/* main.c */ /* guybrush - Eurobot 2012 AI. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Nicolas Schodet * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "modules/utils/utils.h" #include "modules/uart/uart.h" #include "modules/proto/proto.h" #include "modules/devices/usdist/usdist.h" #include "timer.h" #include "chrono.h" #include "simu.host.h" #include "asserv.h" #include "mimot.h" #include "beacon.h" #include "twi_master.h" #include "contact.h" #include "output.h" #include "radar.h" #include "pressure.h" #define FSM_NAME AI #include "fsm.h" #ifdef HOST # include #endif #include "fsm_queue.h" #include "path.h" #include "move.h" #include "top.h" #include "bottom_clamp.h" #include "bot.h" #include "io.h" #ifndef HOST # include #endif /** Our color. */ enum team_color_e team_color; /** Obstacles positions, updated using radar module. */ vect_t main_obstacles_pos[2]; /** Number of obstacles in main_obstacles_pos. */ uint8_t main_obstacles_nb; /** Global demo mode flag. */ uint8_t main_demo; /** Global US distance sensor activation flag. Warning: US sensors can not be * deactivated once activated or you will get outdated values. */ uint8_t main_usdist; /** FSM debug mode. */ enum { /** Normal run mode. */ MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_RUN, /** Stop, do not handle any event. */ MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_STOP, /** Step one event then stop. */ MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_STEP, }; /** Current FSM debug mode. */ uint8_t main_fsm_debug_mode; /** Asserv stats counters. */ static uint8_t main_stats_asserv_, main_stats_asserv_cpt_; /** Contact stats counters. */ static uint8_t main_stats_contact_, main_stats_contact_cpt_; /** US sensors stats counters. */ static uint8_t main_stats_usdist_, main_stats_usdist_cpt_; /** Pressure stats counters. */ static uint8_t main_stats_pressure_, main_stats_pressure_cpt_; /** Clamp zero stats. */ static uint8_t main_stats_clamp_zero_; /** Clamp zero stats: last sensor value. */ static uint8_t main_stats_clamp_zero_last_io_; /** Clamp zero stats: last position. */ static uint16_t main_stats_clamp_zero_last_position_; /** Position to drop CD */ static int position_to_drop; /** Main initialisation. */ static void main_init (void) { #ifndef HOST /* Disable watchdog (enabled in bootloader). */ MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF); wdt_disable (); #endif /* Serial port */ uart0_init (); /* Enable interrupts */ sei (); /* Main timer */ timer_init (); timer_wait (); /* IO modules. */ contact_init (); output_init (); usdist_init (); /* Send some debug aid in case of TWI synchronisation failure. * If !Z is sent, but not !z, this means that a slave is missing or is not * functioning. */ proto_send0 ('Z'); /* TWI communications */ asserv_init (); mimot_init (); #if AC_AI_TWI_MASTER_BEACON beacon_init (); #endif twi_master_init (); /* AI modules. */ path_init (); /* Initialization done. */ proto_send0 ('z'); } /** Generate demo mode events. */ static uint8_t main_demo_events (void) { static uint8_t color_switch_last = 0xff; static uint8_t nb_robots_switch_last = 0xff; static uint8_t tree_step; static uint8_t sleep; /* Bounce detection. */ if (sleep) { sleep--; return 0; } /* Look at color switch to control totem picking code. */ if (color_switch_last == 0xff) color_switch_last = contact_get_color (); if (color_switch_last != contact_get_color ()) { color_switch_last = contact_get_color (); sleep = 125; switch (tree_step) { case 0: clamp_request (FSM_EVENT (AI, tree_detected)); break; case 1: clamp_request (FSM_EVENT (AI, empty_tree)); break; case 2: clamp_request (FSM_EVENT (AI, robot_is_back)); break; } tree_step = (tree_step + 1) % 3; return 1; } /* Look at nb robots switch to control unblocking. */ if (nb_robots_switch_last == 0xff) nb_robots_switch_last = IO_GET (CONTACT_NB_ROBOTS); if (nb_robots_switch_last != IO_GET (CONTACT_NB_ROBOTS)) { nb_robots_switch_last = IO_GET (CONTACT_NB_ROBOTS); sleep = 125; return FSM_HANDLE (AI, robot_is_back); } return 0; } /** Main events management. */ uint8_t main_event_to_fsm (void) { /* If an event is handled, stop