=============================== How to use the development card =============================== :Author: djerem Introduction ============ The development card is use to power, program and communicate with others card. It has two working modes: program it is used to program the AVR on the card link to it; serial it is used to communicate with the AVR on the card link to it. How to use it? ============== Pre-requires ------------ You need to install: * avrdude (at least version 5.5); * usbprog. The voodoo ceremonial --------------------- As ``usbprog`` is quite buggy (no error checks), here is the best working procedures we have found: #. power up the development card using the external power; #. power up your card using the power provided by the development card; #. plug the USB cable to your computer. You should see ``atmel`` in the output of ``sudo lsusb``; #. plug the dev cable to the card you want to program. #. use ``avrdude`` to program your card, with something like: ``avrdude -p m128 -c avrispv2 -P usb -U flash:w:your_program.hex`` If it does not work, just remove the serial and USB cable and try again the procedure. #. remove the serial cable from the card. #. remove the USB cable from your computer and plug it back in. #. launch ``usbprog`` to put the development card in serial mode: ``sudo usbprog device 0 upload blinkdemo devices``. It should failed with something like *Unable to find update device (2).* but that's normal. You should see in the kernel message something like: *cdc_acm 2-2:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device*. #. plug the dev cable. #. launch ``minicom`` in */dev/ttyACM0 8N1* mode.