/* output_pwm_ocr.c */ /* motor - Motor control module. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolas Schodet * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "output_pwm_ocr.h" #include "preproc.h" #include "io.h" /** Mask of used timer. */ #define TIMERS_MASK \ (0 PREPROC_FOR (TIMERS_MASK_, AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_LIST)) #define TIMERS_MASK_(output) TIMERS_MASK__ output #define TIMERS_MASK__(timer, args...) | _BV (timer) /** Test for compatible AVR. */ #if defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) # define SUPPORTED_TIMERS 1 # define SUPPORTED_TIMERS_MASK 0b0010 #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega64__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega128__) \ || defined (__AVR_AT90USB646__) \ || defined (__AVR_AT90USB647__) \ || defined (__AVR_AT90USB1286__) \ || defined (__AVR_AT90USB1287__) # define SUPPORTED_TIMERS 1, 3 # define SUPPORTED_TIMERS_MASK 0b1010 #else # error "motor/output/pwm_ocr: not tested on this chip" #endif #if (TIMERS_MASK & ~(SUPPORTED_TIMERS_MASK)) # error "motor/output/pwm_ocr: unsupported configuration" #endif /** Define timer test macros. */ #if TIMERS_MASK & _BV (1) # define IF_TIMER_1(x) x #else # define IF_TIMER_1(x) #endif #if TIMERS_MASK & _BV (3) # define IF_TIMER_3(x) x #else # define IF_TIMER_3(x) #endif #define IF_TIMER(timer, x) PREPROC_PASTE (IF_TIMER_, timer) (x) /** Output information. */ struct output_pwm_ocr_t { /** Associated output state. */ struct output_t *output; }; typedef struct output_pwm_ocr_t output_pwm_ocr_t; /** Global output information. */ output_pwm_ocr_t output_pwm_ocr[PREPROC_NARG (AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_LIST)]; /** Initialize hardware, to be done once. */ static void output_pwm_ocr_init_hardware (void) { static uint8_t inited; if (!inited) { /* Declare a variable for each used timer to receive compare output * mode bits. */ #define DECLARE_TIMER(timer) \ IF_TIMER (timer, uint8_t PREPROC_PASTE (timer_com_, timer) = 0;) PREPROC_FOR (DECLARE_TIMER, SUPPORTED_TIMERS); #undef DECLARE_TIMER /* Configure each output, set compare output mode variables. */ #define CONFIGURE_OUTPUT(output) CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_ output #define CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_(args...) PREPROC_NARG_CALL (CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_, args) #define CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_7(timer, ocr, mode, pwm_io_port, pwm_io_bit, \ dir_io_port, dir_io_bit) \ PREPROC_PASTE (timer_com_, timer) |= (mode) \ << PREPROC_PASTE (COM, timer, ocr, 0); \ IO_OUTPUT_ (pwm_io_port, pwm_io_bit); \ IO_OUTPUT_ (dir_io_port, dir_io_bit); #define CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_9(timer, ocr, mode, pwm_io_port, pwm_io_bit, \ dir_io_port, dir_io_bit, \ brake_io_port, brake_io_bit) \ CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_7 (timer, ocr, mode, pwm_io_port, pwm_io_bit, \ dir_io_port, dir_io_bit) \ IO_OUTPUT_ (brake_io_port, brake_io_bit); PREPROC_FOR (CONFIGURE_OUTPUT, AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_LIST); #undef CONFIGURE_OUTPUT #undef CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_ #undef CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_7 #undef CONFIGURE_OUTPUT_9 /* Initialise used timers. */ #define WGM_BIT(timer, bit) \ ((PREPROC_PASTE (AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_WGM_, timer) & _BV (bit)) \ ? _BV (PREPROC_PASTE (WGM, timer, bit)) : 0) #define INIT_TIMER(timer) IF_TIMER (timer, INIT_TIMER_ (timer)) #define INIT_TIMER_(timer) \ PREPROC_PASTE (TCCR, timer, A) = \ WGM_BIT (timer, 0) | WGM_BIT (timer, 1) \ | PREPROC_PASTE (timer_com_, timer); \ PREPROC_PASTE (TCCR, timer, B) = \ WGM_BIT (timer, 2) | WGM_BIT (timer, 3) \ | PREPROC_PASTE (AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_CS_, timer); \ PREPROC_FOR (INIT_TIMER, SUPPORTED_TIMERS); #undef WGM_BIT #undef INIT_TIMER #undef INIT_TIMER_ /* Done. */ inited = 1; } } void output_pwm_ocr_init (uint8_t index, output_t *output) { /* Need initialized hardware. */ output_pwm_ocr_init_hardware (); /* Keep output structure for future usage. */ output_pwm_ocr[index].output = output; /* Reduce maximum output if needed. */ if (output->max > OUTPUT_MAX - AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_OFFSET) output->max = OUTPUT_MAX - AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_OFFSET; } /** Update a single output. */ static inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__)) void output_pwm_ocr_update_output (uint8_t index, volatile uint16_t *ocr, volatile uint8_t *dir_io_port, uint8_t dir_io_bit, volatile uint8_t *brake_io_port, uint8_t brake_io_bit) { /* Here, there could be a problem because OCRx are double buffered, not * PORTx! * Another problem arise if the OCR sampling is done between left and * right OCR: the right PWM is one cycle late. * A solution could be to use interrupts to update PWM or to synchronise * general timer with PWM. */ int16_t value = output_pwm_ocr[index].output->cur; if (value == 0) { *ocr = 0; } else { /* Brake is engaged on first non null value. */ output_pwm_ocr[index].output->brake = 1; /* Convert signed value to sign and absolute value. */ if (value < 0) { *dir_io_port &= ~_BV (dir_io_bit); *ocr = -value + AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_OFFSET; } else { *dir_io_port |= _BV (dir_io_bit); *ocr = value + AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_OFFSET; } } /* Update brake. */ if (brake_io_port) { if (output_pwm_ocr[index].output->brake) *brake_io_port |= _BV (brake_io_bit); else *brake_io_port &= ~_BV (brake_io_bit); } } void output_pwm_ocr_update (void) { /* Update each output, code will be optimized by compiler. */ #define UPDATE_OUTPUT(index, output) \ output_pwm_ocr_update_output (index, UPDATE_OUTPUT_ output); #define UPDATE_OUTPUT_(timer, ocr, mode, pwm_io_port, pwm_io_bit, \ dir_io_port, dir_io_bit, args...) \ &PREPROC_PASTE (OCR, timer, ocr), &IO_PORT_ (dir_io_port, dir_io_bit), \ dir_io_bit, PREPROC_NARG_CALL (UPDATE_OUTPUT_BRAKE_, args) #define UPDATE_OUTPUT_BRAKE_0() 0, 0 #define UPDATE_OUTPUT_BRAKE_2(brake_io_port, brake_io_bit) \ &IO_PORT_ (brake_io_port, brake_io_bit), brake_io_bit PREPROC_FOR_ENUM (UPDATE_OUTPUT, AC_OUTPUT_PWM_OCR_LIST) #undef UPDATE_OUTPUT #undef UPDATE_OUTPUT_ #undef UPDATE_OUTPUT_BRAKE_0 #undef UPDATE_OUTPUT_BRAKE_2 }