
to show that the column and row are being connected: Column 0 being scanned Column 1 being scanned x x col0 col1 col0 col1 | | | | x row0 ---(-+-0)---(key1) row0 ---(-+-0)---(key1) | | | | row1 ---(key2)---(key3) row1 ---(key2)---(key3) We can now see that `row0` has an `x`, so has the value of 1. As a whole, the data the firmware receives when `key0` is pressed is col0: 0b01 col1: 0b00 │└row0 └row1 A problem arises when you start pressing more than one key at a time. Looking at our matrix again, it should become pretty obvious: Column 0 being scanned Column 1 being scanned x x col0 col1 col0 col1 | | | | x row0 ---(-+-0)---(-+-1) x row0 ---(-+-0)---(-+-1) | | | | x row1 ---(key2)---(-+-3) x row1 ---(key2)---(-+-3) Remember that this ^ is still connected to row1 The data we get from that is: col0: 0b11 col1: 0b11 │└row0 └row1 Which isn't accurate, since we only have 3 keys pressed down, not all 4. This behavior is called ghosting, and only happens in odd scenarios like this, but can be much more common on a bigger keyboard. The way we can get around this is by placing a diode after the keyswitch, but before it connects to its row. A diode only allows current to pass through one way, which will protect our other columns/rows from being activated in the previous example. We'll represent a dioded matrix like this; Column 0 being scanned Column 1 being scanned x x col0 col1 col0 col1 │ │ | │ (key0) (key1) (key0) (key1) ! │ ! │ ! | ! │ row0 ─────┴────────┘ │ row0 ─────┴────────┘ │ │ │ | │ (key2) (key3) (key2) (key3) ! ! ! ! row1 ─────┴────────┘ row1 ─────┴────────┘ In practical applications, the black line of the diode will be placed facing the row, and away from the keyswitch - the `!` in this case is the diode, where the gap represents the black line. A good way to remember this is to think of this symbol: `>|` Now when we press the three keys, invoking what would be a ghosting scenario: Column 0 being scanned Column 1 being scanned x x col0 col1 col0 col1 │ │ │ │ (┌─┤0) (┌─┤1) (┌─┤0) (┌─┤1) ! │ ! │ ! │ ! │ x row0 ─────┴────────┘ │ x row0 ─────┴────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ (key2) (┌─┘3) (key2) (┌─┘3) ! ! ! ! row1 ─────┴────────┘ x row1 ─────┴────────┘ Things act as they should! Which will get us the following data: col0: 0b01 col1: 0b11 │└row0 └row1 The firmware can then use this correct data to detect what it should do, and eventually, what signals it needs to send to the OS. # The actual hand-wiring ## Getting things in place When starting this, you should have all of your stabilisers and keyswitches already installed (and optionally keycaps). If you're using a Cherry-type stabiliser (plate-mounted only, obviously), you'll need to install that before your keyswitches. If you're using Costar ones, you can installed them afterwards. To make things easier on yourself, make sure all of the keyswitches are oriented the same way (if they can be - not all layouts support this). Despite this, it's important to remember that the contacts on the keyswitches are completely symmetrical. We'll be using the keyswitch's left side contact for wiring the rows, and the right side one for wiring the columns. Get your soldering iron heated-up and collect the rest of the materials from the part list at the beginning of the guide. Place your keyboard so that the bottoms of the keyswitches are accessible - it may be a good idea to place it on a cloth to protect your keyswitches/keycaps. Before continuing, plan out where you're going to place your Teensy. If you're working with a board that has a large (6.25u) spacebar, it may be a good idea to place it in-between switches against the plate. Otherwise, you may want to trim some of the leads on the keyswitches where you plan on putting it - this will make it a little harder to solder the wire/diodes, but give you more room to place the Teensy. ## Preparing the diodes It's a little easier to solder the diodes in place if you bend them at a 90º angle immediately after the black line - this will help to make sure you put them on the right way (direction matters), and in the correct position. The diodes will look like this when bent (with longer leads): ``` ┌─────┬─┐ ───┤ │ ├─┐ └─────┴─┘ │ │ ``` We'll be using the long lead at the bent end to connect it to the elbow (bent part) of the next diode, creating the row. ## Soldering the diodes Starting at the top-left switch, place the diode (with tweezers if you have them) on the switch so that the diode itself is vertically aligned, and the black line is facing toward you. The straight end of the diode should be touching the left contact on the switch, and the bent end should be facing to the right and resting on the switch there, like this: ``` │o ┌┴┐ o │ │ O ├─┤ └┬┘ └───────────── ``` Letting the diode rest, grab your solder, and touch both it and the soldering iron to the left contact at the same time - the rosin in the solder should make it easy for the solder to flow over both the diode and the keyswitch contact. The diode may move a little, and if it does, carefully position it back it place by grabbing the bent end of the diode - the other end will become hot very quickly. If you find that it's moving too much, using needle-nose pliers of some sort may help to keep the diode still when soldering. The smoke that the rosin releases is harmful, so be careful not to breath it or get it in your eyes/face. After soldering things in place, it may be helpful to blow on the joint to push the smoke away from your face, and cool the solder quicker. You should see the solder develop a matte (not shiney) surface as it solidifies. Keep in mind that it will still be very hot afterwards, and will take a couple minutes to be cool to touch. Blow on it will accelerate this process. When the first diode is complete, the next one will need to be soldered to both the keyswitch, and the previous diode at the new elbow. That will look something like this: ``` │o │o ┌┴┐ o ┌┴┐ o │ │ O │ │ O ├─┤ ├─┤ └┬┘ └┬┘ └────────────────┴───────────── ``` After completing a row, use the wire cutters to trim the excess wire from the tops of the diodes, and from the right side on the final switch. This process will need to completed for each row you have. When all of the diodes are completely soldered, it's a good idea to quickly inspect each one to ensure that your solder joints are solid and sturdy - repairing things after this is possible, but more difficult. ## Soldering the columns You'll have some options in the next process - it's a good idea to insulate the column wires (since the diodes aren't), but if you're careful enough, you can use exposed wires for the columns - it's not recommended, though. If you're using single-cored wire, stripping the plastic off of the whole wire and feeding it back on is probably the best option, but can be difficult depending on the size and materials. You'll want to leave parts of the wire exposed where you're going to be solder it onto the keyswitch. If you're using stranded wire, it's probably easiest to just use a lot of small wires to connect each keyswitch along the column. It's possible to use one and melt through the insulation, but this isn't recommended, will produce even more harmful fumes, and can ruin your soldering iron. Before beginning to solder, it helps to have your wire pre-bent (if using single-cored), or at least have an idea of how you're going to route the column (especially if you're making a staggered board). Where you go in particular doesn't matter too much, as we'll be basing our keymap definitions on how it was wired - just make sure every key in a particular row is in a unique column, and that they're in order from left to right. If you're not using any insulation, you can try to keep the column wires e