From 22abd06132445a55a1a0266897920f26634825c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Florent Duchon Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:38:10 +0100 Subject: digital/beacon: remove obsolete bitcloud stack --- .../Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Configuration | 103 -- .../src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makefile | 103 -- .../src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makerules | 807 --------------- .../src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/Makefile | 274 ----- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/gpio.h | 147 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAdc.h | 68 -- .../avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAppClock.h | 101 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAssert.h | 108 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAtomic.h | 57 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halClkCtrl.h | 70 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDbg.h | 95 -- .../avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDiagnostic.h | 51 - .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halEeprom.h | 87 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halFCPU.h | 36 - .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInit.h | 31 - .../avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInterrupt.h | 36 - .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halIrq.h | 99 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halPwm.h | 199 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleep.h | 73 -- .../atmega1281/common/include/halSleepTimerClock.h | 146 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSpi.h | 180 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halUsart.h | 327 ------ .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halW1.h | 93 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halWdt.h | 53 - .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/i2c.h | 185 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/macros.m90 | 152 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/calibration.c | 141 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/cstartup.s90 | 250 ----- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAdc.c | 163 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAppClock.c | 124 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s | 79 -- .../avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s90 | 80 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halClkCtrl.c | 122 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halEeprom.c | 66 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halInit.c | 71 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halIrq.c | 119 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halPwm.c | 161 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleep.c | 297 ------ .../avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleepTimerClock.c | 304 ------ .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSpi.c | 142 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halUsart.c | 190 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s | 210 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s90 | 211 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halWdtInit.c | 175 ---- .../Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/i2c.c | 90 -- .../Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/wdt.c | 79 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halMacIsr.h | 77 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfCtrl.h | 127 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfPio.h | 43 - .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfSpi.h | 80 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halMacIsr.c | 152 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfCtrl.c | 214 ---- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfSpi.c | 90 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halUid.c | 87 -- .../avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halMacIsr.h | 77 -- .../avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfCtrl.h | 142 --- .../avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfPio.h | 41 - .../avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfSpi.h | 79 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halMacIsr.c | 152 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfCtrl.c | 257 ----- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfSpi.c | 90 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halUid.c | 87 -- .../avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halAtmelUid.h | 68 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halMacIsr.h | 77 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfCtrl.h | 142 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfPio.h | 41 - .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfSpi.h | 79 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halAtmelUid.c | 248 ----- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halMacIsr.c | 152 --- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfCtrl.c | 281 ------ .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfSpi.c | 87 -- .../HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halUid.c | 72 -- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/adc.c | 133 --- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/appTimer.c | 169 ---- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/eeprom.c | 156 --- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/halTaskManager.c | 305 ------ .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/i2cPacket.c | 371 ------- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/irq.c | 143 --- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/pwm.c | 165 --- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/resetReason.c | 59 -- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleep.c | 79 -- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleepTimer.c | 126 --- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/spi.c | 602 ----------- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/timer.c | 114 --- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usart.c | 1061 -------------------- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usb.c | 435 -------- .../Components/HAL/avr/common/src/w1.c | 382 ------- .../HAL/drivers/ISD/src/isdImageStorage.c | 626 ------------ .../Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/Makefile | 107 -- .../HAL/drivers/OFD/include/ofdMemoryDriver.h | 310 ------ .../Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt25Driver.c | 742 -------------- .../HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt45dbDriver.c | 758 -------------- .../Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCommand.c | 243 ----- .../Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCrcService.c | 66 -- .../Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdFakeDriver.c | 218 ---- .../HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s | 40 - .../HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s90 | 40 - .../HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdSpiSerializer.c | 91 -- .../drivers/USBClasses/DFU/include/dfuProtocol.h | 81 -- .../HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/src/dfuProtocol.c | 135 --- 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digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpCdcProtocol.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpVirtualUsart.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbDescriptors.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbEnumeration.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbSetupProcess.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbDescriptors.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbEnumeration.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbSetupProcess.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/include/usbFifoVirtualUsart.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoFT245RL.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoVirtualUsart.c delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/isdImageStorage.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/massStorageDevice.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/ofdExtMemory.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/usbFifoUsart.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/vcpVirtualUsart.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/adc.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/appTimer.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/atomic.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/bcTimer.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/calibration.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/dbgu.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/eeprom.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halInit.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halTaskManager.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/hsmci.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/i2cPacket.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/irq.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/pwm.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/reducePower.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/resetReason.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleep.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleepTimer.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/spi.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uart.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uid.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usart.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usb.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/w1.h delete mode 100644 digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/wdtCtrl.h (limited to 'digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL') diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Configuration b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Configuration deleted file mode 100644 index 699bc97c..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Configuration +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# \file Configuration -# -# \brief Declares build options for the HAL. -# -# \author -# Atmel Corporation: \n -# Support email: -# -# Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). -# -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Build configuration: -# For "DEBUG" configuration system asserts, logging and debug info are switched on. -# For "RELEASE" configuration system asserts, logging and debug info are switched off. -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -BUILD_CONFIGURATION = RELEASE -#BUILD_CONFIGURATION = DEBUG - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Build configuration: -# If QUIET is TRUE then short build message format is used, otherwise - normal. -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -QUIET = TRUE -#QUIET = FALSE - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Compiler type: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -COMPILER_TYPE = GCC -#COMPILER_TYPE = IAR - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Platforms selection: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -PLATFORM = PLATFORM_ZIGBIT -#PLATFORM = PLATFORM_RCB - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# ZIGBIT platform specific options: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) - # Microcontroller's type declaration. The following variants are possible: - HAL = ATMEGA1281 - - # Controller reference frequency. - #HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_4MHz - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_8MHz - - # Device to read UID from: TinyA13 MCU or DS2411. - #HAL_TINY_UID = TRUE - HAL_TINY_UID = FALSE - - # Defines whether HAL controls amplifier or not. - #HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER = FALSE - HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER = TRUE - -endif # PLATFORM_ZIGBIT - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# PLATFORM_RCB platform specific options: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RCB) - # Platform revisions - #PLATFORM_REV = RCB230_V31 - #PLATFORM_REV = RCB230_V32 - PLATFORM_REV = RCB230_V331 - #PLATFORM_REV = RCB231_V402 - #PLATFORM_REV = RCB231_V411 - #PLATFORM_REV = RCB212_V532 - - # Controller reference frequency. - #HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_4MHz - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_8MHz -endif # PLATFORM_RCB - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# OS selection. Parameters is only for ARM: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -OS = NONE_OS -#OS = FREE_RTOS - -# Gives a possibility to enable USART error callbacks. -HAL_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT = FALSE -#HAL_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT = TRUE - -#RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR -HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR = TRUE -#HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR = FALSE - -#Selected automatically to FALSE for ZIGBIT platform. -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) - HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR = FALSE -endif # PLATFORM_ZIGBIT - -# Antenna diversity feature -HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY = FALSE -#HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY = TRUE - -# eof Configuration diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makefile b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 0207ac35..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Paths. -HAL_PATH = . - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Includes. -include $(HAL_PATH)/Makerules - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - TARGET=AVR -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA2561) - TARGET=AVR -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - TARGET=AVR -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - TARGET=AVR -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - TARGET=AVR -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA128A1) - TARGET=XMEGA -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256A3) - TARGET=XMEGA -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256D3) - TARGET=XMEGA -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM7X256) - TARGET=ARM7 -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM3S4C) - TARGET=CORTEX -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), AT32UC3A0512) - TARGET=AVR32 -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), SIMULATOR) - TARGET=SIMULATOR -endif - -ifeq ($(TARGET), AVR) -all: - make all -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/avr - -clean: - make clean -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/avr -endif - -ifeq ($(TARGET), XMEGA) -all: - make all -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/xmega - -clean: - make clean -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/xmega -endif - -ifeq ($(TARGET), ARM7) -all: - make all -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/arm7tdmi - -clean: - make clean -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/arm7tdmi -endif - -ifeq ($(TARGET), CORTEX) -all: - make all -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/cortexm3 - -clean: - make clean -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/cortexm3 -endif - -ifeq ($(TARGET), AVR32) -all: - make all -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/avr32 - -clean: - make clean -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/avr32 -endif - -ifeq ($(TARGET), SIMULATOR) -all: - make all -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/simulator - -clean: - make clean -C $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/simulator -endif diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makerules b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makerules deleted file mode 100644 index 8f133d44..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/Makerules +++ /dev/null @@ -1,807 +0,0 @@ -COMPONENTS_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/.. -STACK_PATH = $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/.. -STACK_LIB_PATH = $(STACK_PATH)/lib -LIST_PATH = ./list - -include $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/HAL/Configuration - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Platform specific compiler flags definition and settins checking: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifndef PLATFORM - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(PLATFORM) Unknown type of platform) -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) ######### ZigBit platform ##### - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_8MHz HAL_4MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA1281 ATMEGA2561)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL) Unknown type of HAL for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - # For platform with 32.768 kHz only. - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER -endif # ZIGBIT - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RAVEN) ######### Raven platform ##### - # Checking parameters which were set by user. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_8MHz HAL_4MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - # Setting platform parameters which can not be changed by user. - HAL = ATMEGA1284 - # For platform with 32.768 kHz only. - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER -endif # RAVEN - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ATML_USB_DONGLE) ######### ATML_USB_DONGLE platform ##### - # Setting platform parameters which can not be changed by user. - HAL = AT90USB1287 - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_8MHz -endif # ATML_USB_DONGLE - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_STK600) ####### ATML_STK600 platform #### - RF_EXTENDER = REB231 - - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATXMEGA128A1 ATXMEGA256A3 ATXMEGA256D3)) - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE), CRYSTAL_16MHz RC_INTERNAL_32MHz RC_INTERNAL_2MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of clock source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_ULP RC_32K CRYSTAL_32K)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of asynchronous clock source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # Set asynchronous clock as system time for platform with 32.768 kHz (RC or crystal). - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_32K CRYSTAL_32K)) - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_4MHz HAL_8MHz HAL_12MHz HAL_16MHz HAL_32MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - else ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1 ATMEGA256RFR2)) - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_16MHz HAL_8MHz HAL_4MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # For platform with 32.768 kHz only. - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER - - else - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL) Unknown type of HAL for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif -endif # PLATFORM_STK600 - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_STK500_RF2XX) ####### ATML_STK500 + RF2XX radio platform #### - # Checking parameters. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_8MHz HAL_4MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(RF_EXTENDER), REB230 REB231 REB212)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(RF_EXTENDER) Unknown type of the radio extension board for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA1281 ATMEGA2561)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL) Unknown type of HAL for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # For platform with 32.768 kHz only. - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER -endif # PLATFORM_STK500_RF2XX - - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_TURBO) #### ZIGBIT_TURBO platform #### - # Setting platform parameters which can not be changed by user. - HAL = AT91SAM7X256 - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_48MHz - - # Checking parameters which were set by user. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE), CRYSTAL_18d432MHz RF)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown clock HAL source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif -endif # PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_TURBO - - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_LAN) ###### ZIGBIT_LAN platform #### - # Setting platform parameters which can not be changed by user. - HAL = AT91SAM7X256 - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_48MHz - - # Checking parameters which were set by user. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE), CRYSTAL_18d432MHz RF)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown clock HAL source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif -endif # PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_LAN - - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM7X_EK_RF2XX) ##### PLATFORM_SAM7X_EK_RF2XX platform #### - HAL = AT91SAM7X256 - HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE = CRYSTAL_18d432MHz - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_48MHz -endif # PLATFORM_SAM7X_EK_RF2XX - - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_1) ########### PLATFORM_CUSTOM_1 platform #### - HAL = AT91SAM7X256 - HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE = CRYSTAL_8MHz - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_48MHz -endif # PLATFORM_CUSTOM_1 - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_2) #### PLATFORM_CUSTOM_2 platform #### - HAL = AT91SAM7X256 - HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE = CRYSTAL_8MHz - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_48MHz -endif # PLATFORM_CUSTOM_2 - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RF231USBRD) ##### PLATFORM_RF231USBRD platform #### - HAL = AT91SAM3S4C - HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE = CRYSTAL_18d432MHz - HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE = RC_ASYNC - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_64MHz -endif # PLATFORM_RF231USBRD - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM3S_EK_RF2XX) ##### PLATFORM_SAM3S_EK_RF2XX platform #### - HAL = AT91SAM3S4C - # For platform with 32.768 kHz only. - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER -endif # PLATFORM_SAM3S_EK_RF2XX - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM3S_PIRRD) ##### PLATFORM_SAM3S_PIRRD platform #### - HAL = AT91SAM3S4C -endif # PLATFORM_SAM3S_PIRRD - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_3) - # AT91SAM3S4B in fact, but changes are negligible - HAL = AT91SAM3S4C - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_64MHz - HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE = CRYSTAL_16MHz - HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE = RC_ASYNC -endif # PLATFORM_CUSTOM_3 - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RCB) ######### RCB platform ##### - ifeq (, $(findstring $(PLATFORM_REV), RCB_ATMEGA128RFA1 RCB_ATMEGA256RFR2 RCB230_V31 RCB230_V32 RCB230_V331 RCB231_V402 RCB231_V411 RCB212_V532)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(PLATFORM_REV) Unknown platform revision for PLATFORM_RCB) - endif - - ifeq ($(PLATFORM_REV), RCB_ATMEGA128RFA1) - HAL = ATMEGA128RFA1 - else ifeq ($(PLATFORM_REV), RCB_ATMEGA256RFR2) - HAL = ATMEGA256RFR2 - else - HAL = ATMEGA1281 - endif # PLATFORM_REV - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_16MHz HAL_8MHz HAL_4MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # For platform with 32.768 kHz only. - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER -endif # PLATFORM_RCB - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_AVR32_EVK1105) ##### PLATFORM_AVR32_EVK1105 platform #### - HAL = AT32UC3A0512 - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_48MHz -endif # PLATFORM_AVR32_EVK1105 - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_XPLAIN) ####### XPLAIN platform #### - HAL = ATXMEGA128A1 - - # Checking parameters. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE), CRYSTAL_16MHz RC_INTERNAL_32MHz RC_INTERNAL_2MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of clock source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # Checking parameters. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_ULP RC_32K CRYSTAL_32K)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of asynchronous clock source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # Set asynchronous clock as system time for platform with 32.768 kHz (RC or crystal). - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_32K CRYSTAL_32K)) - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_4MHz HAL_8MHz HAL_12MHz HAL_16MHz HAL_32MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif -endif # PLATFORM_XPLAIN - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_REB_CBB) ####### REB CBB platform #### - HAL = ATXMEGA256A3 - - # Checking parameters. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(RF_EXTENDER), REB230 REB231 REB212)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of the radio extension board for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # Checking parameters. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_INTERNAL_32MHz RC_INTERNAL_2MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of clock source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # Checking parameters. - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_ULP RC_32K CRYSTAL_32K)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE) Unknown type of asynchronous clock source for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif - - # Set asynchronous clock as system time for platform with 32.768 kHz (RC or crystal). - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE), RC_32K CRYSTAL_32K)) - SYSTEM_TIME_ON = SLEEP_TIMER - endif - - ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_4MHz HAL_8MHz HAL_12MHz HAL_16MHz HAL_32MHz)) - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(HAL_FREQUENCY) Unknown type of HAL frequency for $(PLATFORM) platform) - endif -endif # PLATFORM_REB_CBB - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SIMULATOR) ######### Simulator platform ##### - HAL = SIMULATOR - HAL_FREQUENCY = HAL_0MHz -endif # PLATFORM_SIMULATOR - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# CPU selection: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atmega1281 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = m1281 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA2561) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atmega2561 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = m2561 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atmega1284p - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = m1284p - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = at90usb1287 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = m1287 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA128A1) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atxmega128a1 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = xm128a1 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256A3) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atxmega256a3 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = xm256a3 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256D3) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atxmega256d3 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = xm256d3 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM7X256) - CPU = arm7tdmi -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM3S4C) - CPU = cortex-m3 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atmega128rfa1 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = m128rfa1 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA256RFR2) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = atmega256rfr2 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = m256rfr2 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT32UC3A0512) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CPU = ??? - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CPU = at32uc3a0512 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), SIMULATOR) - CPU = simulator -endif -ifndef HAL - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(CPU) Unknown type of CPU) -endif - - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Cross-platform compiler type declaration: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifndef COMPILER_TYPE - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: $(COMPILER_TYPE) - unknow type of compiler) -endif -ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), AT91SAM7X256 AT91SAM3S4C)) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CROSS_COMPILER = arm - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CROSS_COMPILER = arm-none-eabi - endif -endif -ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA1281 ATMEGA2561 ATMEGA1284 AT90USB1287 ATXMEGA128A1 ATXMEGA256A3 ATXMEGA256D3 ATMEGA128RFA1 ATMEGA256RFR2)) - CROSS_COMPILER = avr -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT32UC3A0512) - CROSS_COMPILER = avr32 -endif -ifndef CROSS_COMPILER - #$(error ERROR in file Makerules: Cross-platform compiler type is not detected) -endif - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Output options definitions: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(QUIET), TRUE) - Q = @ - SILENT = -s - - AS_MSG = @echo "$(AS)" $? - LD_MSG = @echo "$(LD)" $@ - CC_MSG = @echo "$(CC)" $? - CPP_MSG = @echo "$(CPP)" $? - AR_MSG = @echo "$(AR)" $@ - NM_MSG = @echo "$(NM)" $@ - STRIP_MSG = @echo "$(STRIP)" $@ - OBJCOPY_MSG = @echo "$(OBJCOPY)" $@ - OBJDUMP_MSG = @echo "$(OBJDUMP)" $@ - SHOW_SIZE = @echo -else - SHOW_SIZE = $(SIZE) -endif - - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Components paths. In each component COMPONENTS_PATH should be defined: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_TURBO) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/zigBitArm -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_LAN) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/zigBitArm -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM7X_EK_RF2XX) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/atmlEvalKit -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_1) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/custom1 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_2) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/arm7tdmi/at91sam7x256/custom2 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM3S_EK_RF2XX) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/sam3sEK -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RF231USBRD) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/Rf231UsbRd -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM3S_PIRRD) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/sam3sPIRRD -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_3) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/cortexm3/at91sam3s4c/custom3 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/zigBit -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RAVEN) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1284/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1284/raven -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_STK600) - ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1/common - endif - ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA256RFR2) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1/common - endif - ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA128A1) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega128a1/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega128a1/stk600 - endif # ATXMEGA128A1 - ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256A3) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega256a3/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega256a3/stk600 - endif # ATXMEGA256A3 - ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256D3) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega256d3/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega256d3/stk600 - endif # ATXMEGA256D3 -endif # PLATFORM_STK600 -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_STK500_RF2XX) - ifneq (, $(findstring $(RF_EXTENDER), REB230)) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/rcb230 - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(RF_EXTENDER), REB231 REB212)) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ATML_USB_DONGLE) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/at90usb1287/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/at90usb1287/usbDongle -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RCB) - ifneq (, $(findstring $(PLATFORM_REV), RCB_ATMEGA128RFA1 RCB_ATMEGA256RFR2)) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1/common - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(PLATFORM_REV), RCB230_V31 RCB230_V32 RCB230_V331)) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/rcb230 - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(PLATFORM_REV), RCB231_V402 RCB231_V411 RCB212_V532)) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_AVR32_EVK1105) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr32/uc32a0512/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/avr32/uc32a0512/evk1105 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_XPLAIN) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega128a1/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega128a1/xplain -endif # PLATFORM_XPLAIN -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_REB_CBB) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega256a3/common - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/xmega/atxmega256a3/stk600 -endif # PLATFORM_REB_CBB -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SIMULATOR) - HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/simulator - HAL_MAC_API_PATH = $(HAL_PATH)/simulator -endif -ifndef HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: unknown or unsupported platform) -endif -ifndef HAL_MAC_API_PATH - $(error ERROR in file Makerules: unknown or unsupported platform) -endif - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Stack library name definition. -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - LIB_NAME_COMPILER = _Iar -endif -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - LIB_NAME_COMPILER = _Gcc -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_0MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _0Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_4MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _4Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_8MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _8Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_12MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _12Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_16MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _16Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_18d432MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _18_432MHz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_32MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _32Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_48MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _48Mhz -else ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_64MHz) - LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ = _64Mhz -endif - - -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _ZigBit -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RAVEN) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Raven -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ATML_USB_DONGLE) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _AtmlUsbDongle -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_STK600) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _AtmlStk600 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_STK500_RF2XX) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _AtmlStk500Rf2xx -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_TURBO) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _ZigBitTurbo -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_LAN) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _ZigBitLan -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM7X_EK_RF2XX) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Sam7xEkRf2xx -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_1) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Custom1 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_2) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Custom2 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM3S_EK_RF2XX) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Sam3sEkRf2xx -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RF231USBRD) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Rf231UsbRd -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM3S_PIRRD) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Sam3sPirrd -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_CUSTOM_3) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Custom3 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RCB) - ifeq ($(PLATFORM_REV), RCB_ATMEGA128RFA1) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _RcbAtm128rfa1 - else ifeq ($(PLATFORM_REV), RCB_ATMEGA256RFR2) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _RcbAtm256rfr2 - else - ifneq (, $(findstring $(PLATFORM_REV), RCB230_V31 RCB230_V32 RCB230_V331)) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Rcb230 - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(PLATFORM_REV), RCB231_V402 RCB231_V411 RCB212_V532)) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Rcb231_212 - endif - endif # PLATFORM_REV -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_AVR32_EVK1105) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Avr32Evk1105 -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_XPLAIN) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Xplain -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_REB_CBB) - ifneq (, $(findstring $(RF_EXTENDER), REB230)) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _RebCbb230 - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(RF_EXTENDER), REB231 REB212)) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _RebCbb231_212 - endif -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SIMULATOR) - HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM = _Sim -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atmega1281 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA2561) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atmega2561 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atmega1284 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _At90usb1287 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA128A1) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atxmega128a1 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256A3) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atxmega256a3 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATXMEGA256D3) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atxmega256d3 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atmega128rfa1 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA256RFR2) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Atmega256rfr2 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM7X256) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _At91sam7x256 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM3S4C) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _At91sam3s4c -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT32UC3A0512) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _At32uc3a0512 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), SIMULATOR) - LIB_NAME_MICRO = _Sim -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER), TRUE) - LIB_NAME_AMP = _Amp -endif - - -STACK_LIB = $(LIB_NAME_MICRO)$(LIB_NAME_COMPILER) - -ifndef STACK_LIB - $(error ERROR: Build target is not defined) -endif - -include $(STACK_LIB_PATH)/Makerules$(STACK_LIB) - -HAL_LIB = HAL$(HAL_LIB_NAME_PLATFORM)$(LIB_NAME_MICRO)$(LIB_NAME_HAL_FREQ)$(LIB_NAME_COMPILER)$(LIB_NAME_AMP) - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Compiler flags: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -CFLAGS += -D$(HAL) -CFLAGS += -D$(PLATFORM) -CFLAGS += -D$(OS) -ifdef HAL_FREQUENCY - CFLAGS += -D$(HAL_FREQUENCY) -endif -ifdef HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE ####### For platforms with different main clock sources #### - CFLAGS += -D$(HAL_CLOCK_SOURCE) -endif -ifdef HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE ####### For platforms with different asyncronous clock sources #### - CFLAGS += -D$(HAL_ASYNC_CLOCK_SOURCE) -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_RCB) ####### RCB platform #### - CFLAGS += -D$(PLATFORM_REV) -endif -ifdef RF_EXTENDER ####### RF extension boards type for REB CBB & STK600 #### - CFLAGS += -D$(RF_EXTENDER) -endif -ifeq ($(HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER), TRUE) #### enable amplifier for zigbit platform #### - CFLAGS += -D_HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER_ -endif -ifeq ($(HAL_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT), TRUE) #### enable usart error handler #### - CFLAGS += -D_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_ -endif -ifeq ($(HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR), TRUE) #### enable RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR #### - CFLAGS += -D_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -endif -ifeq ($(HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY), TRUE) #### enable Antenna diversity #### - CFLAGS += -D_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -endif -ifeq ($(HAL_USE_PIRRD_SPECIAL_SLEEP), TRUE) #### Special sleep mode for WPIRDemo application - CFLAGS += -D_HAL_USE_PIRRD_SPECIAL_SLEEP_ -endif - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# UART HW support compiler flags. -# AVR platforms support only UART channel 1 hardware control. -# ARM platforms support both UART channels hardware control. -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_LAN) - CFLAGS += -D_UART_0_HW_CONTROL_ -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_SAM7X_EK_RF2XX) - CFLAGS += -D_UART_0_HW_CONTROL_ -endif -ifeq ($(PLATFORM), PLATFORM_ZIGBIT_TURBO) - CFLAGS += -D_UART_0_HW_CONTROL_ -endif - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Compiler flags for debug info: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(BUILD_CONFIGURATION), DEBUG) - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - CFLAGS += --debug - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - CFLAGS += -g - endif -endif # DEBUG - -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Check compiler version: -#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - COMPILER_VERSION = $(strip $(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep 'gcc version')) -endif -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - COMPILER_VERSION = $(strip $(shell $(CC) | grep 'C/C++ Compiler V')) -endif - -ifeq ($(COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE), GCC_AVR) - EXP_VERSION = gcc version 4.3.3 (WinAVR 20100110) -else ifeq ($(COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE), IAR_AVR) - EXP_VERSION = IAR C/C++ Compiler V5.51.5.50367/W32 for Atmel AVR -else ifeq ($(COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE), GCC_ARM) - EXP_VERSION = gcc version 4.5.1 (GCC) -else ifeq ($(COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE), IAR_ARM) - EXP_VERSION = IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler V6.21.1.52794/W32 for ARM -else ifeq ($(COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE), IAR_AVR32) - EXP_VERSION = IAR C/C++ Compiler V3.30.1.40051/W32 for Atmel AVR32 -else ifeq ($(COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE), GCC_X86) - UNAME := $(shell uname) - ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) - EXP_VERSION = gcc version 4.6.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) - else - EXP_VERSION = gcc version 4.5.2 (GCC) - endif -else - $(error unsupported COMPILER_AND_MICRO_TYPE) -endif - -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE = _Iar -else - COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE = _Gcc -endif # COMPILER_TYPE - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - WDT_INIT_OBJ=WdtInitatmega1281$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA2561) - WDT_INIT_OBJ=WdtInitatmega2561$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - WDT_INIT_OBJ=WdtInitatmega1284$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - WDT_INIT_OBJ=WdtInitat90usb1287$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - WDT_INIT_OBJ=WdtInitatmega128rfa1$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA256RFR2) - WDT_INIT_OBJ=WdtInitatmega256rfr2$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT91SAM7X256) - ifeq ($(OS), FREE_RTOS) - FREE_RTOS_LIB=FreeRTOSat91sam7x256 - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - ifeq ($(OS), FREE_RTOS) - BOOT_OBJ = $(LIBDIR)/FreertosBoot$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o - endif - ifeq ($(OS), NONE_OS) - BOOT_OBJ = $(LIBDIR)/FirmwareBoot$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o - endif - endif - ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - ifeq ($(OS), FREE_RTOS) - endif - ifeq ($(OS), NONE_OS) - BOOT_OBJ = $(LIBDIR)/FirmwareBoot$(COMPILER_TYPE_LOWER_CASE).o - endif - endif -endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/Makefile b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 450e054d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ -HAL_PATH = .. -include $(HAL_PATH)/Makerules - -###### -LIBDIR = $(STACK_LIB_PATH) -LIB = $(LIBDIR)/lib$(HAL_LIB).a - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - BUILDDIR = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281 -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA2561) - BUILDDIR = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1281 -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - BUILDDIR = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega1284 -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - BUILDDIR = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/at90usb1287 -endif - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - BUILDDIR = $(HAL_PATH)/avr/atmega128rfa1 -endif - -#### DEFINES FLAGS ####### -CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_ADC -CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_EE_READY -# CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_TWI -CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_TIMER4_COMPA -CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_EXT_HANDLER -ifneq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_SLEEP - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_TIMER2_COMPA - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_WAKEUP -endif -ifneq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_PWM -endif #ATMEGA1284 -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_USB -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - CFLAGS += -D_HAL_HW_AES_ - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_SPI -endif -CFLAGS += -DSLEEP_PRESCALER_1024 -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - ifeq ($(HAL_TINY_UID), TRUE) - CFLAGS += -D_HAL_TINY_UID_ - endif -endif - - -##### DECLARES USART CHANNELS TO BE USED ########## -CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_USART -ifneq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - CFLAGS += -DNUM_USART_CHANNELS=2 -else - CFLAGS += -DNUM_USART_CHANNELS=1 -endif # AT90USB1287 - -ifneq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0 -endif # AT90USB1287 - -CFLAGS += -DHAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1 - -# Defines which USART uses hardware control pins - only one port at -# the same time can be hardware controlled. If the macros is not declared - -# hw control is not used. -ifeq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA1284 AT90USB1287 ATMEGA128RFA1)) - #CFLAGS += -DHARDWARE_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT=USART_CHANNEL_0 - CFLAGS += -DHW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT=USART_CHANNEL_1 -endif - -ifeq ($(SYSTEM_TIME_ON), SLEEP_TIMER) - CFLAGS += -D_SYSTEM_TIME_ON_SLEEP_TIMER_ -endif - -##### PATHS FLAGS OF INCLUDES ######### -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/include -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_MAC_API_PATH)/include -CFLAGS += -I$(BUILDDIR)/../../include -CFLAGS += -I$(SE_PATH)/include - -#### ASM DEFINES FLAGS ####### -ASMFLAGS = -I$(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/include -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - ASMFLAGS += -mmcu=$(CPU) - ASM_FILE_EXT = s -endif -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - ASMFLAGS += -s+ # Enables case sensitivity. - ASMFLAGS += -w+ # Enables warnings. - ASMFLAGS += -D$(HAL_FREQUENCY) - ASMFLAGS += -M'<>'# Change asm.macro argument quote chars. - ASMFLAGS += -L$(HAL_PATH)/avr/list # Generate a list on: / <.lst> - ASMFLAGS += -t8 # Set tab spacing. - ASMFLAGS += -u_enhancedCore - ASMFLAGS += -D__HAS_ENHANCED_CORE__=1 - ASMFLAGS += -D__HAS_MUL__=1 - ASMFLAGS += -D__MEMORY_MODEL__=2 - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA1281 ATMEGA1284 AT90USB1287 ATMEGA128RFA1)) - ASMFLAGS += -v3 # Select processor option: Relative jumps do not wrap. - ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - ASMFLAGS += -D__ATmega1281__=1 - endif - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA2561)) - ASMFLAGS += -v5 # Select processor option: Relative jumps do not wrap. - ASMFLAGS += -D__ATmega2561__=1 - endif - ASMFLAGS += -D__HAS_ELPM__=1 - ASMFLAGS += -S - ASM_FILE_EXT = s90 -endif - -# Main clock of CPU in Hz. -ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_4MHz) - F_CPU=4000000 -endif -ifeq ($(HAL_FREQUENCY), HAL_8MHz) - F_CPU=8000000 -endif - -###### LIB ########## -LIBS = $(LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(WDT_INIT_OBJ) - -ifneq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - common_hwd += halPwm -endif -ifneq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - common_hwd += halSleepTimerClock -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - common_hwd += halUsb -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - common_hwd += halSecurityModule - common_hwd += halDelay -endif -common_hwd += halAppClock -common_hwd += halClkCtrl -common_hwd += halUsart -common_hwd += halIrq -# common_hwd += i2c -common_hwd += halEeprom -common_hwd += wdt -common_hwd += halSleep -common_hwd += halAdc -common_hwd += halSpi -common_hwd += calibration -common_hwd += halInit - -ifneq ($(HAL), ATMEGA128RFA1) - personal_hwd += halRfSpi -endif - -personal_hwd += halRfCtrl -personal_hwd += halUid -personal_hwd += halMacIsr - -ifeq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1281) - ifeq ($(HAL_TINY_UID), TRUE) - personal_hwd += halAtmelUid - endif -endif - -asm_hwd += halW1 -asm_hwd += halCalibration -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - asm_hwd += cstartup -endif - -ifneq ($(HAL), ATMEGA1284) - hwi += pwm -endif -ifneq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - hwi += sleepTimer -endif -ifeq ($(HAL), AT90USB1287) - hwi += usb -endif -hwi += appTimer -hwi += halTaskManager -hwi += usart -hwi += w1 -hwi += irq -hwi += resetReason -# hwi += i2cPacket -hwi += eeprom -hwi += timer -hwi += adc -hwi += spi -hwi += sleep - -objects_hwd = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/objs/,$(common_hwd))) -objects_hwd += $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(HAL_MAC_API_PATH)/objs/,$(personal_hwd))) -sources_hwd = $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/src/,$(common_hwd))) -sources_hwd += $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix $(HAL_MAC_API_PATH)/src/,$(personal_hwd))) -objects_asm_hwd = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/objs/,$(asm_hwd))) -sources_asm_hwd = $(addsuffix .$(ASM_FILE_EXT),$(addprefix $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/src/,$(asm_hwd))) -objects_hwi = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/../common/objs/,$(hwi))) -sources_hwi = $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/../common/src/,$(hwi))) - -###### TARGETS ################ -all: component_label WdtInit $(LIB) - -component_label: - @echo - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - @echo HAL library creation. - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - -################ common part ############################## -$(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/objs/%.o: $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/src/%.c - $(CC_MSG) - $(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -################ common part ############################## - -################ personal part ############################## -$(HAL_MAC_API_PATH)/objs/%.o: $(HAL_MAC_API_PATH)/src/%.c - $(CC_MSG) - $(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -################ personal part ############################## - -################ common assembler part ###################### -$(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/objs/%.o: $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/src/%.$(ASM_FILE_EXT) - $(AS_MSG) - $(Q)$(AS) $(ASMFLAGS) -o $@ $^ - -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) -gen_fcpu_header: - @echo "FCPU EQU $(F_CPU)" > $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/include/halIarD.h -endif - -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) -gen_fcpu_header: - @echo ".equ FCPU, $(F_CPU)" > $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/include/halGccD.h -endif -################ common assembler part ###################### - -################ hwi part ################################### -$(BUILDDIR)/../common/objs/%.o: $(BUILDDIR)/../common/src/%.c - $(CC_MSG) - $(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -################ hwi part ################################### - -################ -WdtInit: $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/src/halWdtInit.c - $(CC_MSG) - $(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/src/halWdtInit.c -o $(LIBDIR)/$(WDT_INIT_OBJ) -################ -$(LIB): $(objects_hwd) gen_fcpu_header $(objects_asm_hwd) $(objects_hwi) - $(AR_MSG) - $(Q)$(AR) $(AR_KEYS) $(LIB) $(objects_hwd) $(objects_asm_hwd) $(objects_hwi) - $(SIZE_MSG) - $(Q)$(SHOW_SIZE) -td $(LIBDIR)/$(WDT_INIT_OBJ) - $(SIZE_MSG) - $(Q)$(SHOW_SIZE) -td $(LIB) - -# $(foreach lib_iter,$(wildcard $(LIBDIR)/lib*$(STACK_LIB)*.a), $(shell $(AR) $(AR_KEYS) $(lib_iter) $(objects_hwd) $(objects_asm_hwd) $(objects_hwi))) -################ -clean: - @echo - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - @echo HAL component cleaning. - $(Q)rm -f $(objects_hwd) $(objects_hwi) $(LIBS) $(objects_asm_hwd) - $(Q)rm -f $(HAL_PATH)/lib/*.a $(HAL_PATH)/lib/*.o $(HAL_PATH)/avr/list/*.* - @echo HAL cleaning done! - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/gpio.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/gpio.h deleted file mode 100644 index 421cc4d6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/gpio.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file gpio.h - - \brief Implementation of gpio defines. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 4/12/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _GPIO_H -#define _GPIO_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -// \cond -#include -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -* void gpioX_set() sets GPIOX pin to logical 1 level. -* void gpioX_clr() clears GPIOX pin to logical 0 level. -* void gpioX_make_in makes GPIOX pin as input. -* void gpioX_make_in makes GPIOX pin as output. -* uint8_t gpioX_read() returns logical level GPIOX pin. -* uint8_t gpioX_state() returns configuration of GPIOX port. -*******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(name, port, bit) \ -INLINE void GPIO_##name##_set() {PORT##port |= (1 << bit);} \ -INLINE void GPIO_##name##_clr() {PORT##port &= ~(1 << bit);} \ -INLINE uint8_t GPIO_##name##_read() {return (PIN##port & (1 << bit)) != 0;} \ -INLINE uint8_t GPIO_##name##_state() {return (DDR##port & (1 << bit)) != 0;} \ -INLINE void GPIO_##name##_make_out() {DDR##port |= (1 << bit);} \ -INLINE void GPIO_##name##_make_in() {DDR##port &= ~(1 << bit); PORT##port &= ~(1 << bit);} \ -INLINE void GPIO_##name##_make_pullup() {PORT##port |= (1 << bit);}\ -INLINE void GPIO_##name##_toggle() {PORT##port ^= (1 << bit);} - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO0 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(0, B, 5); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO1 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(1, B, 6); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO2 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(2, B, 7); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO3 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(3, G, 0); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO4 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(4, G, 1); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO5 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(5, G, 2); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO6 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(6, D, 6); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO7 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(7, D, 7); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO8 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(8, E, 3); - -// macroses only for STK500 -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO9 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(9, C, 0); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO10 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(10, C, 1); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO11 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(11, C, 2); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO12 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(12, C, 3); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO13 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(13, C, 4); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO14 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(14, C, 5); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO15 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(15, C, 6); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO16 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(16, C, 7); -// macroses only for STK500 - -// macroses only for Rcb -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIOE2 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(E2, E, 2); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIOE3 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(E3, E, 3); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIOE4 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(E4, E, 4); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIOE5 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(E5, E, 5); -// macroses only for Rcb - -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_I2C_CLK -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(I2C_CLK, D, 0); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_I2C_DATA -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(I2C_DATA, D, 1); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART1_TXD -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART1_TXD, D, 2); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART1_RXD -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART1_RXD, D, 3); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART1_EXTCLK -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART1_EXTCLK, D, 5); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART_RTS -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART_RTS, D, 4); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART_CTS -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART_CTS, D, 5); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_ADC_INPUT_3 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(ADC_INPUT_3, F, 3); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_ADC_INPUT_2 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(ADC_INPUT_2, F, 2); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_ADC_INPUT_1 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(ADC_INPUT_1, F, 1); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_BAT -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(BAT, F, 0); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_1WR -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(1WR, G, 5); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART_DTR -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART_DTR, E, 4); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART0_TXD -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART0_TXD, E, 0); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART0_RXD -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART0_RXD, E, 1); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_USART0_EXTCLK -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(USART0_EXTCLK, E, 2); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_IRQ_7 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(IRQ_7, E, 7); -// the macros for the manipulation by GPIO_IRQ_6 -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(IRQ_6, E, 6); - -#ifdef _HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER_ - // the macros for the manipulation sleep power amplifier - HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(POW_AMPLF_SLP, C, 1); -#endif - -#endif /* _GPIO_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAdc.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAdc.h deleted file mode 100644 index d64f6bd2..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAdc.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAdc.h - - \brief Declaration of hardware depended ADC interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALADC_H -#define _HALADC_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initializations the ADC. -\param[in] - param - pointer to parameter structure -******************************************************************************/ -void halOpenAdc(HAL_AdcParams_t *param); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief starts convertion on the ADC channel. -\param[in] - channel - channel number. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartAdc(uint8_t channel); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes the ADC. -******************************************************************************/ -void halCloseAdc(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief SIG_ADC interrupt handler signal implementation -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halSigAdcInterrupt(void) -{ - halPostTask3(HAL_ADC); -} - -#endif /* _HALADC_H */ - -// eof halSdc.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAppClock.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAppClock.h deleted file mode 100644 index 47a90fac..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAppClock.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAppClock.h - - \brief Declarations of appTimer hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALAPPCLOCK_H -#define _HALAPPCLOCK_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief system timer interval in ms */ -#define HAL_APPTIMERINTERVAL 10ul -/** \brief frequency prescaler for system timer */ -#define TIMER_FREQUENCY_PRESCALER 8 -/** \brief timer counter top value */ -#define TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE ((F_CPU/1000ul) / TIMER_FREQUENCY_PRESCALER) * HAL_APPTIMERINTERVAL -/** \brief cpu clk / 8 */ -#define HAL_CLOCK_SELECTION_MASK (1 << CS11) - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initialization appTimer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halInitAppClock(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Synchronization system time which based on application timer. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAppSystemTimeSynchronize(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Return time of sleep timer. - -\return - time in ms. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t halGetTimeOfAppTimer(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Return system time in us - -\param[out] - mem - memory for system time -******************************************************************************/ -void halGetSystemTimeUs(uint64_t *mem); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Takes account of the sleep interval. - -\param[in] - interval - time of sleep -******************************************************************************/ -void halAdjustSleepInterval(uint32_t interval); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions prototypes section. -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enables appTimer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halStartAppClock(void) -{ - TCCR4B |= HAL_CLOCK_SELECTION_MASK; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Disables appTimer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halStopAppClock(void) -{ - TCCR4B &= ~HAL_CLOCK_SELECTION_MASK; // stop the timer -} - -#endif /*_HALAPPCLOCK_H*/ - -// eof halAppClock.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAssert.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAssert.h deleted file mode 100644 index 92e0497f..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAssert.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAssert.h - - \brief Implementation of avr assert algorithm. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 18/08/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALASSERT_H -#define _HALASSERT_H - -#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ -#ifndef _SYSTEM_BUILD -#pragma system_include -#endif -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define DELAY_VALUE 0x000000ul - -#ifdef _SYS_ASSERT_ON_ - -#if defined(_HAL_ASSERT_INTERFACE_UART0_) - #define UBRRNH UBRR0H - #define UBRRNL UBRR0L - #define UCSRNA UCSR0A - #define UCSRNB UCSR0B - #define UCSRNC UCSR0C - #define UDRN UDR0 -#elif defined(_HAL_ASSERT_INTERFACE_UART1_) - #define UBRRNH UBRR1H - #define UBRRNL UBRR1L - #define UCSRNA UCSR1A - #define UCSRNB UCSR1B - #define UCSRNC UCSR1C - #define UDRN UDR1 -#else - #error " Unknown assert interface " -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halAssert(uint8_t condition, uint16_t dbgCode) -{ - if (!condition) - { - uint32_t delay; - - HAL_StopWdt(); - asm("cli"); - DDRB |= 0xE0; - /* Init UART */ - UBRRNH = 0; - if (4000000ul == HAL_ReadFreq()) - UBRRNL = 12; - else - UBRRNL = 25; - UCSRNA = (1 << U2X1); - UCSRNB = (1 << TXEN1); - UCSRNC = (3 << UCSZ10); - while(1) - { - PORTB &= ~0xE0; - /* Send high byte of message to UART */ - while (!(UCSRNA & (1 << UDRE1))); - UDRN = (dbgCode >> 8); - /* Send low byte of message to UART */ - while (!(UCSRNA & (1 << UDRE1))); - UDRN = dbgCode; - delay = DELAY_VALUE; - while (delay--); - - PORTB |= 0xE0; - delay = (DELAY_VALUE / 2); - while(delay--); - } - } -} - -#else /* _SYS_ASSERT_ON_ */ - #define halAssert(condition, dbgCode) -#endif /* _SYS_ASSERT_ON_ */ - -#endif /* _HALASSERT_H */ - -// eof halAssert.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAtomic.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAtomic.h deleted file mode 100644 index 245abf6f..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halAtomic.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAtomic.h - - \brief Implementation of atomic sections. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALATOMIC_H -#define _HALATOMIC_H - -#include - -typedef uint8_t atomic_t; - -/****************************************************************************** -Saves global interrupt bit. Disables global interrupt. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE atomic_t halStartAtomic(void) -{ - atomic_t result = SREG; - cli(); - return result; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Restores global interrupt. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEndAtomic(atomic_t sreg) -{ - SREG = sreg; -} - -#endif /* _HALATOMIC_H */ -// eof atomic.h - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halClkCtrl.