/* move.c */ /* guybrush - Eurobot 2012 AI. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Nicolas Schodet * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "move.h" #include "main.h" #include "asserv.h" #define FSM_NAME AI #include "fsm.h" #include "fsm_queue.h" #include "radar.h" #include "path.h" #include "modules/utils/utils.h" #include #include "playground_2012.h" /** Number of tries to reach destination. */ #define MOVE_TRY_AGAIN 1 /** Move context. */ struct move_t { /** Final position. */ position_t final; /** Use angle consign for final point. */ uint8_t with_angle; /** Next step. */ vect_t step; /** Next step angle. */ uint16_t step_angle; /** Next step with_angle. */ uint8_t step_with_angle; /** Next step backward. */ uint8_t step_backward; /** Non zero means this is a tricky move, slow down, and minimize * turns. */ uint8_t slow; /** Backward direction allowed flag. */ uint8_t backward_movement_allowed; /** Try again counter. */ uint8_t try_again_counter; /** Dirty fix to know this is the final move. */ uint8_t final_move; /** Distance to remove from path. */ int16_t shorten; }; /* Global context. */ struct move_t move_data; void move_start (position_t position, uint8_t backward) { /* Set parameters. */ move_data.final = position; move_data.with_angle = 1; move_data.backward_movement_allowed = backward; move_data.final_move = 0; move_data.shorten = 0; /* Reset try counter. */ move_data.try_again_counter = MOVE_TRY_AGAIN; /* Start the FSM. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_start)); } void move_start_noangle (vect_t position, uint8_t backward, int16_t shorten) { /* Set parameters. */ move_data.final.v = position; move_data.with_angle = 0; move_data.backward_movement_allowed = backward; move_data.final_move = 0; move_data.shorten = shorten; /* Reset try counter. */ move_data.try_again_counter = MOVE_TRY_AGAIN; /* Start the FSM. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_start)); } void move_stop (void) { /* Stop the FSM. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_stop)); } void move_obstacles_update (void) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < main_obstacles_nb; i++) path_obstacle (i, main_obstacles_pos[i], MOVE_OBSTACLE_RADIUS, 0, MOVE_OBSTACLE_VALIDITY); } uint8_t move_check_obstacles (void) { if (FSM_CAN_HANDLE (AI, obstacle_in_front)) { position_t robot_pos; asserv_get_position (&robot_pos); if (radar_blocking (&robot_pos.v, &move_data.step, main_obstacles_pos, main_obstacles_nb)) if (FSM_HANDLE (AI, obstacle_in_front)) return 1; } return 0; } FSM_STATES ( /* Waiting for the start order. */ MOVE_IDLE, /* Rotating towards next point. */ MOVE_ROTATING, /* Moving to a position (intermediate or final). */ MOVE_MOVING, /* Brake when a obstacle is seen. */ MOVE_BRAKE, /* Moving backward to go away from what is blocking the bot. */ MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, /* Waiting for obstacle to disappear. */ MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH) FSM_EVENTS ( /* Report from asserv after a successful move command. */ robot_move_success, /* Report from asserv after a failed move command. */ robot_move_failure, /* Initialize the FSM and start the movement directly. */ move_start, /* Stop movement. */ move_stop, /* Movement success. */ move_success, /* Movement failure. */ move_failure, /* The bot has seen something (front is the same when going backward). */ obstacle_in_front) FSM_START_WITH (MOVE_IDLE) /** Go to current step, low level function. */ static void move_go (void) { vect_t dst = move_data.step; /* Modify final point if requested. */ if (move_data.final_move && move_data.shorten) { /* Compute a vector from destination to robot with lenght * 'shorten'. */ position_t robot_position; asserv_get_position (&robot_position); vect_t v = robot_position.v; vect_sub (&v, &move_data.step); int16_t d = vect_norm (&v); if (d > move_data.shorten) { vect_scale_f824 (&v, 0x1000000 / d * move_data.shorten); vect_translate (&dst, &v); } } if (move_data.step_with_angle) asserv_goto_xya (dst.x, dst.y, move_data.step_angle, move_data.step_backward); else asserv_goto (dst.x, dst.y, move_data.step_backward); } /** Go or rotate toward position, returns 1 for linear move, 2 for angular * move. */ static uint8_t move_go_or_rotate (vect_t dst, uint16_t angle, uint8_t with_angle, uint8_t backward) { position_t robot_position; asserv_get_position (&robot_position); uint16_t robot_angle = robot_position.a; if (backward & ASSERV_BACKWARD) robot_angle += 0x8000; /* Remember step. */ move_data.step = dst; move_data.step_angle = angle; move_data.step_with_angle = with_angle; move_data.step_backward = backward; /* Compute angle to destination. */ vect_t v = dst; vect_sub (&v, &robot_position.v); uint16_t dst_angle = atan2 (v.y, v.x) * ((1l << 16) / (2 * M_PI)); if (backward & ASSERV_BACKWARD) dst_angle += 0x8000; int16_t diff_angle = dst_angle - robot_angle; if ((backward & ASSERV_REVERT_OK) && (diff_angle > 0x4000 || diff_angle < -0x4000)) dst_angle += 0x8000; int16_t diff = dst_angle - robot_angle; /* Move or rotate. */ if (UTILS_ABS (diff) < 0x1000) { move_go (); return 1; } else { asserv_goto_angle (dst_angle); return 2; } } /** Go to next position computed by path module, to be called by * move_path_init and move_path_next. Returns 1 for linear move, 2 for angular * move. */ static uint8_t move_go_to_next (vect_t dst) { uint8_t r; /* If it is not the last position. */ if (dst.x != move_data.final.v.x || dst.y != move_data.final.v.y) { /* Not final position. */ move_data.final_move = 0; /* Goto without angle. */ r = move_go_or_rotate (dst, 0, 0, move_data.backward_movement_allowed | (move_data.slow ? ASSERV_REVERT_OK : 0)); } else { /* Final position. */ move_data.final_move = 1; /* Goto with angle if requested. */ r = move_go_or_rotate (dst, move_data.final.a, move_data.with_angle, move_data.backward_movement_allowed); } /* Next time, do not use slow. */ move_data.slow = 0; return r; } /** Update and go to first position, return non zero if a path is found, 1 for * linear move, 2 for angular move. */ static uint8_t move_path_init (void) { uint8_t found; vect_t dst; /* Get the current position */ position_t current_pos; asserv_get_position (¤t_pos); /* Give the current position of the bot to the path module */ path_endpoints (current_pos.v, move_data.final.v); /* Update the path module */ move_data.slow = 0; path_update (); found = path_get_next (&dst); /* If not found, try to escape. */ if (!found) { move_data.slow = 1; path_escape (8); path_update (); found = path_get_next (&dst); } /* If found, go. */ if (found) { return move_go_to_next (dst); } else { /* Error, not final move. */ move_data.final_move = 0; return 0; } } /** Go to next position in path. Returns 1 for linear move, 2 for angular * move. */ static uint8_t move_path_next (void) { vect_t dst; path_get_next (&dst); return move_go_to_next (dst); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_IDLE, move_start, path_found_rotate, MOVE_ROTATING, path_found, MOVE_MOVING, no_path_found, MOVE_IDLE) { uint8_t next = move_path_init (); if (next) { if (next == 2) return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_IDLE, move_start, path_found_rotate); else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_IDLE, move_start, path_found); } else { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_IDLE, move_start, no_path_found); } } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_ROTATING, robot_move_success, MOVE_MOVING) { move_go (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_ROTATING, robot_move_success); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_ROTATING, robot_move_failure, MOVE_MOVING) { move_go (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_ROTATING, robot_move_failure); } FSM_TRANS_TIMEOUT (MOVE_ROTATING, 1250, MOVE_MOVING) { move_go (); return FSM_NEXT_TIMEOUT (MOVE_ROTATING); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_ROTATING, move_stop, MOVE_IDLE) { asserv_stop_motor (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_ROTATING, move_stop); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_success, done, MOVE_IDLE, path_found_rotate, MOVE_ROTATING, path_found, MOVE_MOVING, no_path_found, MOVE_IDLE) { if (move_data.final_move) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_success)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_success, done); } else { uint8_t next = move_path_next (); if (next == 2) return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_success, path_found_rotate); else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_success, path_found); } //return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_success, no_path_found); } /** Test if a point is ok to move back. */ static uint8_t move_test_point (vect_t p, int16_t margin) { return p.x >= margin && p.x < PG_WIDTH - margin && p.y >= margin && p.y < PG_LENGTH - margin && !