/* logistic.c */ /* robospierre - Eurobot 2011 AI. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolas Schodet * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "logistic.h" #include "clamp.h" #include "defs.h" #include "debug.host.h" /** Handle elements stored inside the robot. */ /** Global context. */ struct logistic_t logistic_global; #define ctx logistic_global inline void logistic_debug_dump (void) { #ifdef HOST uint8_t i; static const char *names[][CLAMP_SLOT_NB] = { { "f1", "f2", "f3", "b1", "b2", "b3", "s1" }, { "F1", "F2", "F3", "B1", "B2", "B3", "S1" } }; static const char *names_dir[] = { "--", "<-", "->" }; DPRINTF ("%s", names_dir[ctx.collect_direction]); for (i = 0; i < CLAMP_SLOT_NB; i++) { DPRINTF (" %s", ctx.slots[i] ? names[ELEMENT_IS_HEAD (ctx.slots[i]) ? 1 : 0][i] : "__"); } if (ctx.moving_from != CLAMP_SLOT_NB) { DPRINTF (" %s => %s", names[0][ctx.moving_from], names[0][ctx.moving_to]); } DPRINTF ("\n"); DPRINTF ("construct_possible: %u\n", ctx.construct_possible); DPRINTF ("prepare: %u\n", ctx.prepare); DPRINTF ("ready: %u\n", ctx.ready); DPRINTF ("need_prepare: %u\n", ctx.need_prepare); #endif } /** Return 1 if location corresponds to element. */ inline uint8_t logistic_case_test (uint8_t loc, uint8_t e) { if (e == LOG_a && ctx.slots[loc]) return 1; if (e == LOG__) return 1; if ((e == LOG_e || e == LOG_D) && !ctx.slots[loc]) return 1; if ((e == LOG_P || e == LOG_p) && ctx.slots[loc] && !ELEMENT_IS_HEAD (ctx.slots[loc])) return 1; if ((e == LOG_H || e == LOG_h) && ELEMENT_IS_HEAD (ctx.slots[loc])) return 1; return 0; } static uint8_t logistic_case (uint8_t e1, uint8_t e2, uint8_t e3, uint8_t e4, uint8_t e5, uint8_t e6, uint8_t e7, uint8_t new_dir, uint8_t ready, uint8_t check_symetric) { /* Define direction bay and opposed bay. */ uint8_t dir_bay, opp_bay; if (ctx.collect_direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) { dir_bay = CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_BOTTOM; opp_bay = CLAMP_SLOT_BACK_BOTTOM; } else { dir_bay = CLAMP_SLOT_BACK_BOTTOM; opp_bay = CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_BOTTOM; } /*if (check_symetric) { uint8_t tmp = dir_bay; dir_bay = opp_bay; opp_bay = tmp; }*/ /* Emplacement of elements. */ uint8_t e1_loc = dir_bay + 2, e3_loc = dir_bay + 1, e6_loc = dir_bay, e4_loc = CLAMP_SLOT_SIDE, e2_loc = opp_bay + 2, e5_loc = opp_bay + 1, e7_loc = opp_bay; /* Check elements are here. */ if (!(logistic_case_test (e1_loc, e1) && logistic_case_test (e2_loc, e2) && logistic_case_test (e3_loc, e3) && logistic_case_test (e4_loc, e4) && logistic_case_test (e5_loc, e5) && logistic_case_test (e6_loc, e6) && logistic_case_test (e7_loc, e7))) { /* Check mirror. */ /*if (!check_symetric) logistic_case (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, new_dir, ready, 1);*/ return 0; } /* Find source/destination if we have to make a move. */ /* Find source. */ uint8_t src = CLAMP_SLOT_NB, dst = CLAMP_SLOT_NB; if (e1 == LOG_P ||e1 == LOG_H) src = e1_loc; else if (e3 == LOG_P ||e3 == LOG_H) src = e3_loc; else if (e6 == LOG_P ||e6 == LOG_H) src = e6_loc; else if (e4 == LOG_P ||e4 == LOG_H) src = e4_loc; else if (e2 == LOG_P ||e2 == LOG_H) src = e2_loc; else if (e5 == LOG_P ||e5 == LOG_H) src = e5_loc; else if (e7 == LOG_P ||e7 == LOG_H) src = e7_loc; /* Find destination. */ if (e1 == LOG_D) dst = e1_loc; else if (e3 == LOG_D) dst = e3_loc; else if (e6 == LOG_D) dst = e6_loc; else if (e4 == LOG_D) dst = e4_loc; else if (e2 == LOG_D) dst = e2_loc; else if (e5 == LOG_D) dst = e5_loc; else if (e7 == LOG_D) dst = e7_loc; /* We are making a move. */ if (src != CLAMP_SLOT_NB && dst != CLAMP_SLOT_NB) { if (ctx.slots[src] && !ctx.slots[dst]) { ctx.moving_from = src; ctx.moving_to = dst; ctx.ready = 0; } } /* Set collect direction. */ /* LEFT means we keep the same side, RIGHT means we put the opposed side. */ if (new_dir == LOG_DIR_RIGHT) { if (ctx.collect_direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) ctx.collect_direction = DIRECTION_BACKWARD; else ctx.collect_direction = DIRECTION_FORWARD; } /* Don't touch clamp's idle position if broken. */ if (ctx.prepare != 3) { /* Set clamp position idle. */ if (ctx.collect_direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) ctx.clamp_pos_idle = CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_MIDDLE; else ctx.clamp_pos_idle = CLAMP_SLOT_BACK_MIDDLE; } /* Set ready */ ctx.ready = ready; return 1; } static void logistic_update_construct_possible () { uint8_t pawn = 0, head = 0, i; for (i = CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_BOTTOM; i < CLAMP_SLOT_NB; i++) { if (ELEMENT_IS_HEAD (ctx.slots[i])) head++; else if (ctx.slots[i]) pawn++; if (head >= 1 && pawn >= 2) { ctx.construct_possible = 