generating any other event, because a * transition may have invalidated the current robot state. */ #define FSM_HANDLE_E(fsm, event) \ do { if (FSM_HANDLE (fsm, event)) return 1; } while (0) #define FSM_HANDLE_VAR_E(fsm, event) \ do { if (FSM_HANDLE_VAR (fsm, event)) return 1; } while (0) #define FSM_HANDLE_TIMEOUT_E(fsm) \ do { if (FSM_HANDLE_TIMEOUT (fsm)) return 1; } while (0) /* Update FSM timeouts. */ FSM_HANDLE_TIMEOUT_E (AI); /* Motor status. */ asserv_status_e robot_move_status, mimot_motor0_status, mimot_motor1_status; robot_move_status = asserv_move_cmd_status (); mimot_motor0_status = mimot_motor0_cmd_status (); mimot_motor1_status = mimot_motor1_cmd_status (); if (robot_move_status == success) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, robot_move_success); else if (robot_move_status == failure) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, robot_move_failure); if (mimot_motor0_status == success) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, lower_clamp_rotation_success); else if (mimot_motor0_status == failure) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, lower_clamp_rotation_failure); if ((IO_GET (CONTACT_LOWER_CLAMP_SENSOR_1) || IO_GET (CONTACT_LOWER_CLAMP_SENSOR_2)) && (!clamp_calm_mode_read())) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, coin_detected); if ((int16_t) (mimot_get_motor0_position() - position_to_drop) > 0) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, time_to_drop_coin); if (IO_GET(CONTACT_LOWER_CLAMP_ZERO)) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, 0_found); /* Jack. */ if (!contact_get_jack ()) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, jack_inserted); else FSM_HANDLE_E (AI, jack_removed); if (!IO_GET(CONTACT_UPPER_CLAMP_DOWN)) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI,upper_set_down); if (!IO_GET(CONTACT_UPPER_CLAMP_UP)) FSM_HANDLE_E (AI,upper_set_up); /* Demo mode. */ if (main_demo && main_demo_events ()) return 1; /* Events from the event queue. */ if (fsm_queue_poll ()) { /* We must post the event at the end of this block because if it is * handled, the function will return and every instruction after will * never be executed. */ uint8_t save_event = fsm_queue_pop_event (); /* Post the event */ FSM_HANDLE_VAR_E (AI, save_event); } /* Check obstables. */ if (move_check_obstacles ()) return 1; /* No event handled. */ return 0; } /** Main (and infinite) loop. */ static void main_loop (void) { while (1) { /* Wait until next cycle. */ timer_wait (); /* Update chrono. */ chrono_update (); /* Is match over? */ if (chrono_is_match_over ()) { /* Open everything. */ IO_SET (OUTPUT_UPPER_CLAMP_OPEN); IO_CLR (OUTPUT_LOWER_CLAMP_1_CLOSE); IO_CLR (OUTPUT_LOWER_CLAMP_2_CLOSE); IO_SET (OUTPUT_DOOR_OPEN); IO_CLR (OUTPUT_DOOR_CLOSE); /* Stop motors. */ mimot_motor_free (0, 0); mimot_motor_free (1, 0); /* End it and block here indefinitely. */ chrono_end_match (42); return; } /* Handle commands from UART. */ while (uart0_poll ()) proto_accept (uart0_getc ()); /* Update IO modules. */ contact_update (); if ((main_demo || main_usdist) && usdist_update ()) { position_t robot_pos; asserv_get_position (&robot_pos); main_obstacles_nb = radar_update (&robot_pos, main_obstacles_pos); move_obstacles_update (); simu_send_pos_report (main_obstacles_pos, main_obstacles_nb, 0); } pressure_update (); /* Update AI modules. */ top_update (); path_decay (); /* Only manage events if slaves are synchronised. */ if (twi_master_sync () && main_fsm_debug_mode != MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_STOP) { if (main_event_to_fsm () && main_fsm_debug_mode == MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_STEP) main_fsm_debug_mode = MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_STOP; } /* Send stats if requested. */ if (main_stats_asserv_ && !--main_stats_asserv_cpt_) { /* Get current position */ position_t cur_pos; asserv_get_position (&cur_pos); /* Send stats */ proto_send3w ('A', cur_pos.v.x, cur_pos.v.y, cur_pos.a); /* Reset stats counter */ main_stats_asserv_cpt_ = main_stats_asserv_; } if (main_stats_contact_ && !