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halClkCtrl.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6bc7a11d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halClkCtrl.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halClkCtrl.h - - \brief Declarations of clock control hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - 16/04/09 A. Khromykh - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALCLKCTRL_H -#define _HALCLKCTRL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Possible clock source -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - INTERNAL_RC, - OTHER_SOURCE -} ClkSource_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initialization system clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halInitFreq(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Return clock source - -\return - clock source. -******************************************************************************/ -ClkSource_t halGetClockSource(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief System clock. - -\return - system clock in Hz. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t HAL_ReadFreq(void); - -#endif /* _HALCLKCTRL_H */ - -// eof halClkCtrl.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDbg.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDbg.h deleted file mode 100644 index def330ba..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDbg.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file halDbg.h - - \brief Declarations of hal , bsb mistake interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 09/11/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALDBG_H -#define _HALDBG_H - -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -enum -{ - APPTIMER_MISTAKE = 0x2000, - INCORRECT_EEPROM_ADDRESS = 0x2001, - MEMORY_CANNOT_WRITE = 0x2002, - USARTC_HALUSARTRXBUFFERFILLER_0 = 0x2003, - USARTC_HALSIGUSARTTRANSMISSIONCOMPLETE_0 = 0x2004, - USARTC_HALSIGUSARTRECEPTIONCOMPLETE_0 = 0x2005, - HALUSARTH_HALCLOSEUSART_0 = 0X2006, - HALUSARTH_HALENABLEUSARTDREMINTERRUPT_0 = 0X2007, - HALUSARTH_HALDISABLEUSARTDREMINTERRUPT_0 = 0X2008, - HALUSARTH_HALENABLEUSARTTXCINTERRUPT_0 = 0X2009, - HALUSARTH_HALDISABLEUSARTTXCINTERRUPT_0 = 0X200A, - HALUSARTH_HALENABLEUSARTRXCINTERRUPT_0 = 0X200B, - HALUSARTH_HALDISABLEUSARTRXCINTERRUPT_0 = 0X200C, - HALUSARTH_HALSENDUSARTBYTE_0 = 0X200D, - USARTC_HALUSARTSAVEERRORREASON = 0x200E, - USARTC_HALSIGUSARTERROROCCURED_0 = 0x200F, - USARTC_HALUNKNOWNERRORREASON_0 = 0x2010, - - HAL_USART_TX_EMPTY_LIMIT = 0x2FDB, - HAL_USART_TRANS_COMPLETE_LIMIT = 0x2FDC, - HAL_USART_HW_CONTROLLER_LIMIT = 0x2FDD, - HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_SYNCHRONIZE_LIMIT = 0x2FDE, - HAL_GET_SLEEP_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FDF, - HALISR_EEPROM_WRITE_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE0, - HAL_APP_TIMER_SYNCHRONIZE_LIMIT = 0x2FE1, - HALISR_INT5_VECT_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE2, - HALISR_ADC_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE3, - HALISR_TIMER4_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE4, - HALATOM_SETLOWFUSES_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE5, - HALATOM_INITFREQ_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE6, - HALISR_EEPROM_READY_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE7, - HALISR_INT6_VECT_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE8, - HALISR_INT7_VECT_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FE9, - HALISR_TIMER2_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FEA, - HALISR_TIMER2_OVF_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FEB, - HALISR_USART0_UDR_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FEC, - HALISR_USART0_TX_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FED, - HALISR_USART0_RX_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FEE, - HALISR_USART1_UDRE_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FEF, - HALISR_USART1_TX_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF0, - HALISR_USART1_RX_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF1, - HALISR_INT4_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF2, - HALISR_TWI_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF3, - HALATOM_STARTWDT_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF4, - HALISR_WDT_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF5, - HALATOM_WRITEBYTE_RFSPI_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF6, - HALISR_TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF7, - HALISR_PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF8, - HALATOM_GETTIME_OF_APPTIMER_1_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FF9, - HALATOM_GETTIME_OF_APPTIMER_2_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FFA, - HALATOM_GETTIME_OF_APPTIMER_3_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FFB, - HALATOM_WRITE_USART_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FFC, - HALATOM_READ_USART_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FFD, - HALATOM_USART_RX_COMPLETE_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FFE, - HALATOM_CLEAR_TIME_CONTROL_TIME_LIMIT = 0x2FFF -}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ - -#endif /* _HALDBG_H */ - -// eof halDbg.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDiagnostic.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDiagnostic.h deleted file mode 100644 index 53fb0302..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halDiagnostic.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halDiagnostic.h - - \brief Implementation of diagnostics defines. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 20/05/09 D. Kasyanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALDIAGNOSTIC_H -#define _HALDIAGNOSTIC_H - -#include -#include - -#if defined (MEASURE) - #define TCNT5_ACCESS_TIME 8 - #define DEFALUT_TIME_LIMIT 100 - #define TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT 150 - #define PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT 210 - - #define BEGIN_MEASURE { \ - uint16_t timeLimit = DEFALUT_TIME_LIMIT; \ - uint16_t start = TCNT5; uint16_t offset; - - #define END_MEASURE(code) offset = (TCNT5 - start - TCNT5_ACCESS_TIME) / (F_CPU/1000000ul); \ - if (HALISR_TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT == code) timeLimit = TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT; \ - if (HALISR_PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT == code) timeLimit = PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT; \ - if (timeLimit != 0) { \ - if (offset > timeLimit) { \ - TCCR5B = 0; TCNT5 = offset; assert(0,code); \ - } \ - } \ - } - -#else - #define BEGIN_MEASURE - #define END_MEASURE(code) -#endif - - -#endif /* _HALDIAGNOSTIC_H */ - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halEeprom.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halEeprom.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0ca06bfb..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halEeprom.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halEeprom.h - - \brief Provides interface for the access to hardware dependent - EEPROM module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALEEPROM_H -#define _HALEEPROM_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief the mask to rise interrupt when operation on EEPROM was completed */ -#define HAL_EEPROM_WRITE_MASK_INT (1 << EEMPE | 1 << EERIE) -#define HAL_EEPROM_WRITE_MASK (1 << EEMPE) - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a byte to EEPROM. -\param[in] - EECRMask - mask that define capability of interrupt after byte writing. -\param[in] - address - address of byte -\param[in] - data - data. -******************************************************************************/ -void halEepromWrite(uint8_t EECRMask, uint16_t address, uint8_t data); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Waits completion of previous operation. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halWaitEepromReady(void) -{ - while (EECR & (1 << EEPE)); // wait for completion of previous write -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads byte from EEPROM. -\param[in] - address -address of byte. -\return - a read byte. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE uint8_t halReadEeprom(uint16_t address) -{ - EEAR = address; - EECR |= (1 << EERE); - return EEDR; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Posts the task to taskhandler that "EEPROM ready" - interrupt has occured. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halSigEepromReadyInterrupt(void) -{ - halPostTask3(HAL_EE_READY); -} -#endif /*_HALEEPROM_H*/ -//eof halEeprom.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halFCPU.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halFCPU.h deleted file mode 100644 index fe961e60..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halFCPU.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halFCPU.h - - \brief Declaration F_CPU for C code. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 6/10/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/* Main clock of CPU in Hz. */ -#if defined(HAL_3d6864MHz) - #define F_CPU 3686400 -#elif defined(HAL_4MHz) - #define F_CPU 4000000 -#elif defined(HAL_7d3728MHz) - #define F_CPU 7372800 -#elif defined(HAL_8MHz) - #define F_CPU 8000000 -#endif - -// eof halFCPU.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInit.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInit.h deleted file mode 100644 index b68aac65..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInit.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halInit.h - - \brief HAL start up module interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALINIT_H -#define _HALINIT_H -/****************************************************************************** - Performs start up HAL initialization. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Init(void); - -#endif /* _HALINIT_H */ - -// eof halInit.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInterrupt.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInterrupt.h deleted file mode 100644 index 03300064..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halInterrupt.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halInterrupt.h - - \brief Macroses to manipulate global interrupts. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALINTERRUPT_H -#define _HALINTERRUPT_H - -/****************************************************************************** -Enables global interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_EnableInterrupts() sei() - -/****************************************************************************** -Disables global interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_DisableInterrupts() cli() - -#endif /* _HALINTERRUPT_H */ -// eof halInterrupt.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halIrq.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halIrq.h deleted file mode 100644 index 687447a3..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halIrq.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file halIrq.h - - \brief Declaration of HWD IRQ interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALIRQ_H -#define _HALIRQ_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) - #define MAX_NUM_LINES 2 - #define MIN_VALID_IRQ_NUMBER IRQ_6 -#else - #define MAX_NUM_LINES 3 - #define MIN_VALID_IRQ_NUMBER IRQ_5 -#endif -/** \brief number valid interrupt. */ -#define HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES MAX_NUM_LINES -/** \brief first valid interrupt. */ -#define HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ MIN_VALID_IRQ_NUMBER - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief user's callback type. */ -typedef void (* IrqCallback_t)(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets configuration of pins and the registers. -\param[in] - irqNumber - number of interrupt. -\param[in] - irqMode - mode of interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetIrqConfig(uint8_t irqNumber, uint8_t irqMode); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clears configuration of pins and the registers. -\param[in] - irqNumber - number of interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -void halClrIrqConfig(uint8_t irqNumber); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enables external interrupt -\param[in] - irqNumber - number of external interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableIrqInterrupt(uint8_t irqNumber) -{ - // Enable external interrupt request - EIMSK |= (1 << irqNumber); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Disables external interrupt -\param[in] - irqNumber - number of external interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableIrqInterrupt(uint8_t irqNumber) -{ - // Disable external interrupt request - EIMSK &= ~(1 << irqNumber); -} - -#endif /* _HALIRQ_H */ -//eof halirq.h - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halPwm.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halPwm.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6c026ce0..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halPwm.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halPwm.h - - \brief Declaration of hardware depended PWM interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/11/08 A. Taradov - Created - 5/04/11 A.Razinkov - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALPWM_H -#define _HALPWM_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Definitions section -******************************************************************************/ -/* Waveform Generation Mode bits position. PWM module independent. */ -#define WGMn0 0 -#define WGMn1 1 -#define WGMn2 3 -#define WGMn3 4 - -/* Force Output Compare bits position. PWM module independent. */ -#define FOCnA 7 -#define FOCnB 6 -#define FOCnC 5 - -/* Clock Select bits position. PWM module independent. */ -#define CSn0 0 -#define CSn1 1 -#define CSn2 2 - -/* Compare Output Mode bits position. PWM module independent. */ -#define COMnA0 6 -#define COMnA1 7 -#define COMnB0 4 -#define COMnB1 5 -#define COMnC0 2 -#define COMnC1 3 - -/* PWN unit base channel pins position. PWM module dependent. */ -#define PWM_UNIT_1_BASE_CHANNEL_PIN PB5 -#define PWM_UNIT_3_BASE_CHANNEL_PIN PE3 - -/* Force Output Compare base bit. PWM module independent. */ -#define FOCNX_BASE_BIT FOCnA -/* Compare Output Mode base bit number. PWM module independent. */ -#define COMNX0_BASE_BIT COMnA0 -/* Compare Output Mode bitfield size. PWM module and channel independent. */ -#define COMNX_BITFIELD_SIZE 2 -/* Compare Output Mode low bit number. PWM module independent. */ -#define COMnx0(descriptor) ((descriptor)->service.COMnx0) -/* Compare Output Mode high bit number. PWM module independent. */ -#define COMnx1(descriptor) ((descriptor)->service.COMnx0 + 1) -/* Output Compare Register. PWM module and channel dependent. */ -#define OCRnx(descriptor) (*((descriptor)->service.OCRnx)) -/* Data Direction Rregister. PWM module dependent. */ -#define DDRn(descriptor) (*((descriptor)->service.DDRn)) - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initializes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. -******************************************************************************/ -void halOpenPwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Stops PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStopPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets base frequency of module. Common for all module channels. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. Equal to corresponding Timer/Counter ID. -\param [in] top - value for the TOP register. -\param [in] prescaler - clock prescaler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetPwmFrequency(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit, uint16_t top, HAL_PwmPrescaler_t prescaler); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets compare value for the PWM channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetPwmCompareValue(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint16_t cmpValue); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. -******************************************************************************/ -void halClosePwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Prepare PWM channel access. Determine control registers, ports, pins etc. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halPreparePwmChannelAccess(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Configure corresponding pin as PWM out. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -static inline void halMakeOutPwmPin(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - DDRn(descriptor) |= - (1 << (descriptor->service.pwmBaseChannelPin + descriptor->channel)); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Configure corresponding PWM output pin as in. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -static inline void halMakeInPwmPin(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - DDRn(descriptor) &= - ~(1 << (descriptor->service.pwmBaseChannelPin + descriptor->channel)); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Perform two-step writing to 16-bit registers with special access rule: - TCNTn, OCRnA/B/C, ICRn. - -\param [in] reg - register address. -\param [in] word - word to move. -******************************************************************************/ -static inline void halMoveWordToRegister(volatile uint16_t *reg, uint16_t word) -{ -ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - /* High byte writing */ - *((volatile uint8_t*)(reg) + 1) = (uint8_t)(word >> 8); - /* Low byte writing */ - *(volatile uint8_t*)(reg) = (uint8_t)(word); -ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Perform two-step reading of 16-bit registers with special access rule: - TCNTn, OCRnA/B/C, ICRn. - -\param [in] reg - register address. - -\return register value -******************************************************************************/ -static inline uint16_t halReadWordFromRegister(volatile uint16_t *reg) -{ - uint16_t word; -ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - /* Low byte reading */ - word = *(volatile uint8_t*)(reg); - /* High byte reading */ - word |= ((uint16_t)(*((volatile uint8_t*)(reg) + 1)) << 8); -ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - return word; -} - -#endif /* _HALPWM_H */ - -// eof halPwm.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleep.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleep.h deleted file mode 100644 index c82c1a09..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleep.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halSleep.h - - \brief Interface to control sleep mode. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/12/09 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALSLEEP_H -#define _HALSLEEP_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_ACTIVE_MODE 0 -#define HAL_SLEEP_MODE 1 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED 0 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STARTED 1 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_WAKEUP_SOURCE 0 -#define HAL_EXT_IRQ_IS_WAKEUP_SOURCE 1 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - HAL_WakeUpCallback_t callback; - HAL_SleepTimer_t sleepTimer; - uint8_t wakeupStation : 1; - uint8_t wakeupSource : 1; - uint8_t sleepTimerState : 1; -} HalSleepControl_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Switch on system power. - -\param[in] - wakeupSource - wake up source -******************************************************************************/ -void halPowerOn(const uint8_t wakeupSource); - -/******************************************************************************* - Shutdown system. - NOTES: - the application should be sure the poweroff will not be - interrupted after the execution of the sleep(). -*******************************************************************************/ -void halPowerOff(void); - -#endif /* _HALSLEEP_H */ -// eof halSleep.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleepTimerClock.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleepTimerClock.h deleted file mode 100644 index 36ab9849..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSleepTimerClock.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halSleepTimerClock.h - - \brief Definition for count out requested sleep interval. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - 7/04/09 A. Khromykh - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALSLEEPTIMERCLOCK_H -#define _HALSLEEPTIMERCLOCK_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define SLEEPTIMER_CLOCK 32768lu - -#if defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_1) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 1ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER (1u << CS20) // No prescaling -#elif defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_8) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 8ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER (1u << CS21) // clk/8 -#elif defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_32) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 32ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER ((1u << CS20) | (1u << CS21)) // clk/32 -#elif defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_64) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 64ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER (1u << CS22) // clk/64 -#elif defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_128) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 128ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER ((1u << CS20) | (1u << CS22)) // clk/128 -#elif defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_256) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 256ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER ((1u << CS21) | (1u << CS22)) // clk/256 -#elif defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_1024) - #define SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER 1024ul - #define SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER ((1u << CS20) | (1u << CS21) | (1u << CS22)) // clk/1024 -#endif - -#define HAL_ASSR_FLAGS ((1 << TCN2UB) | (1 << OCR2AUB) | (1 << OCR2BUB) | (1 << TCR2AUB) | (1 << TCR2BUB)) -// to write some value for correct work of the asynchronous timer -#define SOME_VALUE_FOR_SYNCHRONIZATION 0x44 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Starts the sleep timer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartSleepTimerClock(void); - -/****************************************************************************** -Stops the sleep timer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStopSleepTimerClock(void); - -/****************************************************************************** -Sets interval. -Parameters: - value - contains number of ticks which the timer must count out. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetSleepTimerInterval(uint32_t value); - -/****************************************************************************** -Returns the sleep timer frequency in Hz. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - the sleep timer frequency in Hz. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t halSleepTimerFrequency(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clear timer control structure -******************************************************************************/ -void halClearTimeControl(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wake up procedure for all external interrupts -******************************************************************************/ -void halWakeupFromIrq(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Get time of sleep timer. - -\return - time in ms. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t halGetTimeOfSleepTimer(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Disables the sleep timer interrupt. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableSleepTimerInt(void) -{ - // Disables 8-bit Timer/Counter2 compare channel A and overflow interrupt - TIMSK2 &= (~(1 << OCIE2A) & ~(1 << TOIE2)); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Interrupt handler signal implementation -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halInterruptSleepClock(void) -{ - halPostTask0(HAL_ASYNC_TIMER); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Interrupt handler signal implementation -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halSynchronizeSleepTime(void) -{ - halPostTask0(HAL_SYNC_SLEEP_TIME); -} - -#endif /* _HALSLEEPTIMERCLOCK_H */ -// eof halSleepTimerClock.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSpi.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSpi.h deleted file mode 100644 index 59ab72c8..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halSpi.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -/*****************************************************************************//** -\file halSpi.h - -\brief Declarations of USART SPI mode. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created -**********************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _HALSPI_H -#define _HALSPI_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define SPI_CHANNEL_0 USART_CHANNEL_0 // USART0 AtMega1281/2561 start addresss -#define SPI_CHANNEL_1 USART_CHANNEL_1 // USART1 AtMega1281/2561 start addresss - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// spi channel -typedef UsartChannel_t SpiChannel_t; - -// types of the clock mode -typedef enum -{ - // leading edge sample RX bit (rising), trailing edge setup TX bit (falling). - SPI_CLOCK_MODE0, - // leading edge setup TX bit (rising), trailing edge sample RX bit (falling). - SPI_CLOCK_MODE1, - // leading edge sample RX bit (falling), trailing edge setup TX bit (rising). - SPI_CLOCK_MODE2, - // leading edge setup TX bit (falling), trailing edge sample RX bit (rising). - SPI_CLOCK_MODE3 -} SpiClockMode_t; - -// clock rate -typedef enum -{ - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_62 = ((F_CPU / (2 * 62500ul)) - 1), - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_125 = ((F_CPU / (2 * 125000ul)) - 1), - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_250 = ((F_CPU / (2 * 250000ul)) - 1), - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_500 = ((F_CPU / (2 * 500000ul)) - 1), - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_1000 = ((F_CPU / (2 * 1000000ul)) - 1), - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_2000 = ((F_CPU / (2 * 2000000ul)) - 1) -} SpiBaudRate_t; - -// Data order -typedef enum -{ - SPI_DATA_MSB_FIRST, // data with MSB first - SPI_DATA_LSB_FIRST // data with LSB first -} SpiDataOrder_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Disables USART channel. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -******************************************************************************/ -void halClearUsartSpi(SpiChannel_t tty); - -/****************************************************************************** -Write a length bytes to the SPI. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; - length - number bytes for transfer; -Returns: - number of written bytes -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t halSyncUsartSpiWriteData(SpiChannel_t tty, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/****************************************************************************** -Write & read a length bytes to & from the SPI. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; - length - number bytes for transfer; -Returns: - number of written & read bytes -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t halSyncUsartSpiReadData(SpiChannel_t tty, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Enables data register empty interrupt. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableUsartSpiDremInterrupt(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - UCSRnB(tty) |= (1 << UDRIE0); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Disables data register empty interrupt. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableUsartSpiDremInterrupt(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - UCSRnB(tty) &= ~(1 << UDRIE0); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Enables transmit complete interrupt. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableUsartSpiTxcInterrupt(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - UCSRnB(tty) |= (1 << TXCIE0); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Disables transmit complete interrupt. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableUsartSpiTxcInterrupt(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - UCSRnB(tty) &= ~(1 << TXCIE0); -} - -/***************************************************************************** -Enables receive complete interrupt. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableUsartSpiRxcInterrupt(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - UCSRnB(tty) |= (1 << RXCIE0); -} - -/***************************************************************************** -Disables receive complete interrupt. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableUsartSpiRxcInterrupt(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - UCSRnB(tty) &= ~(1 << RXCIE0); -} -#endif -//eof halSpi.h - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halUsart.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halUsart.h deleted file mode 100644 index ccdd5e8f..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halUsart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -/*****************************************************************************//** -\file halUsart.h - -\brief Declarations of usart hardware-dependent module. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created -**********************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HAL_USART_H -#define _HAL_USART_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/* if USART_DOUBLE_SPEED is 1 the USART uses U2Xn bit (Double speed the usart transmition). - if USART_DOUBLE_SPEED is 0 then U2Xn bit is not been used. - */ -#ifndef USART_DOUBLE_SPEED - #define USART_DOUBLE_SPEED 1ul -#endif - -#define USART_CHANNEL_0 0xC0 // USART0 AtMega1281/2561 start address -#define USART_CHANNEL_1 0xC8 // USART1 AtMega1281/2561 start address - -#if NUM_USART_CHANNELS == 2 - #define HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(channel) ((channel - USART_CHANNEL_0) >> 3) -#else - #define HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(channel) (channel - channel) -#endif - -#define UCSRnA(tty) MMIO_BYTE(tty + 0) -#define UCSRnB(tty) MMIO_BYTE(tty + 1) -#define UCSRnC(tty) MMIO_BYTE(tty + 2) -#define UBRRnL(tty) MMIO_BYTE(tty + 4) -#define UBRRnH(tty) MMIO_BYTE(tty + 5) -#define UBRRn(tty) MMIO_WORD(tty + 4) -#define UDRn(tty) MMIO_BYTE(tty + 6) - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// usart channel -typedef uint8_t UsartChannel_t; - -// clock rate of usart -typedef enum -{ - USART_BAUDRATE_1200 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 1200ul) - 1ul), // 1200 baud rate - USART_BAUDRATE_2400 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 2400ul) - 1ul), // 2400 baud rate - USART_BAUDRATE_4800 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 4800ul) - 1ul), // 4800 baud rate - USART_BAUDRATE_9600 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 9600ul) - 1ul), // 9600 baud rate - USART_BAUDRATE_19200 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 19200ul) - 1ul), // 19200 baud rate - USART_BAUDRATE_38400 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 38400ul) - 1ul), // 38400 baud rate - USART_BAUDRATE_115200 = (unsigned)((F_CPU * (USART_DOUBLE_SPEED + 1ul)) / (16ul * 115200ul)), // 115200 baud rate - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_1200 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 1200ul)) - 1ul), - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_2400 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 2400ul)) - 1ul), - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_4800 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 4800ul)) - 1ul), - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_9600 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 9600ul)) - 1ul), - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_38400 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 38400ul)) - 1ul), - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_57600 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 57600ul)) - 1ul), - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_115200 = (uint16_t)((F_CPU / (2ul * 115200ul)) - 1ul) -} UsartBaudRate_t; - -// usart data length -typedef enum -{ - USART_DATA5 = (0 << UCSZ12) | (0 << UCSZ11) | (0 << UCSZ10), // 5 bits data length - USART_DATA6 = (0 << UCSZ12) | (0 << UCSZ11) | (1 << UCSZ10), // 6 bits data length - USART_DATA7 = (0 << UCSZ12) | (1 << UCSZ11) | (0 << UCSZ10), // 7 bits data length - USART_DATA8 = (0 << UCSZ12) | (1 << UCSZ11) | (1 << UCSZ10), // 8 bits data length -} UsartData_t; - -// parity mode -typedef enum -{ - USART_PARITY_NONE = (0 << UPM11) | (0 << UPM10), // Non parity mode - USART_PARITY_EVEN = (1 << UPM11) | (0 << UPM10), // Even parity mode - USART_PARITY_ODD = (1 << UPM11) | (1 << UPM10) // Odd parity mode -} UsartParity_t; - -// number of stop bits -typedef enum -{ - USART_STOPBIT_1 = (0 << USBS1), // 1 stop bits mode - USART_STOPBIT_2 = (1 << USBS1) // 2 stop bits mode -} UsartStopBits_t; - -// USART task IDs. -typedef enum -{ - #if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0) - HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_DRE, - HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_TXC, - HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_RXC, - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_ERR, - #endif - #endif - - #if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1) - HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_DRE, - HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_TXC, - HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_RXC, - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_ERR, - #endif - #endif - - HAL_USART_TASKS_NUMBER -} HalUsartTaskId_t; - -// Defines edge of clock to sample data. -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| | Transmitted Data Changed (Output | Received Data Sampled (Input on | -| | of TxDn Pin) | RxDn Pin) | -|------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------- -|FALLING_EDGE| Rising XCKn Edge | Falling XCKn Edge | -|RISING_EDGE | Falling XCKn Edge | Rising XCKn Edge | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -*/ -typedef enum -{ - USART_EDGE_MODE_FALLING = 0, - USART_EDGE_MODE_RISING = 1 -} UsartEdgeMode_t; - -// USART synchronization mode. -typedef enum -{ - USART_MODE_ASYNC = ((0 << UMSEL01) | (0 << UMSEL00)), - USART_MODE_SYNC = ((0 << UMSEL01) | (1 << UMSEL00)) -} UsartMode_t; - -// clck is output in master mode else input -typedef enum -{ - USART_CLK_MODE_MASTER = 0, - USART_CLK_MODE_SLAVE = 1 -} UsartClkMode_t; - -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - // usart receiver error reason - typedef enum - { - FRAME_ERROR, - DATA_OVERRUN, - PARITY_ERROR - } UsartErrorReason_t; -#endif - -// usart control -typedef struct -{ - volatile uint16_t txPointOfRead; - volatile uint16_t txPointOfWrite; - volatile uint16_t rxPointOfRead; - volatile uint16_t rxPointOfWrite; - volatile uint16_t rxBytesInBuffer; - uint8_t usartShiftRegisterEmpty; -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - uint8_t errorReason; -#endif -} HalUsartService_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Puts the byte received to the cyclic buffer. - -\param[in] - tty - channel number. -\param[in] - data - data to put. -******************************************************************************/ -void halUsartRxBufferFiller(UsartChannel_t tty, uint8_t data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the channel number. - -\param[in] - channel - channel to be verified. - -\return - true if channel is possible, \n - false otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -bool halIsUsartChannelCorrect(UsartChannel_t channel); - -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Save status register for analyzing of the error reason. - -\param[in] - tty - channel number. -\param[in] - status - usart status register. -******************************************************************************/ -void halUsartSaveErrorReason(UsartChannel_t tty, uint8_t status); -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Disables USART channel - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halCloseUsart(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALCLOSEUSART_0); - UCSRnB(tty) = 0x00; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables data register empty interrupt - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableUsartDremInterrupt(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALENABLEUSARTDREMINTERRUPT_0); - UCSRnB(tty) |= (1 << UDRIE1); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Disables data register empty interrupt - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableUsartDremInterrupt(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALDISABLEUSARTDREMINTERRUPT_0); - UCSRnB(tty) &= ~(1 << UDRIE1); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables transmit complete interrupt - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableUsartTxcInterrupt(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALENABLEUSARTTXCINTERRUPT_0); - UCSRnB(tty) |= (1 << TXCIE1); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Disables transmit complete interrupt - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableUsartTxcInterrupt(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALDISABLEUSARTTXCINTERRUPT_0); - UCSRnB(tty) &= ~(1 << TXCIE1); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables receive complete interrupt - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halEnableUsartRxcInterrupt(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALENABLEUSARTRXCINTERRUPT_0); - UCSRnB(tty) |= (1 << RXCIE0); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Disables receive complete interrupt - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halDisableUsartRxcInterrupt(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALDISABLEUSARTRXCINTERRUPT_0); - UCSRnB(tty) &= ~(1 << RXCIE0); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Puts byte to data register of USART - - \param tty - number of USART channel. - data - byte to send. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halSendUsartByte(UsartChannel_t tty, uint8_t data) -{ - assert((USART_CHANNEL_0 == tty) || (USART_CHANNEL_1 == tty), HALUSARTH_HALSENDUSARTBYTE_0); - UCSRnA(tty) |= (1 << TXC1); // clear transmite complete flag - UDRn(tty) = data; -} - -#endif /* _HAL_USART_H */ -//eof halUsart.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halW1.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halW1.h deleted file mode 100644 index 46c66fd7..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halW1.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file halW1.h - - \brief Declarations of 1-wire hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALW1_H -#define _HALW1_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief i2c 1-wire status */ -typedef enum -{ - /** \brief There is no device on the bus */ - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS, - /** \brief At least one device is on the bus */ - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS, - /** \brief Invalid CRC was read during the device search operation */ - W1_INVALID_CRC -} W1Status_t; - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads byte from the bus. - -\return - byte read from the bus. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t halReadW1(void); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads bit from the bus. - -\return - Read bit is placed to position of last significant bit. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t halReadW1Bit(void); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes bit to the bus. - -\param[in] - value - to write. The bit is placed to position of last significant bit. -*******************************************************************************/ -void halWriteW1bit(uint8_t value); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes byte to the bus - -\param[in] - value - byte to write. -*******************************************************************************/ -void halWriteW1(uint8_t value); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Resets all devices connected to the bus. - -\return - 0 - there are some devices at the bus. \n - 1 - there are not any devices at the bus. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t halResetW1(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs delay in microseconds - -\param[in] - delay - number of microseconds to be delay -******************************************************************************/ -void __delay_us(uint8_t delay); - -#endif /* _HALW1_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halWdt.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halWdt.h deleted file mode 100644 index bdf3ee27..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/halWdt.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halWdt.h - - \brief Declarations of wdt hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/10/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALWDT_H -#define _HALWDT_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(__ICCAVR__) - -/** Enable the watch dog timer with a specific timeout value */ -#define wdt_enable(timeout) do { \ - uint8_t volatile sreg_temp = SREG; \ - cli(); \ - __watchdog_reset(); \ - WDTCSR |= (1 << WDCE) | (1 << WDE); \ - WDTCSR = (1 << WDE) | timeout; \ - SREG = sreg_temp; \ -} while (0) - -#define wdt_disable() MCUSR = 0; \ - WDTCSR |= (1 << WDCE) | (1 << WDE); \ - WDTCSR = 0x00; - -#endif - -#endif /* _HALWDT_H */ - -//eof halWdt.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/i2c.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/i2c.h deleted file mode 100644 index 79e6b2e6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/include/i2c.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file i2c.h - - \brief Declarations of i2c interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _I2C_H -#define _I2C_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief TWI status codes. */ -enum -{ - TWS_BUSERROR = 0x00, - TWS_START = 0x08, - TWS_RSTART = 0x10, - TWS_MT_SLA_ACK = 0x18, - TWS_MT_SLA_NACK = 0x20, - TWS_MT_DATA_ACK = 0x28, - TWS_MT_DATA_NACK = 0x30, - TWS_M_ARB_LOST = 0x38, - TWS_MR_SLA_ACK = 0x40, - TWS_MR_SLA_NACK = 0x48, - TWS_MR_DATA_ACK = 0x50, - TWS_MR_DATA_NACK = 0x58 -}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Inits TWI module. Setup the speed of TWI. -\param[in] - i2cMode - the speed of TWI. -******************************************************************************/ -void halInitI2c(HAL_i2cMode_t *i2cMode); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Notification about the start condition was sent. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSendStartDoneI2c(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Notification that byte was written to the TWI. -\param[in] - result - contains result of previous operation. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWriteDoneI2c(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Notification that byte was read from the TWI. -\param[in] - data - contains byte that was read. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadDoneI2c(uint8_t data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Notification that last byte was read from the TWI. Needs send STOP condition -on bus. -\param[in] - data - contains byte that was read. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadLastByteDoneI2c(uint8_t data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Notification that address byte was written to the TWI and was read ACK. -Starts reading data. -******************************************************************************/ -void halMasterReadWriteAddressAckI2c(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Resets TWI bus and i2c HAL. -******************************************************************************/ -void halI2cBusReset(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Loop for waiting for end of stop condition on bus. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halWaitEndOfStopStation(void) -{ - loop_until_bit_is_clear(TWCR, TWSTO); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enables interrupt on TWI. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halInterruptEnableI2c(void) -{ - TWCR |= (1 << TWIE); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Disables interrupt on TWI. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halInterruptDisableI2c(void) -{ - TWCR &= (~(1 << TWIE)); -} - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Returns byte that was read from the TWI. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE uint8_t halReadByteI2c(void) -{ - return TWDR; -} - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Resets the TWI. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halResetI2c(void) -{ - TWCR = ((1 << TWSTO) | (1 << TWINT)); // Reset TWI -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Begins writing an byte to TWI. -\param[in] - data - an byte for sending. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halWriteI2c(uint8_t data) -{ - TWDR = data; - TWCR = (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWEN) | (1 << TWIE); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Begins read an byte from TWI. -\param[in] - ack - defines the need to send ACK after an byte was recieved. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halReadI2c(bool ack) -{ - if (ack) - TWCR |= (1 << TWEA); - else - TWCR &= ~(1 << TWEA); - - TWCR |= ((1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWIE) | (1 << TWEN)); // Trigger the TWI -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Directs TWI to send stop condition. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halSendStopI2c(void) -{ - TWCR = ((1 << TWSTO) | (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWEN)); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Directs the TWI to send start condition. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halSendStartI2c(void) -{ - TWCR = ((1 << TWSTA) | (1 <> 8) & 0x7F) != 90) -#error This file should only be assembled by aa90 or aavr -#endif - -#define A90_PROC_OPTION ((__TID__ >> 4) & 0x0F) - -/* Long or relative jumps and calls */ -#if (A90_PROC_OPTION == 0) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 1) -#define XCALL RCALL -#define XJMP RJMP -#else -#define XCALL CALL -#define XJMP JMP -#endif - -/* Length of pointer registers (X/Y/Z) */ -#if (A90_PROC_OPTION == 0) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 2) -#define A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE 1 -#define A90_TINY_INDEX -#else /*!(A90_PROC_OPTION == 0) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 2)*/ -#if (A90_PROC_OPTION == 1) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 3) || (A90_PROC_OPTION ==5) -#define A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE 2 -#else /*!(A90_PROC_OPTION == 1) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 3) || (A90_PROC_OPTION ==5)*/ -#if (A90_PROC_OPTION == 4) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 6) -#define A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE 3 -#define A90_EXTENDED_DATA -#else /*!(A90_PROC_OPTION == 4) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 6)*/ -#error Unknown processor option!! -#endif /*!(A90_PROC_OPTION == 4) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 6)*/ -#endif /*!(A90_PROC_OPTION == 1) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 3) || (A90_PROC_OPTION ==5)*/ -#endif /*!(A90_PROC_OPTION == 0) || (A90_PROC_OPTION == 2)*/ - -#if (A90_PROC_OPTION > 4) -#define A90_LARGE_CODE -#endif - -#if (A90_PROC_OPTION > 1) -#define A90_HAS_POSSIBLE_ELPM -#endif - -#ifdef A90_HAS_POSSIBLE_ELPM -#ifdef __HAS_ELPM__ -#define A90_HAS_ELPM -#else -#ifndef SMALL_FLASH -#define A90_HAS_ELPM -#endif -#endif -#endif - -#if A90_PROC_OPTION > 1 -#define A90_24BIT_GENERIC -#endif - -#if A90_PROC_OPTION < 2 -#define A90_16BIT_GENERIC -#endif - -#ifdef __MEMORY_MODEL__ - -#define TINY_MEMORY_MODEL 0 -#define SMALL_MEMORY_MODEL 1 -#define LARGE_MEMORY_MODEL 2 - -#if __MEMORY_MODEL__ == 1 -#undef MEMORY_MODEL -#define MEMORY_MODEL TINY_MEMORY_MODEL -#endif - -#if __MEMORY_MODEL__ == 2 -#undef MEMORY_MODEL -#define MEMORY_MODEL SMALL_MEMORY_MODEL -#endif - -#if __MEMORY_MODEL__ == 3 -#undef MEMORY_MODEL -#define MEMORY_MODEL LARGE_MEMORY_MODEL -#endif - -#else - -#ifdef MEMORY_MODEL -#define t 0 -#define s 1 -#define l 2 - -#define TINY_MEMORY_MODEL 0 -#define SMALL_MEMORY_MODEL 1 -#define LARGE_MEMORY_MODEL 2 - -#if MEMORY_MODEL == t -#undef MEMORY_MODEL -#define MEMORY_MODEL TINY_MEMORY_MODEL -#endif - -#if MEMORY_MODEL == s -#undef MEMORY_MODEL -#define MEMORY_MODEL SMALL_MEMORY_MODEL -#endif - -#if MEMORY_MODEL == l -#undef MEMORY_MODEL -#define MEMORY_MODEL LARGE_MEMORY_MODEL -#endif - -#undef t -#undef s -#undef l -#endif -#endif - -/* Register nicknames */ -#define T0 R0 -#define T1 R1 -#define T2 R2 -#define T3 R3 -#define P0 R16 -#define P1 R17 -#define P2 R18 -#define P3 R19 -#define Q0 R20 -#define Q1 R21 -#define Q2 R22 -#define Q3 R23 -#define X0 R26 -#define X1 R27 -#define X2 R25 -#define Y0 R28 -#define Y1 R29 -#define Z0 R30 -#define Z1 R31 -#define Z2 R19 - -/* I/O-Space Register nicknames */ -#define RAMPD 0x38 -#define RAMPX 0x39 -#define RAMPY 0x3A -#define RAMPZ 0x3B -#define EIND 0x3C -#define SREG 0x3F diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/calibration.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/calibration.c deleted file mode 100644 index 7d59a5e0..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/calibration.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file calibration.c - - \brief the calibration of the internal RC generator. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -#define INTERNAL_CLOCK F_CPU - -// low frequency oscillator clock for 1 cycle measurement -#define EXTERNAL_TICKS 1 -// mcu clocks number of one procedure measurement -#define CYCLE_LENGTH 7 -// stability crystal oscillator frequency -#define REFERENCE_CLOCK (32768/1024) -// Etalon mcu clock number for 1 ticks of 32 Hz asynchronous timer -#define REFERENCE_COUNT (INTERNAL_CLOCK * EXTERNAL_TICKS) / (REFERENCE_CLOCK * CYCLE_LENGTH) -// up direction -#define UP_DIRECT 2 -// down direction -#define DOWN_DIRECT 1 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Calculates number of cycles during EXTERNAL_TICKS period. -Parameters: - none -Returns: - number of the cycles. -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t halMeasurement(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Performs calibration of the internal RC generator. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halCalibrateInternalRc(void) -{ - uint16_t count; - uint8_t cycles = 0x80; - uint16_t counterGate = REFERENCE_COUNT; - uint8_t direct = 0; - - do - { - // perform clock measurement - count = halMeasurement(); - if (count > REFERENCE_COUNT) - { - if ((counterGate < (count - REFERENCE_COUNT)) && (UP_DIRECT == direct)) - { // previous measurement was more correct - OSCCAL--; - NOP; - break; - } - OSCCAL--; - NOP; - counterGate = count - REFERENCE_COUNT; - direct = DOWN_DIRECT; - } - - if (count < REFERENCE_COUNT) - { - if ((counterGate < (REFERENCE_COUNT - count)) && (DOWN_DIRECT == direct)) - { // previous measurement was more exactly - OSCCAL++; - NOP; - break; - } - OSCCAL++; - NOP; - counterGate = REFERENCE_COUNT - count; - direct = UP_DIRECT; - } - - if (REFERENCE_COUNT == count) - break; - - } while (--cycles); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Performs calibration of the main clock generator. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_CalibrateMainClock(void) -{ - if (INTERNAL_RC == halGetClockSource()) - halCalibrateInternalRc(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Starts calibration after program starting or waking up from power down. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartingCalibrate(void) -{ - uint16_t i; - - for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) - { /* wait for 1 second start up low frequency generator*/ - __delay_us(200); // 200 us - } - HAL_CalibrateMainClock(); -} -// eof calibration.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/cstartup.s90 b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/cstartup.s90 deleted file mode 100644 index ce20e615..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/cstartup.s90 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; -; This module contains the AVR C and EC++ startup -; routine and must usually be tailored to suit -; customer's hardware. -; -; File version: $Revision: 1.13 $ -; -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#include - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Set up the INTVEC segment with a reset vector -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MODULE ?RESET - - COMMON INTVEC:CODE:ROOT(1) ; Align at an even address - - EXTERN ?BC_STARTUP - PUBLIC __bitcloud_start - PUBLIC ?RESET - - ORG $0 -__bitcloud_start: -?RESET: - XJMP ?BC_STARTUP - - ENDMOD - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Forward declarations of segments used in initialization -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CSTACK:DATA:NOROOT(0) - RSEG RSTACK:DATA:NOROOT(0) - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Perform C initialization -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MODULE ?BC_STARTUP - - EXTERN __low_level_init - EXTERN __segment_init -#ifdef _ECLIB_ECPP - EXTERN __call_ctors -#endif /* _ECLIB_ECPP */ - EXTERN main - EXTERN exit - EXTERN _exit - ; jump NULL handler - EXTERN halWdtInit - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; If the return address stack is located in external SRAM, make sure that -; you have uncommented the correct code in __low_level_init!!! -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - PUBLIC ?BC_STARTUP - PUBLIC __RESTART - EXTERN ?RESET - -__RESTART: -?BC_STARTUP: - XCALL halWdtInit ; call stop wdt, read reset reason and jump NULL handler - -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 2 - PUBLIC ?zero_reg_initialization - -?zero_reg_initialization: - CLR R15 - OUT RAMPD,R15 -#endif - - REQUIRE ?SETUP_STACK - REQUIRE ?RESET - - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - PUBLIC __RSTACK_in_external_ram - -__RSTACK_in_external_ram: - LDI R16,0xC0 - OUT 0x35,R16 ;Enable the external SRAM with a wait state - - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - PUBLIC __RSTACK_in_external_ram_new_way - EXTERN __?XMCRA - -__RSTACK_in_external_ram_new_way: - LDI R16,0x8C ;SRE=1,SRL2=0,SRL1=0,SRL0=0,SRW11=1,SRW10=1,SRW01=0,SRW00=0 - STS __?XMCRA,R16 ;Enable the external SRAM with maximum wait state. - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Set up the CSTACK and RSTACK pointers. -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - ;; Fill up stacks with repeated pattern 0xCD (same pattern is used by IAR stack gauge) -?FILL_RSTACK: - LDI R16, 0xCD - LDI X0, LOW(SFB(RSTACK)) - LDI Y0, LOW(SFE(RSTACK)) -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 1 - LDI X1, HIGH(SFB(RSTACK)) - LDI Y1, HIGH(SFE(RSTACK)) -#else - LDI X1, 0 - LDI Y1, 0 -#endif -?FILL_RSTACK_LOOP: - ST X+, R16 - CP X0, Y0 - CPC X1, Y1 - BRNE ?FILL_RSTACK_LOOP - -?FILL_CSTACK: - LDI X0, LOW(SFB(CSTACK)) - LDI Y0, LOW(SFE(CSTACK)) -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 1 - LDI X1, HIGH(SFB(CSTACK)) - LDI Y1, HIGH(SFE(CSTACK)) -#else - LDI X1, 0 - LDI Y1, 0 -#endif -?FILL_CSTACK_LOOP: - ST X+, R16 - CP X0, Y0 - CPC X1, Y1 - BRNE ?FILL_CSTACK_LOOP - -?SETUP_STACK: - ;; Return address stack (RSTACK) - LDI R16,LOW(SFE(RSTACK)-1) - OUT 0x3D,R16 -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 1 - LDI R16,HIGH(SFE(RSTACK)-1) - OUT 0x3E,R16 -#endif - - ;; Data stack (CSTACK) - LDI Y0,LOW(SFE(CSTACK)) -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 1 -#if MEMORY_MODEL == TINY_MEMORY_MODEL - LDI Y1,0 -#else - LDI Y1,HIGH(SFE(CSTACK)) -#endif -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 2 - LDI Z0,HWRD(SFB(CSTACK)) - OUT RAMPY,Z0 -#endif -#endif - -#if A90_POINTER_REG_SIZE > 2 -; Nothing here, the things previously here has been done earlier. -#else - REQUIRE ?call_low_level_init - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Clear R15 so that it can be used as zero register by the code generator. -; The compiler will emit a "REQUIRE ?zero_reg_initialization" statement if -; this optimization has been enabled. -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - PUBLIC ?zero_reg_initialization - -?zero_reg_initialization: - CLR R15 - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Call __low_level_init to do low level initializatons. Modify the supplied -; __low_level_init module to add your own initialization code or to -; remove segment initialization (by returning 0). -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) -#endif - PUBLIC ?call_low_level_init - -?call_low_level_init: - XCALL __low_level_init - - REQUIRE ?cstartup_call_main - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Call __segment_init to initialize segments. -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - PUBLIC ?need_segment_init - -?need_segment_init: - TST P0 - BREQ ?skip_segment_init - XCALL __segment_init -?skip_segment_init: - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Call the constructors of all global objects. This code will only -; be used if any EC++ modules defines global objects that need to -; have its constructor called before main. -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#ifdef _ECLIB_ECPP - RSEG DIFUNCT:CODE:NOROOT(0) - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - - PUBLIC ?call_ctors - -?call_ctors: -#ifdef __HAS_ELPM__ - LDI P0,LOW(SFB(DIFUNCT)) - LDI P1,LOW(SFB(DIFUNCT) >> 8) - LDI P2,SFB(DIFUNCT) >> 16 - - LDI Q0,LOW(SFE(DIFUNCT)) - LDI Q1,LOW(SFE(DIFUNCT) >> 8) - LDI Q2,SFE(DIFUNCT) >> 16 -#else - LDI P0,LOW(SFB(DIFUNCT)) - LDI P1,SFB(DIFUNCT) >> 8 - - LDI P2,LOW(SFE(DIFUNCT)) - LDI P3,SFE(DIFUNCT) >> 8 -#endif - - XCALL __call_ctors -#endif /* _ECLIB_ECPP */ - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; Call main -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RSEG CODE:CODE:NOROOT(1) - - PUBLIC ?cstartup_call_main - -?cstartup_call_main: - XCALL main - XCALL exit - XJMP _exit - - END - -;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -; $Log: cstartup.s90 $ -; Revision 1.13 2005/02/09 16:34:50Z IPEO -; Revision 1.12 2005/02/09 12:12:46Z IPEO -; Revision 1.11 2005/02/09 11:32:04Z IPEO -; Revision 1.10 2005/01/26 13:56:34Z IPEO -; Revision 1.9 2005/01/17 15:24:14Z IPEO -; Revision 1.8 2003/11/07 16:34:04Z IPEO -; Revision 1.7 2003/09/04 13:48:25Z IPEO -; Revision 1.6 2003/08/22 14:09:09Z IPEO -; Revision 1.5 2003/08/22 08:54:09Z IPEO -; Revision 1.4 2003/08/20 08:38:55Z IPEO diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAdc.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAdc.c deleted file mode 100644 index b9e19a0b..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAdc.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAdc.c - - \brief Implementation of hardware depended ADC interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -#define ALL_CHANNEL_MASK 0x1F -#define CHANNEL_MASK_1 0x01 -#define CHANNEL_MASK_2 0x03 -#define CHANNEL_MASK_3 0x04 -#define CHANNEL_MASK_4 0x0C -#define DELAY_FOR_STABILIZE 125 - -/****************************************************************************** - Constants section -******************************************************************************/ -#if F_CPU == 4000000 - PROGMEM_DECLARE(const uint8_t halAdcDivider[5]) = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; -#elif F_CPU == 8000000 - PROGMEM_DECLARE(const uint8_t halAdcDivider[5]) = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static volatile uint8_t halAdcResolution = RESOLUTION_8_BIT; -static volatile void *halAdcDataPointer = NULL; -static volatile uint16_t halAdcCurCount = 0; -static volatile uint16_t halAdcMaxCount = 0; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Initializations the ADC. -Parameters: - param - pointer to parameter structure -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halOpenAdc(HAL_AdcParams_t *param) -{ - halAdcMaxCount = param->selectionsAmount; - halAdcResolution = param->resolution; - halAdcDataPointer = param->bufferPointer; - - /* sets voltage reference */ - ADMUX = param->voltageReference; - /* Enable left adjust result */ - if (RESOLUTION_8_BIT == halAdcResolution) - ADMUX |= (1 << ADLAR); - - uint8_t tmp; - memcpy_P(&tmp, &(halAdcDivider[param->sampleRate]), 1); - ADCSRA = tmp | (1 << ADEN); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Starts convertion on the ADC channel. -Parameters: - channel - channel number. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartAdc(uint8_t channel) -{ - halAdcCurCount = 0; - /* disable digital buffers */ - if (HAL_ADC_CHANNEL3 >= channel) - { - DIDR0 = (1 << channel); - } - else - { - if ((HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL0 == channel) || (HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL2 == channel)) - DIDR0 = CHANNEL_MASK_1; - else if ((HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL1 == channel) || (HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL3 == channel)) - DIDR0 = CHANNEL_MASK_2; - else if ((HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL4 == channel) || (HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL6 == channel)) - DIDR0 = CHANNEL_MASK_3; - else if ((HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL5 == channel) || (HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL7 == channel)) - DIDR0 = CHANNEL_MASK_4; - } - - uint8_t tmp = ADMUX & ALL_CHANNEL_MASK; - - /* clear previous channel number */ - ADMUX &= ~ALL_CHANNEL_MASK; - /* set current channel number */ - ADMUX |= channel; - - /* if new differential channel is settled then must make 125 us delay for gain stabilize. */ - if ((tmp != channel) && (HAL_ADC_CHANNEL3 < channel)) - __delay_us(DELAY_FOR_STABILIZE); - - if (halAdcMaxCount > 1) - ADCSRA |= ((1 << ADIE) | (1 << ADATE) | (1 << ADSC)); // Starts running mode - else - ADCSRA |= ((1 << ADIE) | (1 << ADSC)); // Starts one conversion -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Closes the ADC. -Parameters: - none -Returns: - none -******************************************************************************/ -void halCloseAdc(void) -{ - ADMUX = 0; - ADCSRA = 0; - // Digital input enable - DIDR0 = 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -ADC conversion complete interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(ADC_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - // Read ADC conversion result - if (RESOLUTION_8_BIT == halAdcResolution) - ((uint8_t *)halAdcDataPointer)[halAdcCurCount++] = ADCH; - else - ((uint16_t *)halAdcDataPointer)[halAdcCurCount++] = ADC; - - if (halAdcCurCount == halAdcMaxCount) - { - // Disable ADC Interrupt - ADCSRA &= ~(1 << ADIE); - halSigAdcInterrupt(); - } - END_MEASURE(HALISR_ADC_TIME_LIMIT) -} -// eof halAdc.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAppClock.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAppClock.c deleted file mode 100644 index c462b896..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halAppClock.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAppClock.c - - \brief Implementation of appTimer hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static uint32_t halAppTime = 0ul; // time of application timer -uint8_t halAppTimeOvfw = 0; -static volatile uint8_t halAppIrqCount = 0; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Initialization appTimer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halInitAppClock(void) -{ - OCR4A = TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; // 1 millisecond timer interrupt interval. - TCCR4B = (1 << WGM12); // CTC mode - halStartAppClock(); // clock source is cpu divided by 8 - TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4A); // Enable TC4 interrupt -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Return time of sleep timer. - -Returns: - time in ms. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t halGetTimeOfAppTimer(void) -{ - halAppSystemTimeSynchronize(); - return halAppTime; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Return system time in us - -Parameters: - mem - memory for system time -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halGetSystemTimeUs(uint64_t *mem) -{ -#if (F_CPU == 4000000ul) - *mem = 1000ul * halAppTime + (TCNT4 << 1); -#endif -#if (F_CPU == 8000000ul) - *mem = 1000ul * halAppTime + TCNT4; -#endif -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Takes account of the sleep interval. - -\param[in] - interval - time of sleep -******************************************************************************/ -void halAdjustSleepInterval(uint32_t interval) -{ - halAppTime += interval; - halPostTask4(HAL_TIMER4_COMPA); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -Synchronization system time which based on application timer. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAppSystemTimeSynchronize(void) -{ - uint8_t tmpCounter; - uint32_t tmpValue; - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - tmpCounter = halAppIrqCount; - halAppIrqCount = 0; - END_MEASURE(HAL_APP_TIMER_SYNCHRONIZE_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - tmpValue = tmpCounter * HAL_APPTIMERINTERVAL; - halAppTime += tmpValue; - if (halAppTime < tmpValue) - halAppTimeOvfw++; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Interrupt handler -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER4_COMPA_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halAppIrqCount++; - halPostTask4(HAL_TIMER4_COMPA); - // infinity loop spy - SYS_InfinityLoopMonitoring(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TIMER4_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT) -} -// eof halAppClock.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s deleted file mode 100644 index a6332b7d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halCalibration.s - - \brief Implementation of measurement of mcu clock. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/10/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** -Calculates number of cycles during EXTERNAL_TICKS period. -Parameters: - none -Returns: - number of the cycles (r25:r24). -******************************************************************************/ halMeasurement -.type halMeasurement,@function -halMeasurement: - push r21 - - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - - ; local copy cnt - push r28 - push r29 - ldi r28, 0 ; cnt = 0 - ldi r29, 0 ; cnt = 0 - - ; r21 = TCNT2 - push r23 ; save SREG to stack, to clear r23 - lds r21, 0x00B2 - ; while(TCNT2 == r21); - __l0: - lds r23, 0x00B2 - cp r23, r21 - breq __l0 - - ; r23++ - inc r23 - - ; measurement - __l1: - adiw r28, 0x01 ; cnt ++ (2 cycle) - lds r21, 0x00B2 ; read TCNT2 - cp r21, r23 ; if (TCNT2 == TCNT2old) - brne __l1 ; - - pop r23 ; load SREG from stack - - ; return cnt - movw r24, r28 - - pop r29 - pop r28 - - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - pop r21 - ret - -; eof halCalibration.s diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s90 b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s90 deleted file mode 100644 index cbdb8d13..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halCalibration.s90 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halCalibration.s90 - - \brief Implementation of measurement of mcu clock. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/10/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/*============================================================= -Calculates number of cycles during EXTERNAL_TICKS period. -Parameters: - none -Returns: - number of the cycles (r17:r16). -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC halMeasurement -RSEG CODE -halMeasurement: - push r21 - - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - - ; local copy cnt - push r28 - push r29 - ldi r28, 0 ; cnt = 0 - ldi r29, 0 ; cnt = 0 - - ; r21 = TCNT2 - push r23 ; save SREG to stack, to clear r23 - lds r21, 0x00B2 - ; while(TCNT2 == r21); - __l0: - lds r23, 0x00B2 - cp r23, r21 - breq __l0 - - ; r23++ - inc r23 - - ; measurement - __l1: - adiw r28, 0x01 ; cnt ++ (2 cycle) - lds r21, 0x00B2 ; read TCNT2 - cp r21, r23 ; if (TCNT2 == TCNT2old) - brne __l1 ; - - pop r23 ; load SREG from stack - - ; return cnt - movw r16, r28 - - pop r29 - pop r28 - - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - pop r21 - ret - -; eof halCalibration.s90 -END diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halClkCtrl.