(p.y >= PG_TOTEM_Y - PG_TOTEM_WIDTH_MM / 2 - margin && p.y < PG_TOTEM_Y + PG_TOTEM_WIDTH_MM / 2 + margin && p.x >= PG_TOTEM_LEFT_X - PG_TOTEM_WIDTH_MM / 2 - margin && p.x < PG_TOTEM_RIGHT_X + PG_TOTEM_WIDTH_MM / 2 + margin); } static void move_moving_backward_to_turn_freely (void) { move_data.final_move = 0; int16_t dist, back_dist, margin; if (asserv_get_last_moving_direction () == DIRECTION_FORWARD) { dist = BOT_SIZE_FRONT + MOVE_REAL_OBSTACLE_RADIUS; back_dist = -300; margin = BOT_SIZE_BACK_RADIUS; } else { dist = -(BOT_SIZE_FRONT + MOVE_REAL_OBSTACLE_RADIUS); back_dist = 300; margin = BOT_SIZE_RADIUS; } /* Assume there is an obstacle in front of the robot. */ position_t robot_pos; asserv_get_position (&robot_pos); vect_t obstacle_pos; vect_from_polar_uf016 (&obstacle_pos, dist, robot_pos.a); vect_translate (&obstacle_pos, &robot_pos.v); path_obstacle (0, obstacle_pos, MOVE_OBSTACLE_RADIUS, 0, MOVE_OBSTACLE_VALIDITY); /* Move backward to turn freely. */ vect_t back_pos; vect_from_polar_uf016 (&back_pos, back_dist, robot_pos.a); vect_translate (&back_pos, &robot_pos.v); if (!move_test_point (back_pos, margin)) back_dist /= 8; asserv_move_linearly (back_dist); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_failure, MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY) { move_moving_backward_to_turn_freely (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, robot_move_failure); } FSM_TRANS_TIMEOUT (MOVE_MOVING, 2500, MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY) { move_moving_backward_to_turn_freely (); return FSM_NEXT_TIMEOUT (MOVE_MOVING); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING, obstacle_in_front, MOVE_BRAKE) { move_data.final_move = 0; asserv_stop_motor (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, obstacle_in_front); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_BRAKE, robot_move_success, tryagain, MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, tryout, MOVE_IDLE) { if (--move_data.try_again_counter == 0) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_BRAKE, robot_move_success, tryout); } else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_BRAKE, robot_move_success, tryagain); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_BRAKE, robot_move_failure, tryagain, MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, tryout, MOVE_IDLE) { if (--move_data.try_again_counter == 0) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_BRAKE, robot_move_failure, tryout); } else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_BRAKE, robot_move_failure, tryagain); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING, move_stop, MOVE_IDLE) { asserv_stop_motor (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING, move_stop); } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_success, tryout, MOVE_IDLE, path_found_rotate, MOVE_ROTATING, path_found, MOVE_MOVING, no_path_found, MOVE_IDLE) { if (--move_data.try_again_counter == 0) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_success, tryout); } else { uint8_t next = move_path_init (); if (next) { if (next == 2) return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_success, path_found_rotate); else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_success, path_found); } else { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_success, no_path_found); } } } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_failure, tryout, MOVE_IDLE, path_found_rotate, MOVE_ROTATING, path_found, MOVE_MOVING, no_path_found_tryagain, MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, no_path_found_tryout, MOVE_IDLE) { if (--move_data.try_again_counter == 0) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_failure, tryout); } else { uint8_t next = move_path_init (); if (next) { if (next == 2) return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_failure, path_found_rotate); else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_failure, path_found); } else { if (--move_data.try_again_counter == 0) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_failure, no_path_found_tryout); } else return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, robot_move_failure, no_path_found_tryagain); } } } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, move_stop, MOVE_IDLE) { asserv_stop_motor (); return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY, move_stop); } FSM_TRANS_TIMEOUT (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, 250, path_found_rotate, MOVE_ROTATING, path_found, MOVE_MOVING, no_path_found_tryagain, MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, no_path_found_tryout, MOVE_IDLE) { /* Try to move. */ uint8_t next = move_path_init (); if (next) { if (next == 2) return FSM_NEXT_TIMEOUT (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, path_found_rotate); else return FSM_NEXT_TIMEOUT (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, path_found); } else { /* Error, no new position, should we try again? */ if (--move_data.try_again_counter == 0) { fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, move_failure)); return FSM_NEXT_TIMEOUT (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, no_path_found_tryout); } else return FSM_NEXT_TIMEOUT (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, no_path_found_tryagain); } } FSM_TRANS (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, move_stop, MOVE_IDLE) { return FSM_NEXT (MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH, move_stop); }