--main_stats_contact_cpt_) { proto_send1d ('P', contact_all () | (uint32_t) mimot_get_input () << 24); main_stats_contact_cpt_ = main_stats_contact_; } if (main_stats_usdist_ && !--main_stats_usdist_cpt_) { proto_send4w ('U', usdist_mm[0], usdist_mm[1], usdist_mm[2], usdist_mm[3]); main_stats_usdist_cpt_ = main_stats_usdist_; } if (main_stats_pressure_ && !--main_stats_pressure_cpt_) { proto_send1w ('F', pressure_get ()); main_stats_pressure_cpt_ = main_stats_pressure_; } if (main_stats_clamp_zero_ && IO_GET (CONTACT_LOWER_CLAMP_ZERO) != main_stats_clamp_zero_last_io_) { main_stats_clamp_zero_last_io_ = IO_GET (CONTACT_LOWER_CLAMP_ZERO); if (main_stats_clamp_zero_last_io_) { uint16_t new_pos = mimot_get_motor0_position (); proto_send1w ('Z', new_pos - main_stats_clamp_zero_last_position_); main_stats_clamp_zero_last_position_ = new_pos; } } } } /** Handle received commands. */ void proto_callback (uint8_t cmd, uint8_t size, uint8_t *args) { #define c(cmd, size) (cmd << 8 | size) switch (c (cmd, size)) { case c ('z', 0): /* Reset */ utils_reset (); break; case c ('j', 0): /* Simulate jack insertion. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, jack_inserted)); break; case c ('f', 0): /* Enter FSM debug mode, then step once. */ main_fsm_debug_mode = MAIN_FSM_DEBUG_STEP; break; case c ('t',0): /* Simulate tree detection. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, tree_detected)); break; case c ('s',0): /* Simulate stop tree approach. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, stop_tree_approach)); break; case c ('e',0): /* Simulate the empty tree command. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, empty_tree)); break; case c ('r',0): /* Simulate the robot_is_back command. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, robot_is_back)); break; case c ('c', 1): /* Simulate clean_start (00), clean_catch (01), clean_load (02). */ if (args[0] == 0) fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, clean_start)); else if (args[0] == 1) fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, clean_catch)); else fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, clean_load)); break; case c ('c',0): /* Simulate the coin detected command. */ fsm_queue_post_event (FSM_EVENT (AI, coin_detected)); break; case c ('m', 5): /* Go to position. * - 2w: x, y. * - 1b: backward. */ { vect_t position = { v8_to_v16 (args[0], args[1]), v8_to_v16 (args[2], args[3]) }; move_stop (); move_start_noangle (position, args[4], 0); } break; case c ('w', 0): /* Disable all motor control. */ mimot_reset(); break; case c ('o', 5): /* Set/clear/toggle outputs. * - 1d: mask. * - 1b: 01 to set, 00 to clear, 02 to toggle. */ { uint32_t mask = v8_to_v32 (args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); if (args[4] == 0) output_clear (mask); else if (args[4] == 1) output_set (mask); else if (args[4] == 2) output_toggle (mask); else { proto_send0 ('?'); return; } } break; case c ('f', 2): /* Set low pressure threshold. * 1w: sensor value, 1024 is full scale. */ pressure_set (v8_to_v16 (args[0], args[1])); break; /* Stats commands. * - b: interval between stats. */ case c ('A', 1): /* Position stats. */ main_stats_asserv_ = main_stats_asserv_cpt_ = args[0]; break; case c ('P', 1): /* Contact stats. */ main_stats_contact_ = main_stats_contact_cpt_ = args[0]; break; case c ('U', 1): /* US sensors stats. */ main_stats_usdist_ = main_stats_usdist_cpt_ = args[0]; break; case c ('F', 1): /* Pressure stats. */ main_stats_pressure_ = main_stats_pressure_cpt_ = args[0]; break; case c ('Z', 1): /* Clamp zero stat. */ main_stats_clamp_zero_ = args[0]; break; default: /* Unknown commands */ proto_send0 ('?'); return; } /* When no error, acknowledge commands */ proto_send (cmd, size, args); #undef c } void main_set_drop_coin_pos(int pos_to_drop) { position_to_drop = pos_to_drop; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef HOST /* Produce AVR's FSM headers. */ int i; if (argc > 1) for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp (argv[i], "--gen") == 0) { FSM_GENERATE (AVR, 0); FSM_GEN_DOT (AI); return 0; } #endif avr_init (argc, argv); main_init (); main_loop (); return 0; }