick up an element:\n"); printf ("number: "); scanf ("%i", &x); printf ("letter: "); scanf ("%s", y); printf ("type: (P=Pawn Q=Queen K=King) "); fflush (stdin); scanf ("%s", z); if (z[0] == 'P') type = ELEMENT_PAWN; else if (z[0] == 'Q') type = ELEMENT_QUEEN; else if (z[0] == 'K') type = ELEMENT_KING; else printf ("Unknown !\n"); element_taken (test_element_convert (y, x), type); break; case 'n': printf ("indicate there no element\n"); printf ("number: "); scanf ("%i", &x); printf ("letter: "); scanf ("%s", y); element_not_here (test_element_convert (y, x)); break; case 'm': printf ("nearest element id from robot: %u\n", element_nearest_element_id (test_robot_pos_)); break; case 'q': exit = 1; break; } fflush (stdin); scanf ("%c", &cmd); } return 0; }