// io-hub - Modular Input/Output. {{{ // // Copyright (C) 2013 Nicolas Schodet // // APBTeam: // Web: http://apbteam.org/ // Email: team AT apbteam DOT org // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // }}} #include "top.hh" #include "robot.hh" #include "playground_2013.hh" #include "bot.hh" extern "C" { #define ANGFSM_NAME AI #include "angfsm.h" } #ifdef TARGET_host typedef unsigned Branch; #else typedef angfsm_AI_branch_t Branch; #endif #include /// Top context. struct top_t { /// Candles decision information. Strat::CandlesDecision candles; /// Last blown candles. int candles_last_blown[Candles::FLOOR_NB]; }; static top_t top; /// Compute the angle of the normal to the cake at the given point. static uint16_t top_cake_angle (const vect_t &pos) { float dx = pos.x - pg_cake_pos.x; float dy = pos.y - pg_cake_pos.y; float angle_rad = std::atan2 (dy, dx); uint16_t angle = angle_rad * ((1 << 16) / (2 * M_PI)); return angle; } /// Compute the angle of the normal to the cake at the robot position. static uint16_t top_cake_angle_robot () { Position pos = robot->asserv.get_position (); return top_cake_angle (pos.v); } int top_candle_for_angle (uint16_t a, Candles::Floor floor, int dir_sign) { /// Information for each floor. struct FloorInfo { /// Angle of the first candle, also include angle offset due /// to arm position. uint16_t first_angle; /// Index of the first candle. int first_index; /// Angle between candles. uint16_t inter_angle; }; static const FloorInfo floor_info[Candles::FLOOR_NB] = { #define NEAR_ARM_OFFSET_DEG 0 #define FAR_ARM_OFFSET_DEG 9 { G_ANGLE_UF016_DEG (180 + 180. / (12 * 2) - NEAR_ARM_OFFSET_DEG), 8, G_ANGLE_UF016_DEG (180. / 12) }, { G_ANGLE_UF016_DEG (180 + 180. / (8 * 2) - FAR_ARM_OFFSET_DEG), 0, G_ANGLE_UF016_DEG (180. / 8) }, }; // Compute for the forward direction. const FloorInfo &i = floor_info[floor]; int index = i.first_index + (a - i.first_angle) / i.inter_angle; // For backward, add 1. if (dir_sign == -1) index++; return index; } /// Start follow mode, ask Strat for what to do. static bool top_follow_start () { uint16_t robot_angle = top_cake_angle_robot (); bool go_candle = robot->strat.decision_candles (top.candles, robot_angle); if (go_candle) { for (int floor = Candles::NEAR; floor < Candles::FLOOR_NB; floor++) { top.candles_last_blown[floor] = top_candle_for_angle (robot_angle, Candles::Floor (floor), top.candles.dir_sign); } } return go_candle; } /// Can follow cake, decide if this is a good thing, or leave. static Branch top_follow_or_leave () { if (top_follow_start ()) { robot->asserv.follow (top.candles.dir_sign == 1 ? Asserv::FORWARD : Asserv::BACKWARD); return FSM_BRANCH (candles); } else { // TODO: take a smart decision to avoid collision. robot->asserv.stop (); return FSM_BRANCH (tangent); } } bool top_follow_blocking (int dir_sign) { Position robot_pos = robot->asserv.get_position (); uint16_t robot_angle = top_cake_angle (robot_pos.v); // Check for an obstacle on a small segment. vect_t dst; uint16_t dst_angle = robot_angle + dir_sign * G_ANGLE_UF016_DEG (30); vect_from_polar_uf016 (&dst, pg_cake_radius + pg_cake_distance + BOT_SIZE_SIDE, dst_angle); vect_translate (&dst, &pg_cake_pos); return robot->obstacles.blocking (robot_pos.v, dst, 200); } void top_update () { if (FSM_CAN_HANDLE (AI, top_follow_finished)) { // Update consign. int cons; const int k = 200; const int front_offset = 0x07fb; const int back_offset = 0x09af; if (top.candles.dir_sign == 1) cons = - robot->hardware.adc_cake_front.read () + front_offset; else cons = robot->hardware.adc_cake_back.read () - back_offset; robot->asserv.follow_update (cons * k / 1000); } } bool top_fsm_gen_event () { if (ANGFSM_CAN_HANDLE (AI, top_follow_finished)) { uint16_t robot_angle = top_cake_angle_robot (); int dir_sign = top.candles.dir_sign; // Check for movement end. if ((robot_angle - top.candles.end_angle) * dir_sign > 0) { if (ANGFSM_HANDLE (AI, top_follow_finished)) return true; } // Check for obstacle. if (top_follow_blocking (dir_sign)) if (ANGFSM_HANDLE (AI, top_follow_blocked)) return true; // Check for a candle to blow. for (int floor = Candles::NEAR; floor < Candles::FLOOR_NB; floor++) { int candle = top_candle_for_angle (robot_angle, Candles::Floor (floor), top.candles.dir_sign); if (candle != top.candles_last_blown[floor]) { robot->candles.blow (candle); top.candles_last_blown[floor] = candle; } } } return false; } ANGFSM_INIT ANGFSM_STATES ( // Initial state. TOP_START, // Init done, waiting for rount start. TOP_INIT, // Decision state, one stop, one cycle. TOP_DECISION, // Candles: go to