1; return; } } if (pawn || head) ctx.construct_possible = 2; else ctx.construct_possible = 0; } static void logistic_update_need_prepare () { uint8_t i, head = 0, pawn = 0; for (i = CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_BOTTOM; i < CLAMP_SLOT_NB; i++) { if (ELEMENT_IS_HEAD (ctx.slots[i])) head++; else if (ctx.slots[i]) pawn++; } if ((head == 1 && pawn == 3) || head == 2 || pawn >= 4) ctx.need_prepare = 1; else ctx.need_prepare = 0; } static void logisitic_make_broken () { LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, _, _, _, a, _, RIGHT, 1); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, _, _, _, _, a, LEFT, 1); } static void logistic_make_tower () { LOGISTIC_CASE (D, _, e, _, _, H, _, RIGHT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, h, _, _, p, _, p, LEFT, 1); LOGISTIC_CASE (P, h, e, _, e, _, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (P, h, e, _, e, _, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, h, e, _, e, P, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, h, _, P, e, _, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (P, h, e, _, D, _, p, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, h, e, _, D, P, p, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, h, _, P, D, _, p, LEFT, 0); } static void logistic_make_unload () { LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, _, _, _, _, a, LEFT, 1); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, _, _, _, a, _, RIGHT, 1); LOGISTIC_CASE (H, _, e, _, _, D, _, RIGHT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, H, _, _, e, _, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (P, _, e, _, _, D, _, RIGHT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, P, _, _, e, _, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, _, P, e, e, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, e, P, _, D, _, RIGHT, 0); } static void logisitic_make_switches () { LOGISTIC_CASE (_, _, e, D, _, P, _, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, D, e, p, e, P, _, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (_, p, e, p, e, P, D, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (D, _, e, _, _, H, _, RIGHT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (h, e, e, _, e, D, P, LEFT, 0); LOGISTIC_CASE (h, P, e, _, e, D, P, LEFT, 0); } /** Examine current state and take a decision. */ static void logistic_decision (void) { /* Reset. */ ctx.moving_from = CLAMP_SLOT_NB; ctx.moving_to = CLAMP_SLOT_NB; ctx.construct_possible = 0; ctx.ready = 0; ctx.need_prepare = 0; /* Update context. */ logistic_update_construct_possible (); /* Update if a something is possible. */ logistic_update_need_prepare (); /* Broken clamp. */ if (ctx.construct_possible && ctx.prepare == 3) { DPRINTF ("\nlogisitic_make_broken\n"); logisitic_make_broken (); } /* Prepare tower. */ else if (ctx.construct_possible == 1 && ctx.prepare != 0) { DPRINTF ("\nlogisitic_make_tower\n"); logistic_make_tower (); } /* Need to unload. */ else if (ctx.construct_possible == 2 && ctx.prepare == 2) { DPRINTF ("\nlogisitic_make_unload\n"); logistic_make_unload (); } /* Internal switches. */ else { DPRINTF ("\nlogisitic_make_switches\n"); logisitic_make_switches (); } logistic_debug_dump (); return; } void logistic_init (void) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < CLAMP_SLOT_NB; i++) ctx.slots[i] = 0; ctx.moving_from = ctx.moving_to = CLAMP_SLOT_NB; ctx.collect_direction = DIRECTION_FORWARD; ctx.clamp_pos_idle = CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_MIDDLE; ctx.construct_possible = 0; ctx.prepare = 1; ctx.ready = 0; ctx.need_prepare = 0; } void logistic_update (void) { } void logistic_element_new (uint8_t pos, uint8_t element_type) { assert (pos < CLAMP_SLOT_NB); assert (!ctx.slots[pos]); ctx.slots[pos] = element_type; logistic_decision (); } void logistic_element_move_done (void) { assert (!ctx.slots[ctx.moving_to]); ctx.slots[ctx.moving_to] = ctx.slots[ctx.moving_from]; ctx.slots[ctx.moving_from] = 0; ctx.moving_from = ctx.moving_to = CLAMP_SLOT_NB; logistic_decision (); } void logistic_drop (uint8_t direction) { uint8_t bay = direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD ? CLAMP_SLOT_BACK_BOTTOM : CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_BOTTOM; uint8_t i; for (i = bay; i < bay + 3; i++) ctx.slots[i] = 0; logistic_decision (); } static uint8_t logistic_slot_clear (uint8_t slot) { if (CLAMP_IS_SLOT_IN_FRONT_BAY (slot) && ctx.slots[CLAMP_SLOT_FRONT_MIDDLE]) return 0; if (CLAMP_IS_SLOT_IN_BACK_BAY (slot) && ctx.slots[CLAMP_SLOT_BACK_MIDDLE]) return 0; return 1; } uint8_t logistic_path_clear (uint8_t slot1, uint8_t slot2) { return logistic_slot_clear (slot1) && logistic_slot_clear (slot2); }