cake, with a normal move. TOP_CANDLES_GOTO_NORMAL, // Candles: deploy arm. TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_DEPLOY, // Candles: turn to be in position to follow the cake. TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_TURN, // Candles: follow the cake curve until destination angle, blowing // candles on the way. TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW, // Candles: tangent move to escape from an obstacle. TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, // Candles: turn to leave, undeploy arm as soon as possible. TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, // Candles: go away so that the robot is free to turn. TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_GO_AWAY) ANGFSM_EVENTS ( // Cake following finished (end point reached). top_follow_finished, // Problem with cake following. top_follow_blocked) ANGFSM_START_WITH (TOP_START) FSM_TRANS (TOP_START, init_done, TOP_INIT) { // Color dependent init can go here. } FSM_TRANS (TOP_INIT, init_start_round, TOP_DECISION) { } FSM_TRANS_TIMEOUT (TOP_DECISION, 1, candles, TOP_CANDLES_GOTO_NORMAL, none, TOP_INIT) { vect_t d_pos; Strat::Decision d = robot->strat.decision (d_pos); switch (d) { case Strat::CANDLES: robot->move.start (d_pos, Asserv::BACKWARD, pg_cake_radius + pg_cake_distance + BOT_SIZE_SIDE); return FSM_BRANCH (candles); default: ucoo::assert_unreachable (); } } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_GOTO_NORMAL, move_success, TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_DEPLOY) { ANGFSM_HANDLE (AI, ai_candle_deploy); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_GOTO_NORMAL, move_failure, TOP_DECISION) { robot->strat.failure (); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_DEPLOY, ai_candle_success, TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_TURN) { robot->asserv.goto_angle (top_cake_angle_robot () + G_ANGLE_UF016_DEG (90)); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_DEPLOY, ai_candle_failure, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_GO_AWAY) { robot->asserv.move_distance (BOT_SIZE_RADIUS - BOT_SIZE_SIDE); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_TURN, robot_move_success, tangent, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, turn, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, candles, TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW) { return top_follow_or_leave (); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_ENTER_TURN, robot_move_failure, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN) { robot->asserv.goto_angle (top_cake_angle_robot ()); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW, top_follow_finished, tangent, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, turn, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, candles, TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW) { return top_follow_or_leave (); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW, top_follow_blocked, tangent, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, turn, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, candles, TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW) { return top_follow_or_leave (); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW, robot_move_failure, tangent, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, turn, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, candles, TOP_CANDLES_FOLLOW) { return top_follow_or_leave (); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, robot_move_success, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN) { robot->asserv.goto_angle (top_cake_angle_robot ()); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TANGENT_MOVE, robot_move_failure, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN) { robot->asserv.goto_angle (top_cake_angle_robot ()); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, robot_move_success, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_GO_AWAY) { // TODO: undeploy earlier, by computing arm end position. ANGFSM_HANDLE (AI, ai_candle_undeploy); robot->asserv.move_distance (BOT_SIZE_RADIUS - BOT_SIZE_SIDE); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_TURN, robot_move_failure, TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_GO_AWAY) { ANGFSM_HANDLE (AI, ai_candle_undeploy); robot->asserv.move_distance (BOT_SIZE_RADIUS - BOT_SIZE_SIDE); } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_GO_AWAY, robot_move_success, TOP_DECISION) { } FSM_TRANS (TOP_CANDLES_LEAVE_GO_AWAY, robot_move_failure, TOP_DECISION) { }