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halClkCtrl.c deleted file mode 100644 index e6f968d1..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halClkCtrl.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halClkCtrl.c - - \brief Implementation of clock control module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - 16/04/09 A. Khromykh - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// defines fuse mask for RC oscillator -#define HAL_RC_OSCILLATOR_CLOCK 0x02 -// mask for CKSEL bits -#define HAL_CKSEL_MASK 0x0F - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartingCalibrate(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static volatile ClkSource_t clkClockSource; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initialization system clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halInitFreq(void) -{ - uint8_t lowFuseByte; - - // wait for end of eeprom writing - while (EECR & (1 << EEPE)); - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - lowFuseByte = SF_GET_LOW_FUSES(); - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_SETLOWFUSES_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (HAL_RC_OSCILLATOR_CLOCK == (lowFuseByte & HAL_CKSEL_MASK)) - clkClockSource = INTERNAL_RC; - else - clkClockSource = OTHER_SOURCE; - - if (INTERNAL_RC == clkClockSource) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - ASM ( - "push r21 \n\t" - - "ldi r21, 0x80 \n\t" /* CLKPR = 1 << CLKPCE */ - "sts 0x0061, r21 \n\t" /* CLKPR = 1 << CLKPCE */ - -#if (F_CPU == 4000000ul) - "ldi r21, 0x01 \n\t" /* CLKPR = 1 << CLKPS0 (1 cycle) */ - "sts 0x0061, r21 \n\t" /* CLKPR = 1 << CLKPS0 (2 cycle) */ -#endif -#if (F_CPU == 8000000ul) - "ldi r21, 0x00 \n\t" /* CLKPR = 0 (1 cycle) */ - "sts 0x0061, r21 \n\t" /* CLKPR = 0 (2 cycle) */ -#endif - - "pop r21 \n\t" - ); - - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_INITFREQ_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halStartingCalibrate(); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Return clock source - -\return - clock source. -******************************************************************************/ -ClkSource_t halGetClockSource(void) -{ - return clkClockSource; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief System clock. - -\return - system clock in Hz. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t HAL_ReadFreq(void) -{ - return (uint32_t)F_CPU; -} - -// eof halClkCtrl.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halEeprom.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halEeprom.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0dfda94e..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halEeprom.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halEeprom.c - - \brief Implementation of the hardware dependent the EEPROM module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Writes a byte to EEPROM. -Parameters: - EECRMask - mask that define capability of interrupt after byte writing. - address - address of byte - data - data. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halEepromWrite(uint8_t EECRMask, uint16_t address, uint8_t data) -{ - while (EECR & (1 << EEPE)); // wait for completion of previous eeprom write - while (SPMCSR & (1 << SPMEN)); // wait for completion of previous program memory write - EEAR = address; - EEDR = data; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - EECR = EECRMask; - EECR |= (1 << EEPE); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_EEPROM_WRITE_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(EE_READY_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - EECR &= ~(1 << EERIE); //disable interrupt - halSigEepromReadyInterrupt(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_EEPROM_READY_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -// eof helEeprom.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halInit.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halInit.c deleted file mode 100644 index 593e6257..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halInit.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halInit.c - - \brief HAL start up module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Reads uid from external devices. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadUid(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Performs start up HAL initialization. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Init(void) -{ - /* Init first diagnostic timer */ -#ifdef MEASURE - TCCR5B = (1 << CS50); -#endif - - HAL_InitRfSpi(); - /* start sleep time */ - halStartSleepTimerClock(); - /* initialization work frequency & - * start calibration */ - halInitFreq(); - /* Reads unique ID */ - halReadUid(); - /* initialization and start application timer */ - halInitAppClock(); - /* initialization dtr interrupt */ - halSetIrqConfig(IRQ_4, IRQ_LOW_LEVEL); - /* global enable interrupt*/ - HAL_EnableInterrupts(); -} -// eof halInit.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halIrq.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halIrq.c deleted file mode 100644 index b119fe4d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halIrq.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halIrq.c - - \brief Implementation of HWD IRQ interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) - IrqCallback_t IrqCallbackList[HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES] = {NULL, NULL}; -#else - IrqCallback_t IrqCallbackList[HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Sets configuration of pins and the registers. -Parameters: - irqNumber - number of interrupt. - irqMode - mode of interrupt -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetIrqConfig(uint8_t irqNumber, uint8_t irqMode) -{ - uint8_t ui8ShiftCount = (irqNumber - IRQ_4) << 1; - // IRQ pin is input - DDRE &= ~(1 << irqNumber); - PORTE |= (1 << irqNumber); - // Clear previous settings of corresponding interrupt sense control - EICRB &= ~(3 << ui8ShiftCount); - // Setup corresponding interrupt sence control - EICRB |= (irqMode & 0x03) << ui8ShiftCount; - // Clear the INTn interrupt flag - EIFR |= (1 << irqNumber); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clears configuration of pins and the registers. -\param[in] - irqNumber - number of interrupt. -******************************************************************************/ -void halClrIrqConfig(uint8_t irqNumber) -{ - uint8_t ui8ShiftCount = (irqNumber - IRQ_4) << 1; - DDRE &= ~(1 << irqNumber);// IRQ pin is input - PORTE &= ~(1 << irqNumber); // pullup off - EICRB &= ~(3 << ui8ShiftCount); -} - -#if !defined(PLATFORM_ZIGBIT) -/****************************************************************************** - External interrupt 5 handler -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(INT5_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halWakeupFromIrq(); - /* user's callback */ - if (NULL != IrqCallbackList[IRQ_5 - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ]) - IrqCallbackList[IRQ_5 - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ](); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_INT5_VECT_TIME_LIMIT) -} -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - External interrupt 6 handler -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(INT6_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halWakeupFromIrq(); - /* user's callback */ - if (NULL != IrqCallbackList[IRQ_6 - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ]) - IrqCallbackList[IRQ_6 - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ](); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_INT6_VECT_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/****************************************************************************** - External interrupt 7 handler -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(INT7_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halWakeupFromIrq(); - /* user's callback */ - if (NULL != IrqCallbackList[IRQ_7 - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ]) - IrqCallbackList[IRQ_7 - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ](); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_INT7_VECT_TIME_LIMIT) -} -// eof irq.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halPwm.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halPwm.c deleted file mode 100644 index d5cd8a74..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halPwm.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halPwm.c - - \brief Implementation of hardware depended PWM interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/11/08 A. Taradov - Created - 5/04/11 A.Razinkov - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Prepare PWM channel access. Determine control registers, ports, pins etc. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halPreparePwmChannelAccess(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - /* PWM output port and pin determination */ - switch (descriptor->unit) - { - case PWM_UNIT_1: - descriptor->service.DDRn = &DDRB; - descriptor->service.pwmBaseChannelPin = PWM_UNIT_1_BASE_CHANNEL_PIN; - break; - - case PWM_UNIT_3: - descriptor->service.DDRn = &DDRE; - descriptor->service.pwmBaseChannelPin = PWM_UNIT_3_BASE_CHANNEL_PIN; - break; - - /* Invalid PWM unit identifier */ - default: - break; - } - /* PWM control registers determination */ - descriptor->service.COMnx0 = COMNX0_BASE_BIT - (descriptor->channel * COMNX_BITFIELD_SIZE); - descriptor->service.OCRnx = (&OCRnA(descriptor->unit) + (descriptor->channel)); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initializes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. -******************************************************************************/ -void halOpenPwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit) -{ - /* Clear Timer/Counter */ - halMoveWordToRegister(&TCNTn(pwmUnit), 0x0000); - /* Clear Timer/Counter Input Capture register */ - halMoveWordToRegister(&ICRn(pwmUnit), 0x0000); - /* Configure port for normal operation */ - TCCRnA(pwmUnit) = 0x00; - /* Configure PWM mode: phase and frequency correct, TOP = ICRn */ - TCCRnB(pwmUnit) = (1 << WGMn3); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - /* Force compare on channel to clear output */ - TCCRnC(descriptor->unit) |= (1 << (FOCNX_BASE_BIT - descriptor->channel)); - /* Configure PWM pin as output */ - halMakeOutPwmPin(descriptor); - /* Configure Compare Output Mode for PWM channel */ - TCCRnA(descriptor->unit) |= - ((1 << COMnx1(descriptor)) | (1 << COMnx0(descriptor))); - if (PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED == descriptor->polarity) - TCCRnA(descriptor->unit) &= ~(1 << COMnx0(descriptor)); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Stops PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStopPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - /* Clean compare register and stop Timer/Counter */ - halMoveWordToRegister(&OCRnx(descriptor), 0x0000); - TCCRnA(descriptor->unit) &= ~((1 << COMnx1(descriptor)) | (1 << COMnx0(descriptor))); - /* Configure PWM pin as intput */ - halMakeInPwmPin(descriptor); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets base frequency of module. Common for all module channels. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. Equal to corresponding Timer/Counter ID. -\param [in] top - value for the TOP register. -\param [in] prescaler - clock prescaler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetPwmFrequency(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit, uint16_t top, HAL_PwmPrescaler_t prescaler) -{ - /* Stop Timer/Counter */ - TCCRnB(pwmUnit) &= ~((1 << CSn2) | (1 << CSn1) | (1 << CSn0)); - /* Set new TOP register (ICRn in our case) */ - halMoveWordToRegister(&ICRn(pwmUnit), top); - /* Initialize Timer/Counter with new TOP value */ - halMoveWordToRegister(&TCNTn(pwmUnit), top); - /* Clear all PWM outputs */ - halMoveWordToRegister(&OCRnA(pwmUnit), 0x0000); - halMoveWordToRegister(&OCRnB(pwmUnit), 0x0000); - halMoveWordToRegister(&OCRnC(pwmUnit), 0x0000); - - /* Run Timer/Counter */ - TCCRnB(pwmUnit) |= prescaler; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets compare value for the PWM channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetPwmCompareValue(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint16_t cmpValue) -{ - halMoveWordToRegister(&OCRnx(descriptor), cmpValue); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. -******************************************************************************/ -void halClosePwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit) -{ - /* Configure port for normal operation */ - TCCRnA(pwmUnit) = 0x00; - /* Disable PWM and stop timer */ - TCCRnB(pwmUnit) = 0x00; -} - -// eof halPwm.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleep.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleep.c deleted file mode 100644 index 305dfd39..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleep.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,297 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halSleep.c - - \brief Implementation of sleep modes. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/12/09 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs calibration of the main clock generator. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartingCalibrate(void); - -#ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn on pin 1 (DIG3) and pin 2 (DIG4) to indicate the transmit state of -the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxTxSwitcherOn(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn off pin 1 (DIG3) and pin 2 (DIG4) to indicate the transmit state of -the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxTxSwitcherOff(void); - -#endif - -#ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn on pin 9 (DIG1) and pin 10 (DIG2) to enable antenna select. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyAntennaSwitcherOn(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn off pin 9 (DIG1) and pin 10 (DIG2) to disable antenna select. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyAntennaSwitcherOff(void); - -#endif // _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern volatile bool halEnableDtrWakeUp; -extern HalSleepControl_t halSleepControl; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static uint32_t halTimeStartOfSleep = 0ul; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Switch on system power. - -\param[in] - wakeupSource - wake up source -******************************************************************************/ -void halPowerOn(const uint8_t wakeupSource) -{ - halSleepControl.wakeupStation = HAL_ACTIVE_MODE; - halSleepControl.wakeupSource = wakeupSource; - - if (INTERNAL_RC == halGetClockSource()) - { - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); - } - else - { - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_in(); - TCCR2A &= ~((1 << COM2A1) | (1 << COM2A0)); // no compare - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - } - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); - - #ifdef _HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER_ - // set one on pin. Enable power amplifier. - GPIO_POW_AMPLF_SLP_set(); - #endif - - halPostTask4(HAL_WAKEUP); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Shutdowns system. - NOTES: - the application should be sure the poweroff will not be - interrupted after the execution of the sleep(). -******************************************************************************/ -void halPowerOff(void) -{ - if (HAL_ACTIVE_MODE == halSleepControl.wakeupStation) - return; // it is a too late to sleep. - - // stop application timer clock - halStopAppClock(); // will be shutdown - if (0ul == halTimeStartOfSleep) - { // start of sleep procedure - // save time of stopping of the application timer - halTimeStartOfSleep = halGetTimeOfSleepTimer(); - } - - #ifdef _HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER_ - // set zero on pin. Disable power amplifier. - GPIO_POW_AMPLF_SLP_clr(); - #endif - - #ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - - // disable front end driver if that is supported - phyRxTxSwitcherOff(); - - #endif - - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - - // disable antenna diversity switcher - phyAntennaSwitcherOff(); - - #endif - - if (halEnableDtrWakeUp) - { /* enable DTR (irq 4) wake up */ - halEnableIrqInterrupt(IRQ_4); - } /* enable DTR (irq 4) wake up */ - - // wait for end of eeprom writing - halWaitEepromReady(); - - if (INTERNAL_RC == halGetClockSource()) - { - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_set(); - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); - - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STARTED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - { // sleep timer is started - SMCR = (1 << SM1) | (1 << SM0) | (1 << SE); // power-save - __SLEEP; - SMCR = 0; - } - else - { - halStopSleepTimerClock(); - SMCR = (1 << SM1) | (1 << SE); // power-down - __SLEEP; - SMCR = 0; - halStartSleepTimerClock(); - halStartingCalibrate(); - } - } - else - { - uint8_t timsk4 = TIMSK4; - uint8_t twcr = TWCR; - uint8_t adcsra = ADCSRA; - TIMSK4 = 0; - TWCR = 0; - ADCSRA = 0; - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); - SMCR = (1 << SM1) | (1 << SM0) | (1 << SE); // power-save - __SLEEP; - SMCR = 0; - TIMSK4 = timsk4; - TWCR = twcr; - ADCSRA = adcsra; - } - - // wait for time about 1 TOSC1 cycle for correct re-entering from power save mode to power save mode - // wait for time about 1 TOSC1 cycle for correct reading TCNT2 after wake up to - OCR2B = SOME_VALUE_FOR_SYNCHRONIZATION; - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Prepares system for power-save, power-down. - Power-down the mode is possible only when internal RC is used - Parameters: - none. - Returns: - -1 there is no possibility to power-down system. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_Sleep(void) -{ - if (INTERNAL_RC != halGetClockSource()) - { - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - { // sleep timer isn't started - return -1; - } - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_in(); - - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - if (!(TIMSK2 & (1 << OCIE2A))) - { // compare interrupt is disabled - OCR2A = 0xFF; - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - } - - TCCR2A |= ((1 << COM2A1) | (1 << COM2A0)); // set OC2A on compare - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - TCCR2B |= (1 << FOC2A); // force output to set OC2A - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - TCCR2A &= ~((1 << COM2A1) | (1 << COM2A0)); // no compare - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - TCCR2A |= (1 << COM2A1); // clear OC2A on compare - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - } - - halSleepControl.wakeupStation = HAL_SLEEP_MODE; // the reset of sign of entry to the sleep mode. - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - halPostTask4(HAL_SLEEP); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Handler for task manager. It is executed when system has waked up. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWakeupHandler(void) -{ - uint32_t timeEndOfSleep; - - // save time of stopping of the application timer - timeEndOfSleep = halGetTimeOfSleepTimer(); - - timeEndOfSleep -= halTimeStartOfSleep; // time of sleep - halTimeStartOfSleep = 0ul; - // adjust application timer interval - halAdjustSleepInterval(timeEndOfSleep); - // start application timer clock - halStartAppClock(); - // Wait for when radio will be waked up. - halWaitRadio(); - - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - - // enable antenna diversity switcher - phyAntennaSwitcherOn(); - - #endif - - #ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - - // enable front end driver if that is supported - phyRxTxSwitcherOn(); - - #endif - - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_WAKEUP_SOURCE == halSleepControl.wakeupSource) - { - if (halSleepControl.callback) - halSleepControl.callback(); - } -} - -/******************************************************************************* - Makes MCU enter Idle mode. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_IdleMode(void) -{ - SMCR = 0x1; - __SLEEP; - SMCR = 0; -} - -// eof sleep.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleepTimerClock.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleepTimerClock.c deleted file mode 100644 index 70038e7f..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSleepTimerClock.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,304 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halSleepTimer.c - - \brief Module for count out requested sleep interval. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - 7/04/09 A. Khromykh - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define LSB_IN_DWORD(A) ((uint32_t)A & 0x000000FF) -#define MULTIPLY_ON_31d25(A) (((uint32_t)A << 5) - (uint32_t)A + ((uint32_t)A >> 2)) -#define MAX_TIMER_VALUE 0xFF -#define SLEEP_TIMER_ITERATOR (1000ul * 256ul * SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER / SLEEPTIMER_CLOCK) - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - volatile uint16_t interval; // Contains number of timer full interval before will load reminder. - volatile uint8_t remainder; // Contains number of ticks that passed before timer firing -} TimerControl_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern HalSleepControl_t halSleepControl; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static volatile TimerControl_t halTimerControl; -// time of sleep timer in ms. -static uint32_t halSleepTime = 0ul; -// upper byte of sleep time -uint8_t halSleepTimerOvfw = 0; -// interrupt counter -static volatile uint8_t halIrqOvfwCount = 0; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clear timer control structure -******************************************************************************/ -void halClearTimeControl(void) -{ - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - // clear timer control structure - halTimerControl.remainder = 0; - halTimerControl.interval = 0; - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_CLEAR_TIME_CONTROL_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wake up procedure for all external interrupts -******************************************************************************/ -void halWakeupFromIrq(void) -{ - if (HAL_SLEEP_MODE == halSleepControl.wakeupStation) - { - halPowerOn(HAL_EXT_IRQ_IS_WAKEUP_SOURCE); - // disable compare match interrupt - TIMSK2 &= ~(1 << OCIE2A); - // clear timer control structure - halClearTimeControl(); - // stop high sleep timer logic - halSleepControl.sleepTimerState = HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED; - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Starts the sleep timer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartSleepTimerClock(void) -{ - //1. Disable the Timer/Counter2 interrupts by clearing OCIE2x and TOIE2. - halDisableSleepTimerInt(); - //2. Select clock source by setting AS2 as appropriate. - ASSR |= (1 << AS2); // clock source is TOSC1 pin - //3. Write new values to TCNT2, OCR2x, and TCCR2x. - TCNT2 = 0; - TCCR2A = 0x00; // normal operation, OC2A&OC2B disconnected - TCCR2B = 0x00; - OCR2A = 0x00; - //4. To switch to asynchronous operation: Wait for TCN2UB, OCR2xUB, and TCR2xUB. - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - //5. Clear the Timer/Counter2 Interrupt Flags. - TIFR2 = (1 << OCF2A) | (1 << TOV2); - //6. Enable interrupts, if needed. - TCCR2B = SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER; // start timer - TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2); // enable overflow interrupt -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Stops the sleep timer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStopSleepTimerClock(void) -{ - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - //1. Disable the Timer/Counter2 interrupts by clearing OCIE2x and TOIE2. - halDisableSleepTimerInt(); - TCCR2B &= ~SLEEPTIMER_PRESCALER; // Stops the timer - GTCCR |= (1 << PSRASY); // Reset prescaler - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - // switch of oscillator - ASSR &= ~(1 << AS2); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sets interval. -Parameters: - value - contains number of ticks which the timer must count out. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetSleepTimerInterval(uint32_t value) -{ - uint8_t currCounter = TCNT2; - uint32_t tempValue = LSB_IN_DWORD(~currCounter); - - if (value > tempValue) - { - value -= tempValue; - // halTimerControl.interval = value / 255 - halTimerControl.interval = value >> 8; - halTimerControl.remainder = value & 0xFF; - } - else - { // enough timer reminder before overflow - currCounter += (uint8_t)value; - // wait for end of synchronization - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - // load compared value - OCR2A = currCounter; - // clear compare interrupt flag - TIFR2 = 1 << OCF2A; - // enable compare match interrupt - TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2A); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Return time of sleep timer. - -Returns: - time in ms. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t halGetTimeOfSleepTimer(void) -{ - uint32_t tempValue; - uint8_t tmpCounter; - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - // read interrupt counter - tmpCounter = halIrqOvfwCount; - // read asynchronous counter - tempValue = TCNT2; - // wait for setup asynchronous registers - OCR2B = SOME_VALUE_FOR_SYNCHRONIZATION; - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - if (TIFR2 & (1 << TOV2)) - { // there is issued interrupt - tempValue = TCNT2; - tempValue += MAX_TIMER_VALUE; - } - END_MEASURE(HAL_GET_SLEEP_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - tempValue += tmpCounter * MAX_TIMER_VALUE; - - #if defined(SLEEP_PRESCALER_1024) - // one tick time 31.25 ms. - return (halSleepTime + MULTIPLY_ON_31d25(tempValue)); - #else - #warning 'to do counting sleep timer for that prescaler' - return (halSleepTime + tempValue * (1000 * SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER / SLEEPTIMER_CLOCK)); - #endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Returns the sleep timer frequency in Hz. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - frequency. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t halSleepTimerFrequency(void) -{ - return (SLEEPTIMER_CLOCK / SLEEPTIMER_DIVIDER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -Synchronization system time which based on sleep timer. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSleepSystemTimeSynchronize(void) -{ - uint8_t tmpCounter; - uint32_t tmpValue; - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - tmpCounter = halIrqOvfwCount; - halIrqOvfwCount = 0; - END_MEASURE(HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_SYNCHRONIZE_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - tmpValue = tmpCounter * SLEEP_TIMER_ITERATOR; - halSleepTime += tmpValue; - if (halSleepTime < tmpValue) - halSleepTimerOvfw++; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Compare interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - // disable compare match interrupt - TIMSK2 &= ~(1 << OCIE2A); - // nulling for adjusting - halTimerControl.remainder = 0; - if (HAL_SLEEP_MODE == halSleepControl.wakeupStation) - halPowerOn(HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_WAKEUP_SOURCE); - // post task for task manager - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STARTED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - halInterruptSleepClock(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TIMER2_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Overflow interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - if (0 == halTimerControl.interval) - { - if (0 == halTimerControl.remainder) - { - if (HAL_SLEEP_MODE == halSleepControl.wakeupStation) - halPowerOn(HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_WAKEUP_SOURCE); - // post task for task manager - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STARTED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - halInterruptSleepClock(); - } - else - { - // wait for end of synchronization - while (ASSR & HAL_ASSR_FLAGS); - // load compared value - OCR2A = halTimerControl.remainder; - // clear compare interrupt flag - TIFR2 = 1 << OCF2A; - // enable compare match interrupt - TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2A); - if (HAL_SLEEP_MODE == halSleepControl.wakeupStation) - HAL_Sleep(); - } - } - else - { - halTimerControl.interval--; - if (HAL_SLEEP_MODE == halSleepControl.wakeupStation) - HAL_Sleep(); - } - - halIrqOvfwCount++; - halSynchronizeSleepTime(); - - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TIMER2_OVF_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -//eof halSleepTimerClock.c - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSpi.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSpi.c deleted file mode 100644 index b0c8bf0a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halSpi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file halSpi.c - -\brief Implementation of USART SPI mode. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define UDORD0 2 -#define UCPHA0 1 -#define UCPOL0 0 -#define SPI_CLOCK_MODE_AMOUNT 4 -#define SPI_DATA_ORDER_AMOUNT 2 - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Set the parameters of USART to work at SPI mode. -Parameters: - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetUsartSpiConfig(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t clockMode[SPI_CLOCK_MODE_AMOUNT] = {((0 << UCPOL0) | (0 << UCPHA0)), - ((0 << UCPOL0) | (1 << UCPHA0)), - ((1 << UCPOL0) | (0 << UCPHA0)), - ((1 << UCPOL0) | (1 << UCPHA0))}; - uint8_t dataOrder[SPI_DATA_ORDER_AMOUNT] = {(0 << UDORD0), - (1 << UDORD0)}; - - // setting of the spi gpio direct - if (SPI_CHANNEL_0 == descriptor->tty) - GPIO_USART0_EXTCLK_make_out(); - else - GPIO_USART1_EXTCLK_make_out(); - - UBRRn(descriptor->tty) = 0; - // Set MSPI mode - UCSRnC(descriptor->tty) = (1 << UMSEL01) | (1 << UMSEL00); - // Set clock mode and data order - UCSRnC(descriptor->tty) |= (dataOrder[descriptor->dataOrder] | clockMode[descriptor->clockMode]); - // Enable receiver and transmitter - UCSRnB(descriptor->tty) = (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0); - // Set baud rate - UBRRn(descriptor->tty) = descriptor->baudRate; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Disables USART channel. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel. -******************************************************************************/ -void halClearUsartSpi(SpiChannel_t tty) -{ - if (SPI_CHANNEL_0 == tty) - GPIO_USART0_EXTCLK_make_in(); - else - GPIO_USART1_EXTCLK_make_in(); - - UCSRnB(tty) = 0x00; // disable -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Write a length bytes to the SPI. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; - length - number bytes for transfer; -Returns: - number of written bytes -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t halSyncUsartSpiWriteData(SpiChannel_t tty, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t i; - uint8_t temp; - - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) - { - // Wait for empty transmit buffer - while (!(UCSRnA(tty) & (1 << UDRE0))); - // Send data - UDRn(tty) = *(buffer + i); - // Wait for data to be received - while (!(UCSRnA(tty) & (1 << RXC0))); - // receives data to clear received usart buffer - temp = UDRn(tty); - (void)temp; - } - return i; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Write & read a length bytes to & from the SPI. -Parameters: - tty - spi channel - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; - length - number bytes for transfer; -Returns: - number of written & read bytes -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t halSyncUsartSpiReadData(SpiChannel_t tty, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t i; - - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) - { - // Wait for empty transmit buffer - while (!(UCSRnA(tty) & (1 << UDRE0))); - // Send data - UDRn(tty) = *(buffer + i); - // Wait for data to be received - while (!(UCSRnA(tty) & (1 << RXC0))); - // Receive data - *(buffer + i) = UDRn(tty); - } - return i; -} - -//end of halSpi.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halUsart.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halUsart.c deleted file mode 100644 index 90388ed0..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halUsart.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file halUsart.c - -\brief Implementation of usart hardware-dependent module. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -void halPostUsartTask(HalUsartTaskId_t taskId); - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern volatile bool halEnableDtrWakeUp; -extern void (* dtrWakeUpCallback)(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Sets USART module parameters. - \param - usartmode - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t - \return - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetUsartConfig(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *usartMode) -{ - UCSRnB(usartMode->tty) = 0x00; // disable usart - UBRRn(usartMode->tty) = usartMode->baudrate; // usart speed - - if (USART_MODE_ASYNC == usartMode->mode) - { - UCSRnA(usartMode->tty) = (uint8_t)USART_DOUBLE_SPEED << U2X0; // Double the USART Transmition Speed - UCSRnC(usartMode->tty) = 0x00; - } - else - { - UCSRnA(usartMode->tty) = 0; - UCSRnC(usartMode->tty) = usartMode->edge; // edge select - } - - UCSRnC(usartMode->tty) |= usartMode->mode; - UCSRnC(usartMode->tty) |= usartMode->dataLength; // character size - UCSRnC(usartMode->tty) |= usartMode->parity; // parity mode - UCSRnC(usartMode->tty) |= usartMode->stopbits; // stop bit select - UCSRnA(usartMode->tty) |= (1 << RXC0); // clear receive interrupt - UCSRnB(usartMode->tty) |= (1 << RXEN1) | (1 << TXEN1); // usart enable - UCSRnB(usartMode->tty) |= (1 << RXCIE0) ; // receive interrupt enable -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief The interrupt handler of USART0 - data register is empty. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(USART0_UDRE_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - // We must disable the interrupt because we must "break" context. - halDisableUsartDremInterrupt(USART_CHANNEL_0); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_DRE); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_USART0_UDR_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief The interrupt handler of USART0 - transmission is completed. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(USART0_TX_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halDisableUsartTxcInterrupt(USART_CHANNEL_0); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_TXC); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_USART0_TX_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief The interrupt handler of USART0 - reception is completed. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(USART0_RX_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - uint8_t status = UCSR0A; - uint8_t data = UDR0; - - if (!(status & ((1 << FE0) | (1 << DOR0) | (1 << UPE0)))) - { - halUsartRxBufferFiller(USART_CHANNEL_0, data); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_RXC); - } - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - else // There is an error in the received byte. - { - halUsartSaveErrorReason(USART_CHANNEL_0, status); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART0_ERR); - } - #endif - - END_MEASURE(HALISR_USART0_RX_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief The interrupt handler of USART1 - data register is empty. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(USART1_UDRE_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - // We must disable the interrupt because we must "break" context. - halDisableUsartDremInterrupt(USART_CHANNEL_1); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_DRE); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_USART1_UDRE_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief The interrupt handler of USART1 - transmission is completed. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(USART1_TX_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halDisableUsartTxcInterrupt(USART_CHANNEL_1); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_TXC); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_USART1_TX_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief The interrupt handler of USART1 - reception is completed. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(USART1_RX_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - uint8_t status = UCSR1A; - uint8_t data = UDR1; - - if (!(status & ((1 << FE1) | (1 << DOR1) | (1 << UPE1)))) - { - halUsartRxBufferFiller(USART_CHANNEL_1, data); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_RXC); - } - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - else // There is an error in the received byte. - { - halUsartSaveErrorReason(USART_CHANNEL_1, status); - halPostUsartTask(HAL_USART_TASK_USART1_ERR); - } - #endif - END_MEASURE(HALISR_USART1_RX_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -/brief External interrupt 4 (DTR) handler -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(INT4_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - halWakeupFromIrq(); - - if (halEnableDtrWakeUp) - { /* enable DTR (irq 4) wake up */ - halDisableIrqInterrupt(IRQ_4); - } /* enable DTR (irq 4) wake up */ - - if (NULL != dtrWakeUpCallback) - dtrWakeUpCallback(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_INT4_TIME_LIMIT) -} -// eof halUsart.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s deleted file mode 100644 index 1c76747f..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halW1.s - - \brief Implementation of 1-wire hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -.include "halGccD.h" -.set __w1_port, 0x14 ; PORTG -.set __w1_bit, 5 ; PORTG5 -.set __w1_ddr, 0x13 ; DDRG -.set __w1_pin, 0x12 ; PING - -/*============================================================= - Resets all devices connected to the bus. Function asserts on - the bus reset pulse and detects presence pulse. The result is - contained in r24. - Parameters: - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - If device(s) was(were) detected. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - If device(s) was(were) not detected. -===============================================================*/ halResetW1 -.type halResetW1,@function -halResetW1: - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - ; Pull down - sbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - cbi __w1_port, __w1_bit - ; Reset Low Time (500 us) - ldi r24, 250 - call __delay_us - ldi r24, 250 - call __delay_us - ; Tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Presence-Detect Sample Time (70 us) - ldi r24, 70 - call __delay_us - ; Precense-Detect - ldi r24, 0x01 - sbic __w1_pin, __w1_bit - ldi r24, 0x00 - push r24 - ; Tail of Reset High Time - ldi r24, 240 - call __delay_us - pop r24 - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Reads bit from the bus - Returns: - bit read from the bus in r24 -===============================================================*/ halReadW1Bit -.type halReadW1Bit,@function -halReadW1Bit: - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - ; Pull down - sbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - cbi __w1_port, __w1_bit - ; Read Low Time (6 us) - ldi r24, 6 - call __delay_us - ; Tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Tail of Read Sample Time (10 us) - ldi r24, 10 - call __delay_us - ; Read Sample - clc - sbic __w1_pin, __w1_bit - sec - rol r24 - ; Tail of Timeslot Duration - push r24 - ldi r24, 100 - call __delay_us - pop r24 - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Reads byte from the bus - Returns: - byte read from the bus in r24 -===============================================================*/ halReadW1 -.type halReadW1,@function -halReadW1: - push r25 - push r23 - ldi r25, 8 -__read_bit_again: - call halReadW1Bit - ror r24 - ror r23 - dec r25 - tst r25 - brne __read_bit_again - mov r24, r23 - pop r23 - pop r25 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Writes bit to the bus - Parameters: - value - bit that should be written to the bus. -===============================================================*/ halWriteW1bit -.type halWriteW1bit,@function -halWriteW1bit: - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - ; Pull down - cbi __w1_port, __w1_bit - sbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Write-1 Low Time - push r24 - ldi r24, 6 - call __delay_us - pop r24 - ; Write bit - ror r24 - brcc __w1_write_zero - ; Write-One -> tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit -__w1_write_zero: - ; Tail of Timeslot Duration - push r24 - ldi r24, 100 - call __delay_us - pop r24 - ; Tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Writes byte to the bus - Parameters: - value - byte that should be written to the bus. -===============================================================*/ halWriteW1 -.type halWriteW1,@function -halWriteW1: - push r25 - ldi r25, 8 -__write_bit_again: - call halWriteW1bit - dec r25 - tst r25 - brne __write_bit_again - pop r25 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Delay in microseconds. - Parameters: - us - delay time in microseconds -===============================================================*/ __delay_us -.type __delay_us,@function -__delay_us: -__w0: -.if FCPU==8000000 - nop - nop - nop - nop -.endif - dec r24 - tst r24 - brne __w0 - ret -; eof halW1.s diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s90 b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s90 deleted file mode 100644 index a12f063d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halW1.s90 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halW1.s90 - - \brief Implementation of 1-wire hardware-dependent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#include -__w1_port VAR 0x14 ; PORTG -__w1_bit VAR 5 ; PORTG5 -__w1_ddr VAR 0x13 ; DDRG -__w1_pin VAR 0x12 ; PING - -/*============================================================= - Resets all devices connected to the bus. Function asserts on - the bus reset pulse and detects presence pulse. The result is - contained in r16. - Parameters: - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - If device(s) was(were) detected. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - If device(s) was(were) not detected. -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC halResetW1 -RSEG CODE -halResetW1: - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - ; Pull down - sbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - cbi __w1_port, __w1_bit - ; Reset Low Time (500 us) - ldi r16, 250 - call __delay_us - ldi r16, 250 - call __delay_us - ; Tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Presence-Detect Sample Time (70 us) - ldi r16, 70 - call __delay_us - ; Precense-Detect - ldi r16, 0x01 - sbic __w1_pin, __w1_bit - ldi r16, 0x00 - push r16 - ; Tail of Reset High Time - ldi r16, 240 - call __delay_us - pop r16 - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Reads bit from the bus - Returns: - bit read from the bus in r16 -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC halReadW1Bit -RSEG CODE -halReadW1Bit: - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - ; Pull down - sbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - cbi __w1_port, __w1_bit - ; Read Low Time (6 us) - ldi r16, 6 - call __delay_us - ; Tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Tail of Read Sample Time (10 us) - ldi r16, 10 - call __delay_us - ; Read Sample - clc - sbic __w1_pin, __w1_bit - sec - rol r16 - ; Tail of Timeslot Duration - push r16 - ldi r16, 100 - call __delay_us - pop r16 - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Reads byte from the bus - Returns: - byte read from the bus in r16 -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC halReadW1 -RSEG CODE -halReadW1: - push r25 - push r23 - ldi r25, 8 -__read_bit_again: - call halReadW1Bit - ror r16 - ror r23 - dec r25 - tst r25 - brne __read_bit_again - mov r16, r23 - pop r23 - pop r25 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Writes bit to the bus - Parameters: - value - bit that should be written to the bus. -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC halWriteW1bit -RSEG CODE -halWriteW1bit: - ; Store SREG - push r23 - in r23, 0x3F - ; Disable interrupts - cli - ; Pull down - cbi __w1_port, __w1_bit - sbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Write-1 Low Time - push r16 - ldi r16, 6 - call __delay_us - pop r16 - ; Write bit - ror r16 - brcc __w1_write_zero - ; Write-One -> tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit -__w1_write_zero: - ; Tail of Timeslot Duration - push r16 - ldi r16, 100 - call __delay_us - pop r16 - ; Tri-state (external pullup) - cbi __w1_ddr, __w1_bit - ; Restore SREG - out 0x3F, r23 - pop r23 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Writes byte to the bus - Parameters: - value - byte that should be written to the bus. -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC halWriteW1 -RSEG CODE -halWriteW1: - push r25 - ldi r25, 8 -__write_bit_again: - call halWriteW1bit - dec r25 - tst r25 - brne __write_bit_again - pop r25 - ret - -/*============================================================= - Delay in microseconds. - Parameters: - us - delay time in microseconds -===============================================================*/ -PUBLIC __delay_us -RSEG CODE -__delay_us: -__w0: -#if FCPU==8000000 - nop - nop - nop - nop -#endif - dec r16 - tst r16 - brne __w0 - ret -; eof halW1.s -END diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halWdtInit.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halWdtInit.c deleted file mode 100644 index eb2a9dff..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/halWdtInit.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halWdtInit.c - - \brief Implementation of WDT start up procedure. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -#define PIN_OUT 62500 -#define MEANING_BITS 0x1F - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef _SYS_ASSERT_ON_ - INLINE void halJumpNullHandler(void); -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(__GNUC__) - uint8_t halResetReason __attribute__ ((section (".noinit"))); -#elif defined(__ICCAVR__) - __no_init uint8_t halResetReason; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Resets and stops wdt. Saves the reason of reset. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(__GNUC__) - - void halWdtInit(void) __attribute__ ((naked)) \ - __attribute__ ((section (".init0"))); - - void halWdtInit(void) - { - ASM("clr r1"); -#elif defined(__ICCAVR__) - - __task void halWdtInit(void) - { - ASM("clr r15"); -#else - #error 'Compiler not supported.' -#endif - - if (TEMP_WARM_RESET != halResetReason) - { - halResetReason = MCUSR & MEANING_BITS; - - if (halResetReason & POWER_ON_RESET) - halResetReason = POWER_ON_RESET; - } - else - { - halResetReason = WARM_RESET; - } - MCUSR = 0; - WDTCSR |= (1 << WDCE) | (1 << WDE); - WDTCSR = 0x00; - - #ifdef _SYS_ASSERT_ON_ - halJumpNullHandler(); - #endif - } - -#ifdef _SYS_ASSERT_ON_ -/****************************************************************************** -Jump to NULL handler. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halJumpNullHandler(void) -{ - if (0 == halResetReason) // was jump on NULL - { - register volatile uint16_t tmp; - tmp = SP; - - ASM ("cli"); - DDRB |= 0xE0; - /* Init UART*/ - UBRR1H = 0; - #if (F_CPU == 4000000ul) - UBRR1L = 12; - #elif (F_CPU == 8000000ul) - UBRR1L = 25; - #endif - UCSR1A = (1 << U2X1); - UCSR1B = (1 << TXEN1); - UCSR1C = (3 << UCSZ10); // 8-bit data - - /* Init timer counter 4.*/ - OCR4A = 0; - /* Disable TC4 interrupt */ - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4A); - /* main clk / 8 */ - TCCR4B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11); - - while (1) - { - do - { /* Send byte to UART */ - while (!(UCSR1A & (1 << UDRE1))); - UDR1 = *((uint8_t *)SP); - SP++; - } while (RAMEND >= SP); - SP = tmp; - - PORTB |= 0x80; - TCNT4 = 0; - while(TCNT4 < PIN_OUT); - PORTB &= ~0x80; - PORTB |= 0x40; - TCNT4 = 0; - while(TCNT4 < PIN_OUT); - PORTB &= ~0x40; - PORTB |= 0x20; - TCNT4 = 0; - while(TCNT4 < PIN_OUT); - PORTB &= ~0x20; - } - } -} -#endif - -#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_REPORT_STATS_) -void halFillStack(void) __attribute__ ((naked, section (".init1"))); -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Fill cstack with repeated pattern 0xCD -******************************************************************************/ -void halFillStack(void) -{ - extern uint16_t __stack_start; - extern uint16_t __stack; - - for (uint8_t *start = (uint8_t *)&__stack_start; start <= (uint8_t *)&__stack; start++) - *start = 0xCD; -} -#endif - -// eof halWdtInit.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/i2c.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/i2c.c deleted file mode 100644 index f118194e..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/i2c.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file i2c.c - - \brief Provides the functionality of TWI. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Inits TWI module. Setup teh speed of TWI. -Parameters: - i2cMode - the speed of TWI. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halInitI2c(HAL_i2cMode_t *i2cMode) -{ - TWCR = 0x00; - TWSR = HAL_I2C_PRESCALER; // prescaler - // Set bit rate - TWBR = i2cMode->clockrate; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TWI_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - switch (TWSR & 0xF8) - { - case TWS_START: - case TWS_RSTART: - halSendStartDoneI2c(); - break; - - case TWS_MT_SLA_ACK: - case TWS_MT_DATA_ACK: - halWriteDoneI2c(); - break; - - case TWS_BUSERROR: - case TWS_MT_SLA_NACK: - case TWS_MT_DATA_NACK: - case TWS_MR_SLA_NACK: - halI2cBusReset(); - break; - - case TWS_MR_SLA_ACK: - halMasterReadWriteAddressAckI2c(); - break; - - case TWS_MR_DATA_ACK: - halReadDoneI2c(halReadByteI2c()); - break; - - case TWS_MR_DATA_NACK: - halReadLastByteDoneI2c(halReadByteI2c()); - break; - - default: - break; - } - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TWI_TIME_LIMIT) -} -// eof i2c.c - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/wdt.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/wdt.c deleted file mode 100644 index d9c5a859..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/common/src/wdt.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file wdt.c - - \brief Implementation of WDT interrupt handler. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -void (*halWdtCallback)(void) = NULL; - -/******************************************************************************* -Registers WDT fired callback. -Parameters: - wdtCallback - callback. -Returns: - none. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterWdtCallback(void (*wdtCallback)(void)) -{ - halWdtCallback = wdtCallback; -} - -/******************************************************************************* -Starts WDT with interval. -Parameters: - interval - interval. -Returns: - none. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StartWdt(HAL_WdtInterval_t interval) -{ - uint8_t i = 0; - - if (halWdtCallback) - i = (1< - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section. -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - HAL_RTIMER_REPEAT_MODE = 0, - HAL_RTIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE = 1, - HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE = 2, -} HAL_RTimerMode_t; - -typedef struct // Timer description. -{ - volatile HAL_RTimerMode_t mode; // Mode. - volatile uint16_t period; // Period of the timer. - volatile uint16_t nextEvent; // Counter of periods. -} RTimerDescr_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables. -******************************************************************************/ -// Do not use it in other files. -extern RTimerDescr_t __rtimer; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section. -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer and RF ext. interrupts. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Starts RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. - Parameters: - source - source of invocation. - mode - RTimer mode. - period - RTimer period. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_StartRtimer(HAL_RTimerMode_t mode, uint16_t period); - -/****************************************************************************** - Stops RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StopRtimer(void); - -#endif /* _HALMACISR_H */ - -// eof halMacIsr.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfCtrl.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfCtrl.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7b6534d2..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfCtrl.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfCtrl.h - - \brief Types and constants declaration for IEEE802.15.4 PHY implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 28/05/07 ALuzhetsky - Created. - 06/08/07 A. Mandychev, E. Ivanov - Modified. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFCTRL_H -#define _HALRFCTRL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - HAL_FREQ_NOCLK, - HAL_FREQ_1MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_2MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_4MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_8MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_16MHZ -} HalSysFreq_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Delay in us -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Delay(uint8_t us); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfIrqFlag(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_DisableRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets SLP_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears SLP_TR pin to 0. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeInRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeOutRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfRst(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfRst(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Init pins that controls RF chip. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfPins(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inits Atmega IRQ pin. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Returns current frequency code. -******************************************************************************/ -HalSysFreq_t HAL_GetRfFreq(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Wait for when radio will be waked up. - - \param none. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWaitRadio(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables RX TX indicator for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxTxSwitcher(void); - -#endif /* _HALRFCTRL_H */ - -// eof halRfCtrl.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfPio.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfPio.h deleted file mode 100644 index 87ac6c88..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfPio.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfPio.h - - \brief AT86RF230 control pins declarations. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFPIO_H -#define _HALRFPIO_H - -#include - -// Macros for the RF_SLP_TR pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_SLP_TR, B, 4); -// Macros for the RF_RST pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_RST, B, 5); -// Macros for the RF_IRQ pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_IRQ, D, 4); -// Macros for the SPI_CS pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_CS, B, 0); -// Macros for the SPI_SCK pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_SCK, B, 1); -// Macros for the SPI_MOSI pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_MOSI, B, 2); -// Macros for the SPI_MISO pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_MISO, B, 3); -// Macros for the RF_TST pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_TST, B, 6); -#endif /* _HALRFPIO_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfSpi.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfSpi.h deleted file mode 100644 index 663ae50b..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/include/halRfSpi.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file halRfSpi.h - - \brief SPI interface routines header. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFSPI_H -#define _HALRFSPI_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Performs initialization of SPI interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value); - -/****************************************************************************** - Deselects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Selects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline function (to use in critical sections) - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE uint8_t HAL_WriteByteInlineRfSpi(uint8_t value) -{ - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - SPDR = value; // Write data. - asm("nop"); // This "nop" tunes up the "while" to reduce time for SPIF flag - // detecting. - while (!(SPSR&(1 << SPIF))); - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_WRITEBYTE_RFSPI_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - return SPDR; -} - - -#endif /* _HALRFSPI_H */ - -//eof halRfSpi.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halMacIsr.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halMacIsr.c deleted file mode 100644 index e622372d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halMacIsr.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halMacIsr.c - - \brief mac interrupts implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 14/01/08 A. Mandychev - Created. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(HAL_3d6864MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period >> 1) -#elif defined(HAL_4MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period >> 1) -#elif defined(HAL_7d3728MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period) -#elif defined(HAL_8MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period) -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -RTimerDescr_t __rtimer; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Redirect interrupt event depending on the TrxState. - Parameters: none. - Returns: none. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyDispatcheRTimerEvent(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Redirect interrupt event depending on the TrxState. - Parameters: none. - Returns: none. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyDispatcheRfInterrupt(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void) -{ - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; - HAL_InitRfIrq(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Starts RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. - Parameters: - source - source of invocation. - mode - RTimer mode. - period - RTimer period. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_StartRtimer(HAL_RTimerMode_t mode, uint16_t period) -{ - if (HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE != __rtimer.mode) - return false; - - __rtimer.period = HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period); - __rtimer.mode = mode; - __rtimer.nextEvent = TCNT4 + __rtimer.period; - if (__rtimer.nextEvent > TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE) - __rtimer.nextEvent -= TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; - OCR4B = __rtimer.nextEvent; - // clear possible interrupt by setting logical one. - TIFR4 = (1 << OCF4B); - // enable interrupt - TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4B); - return true; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Stops RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StopRtimer(void) -{ - // clear possible interrupt - TIFR4 &= ~(1 << OCF4B); - // disable interrupt - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Output compare unit (channel B) interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER4_COMPB_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - if (HAL_RTIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE == __rtimer.mode) - { - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; - } - else - { - __rtimer.nextEvent += __rtimer.period; - if (__rtimer.nextEvent > TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE) - __rtimer.nextEvent -= TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; - OCR4B = __rtimer.nextEvent; - } - phyDispatcheRTimerEvent(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************** - Interrupt service routine. - Do not move this ISR! It could be omitted in your project. -****************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - phyDispatcheRfInterrupt(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -// eof halMacIsr.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfCtrl.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfCtrl.c deleted file mode 100644 index ffbd38b5..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfCtrl.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfCtrl.c - - \brief mac pin interface implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 28/05/07 ALuzhetsky - Created. - 06/08/07 A. Mandychev, E. Ivanov - Modified. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define RF_REGISTER_READ_ACCESS_MODE 0x80 -#define RF_REGISTER_TRX_STATUS_ADDRESS 0x01 -#define RF_TRX_OFF_STATE 0x08 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn on pin 1 (DIG3) and pin 2 (DIG4) to indicate the transmit state of -the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxTxSwitcherOn(void); - -#endif //_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Delay in us -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Delay(uint8_t us) -{ - __delay_us(us); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfIrqFlag(void) -{ - TIFR1 = 1 << ICF1; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRfIrq(void) -{ - TIMSK1 |= 1 << ICIE1; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_DisableRfIrq(void) -{ - uint8_t tmp; - - tmp = TIMSK1 & (1 << ICIE1); - TIMSK1 &= ~(1 << ICIE1); - return tmp; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets SLP_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears SLP_TR pin to 0. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeInRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_in(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeOutRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfRst(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_RST_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfRst(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_RST_clr(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Init pins that controls RF chip. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfPins(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_TST_make_out(); - GPIO_RF_TST_clr(); - - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); - - GPIO_RF_RST_set(); - GPIO_RF_RST_make_out(); - - GPIO_RF_IRQ_make_in(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Inits Atmega IRQ pin. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfIrq(void) -{ - OCR1A = 0; - TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS10); // CTC mode, clock source is not prescaled - TCCR1B |= (1 << ICNC1) | (1 << ICES1); // input noise canceler and rising edge are enabled -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Returns current frequency code. -******************************************************************************/ -HalSysFreq_t HAL_GetRfFreq(void) -{ -/* if (INTERNAL_RC == halGetClockSource()) - { - return HAL_FREQ_NOCLK; - } - else*/ - { - #if (F_CPU == 4000000ul) - return HAL_FREQ_4MHZ; - #endif - #if (F_CPU == 8000000ul) - return HAL_FREQ_8MHZ; - #endif - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Wait for when radio will be waked up. - - \param none. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWaitRadio(void) -{ - uint8_t tempValue = 0; - - do { - HAL_SelectRfSpi(); - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(RF_REGISTER_READ_ACCESS_MODE | RF_REGISTER_TRX_STATUS_ADDRESS); - tempValue = HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(tempValue); - HAL_DeselectRfSpi(); - } while(RF_TRX_OFF_STATE != tempValue); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables RX TX indicator for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxTxSwitcher(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - phyRxTxSwitcherOn(); - #endif //_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -} - -//eof halRfCtrl.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfSpi.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfSpi.c deleted file mode 100644 index 053ba68a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halRfSpi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halrfSpi.c - - \brief SPI interface routines. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Performs initialization of SPI interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); - GPIO_SPI_MISO_make_in(); - GPIO_SPI_MOSI_make_out(); - GPIO_SPI_SCK_make_out(); - GPIO_SPI_CS_make_out(); - SPCR = ((1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR)); // SPI enable, master mode. - SPSR = (1 << SPI2X); // rate = fosc/2 -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. CPU clock critical function (4 MHz only). - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value) -{ - uint8_t tmp8; - - SPDR = value; // Write data. - asm("nop"); // 1 - asm("nop"); // 2 - asm("nop"); // 3 - asm("nop"); // 4 - asm("nop"); // 5 - asm("nop"); // 5 - asm("nop"); // 7 - asm("nop"); // 8 - asm("nop"); // 9 - asm("nop"); // 10 - asm("nop"); // 11 - asm("nop"); // 12 - asm("nop"); // 13 - asm("nop"); // 14 - asm("nop"); // 15 - asm("nop"); // 16 - asm("nop"); // 17 - tmp8 = SPSR; - (void)tmp8; - return SPDR; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Deselects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Selects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_clr(); -} - -// eof halrfSpi.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halUid.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halUid.c deleted file mode 100644 index 21976ce9..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb230/src/halUid.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halUid.c - - \brief Implementation of UID interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 7/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief uid type. */ -typedef union -{ - uint64_t uid; - uint8_t array[sizeof(uint64_t)]; -} HalUid_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HalUid_t halUid = {.uid = 0ull}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Reads uid from external spi eeprom at25010a. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadUid(void) -{ - uint8_t command = 0x03; - uint8_t address = 0; - uint8_t itr; - - GPIO_RF_RST_make_out(); - GPIO_RF_RST_clr(); - GPIO_SPI_CS_clr(); - - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(command); - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(address); - for (itr=0; itr - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section. -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - HAL_RTIMER_REPEAT_MODE = 0, - HAL_RTIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE = 1, - HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE = 2, -} HAL_RTimerMode_t; - -typedef struct // Timer description. -{ - volatile HAL_RTimerMode_t mode; // Mode. - volatile uint16_t period; // Period of the timer. - volatile uint16_t nextEvent; // Counter of periods. -} RTimerDescr_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables. -******************************************************************************/ -// Do not use it in other files. -extern RTimerDescr_t __rtimer; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section. -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer and RF ext. interrupts. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Starts RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. - Parameters: - source - source of invocation. - mode - RTimer mode. - period - RTimer period. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_StartRtimer(HAL_RTimerMode_t mode, uint16_t period); - -/****************************************************************************** - Stops RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StopRtimer(void); - -#endif /* _HALMACISR_H */ - -// eof halMacIsr.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfCtrl.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfCtrl.h deleted file mode 100644 index 846b101c..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfCtrl.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfCtrl.h - - \brief Types and constants declaration for IEEE802.15.4 PHY implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 28/05/07 ALuzhetsky - Created. - 06/08/07 A. Mandychev, E. Ivanov - Modified. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFCTRL_H -#define _HALRFCTRL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - HAL_FREQ_NOCLK, - HAL_FREQ_1MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_2MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_4MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_8MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_16MHZ -} HalSysFreq_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Delay in us -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Delay(uint8_t us); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfIrqFlag(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_DisableRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets SLP_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears SLP_TR pin to 0. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeInRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeOutRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfRst(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfRst(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Init pins that controls RF chip. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfPins(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inits Atmega IRQ pin. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Returns current frequency code. -******************************************************************************/ -HalSysFreq_t HAL_GetRfFreq(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Wait for when radio will be waked up. - - \param none. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWaitRadio(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables RX TX indicator for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxTxSwitcher(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity option for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitAntennaDiversity(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in RX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxAntennaDiversity(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in TX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableTxAntennaDiversity(void); - -#endif /* _HALRFCTRL_H */ - -// eof halRfCtrl.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfPio.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfPio.h deleted file mode 100644 index bbce93f4..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfPio.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfPio.h - - \brief AT86RF230 control pins declarations. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFPIO_H -#define _HALRFPIO_H - -#include - -// Macros for the RF_SLP_TR pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_SLP_TR, B, 4); -// Macros for the RF_RST pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_RST, B, 5); -// Macros for the RF_IRQ pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_IRQ, D, 0); -// Macros for the SPI_CS pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_CS, B, 0); -// Macros for the SPI_SCK pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_SCK, B, 1); -// Macros for the SPI_MOSI pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_MOSI, B, 2); -// Macros for the SPI_MISO pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_MISO, B, 3); -#endif /* _HALRFPIO_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfSpi.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfSpi.h deleted file mode 100644 index fe3328a6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/include/halRfSpi.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file halRfSpi.h - - \brief SPI interface routines header. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFSPI_H -#define _HALRFSPI_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Performs initialization of SPI interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value); - -/****************************************************************************** - Deselects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Selects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline function (to use in critical sections) - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE uint8_t HAL_WriteByteInlineRfSpi(uint8_t value) -{ - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - SPDR = value; // Write data. - asm("nop"); // This "nop" tunes up the "while" to reduce time for SPIF flag - // detecting. - while (!(SPSR&(1 << SPIF))); - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_WRITEBYTE_RFSPI_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - return SPDR; -} - -#endif /* _HALRFSPI_H */ - -//eof halRfSpi.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halMacIsr.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halMacIsr.c deleted file mode 100644 index b468cbdf..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halMacIsr.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halMacIsr.c - - \brief mac interrupts implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 14/01/08 A. Mandychev - Created. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(HAL_3d6864MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period >> 1) -#elif defined(HAL_4MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period >> 1) -#elif defined(HAL_7d3728MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period) -#elif defined(HAL_8MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period) -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -RTimerDescr_t __rtimer; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Redirect interrupt event depending on the TrxState. - Parameters: none. - Returns: none. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyDispatcheRTimerEvent(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Redirect interrupt event depending on the TrxState. - Parameters: none. - Returns: none. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyDispatcheRfInterrupt(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void) -{ - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; - HAL_InitRfIrq(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Starts RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. - Parameters: - source - source of invocation. - mode - RTimer mode. - period - RTimer period. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_StartRtimer(HAL_RTimerMode_t mode, uint16_t period) -{ - if (HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE != __rtimer.mode) - return false; - - __rtimer.period = HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period); - __rtimer.mode = mode; - __rtimer.nextEvent = TCNT4 + __rtimer.period; - if (__rtimer.nextEvent > TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE) - __rtimer.nextEvent -= TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; - OCR4B = __rtimer.nextEvent; - // clear possible interrupt by setting logical one. - TIFR4 = (1 << OCF4B); - // enable interrupt - TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4B); - return true; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Stops RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StopRtimer(void) -{ - // clear possible interrupt - TIFR4 &= ~(1 << OCF4B); - // disable interrupt - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Output compare unit (channel B) interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER4_COMPB_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - if (HAL_RTIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE == __rtimer.mode) - { - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; - } - else - { - __rtimer.nextEvent += __rtimer.period; - if (__rtimer.nextEvent > TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE) - __rtimer.nextEvent -= TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; - OCR4B = __rtimer.nextEvent; - } - phyDispatcheRTimerEvent(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************** - Interrupt service routine. - Do not move this ISR! It could be omitted in your project. -****************************************************************/ -ISR(INT0_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - phyDispatcheRfInterrupt(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -// eof halMacIsr.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfCtrl.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfCtrl.c deleted file mode 100644 index c21a9784..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfCtrl.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfCtrl.c - - \brief mac pin interface implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 28/05/07 ALuzhetsky - Created. - 06/08/07 A. Mandychev, E. Ivanov - Modified. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define RF_REGISTER_READ_ACCESS_MODE 0x80 -#define RF_REGISTER_TRX_STATUS_ADDRESS 0x01 -#define RF_TRX_OFF_STATE 0x08 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn on pin 1 (DIG3) and pin 2 (DIG4) to indicate the transmit state of -the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxTxSwitcherOn(void); - -#endif //_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - -#ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enable antenna diversity feature. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyAntennaDiversityInit(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enable antenna diversity in the receive state of the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxAntennaDiversity(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enable antenna diversity in the transmit state of the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyTxAntennaDiversity(void); - -#endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Delay in us -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Delay(uint8_t us) -{ - __delay_us(us); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfIrqFlag(void) -{ - EIFR = 1 << INTF0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRfIrq(void) -{ - EIMSK |= 1 << INT0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_DisableRfIrq(void) -{ - uint8_t tmp; - - tmp = EIMSK & (1 << INT0); - EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT0); - return tmp; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets SLP_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears SLP_TR pin to 0. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeInRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_in(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeOutRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfRst(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_RST_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfRst(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_RST_clr(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Init pins that controls RF chip. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfPins(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); - - GPIO_RF_RST_set(); - GPIO_RF_RST_make_out(); - - GPIO_RF_IRQ_make_in(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Inits Atmega IRQ pin. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfIrq(void) -{ - EICRA |= (1 << ISC01) | (1 << ISC00); // rising edge -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Returns current frequency code. -******************************************************************************/ -HalSysFreq_t HAL_GetRfFreq(void) -{ -/* if (INTERNAL_RC == halGetClockSource()) - { - return HAL_FREQ_NOCLK; - } - else*/ - { - #if (F_CPU == 4000000ul) - return HAL_FREQ_4MHZ; - #endif - #if (F_CPU == 8000000ul) - return HAL_FREQ_8MHZ; - #endif - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Wait for when radio will be waked up. - - \param none. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWaitRadio(void) -{ - uint8_t tempValue = 0; - - do { - HAL_SelectRfSpi(); - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(RF_REGISTER_READ_ACCESS_MODE | RF_REGISTER_TRX_STATUS_ADDRESS); - tempValue = HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(tempValue); - HAL_DeselectRfSpi(); - } while(RF_TRX_OFF_STATE != tempValue); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables RX TX indicator for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxTxSwitcher(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - phyRxTxSwitcherOn(); - #endif //_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity option for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitAntennaDiversity(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - phyAntennaDiversityInit(); - #endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in RX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxAntennaDiversity(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - phyRxAntennaDiversity(); - #endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in TX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableTxAntennaDiversity(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - phyTxAntennaDiversity(); - #endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -} - -//eof halRfCtrl.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfSpi.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfSpi.c deleted file mode 100644 index 053ba68a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halRfSpi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halrfSpi.c - - \brief SPI interface routines. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Performs initialization of SPI interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); - GPIO_SPI_MISO_make_in(); - GPIO_SPI_MOSI_make_out(); - GPIO_SPI_SCK_make_out(); - GPIO_SPI_CS_make_out(); - SPCR = ((1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR)); // SPI enable, master mode. - SPSR = (1 << SPI2X); // rate = fosc/2 -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. CPU clock critical function (4 MHz only). - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value) -{ - uint8_t tmp8; - - SPDR = value; // Write data. - asm("nop"); // 1 - asm("nop"); // 2 - asm("nop"); // 3 - asm("nop"); // 4 - asm("nop"); // 5 - asm("nop"); // 5 - asm("nop"); // 7 - asm("nop"); // 8 - asm("nop"); // 9 - asm("nop"); // 10 - asm("nop"); // 11 - asm("nop"); // 12 - asm("nop"); // 13 - asm("nop"); // 14 - asm("nop"); // 15 - asm("nop"); // 16 - asm("nop"); // 17 - tmp8 = SPSR; - (void)tmp8; - return SPDR; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Deselects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Selects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_clr(); -} - -// eof halrfSpi.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halUid.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halUid.c deleted file mode 100644 index 21976ce9..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/rcb231_212/src/halUid.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halUid.c - - \brief Implementation of UID interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 7/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief uid type. */ -typedef union -{ - uint64_t uid; - uint8_t array[sizeof(uint64_t)]; -} HalUid_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HalUid_t halUid = {.uid = 0ull}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Reads uid from external spi eeprom at25010a. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadUid(void) -{ - uint8_t command = 0x03; - uint8_t address = 0; - uint8_t itr; - - GPIO_RF_RST_make_out(); - GPIO_RF_RST_clr(); - GPIO_SPI_CS_clr(); - - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(command); - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(address); - for (itr=0; itr -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Definitions section -******************************************************************************/ -#define SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS 0 -#define SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS -1 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief uid type. */ -typedef union -{ - uint64_t uid; - uint8_t array[sizeof(uint64_t)]; -} HalUid_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions prototypes section. -******************************************************************************/ -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SINGLE_WIRE, G, 5); // Macros for the Single-wire pin actions. - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads Atmel MeshBean UID from ATTiny13A - -\param[in] uidBuffer - memory for unique ID. - -\return - SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS - if UID read successfully; - SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS - if error occured during UID read. -******************************************************************************/ -int halReadAtmelMeshbeanUid(uint8_t *uidBuffer); - -#endif /* _HALATMELUID_H */ - -// eof halAtmelUid.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halMacIsr.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halMacIsr.h deleted file mode 100644 index 127af1ee..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halMacIsr.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halMacIsr.h - - \brief Declaration mac timer interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 14/01/08 A. Mandychev - Created. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALMACISR_H -#define _HALMACISR_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section. -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - HAL_RTIMER_REPEAT_MODE = 0, - HAL_RTIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE = 1, - HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE = 2, -} HAL_RTimerMode_t; - -typedef struct // Timer description. -{ - volatile HAL_RTimerMode_t mode; // Mode. - volatile uint16_t period; // Period of the timer. - volatile uint16_t nextEvent; // Counter of periods. -} RTimerDescr_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables. -******************************************************************************/ -// Do not use it in other files. -extern RTimerDescr_t __rtimer; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section. -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer and RF ext. interrupts. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Starts RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. - Parameters: - source - source of invocation. - mode - RTimer mode. - period - RTimer period. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_StartRtimer(HAL_RTimerMode_t mode, uint16_t period); - -/****************************************************************************** - Stops RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StopRtimer(void); - -#endif /* _HALMACISR_H */ - -// eof halMacIsr.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfCtrl.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfCtrl.h deleted file mode 100644 index 846b101c..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfCtrl.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfCtrl.h - - \brief Types and constants declaration for IEEE802.15.4 PHY implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 28/05/07 ALuzhetsky - Created. - 06/08/07 A. Mandychev, E. Ivanov - Modified. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFCTRL_H -#define _HALRFCTRL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - HAL_FREQ_NOCLK, - HAL_FREQ_1MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_2MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_4MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_8MHZ, - HAL_FREQ_16MHZ -} HalSysFreq_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Delay in us -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Delay(uint8_t us); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfIrqFlag(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_DisableRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets SLP_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears SLP_TR pin to 0. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeInRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeOutRfSlpTr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfRst(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfRst(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Init pins that controls RF chip. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfPins(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inits Atmega IRQ pin. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfIrq(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Returns current frequency code. -******************************************************************************/ -HalSysFreq_t HAL_GetRfFreq(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Wait for when radio will be waked up. - - \param none. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWaitRadio(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables RX TX indicator for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxTxSwitcher(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity option for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitAntennaDiversity(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in RX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxAntennaDiversity(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in TX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableTxAntennaDiversity(void); - -#endif /* _HALRFCTRL_H */ - -// eof halRfCtrl.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfPio.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfPio.h deleted file mode 100644 index 05f3f296..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfPio.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfPio.h - - \brief AT86RF230 control pins declarations. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFPIO_H -#define _HALRFPIO_H - -#include - -// Macros for the RF_SLP_TR pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_SLP_TR, B, 4); -// Macros for the RF_RST pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_RST, A, 7); -// Macros for the RF_IRQ pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RF_IRQ, E, 5); -// Macros for the SPI_CS pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_CS, B, 0); -// Macros for the SPI_SCK pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_SCK, B, 1); -// Macros for the SPI_MOSI pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_MOSI, B, 2); -// Macros for the SPI_MISO pin manipulation. -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(SPI_MISO, B, 3); -#endif /* _HALRFPIO_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfSpi.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfSpi.h deleted file mode 100644 index fe3328a6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/include/halRfSpi.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file halRfSpi.h - - \brief SPI interface routines header. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALRFSPI_H -#define _HALRFSPI_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Performs initialization of SPI interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value); - -/****************************************************************************** - Deselects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Selects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline function (to use in critical sections) - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE uint8_t HAL_WriteByteInlineRfSpi(uint8_t value) -{ - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - SPDR = value; // Write data. - asm("nop"); // This "nop" tunes up the "while" to reduce time for SPIF flag - // detecting. - while (!(SPSR&(1 << SPIF))); - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_WRITEBYTE_RFSPI_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - return SPDR; -} - -#endif /* _HALRFSPI_H */ - -//eof halRfSpi.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halAtmelUid.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halAtmelUid.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9c80dcbe..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halAtmelUid.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halAtmelUid.c - - \brief The header file describes the UID interface for Atmel MeshBean. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/10 A. Malkin - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define UID_LEN 0x08 // size of UID (bytes) - -#define SINGLE_WIRE_ZERO_BIT 0x00 // logical level zero -#define SINGLE_WIRE_ONE_BIT 0x01 // logical level one - -#define BIT_DURATION 208 // bit duration - 208 us -#define BIT_DURATION_HALF BIT_DURATION/2 -#define MAX_START_BIT_WAITING 10 // waiting time(in bit) of Start bit - -// Commands for Single-wire UART (Atmel MeshBean) -#define CMD_SYNCH 0xAA // Synchronization -#define CMD_READ_MAC64_0 0x60 // Read 64-bit MAC address -#define NUM_OF_MAC64 0x00 // Number of MAC64 slot -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static void halWriteSingleWireBit(uint8_t value); -static void halWriteSingleWire(uint8_t value); -static int halWaitSingleWireStartBit(void); -static uint8_t halReadSingleWireBit(void); -static int halReadSingleWire(uint8_t *data); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes bit to the bus - -\param[in] - value - byte to write. The bit is placed to position of LSB. -*******************************************************************************/ -static void halWriteSingleWireBit(uint8_t value) -{ - if (value) - GPIO_SINGLE_WIRE_set(); - else - GPIO_SINGLE_WIRE_clr(); - - __delay_us(BIT_DURATION); -} - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes byte to the bus - -\param[in] - value - byte to write. -*******************************************************************************/ -static void halWriteSingleWire(uint8_t value) -{ - uint8_t i; - - // write Start bit - halWriteSingleWireBit(SINGLE_WIRE_ZERO_BIT); - - // write Data - for (i = 0; i < UID_LEN; i++) - { - halWriteSingleWireBit(value & 0x01); - value >>= 1; - } - - // add 2 Stop bits - halWriteSingleWireBit(SINGLE_WIRE_ONE_BIT); - halWriteSingleWireBit(SINGLE_WIRE_ONE_BIT); -} - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Wait for Start bit from the bus. - -\return - SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS - if Start bit has been found successfully; \n - SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS - if Start bit has been not found. -*******************************************************************************/ -static int halWaitSingleWireStartBit(void) -{ - uint16_t i; - - for (i = BIT_DURATION * MAX_START_BIT_WAITING; i > 0; i--) - { - if (!GPIO_SINGLE_WIRE_read()) - return SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS; - __delay_us(1); - } - - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; -} - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads bit from the bus. - -\return - Read bit is placed to position of last significant bit. -*******************************************************************************/ -static uint8_t halReadSingleWireBit(void) -{ - uint8_t result; - - // read pin level in half of bit period - if (GPIO_SINGLE_WIRE_read()) - result = SINGLE_WIRE_ONE_BIT; - else - result = SINGLE_WIRE_ZERO_BIT; - - // wait for bit period before next bit reading - __delay_us(BIT_DURATION); - - return result; -} - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads byte from the Atmel Single-wire bus. - -\param[in] - data - byte read from the bus. - -\return - SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS - if byte read without error; - SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS - if there are some errors during byte read. -*******************************************************************************/ -static int halReadSingleWire(uint8_t *data) -{ - uint8_t reg = 0; - uint8_t bit; - uint8_t i; - int result; - - // wait for Start bit of response - result = halWaitSingleWireStartBit(); - - if (result) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - - // wait for half of bit period before reading Start bit - __delay_us(BIT_DURATION_HALF); - - // read Start bit - bit = halReadSingleWireBit(); - if (SINGLE_WIRE_ZERO_BIT != bit) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - - // read byte - for (i = 0; i < UID_LEN; i++) - { - if (SINGLE_WIRE_ONE_BIT == halReadSingleWireBit()) - reg |= (1 << i); - } - - // read and check 1'st Stop bit - bit = halReadSingleWireBit(); - if (SINGLE_WIRE_ONE_BIT != bit) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - - // wait for bit period after reading - __delay_us(BIT_DURATION_HALF); - - *data = reg; - - return SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads Atmel MeshBean UID from ATTiny13A - -\param[in] uidBuffer - memory for unique ID. - -\return - SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS - if UID read successfully; - SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS - if error occured during UID read. -******************************************************************************/ -int halReadAtmelMeshbeanUid(uint8_t *uidBuffer) -{ - uint8_t i; - uint8_t reg = 0; - - // port sets as output. - GPIO_SINGLE_WIRE_make_out(); - - // send synchronization byte - halWriteSingleWire(CMD_SYNCH); - - // write command - halWriteSingleWire(CMD_READ_MAC64_0); - - // write UID location - halWriteSingleWire(NUM_OF_MAC64); - - // Tri-state (external pullup) - GPIO_SINGLE_WIRE_make_in(); - - // wait for synchronization - if (halReadSingleWire(®)) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - - if (CMD_SYNCH != reg) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - - // wait for response with same command ID - if (halReadSingleWire(®)) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - - if (CMD_READ_MAC64_0 == reg) - { - // wait for 8 bytes of UID - for (i = UID_LEN; i > 0; i--) - { - // fill array in reversionary order - if (halReadSingleWire(uidBuffer + i - 1)) - return SINGLE_WIRE_ERROR_STATUS; - } - } - return SINGLE_WIRE_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -// eof halAtmelUid.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halMacIsr.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halMacIsr.c deleted file mode 100644 index 7f349660..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halMacIsr.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halMacIsr.c - - \brief mac interrupts implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 14/01/08 A. Mandychev - Created. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(HAL_3d6864MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period >> 1) -#elif defined(HAL_4MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period >> 1) -#elif defined(HAL_7d3728MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period) -#elif defined(HAL_8MHz) - #define HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period) (period) -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -RTimerDescr_t __rtimer; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Redirect interrupt event depending on the TrxState. - Parameters: none. - Returns: none. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyDispatcheRTimerEvent(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Redirect interrupt event depending on the TrxState. - Parameters: none. - Returns: none. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyDispatcheRfInterrupt(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Initializes Rtimer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitMacIsr(void) -{ - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; - HAL_InitRfIrq(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Starts RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. - Parameters: - source - source of invocation. - mode - RTimer mode. - period - RTimer period. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_StartRtimer(HAL_RTimerMode_t mode, uint16_t period) -{ - if (HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE != __rtimer.mode) - return false; - - __rtimer.period = HAL_RTIMER_INTERVAL_CALCULATE(period); - __rtimer.mode = mode; - __rtimer.nextEvent = TCNT4 + __rtimer.period; - if (__rtimer.nextEvent > TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE) - __rtimer.nextEvent -= TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; - OCR4B = __rtimer.nextEvent; - // clear possible interrupt by setting logical one. - TIFR4 = (1 << OCF4B); - // enable interrupt - TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4B); - return true; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Stops RTimer. Function should be invoked in critical section. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StopRtimer(void) -{ - // clear possible interrupt - TIFR4 &= ~(1 << OCF4B); - // disable interrupt - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Output compare unit (channel B) interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -ISR(TIMER4_COMPB_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - if (HAL_RTIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE == __rtimer.mode) - { - TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); - __rtimer.mode = HAL_RTIMER_STOPPED_MODE; - } - else - { - __rtimer.nextEvent += __rtimer.period; - if (__rtimer.nextEvent > TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE) - __rtimer.nextEvent -= TOP_TIMER_COUNTER_VALUE; - OCR4B = __rtimer.nextEvent; - } - phyDispatcheRTimerEvent(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_TIMER3_COMPA_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -/**************************************************************** - Interrupt service routine. - Do not move this ISR! It could be omitted in your project. -****************************************************************/ -ISR(INT5_vect) -{ - BEGIN_MEASURE - phyDispatcheRfInterrupt(); - END_MEASURE(HALISR_PHYDISPATCH_RFINT_TIME_LIMIT) -} - -// eof halMacIsr.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfCtrl.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfCtrl.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8e3232a7..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfCtrl.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,281 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halRfCtrl.c - - \brief mac pin interface implementation. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 28/05/07 ALuzhetsky - Created. - 06/08/07 A. Mandychev, E. Ivanov - Modified. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section. -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -//#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define RF_REGISTER_READ_ACCESS_MODE 0x80 -#define RF_REGISTER_TRX_STATUS_ADDRESS 0x01 -#define RF_TRX_OFF_STATE 0x08 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Turn on pin 1 (DIG3) and pin 2 (DIG4) to indicate the transmit state of -the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxTxSwitcherOn(void); - -#endif //_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - -#ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enable antenna diversity feature. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyAntennaDiversityInit(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enable antenna diversity in the receive state of the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyRxAntennaDiversity(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enable antenna diversity in the transmit state of the radio transceiver. -******************************************************************************/ -void phyTxAntennaDiversity(void); - -#endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Delay in us -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Delay(uint8_t us) -{ - __delay_us(us); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfIrqFlag(void) -{ - EIFR = 1 << INTF5; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRfIrq(void) -{ - EIMSK |= 1 << INT5; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables the irq. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_DisableRfIrq(void) -{ - uint8_t tmp; - - tmp = EIMSK & (1 << INT5); - EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT5); - return tmp; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets SLP_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears SLP_TR pin to 0. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeInRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_in(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Makes SLP_TR pin as input. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_MakeOutRfSlpTr(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Sets RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetRfRst(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_RST_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Clears RST_TR pin to 1. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ClearRfRst(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_RST_clr(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Init pins that controls RF chip. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfPins(void) -{ - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_clr(); - GPIO_RF_SLP_TR_make_out(); - - GPIO_RF_RST_set(); - GPIO_RF_RST_make_out(); - - GPIO_RF_IRQ_make_in(); - - #ifdef _HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER_ - // enable power amplifier - // make port C pin 1 as output - GPIO_POW_AMPLF_SLP_make_out(); - // set one on pin - GPIO_POW_AMPLF_SLP_set(); - #endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Inits Atmega IRQ pin. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfIrq(void) -{ - EICRB |= (1 << ISC51) | (1 << ISC50); // rising edge -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Returns current frequency code. -******************************************************************************/ -HalSysFreq_t HAL_GetRfFreq(void) -{ -/* if (INTERNAL_RC == halGetClockSource()) - { - return HAL_FREQ_NOCLK; - } - else*/ - { - #if (F_CPU == 4000000ul) - return HAL_FREQ_4MHZ; - #endif - #if (F_CPU == 8000000ul) - return HAL_FREQ_8MHZ; - #endif - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Wait for when radio will be waked up. - - \param none. - \return none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWaitRadio(void) -{ - uint8_t tempValue = 0; - - do { - HAL_SelectRfSpi(); - HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(RF_REGISTER_READ_ACCESS_MODE | RF_REGISTER_TRX_STATUS_ADDRESS); - tempValue = HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(tempValue); - HAL_DeselectRfSpi(); - } while(RF_TRX_OFF_STATE != tempValue); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if amplifier is used. - -\return true - is used, \n - false - is not used. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_IsAmplifierUsed(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_USE_AMPLIFIER_ - return true; - #else - return false; - #endif -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables RX TX indicator for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxTxSwitcher(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ - phyRxTxSwitcherOn(); - #endif //_HAL_RF_RX_TX_INDICATOR_ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity option for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitAntennaDiversity(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - phyAntennaDiversityInit(); - #endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in RX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableRxAntennaDiversity(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - phyRxAntennaDiversity(); - #endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Enables Antenna diversity in TX mode for radio if that is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableTxAntennaDiversity(void) -{ - #ifdef _HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ - phyTxAntennaDiversity(); - #endif //_HAL_ANT_DIVERSITY_ -} - -//eof halRfCtrl.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfSpi.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfSpi.c deleted file mode 100644 index 6edb9d7a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halRfSpi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halrfSpi.c - - \brief SPI interface routines. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 A. Luzhetsky - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Performs initialization of SPI interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_InitRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); - GPIO_SPI_MISO_make_in(); - GPIO_SPI_MOSI_make_out(); - GPIO_SPI_SCK_make_out(); - GPIO_SPI_CS_make_out(); - SPCR = ((1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR)); // SPI enable, master mode. - SPSR = (1 << SPI2X); // rate = fosc/2 -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Writes/reads byte to/from SPI. CPU clock critical function (4 MHz only). - parameters: value - byte to write. - Returns: the byte which was read. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_WriteByteRfSpi(uint8_t value) -{ - uint8_t tmp8; - - SPDR = value; // Write data. - asm("nop"); // 1 - asm("nop"); // 2 - asm("nop"); // 3 - asm("nop"); // 4 - asm("nop"); // 5 - asm("nop"); // 5 - asm("nop"); // 7 - asm("nop"); // 8 - asm("nop"); // 9 - asm("nop"); // 10 - asm("nop"); // 11 - asm("nop"); // 12 - asm("nop"); // 13 - asm("nop"); // 14 - asm("nop"); // 15 - asm("nop"); // 16 - asm("nop"); // 17 - tmp8 = SPSR; - (void)tmp8; - return SPDR; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Deselects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DeselectRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_set(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Selects a slave device. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SelectRfSpi(void) -{ - GPIO_SPI_CS_clr(); -} - -// eof halrfSpi.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halUid.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halUid.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4f135528..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/atmega1281/zigBit/src/halUid.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file uid.c - - \brief Implementation of UID interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 7/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HalUid_t halUid = {.uid = 0ull}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Reads uid from ds2411 (meshnetics meshbean) or ATTiny13A (atmel meshbean). -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadUid(void) -{ -#ifdef _HAL_TINY_UID_ - // Atmel Single-Wire Software UART UID - halReadAtmelMeshbeanUid(halUid.array); -#else - // 1-Wire UID - if (W1_SUCCESS_STATUS == HAL_SearchW1Device(W1_ANY_FAMILY, halUid.array, 1, NULL)) - { - *(halUid.array + 7) = *(halUid.array + 0); - halUid.uid >>= 8; - } -#endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** - UID discovery. - Parameters: - id - UID buffer pointer. - Returns: - 0 - if unique ID has been found without error; - -1 - if there are some errors during UID discovery. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUid(uint64_t *id) -{ - if (!id) - return -1; - - *id = halUid.uid; - return 0; -} - -// eof uid.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/adc.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/adc.c deleted file mode 100644 index 03598dcd..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/adc.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file adc.c - - \brief Implementation of ADC interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - IDLE, // idle - DATA, // performs request - BUSY // the module is ready to start conversion -} AdcStates_t; - -typedef struct -{ - void (*callback)(void); // address of callback -} HalAdcControl_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -AdcStates_t halAdcState = IDLE; // Monitors current state -HalAdcControl_t halAdcControl; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Opens the ADC to make the measuring on a ADC channel. -Parameters: - param - pointer to parameter structure -Returns: - -1 - unsupported parameter or ADC is busy. - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenAdc(HAL_AdcParams_t *param) -{ - if (IDLE != halAdcState) - return -1; - if (NULL == param) - return -1; - if (NULL == param->bufferPointer) - return -1; - if (param->resolution > RESOLUTION_10_BIT) - return -1; - /* unsupported voltage reference */ - if (param->voltageReference & 0x3F) - return -1; - /* adc speed must be only 9600 or 4800 SPS for 10 bit resolution */ - if ((RESOLUTION_10_BIT == param->resolution) && (param->sampleRate < ADC_9600SPS)) - return -1; - - halAdcState = BUSY; - halOpenAdc(param); - halAdcControl.callback = param->callback; - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Starts ADC with the parameters that were defined at HAL_OpenAdc. -Parameters: - channel - number of channel -Returns: - -1 - the ADC was not opened, unsupported channel number. - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadAdc(HAL_AdcChannelNumber_t channel) -{ - if (BUSY != halAdcState) - return -1; - if (((channel > HAL_ADC_CHANNEL3) && (channel < HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL0)) || (channel > HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL7)) - return -1; - - halAdcState = DATA; - halStartAdc(channel); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Closes the ADC. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - -1 - the module was not opened to be used. - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseAdc(void) -{ - if (IDLE == halAdcState) - return -1; - - halAdcState = IDLE; - halCloseAdc(); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - ADC interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigAdcHandler(void) -{ - if (DATA == halAdcState) - { - halAdcState = BUSY; - if (NULL != halAdcControl.callback) - halAdcControl.callback(); - } -} -// eof adc.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/appTimer.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/appTimer.c deleted file mode 100644 index 45047822..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/appTimer.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file appTimer.c - - \brief Implementation of appTimer. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#if defined(_SYSTEM_TIME_ON_SLEEP_TIMER_) - #include -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern uint8_t halSleepTimerOvfw; -extern uint8_t halAppTimeOvfw; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HAL_AppTimer_t *halAppTimerHead = NULL; // head of appTimer list - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Interrupt handler of appTimer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAppTimerHandler(void) -{ - uint32_t sysTime; - - // search for expired timers and call their callbacks - while ( halAppTimerHead - && ((sysTime = halGetTimeOfAppTimer()) - halAppTimerHead->service.sysTimeLabel) >= halAppTimerHead->interval) - { - HAL_AppTimer_t *p = halAppTimerHead; - halRemoveTimer(&halAppTimerHead, NULL, p); - if (TIMER_REPEAT_MODE == p->mode) - { - p->service.sysTimeLabel = sysTime; - halAddTimer(&halAppTimerHead, p, sysTime); - } - p->callback(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Check if timer is already started. -Parameters: - appTimer - pointer to HAL_AppTimer_t. -Returns: - true - timer specified already started and presents in the system timers queue - false - timer is't started yet -******************************************************************************/ -static bool isTimerAlreadyStarted(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer) -{ - bool result = false; - Timer_t *p; // p is bottom of list - p = halAppTimerHead; - - while (NULL != p) - { - if (p == appTimer) - { - result = true; - assert(false, APPTIMER_MISTAKE); - break; - } - p = (Timer_t *)p->; - } - return result; -} - - -/****************************************************************************** -Starts to count an interval. -Parameters: - appTimer - pointer to HAL_AppTimer_t. -Returns: - -1 - pointer is NULL. - 0 - success -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartAppTimer(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer) -{ - uint32_t sysTime; - - if (!appTimer) - return -1; - - if (true == isTimerAlreadyStarted(appTimer)) - return 0; - - sysTime = halGetTimeOfAppTimer(); - appTimer-> = NULL; - appTimer->service.sysTimeLabel = sysTime; - halAddTimer((Timer_t**)(&halAppTimerHead), (Timer_t*)appTimer, sysTime); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Stops the timer. -Parameters: - appTimer - pointer to HAL_AppTimer_t. -Returns: - -1 there is not the appTimer. - 0 - success -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StopAppTimer(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer) -{ - Timer_t *prev = 0; - Timer_t **t = &appTimer; - - if (!appTimer) - return -1; - if (halAppTimerHead != *t) - { - if (!(prev = halFindPrevTimer((Timer_t**)(&halAppTimerHead), appTimer))) - return -1; // This timer is not in the list - } - halRemoveTimer((Timer_t**)(&halAppTimerHead), prev, appTimer); - return 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Gets system time. - -\return - time since power up in milliseconds(8 bytes). -******************************************************************************/ -BcTime_t HAL_GetSystemTime(void) -{ - BcTime_t sysTime = 0ull; - - #if defined(_SYSTEM_TIME_ON_SLEEP_TIMER_) - sysTime = halGetTimeOfSleepTimer(); - sysTime |= ((BcTime_t)halSleepTimerOvfw << 32); - #else - sysTime = halGetTimeOfAppTimer(); - sysTime |= ((BcTime_t)halAppTimeOvfw << 32); - #endif - - return sysTime; -} - -// eof appTimer.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/eeprom.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/eeprom.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8e17055b..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/eeprom.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file eeprom.c - - \brief Implementation of the EEPROM interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - EEPROM_IDLE = 0, - EEPROM_BUSY -} EepromState_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -EepromState_t halEepromState = EEPROM_IDLE; // state -HAL_EepromParams_t halEepromParams; -void (*halEepromDone)(); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Reads some number of bytes defined by HAL_EepromParams_t from the EEPROM. -Parameters: - params - address of HAL_EepromParams_t defined by user. - readDone - callback method -Returns: - 0 - success. - -1 - the EEPROM has request that was not completed, - number of byte to read too much. - -2 - eeprom is busy -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadEeprom(HAL_EepromParams_t *params, void (*readDone)()) -{ - uint16_t i; - - if (EEPROM_IDLE != halEepromState) - return -2; - if (NULL == params) - return -1; - if ((uint16_t)(params->address + params->length) > EEPROM_DATA_MEMORY_SIZE) - return -1; - - halEepromState = EEPROM_BUSY; - halEepromDone = readDone; - halEepromParams = *params; - halWaitEepromReady(); // wait for completion of previous operation - for (i = 0; i < halEepromParams.length; i++) - { -[i] = halReadEeprom(halEepromParams.address++); - } - halEepromParams.length = 0; - halPostTask3(HAL_EE_READY); - - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Writes number of bytes defined by HAL_EepromParams_t to EEPROM. -By writeDone parameter user can control if write operation will be asynchronous -or synchronous. -Parameters: - params - address of HAL_EepromParams_t defined by user. - writeDone - address of callback. if writeDone is NULL write operation will be - synchronous. -Returns: - 0 - success. - -1 - the EEPROM has request that was not completed, - number of byte to write too much. - -2 - eeprom is busy -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteEeprom(HAL_EepromParams_t *params, void (*writeDone)()) -{ - uint16_t i; - - if (EEPROM_IDLE != halEepromState) - return -2; - if (NULL == params) - return -1; - if ((uint16_t)(params->address + params->length) > EEPROM_DATA_MEMORY_SIZE) - return -1; - - halEepromState = EEPROM_BUSY; - halEepromParams = *params; - halEepromDone = writeDone; - if (halEepromDone) - {// asynchronous operation - halEepromWrite(HAL_EEPROM_WRITE_MASK_INT, halEepromParams.address++, *; - halEepromParams.length--; - return 0; - } - for (i = 0; i < halEepromParams.length; i++) - { - halEepromWrite(HAL_EEPROM_WRITE_MASK, halEepromParams.address++, *; - } - halWaitEepromReady(); // wait for completion of previous write - halEepromState = EEPROM_IDLE; - - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Checks the eeprom state. - -Returns: - true - eeprom is busy; - false - eeprom is free; -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_IsEepromBusy(void) -{ - if (EEPROM_BUSY == halEepromState) - return true; - else - return false; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Interrupt handler about write completion to EEPROM. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigEepromReadyHandler(void) -{ - if (!halEepromParams.length) - { - halEepromState = EEPROM_IDLE; - if (NULL != halEepromDone) - halEepromDone(); - return; - } - halEepromWrite(HAL_EEPROM_WRITE_MASK_INT, halEepromParams.address++, *; - halEepromParams.length--; -} -//eof eeprom.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/halTaskManager.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/halTaskManager.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2c647084..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/halTaskManager.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,305 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halTaskManager.c - - \brief Implemenattion of HAL task manager. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -void (* extHandler)(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Interrupt handler of appTimer clock. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAppTimerHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief HAL USART task. Exact ection depends on USART internal task. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUsartHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief twi end of sending handler -******************************************************************************/ -void halSig2WireSerialHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Interrupt handler about write completion to EEPROM. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigEepromReadyHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Interrupt handler about sleep interval was completed. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAsyncTimerHandler(void); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Shutdown system. \n - NOTES: \n - the application should be sure the poweroff will not be \n - interrupted after the execution of the sleep(). -*******************************************************************************/ -void halPowerOff(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief ADC interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigAdcHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Endpoint interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halEndPointHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief usb suspend interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSuspendHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief usb resume interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halResumeHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief usb bus reset interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halBusResetHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Handler for task manager. It is executed when system has waked up. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWakeupHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Security Module request handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSmRequestHandler(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Synchronization system time which based on sleep timer. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSleepSystemTimeSynchronize(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Slave spi reception complete interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSpiRxByteComplete(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags0 = 0; -volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags1 = 0; -volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags2 = 0; -volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags3 = 0; -volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags4 = 0; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -HAL task handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_TaskHandler() -{ - if (0) - { - } -#ifdef HAL_USE_TIMER2_COMPA - else if (halTaskFlags0 & HAL_ASYNC_TIMER) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags0 &= (~HAL_ASYNC_TIMER); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halAsyncTimerHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_TIMER2_COMPA - -#ifdef HAL_USE_TIMER2_COMPA - else if (halTaskFlags0 & HAL_SYNC_SLEEP_TIME) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags0 &= (~HAL_SYNC_SLEEP_TIME); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSleepSystemTimeSynchronize(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_TIMER2_COMPA - -#ifdef HAL_USE_SPI - else if (halTaskFlags2 & HAL_TASK_SPI) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags2 &= (~HAL_TASK_SPI); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSpiRxByteComplete(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_SPI - -#ifdef HAL_USE_USART - else if (halTaskFlags2 & HAL_TASK_USART) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags2 &= (~HAL_TASK_USART); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSigUsartHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_USART - -#ifdef HAL_USE_ADC - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_ADC) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_ADC); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSigAdcHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_ADC - -#ifdef HAL_USE_EE_READY - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_EE_READY) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_EE_READY); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSigEepromReadyHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_EE_READY - -#ifdef HAL_USE_USB - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_USB_ENDPOINTS) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_USB_ENDPOINTS); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halEndPointHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_USB - -#ifdef HAL_USE_USB - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_USB_SUSPEND) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_USB_SUSPEND); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSuspendHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_USB - -#ifdef HAL_USE_USB - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_USB_RESUME) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_USB_RESUME); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halResumeHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_USB - -#ifdef _HAL_HW_AES_ - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_SM_REQ) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_SM_REQ); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSmRequestHandler(); - } -#endif // _HAL_HW_AES_ - -#ifdef HAL_USE_USB - else if (halTaskFlags3 & HAL_USB_BUS_RESET) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags3 &= (~HAL_USB_BUS_RESET); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halBusResetHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_USB - -#ifdef HAL_USE_WAKEUP - else if (halTaskFlags4 & HAL_WAKEUP) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags4 &= (~HAL_WAKEUP); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halWakeupHandler(); - } -#endif - -#ifdef HAL_USE_TWI - else if (halTaskFlags4 & HAL_TWI) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags4 &= (~HAL_TWI); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halSig2WireSerialHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_TWI - -#ifdef HAL_USE_TIMER4_COMPA - else if (halTaskFlags4 & HAL_TIMER4_COMPA) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags4 &= (~HAL_TIMER4_COMPA); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halAppTimerHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_TIMER4_COMPA - -#ifdef HAL_USE_SLEEP - else if (halTaskFlags4 & HAL_SLEEP) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags4 &= (~HAL_SLEEP); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - halPowerOff(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_SLEEP - -#ifdef HAL_USE_EXT_HANDLER - else if (halTaskFlags4 & HAL_EXT_HANDLER) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halTaskFlags4 &= (~HAL_EXT_HANDLER); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - if (extHandler) - extHandler(); - } -#endif // HAL_USE_EXT_HANDLER - - if (halTaskFlags0 || - halTaskFlags1 || - halTaskFlags2 || - halTaskFlags3 || - halTaskFlags4) - { - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); - } -} - -// eof halTaskManager.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/i2cPacket.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/i2cPacket.c deleted file mode 100644 index 340981e1..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/i2cPacket.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file i2cPacket.c - - \brief Provides the functionality for the writing and the reading \n - of packets through the TWI. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/* states of the i2c transaction */ -#define I2C_CLOSE 0 -#define I2C_IDLE 1 -#define I2C_WRITE_IADDR_WRITE_DATA 2 -#define I2C_WRITE_IADDR_READ_DATA 3 -#define I2C_WRITE_DATA 4 -#define I2C_READ_DATA 5 -#define I2C_TRANSAC_SUCCESS 6 -#define I2C_TRANSAC_FAIL 7 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - volatile uint8_t* data; // bytes to write to the i2c bus - volatile uint8_t length; // length in bytes of the request - volatile uint8_t index; // current index of read/write byte - volatile uint8_t addr; // destination address - volatile uint32_t intAddress; // internal address inner i2c device - void (*done)(bool result); // callback -} HalI2cPacketControl_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// current state of the i2c request -volatile uint8_t halI2cPacketState = I2C_CLOSE; -HalI2cPacketControl_t halI2cPacketControl; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Resets TWI bus and i2c HAL. -******************************************************************************/ -void halI2cBusReset(void) -{ - halI2cPacketState = I2C_TRANSAC_FAIL; - halResetI2c(); - halPostTask4(HAL_TWI); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Opens resource. -Parameters: - i2cMode - pointer to clock rate structure. -Returns: - Returns: - -1 - resource was opened or pointer is NULL - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenI2cPacket(HAL_i2cMode_t *i2cMode) -{ - if (NULL == i2cMode) - return -1; - if (I2C_CLOSE == halI2cPacketState) - { - halInitI2c(i2cMode); - halI2cPacketState = I2C_IDLE; - halI2cPacketControl.index = 0; - return 0; - } - return -1; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Closes resource. -Returns: - -1 - resource was not opened. - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseI2cPacket(void) -{ - if (I2C_CLOSE != halI2cPacketState) - { - halI2cPacketControl.done = NULL; - halI2cPacketState = I2C_CLOSE; - return 0; - } - return -1; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Writes the series of bytes out to the TWI bus. -Parameters: - param - pointer to HAL_I2cParams_t structure -Returns: - 0 - the bus is free and the request is accepted. - -1 - other case. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteI2cPacket(HAL_I2cParams_t *param) -{ - if ((I2C_IDLE == halI2cPacketState) && param) - { - halI2cPacketControl.addr = param->id; - = param->data; - halI2cPacketControl.index = param->lengthAddr; - halI2cPacketControl.length = param->length; - halI2cPacketControl.done = param->f; - halI2cPacketControl.intAddress = param->internalAddr; - } - else - { - return -1; - } - - if (HAL_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS == halI2cPacketControl.index) - halI2cPacketState = I2C_WRITE_DATA; - else - halI2cPacketState = I2C_WRITE_IADDR_WRITE_DATA; - halSendStartI2c(); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Reads the series of bytes out to the TWI bus. -Parameters: - param - pointer to HAL_I2cParams_t structure -Returns: - 0 - the bus is free and the request is accepted. - -1 - other case. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadI2cPacket(HAL_I2cParams_t *param) -{ - if ((I2C_IDLE == halI2cPacketState) && param) - { - halI2cPacketControl.addr = param->id; - halI2cPacketControl.index = param->lengthAddr; - halI2cPacketControl.length = param->length; - = param->data; - halI2cPacketControl.done = param->f; - halI2cPacketControl.intAddress = param->internalAddr; - } - else - { - return -1; - } - - if (HAL_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS == halI2cPacketControl.index) - halI2cPacketState = I2C_READ_DATA; - else - halI2cPacketState = I2C_WRITE_IADDR_READ_DATA; - halSendStartI2c(); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Notification about the start condition was sent. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSendStartDoneI2c(void) -{ - if ((I2C_WRITE_IADDR_WRITE_DATA == halI2cPacketState) || - (I2C_WRITE_IADDR_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState) || - (I2C_WRITE_DATA == halI2cPacketState)) - { - halWriteI2c(((halI2cPacketControl.addr << 1) + 0)); - } - else if (I2C_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - { - halWriteI2c(((halI2cPacketControl.addr << 1) + 1)); - } - else - { // abnormal - halI2cBusReset(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sending data to i2c bus. If last byte then send stop condition and post task. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWriteData(void) -{ - if (halI2cPacketControl.index < halI2cPacketControl.length) - { - halWriteI2c([halI2cPacketControl.index++]); - } - else - { - halI2cPacketState = I2C_TRANSAC_SUCCESS; - halSendStopI2c(); - halPostTask4(HAL_TWI); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sending internal device address to i2c bus. If address is sent then switch i2c -hal state. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWriteInternalAddress(void) -{ - uint8_t data; - - data = (uint8_t)(halI2cPacketControl.intAddress >> --halI2cPacketControl.index * 8); - halWriteI2c(data); - - if (0 == halI2cPacketControl.index) - { - if (I2C_WRITE_IADDR_WRITE_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - halI2cPacketState = I2C_WRITE_DATA; - else - halI2cPacketState = I2C_READ_DATA; - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Notification that byte was written to the TWI. -Parameters: - result - contains result of previous operation. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halWriteDoneI2c(void) -{ - if (I2C_WRITE_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - { - halWriteData(); - } - else if ((I2C_WRITE_IADDR_WRITE_DATA == halI2cPacketState) || (I2C_WRITE_IADDR_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState)) - { - halWriteInternalAddress(); - } - else if (I2C_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - { - halSendStartI2c(); - } - else - { // abnormal - halI2cBusReset(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Notification that address byte was written to the TWI and was read ACK. -Starts reading data. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halMasterReadWriteAddressAckI2c(void) -{ - if (I2C_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - { - if (1 == halI2cPacketControl.length) - halReadI2c(false); // send nack - else - halReadI2c(true); // send ack - } - else - { // abnormal - halI2cBusReset(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Notification that byte was read from the TWI. -Parameters: - data - contains byte that was read. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadDoneI2c(uint8_t data) -{ - if (I2C_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - { -[halI2cPacketControl.index++] = data; - if (halI2cPacketControl.index < (halI2cPacketControl.length - 1)) - halReadI2c(true); // send ACK - else - halReadI2c(false); // send NACK - } - else - { // abnormal - halI2cBusReset(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Notification that last byte was read from the TWI. Needs send STOP condition -on bus. -Parameters: - data - contains byte that was read. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halReadLastByteDoneI2c(uint8_t data) -{ - if (I2C_READ_DATA == halI2cPacketState) - { -[halI2cPacketControl.index++] = data; - halI2cPacketState = I2C_TRANSAC_SUCCESS; - halSendStopI2c(); - halPostTask4(HAL_TWI); - } - else - { // abnormal - halI2cBusReset(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Waits for end of sending and calls user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void halSig2WireSerialHandler(void) -{ - if (halI2cPacketControl.done) - { - if (I2C_TRANSAC_SUCCESS == halI2cPacketState) - { - halWaitEndOfStopStation(); - halI2cPacketState = I2C_IDLE; - halI2cPacketControl.done(true); - } - else - { - halI2cPacketState = I2C_IDLE; - halI2cPacketControl.done(false); - } - } - else - { - halI2cPacketState = I2C_IDLE; - } -} -// eof i2cPacket.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/irq.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/irq.c deleted file mode 100644 index c681ba74..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/irq.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file irq.c - - \brief Implementation of IRQ interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern IrqCallback_t IrqCallbackList[HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES]; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Registers user's irqNumber interrupt - Parameters: - irqNumber - IRQ number - irqMode - Interrupt sence control - f - user's interrupt handler. Handler must be executed less than 100 us. - Returns: - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range, not valid irq mode, invalid interrupt handler - or such interrupt has been already registered. - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_RegisterIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber, HAL_IrqMode_t irqMode, void (*f)(void)) -{ - uint8_t irqOffsetNumber = irqNumber - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ; - - // irqNumber is out of range - if (irqOffsetNumber >= HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES) - return -1; - // Such interrupt has been already register - if (NULL != IrqCallbackList[irqOffsetNumber]) - return -1; - // not valid irq mode - if (IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL == irqMode) - return -1; - // invalid interrupt handler - if (NULL == f) - return -1; - - /* type HAL_IrqMode_t has not valid IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL state, - * because for saving to register all states need decrement after IRQ_LOW_LEVEL state. */ - if (IRQ_LOW_LEVEL == irqMode) - halSetIrqConfig(irqNumber, irqMode); - else - halSetIrqConfig(irqNumber, irqMode - 1); - - IrqCallbackList[irqOffsetNumber] = f; - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Enables irqNumber interrupt - Parameters: - irqNumber - IRQ number - Returns: - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range or has not been - registered yet. - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_EnableIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber) -{ - uint8_t irqOffsetNumber = irqNumber - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ; - // irqNumber is out of range - if (irqOffsetNumber >= HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES) - return -1; - // Interrupt has not been opened yet - if (NULL == IrqCallbackList[irqOffsetNumber]) - return -1; - halEnableIrqInterrupt(irqNumber); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Disables irqNumber interrupt - Parameters: - irqNumber - IRQ number - Returns: - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range or has not been - registered yet. - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_DisableIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber) -{ - uint8_t irqOffsetNumber = irqNumber - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ; - // irqNumber is out of range - if (irqOffsetNumber >= HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES) - return -1; - // Interrupt has not been opened yet - if (NULL == IrqCallbackList[irqOffsetNumber]) - return -1; - halDisableIrqInterrupt(irqNumber); - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Unregisters user's irqNumber interrupt - Parameters: - irqNumber - IRQ number - Returns: - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range or has not been - registered yet. - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_UnregisterIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber) -{ - uint8_t irqOffsetNumber = irqNumber - HAL_FIRST_VALID_IRQ; - // irqNumber is out of range - if (irqOffsetNumber >= HAL_NUM_IRQ_LINES) - return -1; - // Interrupt has not been opened yet - if (NULL == IrqCallbackList[irqOffsetNumber]) - return -1; - // Disable external interrupt request - halDisableIrqInterrupt(irqNumber); - halClrIrqConfig(irqNumber); - IrqCallbackList[irqOffsetNumber] = NULL; - return 0; -} - -// eof irq.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/pwm.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/pwm.c deleted file mode 100644 index ad7b18a2..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/pwm.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file pwm.c - - \brief Implementation of PWM interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/11/08 A. Taradov - Created - 5/04/11 A.Razinkov - Refactored -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Constants section -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initializes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenPwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit) -{ - /* Check PWM unit */ - if ((PWM_UNIT_1 == pwmUnit) || (PWM_UNIT_3 == pwmUnit)) - halOpenPwm(pwmUnit); - else - return PWM_INVALID_UNIT_STATUS; - - return PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - /* Invalid PWM channel specified */ - if (PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL <= descriptor->channel) - return PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS; - /* Check PWM unit */ - if ((PWM_UNIT_1 == descriptor->unit) || (PWM_UNIT_3 == descriptor->unit)) - { - halPreparePwmChannelAccess(descriptor); - halStartPwm(descriptor); - } - else - return PWM_INVALID_UNIT_STATUS; - - return PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Stops PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StopPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - /* Invalid PWM channel specified */ - if (PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL <= descriptor->channel) - return PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS; - else - halStopPwm(descriptor); - - return PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets base frequency of module. Common for all module channels. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. Equal to corresponding Timer/Counter ID. -\param [in] top - value for the TOP register. -\param [in] prescaler - clock prescaler. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetPwmFrequency(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit, uint16_t top, HAL_PwmPrescaler_t prescaler) -{ - /* Check prescaler value */ - if (PWM_PRESCALER_INVALID <= prescaler) - return PWM_INVALID_PRESCALER_STATUS; - else halSetPwmFrequency(pwmUnit, top, prescaler); - - return PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets compare value for the PWM channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetPwmCompareValue(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint16_t cmpValue) -{ - /* Invalid PWM channel specified */ - if (PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL <= descriptor->channel) - return PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS; - /* Check PWM unit */ - if ((PWM_UNIT_1 == descriptor->unit) || (PWM_UNIT_3 == descriptor->unit)) - halSetPwmCompareValue(descriptor, cmpValue); - else - return PWM_INVALID_UNIT_STATUS; - - return PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ClosePwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit) -{ - /* Check PWM unit */ - if ((PWM_UNIT_1 == pwmUnit) || (PWM_UNIT_3 == pwmUnit)) - halClosePwm(pwmUnit); - else - return PWM_INVALID_UNIT_STATUS; - - return PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -// eof pwm.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/resetReason.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/resetReason.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0fecaa11..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/resetReason.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halWdtInit.c - - \brief Implementation of the reset reason interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern uint8_t halResetReason; // contains the reset reason - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Returns the reset reason. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - The reason of reset. -******************************************************************************/ -HAL_ResetReason_t HAL_ReadResetReason(void) -{ - return (HAL_ResetReason_t)halResetReason; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Software reset. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_WarmReset(void) -{ - - halResetReason = TEMP_WARM_RESET; - wdt_enable(0); - while(1); -} -//eof resetReason.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleep.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleep.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1ad72df2..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleep.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file sleep.c - - \brief The implementation of common sleep and wake up. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/12/09 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_NULL_POINTER -1 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_HAS_ALREADY_STARTED -3 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_BUSY -2 -#define HAL_SLEEP_SYSTEM_HAS_ALREADY_STARTED -3 - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -HalSleepControl_t halSleepControl = -{ - .wakeupStation = HAL_ACTIVE_MODE, - .sleepTimerState = HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED -}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts sleep timer and HAL sleep. When system is wake up send callback -\param[in] - sleepParam - pointer to sleep structure. -\return - -1 - bad pointer, \n - -2 - sleep timer is busy, \n - -3 - sleep system has been started. - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartSystemSleep(HAL_Sleep_t *sleepParam) -{ - HAL_SleepTimer_t sleepTimer; - int sleepTimerStatus; - - if (!sleepParam) - return HAL_NULL_POINTER; - - halSleepControl.callback = sleepParam->callback; - sleepTimer.interval = sleepParam->sleepTime; - sleepTimer.mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE; - sleepTimer.callback = NULL; - - sleepTimerStatus = HAL_StartSleepTimer(&sleepTimer); - if ((HAL_NULL_POINTER == sleepTimerStatus) || (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_HAS_ALREADY_STARTED == sleepTimerStatus)) - return HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_BUSY; - - if (-1 == HAL_Sleep()) - return HAL_SLEEP_SYSTEM_HAS_ALREADY_STARTED; - - return 0; -} - -//eof sleep.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleepTimer.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleepTimer.c deleted file mode 100644 index f83d2446..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/sleepTimer.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file sleepTimer.c - - \brief The implementation of the sleep timer. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_NULL_POINTER -1 -#define HAL_TIME_CAN_NOT_BE_COUNTED -2 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_HAS_ALREADY_STARTED -3 -#define HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_HAS_ALREADY_STOPPED -1 - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern HalSleepControl_t halSleepControl; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Starts sleep timer. Interval must be greater one tick time. - Parameters: - sleepTimer - address of the HAL_SleepTimer_t. - Returns: - -1 - NULL pointer, \n - -2 - interval can not be counted out, \n - -3 - sleep timer has already started. \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartSleepTimer(HAL_SleepTimer_t *sleepTimer) -{ - uint32_t tempValue; - - if (!sleepTimer) - return HAL_NULL_POINTER; - - // Convert millisecond interval to the sleep timer ticks. - tempValue = (halSleepTimerFrequency() * sleepTimer->interval) / 1000ul; - if (!tempValue) - return HAL_TIME_CAN_NOT_BE_COUNTED;// Can't count out interval - - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STARTED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) // there is active timer - return HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_HAS_ALREADY_STARTED; - - halSleepControl.sleepTimerState = HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STARTED; - halSleepControl.sleepTimer = *sleepTimer; - // Start asynchronous timer2. - halSetSleepTimerInterval(tempValue); - return 0; -}// end sleepTimer_start - -/****************************************************************************** -Removes timer. -Parameters: - sleepTimer - is not used now. For capabilities for old version. -Returns: - -1 - there is no active sleep timer. - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StopSleepTimer(HAL_SleepTimer_t *sleepTimer) -{ - (void)sleepTimer; - - // there is no active timer - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - return HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_HAS_ALREADY_STOPPED; - halClearTimeControl(); - halSleepControl.sleepTimerState = HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED; - - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Interrupt handler about sleep interval was completed. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAsyncTimerHandler(void) -{ - // there isn't work timer - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - return; - - if (TIMER_REPEAT_MODE == halSleepControl.sleepTimer.mode) - { - if (halSleepControl.sleepTimer.callback) - halSleepControl.sleepTimer.callback(); - - // user can stop timer in callback - if (HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED == halSleepControl.sleepTimerState) - return; - - halSetSleepTimerInterval(halSleepControl.sleepTimer.interval); - } - else - { - halSleepControl.sleepTimerState = HAL_SLEEP_TIMER_IS_STOPPED; - if (halSleepControl.sleepTimer.callback) - halSleepControl.sleepTimer.callback(); - } -} - -//eof sleepTimer.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/spi.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/spi.c deleted file mode 100644 index cd4c55b0..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/spi.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,602 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file spi.c - - \brief Implementation of USART SPI mode, hardware-independent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Global functions prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -void halSetUsartSpiConfig(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); -void halSetSlaveSpiConfig(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *halPointDescrip[NUM_USART_CHANNELS]; -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - extern HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *halRealSpiDescripPointer; - extern volatile uint8_t rxSlaveBuffer[HAL_SPI_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH]; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Static functions prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static bool isClosedPd(void *pointer); -static bool isOpenedPd(void *pointer); -static int halCheckUsartDescriptor(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, bool(* predicate)(void *)); -static int halOpenUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); -static int halCloseUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); -static int halFillServiceInfo(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length, uint8_t transac); -static int halWriteUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); -static int halReadUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -static int halCheckSpiDescriptor(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, bool(* predicate)(void *)); -static int halOpenRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); -static int halCloseRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); -static int halWriteRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); -static int halReadRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Predicate for check of closed station. -\param[in] - pointer - pointer to some descriptor. -\return - true - interface is closed; - false - interface is not closed. -******************************************************************************/ -static bool isClosedPd(void *pointer) -{ - return pointer ? false : true; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Predicate for check of opened station. -\param[in] - pointer - pointer to some descriptor. -\return - true - interface is opened; - false - interface is not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -static bool isOpenedPd(void *pointer) -{ - return pointer ? true : false; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Check correctenss of the usart spi descriptor. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the usart spi descriptor. -\param[in] - predicate - check station predicate. -\return - interface index - interface is opened; - -1 - interface is not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halCheckUsartDescriptor(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, bool(* predicate)(void *)) -{ - int i; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (false == predicate((void *)halPointDescrip[i])) - return -1; - - return i; -} - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Check correctenss of the real spi descriptor. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the real spi descriptor. -\param[in] - predicate - check station predicate. -\return - 0 - interface is opened; - -1 - interface is not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halCheckSpiDescriptor(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, bool(* predicate)(void *)) -{ - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (SPI_CHANNEL_2 != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - if (false == predicate((void *)halRealSpiDescripPointer)) - return -1; - - return 0; -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Configure usart in mspi mode. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the usart spi descriptor. -\return - -1 - there not are free resources. - 0 - SPI channel is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halOpenUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - int i; // Descriptor index - - i = halCheckUsartDescriptor(descriptor, isClosedPd); - if (-1 == i) - return -1; - - if (NULL != descriptor->callback) - { - descriptor->spiDescriptor.txCallback = descriptor->callback; - descriptor->spiDescriptor.tty = descriptor->tty; - } - - halPointDescrip[i] = &descriptor->spiDescriptor; - halSetUsartSpiConfig(descriptor); - return 0; -} - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Configure spi. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - -1 - there are no free resources. - 0 - SPI channel is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halOpenRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (-1 == halCheckSpiDescriptor(descriptor, isClosedPd)) - return -1; - - halRealSpiDescripPointer = descriptor; - halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service.txPointOfRead = 0; - halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service.txPointOfWrite = 0; - halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service.rxPointOfRead = 0; - halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service.rxPointOfWrite = 0; - halSetSlaveSpiConfig(descriptor); - return 0; -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open the SPI interface. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - -1 - there not are free resources. - 0 - SPI channel is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - if (SPI_CHANNEL_2 == descriptor->tty) - return halOpenRealSpi(descriptor); - else -#endif - return halOpenUsartSpi(descriptor); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clear the usart channel and pins. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - 0 - success - -1 - channel was not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halCloseUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - int i; - - i = halCheckUsartDescriptor(descriptor, isOpenedPd); - if (-1 == i) - return -1; - - halPointDescrip[i] = NULL; - halClearUsartSpi(descriptor->tty); - return 0; -} - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clear the spi channel and pins. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - Returns 0 on success or -1 if channel was not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halCloseRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (-1 == halCheckSpiDescriptor(descriptor, isClosedPd)) - return -1; - - halRealSpiDescripPointer = NULL; - halClearRealSpi(); - return 0; -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Close the SPI channel and pins. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - Returns 0 on success or -1 if channel was not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - if (SPI_CHANNEL_2 == descriptor->tty) - return halCloseRealSpi(descriptor); - else -#endif - return halCloseUsartSpi(descriptor); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Fill service structure for bus transaction. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\param[in] - buffer -pointer to data buffer. -\param[in] - length - length of the data buffer. -\param[in] - transac - bus transaction type. -\return - -1 - interface is busy; - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halFillServiceInfo(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length, uint8_t transac) -{ - HalUsartService_t *halBufferControl; - - halBufferControl = &descriptor->spiDescriptor.service; - if (halBufferControl->txPointOfWrite != halBufferControl->txPointOfRead) - return -1; // there is unsent data - - descriptor->spiDescriptor.txBuffer = buffer; - descriptor->spiDescriptor.txBufferLength = 0; - halBufferControl->txPointOfWrite = length; - halBufferControl->txPointOfRead = 0; - descriptor->spiDescriptor.rxBuffer = buffer; - descriptor->spiDescriptor.flowControl = transac; - return 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a length bytes to the usart. \n - Callback function will be used to notify about the finishing transmitting. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to spi descriptor -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; -\param[in] - length - number bytes for transfer; -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, there is unsent data, pointer to the data or - the length are zero; \n - 0 - on success or a number; \n - Number of written bytes if the synchronous method is used(callback is NULL). -******************************************************************************/ -static int halWriteUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - int i; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - i = halCheckUsartDescriptor(descriptor, isOpenedPd); - if (-1 == i) - return -1; - - if (&descriptor->spiDescriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // incorrect descriptor - - if (NULL != descriptor->callback) - { - if (-1 == halFillServiceInfo(descriptor, buffer, length, USART_SPI_WRITE_MODE)) - return -1; - - halEnableUsartSpiRxcInterrupt(descriptor->tty); - halEnableUsartSpiDremInterrupt(descriptor->tty); - return 0; - } - else - { - return halSyncUsartSpiWriteData(descriptor->tty, buffer, length); - } -} - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a length bytes to the spi. \n -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to spi descriptor -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; -\param[in] - length - number bytes for transfer; -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, there is unsent data, pointer to the data or - the length are zero; \n - 0 - on success or a number; \n -******************************************************************************/ -static int halWriteRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - if (-1 == halCheckSpiDescriptor(descriptor, isOpenedPd)) - return -1; - - if (descriptor != halRealSpiDescripPointer) - return -1; // incorrect descriptor - - if (-1 == halFillServiceInfo(descriptor, buffer, length, USART_SPI_WRITE_MODE)) - return -1; - - halSendSpiByte(*buffer); - return 0; -} -#endif - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Put next byte to the spi. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSpiTxByteComplete(void) -{ - HalUsartService_t *halBufferControl; - - halBufferControl = &halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service; - - if (halBufferControl->txPointOfWrite != halBufferControl->txPointOfRead) - halSendSpiByte(halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.txBuffer[++halBufferControl->txPointOfRead]); -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a length bytes to the SPI. \n - Callback function will be used to notify about the finishing transmitting. - (only for master spi) -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to spi descriptor -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; -\param[in] - length - number bytes for transfer; -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, there is unsent data, pointer to the data or - the length are zero; \n - 0 - on success or a number; \n - Number of written bytes if the synchronous method is used(callback is NULL), \n - only for master spi. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - if (SPI_CHANNEL_2 == descriptor->tty) - return halWriteRealSpi(descriptor, buffer, length); - else -#endif - return halWriteUsartSpi(descriptor, buffer, length); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads a number of bytes from the usart.\n - Callback function will be used to notify when the activity is finished.\n - The read data is placed to the buffer. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_SpiDescriptor_t structure -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, or there is unsent data, or the pointer to - data or the length are NULL; \n - 0 - success; \n - Number of written bytes if the synchronous method is used(callback is NULL). -******************************************************************************/ -static int halReadUsartSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *spiDescrip; - int i; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - i = halCheckUsartDescriptor(descriptor, isOpenedPd); - if (-1 == i) - return -1; - - spiDescrip = &descriptor->spiDescriptor; - if (spiDescrip != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // incorrect descriptor - - if (NULL != descriptor->callback) - { - if (-1 == halFillServiceInfo(descriptor, buffer, length, USART_SPI_READ_MODE)) - return -1; - - halEnableUsartSpiRxcInterrupt(descriptor->tty); - halEnableUsartSpiDremInterrupt(descriptor->tty); - return 0; - } - else - { - return halSyncUsartSpiReadData(descriptor->tty, buffer, length); - } -} - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads a number of bytes from spi internal buffer and places them to the buffer. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_SpiDescriptor_t structure -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, or there is unsent data, or the pointer to - data or the length are NULL; \n - Number of read bytes from spi internal buffer. -******************************************************************************/ -static int halReadRealSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t wasRead = 0; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - HalUsartService_t *halBufferControl; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - if (-1 == halCheckSpiDescriptor(descriptor, isOpenedPd)) - return -1; - - if (descriptor != halRealSpiDescripPointer) - return -1; // incorrect descriptor - - halBufferControl = &halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - poW = halBufferControl->rxPointOfWrite; - poR = halBufferControl->rxPointOfRead; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - while ((poR != poW) && (wasRead < length)) - { - buffer[wasRead] = rxSlaveBuffer[poR]; - if (HAL_SPI_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH == ++poR) - poR = 0; - wasRead++; - } - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halBufferControl->rxPointOfRead = poR; - halBufferControl->rxBytesInBuffer -= wasRead; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - return wasRead; -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief For master : writes a number of bytes to the spi.\n - Callback function will be used to notify when the activity is finished.\n - The read data is placed to the buffer. \n - For slave: reads a number of bytes from internal spi buffer and writes them \n - to application buffer. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_SpiDescriptor_t structure -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, or there is unsent data, or the pointer to - data or the length are NULL; \n - 0 - success for master; \n - Number of written bytes if the synchronous method is used(callback is NULL) for master \n - or number of read bytes from internal buffer to the application buffer for slave. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - if (SPI_CHANNEL_2 == descriptor->tty) - return halReadRealSpi(descriptor, buffer, length); - else -#endif - return halReadUsartSpi(descriptor, buffer, length); -} - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Puts the received byte to the cyclic buffer. - -\param[in] - data - data to put. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSpiRxBufferFiller(uint8_t data) -{ - uint16_t old; - HalUsartService_t *halBufferControl; - - if (NULL == halRealSpiDescripPointer) - {// abnormal - halClearRealSpi(); - return; - } - - halBufferControl = &halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service; - old = halBufferControl->rxPointOfWrite; - - if (HAL_SPI_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH == ++halBufferControl->rxPointOfWrite) - halBufferControl->rxPointOfWrite = 0; - - if (halBufferControl->rxPointOfWrite == halBufferControl->rxPointOfRead) - { // Buffer full. - halBufferControl->rxPointOfWrite = old; - return; - } // Buffer full. - - rxSlaveBuffer[old] = data; - halBufferControl->rxBytesInBuffer++; -} -#endif - -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Slave spi reception complete interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSpiRxByteComplete(void) -{ - uint16_t number; - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - number = halRealSpiDescripPointer->spiDescriptor.service.rxBytesInBuffer; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (number) - if (NULL != halRealSpiDescripPointer->slave_callback) - halRealSpiDescripPointer->slave_callback(number); -} -#endif - -// eof spi.c - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/timer.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/timer.c deleted file mode 100644 index ca36cca9..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/timer.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file timer.c - - \brief Functions to manipulate by timers list. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 7/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Adds timer to the timer's list. -Parameters: - head - address of pointer to head of the timers list. - timer - address of timer that must be added to the list. - sysTime - current time. -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAddTimer(Timer_t **head, Timer_t *new, uint32_t sysTime) -{ - if (!*head) - { - *head = new; - return; - } - - Timer_t *it, *prev = NULL; - for (it = *head; it; it = it-> - { - uint32_t remain = it->service.sysTimeLabel + it->interval - sysTime; - if ((remain < INT32_MAX) && (remain >= new->interval)) - break; - prev = it; - } - if (it == *head) - { - new-> = *head; - *head = new; - } - else - { - prev-> = new; - new-> = it; - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Removes timer from the timers list. -Parameters: - head - address of pointer to head of the timers list. - prev - address of the timer before the timer that must be removed from the list. - p - address of timer that must be removed from the list. -Returns: - pointer to next cell or pointer to head if deleting is head -******************************************************************************/ -Timer_t* halRemoveTimer(Timer_t **head, Timer_t *prev, Timer_t *p) -{ - Timer_t *t; - - if (p == *head) - {// removing first element of list - t = p->; - p-> = 0; - *head = t; - return *head; - } - else - { - prev-> = p->; - p-> = 0; - return prev->; - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -The search of the timer in the timers list before one. -Parameters: - head - address of pointer to head of the timers list. -Returns: - pointer to saerching timer -******************************************************************************/ -Timer_t *halFindPrevTimer(Timer_t **head, Timer_t *p) -{ - Timer_t *t = *head; - - for (; t ;) - { - if (t-> == p) - return t; - t = t->; - } - return NULL; -} -//eof timer.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usart.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usart.c deleted file mode 100644 index 53a63927..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usart.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file usart.c - -\brief USART implementation. Asynchronous mode. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - 18/02/09 A. Luzhetsky - Corretced. -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define HANDLERS_GET(A, I) memcpy_P(A, &halUsartHandlers[I], sizeof(HalUsartTask_t)) -/** \brief Amount of reserved bytes in received buffer. Some clients (PC Windows for example) - send few more bytes after CTS setting, so we need to reserve some space for them. - Reserved space = Buffer Size / 2^BUFFER_RESERV. */ -#define BUFFER_RESERV 1 -#define USART_HW_CONTROLLER_TIMER_PERIOD 10 -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - #define HAL_BM_FRAME_ERROR (1 << 4) - #define HAL_BM_DATA_OVERRUN (1 << 3) - #define HAL_BM_PARITY_ERROR (1 << 2) -#endif -#if NUM_USART_CHANNELS == 0 - #error 'USART channels is not alowed.' -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Types definition section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief HAL USART tasks bit mask. -******************************************************************************/ -typedef volatile uint8_t HalUsartTaskBitMask_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief HAL USART task type declaration. -******************************************************************************/ -typedef void (* HalUsartTask_t)(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global functions prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUsartHandler(void); -void halSetUsartConfig(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *usartmode); -void halPostUsartTask(HalUsartTaskId_t taskId); -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - void hwControlPinsPollCallback(void); -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - -/****************************************************************************** - Static function prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0) - static void halUsartTaskUsart0Dre(void); - static void halUsartTaskUsart0Txc(void); - static void halUsartTaskUsart0Rxc(void); - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - static void halUsartTaskUsart0Err(void); - #endif -#endif - -#if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1) - static void halUsartTaskUsart1Dre(void); - static void halUsartTaskUsart1Txc(void); - static void halUsartTaskUsart1Rxc(void); - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - static void halUsartTaskUsart1Err(void); - #endif -#endif - -static void halUsartHwController(UsartChannel_t tty); -static void halSigUsartReceptionComplete(UsartChannel_t tty); -static void halSetUsartClockPinDirection(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/****************************************************************************** - Static variables section -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - static HAL_AppTimer_t halUsartAppTimer; -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *halPointDescrip[NUM_USART_CHANNELS] = -{ - #if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0) - NULL, - #endif - #if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1) - NULL - #endif -}; -static volatile HalUsartTaskBitMask_t halUsartTaskBitMask = 0; // HAL USART tasks' bit mask. -static const HalUsartTask_t PROGMEM_DECLARE(halUsartHandlers[HAL_USART_TASKS_NUMBER]) = -{ - #if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0) - halUsartTaskUsart0Dre, - halUsartTaskUsart0Txc, - halUsartTaskUsart0Rxc, - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - halUsartTaskUsart0Err, - #endif - #endif - - #if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1) - halUsartTaskUsart1Dre, - halUsartTaskUsart1Txc, - halUsartTaskUsart1Rxc, - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - halUsartTaskUsart1Err, - #endif - #endif -}; // List Of possible HAL USART tasks. - -/****************************************************************************** - DTR service -******************************************************************************/ -volatile bool halEnableDtrWakeUp = false; -void (* dtrWakeUpCallback)(void) = NULL; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief HAL USART task. Exact action depends on USART internal task. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUsartHandler(void) -{ - HalUsartTask_t handler; - HalUsartTaskBitMask_t mask = 1; - HalUsartTaskId_t index = 0; - - for ( ; index < HAL_USART_TASKS_NUMBER; index++, mask <<= 1) - { - if (halUsartTaskBitMask & mask) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halUsartTaskBitMask ^= mask; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - HANDLERS_GET(&handler, index); - handler(); - } - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Posts specific USART task. - -\param[in] - taskId - unique identifier of the task to be posted. -******************************************************************************/ -void halPostUsartTask(HalUsartTaskId_t taskId) -{ - halUsartTaskBitMask |= (HalUsartTaskBitMask_t)1 << taskId; - halPostTask2(HAL_TASK_USART); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Puts the byte received to the cyclic buffer. - -\param[in] - tty - channel number. -\param[in] - data - data to put. -******************************************************************************/ -void halUsartRxBufferFiller(UsartChannel_t tty, uint8_t data) -{ - uint16_t old; - uint8_t i; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - {// abnormal - halDisableUsartRxcInterrupt(tty); // disable usart - return; - } - - if (halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & USART_SPI_WRITE_MODE) - return; - - if (halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & USART_SPI_READ_MODE) - { // For spi mode. - *(uint8_t*)(halPointDescrip[i]->rxBuffer) = data; - halPointDescrip[i]->rxBuffer++; - return; - } // For spi mode. - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - if (NULL != halPointDescrip[i]->rxBuffer) - { - old = halUsartControl->rxPointOfWrite; - - if (++halUsartControl->rxPointOfWrite == halPointDescrip[i]->rxBufferLength) - halUsartControl->rxPointOfWrite = 0; - - if (halUsartControl->rxPointOfWrite == halUsartControl->rxPointOfRead) - { // Buffer full. - halUsartControl->rxPointOfWrite = old; - return; - } // Buffer full. - - halPointDescrip[i]->rxBuffer[old] = data; - halUsartControl->rxBytesInBuffer++; - -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - if ((halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE) && (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT == halPointDescrip[i]->tty)) - { - if (halUsartControl->rxBytesInBuffer > (halPointDescrip[i]->rxBufferLength >> BUFFER_RESERV)) - GPIO_USART_CTS_set();// CTS_ON - } -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - } -} - -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Save status register for analyzing of the error reason. - -\param[in] - tty - channel number. -\param[in] - status - usart status register. -******************************************************************************/ -void halUsartSaveErrorReason(UsartChannel_t tty, uint8_t status) -{ - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - uint8_t i; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - {// abnormal - halDisableUsartRxcInterrupt(tty); // disable usart - return; - } - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - halUsartControl->errorReason = status; -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers uasrt's event handlers. Performs configuration -of usart registers. Performs configuration of RTS, CTS and DTR pins. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - Returns positive usart descriptor on success or -1 in cases: \n - - bad usart channel. \n - - unsupported parameters. \n - - the channel was already opened. \n - - there are not enough resources. \n -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; // Descriptor index - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - if ((descriptor->flowControl & USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE) && - (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT != descriptor->tty)) - return -1; // Hardware control cannot be used for this channel. -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (NULL != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is already opened. - - halPointDescrip[i] = descriptor; -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - if (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT == descriptor->tty) - { - if (descriptor->flowControl & USART_DTR_CONTROL) - GPIO_USART_DTR_make_in(); - if (descriptor->flowControl & USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE) - { - GPIO_USART_CTS_make_out(); - GPIO_USART_RTS_make_in(); - if (NULL == descriptor->rxBuffer) - GPIO_USART_CTS_set(); // CTS_ON - else - GPIO_USART_CTS_clr(); // CTS_OFF - } - } -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - - if (USART_MODE_SYNC == descriptor->mode) - halSetUsartClockPinDirection(descriptor); - - descriptor->service.txPointOfRead = 0; - descriptor->service.txPointOfWrite = 0; - if (NULL == descriptor->rxBuffer) - descriptor->rxBufferLength = 0; - if (NULL == descriptor->txBuffer) - descriptor->txBufferLength = 0; - descriptor->service.rxPointOfRead = 0; - descriptor->service.rxPointOfWrite = 0; - descriptor->service.usartShiftRegisterEmpty = 1; - - halSetUsartConfig(descriptor); - - return descriptor->tty; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Frees the usart channel and pins, if hardware flow control was used. - -\param[in] - descriptor - the usart descriptor. -\return - 0 on success, \n - -1 if bad descriptor or channel is already closed. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is already closed. - - halCloseUsart(halPointDescrip[i]->tty); -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - if (halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE) - GPIO_USART_CTS_make_in(); -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - - if (USART_MODE_SYNC == halPointDescrip[i]->mode) - { - halPointDescrip[i]->syncMode = USART_CLK_MODE_SLAVE; - halSetUsartClockPinDirection(halPointDescrip[i]); - } - halPointDescrip[i] = NULL; - - return 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Controls RTS and DTR the pins and makes decision if the usart can transmit - byte. - -\param[in] - tty - channel number. -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartHwController(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - uint8_t i; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - return; // Port closed. - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - if (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT == tty) - { - uint8_t hw1 = 0; - uint8_t hw2 = 0; - - if (halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & USART_DTR_CONTROL) - hw1 = GPIO_USART_DTR_read(); - - if (halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE) - hw2 = GPIO_USART_RTS_read(); - - if (hw1 || hw2) - { - halUsartAppTimer.interval = USART_HW_CONTROLLER_TIMER_PERIOD; - halUsartAppTimer.mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE; - halUsartAppTimer.callback = hwControlPinsPollCallback; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&halUsartAppTimer); - return; - } - } -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - poW = halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite; - poR = halUsartControl->txPointOfRead; - END_MEASURE(HAL_USART_HW_CONTROLLER_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (poW != poR) - { - halSendUsartByte(tty, halPointDescrip[i]->txBuffer[poR++]); - if (poR == halPointDescrip[i]->txBufferLength) - poR = 0; - halEnableUsartDremInterrupt(tty); - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - halUsartControl->txPointOfRead = poR; - END_MEASURE(HAL_USART_HW_CONTROLLER_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - } - else - { - // data register empty interrupt was disabled - halEnableUsartTxcInterrupt(tty);// TX Complete interrupt enable - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a number of bytes to a usart channel. -txCallback function will be used to notify when the transmission is finished. -If hardware flow control is used for transmitting then RTS and DTR pins will -be tested during transmission. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint8_t i; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - uint16_t old; - uint16_t wasWrote = 0; - bool needStartTrmt = false; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - halUsartControl = &descriptor->service; - if (0 == descriptor->txBufferLength) - { // Callback mode - if (halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite != halUsartControl->txPointOfRead) - return -1; // there is unsent data - descriptor->txBuffer = buffer; - halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite = length; - halUsartControl->txPointOfRead = 0; - needStartTrmt = true; - wasWrote = length; - } // Callback mode. - else - { // Polling mode. - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - poW = halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite; - poR = halUsartControl->txPointOfRead; - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_WRITE_USART_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (poW == poR) - needStartTrmt = true; // Buffer empty. - - while (wasWrote < length) - { - old = poW; - - if (++poW == descriptor->txBufferLength) - poW = 0; - - if (poW == poR) - { // Buffer full. - poW = old; - break; - } // Buffer full. - - descriptor->txBuffer[old] = buffer[wasWrote++]; - } - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite = poW; - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_WRITE_USART_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - } // Polling mode - - if (needStartTrmt) - { - halUsartControl->usartShiftRegisterEmpty = 0; // Buffer and shift register is full - // Enable interrupt. Transaction will be launched in the callback. - halEnableUsartDremInterrupt(descriptor->tty); - } - - return wasWrote; -} - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads length bytes from usart and places ones to buffer. - -\param[in] - descriptor - usart descriptor; -\param[out] - buffer - pointer to a application buffer; -\param[in] - length - the number of bytes which should be placed to buffer - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad number to read or number of bytes that \n - were placed to buffer. -*****************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint8_t i = 0; - uint16_t wasRead = 0; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - uint16_t number; -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - poW = halUsartControl->rxPointOfWrite; - poR = halUsartControl->rxPointOfRead; - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_READ_USART_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - while ((poR != poW) && (wasRead < length)) - { - buffer[wasRead] = descriptor->rxBuffer[poR]; - if (++poR == descriptor->rxBufferLength) - poR = 0; - wasRead++; - } - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - halUsartControl->rxPointOfRead = poR; - halUsartControl->rxBytesInBuffer -= wasRead; -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - number = halUsartControl->rxBytesInBuffer; -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_READ_USART_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - if ((HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT == descriptor->tty) && (descriptor->flowControl & USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE)) - if (number <= (descriptor->rxBufferLength >> BUFFER_RESERV)) - GPIO_USART_CTS_clr(); -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - - return wasRead; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Forbids to the host data transmiting. Only HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - port can be used for hardware flow control. - -\param[in] - descriptor - usart descriptor. - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, unsupported mode; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -int HAL_OnUsartCts(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - if (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - GPIO_USART_CTS_set();// CTS_ON - - return 0; -} -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Allows to transfer a host data. Only HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -can be used for hardware flow control. - -\param[in] - descriptor - usart descriptor. - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, unsupported mode; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -int HAL_OffUsartCts(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - if (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - GPIO_USART_CTS_clr(); // CTS_OFF - - return 0; -} -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Fills UsartHardwareControl_t variable by potential of RTS pin. Only - HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT can be used for hardware flow control. - -\param[in] - descriptor - usart descriptor. -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, unsupported mode; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -int HAL_ReadUsartRts(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - if (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - return GPIO_USART_RTS_read(); -} -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Fills UsartHardwareControl_t variable by potential of DTR pin. Only - HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT can be used for hardware flow control. - -\param[in] - descriptor - usart descriptor. -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, unsupported mode; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -int HAL_ReadUsartDtr(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - if (HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - return GPIO_USART_DTR_read(); -} -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - -// Interrupt handlers -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Hardware Control pins polling timer callback. -******************************************************************************/ -#ifdef HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT -void hwControlPinsPollCallback(void) -{ - halUsartHwController(HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT); -} -#endif // HW_CONTROL_PINS_PORT_ASSIGNMENT - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Transmission complete interrupt handler. - -\param[in] - tty - USART channel identifier. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUsartTransmissionComplete(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - uint8_t i; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - { - assert(false, USARTC_HALSIGUSARTTRANSMISSIONCOMPLETE_0); - return; // Descriptor with "tty" channel is not found. - } - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - poW = halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite; - poR = halUsartControl->txPointOfRead; - END_MEASURE(HAL_USART_TRANS_COMPLETE_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (poW == poR) - halUsartControl->usartShiftRegisterEmpty = 1; // Buffer is empty, shift register is empty too. - - if (0 == halPointDescrip[i]->txBufferLength) - halPointDescrip[i]->txBuffer = NULL; // nulling pointer for callback mode - - if (NULL != halPointDescrip[i]->txCallback) - halPointDescrip[i]->txCallback(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reception complete interrupt handler. - -\param[in] - tty - USART channel identifier. -******************************************************************************/ -static void halSigUsartReceptionComplete(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - uint8_t i; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - uint16_t number; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - { - assert(false, USARTC_HALSIGUSARTRECEPTIONCOMPLETE_0); - return; // Descriptor with "tty" channel is not found. - } - - if (halPointDescrip[i]->flowControl & (USART_SPI_READ_MODE | USART_SPI_WRITE_MODE)) - return; // for spi mode - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - number = halUsartControl->rxBytesInBuffer; - END_MEASURE(HALATOM_USART_RX_COMPLETE_TIME_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (number) - if (NULL != halPointDescrip[i]->rxCallback) - halPointDescrip[i]->rxCallback(number); -} - -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Error occurred action handler. - -\param[in] - tty - USART channel identifier. -******************************************************************************/ -static void halSigUsartErrorOccurred(UsartChannel_t tty) -{ - uint8_t i; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - UsartErrorReason_t errReason = FRAME_ERROR; - - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(tty); - if (NULL == halPointDescrip[i]) - { - assert(false, USARTC_HALSIGUSARTERROROCCURED_0); - return; // Descriptor with "tty" channel is not found. - } - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - if (halUsartControl->errorReason & HAL_BM_FRAME_ERROR) - errReason = FRAME_ERROR; - else if (halUsartControl->errorReason & HAL_BM_DATA_OVERRUN) - errReason = DATA_OVERRUN; - else if (halUsartControl->errorReason & HAL_BM_PARITY_ERROR) - errReason = PARITY_ERROR; - else - { - assert(false, USARTC_HALUNKNOWNERRORREASON_0); - } - - if (NULL != halPointDescrip[i]->errCallback) - halPointDescrip[i]->errCallback(errReason); -} -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enables DTR wake up. - -\param[in] callback - callback method pointer. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableDtrWakeUp(void (* callback)(void)) -{ - dtrWakeUpCallback = callback; - halEnableDtrWakeUp = true; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Disables DTR wake up. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DisableDtrWakeUp(void) -{ - halEnableDtrWakeUp = false; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the status of tx buffer. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, no tx buffer; \n - 1 - tx buffer is empty; \n - 0 - tx buffer is not empty; -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_IsTxEmpty(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint8_t i; - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - if (false == halIsUsartChannelCorrect(descriptor->tty)) - return -1; - i = HAL_GET_INDEX_BY_CHANNEL(descriptor->tty); - if (descriptor != halPointDescrip[i]) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - halUsartControl = &halPointDescrip[i]->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - BEGIN_MEASURE - poW = halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite; - poR = halUsartControl->txPointOfRead; - END_MEASURE(HAL_USART_TX_EMPTY_LIMIT) - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - if (poW == poR) - return halUsartControl->usartShiftRegisterEmpty; - return 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the channel number. - -\param[in] - channel - channel to be verified. - -\return - true if channel is possible, \n - false otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -bool halIsUsartChannelCorrect(UsartChannel_t channel) -{ - switch (channel) - { -#ifdef USART_CHANNEL_0 - case USART_CHANNEL_0: -#endif // USART_CHANNEL_0 -#ifdef USART_CHANNEL_1 - case USART_CHANNEL_1: -#endif // USART_CHANNEL_0 -#if defined(USART_CHANNEL_0) || defined(USART_CHANNEL_1) - return true; -#endif - default: - return false; - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set clock pin direction for synchronous mode. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to usart channel descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -static void halSetUsartClockPinDirection(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (USART_CLK_MODE_MASTER == descriptor->syncMode) - { - switch (descriptor->tty) - { -#ifdef USART_CHANNEL_0 - case USART_CHANNEL_0: - GPIO_USART0_EXTCLK_make_out(); - break; -#endif // USART_CHANNEL_0 -#ifdef USART_CHANNEL_1 - case USART_CHANNEL_1: - GPIO_USART1_EXTCLK_make_out(); - break; -#endif // USART_CHANNEL_1 - default: - break; - } - } - else - { - switch (descriptor->tty) - { -#ifdef USART_CHANNEL_0 - case USART_CHANNEL_0: - GPIO_USART0_EXTCLK_make_in(); - GPIO_USART0_EXTCLK_make_pullup(); - break; -#endif // USART_CHANNEL_0 -#ifdef USART_CHANNEL_1 - case USART_CHANNEL_1: - GPIO_USART1_EXTCLK_make_in(); - GPIO_USART1_EXTCLK_make_pullup(); - break; -#endif // USART_CHANNEL_1 - default: - break; - } - } -} - -#if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for data empty handler for usart channel 0 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart0Dre(void) -{ - halUsartHwController(USART_CHANNEL_0); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for transmit complete handler for usart channel 0 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart0Txc(void) -{ - halSigUsartTransmissionComplete(USART_CHANNEL_0); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for receive complete handler for usart channel 0 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart0Rxc(void) -{ - halSigUsartReceptionComplete(USART_CHANNEL_0); -} - -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for error occurred handler for usart channel 0 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart0Err(void) -{ - halSigUsartErrorOccurred(USART_CHANNEL_0); -} -#endif // defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -#endif // defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_0) - -#if defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for data empty handler for usart channel 1 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart1Dre(void) -{ - halUsartHwController(USART_CHANNEL_1); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for transmit complete handler for usart channel 1 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart1Txc(void) -{ - halSigUsartTransmissionComplete(USART_CHANNEL_1); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for receive complete handler for usart channel 0 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart1Rxc(void) -{ - halSigUsartReceptionComplete(USART_CHANNEL_1); -} - -#if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Wrapper for error occurred handler for usart channel 1 -******************************************************************************/ -static void halUsartTaskUsart1Err(void) -{ - halSigUsartErrorOccurred(USART_CHANNEL_1); -} -#endif // defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) -#endif // defined(HAL_USE_USART_CHANNEL_1) -//eof usart.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usb.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usb.c deleted file mode 100644 index b164f1dc..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/usb.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,435 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file usb.c - - \brief Implementation of usb hardware independent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 17/07/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// user's request handler -extern void (* sendReqToUpper)(uint8_t *req); -// Holds the internal state for each endpoint of the UDP -extern UsbEndpoint_t endpoints[USB_END_POINTS_NUMBER]; -// Device current state -extern volatile uint8_t deviceState; -// Previous device current state -extern volatile uint8_t previousDeviceState; -// pointer to request memory. Memory allocate by user. -extern uint8_t *requestMemory; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -void (* resumeCallback)(void) = NULL; -void (* suspendCallback)(void) = NULL; -void (* endOfBusResetCallback)(void) = NULL; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Registers user's end of bus reset handler - -Parameters: - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterEndOfBusResetHandler(void (* f)(void)) -{ - endOfBusResetCallback = f; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Registers user's resume handler - -Parameters: - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterResumeHandler(void (* f)(void)) -{ - resumeCallback = f; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Registers user's suspend handler - -Parameters: - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterSuspendHandler(void (* f)(void)) -{ - suspendCallback = f; -} - -/****************************************************************************** - Registers user's request handler - -Parameters: - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterRequestHandler(void (* f)(uint8_t *req)) -{ - sendReqToUpper = f; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Configures an endpoint according to its Endpoint Descriptor. - -Parameters: - descriptor - Pointer to an Endpoint descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ConfigureEndpoint(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t *descriptor) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint; - uint8_t eptnum; - uint8_t type; - HAL_UsbEndPointDirect_t direction; - - // NULL descriptor -> Control endpoint 0 - if (NULL == descriptor) - { - eptnum = USB_END_POINT_0; - endpoint = &(endpoints[USB_END_POINT_0]); - type = EP_CONTROL; - direction = EP_OUT; - endpoint->size = UDP_ENDPOINTS_MAXPACKETSIZE(USB_END_POINT_0); - } - else - { - eptnum = descriptor->bEndpointAddress & 0x0F; - endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - type = descriptor->bmAttributes & 0x03; - if (descriptor->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) - direction = EP_IN; - else - direction = EP_OUT; - endpoint->size = descriptor->wMaxPacketSize; - } - - // Abort the current transfer is the endpoint was configured and in - // Write or Read state - if ((UDP_ENDPOINT_RECEIVING == endpoint->state) || (UDP_ENDPOINT_SENDING == endpoint->state)) - halEndOfTransfer(eptnum, STATUS_RESET); - - endpoint->state = UDP_ENDPOINT_IDLE; - halConfigureEndpoint(eptnum, type, direction); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sends data through a USB endpoint. Sets up the transfer descriptor, -writes one or two data payloads (depending on the number of FIFO bank -for the endpoint) and then starts the actual transfer. The operation is -complete when all the data has been sent. - -*If the size of the buffer is greater than the size of the endpoint -(or twice the size if the endpoint has two FIFO banks), then the buffer -must be kept allocated until the transfer is finished*. This means that -it is not possible to declare it on the stack (i.e. as a local variable -of a function which returns after starting a transfer). - -Parameters: - eptnum - Endpoint number. - data - Pointer to a buffer with the data to send. - size - Size of the data buffer. - callback - Optional callback function to invoke when the transfer is complete. - argument - Optional argument to the callback function. - -Returns: - STATUS_SUCCESS if the transfer has been started; otherwise, the - corresponding error status code. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_UsbWrite(uint8_t eptnum, void *data, uint32_t size, TransferCallback_t callback, void *argument) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - UsbTransfer_t *transfer = &(endpoint->transfer); - - // Check that the endpoint is in Idle state - if (UDP_ENDPOINT_IDLE != endpoint->state) - return STATUS_BUSY; - - // Setup the transfer descriptor - transfer->data = (void *) data; - transfer->remaining = size; - transfer->buffered = 0; - transfer->transferred = 0; - transfer->callback = callback; - transfer->argument = argument; - - // Send the first packet - endpoint->state = UDP_ENDPOINT_SENDING; - halStartUsbWrite(eptnum); - - // Enable interrupt on endpoint - halEnableEndPointTxInterrupt(eptnum); - - return STATUS_SUCCESS; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Reads incoming data on an USB endpoint This methods sets the transfer -descriptor and activate the endpoint interrupt. The actual transfer is -then carried out by the endpoint interrupt handler. The Read operation -finishes either when the buffer is full, or a short packet (inferior to -endpoint maximum size) is received. - -*The buffer must be kept allocated until the transfer is finished*. - -Parameters: - eptnum - Endpoint number. - data - Pointer to a data buffer. - size - Size of the data buffer in bytes. - callback - Optional end-of-transfer callback function. - argument - Optional argument to the callback function. - -Returns: - STATUS_SUCCESS if the read operation has been started; otherwise, - the corresponding error code. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_UsbRead(uint8_t eptnum, void *data, uint32_t size, TransferCallback_t callback, void *argument) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - UsbTransfer_t *transfer = &(endpoint->transfer); - - if (NULL == data) - return STATUS_ABORTED; - - // Return if the endpoint is not in IDLE state - if (UDP_ENDPOINT_IDLE != endpoint->state) - return STATUS_BUSY; - - // Endpoint enters Receiving state - endpoint->state = UDP_ENDPOINT_RECEIVING; - - // Set the transfer descriptor - transfer->data = data; - transfer->remaining = size; - transfer->buffered = 0; - transfer->transferred = 0; - transfer->callback = callback; - transfer->argument = argument; - - // Enable interrupt on endpoint - halEnableEndPointRxInterrupt(eptnum); - - return STATUS_SUCCESS; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sets the HALT feature on the given endpoint (if not already in this state). - -Parameters: - eptnum - Endpoint number. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Halt(uint8_t eptnum) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - - // Check that endpoint is enabled and not already in Halt state - if ((UDP_ENDPOINT_DISABLED != endpoint->state) && (UDP_ENDPOINT_HALTED != endpoint->state)) - { - // Abort the current transfer if necessary - halEndOfTransfer(eptnum, STATUS_ABORTED); - - halEndpointHaltState(eptnum); - - // Enable the endpoint interrupt - halEnableEndPointStallInterrupt(eptnum); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Clears the Halt feature on the given endpoint. - -Parameters: - eptnum - Endpoint number. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Unhalt(uint8_t eptnum) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - - // Check if the endpoint is enabled - if (UDP_ENDPOINT_DISABLED != endpoint->state) - { - // Return endpoint to Idle state - endpoint->state = UDP_ENDPOINT_IDLE; - - halEndpointUnHaltState(eptnum); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Returns the current Halt status of an endpoint. - -Parameters: - eptnum - Endpoint number. - -Returns: - 1 - if the endpoint is currently halted; - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_IsHalted(uint8_t eptnum) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - if (UDP_ENDPOINT_HALTED == endpoint->state) - return 1; - else - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Causes the given endpoint to acknowledge the next packet it receives with -a STALL handshake. - -Parameters: - eptnum - Endpoint number. - -Returns: - STATUS_SUCCESS or STATUS_BUSY. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_Stall(uint8_t eptnum) -{ - UsbEndpoint_t *endpoint = &(endpoints[eptnum]); - - // Check that endpoint is in Idle state - if (UDP_ENDPOINT_IDLE != endpoint->state) - { - return STATUS_BUSY; - } - - halSendStallToHost(eptnum); - // Enable the endpoint interrupt - halEnableEndPointStallInterrupt(eptnum); - - return STATUS_SUCCESS; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sets the device address to the given value. - -Parameters: - address - New device address. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetAddress(uint8_t *address) -{ - halSetUsbAddress(*address); - // If the address is 0, the device returns to the Default state - if (*address) - deviceState = DEVICE_PREADDRESSED; - // If the address is non-zero, the device enters the Address state - else - deviceState = DEVICE_DEFAULT; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Sets the current device configuration. - -Parameters: - cfgnum - Configuration number to set. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetConfiguration(uint8_t cfgnum) -{ - // If the configuration number if non-zero, the device enters the - // Configured state - if (cfgnum) - { - deviceState = DEVICE_CONFIGURED; - } - // If the configuration number is zero, the device goes back to the Address - // state - else - { - deviceState = DEVICE_ADDRESS; - // Abort all transfers - halDisableEndpoints(); - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Initializes the USB driver. - -Parameters: - reqMem - Memory for usb request. Memory allocate by user. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_UsbInit(uint8_t *reqMem) -{ - requestMemory = reqMem; - - // Reset endpoint structures - halResetEndpoints(); - - // Device is in the Attached state - deviceState = DEVICE_SUSPENDED; - previousDeviceState = DEVICE_POWERED; - halInitUsbDevice(); - halUsbInterrupt(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Returns the current state of the USB device. - -Returns: - Device current state. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_GetState(void) -{ - return deviceState; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Endpoint interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halEndPointHandler(void) -{ - halCommonEndpointHandler(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -usb suspend interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halSuspendHandler(void) -{ - if (NULL != suspendCallback) - suspendCallback(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -usb resume interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halResumeHandler(void) -{ - if (NULL != resumeCallback) - resumeCallback(); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -usb bus reset interrupt handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void halBusResetHandler(void) -{ - halEndOfBusResetHandler(); - if (NULL != endOfBusResetCallback) - endOfBusResetCallback(); -} - -// eof usb.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/w1.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/w1.c deleted file mode 100644 index 99b92d1a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/avr/common/src/w1.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,382 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file w1.c - - \brief The implementation of the 1-wire interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define HAL_ROM_BYTE_LEN 8 -#define HAL_ROM_BIT_LEN 64 -#define HAL_W1_CRC_POLINOM 0x8C -#define HAL_SEARCH_ROM_CMD 0xF0 -#define HAL_SEARCH_ALRM_CMD 0xEC - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/******************************************************************************* - 1-Wire search procedure for all devices discovering - Parameters: - cmd - ROM function command. - family - 8-bit family code. - data - pointer of SRAM where are stored the 8 bytes ROM - codes returned by the devices. - count - number of devices wish to find. - actCount - number of devices have been found. - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if at least one device has been found. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if there are no any devices presented - on the bus with specified family code. - W1_INVALID_CRC - if during searching invalid CRC has - been read and no devices with - spicified family code has been found. -*******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t halCommSearchW1(uint8_t cmd, - uint8_t family, - uint8_t *data, - uint8_t count, - uint8_t *actCount); - -/******************************************************************************* - 1-Wire search procedure for one device discovering - Parameters: - cmd - ROM function command. - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if device has been found, ROM number - in ROM_NO buffer. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if device has not been found. - W1_INVALID_CRC - if during searching invalid CRC has - been read. -*******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t halSearchW1(uint8_t cmd); - -/******************************************************************************* - Calculating 1-Wire 8-bit CRC - Parameters: - data - data buffer pointer. - length - data length. - Returns: - CRC value based on polynomial x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t halW1CRC(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// 8-byte buffer that contains the current ROM registration -// number discovered -static uint8_t ROM_NO[HAL_ROM_BYTE_LEN]; -// Bit index that identifies from which bit the next search -// discrepancy check should start -static uint8_t LastDiscrepancy; -// Flag to indicate previos search was the last device -static uint8_t LastDeviceFlag; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/******************************************************************************* - 1-Wire search procedure with search ROM command only - Parameters: - family - 8-bit family code. - data - pointer of SRAM where are stored the 8 bytes ROM - codes returned by the devices. - count - number of devices wish to find. - actCount - number of devices have been found. - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if at least one device has been found. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if there are no any devices presented - on the bus with specified family code. - W1_INVALID_CRC - if during searching invalid CRC has - been read and no devices with - spicified family code has been found. -*******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t HAL_SearchW1Device(uint8_t family, - uint8_t *data, - uint8_t count, - uint8_t *actCount) -{ - return halCommSearchW1(HAL_SEARCH_ROM_CMD, family, data, count, actCount); -} - -/******************************************************************************* - 1-Wire search procedure with alarm search command only - Parameters: - family - 8-bit family code. - data - pointer of SRAM where are stored the 8 bytes ROM - codes returned by the devices. - count - number of devices wish to find. - actCount - number of devices have been found. - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if at least one device has been found. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if there are no any devices presented - on the bus with specified family code. - W1_INVALID_CRC - if during searching invalid CRC has - been read and no devices with - spicified family code has been found. -*******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t HAL_AlarmSearchW1Device(uint8_t family, - uint8_t *data, - uint8_t count, - uint8_t *actCount) -{ - return halCommSearchW1(HAL_SEARCH_ALRM_CMD, family, data, count, actCount); -} - -/******************************************************************************* - 1-Wire search procedure for all devices discovering - Parameters: - cmd - ROM function command. - family - 8-bit family code. - data - pointer of SRAM where are stored the 8 bytes ROM - codes returned by the devices. - count - number of devices wish to find. - actCount - number of devices have been found. - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if at least one device has been found. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if there are no any devices presented - on the bus with specified family code. - W1_INVALID_CRC - if during searching invalid CRC has - been read and no devices with - spicified family code has been found. -*******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t halCommSearchW1(uint8_t cmd, - uint8_t family, - uint8_t *data, - uint8_t count, - uint8_t *actCount) -{ - W1Status_t w1_result; - uint8_t i; - - // Reset the searh state - LastDiscrepancy = 0; - LastDeviceFlag = 0; - // Setup family code - if (W1_ANY_FAMILY != family) - { - ROM_NO[0] = family; - LastDiscrepancy = HAL_ROM_BIT_LEN + 1; - for (i = 1; i < HAL_ROM_BYTE_LEN; i++) ROM_NO[i] = 0; - } - i = 0; - // Discovering - do - { - w1_result = halSearchW1(cmd); - if (W1_SUCCESS_STATUS != w1_result) - break; - // There is some device with specified family code - if ((ROM_NO[0] == family) || (W1_ANY_FAMILY == family)) - { - *(uint64_t *)(data + 8 * i) = *(uint64_t *)ROM_NO; - i++; - } - else // There are not any devices with specified family code - { - w1_result = W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS; - break; - } - } - while (!LastDeviceFlag && (i < count)); - - if (NULL != actCount) - *actCount = i; - - if (i != 0) - return W1_SUCCESS_STATUS; - else - return w1_result; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - 1-Wire search procedure for one device discovering - Parameters: - cmd - ROM function command. - Returns: - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if device has been found, ROM number - in ROM_NO buffer. - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if device has not been found. - W1_INVALID_CRC - if during searching invalid CRC has - been read. -*******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t halSearchW1(uint8_t cmd) -{ - uint8_t id_bit_number; - uint8_t last_zero, rom_byte_number; - uint8_t id_bit, cmp_id_bit; - uint8_t rom_byte_mask, search_direction; - - // initialize for search - id_bit_number = 1; - last_zero = 0; - rom_byte_number = 0; - rom_byte_mask = 1; - - // 1-Wire reset - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - id_bit = halResetW1(); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - if (W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS == id_bit) - { - LastDiscrepancy = 0; - LastDeviceFlag = 0; - return W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS; - } - - // issue the search command - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halWriteW1(cmd); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - // search 64-bit uniqued registration number - do - { - // read a bit and its complement - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - id_bit = halReadW1Bit(); - cmp_id_bit = halReadW1Bit(); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - // check for no devices on 1-wire - if ((1 == id_bit) && (1 == cmp_id_bit)) - return W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS; - - // all devices coupled have 0 or 1 - if (id_bit != cmp_id_bit) - { - search_direction = id_bit; - // there is descepancy - } - else - { - // if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy - // on a previous next then pick the same as last time (old branch) - if (id_bit_number < LastDiscrepancy) - search_direction = ((ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] & rom_byte_mask) > 0); - // if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0 (new branch) - else - search_direction = (id_bit_number == LastDiscrepancy); - // if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero - if (0 == search_direction) - last_zero = id_bit_number; - } - - if (1 == search_direction) - ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] |= rom_byte_mask; - else - ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] &= ~rom_byte_mask; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - halWriteW1bit(search_direction); - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - id_bit_number++; - rom_byte_mask <<= 1; - - if (rom_byte_mask == 0) - { - rom_byte_number++; - rom_byte_mask = 1; - } - } while (rom_byte_number < HAL_ROM_BYTE_LEN); - - // Invalid CRC - if (halW1CRC(ROM_NO, HAL_ROM_BYTE_LEN)) - return W1_INVALID_CRC; - - LastDiscrepancy = last_zero; - // check for last device - if (0 == LastDiscrepancy) - LastDeviceFlag = 1; - - return W1_SUCCESS_STATUS; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - Calculating 1-Wire 8-bit CRC - Parameters: - data - data buffer pointer. - length - data length. - Returns: - CRC value based on polynomial x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t halW1CRC(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length) -{ - uint8_t reg; - uint8_t b; - - for (reg = 0; length > 0; length--, data++) - { - for (b = 0; b < 8; b++) - { - if (((*data >> b) & 1) ^ (reg & 1)) - { - reg >>= 1; - reg ^= HAL_W1_CRC_POLINOM; - } - else - reg >>= 1; - } - } - return reg; -} - -/******************************************************************************* -Resets all devices connected to the bus. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - 0 - there are some devices at the bus. - 1 - there are not any devices at the bus. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_ResetW1(void) -{ - return halResetW1(); -}; - -/******************************************************************************* -Writes byte to the bus -Parameters: - value - byte to write. -Returns: - none. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_WriteW1(uint8_t value) -{ - halWriteW1(value); -} - -/******************************************************************************* -Reads byte from the bus. -Parameters: - none. -Returns: - byte read from the bus. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_ReadW1(void) -{ - return halReadW1(); -} - -// eof halW1.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/ISD/src/isdImageStorage.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/ISD/src/isdImageStorage.c deleted file mode 100644 index a173da69..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/ISD/src/isdImageStorage.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,626 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file isdImageStorage.c - -\brief Implementation of image storage driver. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 25.05.11 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -// Size of length field in frame -#define LEN_SIZE (sizeof(((IsdCommandFrame_t*)NULL)->length)) -// Start of frame market -#define SOF 0x2A -// 500 ms interbyte timeout should be enough for everyone -#define INTERBYTE_TIMEOUT 500 -// 5000 ms timeout between request to storage system and response from it. -#define INTERMESSAGE_TIMEOUT 5000 -#define USART_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH 104 - -#ifndef APP_MAX_COMMAND_PAYLOAD_SIZE - #define APP_MAX_COMMAND_PAYLOAD_SIZE 100 -#endif - -// code from runner -#define ISD_ZCL_COMMAND_INDICATION 0x0046 -#define ISD_ZCL_COMMAND_REQUEST 0x0044 -#define ISD_DRIVER_INIT_REQUEST 0x0100 -#define ISD_DRIVER_INIT_RESPONSE 0x0101 -#define ISD_COMMAND_ID_SIZE (sizeof(uint16_t)) -#define ISD_INIT_MARKER 0x55 -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// States of tx FSM -typedef enum _TxState_t -{ - TX_ERR_OR_OFF, - TX_IDLE, - TX_SENDING_SOF, - TX_SENDING_DATA, -} TxState_t; - -// States of rx FSM -typedef enum _RxState_t -{ - RX_ERR_OR_OFF, - RX_WAITING_START, // AKA IDLE - RX_WAITING_LEN, - RX_WAITING_DATA, -} RxState_t; - -BEGIN_PACK -typedef struct PACK _IsdCommandFrame_t -{ - uint16_t length; - uint16_t commandId; - uint8_t payload[APP_MAX_COMMAND_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; -} IsdCommandFrame_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t srcAddrMode; - ShortAddr_t srcShortAddress; - ExtAddr_t srcExtAddress; - ProfileId_t srcProfileId; - Endpoint_t srcEndpointId; - ClusterId_t srcClusterId; - - ClusterId_t clusterId; - uint8_t direction; - uint8_t commandId; - uint8_t payload[1]; -} IsdCommandIndication_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - LITTLE_ENDIAN_OCTET(3,( - uint8_t direction : 1, - uint8_t generalCommand : 1, - uint8_t reserved : 6 - )) -} IsdCommandOptions_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t addrMode; - ShortAddr_t shortAddress; - ExtAddr_t extAddress; - ProfileId_t profileId; - uint8_t endpoint; - uint8_t dstEndpoint; - ClusterId_t clusterId; - uint8_t defaultResponse; - IsdCommandOptions_t commandOptions; - uint8_t commandId; - uint8_t recordsCount; - uint8_t request[1]; -} IsdCommandRequest_t; -END_PACK - -/****************************************************************************** - Static Function Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdUsartReceivedHandler(uint16_t bytesAmount); -static void isdSendCommandFrame(void); -static void isdUsartTransmittedHandler(void); -static void isdInterbyteTimeoutExpired(void); -static void isdIntermessageTimeoutExpired(void); -static void isdInitReq(void); -static void isdInitResp(void); -static void isdSerialNotify(void); -static void isdSetState(ISD_Status_t state); - -/****************************************************************************** - Static variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HAL_UsartDescriptor_t usartDescriptor; -static RxState_t rxState = RX_ERR_OR_OFF; -static TxState_t txState = TX_ERR_OR_OFF; -static uint8_t usartDescriptorRxBuffer[USART_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH]; -static IsdCommandFrame_t isdBuffer; - -static HAL_AppTimer_t interbyteTimer = -{ - .interval = INTERBYTE_TIMEOUT, - .mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE, - .callback = isdInterbyteTimeoutExpired, -}; - -static HAL_AppTimer_t intermessageTimer = -{ - .interval = INTERMESSAGE_TIMEOUT, - .mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE, - .callback = isdIntermessageTimeoutExpired, -}; - -static IsdOpenCb_t generalCb; -static IsdUpgradeEndCb_t upgradeEndCb; -static IsdQueryNextImageCb_t queryNextImageCb; -static IsdImageBlockCb_t imageBlockCb; - -static ISD_Status_t isdState; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open image storage driver - -\param[in] cb - callback about driver actions -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_Open(IsdOpenCb_t cb) -{ - // Implementation depends on 'length' field in IsdCommandFrame_t being one byte - // In case of change, several modifications would be required - assert_static(2 == LEN_SIZE); - // Also depends on 'length' field being first field of command frame - assert_static(0 == offsetof(IsdCommandFrame_t, length)); - -#ifdef BSP_ENABLE_RS232_CONTROL - BSP_EnableRs232(); -#endif /* BSP_ENABLE_RS232_CONTROL */ - - usartDescriptor.tty = APP_USART_CHANNEL; - usartDescriptor.mode = USART_MODE_ASYNC; - usartDescriptor.flowControl = USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE; - usartDescriptor.baudrate = USART_BAUDRATE_38400; - usartDescriptor.dataLength = USART_DATA8; - usartDescriptor.parity = USART_PARITY_NONE; - usartDescriptor.stopbits = USART_STOPBIT_1; - usartDescriptor.rxBuffer = usartDescriptorRxBuffer; - usartDescriptor.rxBufferLength = USART_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH; //BULK_SIZE - usartDescriptor.txBuffer = NULL; - usartDescriptor.txBufferLength = 0; - usartDescriptor.rxCallback = isdUsartReceivedHandler; - usartDescriptor.txCallback = isdUsartTransmittedHandler; - - generalCb = cb; - - if (-1 != HAL_OpenUsart(&usartDescriptor)) - { - rxState = RX_WAITING_START; - txState = TX_IDLE; - isdInitReq(); - } - else - { - rxState = RX_ERR_OR_OFF; - txState = TX_ERR_OR_OFF; - isdSetState(ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Request to storage system about communication. -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdInitReq(void) -{ - isdBuffer.commandId = ISD_DRIVER_INIT_REQUEST; - isdBuffer.length = ISD_COMMAND_ID_SIZE + sizeof(uint8_t); - isdBuffer.payload[0] = ISD_INIT_MARKER; - - HAL_StartAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - isdSendCommandFrame(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Response from storage system about communication. -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdInitResp(void) -{ - HAL_StopAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - - if (ISD_INIT_MARKER != isdBuffer.payload[0]) - isdSetState(ISD_COMMUNICATION_LOST); - else - isdSetState(ISD_SUCCESS); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Close image storage driver -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_Close(void) -{ - rxState = RX_ERR_OR_OFF; - txState = TX_ERR_OR_OFF; - HAL_CloseUsart(&usartDescriptor); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reset rx FSM on expiration of interbyte timeout -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdInterbyteTimeoutExpired(void) -{ - if (RX_ERR_OR_OFF != rxState) - rxState = RX_WAITING_START; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback about timout expiration between request and response -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdIntermessageTimeoutExpired(void) -{ - isdSetState(ISD_COMMUNICATION_LOST); - isdInitReq(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback on reception of serial byte(s) - -\param[in] bytesAmount number of received bytes -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdUsartReceivedHandler(uint16_t bytesAmount) -{ - static uint16_t rxCnt = 0; - while (bytesAmount) - { - switch (rxState) - { - case RX_WAITING_START: - { - uint8_t data; - if (HAL_ReadUsart(&usartDescriptor, &data, sizeof(uint8_t)) <= 0) - { - rxState = RX_ERR_OR_OFF; - isdSetState(ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT); - return; - } - if (SOF == data) - rxState = RX_WAITING_LEN; - - bytesAmount--; - } - break; - - case RX_WAITING_LEN: - { - if (bytesAmount >= sizeof(uint16_t)) - { - if (HAL_ReadUsart(&usartDescriptor, (uint8_t *)&isdBuffer.length, sizeof(uint16_t)) <= 0) - { - rxState = RX_ERR_OR_OFF; - isdSetState(ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT); - return; - } - - // Limit length to avoid possible buffer overflow - isdBuffer.length = MIN(isdBuffer.length, sizeof(IsdCommandFrame_t) - LEN_SIZE); - - if (isdBuffer.length > 0) - rxState = RX_WAITING_DATA; - else - rxState = RX_WAITING_START; // Do not allow zero len - - bytesAmount -= sizeof(uint16_t); - rxCnt = 0; - } - else - return; - } - break; - - case RX_WAITING_DATA: - { - int readCnt; - uint8_t *readPtr = (uint8_t *)&isdBuffer; - - readPtr += offsetof(IsdCommandFrame_t, commandId) + rxCnt; - readCnt = HAL_ReadUsart(&usartDescriptor, readPtr, MIN(bytesAmount, (uint16_t) (isdBuffer.length - rxCnt))); - - if (readCnt <= 0) - { - rxState = RX_ERR_OR_OFF; - isdSetState(ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT); - return; - } - - bytesAmount -= readCnt; - rxCnt += readCnt; - if (rxCnt >= isdBuffer.length) - { - // Full packet is received - rxState = RX_WAITING_START; - isdSerialNotify(); - } - } - break; - - case RX_ERR_OR_OFF: - default: - return; - } - } - - HAL_StopAppTimer(&interbyteTimer); - - if (RX_WAITING_DATA == rxState || RX_WAITING_LEN == rxState) - HAL_StartAppTimer(&interbyteTimer); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sends new command frame - -\return result code -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdSendCommandFrame(void) -{ - static uint8_t sof = SOF; - - if (HAL_WriteUsart(&usartDescriptor, &sof, sizeof(sof)) > 0) - { - txState = TX_SENDING_SOF; - } - else - { - txState = TX_ERR_OR_OFF; - isdSetState(ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback on completion of single serial transmit -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdUsartTransmittedHandler(void) -{ - switch (txState) - { - case TX_SENDING_SOF: - { - uint8_t *writePtr = (uint8_t *)&isdBuffer; - - writePtr += offsetof(IsdCommandFrame_t, length); - if (HAL_WriteUsart(&usartDescriptor, writePtr, isdBuffer.length + LEN_SIZE) <= 0) - { - txState = TX_ERR_OR_OFF; - isdSetState(ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT); - } - else - txState = TX_SENDING_DATA; - } - break; - - case TX_SENDING_DATA: - txState = TX_IDLE; - break; - - case TX_IDLE: - case TX_ERR_OR_OFF: - default: - break; - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send query next image request to storage system - -\param[in] addressing - pointer to structure that include client network information; \n -\param[in] data - data payload; \n -\param[in] cd - callback about response receiving from storage system. -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_QueryNextImageReq(ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageReq_t *data, IsdQueryNextImageCb_t cb) -{ - IsdCommandIndication_t *serialData = (IsdCommandIndication_t *)isdBuffer.payload; - - if (ISD_SUCCESS != isdState) - return; - - serialData->clusterId = addressing->clusterId; - serialData->commandId = QUERY_NEXT_IMAGE_REQUEST_ID; - serialData->srcAddrMode = addressing->addrMode; - serialData->srcShortAddress = addressing->addr.shortAddress; - serialData->srcExtAddress = addressing->addr.extAddress; - serialData->srcProfileId = addressing->profileId; - serialData->srcEndpointId = addressing->endpointId; - serialData->srcClusterId = addressing->clusterId; - serialData->direction = addressing->clusterSide; - - memcpy(serialData->payload, data, sizeof(ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageReq_t)); - - isdBuffer.commandId = ISD_ZCL_COMMAND_INDICATION; - isdBuffer.length = ISD_COMMAND_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IsdCommandIndication_t) + - sizeof(ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageReq_t) - sizeof(uint8_t); - - queryNextImageCb = cb; - - HAL_StartAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - isdSendCommandFrame(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send image block request to storage system - -\param[in] addressing - pointer to structure that include client network information; \n -\param[in] data - data payload; \n -\param[in] cd - callback about response receiving from storage system. -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_ImageBlockReq(ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauImageBlockReq_t *data, IsdImageBlockCb_t cb) -{ - IsdCommandIndication_t *serialData = (IsdCommandIndication_t *)isdBuffer.payload; - - if (ISD_SUCCESS != isdState) - return; - - serialData->clusterId = addressing->clusterId; - serialData->commandId = IMAGE_BLOCK_REQUEST_ID; - serialData->srcAddrMode = addressing->addrMode; - serialData->srcShortAddress = addressing->addr.shortAddress; - serialData->srcExtAddress = addressing->addr.extAddress; - serialData->srcProfileId = addressing->profileId; - serialData->srcEndpointId = addressing->endpointId; - serialData->srcClusterId = addressing->clusterId; - serialData->direction = addressing->clusterSide; - - memcpy(serialData->payload, data, sizeof(ZCL_OtauImageBlockReq_t)); - - isdBuffer.commandId = ISD_ZCL_COMMAND_INDICATION; - isdBuffer.length = ISD_COMMAND_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IsdCommandIndication_t) + - sizeof(ZCL_OtauImageBlockReq_t) - sizeof(uint8_t); - - imageBlockCb = cb; - - HAL_StartAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - isdSendCommandFrame(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send upgrade end request to storage system - -\param[in] addressing - pointer to structure that include client network information; \n -\param[in] data - data payload; \n -\param[in] cd - callback about response receiving from storage system. -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_UpgradeEndReq(ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndReq_t *data, IsdUpgradeEndCb_t cb) -{ - IsdCommandIndication_t *serialData = (IsdCommandIndication_t *)isdBuffer.payload; - - if (ISD_SUCCESS != isdState) - return; - - serialData->clusterId = addressing->clusterId; - serialData->commandId = UPGRADE_END_REQUEST_ID; - serialData->srcAddrMode = addressing->addrMode; - serialData->srcShortAddress = addressing->addr.shortAddress; - serialData->srcExtAddress = addressing->addr.extAddress; - serialData->srcProfileId = addressing->profileId; - serialData->srcEndpointId = addressing->endpointId; - serialData->srcClusterId = addressing->clusterId; - serialData->direction = addressing->clusterSide; - - memcpy(serialData->payload, data, sizeof(ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndReq_t)); - - isdBuffer.commandId = ISD_ZCL_COMMAND_INDICATION; - isdBuffer.length = ISD_COMMAND_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IsdCommandIndication_t) + - sizeof(ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndReq_t) - sizeof(uint8_t); - - upgradeEndCb = cb; - - HAL_StartAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - isdSendCommandFrame(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Receive any messages from storage system -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdSerialNotify(void) -{ - IsdCommandRequest_t *req = (IsdCommandRequest_t *)isdBuffer.payload; - - if (ISD_DRIVER_INIT_RESPONSE == isdBuffer.commandId) - { - isdInitResp(); - return; - } - - if (ISD_ZCL_COMMAND_REQUEST != isdBuffer.commandId) - return; - - if (OTAU_CLUSTER_ID != req->clusterId) - return; - - switch (req->commandId) - { - case QUERY_NEXT_IMAGE_RESPONSE_ID: - { - ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageResp_t *resp = (ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageResp_t *)req->request; - - HAL_StopAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - if (queryNextImageCb) - { - queryNextImageCb(resp); - queryNextImageCb = NULL; - } - } - break; - case IMAGE_BLOCK_RESPONSE_ID: - { - ZCL_OtauImageBlockResp_t *resp = (ZCL_OtauImageBlockResp_t *)req->request; - - HAL_StopAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - if (imageBlockCb) - { - imageBlockCb(resp); - imageBlockCb = NULL; - } - } - break; - case UPGRADE_END_RESPONSE_ID: - { - ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndResp_t *resp = (ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndResp_t *)req->request; - - HAL_StopAppTimer(&intermessageTimer); - if (upgradeEndCb) - { - upgradeEndCb(resp); - upgradeEndCb = NULL; - } - else - { - ZCL_Addressing_t addr = - { - .addrMode = req->addrMode, - .profileId = req->profileId, - .endpointId = req->dstEndpoint, - .clusterId = req->clusterId, - .clusterSide = ZCL_CLIENT_CLUSTER_TYPE, - .manufacturerSpecCode = 0, - }; - - if (APS_EXT_ADDRESS == addr.addrMode) - addr.addr.extAddress = req->extAddress; - else - addr.addr.shortAddress = req->shortAddress; - - ZCL_UnsolicitedUpgradeEndResp(&addr, resp); - } - } - break; - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set actual driver state and report to high layer about that. - -\param[in] state - actual driver state -******************************************************************************/ -static void isdSetState(ISD_Status_t state) -{ - isdState = state; - - if (generalCb) - generalCb(state); -} - -#endif // (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // _OTAU_ - -// eof isdImageStorage.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/Makefile b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index ef22558f..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -COMPONENTS_PATH = ../../.. -#include $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/Makerules -include $(MAKERULES) - -DEBUG = NO -###### Option to switch on the fake driver ########## -ifndef APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER - APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER = 0 -endif - -# Hardware flags. -CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_HW) - -##### PATHS FLAGS OF INCLUDES ######### -CFLAGS += -I./include -CFLAGS += -I./../include -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_PATH)/include -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/include -CFLAGS += -I$(SE_PATH)/include - -ifeq ($(DEBUG), YES) - CFLAGS += -D_DEBUG_ -endif - -#### ASM DEFINES FLAGS ####### -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), GCC) - ASMFLAGS = $(filter -mmcu%,$(CFLAGS)) - ASM_FILE_EXT = s -endif -ifeq ($(COMPILER_TYPE), IAR) - ASMFLAGS = -s+ # Enables case sensitivity. - ASMFLAGS += -w+ # Enables warnings. - ASMFLAGS += -M'<>'# Change asm.macro argument quote chars. - ASMFLAGS += -t8 # Set tab spacing. - ASMFLAGS += -u_enhancedCore - ASMFLAGS += -D__HAS_ENHANCED_CORE__=1 - ASMFLAGS += -D__HAS_MUL__=1 - ASMFLAGS += -D__MEMORY_MODEL__=2 - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA1281 ATMEGA1284 AT90USB1287 ATMEGA128RFA1)) - ASMFLAGS += -v3 # Select processor option: Relative jumps do not wrap. - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATMEGA2561 ATXMEGA256A3 ATXMEGA256D3)) - ASMFLAGS += -v5 # Select processor option: Relative jumps do not wrap. - endif - ifneq (, $(findstring $(HAL), ATXMEGA256A3 ATXMEGA256D3)) - ASMFLAGS += --xmega #Enable Xmega specific instructions - endif - ASMFLAGS += -D__HAS_ELPM__=1 - ASMFLAGS += -S - ASM_FILE_EXT = s90 -endif - -###### LIB ########## -BUILDDIR = . - -LIBDIR = ./../lib -LDFLAGS = -L$(LIBDIR) -PROG = OFD.elf -LIBS = $(LIBDIR)/lib$(OFD_LIB).a - -driver_label: - @echo - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - @echo Otau flash driver library creation. - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - -ifneq ($(APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER), 1) -modules = \ - ofdAt25fDriver \ - ofdAt45dbDriver \ - ofdCommand \ - ofdCrcService \ - ofdSpiSerializer - -asm_modules = \ - ofdIntFlashRead -else -modules = \ - ofdFakeDriver -endif - -objects = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/objs/,$(modules))) -sources = $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/src/,$(modules))) -objects_asm = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/objs/,$(asm_modules))) -sources_asm = $(addsuffix .$(ASM_FILE_EXT),$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/src/,$(asm_modules))) - -###### TARGETS ################ -all: driver_label LIB_OFD - -################ c part ###################### -$(BUILDDIR)/objs/%.o: $(BUILDDIR)/src/%.c - $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ - -################ assembler part ###################### -$(BUILDDIR)/objs/%.o: $(BUILDDIR)/src/%.$(ASM_FILE_EXT) - $(AS) $(ASMFLAGS) -o $@ $^ - -################ -LIB_OFD : $(objects) $(objects_asm) - $(AR) $(AR_KEYS) $(LIBDIR)/lib$(OFD_LIB).a $(objects) $(objects_asm) - $(SIZE) -td $(LIBDIR)/lib$(OFD_LIB).a -################ -clean: - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - @echo OTAU flash driver cleaning. - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - rm -f $(objects) $(objects_asm) $(LIBS) $(BUILDDIR)/list/*.* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/include/ofdMemoryDriver.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/include/ofdMemoryDriver.h deleted file mode 100644 index d158af26..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/include/ofdMemoryDriver.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,310 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdMemoryDriver.h - -\brief The implementation interface of external flash. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 31/07/09 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _OFDMEMORYDRIVER_H -#define _OFDMEMORYDRIVER_H - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25F2048 - - #if !defined(ATMEGA1281) && !defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - #error 'at25f2048 is supported only for atmega1281/128rfa1.' - #endif - - // flash instruction format (see at25f2048 manual) - #define WREN 0x06 - #define WRDI 0x04 - #define RDSR 0x05 - #define WRSR 0x01 - #define READ 0x03 - #define PROGRAM 0x02 - #define SECTOR_ERASE 0x52 - #define CHIP_ERASE 0x62 - #define RDID 0x15 - - // status register bits - #define RDY 0x01 - #define WEN 0x02 - #define BP0 0x04 - #define BP1 0x08 - #define WPEN 0x80 - - // Atmel ID - #define OFD_MANUFACTURER_ID 0x1F - // at25f2048 - #define OFD_DEVICE_ID 0x63 - - #define PAGE_SIZE 256 - - // flash sectors - #define SECTOR_ONE 0x00000000ul - #define SECTOR_TWO 0x00010000ul - #define SECTOR_THREE 0x00020000ul - #define SECTOR_FOUR 0x00030000ul - // 2 Mbits - #define OFD_FLASH_SIZE 262144 - // image consists mcu flash - bootloader size + eeprom size. 128k - 4k + 4k - #define OFD_IMAGE_SIZE 131072 - #define OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS 0 - #define OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS - #define OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS (OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS + OFD_IMAGE_SIZE) - - #define OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE OFD_IMAGE_SIZE - #define OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE 4096 - #define OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE (OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE - OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE) - // 1 byte (action for bootloader), 2 bytes (images crc), 1 byte table of image types. - #define OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE 4 - -#elif EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT45DB041 - - #if !defined(ATMEGA1281) && !defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) && !defined(ATXMEGA256A3) && !defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - #error 'at45db041 is supported only for atmega1281/128rfa1, atxmega256a/d3.' - #endif - - // flash instruction format (see at45db041 manual) - #define WRITE_BUF1 0x84 - #define WRITE_BUF2 0x87 - #define RDSR 0xD7 - #define READ 0xE8 - #define PROGRAM_BUF1 0x88 - #define PROGRAM_BUF2 0x89 - #define BLOCK_ERASE 0x50 - - // status register bits - #define RDY 0x80 - // unchanged bit mask within status register xx0111xx - #define STATUS_UNCHANGED_BIT_MASK 0x3C - #define STATUS_UNCHANGED_BITS 0x1C - - #define PAGE_SIZE 264 - // block addresses - #define FIRST_HALF_BLOCK_NUMBER 0 - #define SECOND_HALF_BLOCK_NUMBER 128 - - // 4 Mbits - #define OFD_FLASH_SIZE 540672 - - #if defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - // image consists mcu flash - bootloader size + eeprom size. 128k - 4k + 4k - // image uses 497 pages. 1 block = 8 pages - #define OFD_USED_BLOCKS_AMOUNT 63 - #define OFD_IMAGE_SIZE 131072 - #define OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE OFD_IMAGE_SIZE - #define OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE (OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE - OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE) - #define OFD_LOAD_NO_COMMAND_TO_NVM - #elif defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - // image consists mcu flash + eeprom size. 256k + 4k - // image uses 1009 pages. 1 block = 8 pages - #define OFD_USED_BLOCKS_AMOUNT 128 - #define OFD_IMAGE_SIZE 266240 - #define OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE 262144 - #define OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE - #define OFD_LOAD_NO_COMMAND_TO_NVM NVM.CMD = NVM_CMD_NO_OPERATION_gc - #endif - - #define OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS 0 - #define OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS - #define OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS 270336 - - #define OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE 4096 - // 1 byte (action for bootloader), 2 bytes (images crc), 1 byte table of image types. - #define OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE 4 - -#elif EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A - - #if !defined(ATXMEGA256A3) && !defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - #error 'at25df041a is supported only for atxmega256a3.' - #endif - - // flash instruction format (see at25df041a manual) - #define WREN 0x06 - #define WRDI 0x04 - #define RDSR 0x05 - #define WRSR 0x01 - #define READ 0x03 - #define PROGRAM 0x02 - #define SECTOR_ERASE 0xD8 - #define CHIP_ERASE 0x60 - #define RDID 0x9F - #define PROTECT_SECTOR 0x36 - #define UNPROTECT_SECTOR 0x39 - - // status register arguments - #define GLOBAL_UNPROTECT 0x00 - #define GLOBAL_PROTECT 0x7F - - // status register bits - #define RDY 0x01 - #define WEN 0x02 - #define SWP0 0x04 - #define SWP1 0x08 - #define WPP 0x10 - #define EPE 0x20 - #define SPM 0x40 - #define WPRL 0x80 - - // Atmel ID - #define OFD_MANUFACTURER_ID 0x1F - // at25df041a - #define OFD_DEVICE_ID_1 0x44 - #define OFD_DEVICE_ID_2 0x01 - #define EXT_STRING_LENGTH 0x00 - - #define PAGE_SIZE 256 - - // flash sectors - #define SECTOR_ONE 0x00000000ul - #define SECTOR_TWO 0x00010000ul - #define SECTOR_THREE 0x00020000ul - #define SECTOR_FOUR 0x00030000ul - // 4 Mbits - #define OFD_FLASH_SIZE 524288 - // image consists mcu flash size + eeprom size. 256k + 4k - #define OFD_IMAGE_SIZE 266240 - #define OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS 0 - #define OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS - // this is fake start address used for code compatibility - #define OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS (OFD_FLASH_START_ADDRESS + OFD_IMAGE_SIZE) - - #define OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE OFD_IMAGE_SIZE - #define OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE 4096 - #define OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE (OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE - OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE) - // 1 byte (action for bootloader), 2 bytes (images crc), 1 byte table of image types. - #define OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE 4 - -#else - #error 'Unknown memory type.' -#endif - -#define OFD_START_EEPROM_SREC_ADDRESS 0x810000 -#define OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(A) ((((uint32_t)A & 0xFFul) << 24) \ - | (((uint32_t)A & 0xFF00ul) << 8) \ - | (((uint32_t)A >> 8) & 0xFF00ul) \ - | (((uint32_t)A >> 24) & 0xFFul)) - - -typedef struct -{ - union - { - uint32_t flashOffset; - uint16_t eepromOffset; - }; - uint8_t *data; - uint32_t length; -} OfdInternalMemoryAccessParam_t; - -// image type table -typedef uint8_t OfdImageTable_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts image erasing in the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdEraseImage(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteData(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks image crc. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdCheckCrc(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts saving internal flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveCurrentFlashImage(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image crc from internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadCrc(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Counts crc current memory area. CRC-8. Polynom 0x31 x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1. - -\param[in] - crc - first crc state -\param[in] - pcBlock - pointer to the memory for crc counting -\param[in] - length - memory size - -\return - current area crc -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t ofdCrc(uint8_t crc, uint8_t *pcBlock, uint8_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Finds storage space. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdFindStorageSpace(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets action for internal bootloader. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSetActionForBootloader(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flushs memory buffer to flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdFlushData(void); - -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Unprotects memory sectors for writing and erasing. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdUnprotectMemorySectors(void); -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions prototypes section. -******************************************************************************/ -// Macros for the EXT_MEM_CS pin manipulation. -#if defined(ATMEGA1281) - -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(EXT_MEM_CS, F, 3); - -#elif defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(EXT_MEM_CS, G, 5); - -#elif defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(EXT_MEM_CS, D, 4); - -#endif - -#endif // _OTAU_ - -#endif /* _OFDMEMORYDRIVER_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt25Driver.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt25Driver.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4f470eb4..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt25Driver.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,742 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdAt25fDriver.c - -\brief Implementation of chip-flash interface. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if ((EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25F2048) ||(EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A)) && (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#if APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define SPI_BUSY_POLL_PERIOD 10 -// cycles of counting flash crc before context gap. -#define ATOMIC_COUNTING 128 -#define EEPROM_OK 0 -#define EEPROM_BUSY -2 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - FLASH_BUSY, - FLASH_READY -} FlashBusyState_t; - -typedef enum -{ - FLASH_TRANSACTION, - EEPROM_TRANSACTION -} DelayedTransactionType_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static inline uint8_t ofdReadStatusRegister(void); -static inline void ofdStartPollTimer(DelayedTransactionType_t type); -static void ofdReadImageTable(void); -static void ofdSaveCrcCallback(void); -static void ofdContinueEraseImage(void); -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(void); -static void ofdFlushCrcCallback(OFD_Status_t status, OFD_ImageInfo_t *pInfo); -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImageContinue(void); -static void ofdPollBusyState(void); -static void ofdStartFlashDelayedTransaction(void); -static void ofdStartEepromDelayedTransaction(void); -uint8_t ofdReadInternalFlash(uint32_t flashAddress); -#if defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) -void ofdReadData(uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, OFD_Callback_t cb); -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern HAL_SpiDescriptor_t spiDesc; -extern OFD_Position_t sectorNumber; -extern OFD_Position_t actionSector; -extern OFD_Callback_t ofdCallback; -extern OFD_Callback_t ofdAuxCallback; -extern OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t localAccessStructure; -extern OFD_ImageInfo_t imageInfo; -extern OfdImageTable_t imageTable; -extern OfdInternalMemoryAccessParam_t internalAccessParam; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HAL_AppTimer_t ofdBusyTimer = -{ - .interval = SPI_BUSY_POLL_PERIOD, - .mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE, -}; -void (* delayedTransaction)(void) = NULL; -#if defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) -static HAL_UsartDescriptor_t usartDescriptor; -static uint32_t debugOffset = 0ul; -static uint8_t debugBuffer[OFD_BLOCK_SIZE]; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks flash station. - -\return flash states: \n - FLASH_BUSY \n - FLASH_READY -******************************************************************************/ -static inline FlashBusyState_t ofdCheckBusyState(void) -{ - uint8_t statusReg = ofdReadStatusRegister(); - - if (!(statusReg & RDY)) - return FLASH_READY; - - return FLASH_BUSY; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts flash delayed transaction. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdStartFlashDelayedTransaction(void) -{ - if (FLASH_READY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - delayedTransaction(); - else - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts eeprom delayed transaction. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdStartEepromDelayedTransaction(void) -{ - if (!HAL_IsEepromBusy()) - delayedTransaction(); - else - ofdStartPollTimer(EEPROM_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts timer for start delayed transaction. - -\param[in] - type - transaction type (flash or eeprom) -******************************************************************************/ -static inline void ofdStartPollTimer(DelayedTransactionType_t type) -{ - if (FLASH_TRANSACTION == type) - ofdBusyTimer.callback = ofdStartFlashDelayedTransaction; - else - ofdBusyTimer.callback = ofdStartEepromDelayedTransaction; - - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdBusyTimer); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Routine of eeprom access. -\param[in] - result - result of hal eeprom action -\param[in] - action - initiator action -\return - false - incorrect parameters - true - eeprom transaction is started -******************************************************************************/ -static bool ofdEepromHandler(int result, void(* action)()) -{ - switch (result) - { - case EEPROM_OK: - return true; - case EEPROM_BUSY: - delayedTransaction = action; - ofdStartPollTimer(EEPROM_TRANSACTION); - return true; - default: - return false; - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Returns SUCCESS status. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdReturnSuccessStatus(void) -{ - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image table. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdReadImageTable(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE - sizeof(OfdImageTable_t); - = &imageTable; - params.length = sizeof(OfdImageTable_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_ReadEeprom(¶ms, ofdReturnSuccessStatus), ofdReadImageTable)) - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads manufacturer ID and chip ID. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdFindStorageSpace(void) -{ - uint64_t manufacId = RDID; - - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdFindStorageSpace; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25F2048 - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&manufacId, sizeof(uint32_t)-1); -#elif EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&manufacId, sizeof(uint64_t)-3); -#endif - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - - if (OFD_MANUFACTURER_ID == (uint8_t)(manufacId >> 8)) - { -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25F2048 - if (OFD_DEVICE_ID == (uint8_t)(manufacId >> 16)) -#elif EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A - if ((OFD_DEVICE_ID_1 == (uint8_t)(manufacId >> 16)) && - (OFD_DEVICE_ID_2 == (uint8_t)(manufacId >> 24)) && - (EXT_STRING_LENGTH == (uint8_t)(manufacId >> 32))) -#endif - { - // read image table to global variable - ofdReadImageTable(); - return; - } - } - - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_STATUS_UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_FLASH_TYPE); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads status register from the external flash. - -\return status register -******************************************************************************/ -static inline uint8_t ofdReadStatusRegister(void) -{ - uint16_t regStatus = RDSR; - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)®Status, sizeof(uint16_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - - return (uint8_t)(regStatus >> 8); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sends "write enable" command to the external flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSendWriteEnable(void) -{ - uint8_t wren = WREN; - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, &wren, sizeof(uint8_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts physical sector erasing in the external memory. - -\param[in] - sectorNumber - address from erased sector -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdEraseSector(uint32_t sectorNumber) -{ - uint32_t erasedSector = sectorNumber | ((uint32_t)SECTOR_ERASE << 24); - - ofdSendWriteEnable(); - erasedSector = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(erasedSector); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&erasedSector, sizeof(uint32_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts image erasing in the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdEraseImage(void) -{ - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdEraseImage; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - ofdEraseSector(SECTOR_ONE); - else - ofdEraseSector(SECTOR_THREE); - - delayedTransaction = ofdContinueEraseImage; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Continues image erasing in the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdContinueEraseImage(void) -{ - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - ofdEraseSector(SECTOR_TWO); - else - ofdEraseSector(SECTOR_FOUR); - - ofdReturnSuccessStatus(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteData(void) -{ - uint8_t *dataPointer; - uint16_t dataLength; - uint32_t dataAddress; - uint8_t writeInstruc = PROGRAM; - - if (!localAccessStructure.length) - { - ofdReturnSuccessStatus(); - return; - } - - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdWriteData; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - dataAddress = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(localAccessStructure.offset); - dataAddress >>= 8; - dataPointer =; - dataLength = PAGE_SIZE - (uint8_t)localAccessStructure.offset; - if (dataLength >= localAccessStructure.length) - dataLength = localAccessStructure.length; - - += dataLength; - localAccessStructure.offset += dataLength; - localAccessStructure.length -= dataLength; - - ofdSendWriteEnable(); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, &writeInstruc, sizeof(uint8_t)); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&dataAddress, sizeof(uint32_t)-1); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, dataPointer, dataLength); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - - delayedTransaction = ofdWriteData; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Calls callback about end of eeprom saving. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdSaveCrcCallback(void) -{ - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS, &imageInfo); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves image table to the internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveImageTable(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE-1; - = &imageTable; - params.length = sizeof(OfdImageTable_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_WriteEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveCrcCallback), ofdSaveImageTable)) - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves crc to the internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveCrc(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = sectorNumber + 1; - = &imageInfo.crc; - params.length = sizeof(uint8_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_WriteEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveImageTable), ofdSaveCrc)) - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flushs memory buffer to flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdFlushData(void) -{} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks image crc. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdCheckCrc(void) -{ - uint32_t address; - uint8_t writeInstruc = READ; - uint8_t atomicCounting = ATOMIC_COUNTING; - - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdCheckCrc; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - while (atomicCounting--) - { - address = localAccessStructure.offset; - address = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(address<<8); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, &writeInstruc, sizeof(uint8_t)); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)-1); - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc,, OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); // release spi cs - imageInfo.crc = ofdCrc(imageInfo.crc,, OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC); - localAccessStructure.offset += OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - localAccessStructure.length -= OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - if (!localAccessStructure.length) - { - ofdSaveCrc(); - return; - } - } - // context gap - delayedTransaction = ofdCheckCrc; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback for saving internal flash. - -\param[in] status - status of the data flash writing -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteFlashDataCallback(OFD_Status_t status) -{ - uint32_t maxOffset; - - if (OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) - { - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(status); - return; - } - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS + OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE - OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE; - else - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS + OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE - OFD_MCU_EEPROM_SIZE; - - if (localAccessStructure.offset < maxOffset) - { // save mcu flash - ofdSaveCurrentFlashImage(); - return; - } - - internalAccessParam.eepromOffset = 0; - // save eeprom image - ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts saving internal flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveCurrentFlashImage(void) -{ -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25F2048 - uint16_t itr; - - localAccessStructure.length = OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - =; - for (itr = 0; itr < OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; itr++) -[itr] = ofdReadInternalFlash(internalAccessParam.flashOffset++); - internalAccessParam.length -= OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - ofdCallback = ofdWriteFlashDataCallback; - ofdWriteData(); -#elif EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A - ofdSetActionForBootloader(); -#endif -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback for saving internal eeprom. - -\param[in] status - status of the data eeprom writing -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteEepromDataCallback(OFD_Status_t status) -{ - uint32_t maxOffset; - - if (OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) - { - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(status); - return; - } - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS + OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE; - else - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS + OFD_MCU_FLASH_SIZE; - - if (localAccessStructure.offset < maxOffset) - { // save mcu eeprom - ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(); - return; - } - - // start check crc - OFD_FlushAndCheckCrc(sectorNumber,, ofdFlushCrcCallback); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts saving internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = internalAccessParam.eepromOffset; - =; - params.length = OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_ReadEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveCurrentEepromImageContinue), ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage)) - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Continues saving internal flash. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImageContinue(void) -{ - localAccessStructure.length = OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - =; - if (0 == internalAccessParam.eepromOffset) - memset(, 0xFF, OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE); - - internalAccessParam.eepromOffset += OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - internalAccessParam.length -= OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - ofdCallback = ofdWriteEepromDataCallback; - ofdWriteData(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback for start of saving of action for bootloader. - -\param[in] - status - status of the crc saving to eeprom -\param[in] - pInfo - ponter to image information -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdFlushCrcCallback(OFD_Status_t status, OFD_ImageInfo_t *pInfo) -{ - (void)pInfo; - - if (OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) - { - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(status); - return; - } - ofdSetActionForBootloader(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets action for internal bootloader. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSetActionForBootloader(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = 0; - = (uint8_t *)&actionSector; - params.length = sizeof(OFD_Position_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_WriteEeprom(¶ms, ofdPollBusyState), ofdSetActionForBootloader)) - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Waits for end of image saving. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdPollBusyState(void) -{ - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdPollBusyState; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image crc from internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadCrc(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = sectorNumber + 1; - = &imageInfo.crc; - params.length = sizeof(uint8_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_ReadEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveCrcCallback), ofdReadCrc)) - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); -} - -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Unprotects memory sectors for writing and erasing. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdUnprotectMemorySectors(void) -{ - uint8_t unprotect = WRSR; - uint8_t unprotectArg = GLOBAL_UNPROTECT; - - ofdSendWriteEnable(); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, &unprotect, sizeof(uint8_t)); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, &unprotectArg, sizeof(uint8_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); -} -#endif - -#if defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flash read callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadConfirm(OFD_Status_t status) -{ - HAL_WriteUsart(&usartDescriptor, debugBuffer, OFD_BLOCK_SIZE); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Usart write callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void usartWriteConfirm(void) -{ - debugOffset += OFD_BLOCK_SIZE; - if (debugOffset < OFD_IMAGE_SIZE) - { - ofdReadData(debugOffset, debugBuffer, OFD_BLOCK_SIZE, ofdReadConfirm); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initialization of usart for consinsting of flash transmitting. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdInitDebugInterface(void) -{ - usartDescriptor.tty = USART_CHANNEL_1; - usartDescriptor.mode = USART_MODE_ASYNC; - usartDescriptor.flowControl = USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE; - usartDescriptor.baudrate = USART_BAUDRATE_38400; - usartDescriptor.dataLength = USART_DATA8; - usartDescriptor.parity = USART_PARITY_NONE; - usartDescriptor.stopbits = USART_STOPBIT_1; - usartDescriptor.rxBuffer = NULL; - usartDescriptor.rxBufferLength = 0; - usartDescriptor.txBuffer = NULL; - usartDescriptor.txBufferLength = 0; - usartDescriptor.rxCallback = NULL; - usartDescriptor.txCallback = usartWriteConfirm; - - HAL_OpenUsart(&usartDescriptor); - ofdReadData(debugOffset, debugBuffer, OFD_BLOCK_SIZE, ofdReadConfirm); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads data from the external memory. - -\param[in] - address - flash cell address -\param[out] - data - pointer to memory buffer -\param[in] - size - size of memory buffer -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadData(uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - uint8_t writeInstruc = READ; - - while (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - {;}// waits till flash ready - - address = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(address<<8); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, &writeInstruc, sizeof(uint8_t)); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)-1); - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc, data, size); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); -} -#endif // defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) - -#endif // APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 -#endif // ((EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25F2048) ||(EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A)) && (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // _OTAU_ -// eof ofdAt25fDriver.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt45dbDriver.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt45dbDriver.c deleted file mode 100644 index f06d765d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdAt45dbDriver.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdAt45dbDriver.c - -\brief Implementation of chip-flash interface. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 20/07/10 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if (EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT45DB041) && (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#if APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define SPI_BUSY_POLL_PERIOD 10 -// cycles of counting flash crc before context gap. -#define ATOMIC_COUNTING 128 -#define EEPROM_OK 0 -#define EEPROM_BUSY -2 -#define ALL_DATA_HAS_BEEN_SAVED 0xFFFFFFFFul - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - FLASH_BUSY, - FLASH_READY -} FlashBusyState_t; - -typedef enum -{ - FLASH_TRANSACTION, - EEPROM_TRANSACTION -} DelayedTransactionType_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static inline uint8_t ofdReadStatusRegister(void); -static inline void ofdStartPollTimer(DelayedTransactionType_t type); -static void ofdReadImageTable(void); -static void ofdSaveCrcCallback(void); -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(void); -static void ofdFlushCrcCallback(OFD_Status_t status, OFD_ImageInfo_t *pInfo); -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImageContinue(void); -static void ofdPollBusyState(void); -static void ofdStartFlashDelayedTransaction(void); -static void ofdStartEepromDelayedTransaction(void); -static void ofdClearFlashInternalBuffer(void); -uint8_t ofdReadInternalFlash(uint32_t flashAddress); -#if defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) -void ofdReadData(uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, OFD_Callback_t cb); -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern HAL_SpiDescriptor_t spiDesc; -extern OFD_Position_t sectorNumber; -extern OFD_Position_t actionSector; -extern OFD_Callback_t ofdCallback; -extern OFD_Callback_t ofdAuxCallback; -extern OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t localAccessStructure; -extern OFD_ImageInfo_t imageInfo; -extern OfdImageTable_t imageTable; -extern OfdInternalMemoryAccessParam_t internalAccessParam; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HAL_AppTimer_t ofdBusyTimer = -{ - .interval = SPI_BUSY_POLL_PERIOD, - .mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE, -}; -void (* delayedTransaction)(void) = NULL; -static uint16_t serviceGapData = 0; -static uint32_t flushedPageAddr = ALL_DATA_HAS_BEEN_SAVED; -#if defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) -static HAL_UsartDescriptor_t usartDescriptor; -static uint32_t debugOffset = 0ul; -static uint8_t debugBuffer[OFD_BLOCK_SIZE]; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks flash state. - -\return flash states: \n - FLASH_BUSY \n - FLASH_READY -******************************************************************************/ -static inline FlashBusyState_t ofdCheckBusyState(void) -{ - uint8_t statusReg = ofdReadStatusRegister(); - - if (statusReg & RDY) - return FLASH_READY; - - return FLASH_BUSY; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts flash delayed transaction. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdStartFlashDelayedTransaction(void) -{ - if (FLASH_READY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - delayedTransaction(); - else - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts eeprom delayed transaction. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdStartEepromDelayedTransaction(void) -{ - if (!HAL_IsEepromBusy()) - delayedTransaction(); - else - ofdStartPollTimer(EEPROM_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts timer for start delayed transaction. - -\param[in] - type - transaction type (flash or eeprom) -******************************************************************************/ -static inline void ofdStartPollTimer(DelayedTransactionType_t type) -{ - if (FLASH_TRANSACTION == type) - ofdBusyTimer.callback = ofdStartFlashDelayedTransaction; - else - ofdBusyTimer.callback = ofdStartEepromDelayedTransaction; - - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdBusyTimer); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Routine of eeprom access. -\param[in] - result - result of hal eeprom action -\param[in] - action - initiator action -\return - false - incorrect parameters - true - eeprom transaction is started -******************************************************************************/ -static bool ofdEepromHandler(int result, void(* action)()) -{ - switch (result) - { - case EEPROM_OK: - return true; - case EEPROM_BUSY: - delayedTransaction = action; - ofdStartPollTimer(EEPROM_TRANSACTION); - return true; - default: - return false; - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Returns SUCCESS status. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdReturnSuccessStatus(void) -{ - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image table. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdReadImageTable(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE - sizeof(OfdImageTable_t); - = &imageTable; - params.length = sizeof(OfdImageTable_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_ReadEeprom(¶ms, ofdReturnSuccessStatus), ofdReadImageTable)) - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads status register and check unchanged bits. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdFindStorageSpace(void) -{ - if (STATUS_UNCHANGED_BITS == (ofdReadStatusRegister() & STATUS_UNCHANGED_BIT_MASK)) - { - // read image table to global variable - ofdReadImageTable(); - return; - } - - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_STATUS_UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_FLASH_TYPE); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads status register from the external flash. - -\return status register -******************************************************************************/ -static inline uint8_t ofdReadStatusRegister(void) -{ - uint16_t regStatus = RDSR; - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)®Status, sizeof(uint16_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - - return (uint8_t)(regStatus >> 8); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts physical block(8 pages) erasing in the external memory. - -\param[in] - blockNumber - address of the erased block -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdEraseBlock(uint8_t blockNumber) -{ - uint32_t erasedBlock = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN((uint32_t)blockNumber << 4); - - erasedBlock >>= 8; - erasedBlock |= BLOCK_ERASE; - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&erasedBlock, sizeof(uint32_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts image erasing in the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdEraseImage(void) -{ - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdEraseImage; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - ofdEraseBlock(FIRST_HALF_BLOCK_NUMBER + serviceGapData++); - else - ofdEraseBlock(SECOND_HALF_BLOCK_NUMBER + serviceGapData++); - - if (serviceGapData < OFD_USED_BLOCKS_AMOUNT) - { - delayedTransaction = ofdEraseImage; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - } - else - { - serviceGapData = 0; - ofdReturnSuccessStatus(); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the external memory. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteData(void) -{ - uint8_t *dataPointer; - uint16_t dataLength; - uint32_t address; - uint32_t pageAddr; - uint32_t byteAddr; - - if (!localAccessStructure.length) - { - ofdReturnSuccessStatus(); - return; - } - - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdWriteData; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - pageAddr = localAccessStructure.offset / PAGE_SIZE; - - if ((pageAddr > flushedPageAddr) && (ALL_DATA_HAS_BEEN_SAVED != flushedPageAddr)) - { // there is gap in the image address map. - ofdFlushData(); - delayedTransaction = ofdClearFlashInternalBuffer; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - flushedPageAddr = pageAddr; - byteAddr = localAccessStructure.offset % PAGE_SIZE; - dataPointer =; - - if ((byteAddr + localAccessStructure.length) > PAGE_SIZE) - dataLength = PAGE_SIZE - byteAddr; - else - dataLength = localAccessStructure.length; - - += dataLength; - localAccessStructure.offset += dataLength; - localAccessStructure.length -= dataLength; - - address = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(byteAddr); - address |= WRITE_BUF1; - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, dataPointer, dataLength); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - - if (PAGE_SIZE == (byteAddr + dataLength)) - { - ofdFlushData(); - delayedTransaction = ofdClearFlashInternalBuffer; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - ofdReturnSuccessStatus(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Calls callback about end of eeprom saving. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdSaveCrcCallback(void) -{ - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS, &imageInfo); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves image table to the internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveImageTable(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE-1; - = &imageTable; - params.length = sizeof(OfdImageTable_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_WriteEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveCrcCallback), ofdSaveImageTable)) - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves crc to the internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveCrc(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = sectorNumber + 1; - = &imageInfo.crc; - params.length = sizeof(uint8_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_WriteEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveImageTable), ofdSaveCrc)) - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clears internal flash buffer. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdClearFlashInternalBuffer(void) -{ - uint32_t address = 0ul; - uint64_t data; - uint8_t itr; - - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdClearFlashInternalBuffer; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - memset((uint8_t *)&data, 0xFF, sizeof(uint64_t)); - - address |= WRITE_BUF1; - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)); - for (itr = 0; itr < (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)); itr++) - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&data, sizeof(uint64_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - - ofdWriteData(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flushs memory buffer to flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdFlushData(void) -{ - if (ALL_DATA_HAS_BEEN_SAVED == flushedPageAddr) - return; - - flushedPageAddr = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(flushedPageAddr << 1); - flushedPageAddr >>= 8; - flushedPageAddr |= PROGRAM_BUF1; - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&flushedPageAddr, sizeof(uint32_t)); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - flushedPageAddr = ALL_DATA_HAS_BEEN_SAVED; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks image crc. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdCheckCrc(void) -{ - uint32_t address; - uint32_t pageAddr; - uint32_t byteAddr; - uint8_t atomicCounting = ATOMIC_COUNTING; - - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdCheckCrc; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - while (atomicCounting--) - { - pageAddr = localAccessStructure.offset / PAGE_SIZE; - byteAddr = localAccessStructure.offset % PAGE_SIZE; - address = byteAddr | (pageAddr << 9) | ((uint32_t)READ << 24); - address = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(address); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)); - // load 32 don't care bits - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)); - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc,, OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); // release spi cs - imageInfo.crc = ofdCrc(imageInfo.crc,, OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC); - localAccessStructure.offset += OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - localAccessStructure.length -= OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - if (!localAccessStructure.length) - { - ofdSaveCrc(); - return; - } - } - // context gap - delayedTransaction = ofdCheckCrc; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback for saving internal flash. - -\param[in] status - status of the data flash writing -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteFlashDataCallback(OFD_Status_t status) -{ - uint32_t maxOffset; - - if (OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) - { - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(status); - return; - } - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS + OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE; - else - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS + OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE; - - if (localAccessStructure.offset < maxOffset) - { // save mcu flash - ofdSaveCurrentFlashImage(); - return; - } - - internalAccessParam.eepromOffset = 0; - // save eeprom image - ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts saving internal flash. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSaveCurrentFlashImage(void) -{ - uint16_t itr; - - localAccessStructure.length = OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - =; - for (itr = 0; itr < OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; itr++) - { - OFD_LOAD_NO_COMMAND_TO_NVM; -[itr] = ofdReadInternalFlash(internalAccessParam.flashOffset++); - } - internalAccessParam.length -= OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - ofdCallback = ofdWriteFlashDataCallback; - ofdWriteData(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback for saving internal eeprom. - -\param[in] status - status of the data eeprom writing -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdWriteEepromDataCallback(OFD_Status_t status) -{ - uint32_t maxOffset; - - if (OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) - { - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(status); - return; - } - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS + OFD_IMAGE_SIZE; - else - maxOffset = OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS + OFD_IMAGE_SIZE; - - if (localAccessStructure.offset < maxOffset) - { // save mcu eeprom - ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(); - return; - } - - // start check crc - OFD_FlushAndCheckCrc(sectorNumber,, ofdFlushCrcCallback); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts saving internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = internalAccessParam.eepromOffset; - =; - params.length = OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_ReadEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveCurrentEepromImageContinue), ofdSaveCurrentEepromImage)) - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Continues saving internal flash. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdSaveCurrentEepromImageContinue(void) -{ - localAccessStructure.length = OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - =; - if (0 == internalAccessParam.eepromOffset) - memset(, 0xFF, OFD_SERVICE_INFO_SIZE); - - internalAccessParam.eepromOffset += OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - internalAccessParam.length -= OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC; - ofdCallback = ofdWriteEepromDataCallback; - ofdWriteData(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Callback for start of saving of action for bootloader. - -\param[in] - status - status of the crc saving to eeprom -\param[in] - pInfo - ponter to image information -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdFlushCrcCallback(OFD_Status_t status, OFD_ImageInfo_t *pInfo) -{ - (void)pInfo; - - if (OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) - { - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(status); - return; - } - ofdSetActionForBootloader(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets action for internal bootloader. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdSetActionForBootloader(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = 0; - = (uint8_t *)&actionSector; - params.length = sizeof(OFD_Position_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_WriteEeprom(¶ms, ofdPollBusyState), ofdSetActionForBootloader)) - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Waits for end of image saving. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdPollBusyState(void) -{ - if (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - { // waits till flash ready - delayedTransaction = ofdPollBusyState; - ofdStartPollTimer(FLASH_TRANSACTION); - return; - } - - if (ofdAuxCallback) - ofdAuxCallback(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image crc from internal eeprom. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadCrc(void) -{ - HAL_EepromParams_t params; - - params.address = sectorNumber + 1; - = &imageInfo.crc; - params.length = sizeof(uint8_t); - - if (!ofdEepromHandler(HAL_ReadEeprom(¶ms, ofdSaveCrcCallback), ofdReadCrc)) - if (ofdCallback) - ((OFD_InfoCallback_t)ofdCallback)(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); -} - -#if defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flash read callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadConfirm(OFD_Status_t status) -{ - HAL_WriteUsart(&usartDescriptor, debugBuffer, OFD_BLOCK_SIZE); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Usart write callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void usartWriteConfirm(void) -{ - debugOffset += OFD_BLOCK_SIZE; - if (debugOffset < OFD_IMAGE_SIZE) - { - ofdReadData(debugOffset, debugBuffer, OFD_BLOCK_SIZE, ofdReadConfirm); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initialization of usart for consinsting of flash transmitting. -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdInitDebugInterface(void) -{ -#if defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - usartDescriptor.tty = USART_CHANNEL_1; -#elif defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - usartDescriptor.tty = USART_CHANNEL_F0; -#endif - usartDescriptor.mode = USART_MODE_ASYNC; - usartDescriptor.flowControl = USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE; - usartDescriptor.baudrate = USART_BAUDRATE_38400; - usartDescriptor.dataLength = USART_DATA8; - usartDescriptor.parity = USART_PARITY_NONE; - usartDescriptor.stopbits = USART_STOPBIT_1; - usartDescriptor.rxBuffer = NULL; - usartDescriptor.rxBufferLength = 0; - usartDescriptor.txBuffer = NULL; - usartDescriptor.txBufferLength = 0; - usartDescriptor.rxCallback = NULL; - usartDescriptor.txCallback = usartWriteConfirm; - - HAL_OpenUsart(&usartDescriptor); - ofdReadData(debugOffset, debugBuffer, OFD_BLOCK_SIZE, ofdReadConfirm); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads data from the external memory. - -\param[in] - address - flash cell address -\param[out] - data - pointer to memory buffer -\param[in] - size - size of memory buffer -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void ofdReadData(uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - uint32_t pageAddr; - uint32_t byteAddr; - - - while (FLASH_BUSY == ofdCheckBusyState()) - {;}// waits till flash ready - pageAddr = address / PAGE_SIZE; - byteAddr = address % PAGE_SIZE; - address = byteAddr | (pageAddr << 9) | ((uint32_t)READ << 24); - address = OFD_LITTLE_TO_BIG_ENDIAN(address); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_clr(); - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)); - // load 32 don't care bits - HAL_WriteSpi(&spiDesc, (uint8_t *)&address, sizeof(uint32_t)); - HAL_ReadSpi(&spiDesc, data, size); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); -} -#endif // defined(_OFD_DEBUG_) - -#endif // APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 -#endif // (EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT45DB041) && (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // _OTAU_ -// eof ofdAt25fDriver.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCommand.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCommand.c deleted file mode 100644 index 02a71723..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCommand.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdCommand.c - -\brief Implementation of OTAU flash driver interface. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 7/08/09 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#if APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define CRC_INITIALIZATION_VALUE 0xFF - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -OFD_Position_t sectorNumber = 0; -OFD_Position_t actionSector = 0; -OFD_Callback_t ofdCallback = NULL; -OFD_Callback_t ofdAuxCallback = NULL; -OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t localAccessStructure; -OfdInternalMemoryAccessParam_t internalAccessParam; -OFD_ImageInfo_t imageInfo; -OfdImageTable_t imageTable; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Erases image in the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position in the external memory -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_EraseImage(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - if (pos >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) - { - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER); - return; - } - - sectorNumber = pos; - ofdCallback = cb; - ofdEraseImage(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position for new data -\param[in] - accessParam - pointer to the access structure -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Write(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t *accessParam, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - if ((pos >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) || (NULL == accessParam)) - { - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER); - return; - } - - sectorNumber = pos; - ofdCallback = cb; - localAccessStructure = *accessParam; - - // set table info like "image was written through api" - imageTable |= (OfdImageTable_t)(1 << pos); - - if (localAccessStructure.offset >= OFD_START_EEPROM_SREC_ADDRESS) - localAccessStructure.offset -= (OFD_START_EEPROM_SREC_ADDRESS - OFD_EEPROM_OFFSET_WITHIN_IMAGE); - - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - localAccessStructure.offset += OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS; - else - localAccessStructure.offset += OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS; - - ofdWriteData(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flushes data from internal buffer, checks image crc and saves it to -the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position for new data -\param[in] - countBuff - pointer to the memory for internal data (memory size must be OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC) -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_FlushAndCheckCrc(OFD_Position_t pos, uint8_t *countBuff, OFD_InfoCallback_t cb) -{ - if ((pos >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) || (NULL == countBuff)) - { - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); - return; - } - - ofdFlushData(); - - sectorNumber = pos; - ofdCallback = (OFD_Callback_t)cb; - imageInfo.crc = CRC_INITIALIZATION_VALUE; - - = countBuff; - localAccessStructure.length = OFD_IMAGE_SIZE; - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - localAccessStructure.offset = OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS; - else - localAccessStructure.offset = OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS; - - ofdCheckCrc(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves current mcu flash and eeprom to the external memory, checks crc for its -and set command for bootloader. - -\param[in] - whereToSave - image position for current mcu flash and eeprom -\param[in] - from - new image position -\param[in] - copyBuff - pointer to the memory for internal data (memory size must be OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC) -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_SwitchToNewImage(OFD_Position_t whereToSave, OFD_Position_t from, uint8_t *copyBuff, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - if ((whereToSave >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) || (from >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) || (whereToSave == from) || (NULL == copyBuff)) - { - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER); - return; - } - - sectorNumber = whereToSave; - actionSector = from; - ofdAuxCallback = cb; - - // set table info like "image was saved from mcu" - imageTable &= (OfdImageTable_t)~(1 << sectorNumber); - - internalAccessParam.flashOffset = 0ul; - = copyBuff; - internalAccessParam.length = OFD_IMAGE_SIZE; - - if (OFD_POSITION_1 == sectorNumber) - localAccessStructure.offset = OFD_IMAGE1_START_ADDRESS; - else - localAccessStructure.offset = OFD_IMAGE2_START_ADDRESS; - - ofdSaveCurrentFlashImage(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image informations. - -\param[in] - pos - image position -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_ReadImageInfo(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_InfoCallback_t cb) -{ - if (pos >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) - { - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER, &imageInfo); - return; - } - - sectorNumber = pos; - - if (imageTable & (1 << pos)) - imageInfo.type = OFD_IMAGE_WAS_WRITTEN_THROUGH_API; - else - imageInfo.type = OFD_IMAGE_WAS_SAVED_FROM_MCU; - - ofdCallback = (OFD_Callback_t)cb; - - ofdReadCrc(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets command for bootloader. - -\param[in] - from - image position -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_ChangeImage(OFD_Position_t from, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - if (from >= OFD_POSITION_MAX) - { - if (cb) - cb(OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER); - return; - } - - actionSector = from; - ofdAuxCallback = cb; - ofdSetActionForBootloader(); -} - -#endif // APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 -#endif // (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // _OTAU_ - -// eof ofdCommand.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCrcService.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCrcService.c deleted file mode 100644 index 3ba6ed45..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdCrcService.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdCrcService.c - -\brief Implementation of crc counting algorithm. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 7/08/09 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#if APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Counts crc current memory area. CRC-8. Polynom 0x31 x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1. - -\param[in] - crc - first crc state -\param[in] - pcBlock - pointer to the memory for crc counting -\param[in] - length - memory size - -\return - current area crc -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t ofdCrc(uint8_t crc, uint8_t *pcBlock, uint8_t length) -{ - uint8_t i; - - while (length--) - { - crc ^= *pcBlock++; - - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) - crc = crc & 0x80 ? (crc << 1) ^ 0x31 : crc << 1; - } - - return crc; -} - -#endif // APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 -#endif // (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // _OTAU_ - -// eof ofdCrcService.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdFakeDriver.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdFakeDriver.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2d781c70..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdFakeDriver.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,218 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdFakeDriver.c - -\brief Implementation of OTAU fake flash driver. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 2/06/10 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#if APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 1 - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define CALL_CALLBACK_TIME 10 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdRunDriverCb(void); -static void ofdRunInfoDriverCb(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static HAL_AppTimer_t ofdCallbackRunner = -{ - .interval = CALL_CALLBACK_TIME, - .mode = TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE, -}; -OFD_Callback_t ofdFuncCb = NULL; -OFD_InfoCallback_t ofdFuncInfoCb = NULL; -OFD_ImageInfo_t ofdImageInfo = -{ - .type = OFD_IMAGE_WAS_SAVED_FROM_MCU, - .crc = 0x00 -}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Run flash driver callback if that has been initialized. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdRunDriverCb(void) -{ - if (ofdFuncCb) - { - ofdFuncCb(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Run flash information driver callback if that has been initialized. -******************************************************************************/ -static void ofdRunInfoDriverCb(void) -{ - if (ofdFuncInfoCb) - { - ofdFuncInfoCb(OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS, &ofdImageInfo); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens serial interface and checks memory type. - -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Open(OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - ofdFuncCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes serial interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Close(void) -{ -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Erases image in the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position in the external memory -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_EraseImage(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - (void)pos; - ofdFuncCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position for new data -\param[in] - accessParam - pointer to the access structure -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Write(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t *accessParam, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - (void)pos; - (void)accessParam; - ofdFuncCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flushes data from internal buffer, checks image crc and saves it to -the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position for new data -\param[in] - countBuff - pointer to the memory for internal data (memory size must be OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC) -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_FlushAndCheckCrc(OFD_Position_t pos, uint8_t *countBuff, OFD_InfoCallback_t cb) -{ - (void)pos; - (void)countBuff; - ofdFuncInfoCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunInfoDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves current mcu flash and eeprom to the external memory, checks crc for its -and set command for bootloader. - -\param[in] - whereToSave - image position for current mcu flash and eeprom -\param[in] - from - new image position -\param[in] - copyBuff - pointer to the memory for internal data (memory size must be OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC) -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_SwitchToNewImage(OFD_Position_t whereToSave, OFD_Position_t from, uint8_t *copyBuff, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - (void)whereToSave; - (void)from; - (void)copyBuff; - ofdFuncCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets command for bootloader. - -\param[in] - from - image position -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_ChangeImage(OFD_Position_t from, OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - (void)from; - ofdFuncCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image informations. - -\param[in] - pos - image position -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_ReadImageInfo(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_InfoCallback_t cb) -{ - (void)pos; - ofdFuncInfoCb = cb; - ofdCallbackRunner.callback = ofdRunInfoDriverCb; - HAL_StartAppTimer(&ofdCallbackRunner); -} - -#endif // _OTAU_ -#endif // (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 1 - -// eof ofdFakeDriver.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s deleted file mode 100644 index b3267377..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file ofdIntFlashRead.s - - \brief Implementation of internal flash reading. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 13/08/09 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ - -/******************************************************************************* -Reads byte from internal flash -Parameters: - R25:R24:R23:R22 - Byte address into flash. -Returns: - R24 - read byte from flash. -*******************************************************************************/ -.section .text ofdReadInternalFlash -ofdReadInternalFlash: - push r31 ; Store Z to stack - push r30 ; Store Z to stack - in r25, 0x3B ; Save RAMPZ. - out 0x3B, r24 ; Load RAMPZ with the MSB of the address. - movw r30, r22 ; Move low bytes of address to ZH:ZL from R23:R22 - elpm r24, Z ; Extended load program memory from Z address - out 0x3B, r25 ; Restore RAMPZ register. - pop r30 ; Restore Z - pop r31 ; Restore Z - ret ; return from function - -; eof ofdIntFlashRead.s - diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s90 b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s90 deleted file mode 100644 index 9fc8e941..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdIntFlashRead.s90 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file ofdIntFlashRead.s90 - - \brief Implementation of internal flash reading. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 19/02/10 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ - -/******************************************************************************* -Reads byte from internal flash -Parameters: - R19:R18:R17:R16 - Byte address into flash. -Returns: - R16 - read byte from flash. -*******************************************************************************/ -PUBLIC ofdReadInternalFlash -RSEG CODE -ofdReadInternalFlash: - push r31 ; Store Z to stack - push r30 ; Store Z to stack - in r19, 0x3B ; Save RAMPZ. - out 0x3B, r18 ; Load RAMPZ with the MSB of the address. - movw r31:r30, r17:r16 ; Move low bytes of address to ZH:ZL from R17:R16 - elpm r16, Z ; Extended load program memory from Z address - out 0x3B, r19 ; Restore RAMPZ register. - pop r30 ; Restore Z - pop r31 ; Restore Z - ret ; return from function - -; eof ofdIntFlashRead.s90 -END diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdSpiSerializer.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdSpiSerializer.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9994f2ed..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/OFD/src/ofdSpiSerializer.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdSerializer.c - -\brief Implementation of capturing of serial interface. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 7/08/09 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifdef _OTAU_ -#if (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#if APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern OFD_Callback_t ofdCallback; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -HAL_SpiDescriptor_t spiDesc; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens serial interface and checks memory type. - -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Open(OFD_Callback_t cb) -{ - ofdCallback = cb; - -#if defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - spiDesc.tty = SPI_CHANNEL_0; - spiDesc.baudRate = SPI_CLOCK_RATE_2000; -#elif defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - spiDesc.tty = SPI_CHANNEL_D; - spiDesc.baudRate = SPI_CLOCK_RATE_8000; -#endif - spiDesc.clockMode = SPI_CLOCK_MODE3; - spiDesc.dataOrder = SPI_DATA_MSB_FIRST; - spiDesc.callback = NULL; - - if (-1 == HAL_OpenSpi(&spiDesc)) - if (ofdCallback) - ofdCallback(OFD_SERIAL_INTERFACE_BUSY); - - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_set(); - GPIO_EXT_MEM_CS_make_out(); - ofdFindStorageSpace(); -#if EXTERNAL_MEMORY == AT25DF041A - ofdUnprotectMemorySectors(); -#endif -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes serial interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Close(void) -{ - HAL_CloseSpi(&spiDesc); -} - -#endif // APP_USE_FAKE_OFD_DRIVER == 0 -#endif // (APP_USE_OTAU == 1) -#endif // _OTAU_ - -// eof ofdSerialize.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/include/dfuProtocol.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/include/dfuProtocol.h deleted file mode 100644 index c525cfd1..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/include/dfuProtocol.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file dfuProtocol.h - - \brief Declaration of Device firmware upgrade commands. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 08/09/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _DFUPROTOCOL_H -#define _DFUPROTOCOL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// data size in request structure -#define DFU_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE 6 -// request codes for mass storage class -#define DFU_DETACH 0x00 -#define DFU_GETSTATUS 0x03 -#define DFU_GETSTATE 0x05 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -BEGIN_PACK -// Usb host request -typedef struct PACK -{ - UsbRequest_t request; - uint8_t bData[DFU_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE]; -} UsbDfuRequest_t; - -// Usb dfu get status response -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bStatus; - uint8_t bPollTimeout[3]; - uint8_t bState; - uint8_t iString; -} DfuGetStatusResponse_t; - -// Usb dfu get state response -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bState; -} DfuGetStateResponse_t; - -typedef union PACK -{ - DfuGetStatusResponse_t getStatusResponse; - DfuGetStateResponse_t getStateResponse; -} UsbDfuResponse_t; - -END_PACK - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Device firmware upgrade request handler. -\param[in] - data - pointer to host's request. -******************************************************************************/ -void dfuRequestHandler(uint8_t *data); - -#endif /* _DFUPROTOCOL_H */ -// eof dfuProtocol.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/src/dfuProtocol.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/src/dfuProtocol.c deleted file mode 100644 index c19f312b..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/DFU/src/dfuProtocol.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file dfuProtocol.c - - \brief Implementation of Device firmware upgrade commands. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 08/09/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define DFU_STATUS_OK 0x00 -#define DFU_STATUS_MAX_POLL_TIMEOUT 0xFF -#define DFU_STATUS_NO_STRING 0x00 - -#define BOOTLOADER_FLAG_FLASH_OFFSET 5 - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static UsbDfuResponse_t dfuResponse; -static bool detachReceived = false; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief EEPROM write callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void dfuResetAction(void) -{ - HAL_WarmReset(); -} -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief DFU detach request handler. -******************************************************************************/ -static void dfuDetach(void) -{ - uint8_t bootloaderFlag = 0x5A; - HAL_EepromParams_t eepromParams = { - .address = (FLASH_BOOTLOADER_PAGES + FLASH_EEPROM_PAGES) * IFLASH_BYTES_PER_PAGE - - BOOTLOADER_FLAG_FLASH_OFFSET, - .data = &bootloaderFlag, - .length = 1 - }; - uint16_t page; - -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - // Acknowledge the request - sendZLP(); -#endif - - detachReceived = true; - - halFlashPrepareForWrite(); - page = halFlashPreparePage(&eepromParams); - halFlashWritePage(page, false); - halFlashRestoreFromWrite(); - - HAL_RegisterEndOfBusResetHandler(dfuResetAction); -} -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief DFU get status request handler. -******************************************************************************/ -static void dfuGetStatus(void) -{ - uint8_t i = 2; - - dfuResponse.getStatusResponse.bStatus = DFU_STATUS_OK; - while(i--) - dfuResponse.getStatusResponse.bPollTimeout[i] = DFU_STATUS_MAX_POLL_TIMEOUT; - dfuResponse.getStatusResponse.bState = detachReceived; - dfuResponse.getStatusResponse.iString = DFU_STATUS_NO_STRING; - - HAL_UsbWrite(0, (void *)&dfuResponse, sizeof(DfuGetStatusResponse_t), NULL, NULL); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief DFU get state request handler. -******************************************************************************/ -static void dfuGetState(void) -{ - dfuResponse.getStateResponse.bState = detachReceived; - - HAL_UsbWrite(0, (void *)&dfuResponse, sizeof(DfuGetStateResponse_t), NULL, NULL); -} -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Device firmware upgrade request handler. -\param[in] - data - pointer to host's request. -******************************************************************************/ -void dfuRequestHandler(uint8_t *data) -{ - UsbDfuRequest_t *pRequest = NULL; - - pRequest = (UsbDfuRequest_t *)data; - if (NULL == pRequest) - return; - - // Check request code - switch (pRequest->request.bRequest) - { - case DFU_DETACH: - dfuDetach(); - break; - case DFU_GETSTATUS: - dfuGetStatus(); - break; - case DFU_GETSTATE: - dfuGetState(); - break; - default: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - } -} - -//eof dfuProtocol.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/abstractMemory.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/abstractMemory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2eab5f00..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/abstractMemory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file abstactMemory.h - - \brief Declaration of abstract memory commands. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _ABSTRACT_MEMORY_H -#define _ABSTRACT_MEMORY_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - memorySuccessStatus, - memoryErrorStatus -} MemoryStatus_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of blocks to write. - callback - pointer to function to nofity upper layer about end of write - procedure. -\return - status of write procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemWrite(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemoryStatus_t)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads data from memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of blocks to read. - callback - pointer to function to nofity upper layer about end of read - procedure. -\return - status of read procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemRead(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemoryStatus_t)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs memory initialization. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - status of initialization procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemInit(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads memory capacity. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\param[out] - lastBlockNumber - number of last accessible block of memory. -\return - status of read capacity procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemCapacity(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t *lastBlockNumber); - -#endif /* _ABSTRACT_MEMORY_H */ -// eof abstactMemory.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/mem.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/mem.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0197f13a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/mem.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file mem.h - - \brief Declaration of memory commands. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _MEM_H -#define _MEM_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// block length -#define STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH 512 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - memSuccess, - hsmciError, - voltageError, - commandError, - initTimeoutError, - stateError, - hsmciReadError, - hsmciWriteError, - setMaxFreqError -} MemStatus_t; - -typedef struct -{ - uint32_t lastLogicalBlock; - uint32_t logicalBlockLength; -} MemCapacityInfo_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes one data block to memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of block to write. -\return - status of write procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memWriteBlock(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemStatus_t)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads one data block from memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of block to read. -\return - status of read procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memReadBlock(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemStatus_t)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs memory initialization. -\param[in] - commandDescr - pointer to hsmci command descriptor. -\return - status of initialization procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memInit(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *commandDescr); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads memory capacity. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\param[out] - capInfo - pointer to memory capacity structure. -\return - status of read capacity procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memGetCapacityInfo(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, MemCapacityInfo_t *capInfo); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if memory is ready for any data transfer. -\return - false - memory is busy; - true - memory is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -bool memIsBusy(void); - -#endif /* _MEM_H */ -// eof mem.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/mscProtocol.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/mscProtocol.h deleted file mode 100644 index aa5964ad..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/mscProtocol.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file mscProtocol.h - - \brief Declaration of mass storage device protocol command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _MSCPROTOCOL_H -#define _MSCPROTOCOL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// data size in request structure -#define MSC_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE 1 - -// request codes for mass storage class -#define BULK_ONLY_MASS_STORAGE_RESET 0xFF -#define GET_MAX_LUN 0xFE -// maximum size of CBW data -#define CBW_DATA_SIZE 16 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -BEGIN_PACK -typedef struct PACK -{ - UsbRequest_t request; - uint8_t bData[MSC_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE]; -} UsbMscRequest_t; -// MSC command block wrapper (CBW) -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint32_t dCBWSignature; - uint32_t cDBWTag; - uint32_t dCBWDataTransferLength; - uint8_t bmCBWFlags; - uint8_t bCBWLUN; - uint8_t bCBWCBLength; - uint8_t CBWCB[CBW_DATA_SIZE]; -} MscCBW_t; -// MSC command status wrapper (CSW) -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint32_t dCSWSignature; - uint32_t cDSWTag; - uint32_t dCSWDataResidue; - uint8_t bCSWStatus; -} MscCSW_t; -END_PACK - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Mass storage device request handler. -\param[in] - data - pointer to host's request. -******************************************************************************/ -void msdRequestHandler(uint8_t *data); - -#endif /* _MSCPROTOCOL_H */ -// eof msdProtocol.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/scsiProtocol.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/scsiProtocol.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6a10b4dc..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/include/scsiProtocol.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file scsiProtocol.h - - \brief Declaration of scsi protocol commands. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _SCSIPROTOCOL_H -#define _SCSIPROTOCOL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// Maximum response length for scsi command -#define MAX_COMMAND_RESPONSE_LENGTH 36 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if received scsi command is supported. -\param[in] - data - pointer to received command with parameters. -\return - false - command is not supported; - true - command is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsValidCommand(uint8_t *data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if any response or data transfer needed for received - scsi command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\return - false - response is not needed; - true - response is needed. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsDataInOutPhaseNeeded(uint8_t *data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if command is read or write command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\return - false - command is not read/write command; - true - command is read/write command. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsReadWriteCommand(uint8_t *data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if command is read command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\return - false - command is not read command; - true - command is read command. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsReadCommand(uint8_t *data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Blocks for read/write command. -\param[in] - data - pointer to received command with parameters. -\return - number of blocks to read or write from memory. -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t scsiBlocksAmount(uint8_t *data); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Response for scsi command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\param[out] - buffer - buffer with scsi command response. -\return - length of response -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t scsiGetCommandResponse(uint8_t *data, uint8_t *buffer); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets number of last available memory block for scsi response. -\param[in] - lastBlock - received command. -\param[out] - buffer - number of last available memory block -******************************************************************************/ -void scsiSetCapacity(uint32_t lastBlock); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Block address for read/write command. -\param[in] - data - pointer to received command with parameters. -\return - block address for read or write from memory. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t scsiGetBlockAddress(uint8_t *data); - -#endif /* _SCSIPROTOCOL_H */ -// eof scsiProtocol.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/abstractMemory.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/abstractMemory.c deleted file mode 100644 index dc11be63..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/abstractMemory.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \files abstractMemory.c - - \brief Implementation of amstract memory commands. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 30/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define RETRY_COUNT 5 - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - uint16_t transferLength; - uint16_t blocksToTransfer; - uint32_t logicalBlockAddress; - HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *hsmciDescriptor; - uint8_t *dataBuffer; -} AbsMemInternal_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static void (*absMemCallback)(MemoryStatus_t status); -static AbsMemInternal_t apsMemInternal; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Current memory read callback. -\param[in] - status - status of read operation. -******************************************************************************/ -void absMemReadBlockCallback(MemStatus_t status) -{ - uint8_t i = RETRY_COUNT; - apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer--; - uint16_t blocksRemaining = apsMemInternal.transferLength - apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer; - HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor = apsMemInternal.hsmciDescriptor; - - if (memSuccess != status) - absMemCallback(memoryErrorStatus); - if (0 == apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer) - { - descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer = apsMemInternal.dataBuffer; - absMemCallback(memorySuccessStatus); - return; - } - - descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer += blocksRemaining * STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - - while(i--) - { - if (memSuccess == memReadBlock(descriptor, apsMemInternal.logicalBlockAddress + blocksRemaining, absMemReadBlockCallback)) - break; - } - if (0 == i) - absMemCallback(memoryErrorStatus); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Current memory write callback. -\param[in] - status - status of write operation. -******************************************************************************/ -void absMemWriteBlockCallback(MemStatus_t status) -{ - uint8_t i = RETRY_COUNT; - apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer--; - uint16_t blocksRemaining = apsMemInternal.transferLength - apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer; - HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor = apsMemInternal.hsmciDescriptor; - - if (memSuccess != status) - absMemCallback(memoryErrorStatus); - if (0 == apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer) - { - descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer = apsMemInternal.dataBuffer; - absMemCallback(memorySuccessStatus); - return; - } - - descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer += blocksRemaining * STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - - while(i--) - { - if (memSuccess == memWriteBlock(descriptor, apsMemInternal.logicalBlockAddress + blocksRemaining, absMemWriteBlockCallback)) - break; - } - if (0 == i) - absMemCallback(memoryErrorStatus); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs memory initialization. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - status of initialization procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemInit(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (memSuccess != memInit(descriptor)) - return memoryErrorStatus; - - return memorySuccessStatus; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads memory capacity. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\param[out] - lastBlockNumber - number of last accessible block of memory. -\return - status of read capacity procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemCapacity(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t *lastBlockNumber) -{ - MemCapacityInfo_t capInfo; - uint8_t i = RETRY_COUNT; - MemStatus_t status; - - while(i--) - { - status = memGetCapacityInfo(descriptor, &capInfo); - if (memSuccess == status) - { - *lastBlockNumber = capInfo.lastLogicalBlock; - return memorySuccessStatus; - } - } - - return memoryErrorStatus; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of blocks to write. - callback - pointer to function to nofity upper layer about end of write - procedure. -\return - status of write procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemWrite(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemoryStatus_t)) -{ - HAL_HsmciDataTransferDescriptor_t *dataDescr = descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor; - uint8_t i; - absMemCallback = callback; - - apsMemInternal.logicalBlockAddress = address; - apsMemInternal.transferLength = dataDescr->length / STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer = apsMemInternal.transferLength; - apsMemInternal.dataBuffer = descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer; - - dataDescr->length = STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - - i = RETRY_COUNT; - while(i--) - { - if (memSuccess == memWriteBlock(descriptor, address, absMemWriteBlockCallback)) - return memorySuccessStatus; - } - - return memoryErrorStatus; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads data from memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of blocks to read. - callback - pointer to function to nofity upper layer about end of read - procedure. -\return - status of read procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemoryStatus_t absMemRead(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemoryStatus_t)) -{ - HAL_HsmciDataTransferDescriptor_t *dataDescr = descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor; - uint8_t i; - absMemCallback = callback; - - apsMemInternal.logicalBlockAddress = address; - apsMemInternal.transferLength = dataDescr->length / STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - apsMemInternal.blocksToTransfer = apsMemInternal.transferLength; - apsMemInternal.dataBuffer = descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer; - - dataDescr->length = STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - - i = RETRY_COUNT; - while(i--) - { - if (memSuccess == memReadBlock(descriptor, address, absMemReadBlockCallback)) - return memorySuccessStatus; - } - - return memoryErrorStatus; -} - -//eof abstractMemory.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/massStorageDevice.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/massStorageDevice.c deleted file mode 100644 index 94c36c42..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/massStorageDevice.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file massStorageDevice.c - - \brief Implementation of mass storage API. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -#define CBW_SIZE 31 -#define CBW_SIGNATURE 0x43425355 - -#define CSW_SIZE 13 -#define CSW_COMMAND_FAILED_STATUS 1 -#define CSW_COMMAND_SUCCESS_STATUS 0 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - MSD_COMMAND_TRANSPORT, - MSD_SCSI_ANSWER, - MSD_DATA_INOUT, - MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT -} MsdState_t; - -typedef struct -{ - uint32_t bufferOffset; - uint16_t buffersToTransfer; - uint32_t blockAddress; -} MsdReadWriteControl_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static void msdBufferReadCallback(MemoryStatus_t status); -static void msdBufferWriteCallback(MemoryStatus_t status); - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static UsbMscRequest_t request; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// pointer to application hsmci descriptor -static HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t msdDescr; -HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *msdPointDescr; -static HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t commandDescr; -static HAL_HsmciDataTransferDescriptor_t dataTransferDescr; -static MsdReadWriteControl_t rwControl; -static MscCSW_t csw; -static MsdState_t msdState; -static MSD_Callback_t msdCallback = NULL; - -void msdRcvCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining); - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Transmitting callback of usb. -\param[in] - pArg - pointer to some data; - status - result of the USB transfer.; - transferred - how much data are transferred; - remaining - how much data are not transferred. -******************************************************************************/ -void msdTmtCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining) -{ - (void)pArg; - (void)status; - (void)remaining; - (void)transferred; - - if (MSD_DATA_INOUT == msdState) - { - rwControl.buffersToTransfer--; - rwControl.blockAddress += msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->length / STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - if (0 == rwControl.buffersToTransfer) - { - csw.bCSWStatus = CSW_COMMAND_SUCCESS_STATUS; - msdState = MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT; - memcpy(msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, (uint8_t*)&csw, CSW_SIZE); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, CSW_SIZE, msdTmtCallback, NULL); - return; - } - else - if (memorySuccessStatus != absMemRead(&msdDescr, rwControl.blockAddress, msdBufferReadCallback)) - msdCallback(MSD_READ_ERROR); - - } - if (MSD_SCSI_ANSWER == msdState) - { - csw.bCSWStatus = CSW_COMMAND_SUCCESS_STATUS; - msdState = MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT; - memcpy(msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, (uint8_t*)&csw, CSW_SIZE); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, CSW_SIZE, msdTmtCallback, NULL); - return; - } - if (MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT == msdState) - { - if (msdCallback) - msdCallback(MSD_STATUS_SUCCESS); - msdState = MSD_COMMAND_TRANSPORT; - HAL_UsbRead(MSD_RECEIVE_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, CBW_SIZE, msdRcvCallback, NULL); - return; - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Receiving callback of usb. -\param[in] - pArg - pointer to some data; - status - result of the USB transfer.; - transferred - how much data are transferred; - remaining - how much data are not transferred. -******************************************************************************/ -void msdRcvCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining) -{ - bool validAndMeaningful = true; - MscCBW_t *cbw = (MscCBW_t *)(msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer); - uint8_t length; - - (void)pArg; - (void)status; - (void)remaining; - - if (MSD_COMMAND_TRANSPORT == msdState) - { - /* check that CBW is valid */ - if ((CBW_SIZE != transferred) || (CBW_SIGNATURE != cbw->dCBWSignature)) - validAndMeaningful = false; - if (!validAndMeaningful) - { - HAL_Stall(ADDRESS_MSC_BULKIN_PIPE & 0x03); - return; - } - /* check that CBW is meaningful */ - if ((cbw->bCBWLUN > 0x0F) || (cbw->bCBWCBLength == 0) || (cbw->bCBWCBLength > 0x10) || (cbw->bmCBWFlags & 0x7F)) - validAndMeaningful = false; - if (!validAndMeaningful) - return; - /* fill csw with parameters from cbw */ - csw.cDSWTag = cbw->cDBWTag; - csw.dCSWSignature = CBW_SIGNATURE; - /* check that command is valid */ - if (!scsiIsValidCommand(cbw->CBWCB)) - { - csw.bCSWStatus = CSW_COMMAND_FAILED_STATUS; - msdState = MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT; - memcpy(msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, (uint8_t*)&csw, CSW_SIZE); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, CSW_SIZE, msdTmtCallback, NULL); - return; - } - /* check that no data in-out phase is needed */ - if (!scsiIsDataInOutPhaseNeeded(cbw->CBWCB)) - { - csw.bCSWStatus = CSW_COMMAND_SUCCESS_STATUS; - msdState = MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT; - memcpy(msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, (uint8_t*)&csw, CSW_SIZE); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, CSW_SIZE, msdTmtCallback, NULL); - return; - } - /* check that command is no read-write command */ - if (!scsiIsReadWriteCommand(cbw->CBWCB)) - { - csw.bCSWStatus = CSW_COMMAND_SUCCESS_STATUS; - msdState = MSD_SCSI_ANSWER; - length = scsiGetCommandResponse(cbw->CBWCB, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, length, msdTmtCallback, NULL); - return; - } - /* check that command is read command */ - rwControl.buffersToTransfer = scsiBlocksAmount(cbw->CBWCB) * (msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->length / STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH); - rwControl.blockAddress = scsiGetBlockAddress(cbw->CBWCB); - if (scsiIsReadCommand(cbw->CBWCB)) - { - if (memorySuccessStatus != absMemRead(&msdDescr, rwControl.blockAddress, msdBufferReadCallback)) - msdCallback(MSD_READ_ERROR); - } - else - HAL_UsbRead(MSD_RECEIVE_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, - BULK_SIZE, msdRcvCallback, NULL); - msdState = MSD_DATA_INOUT; - return; - } - if (MSD_DATA_INOUT == msdState) - { - /* increase internal write buffer offset*/ - rwControl.bufferOffset += transferred; - /* if buffer is full perform write to flash */ - if (rwControl.bufferOffset == msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->length) - { - if (memorySuccessStatus != absMemWrite(&msdDescr, rwControl.blockAddress, msdBufferWriteCallback)) - msdCallback(MSD_WRITE_ERROR); - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - rwControl.bufferOffset = 0; - rwControl.buffersToTransfer--; - rwControl.blockAddress += msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->length / STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - return; - } - if (0 != rwControl.buffersToTransfer) - HAL_UsbRead(MSD_RECEIVE_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer + rwControl.bufferOffset, - BULK_SIZE, msdRcvCallback, NULL); - - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens mass storage device. -\param[in] - callback - pointer to function to notify about MSD errors and transactions; - responseBuffer - pointer to hsmci command response buffer; it should have - a size of four; - buffer - pointer to buffer for hsmci data transfer; it should be - a multiplier of 512; - length - length of buffer for data transfer. -******************************************************************************/ -void MSD_Open(MSD_Callback_t callback, uint32_t *responseBuffer, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length) -{ - uint32_t lastBlock; - - msdCallback = callback; - - msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor = &dataTransferDescr; - msdDescr.commandDescriptor = &commandDescr; - msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer = buffer; - msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->length = length; - msdDescr.commandDescriptor->responseBuffer = responseBuffer; - msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->commandDescr = &commandDescr; - - msdPointDescr = & msdDescr; - - if (-1 == HAL_OpenHsmci(&msdDescr)) - if (msdCallback) - msdCallback(MSD_INTERFACE_BUSY); - - if (memorySuccessStatus != absMemInit(&msdDescr)) - if (msdCallback) - msdCallback(MSD_MEMORY_INIT_ERROR); - - if (memorySuccessStatus != absMemCapacity(&msdDescr, &lastBlock)) - if (msdCallback) - msdCallback(MSD_READ_CAPACITY_ERROR); - - scsiSetCapacity(lastBlock); - - rwControl.bufferOffset = 0; - rwControl.buffersToTransfer = 0; - msdState = MSD_COMMAND_TRANSPORT; - csw.dCSWDataResidue = 0; - - HAL_RegisterEndOfBusResetHandler(usbBusResetAction); - if (DEVICE_POWERED != HAL_GetState()) - HAL_UsbInit((uint8_t *)&request); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes mass storage device. -******************************************************************************/ -void MSD_Close(void) -{ - if (-1 == HAL_CloseHsmci(&msdDescr)) - if (msdCallback) - msdCallback(MSD_INTERFACE_BUSY); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Memory read callback function. -\param[in] - status - status of memory read procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -static void msdBufferReadCallback(MemoryStatus_t status) -{ - if (memorySuccessStatus != status) - msdCallback(MSD_READ_ERROR); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, - msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->length, msdTmtCallback, NULL); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Memory write callback function. -\param[in] - status - status of memory write procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -static void msdBufferWriteCallback(MemoryStatus_t status) -{ - if (memorySuccessStatus != status) - msdCallback(MSD_WRITE_ERROR); - if (0 == rwControl.buffersToTransfer) - { - csw.bCSWStatus = CSW_COMMAND_SUCCESS_STATUS; - msdState = MSD_STATUS_TRANSPORT; - memcpy(msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, (uint8_t*)&csw, CSW_SIZE); - HAL_UsbWrite(MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, CSW_SIZE, msdTmtCallback, NULL); - } - else - HAL_UsbRead(MSD_RECEIVE_PIPE, msdDescr.dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, - BULK_SIZE, msdRcvCallback, NULL); -} - -// eof massStorageDevice.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/mmc.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/mmc.c deleted file mode 100644 index b512bd04..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/mmc.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,618 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \files mmc.c - - \brief Implementation of mmc protocol. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 30/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// card voltage ranges -#define OCR_VDD_16_17 (1 << 4) -#define OCR_VDD_17_18 (1 << 5) -#define OCR_VDD_18_19 (1 << 6) -#define OCR_VDD_19_20 (1 << 7) -#define OCR_VDD_20_21 (1 << 8) -#define OCR_VDD_21_22 (1 << 9) -#define OCR_VDD_22_23 (1 << 10) -#define OCR_VDD_23_24 (1 << 11) -#define OCR_VDD_24_25 (1 << 12) -#define OCR_VDD_25_26 (1 << 13) -#define OCR_VDD_26_27 (1 << 14) -#define OCR_VDD_27_28 (1 << 15) -#define OCR_VDD_28_29 (1 << 16) -#define OCR_VDD_29_30 (1 << 17) -#define OCR_VDD_30_31 (1 << 18) -#define OCR_VDD_31_32 (1 << 19) -#define OCR_VDD_32_33 (1 << 20) -#define OCR_VDD_33_34 (1 << 21) -#define OCR_VDD_34_35 (1 << 22) -#define OCR_VDD_35_36 (1 << 23) -// R1 response statuses -#define STATUS_APP_CMD (1UL << 5) -#define STATUS_SWITCH_ERROR (1UL << 7) -#define STATUS_READY_FOR_DATA (1UL << 8) -#define STATUS_IDLE (0UL << 9) -#define STATUS_READY (1UL << 9) -#define STATUS_IDENT (2UL << 9) -#define STATUS_STBY (3UL << 9) -#define STATUS_TRAN (4UL << 9) -#define STATUS_DATA (5UL << 9) -#define STATUS_RCV (6UL << 9) -#define STATUS_PRG (7UL << 9) -#define STATUS_DIS (8UL << 9) -#define STATUS_STATE (0xFUL << 9) -#define STATUS_ERASE_RESET (1UL << 13) -#define STATUS_WP_ERASE_SKIP (1UL << 15) -#define STATUS_CIDCSD_OVERWRITE (1UL << 16) -#define STATUS_OVERRUN (1UL << 17) -#define STATUS_UNERRUN (1UL << 18) -#define STATUS_ERROR (1UL << 19) -#define STATUS_CC_ERROR (1UL << 20) -#define STATUS_CARD_ECC_FAILED (1UL << 21) -#define STATUS_ILLEGAL_COMMAND (1UL << 22) -#define STATUS_COM_CRC_ERROR (1UL << 23) -#define STATUS_UN_LOCK_FAILED (1UL << 24) -#define STATUS_CARD_IS_LOCKED (1UL << 25) -#define STATUS_WP_VIOLATION (1UL << 26) -#define STATUS_ERASE_PARAM (1UL << 27) -#define STATUS_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR (1UL << 28) -#define STATUS_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR (1UL << 29) -#define STATUS_ADDRESS_MISALIGN (1UL << 30) -#define STATUS_ADDR_OUT_OR_RANGE (1UL << 31) -// R1 response sets -#define ERROR_STATUS (STATUS_ADDR_OUT_OR_RANGE | STATUS_ADDRESS_MISALIGN | STATUS_BLOCK_LEN_ERROR | STATUS_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR | \ - STATUS_ERASE_PARAM | STATUS_WP_VIOLATION | STATUS_CARD_IS_LOCKED | STATUS_UN_LOCK_FAILED | \ - STATUS_COM_CRC_ERROR | STATUS_ILLEGAL_COMMAND | STATUS_CARD_ECC_FAILED | STATUS_CC_ERROR | STATUS_ERROR | \ - STATUS_UNERRUN | STATUS_OVERRUN | STATUS_CIDCSD_OVERWRITE | STATUS_SWITCH_ERROR) -// command arguments -#define CMD0_IDLE_STATE_ARGUMENT 0 -#define CMD1_ACCESS_MODE_SECTOR (1UL << 30) -#define CMD1_HOST_VOLTAGE_RANGE (OCR_VDD_27_28 | OCR_VDD_28_29 | OCR_VDD_29_30 | OCR_VDD_30_31 | \ - OCR_VDD_31_32 | OCR_VDD_32_33 | OCR_VDD_33_34 | OCR_VDD_34_35 | \ - OCR_VDD_35_36) -#define CMD2_ARGUMENT 0 -#define CMD6_SET_4_LINE_BUS 0x03B70100 -#define CMD6_SET_HS_MODE 0x03B90100 -// relative card address -#define REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS (1 << 16) -// command responses length -#define NO_RESPONSE_LENGTH 0 -#define R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH 1 -#define R2_RESPONSE_LENGTH 4 -#define R3_RESPONSE_LENGTH 1 -// retry amount of card initialization -#define RETRY_AMOUNT 10000 -// memory frequency masks for CDS memory register -#define FREQ_UNITS_MASK 0x07 -#define FREQ_MULTIPLIER_MASK 0x78 -#define FREQ_MULTIPLIER_OFFSET 0x03 -// csd register definitions -#define CSD_SPEC_VERS_FOUR 4 - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef union -{ - uint32_t reg; - struct - { - uint32_t reserved1 : 5; - uint32_t appCmd : 1; - uint32_t urgentBkops : 1; - uint32_t switchError : 1; - uint32_t readyForData : 1; - uint32_t currentState : 4; - uint32_t eraseReset : 1; - uint32_t reserved2 : 1; - uint32_t wpEraseSkip : 1; - uint32_t cidCsdOverwrite : 1; - uint32_t overrun : 1; - uint32_t underrun : 1; - uint32_t error : 1; - uint32_t ccEror : 1; - uint32_t cardEccFailed : 1; - uint32_t illegalCommand : 1; - uint32_t comCrcError : 1; - uint32_t lockUnlockFailed : 1; - uint32_t cardIsLocked : 1; - uint32_t wpViolation : 1; - uint32_t eraseParam : 1; - uint32_t eraseSeqError : 1; - uint32_t blockLenError : 1; - uint32_t addressMisalign : 1; - uint32_t addressOutOfRange: 1; - }; -} MmcCardStatus_t; - -typedef union -{ - uint32_t reg; - struct - { - uint32_t reserverd1 : 7; - uint32_t voltage170_195: 1; - uint32_t voltage20_26 : 7; - uint32_t voltage27_36 : 9; - uint32_t reserved2 : 5; - uint32_t accessMode : 2; - uint32_t busy : 1; - }; -} MmcOcrRegister_t; - -typedef struct -{ - uint8_t tranSpeed; - uint8_t nsac; - uint8_t taac; - uint8_t reserved3 : 2; - uint8_t specVersion : 4; - uint8_t csdStructure : 2; - uint32_t cSizeDown : 10; - uint32_t reserved2 : 2; - uint32_t dsrImp : 1; - uint32_t readBlkMisalign : 1; - uint32_t writeBlkMisalign: 1; - uint32_t readBlPartial : 1; - uint32_t readBlLen : 4; - uint32_t ccc : 12; - uint32_t wpGroupSize : 5; - uint32_t eraseGroupMult : 5; - uint32_t eraseGroupSize : 5; - uint32_t cSizeMult : 3; - uint32_t vddWCurrMax : 3; - uint32_t vddWCurrMin : 3; - uint32_t vddRCurrMax : 3; - uint32_t vddRCurrMin : 3; - uint32_t cSizeUp : 2; - uint8_t notUsed : 1; - uint8_t crc : 7; - uint8_t ecc : 2; - uint8_t fileFormat : 2; - uint8_t tmpWriteProtect : 1; - uint8_t permWriteProtect : 1; - uint8_t copy : 1; - uint8_t fileFormatGroup : 1; - uint16_t contentPropApp : 1; - uint16_t reserved1 : 4; - uint16_t writeBlPartial : 1; - uint16_t writeBlLen : 4; - uint16_t r2wFactor : 3; - uint16_t defaultEcc : 2; - uint16_t wpGroupEnable : 1; -} MmcCSDRegister_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Constants section -******************************************************************************/ -static const uint32_t mmcFrequencyUnits[8] = {100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 0, 0, 0, 0}; -static const uint32_t mmcFrequencyMulptiplier[16] = {0, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 26, 30, 35, 40, 45, 52, 55, 60, 70, 80}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static bool memSendCommand(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t command, uint32_t argument, uint8_t respLength); -static bool memCheckState(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint16_t state); -static bool setMaximumCommunicationFrequency(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t freqCode, bool hsMode); -static MemStatus_t setBusWidthAndHsMode(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, MmcCSDRegister_t *csdReg); -static void (*absMemoryCallback)(MemStatus_t) = NULL; -static HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *memDescriptor = NULL; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief HSMCI write callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void memWriteCallback(void) -{ - MmcCardStatus_t *cardStatus; - - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(memDescriptor->commandDescriptor->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - absMemoryCallback(hsmciWriteError); - absMemoryCallback(memSuccess); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief HSMCI read callback. -******************************************************************************/ -void memReadCallback(void) -{ - MmcCardStatus_t *cardStatus; - - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(memDescriptor->commandDescriptor->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - absMemoryCallback(hsmciReadError); - absMemoryCallback(memSuccess); -} -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs MMC memory initialization. -\param[in] - commandDescr - pointer to hsmci command descriptor. -\return - status of initialization procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memInit(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - uint16_t i = RETRY_AMOUNT; - MmcCardStatus_t *cardStatus; - MmcOcrRegister_t *ocrRegister; - MmcCSDRegister_t *csdReg; - HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t *commandDescr = descriptor->commandDescriptor; - uint32_t sendOpCondResponse; - MemStatus_t status; - - /* send first command - CMD0 with power init parameters */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, POWER_ON_INIT, CMD0_IDLE_STATE_ARGUMENT, NO_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - /* send CMD0 command to go to idle mode */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, GO_IDLE_STATE, CMD0_IDLE_STATE_ARGUMENT, NO_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - /* wait for internal initialization process */ - for (; i > 0; i--) - { - /* send CMD1 command to check host and device voltage correlation */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SEND_OP_COND, CMD1_HOST_VOLTAGE_RANGE | CMD1_ACCESS_MODE_SECTOR, R3_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - ocrRegister = (MmcOcrRegister_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (!(ocrRegister->reg & CMD1_HOST_VOLTAGE_RANGE)) - return voltageError; - if (0 == ocrRegister->busy) - continue; - break; - } - if (0 == i) - return initTimeoutError; - sendOpCondResponse = commandDescr->responseBuffer[0]; - i = RETRY_AMOUNT; - while (i--) - { - /* send CMD2 command to get card CID number */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, ALL_SEND_CID, CMD2_ARGUMENT, R2_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - if (sendOpCondResponse != commandDescr->responseBuffer[0]) - break; - } - if (0 == i) - return stateError; - /* send CMD3 command to set card relative address */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_STBY)) - return stateError; - /* send CMD9 command to read CSD register */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SEND_CSD, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R2_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - /* read allowed maximum communication frequency and set it */ - csdReg = (MmcCSDRegister_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - status = setBusWidthAndHsMode(descriptor, csdReg); - if (status != memSuccess) - return setMaxFreqError; - - return memSuccess; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads MMC memory capacity. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\param[out] - capInfo - pointer to memory capacity structure. -\return - status of read capacity procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memGetCapacityInfo(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, MemCapacityInfo_t *capInfo) -{ - MmcCardStatus_t *cardStatus; - MmcCSDRegister_t *csdReg; - HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t *commandDescr = descriptor->commandDescriptor; - - /* send CMD13 command to discover current state */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SEND_STATUS, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (STATUS_TRAN == (cardStatus->reg & STATUS_TRAN)) - { - /* send CMD7 command to switch to stand-by state*/ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SELECT_CARD, ~REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_STBY)) - return stateError; - } - /* send CMD9 command to read CSD register */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SEND_CSD, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R2_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - - capInfo->logicalBlockLength = STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - csdReg = (MmcCSDRegister_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - capInfo->lastLogicalBlock = (1 << (csdReg->cSizeMult + 2)) * (csdReg->cSizeUp + 1 + (csdReg->cSizeDown << 2)) * ((1 << csdReg->readBlLen) / STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH) - 1; - - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_STBY)) - return stateError; - - /* send CMD7 command to switch to transfer state */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SELECT_CARD, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - return memSuccess; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks MMC memory state. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - state - state in which MMC memory meant to be. -\return - false - check failed; - true - check success. -******************************************************************************/ -static bool memSendCommand(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t command, uint32_t argument, uint8_t respLength) -{ - descriptor->commandDescriptor->command = command; - descriptor->commandDescriptor->argument = argument; - descriptor->commandDescriptor->responseLength = respLength; - - if (-1 == HAL_WriteHsmciCommand(descriptor)) - return false; - - return true; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sends MMC command. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - command - command index and attributes; - argument - command argument; - respLength - command response length. -\return - false - command sent failed; - true - command sent success. -******************************************************************************/ -static bool memCheckState(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint16_t state) -{ - MmcCardStatus_t *cardStatus; - /* send CMD13 command to discover current state */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SEND_STATUS, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(descriptor->commandDescriptor->responseBuffer); - - return (cardStatus->reg & STATUS_STATE) == state; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes one data block to MMC memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of block to write. -\return - status of write procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memWriteBlock(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemStatus_t)) -{ - HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t *commandDescr = descriptor->commandDescriptor; - HAL_HsmciDataTransferDescriptor_t *dataDescr = descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor; - - memDescriptor = descriptor; - - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - commandDescr->command = WRITE_BLOCK; - commandDescr->argument = address << 9; - commandDescr->responseLength = R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH; - - dataDescr->direction = HSMCI_WRITE; - dataDescr->blockSize = STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - absMemoryCallback = callback; - descriptor->callback = memWriteCallback; - - if (-1 == HAL_WriteHsmci(descriptor)) - return hsmciWriteError; - - return memSuccess; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads one data block from MMC memory at "address". -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - address - address of block to read. -\return - status of read procedure. -******************************************************************************/ -MemStatus_t memReadBlock(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint32_t address, void (*callback)(MemStatus_t)) -{ - HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t *commandDescr = descriptor->commandDescriptor; - HAL_HsmciDataTransferDescriptor_t *dataDescr = descriptor->dataTransferDescriptor; - - memDescriptor = descriptor; - - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - commandDescr->command = READ_SINGLE_BLOCK; - commandDescr->argument = address << 9; - commandDescr->responseLength = R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH; - - dataDescr->direction = HSMCI_READ; - dataDescr->blockSize = STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH; - absMemoryCallback = callback; - descriptor->callback = memReadCallback; - - if (-1 == HAL_ReadHsmci(descriptor)) - return hsmciReadError; - - return memSuccess; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if MMC memory is ready for any data transfer. -\return - false - memory is busy; - true - memory is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -bool memIsBusy(void) -{ - return HAL_HsmciCheckReady(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets maximum bus frequency for MMC memory. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - freqCode - frequency code. -\return - false - setting failed; - true - setting success. -******************************************************************************/ -static bool setMaximumCommunicationFrequency(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t freqCode, bool hsMode) -{ - uint32_t freqUnit = mmcFrequencyUnits[freqCode & FREQ_UNITS_MASK]; - uint32_t freqMult = mmcFrequencyMulptiplier[(freqCode & FREQ_MULTIPLIER_MASK) >> FREQ_MULTIPLIER_OFFSET]; - - descriptor->clockRate = freqUnit * freqMult * 100; - if (hsMode) - descriptor->clockRate *= 2; - if (-1 == HAL_SetHsmciSpeed(descriptor)) - return false; - - return true; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets maximum 4-line dat bus and high speed mode if card supports it. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor; - csdReg - pointer to csd register structure. -\return - status of operation. -******************************************************************************/ -static MemStatus_t setBusWidthAndHsMode(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor, MmcCSDRegister_t *csdReg) -{ - MmcCardStatus_t *cardStatus; - uint8_t specVersion = csdReg->specVersion; - uint8_t tranSpeed = csdReg->tranSpeed; - HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t *commandDescr = descriptor->commandDescriptor; - - /* send CMD7 command to switch to transfer state */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SELECT_CARD, REVALITE_CARD_ADDRESS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - /* send CMD16 command to set card block length */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SET_BLOCKLEN, STANDARD_BLOCK_LENGTH, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - if (specVersion < CSD_SPEC_VERS_FOUR) - { - if (!setMaximumCommunicationFrequency(descriptor, tranSpeed, false)) - return hsmciError; - else - return memSuccess; - } - - /* send CMD6 command to switch to 4-line bus */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SWITCH, CMD6_SET_4_LINE_BUS, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - descriptor->busWidth = HSMCI_BUS_WIDTH_4; - if (-1 == HAL_SetHsmciBusWidth(descriptor)) - return hsmciError; - - /* send CMD6 command to switch to high speed mode */ - if (!memSendCommand(descriptor, SWITCH, CMD6_SET_HS_MODE, R1_RESPONSE_LENGTH)) - return hsmciError; - /* wait for hsmci bus becomes free */ - while (!HAL_HsmciCheckReady()); - cardStatus = (MmcCardStatus_t *)(commandDescr->responseBuffer); - if (0 != (cardStatus->reg & ERROR_STATUS)) - return commandError; - if (!memCheckState(descriptor, STATUS_TRAN)) - return stateError; - - descriptor->highSpeedMode = true; - if (-1 == HAL_SetHsmciHighSpeedMode(descriptor)) - return hsmciError; - - if (!setMaximumCommunicationFrequency(descriptor, tranSpeed, false)) - return hsmciError; - - return memSuccess; -} - -//eof mmc.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/mscProtocol.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/mscProtocol.c deleted file mode 100644 index 47e5c2d8..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/mscProtocol.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file mscProtocol.c - - \brief Implementation of communication device protocol command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Mass storage device request handler. -\param[in] - data - pointer to host's request. -******************************************************************************/ -void msdRequestHandler(uint8_t *data) -{ - UsbMscRequest_t *pRequest = NULL; - - pRequest = (UsbMscRequest_t *)data; - if (NULL == pRequest) - return; - - // Check request code - switch (pRequest->request.bRequest) - { - case BULK_ONLY_MASS_STORAGE_RESET: - break; - case GET_MAX_LUN: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - default: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - } -} - -//eof mscProtocol.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/scsiProtocol.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/scsiProtocol.c deleted file mode 100644 index 68c3cfb6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/MSD/src/scsiProtocol.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,398 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \files scsiProtocol.h - - \brief Implementation of communication device protocol command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 30/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// scsi commands -#define INQUIRY 0x12 -#define READ_CAPACITY_10 0x25 -#define READ_10 0x28 -#define REQUEST_SENSE 0x03 -#define TEST_UNIT_READY 0x00 -#define WRITE_10 0x2A -#define PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL 0x1E -#define MODE_SENSE_6 0x1A -#define READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES 0x23 -#define VERIFY_10 0x2F - -// capacity definitions -#define BLOCK_SIZE 512 - -//inquiry definitions -#define INQUIRY_PERIPHERAL 0x00 -#define INQUIRY_REMOVABLE 0x80 -#define INQUIRY_VERSION 0x04 -#define INQUIRY_RESPONSE_FORMAT 0x02 -#define INQUIRY_ADDITIONAL_LENGTH 0x20 -#define INQUIRY_FLAGS 0x00 -#define INQUIRY_VENDOR_ID "Atmel " -#define INQUIRY_PRODUCT_ID "Mass Storage " -#define INQUIRY_PRODUCT_REVISION "0001" - -// request sense definitions -#define REQUEST_SENSE_CODE 0xF0 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_OBSOLETE 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_NORMAL_FLAGS 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_ERROR_FLAGS 0x05 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_INFO 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_LENGTH 0x0A -#define REQUEST_SENSE_CMD_SPECIFIC_INFO 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_NORMAL_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_ERROR_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE 0x20 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE_QUALIFIER 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_FIELD_REPLACABLE_UNIT_CODE 0x00 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC_VALID 0x80 -#define REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC 0x00 - -// mode sense definitions -#define MODE_SENSE_LENGTH 0x03 -#define MODE_SENSE_MEDIA_TYPE 0x00 -#define MODE_SENSE_DEVICE_SPECIFIC 0x00 -#define MODE_SENSE_BLOCK_DESC_LENGTH 0x00 - -// format capacities definitions -#define FORMAT_CAPACITIES_RESERVED 0x00 -#define FORMAT_CAPACITIES_LENGTH 0x08 -#define FORMAT_CAPACITIES_DESC_TYPE 0x01 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -BEGIN_PACK -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint32_t lastLogicalBlock; - uint32_t logicalBlockLength; -} ScsiReadCapacityResponse_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t peripheral; - uint8_t removable; - uint8_t version; - uint8_t responseDataFormat; - uint8_t additionalLength; - uint8_t flags[3]; - uint8_t vendorId[8]; - uint8_t productId[16]; - uint8_t productRevision[4]; -} ScsiInquiryResponse_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t responseCodeAndValid; - uint8_t obsolete; - uint8_t flags; - uint32_t information; - uint8_t addSenseLen; - uint32_t cmdSpecificInfo; - uint8_t additionalSenseCode; - uint8_t additionalSenseCodeQualifier; - uint8_t fieldReplacableUnitCode; - uint8_t senseKeySpecific[3]; -} ScsiRequestSenseResponse_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t modeDataLength; - uint8_t mediumType; - uint8_t deviceSpecific; - uint8_t blockDescriptorLength; -} ScsiModeSense6Response_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t reserved[3]; - uint8_t length; - uint32_t blocksNumber; - uint8_t descType; - uint8_t blockLengthUp; - uint16_t blockLengthDown; -} ScsiReadFormatCapacities_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t flags; - uint32_t logicalBlockAddress; - uint8_t groupNumber; - uint16_t transferLength; - uint8_t control; -} ScsiReadWriteCommand_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t index; - union - { - ScsiReadWriteCommand_t rwCommand; - }; -} ScsiCommand_t; -END_PACK - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static bool defaultRequestSenseResponse; -static uint32_t lastLogicalBlockNum; - -/****************************************************************************** - Constants section -******************************************************************************/ -const ScsiInquiryResponse_t inquiryResponse = { - INQUIRY_PERIPHERAL, - INQUIRY_REMOVABLE, - INQUIRY_VERSION, - INQUIRY_RESPONSE_FORMAT, - INQUIRY_ADDITIONAL_LENGTH, - {INQUIRY_FLAGS, INQUIRY_FLAGS, INQUIRY_FLAGS}, - INQUIRY_VENDOR_ID, - INQUIRY_PRODUCT_ID, - INQUIRY_PRODUCT_REVISION -}; - -const ScsiRequestSenseResponse_t normalRequestSenseResponse = { - REQUEST_SENSE_CODE, - REQUEST_SENSE_OBSOLETE, - REQUEST_SENSE_NORMAL_FLAGS, - SWAP32(REQUEST_SENSE_INFO), - REQUEST_SENSE_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_LENGTH, - SWAP32(REQUEST_SENSE_CMD_SPECIFIC_INFO), - REQUEST_SENSE_NORMAL_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE, - REQUEST_SENSE_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE_QUALIFIER, - REQUEST_SENSE_FIELD_REPLACABLE_UNIT_CODE, - {REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC_VALID, REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC, REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC} -}; - -const ScsiRequestSenseResponse_t errorRequestSenseResponse = { - REQUEST_SENSE_CODE, - REQUEST_SENSE_OBSOLETE, - REQUEST_SENSE_ERROR_FLAGS, - SWAP32(REQUEST_SENSE_INFO), - REQUEST_SENSE_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_LENGTH, - SWAP32(REQUEST_SENSE_CMD_SPECIFIC_INFO), - REQUEST_SENSE_ERROR_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE, - REQUEST_SENSE_ADDITIONAL_SENSE_CODE_QUALIFIER, - REQUEST_SENSE_FIELD_REPLACABLE_UNIT_CODE, - {REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC_VALID, REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC, REQUEST_SENSE_SENSE_KEY_SPECIFIC} -}; - -const ScsiModeSense6Response_t modeSense6Response = { - MODE_SENSE_LENGTH, - MODE_SENSE_MEDIA_TYPE, - MODE_SENSE_DEVICE_SPECIFIC, - MODE_SENSE_BLOCK_DESC_LENGTH -}; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if received scsi command is supported. -\param[in] - data - pointer to received command with parameters. -\return - false - command is not supported; - true - command is supported. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsValidCommand(uint8_t *data) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - - command->rwCommand.transferLength = SWAP16(command->rwCommand.transferLength); - command->rwCommand.logicalBlockAddress = SWAP32(command->rwCommand.logicalBlockAddress); - - switch (command->index) - { - case INQUIRY: - case READ_CAPACITY_10: - case TEST_UNIT_READY: - case PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL: - case READ_10: - case WRITE_10: - case MODE_SENSE_6: - case READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES: - case VERIFY_10: - defaultRequestSenseResponse = true; - break; - case REQUEST_SENSE: - return true; - default: - defaultRequestSenseResponse = false; - break; - } - - return defaultRequestSenseResponse; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if any response or data transfer needed for received - scsi command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\return - false - response is not needed; - true - response is needed. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsDataInOutPhaseNeeded(uint8_t *data) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - - if ((TEST_UNIT_READY == command->index) || (PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL == command->index) - || (VERIFY_10 == command->index)) - return false; - if ((READ_10 == command->index) || (WRITE_10 == command->index)) - if (0 == command->rwCommand.transferLength) - return false; - return true; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if command is read or write command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\return - false - command is not read/write command; - true - command is read/write command. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsReadWriteCommand(uint8_t *data) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - - return ((READ_10 == command->index) || (WRITE_10 == command->index)); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if command is read command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\return - false - command is not read command; - true - command is read command. -******************************************************************************/ -bool scsiIsReadCommand(uint8_t *data) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - - return (READ_10 == command->index); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Blocks for read/write command. -\param[in] - data - pointer to received command with parameters. -\return - number of blocks to read or write from memory. -******************************************************************************/ -uint16_t scsiBlocksAmount(uint8_t *data) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - - if ((READ_10 == command->index) || (WRITE_10 == command->index)) - return command->rwCommand.transferLength; - - return 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Response for scsi command. -\param[in] - command - received command. -\param[out] - buffer - buffer with scsi command response. -\return - length of response -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t scsiGetCommandResponse(uint8_t *data, uint8_t *buffer) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - ScsiReadCapacityResponse_t readCapacityResponse = { - .lastLogicalBlock = SWAP32(lastLogicalBlockNum), - .logicalBlockLength = SWAP32(BLOCK_SIZE) - }; - ScsiReadFormatCapacities_t readFormatCapacitiesResponse = { - .reserved = {FORMAT_CAPACITIES_RESERVED, FORMAT_CAPACITIES_RESERVED, FORMAT_CAPACITIES_RESERVED}, - .length = FORMAT_CAPACITIES_LENGTH, - .blocksNumber = SWAP32(lastLogicalBlockNum + 1), - .descType = FORMAT_CAPACITIES_DESC_TYPE, - .blockLengthUp = 0, - .blockLengthDown = SWAP16(BLOCK_SIZE) - }; - - if (INQUIRY == command->index) - { - memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)&inquiryResponse, sizeof(ScsiInquiryResponse_t)); - return sizeof(ScsiInquiryResponse_t); - } - if (READ_CAPACITY_10 == command->index) - { - memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)&readCapacityResponse, sizeof(ScsiReadCapacityResponse_t)); - return sizeof(ScsiReadCapacityResponse_t); - } - if (REQUEST_SENSE == command->index) - { - if (defaultRequestSenseResponse) - memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)&normalRequestSenseResponse, sizeof(ScsiRequestSenseResponse_t)); - else - memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)&errorRequestSenseResponse, sizeof(ScsiRequestSenseResponse_t)); - return sizeof(ScsiRequestSenseResponse_t); - } - if (MODE_SENSE_6 == command->index) - { - memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)&modeSense6Response, sizeof(ScsiModeSense6Response_t)); - return sizeof(ScsiModeSense6Response_t); - } - if (READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES == command->index) - { - memcpy(buffer, (uint8_t *)&readFormatCapacitiesResponse, sizeof(ScsiReadFormatCapacities_t)); - return sizeof(ScsiReadFormatCapacities_t); - } - return 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets number of last available memory block for scsi response. -\param[in] - lastBlock - received command. -\param[out] - buffer - number of last available memory block -******************************************************************************/ -void scsiSetCapacity(uint32_t lastBlock) -{ - lastLogicalBlockNum = lastBlock; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Block address for read/write command. -\param[in] - data - pointer to received command with parameters. -\return - block address for read or write from memory. -******************************************************************************/ -uint32_t scsiGetBlockAddress(uint8_t *data) -{ - ScsiCommand_t *command = (ScsiCommand_t *)data; - - return command->rwCommand.logicalBlockAddress; -} - -//eof scsiProtocol.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/Makefile b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 604aa147..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -COMPONENTS_PATH = ../../../.. -#include $(COMPONENTS_PATH)/Makerules -include $(MAKERULES) - -DEBUG = NO - -# Hardware flags. -CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_HW) - -##### PATHS FLAGS OF INCLUDES ######### -CFLAGS += -I./include -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_PATH)/include -CFLAGS += -I./../common/include -CFLAGS += -I$(SE_PATH)/include -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_PATH)/drivers/include -CFLAGS += -I$(HAL_HWD_COMMON_PATH)/include - -#### DEFINES FLAGS ####### -ifeq ($(DEBUG), YES) - CFLAGS += -DUSB_TRACE -endif - -###### LIB ########## -BUILDDIR = . -COMMONBUILDDIR = ./../common - -LIBDIR = ./../../lib -LDFLAGS = -L$(LIBDIR) -PROG = VCP.elf -LIBS = $(LIBDIR)/lib$(VCP_LIB).a - -driver_label: - @echo - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - @echo VCP library creation. - @echo ---------------------------------------------------- - -modules = \ - vcpCdcProtocol \ - vcpVirtualUsart - -commonModules = \ - usbDescriptors \ - usbEnumeration \ - usbSetupProcess - -objects = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/objs/,$(modules))) -sources = $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/src/,$(modules))) - -commonObjects = $(addsuffix .o,$(addprefix $(COMMONBUILDDIR)/objs/,$(commonModules))) -CommonSources = $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix $(COMMONBUILDDIR)/src/,$(commonModules))) - -OBJS = $(objects) -OBJS += $(commonObjects) - -###### TARGETS ################ -all: driver_label LIB_VCP -################ -$(BUILDDIR)/objs/%.o: $(BUILDDIR)/src/%.c - $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -$(COMMONBUILDDIR)/objs/%.o: $(COMMONBUILDDIR)/src/%.c - $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ - -################ -LIB_VCP : $(OBJS) - $(AR) $(AR_KEYS) $(LIBDIR)/lib$(VCP_LIB).a $(OBJS) - $(SIZE) -td $(LIBDIR)/lib$(VCP_LIB).a -################ -clean: - rm -f $(objects) $(LIBS) $(BUILDDIR)/list/*.* - rm -f $(commonObjects) $(LIBS) $(COMMONBUILDDIR)/list/*.* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/include/vcpCdcProtocol.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/include/vcpCdcProtocol.h deleted file mode 100644 index e8044c41..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/include/vcpCdcProtocol.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file vcpCdcProtocol.h - - \brief Declaration of communication device protocol command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 05/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _VCPCDCPROTOCOL_H -#define _VCPCDCPROTOCOL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// data size in request structure -#define CDC_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE 7 -// data size in notification structure -#define NOTIFICATION_DATA_SIZE 2 - -// request codes for communication interface class -#define SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND 0x00 -#define GET_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE 0x01 -#define SET_COMM_FEATURE 0x02 -#define GET_COMM_FEATURE 0x03 -#define CLEAR_COMM_FEATURE 0x04 -#define SET_AUX_LINE_STATE 0x10 -#define SET_HOOK_STATE 0x11 -#define PULSE_SETUP 0x12 -#define SEND_PULSE 0x13 -#define SET_PULSE_TIME 0x14 -#define RING_AUX_JACK 0x15 -#define SET_LINE_CODING 0x20 -#define GET_LINE_CODING 0x21 -#define SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE 0x22 -#define SEND_BREAK 0x23 -#define SET_RINGER_PARMS 0x30 -#define GET_RINGER_PARMS 0x31 -#define SET_OPERATION_PARMS 0x32 -#define GET_OPERATION_PARMS 0x33 -#define SET_LINE_PARMS 0x34 -#define GET_LINE_PARMS 0x35 -#define DIAL_DIGITS 0x36 -#define SET_UNIT_PARAMETER 0x37 -#define GET_UNIT_PARAMETER 0x38 -#define CLEAR_UNIT_PARAMETER 0x39 -#define GET_PROFILE 0x3A -#define SET_ETHERNET_MULTICAST_FILTERS 0x40 -#define SET_ETHERNET_POWER_MANAGEMENT_PATTERNFILTER 0x41 -#define GET_ETHERNET_POWER_MANAGEMENT_PATTERNFILTER 0x42 -#define SET_ETHERNET_PACKET_FILTER 0x43 -#define GET_ETHERNET_STATISTIC 0x44 -#define SET_ATM_DATA_FORMAT 0x50 -#define GET_ATM_DEVICE_STATISTICS 0x51 -#define SET_ATM_DEFAULT_VC 0x52 -#define GET_ATM_VC_STATISTICS 0x53 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -BEGIN_PACK -// Usb host request -typedef struct PACK -{ - UsbRequest_t request; - uint8_t bData[CDC_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE]; -} UsbCdcRequest_t; - -// Usb GetLineCoding device response -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint32_t dwDTERate; - uint8_t bCharFormat; - uint8_t bParityType; - uint8_t bDataBits; -} GetLineCodingResponse_t; - -typedef union PACK -{ - GetLineCodingResponse_t getLineCoding; -} UsbCdcResponse_t; - -// Usb VCP notification -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bmRequestType; - uint8_t bNotification; - uint16_t wValue; - uint16_t wIndex; - uint16_t wLength; - uint8_t bData[NOTIFICATION_DATA_SIZE]; -} UsbNotification_t; -END_PACK - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -communication device request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpRequestHandler(uint8_t *data); - -#endif /* _VCPCDCPROTOCOL_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpCdcProtocol.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpCdcProtocol.c deleted file mode 100644 index 6ea63557..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpCdcProtocol.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file vcpCdcProtocol.h - - \brief Implementation of communication device protocol command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 11/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// virtual uart speed -#define VU_1200 0x4B0 -#define VU_2400 0x960 -#define VU_4800 0x12C0 -#define VU_9600 0x2580 -#define VU_19200 0x4B00 -#define VU_38400 0x9600 -#define VU_57600 0xE100 -#define VU_115200 0x1C200 - -// char size -#define VU_1STOPBIT 0 -#define VU_1d5STOPBITS 1 -#define VU_2STOPBITS 2 - -// parity -#define VU_NONE 0 -#define VU_ODD 1 -#define VU_EVEN 2 -#define VU_MARK 3 -#define VU_SPACE 4 - -// data bits number -#define VU_5DATABITS 5 -#define VU_6DATABITS 6 -#define VU_7DATABITS 7 -#define VU_8DATABITS 8 -#define VU_16DATABITS 16 - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *vcpPointDescrip; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -UsbCdcRequest_t request; -UsbCdcResponse_t response; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Get baud rate meaning for cdc response. - -Parameters: - baudRate - virtual uart baudRate -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpGetBaudRate(uint32_t baudRate) -{ - (void)baudRate; - response.getLineCoding.dwDTERate = VU_115200; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Get number of stop bits meaning for cdc response. - -Parameters: - stopBits - virtual uart stop bits -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpGetStopBits(uint8_t stopBits) -{ - (void)stopBits; - response.getLineCoding.bCharFormat = VU_1STOPBIT; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Get parity meaning for cdc response. - -Parameters: - parity - virtual uart parity -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpGetParity(uint8_t parity) -{ - (void)parity; - response.getLineCoding.bParityType = VU_NONE; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Get data length meaning for cdc response. - -Parameters: - dataLength - virtual uart data length -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpGetDataLength(uint8_t dataLength) -{ - (void)dataLength; - response.getLineCoding.bDataBits = VU_8DATABITS; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Get virtual uart data and send answer to host. -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpResponseGetLineCoding(void) -{ - vcpGetBaudRate(vcpPointDescrip->baudrate); - vcpGetStopBits(vcpPointDescrip->stopbits); - vcpGetParity(vcpPointDescrip->parity); - vcpGetDataLength(vcpPointDescrip->dataLength); - - HAL_UsbWrite(0, (void *)&response, sizeof(GetLineCodingResponse_t), 0, 0); -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Set baud rate meaning to virtual port. - -Parameters: - baudRate - virtual uart baud rate -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpSetBaudRate(uint32_t baudRate) -{ - (void)baudRate; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Set number stop bits to virtual port. - -Parameters: - stopBits - virtual uart stop bits -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpSetStopBits(uint8_t stopBits) -{ - (void)stopBits; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Set parity meaning to virtual port. - -Parameters: - parity - virtual uart parity -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpSetParity(uint8_t parity) -{ - (void)parity; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Set data length to virtual port. - -Parameters: - dataLength - virtual uart data length -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpSetDataLength(uint8_t dataLength) -{ - (void)dataLength; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Set virtual uart data and send response to host. -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpResponseSetLineCoding(void) -{ - vcpSetBaudRate(response.getLineCoding.dwDTERate); - vcpSetStopBits(response.getLineCoding.bCharFormat); - vcpSetParity(response.getLineCoding.bParityType); - vcpSetDataLength(response.getLineCoding.bDataBits); - -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - sendZLP(); -#endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** -communication device request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpRequestHandler(uint8_t *data) -{ - UsbCdcRequest_t *pRequest = NULL; - - pRequest = (UsbCdcRequest_t *)data; - if (NULL == pRequest) - return; - - // Check request code - switch (pRequest->request.bRequest) - { - case SET_LINE_CODING: - HAL_UsbRead(0, (void *)&response, sizeof(GetLineCodingResponse_t), (TransferCallback_t)vcpResponseSetLineCoding, 0); - break; - case GET_LINE_CODING: - vcpResponseGetLineCoding(); - break; - case SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: - //vcpReadDataFromSetControlLineState(pRequest->wValue); // possible in the future - #if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - sendZLP(); - #endif - break; - default: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - } -} - -//eof vcpCdcProtocol.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpVirtualUsart.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpVirtualUsart.c deleted file mode 100644 index 29469576..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/VCP/src/vcpVirtualUsart.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,498 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file vcpVirtualUart.c - - \brief Implementation of virtual uart API. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 11/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// usart control -typedef struct -{ - uint16_t rxUnusedRemaining; -} VcpControl_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Tuning of received buffer and enable received pipe if there is free place -in the buffer. -Parameters: - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpEnableReadPipe(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern UsbCdcRequest_t request; -extern UsbCdcResponse_t response; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// pointer to application uart descriptor -HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *vcpPointDescrip = NULL; -// structure for internal ring buffer -VcpControl_t vcpControl; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Transmitting callback of virtual uart -Parameters: - pArg - pointer to some data. - status - result of the USB transfer. - transferred - how much data are transferred - remaining - how much data are not transferred -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpTmtCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining) -{ - (void)pArg; - (void)status; - (void)remaining; - uint16_t copyPor = vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfRead; - uint16_t copyPow = vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfWrite; - bool endOfTransferring = true; - - if (NULL != vcpPointDescrip) - { - if (NULL != vcpPointDescrip->txBuffer) - { /* polling mode */ - copyPor += transferred; - if (copyPor == vcpPointDescrip->txBufferLength) - copyPor = 0; - - if (copyPor != copyPow) - { - if (copyPor > copyPow) - { - HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, &vcpPointDescrip->txBuffer[copyPor], - (vcpPointDescrip->txBufferLength - copyPor), vcpTmtCallback, NULL); - } - else - { - HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, &vcpPointDescrip->txBuffer[copyPor], - (copyPow - copyPor), vcpTmtCallback, NULL); - } - } - endOfTransferring = false; - vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfRead = copyPor; - } /* polling mode */ - - if (!endOfTransferring) - return; - - if (!(transferred % BULK_SIZE) && transferred) - { - /* - Universal Serial Bus Class Definitions for Communication Devices - Segment Delineation - This positive delineation is done using a USB short packet mechanism. When a segment spans N USB packets, the - first packet through packet N-1 shall be the maximum packet size defined for the USB endpoint. If the Nth packet is - less than maximum packet size the USB transfer of this short packet will identify the end of the segment. If the Nth - packet is exactly maximum packet size, it shall be followed by a zero-length packet (which is a short packet) to assure - the end of segment is properly identified. - When transmitting data to the networking device, it is assumed that the client of the host USB driver takes the - appropriate actions to cause a short packet to be sent to the networking device. For segments with lengths that are an - even multiple of the pipe’s “max packet size”, the ability to write a buffer of zero length is required to generate this - short packet. - */ - HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, NULL, 0, vcpTmtCallback, NULL); - } - else - { - if (NULL != vcpPointDescrip->txCallback) - vcpPointDescrip->txCallback(); - } - - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Receiving callback of virtual uart -Parameters: - pArg - pointer to something data. - status - result of the USB transfer. - transferred - how much data are transferred - remaining - how much data are not transferred -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpRcvCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining) -{ - (void)pArg; - (void)status; - (void)remaining; - uint16_t number; - uint16_t copyPor; - uint16_t copyPow; - uint16_t copyUnr; - - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite += transferred; - copyPor = vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead; - copyPow = vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite; - copyUnr = vcpControl.rxUnusedRemaining; - - if (NULL != vcpPointDescrip) - { - if (NULL != vcpPointDescrip->rxCallback) - { - if (copyPow < copyPor) - number = copyUnr - (copyPor - copyPow); - else - number = copyPow - copyPor; - - vcpPointDescrip->rxCallback(number); - vcpEnableReadPipe(); - } - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Open virtual com port and register uart's event handlers. - -Parameters: - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure - -Returns: - Returns positive uart descriptor on success or -1 in cases: - - bad uart channel; - - there are not enough resources; - - receiving buffer is less bulk endpoint size; -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_OpenUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (USART_CHANNEL_VCP != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - if (NULL != vcpPointDescrip) - return -1; /* source was opened */ - - vcpPointDescrip = descriptor; - - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead = 0; - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite = 0; - vcpControl.rxUnusedRemaining = vcpPointDescrip->rxBufferLength; - vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfRead = 0; - vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfWrite = 0; - HAL_RegisterEndOfBusResetHandler(usbBusResetAction); - if (DEVICE_POWERED != HAL_GetState()) - HAL_UsbInit((uint8_t *)&request); - - return (int)descriptor->tty; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Frees the virtual uart channel. -Parameters: - descriptor - the uart descriptor. -Returns: - Returns 0 on success or -1 if bad descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_CloseUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (vcpPointDescrip != descriptor) - return -1; - - vcpPointDescrip = NULL; - - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Writes a number of bytes to a virtual uart channel. -txCallback function will be used to notify when the transmission is finished. -Parameters: - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer; - length - number of bytes to transfer; -Returns: - -1 - bad descriptor; - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_WriteUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t copyPow = vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfWrite; - uint16_t copyPor = vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfRead; - uint16_t freePlace; - uint16_t wasWrote = 0; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (vcpPointDescrip != descriptor) - return -1; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - if (NULL == descriptor->txBuffer) - { /* callback mode */ - if (STATUS_SUCCESS != HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, buffer, length, vcpTmtCallback, NULL)) - return -1; // there is unsent data - return length; - } /* callback mode */ - else - { /* polling mode */ - if (copyPor > copyPow) - { - freePlace = copyPor - copyPow; - if (freePlace < length) - return -1; // there is unsent data - memcpy(&descriptor->txBuffer[copyPow], buffer, length); - HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, buffer, length, vcpTmtCallback, NULL); - copyPow += length; - - } - else // point of write more or equal point of read - { - freePlace = descriptor->txBufferLength - copyPow + copyPor; - if (freePlace < length) - return -1; // there is unsent data - - uint16_t tempValue = descriptor->txBufferLength - copyPow; - if (length > tempValue) - { - memcpy(&descriptor->txBuffer[copyPow], buffer, tempValue); - HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, buffer, tempValue, vcpTmtCallback, NULL); - buffer += tempValue; - length -= tempValue; - memcpy(descriptor->txBuffer, buffer, length); - copyPow = length; - } - else - { - memcpy(&descriptor->txBuffer[copyPow], buffer, length); - HAL_UsbWrite(VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE, buffer, length, vcpTmtCallback, NULL); - copyPow += length; - } - } - - if (copyPow == descriptor->txBufferLength) - copyPow = 0; - vcpPointDescrip->service.txPointOfWrite = copyPow; - wasWrote = length; - - return wasWrote; - } /* polling mode */ -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Tuning of received buffer and enable received pipe if there is free place -in the buffer. -Parameters: - none; -Returns: - none. -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpEnableReadPipe(void) -{ - uint16_t copyPor = vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead; - uint16_t copyPow = vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite; - uint16_t copyUnr = vcpControl.rxUnusedRemaining; - uint8_t usbResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; - - do - { - if (copyPor < copyPow) - { - if ((vcpPointDescrip->rxBufferLength - copyPow) < BULK_SIZE) - { - copyUnr = copyPow; - if (0 == copyPor) - { - usbResult = STATUS_BUSY; - break; - } - copyPow = 0; - } - else - { - usbResult = HAL_UsbRead(VCP_RECEIVE_PIPE, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPow], BULK_SIZE, vcpRcvCallback, NULL); - break; - } - } - else - { - // empty buffer - if (copyPow == copyPor) - { - if ((vcpPointDescrip->rxBufferLength - copyPow) < BULK_SIZE) - { - copyUnr = vcpPointDescrip->rxBufferLength; - copyPor = 0; - copyPow = 0; - } - usbResult = HAL_UsbRead(VCP_RECEIVE_PIPE, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPow], BULK_SIZE, vcpRcvCallback, NULL); - } // copyPor > copyPow - else - { - if ((copyPor - copyPow) >= BULK_SIZE) - usbResult = HAL_UsbRead(VCP_RECEIVE_PIPE, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPow], BULK_SIZE, vcpRcvCallback, NULL); - else - usbResult = STATUS_BUSY; - } - break; - } - } while(1); - - if (STATUS_SUCCESS == usbResult) - { - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead = copyPor; - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite = copyPow; - vcpControl.rxUnusedRemaining = copyUnr; - } -} - -/***************************************************************************** -Reads length bytes from uart and places ones to buffer. -Parameters: - descriptor - uart descriptor; - buffer - pointer to a application buffer; - length - the number of bytes which should be placed to buffer -Returns: - -1 - bad descriptor, bad number to read; - number of bytes that were placed to buffer. -*****************************************************************************/ -int VCP_ReadUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t wasRead = 0; - uint16_t firstPart = 0; - uint16_t copyPor = vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead; - uint16_t copyPow = vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite; - uint16_t copyUnr = vcpControl.rxUnusedRemaining; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (vcpPointDescrip != descriptor) - return -1; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - do - { - // buffer is empty - if (copyPow == copyPor) - break; - - // [----**********---------] --- empty **** busy - // por pow - // [*****---------*******###] ### unused at the current moment - // pow por ur - // por - point of read(user read from buffer) - // pow - point of write(HAL write to buffer) - // ur - unused remaining(because remaining less then max packet size at the start read moment.) - if (copyPor < copyPow) - { - wasRead = copyPow - copyPor; - - if (wasRead > length) - { - wasRead = length; - memcpy(buffer, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPor], wasRead); - copyPor += length; - } - else - { - memcpy(buffer, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPor], wasRead); - copyPor = copyPow; - } - break; - } - else //copyPor > copyPow - { - if ((copyPor + length) < copyUnr) - { - wasRead = length; - memcpy(buffer, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPor], wasRead); - copyPor += length; - break; - } - else - { - firstPart = copyUnr - copyPor; - memcpy(buffer, &vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer[copyPor], firstPart); - buffer += firstPart; - length -= firstPart; - copyUnr = vcpPointDescrip->rxBufferLength; - copyPor = 0; - } - } - } while(1); - - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead = copyPor; - vcpPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite = copyPow; - vcpControl.rxUnusedRemaining = copyUnr; - - vcpEnableReadPipe(); - wasRead += firstPart; - - return wasRead; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the status of tx buffer. - -\param[in] descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; -\return -1 - bad descriptor, no tx buffer; \n - 1 - tx buffer is empty; \n - 0 - tx buffer is not empty; -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_IsTxEmpty(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - HalUsartService_t *halUsartControl; - uint16_t copyPow; - uint16_t copyPor; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (vcpPointDescrip != descriptor) - return -1; - - halUsartControl = &descriptor->service; - copyPow = halUsartControl->txPointOfWrite; - copyPor = halUsartControl->txPointOfRead; - - if (copyPow == copyPor) - return 1; - else - return 0; -} - -// eof vcpVirtualUart.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbDescriptors.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbDescriptors.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6c07c4cb..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbDescriptors.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbDescriptors.h - - \brief Declaration of descriptors structures. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 05/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created - 26/08/11 N. Fomin - Modified (MSD support) -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _USBDESCRIPTORS_H -#define _USBDESCRIPTORS_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define VCP_INTERFACE_ENDPOINTS_NUMBER 2 -#define MSD_INTERFACE_ENDPOINTS_NUMBER 2 - -#define NUMBER_OF_FIRST_INTERFACE 0x00 -#define NUMBER_OF_SECOND_INTERFACE 0x01 -#define NUMBER_OF_THIRD_INTERFACE 0x02 -#define NUMBER_OF_FOURTH_INTERFACE 0x03 - -#define BULK_SIZE 0x0040 - -#define ADDRESS_MSC_BULKIN_PIPE 0x85 -#define ADDRESS_MSC_BULKOUT_PIPE 0x06 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// USB standard device descriptor structure. -BEGIN_PACK -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bLength; // Size of this descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint16_t bcdUSB; // USB specification release number in BCD format - uint8_t bDeviceClass; // Device class code - uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; // Device subclass code - uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; // Device protocol code - uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; // Maximum packet size of endpoint 0 (in bytes) - uint16_t idVendor; // Vendor ID - uint16_t idProduct; // Product ID - uint16_t bcdDevice; // Device release number in BCD format - uint8_t iManufacturer; // Index of the manufacturer string descriptor - uint8_t iProduct; // Index of the product string descriptor - uint8_t iSerialNumber; // Index of the serial number string descriptor - uint8_t bNumConfigurations; // Number of possible configurations for the device -} DeviceDescriptor_t; - -// USB standard configuration descriptor structure. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint16_t wTotalLength; // Length of all descriptors returned along with this configuration descriptor - uint8_t bNumInterfaces; // Number of interfaces in this configuration - uint8_t bConfigurationValue; // Value for selecting this configuration - uint8_t iConfiguration; // Index of the configuration string descriptor - uint8_t bmAttributes; // Configuration characteristics - uint8_t bMaxPower; // Maximum power consumption of the device when in this configuration -} ConfigurationDescriptor_t; - -// USB standard interface descriptor structure. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; // Number of the interface in its configuration - uint8_t bAlternateSetting; // Value to select this alternate interface setting - uint8_t bNumEndpoints; // Number of endpoints used by the interface (excluding endpoint 0) - uint8_t bInterfaceClass; // Interface class code - uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; // Interface subclass code - uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; // Interface protocol code - uint8_t iInterface; // Index of the interface string descriptor -} InterfaceDescriptor_t; - -// USB header functional descriptor. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bFunctionalLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; // Header functional descriptor subtype - uint16_t bcdCDC; // USB Class Definitions for Communication - // Devices Specification release number in binary-coded decimal. -} HeaderFunctionalDescriptor_t; - -// USB Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bFunctionalLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; // ACM descriptor subtype - uint8_t bmCapabilities; // The capabilities that this configuration supports -} AbstractControlManagmentDescriptor_t; - -// USB Union Functional Descriptor. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bFunctionalLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; // Union functional descriptor subtype - uint8_t bMasterInterface; // The interface number of the Communication or Data Class interface, designated as the master or controlling interface for the union - uint8_t bSlaveInterface0; // Interface number of first slave or associated interface in the union -} UnionFunctionalDescriptor_t; - -// USB Call Management Functional Descriptor. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bFunctionalLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; // Union functional descriptor subtype - uint8_t bmCapabilities; // The capabilities that this configuration supports - uint8_t bDataInterface; // Interface number of Data Class interface optionally used for call management -} CallManagmentFunctionalDescriptor_t; - -// USB Interface Association Descriptor. -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bFirstInterface; // Interface number of the first interface that is associated with this function - uint8_t bInterfaceCount; // Number of contiguous interfaces that are associated with this function - uint8_t bFunctionClass; // Class code - uint8_t bFunctionSubClass; // Subclass code - uint8_t bFunctionProtocol; // Protocol code - uint8_t iFunction; // Index of string descriptor describing this function -} InterfaceAssociationDescriptor_t; - -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bmAttributes; // Descriptor attributes - uint16_t wDetachTimeOut; // Wait timeout of USB reset after DFU_DETACH request recieption - uint16_t wTransferSize; // Maximum number of bytes that the device can accept per control-write transaction - uint16_t bcdDFUVersion; // DFU Version -} DfuFunctionalDescriptor_t; - -// USB frame for interface request. -typedef struct PACK -{ - ConfigurationDescriptor_t config; -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) -#if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) || (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - InterfaceAssociationDescriptor_t cdcIAD; -#endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) || (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - InterfaceDescriptor_t interface1; - HeaderFunctionalDescriptor_t headerFunctional; - CallManagmentFunctionalDescriptor_t cmFunctionak; - AbstractControlManagmentDescriptor_t acmFunctional; - UnionFunctionalDescriptor_t unionFunctional; - HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t endpointIfc1; - InterfaceDescriptor_t interface2; - HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t endpointIfc2[VCP_INTERFACE_ENDPOINTS_NUMBER]; -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) -#if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - InterfaceDescriptor_t interface3; - HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t endpointIfc3[MSD_INTERFACE_ENDPOINTS_NUMBER]; -#endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - InterfaceDescriptor_t interface4; - DfuFunctionalDescriptor_t dfuFuncional; -#endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -} ConfigurationFrameResponse_t; -END_PACK - -#endif /* _VCPDESCRIPTORS_H */ -// eof usbDescriptors.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbEnumeration.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbEnumeration.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8c04756b..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbEnumeration.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbEnumeration.h - - \brief Declaration of enumeration process command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 12/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created - 26/08/11 N. Fomin - Modified (MSD support) -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _USBENUMERATION_H -#define _USBENUMERATION_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Standard usb request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void runtimeRequestHandler(uint8_t *data); - -/****************************************************************************** -Standard usb request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void usbBusResetAction(void); - -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -/****************************************************************************** -send zero-length packet through control pipe -******************************************************************************/ -void sendZLP(void); -#endif - -#endif /* _USBENUMERATION_H */ -// eof usbEnumeration.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbSetupProcess.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbSetupProcess.h deleted file mode 100644 index f499a80e..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/include/usbSetupProcess.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbSetupProcess.h - - \brief Declaration of setup (after numeration) process command. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 26/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _USBESETUPPROCESS_H -#define _USBESETUPPROCESS_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -BEGIN_PACK -// Usb host request -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bmRequestType; - uint8_t bRequest; - uint16_t wValue; - uint16_t wIndex; - uint16_t wLength; -} UsbRequest_t; -END_PACK -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Usb setup process request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void setupProcessRequestHandler(uint8_t *data); - -#endif /* _USBESETUPPROCESS_H */ -// eof usbSetupProcess.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbDescriptors.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbDescriptors.c deleted file mode 100644 index 663beeee..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbDescriptors.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,424 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbDescriptors.c - - \brief Virtual communication port descriptors. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 11/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created - 26/08/11 N. Fomin - Modified (MSD support) -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// Descriptor's type definitions. -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE 0x01 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION 0x02 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING 0x03 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE 0x04 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE 0x24 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT 0x05 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CFG 0x07 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE_POWER 0x08 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION 0x0B -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DFU_FUNCTIONAL 0x21 - -// String definitions' indexes. -#define MANUFACTURER_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define PRODUCT_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define CONFIGURATION_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define FIRST_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define SECOND_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define THIRD_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX 0 -#define FOURTH_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX 0 - -#define VENDOR_ID 0x03EB // Atmel -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6122 - #else - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6121 - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #else // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6120 - #else - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6119 - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#else // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6124 - #else - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6123 - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #else // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6119 - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - -#define DEVICE_RELEASE 0x0001 -#define USB_BUS_RELEASE 0x0200 - -// Number of possible configurations for the device. -#define NUMBER_OF_CONFIGURATIONS 0x01 - -// Class specification parameters of communication device. -#define CDC_DEVICE_CLASS 0x02 -#define CDC_DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0x00 -#define CDC_DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0x00 - -// Class specification parameters of mass storage device. -#define MSC_DEVICE_CLASS 0x00 -#define MSC_DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0x00 -#define MSC_DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0x00 - -// Class specification parameters of composite device with CDC. -#define COMB_DEVICE_CLASS 0xef -#define COMB_DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0x02 -#define COMB_DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0x01 - -// Endpoint definitions' sizes. -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - #define SZ_CONTROL_ENDPOINT 0x08 // endpoint 0 is control pipe -#elif defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - #define SZ_CONTROL_ENDPOINT 0x40 // endpoint 0 is control pipe -#endif -#define SZ_ACM_INT_ENDPOINT 0x0008 // endpoint 3 is interrupt pipe for abstraction control model -#define SZ_CDC_BULKIN_ENDPOINT BULK_SIZE // endpoint 2 is bulk pipe for input communication data -#define SZ_CDC_BULKOUT_ENDPOINT BULK_SIZE // endpoint 1 is bulk pipe for output communication data -#define SZ_MSC_BULKIN_ENDPOINT BULK_SIZE // endpoint 2 is bulk pipe for input communication data -#define SZ_MSC_BULKOUT_ENDPOINT BULK_SIZE // endpoint 1 is bulk pipe for output communication data - -// Configuration descriptor parameters. -// Common size of all descriptors in the vcp configuration besides configuration descriptor -#define COMMON_VCP_CFG_SIZE (sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(HeaderFunctionalDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(CallManagmentFunctionalDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(AbstractControlManagmentDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(UnionFunctionalDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t) + \ - sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t) + \ - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t)) -// Common size of all descriptors in the msd configuration besides configuration descriptor -#define COMMON_MSD_CFG_SIZE (sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t) + \ - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t)) -// Commom size of all descriptors for DFU besides configuration descriptor -#define COMMON_DFU_CFG_SIZE (sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(DfuFunctionalDescriptor_t)) - -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define CFG_SIZE (COMMON_DFU_CFG_SIZE + COMMON_MSD_CFG_SIZE + COMMON_VCP_CFG_SIZE + sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(InterfaceAssociationDescriptor_t)) - #else // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define CFG_SIZE (COMMON_MSD_CFG_SIZE + COMMON_VCP_CFG_SIZE + sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(InterfaceAssociationDescriptor_t)) - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #else // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define CFG_SIZE (COMMON_DFU_CFG_SIZE + COMMON_VCP_CFG_SIZE + sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t) + \ - sizeof(InterfaceAssociationDescriptor_t)) - #else // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define CFG_SIZE (COMMON_VCP_CFG_SIZE + sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t)) - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #endif -#else // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define CFG_SIZE (COMMON_DFU_CFG_SIZE + COMMON_MSD_CFG_SIZE + sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t)) - #else // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define CFG_SIZE (COMMON_MSD_CFG_SIZE + sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t)) - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) -#endif - -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 0x04 - #else - #define NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 0x03 - #endif - #else - #define NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 0x02 - #endif -#else - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #define NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 0x02 - #else - #define NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 0x01 - #endif -#endif - -#define CFG_SELECTING_VALUE 0x01 -#define CFG_CHARACTERISTICS 0x80 // D7 is reserved and must be set to one for historical reasons. -#define MAXIMUM_POWER_CONSUMPTION 0x32 // Step is 2 mA. - -// Parameters for interfaces descriptors -#define ALTERNATIVE_SETTING 0x00 -#define NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_FIRST_IFC 0x01 -#define NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_SECOND_IFC 0x02 -#define NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_THIRD_IFC 0x02 -#define NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_FOURTH_IFC 0x00 -#define FIRST_IFC_CLASS 0x02 -#define FIRST_IFC_SUBCLASS 0x02 -#define FIRST_IFC_PROTOCOL 0x00 -#define SECOND_IFC_CLASS 0x0A -#define SECOND_IFC_SUBCLASS 0x00 -#define SECOND_IFC_PROTOCOL 0x00 -#define THIRD_IFC_CLASS 0x08 -#define THIRD_IFC_SUBCLASS 0x06 -#define THIRD_IFC_PROTOCOL 0x50 -#define FOURTH_IFC_CLASS 0xFE -#define FOURTH_IFC_SUBCLASS 0x01 -#define FOURTH_IFC_PROTOCOL 0x01 - -// Header descriptor parameters. -#define HEADER_SUBTYPE 0x00 -#define CDC_CLASS_DEFINITION 0x0110 - -// call management functional descriptor parameters. -#define CALL_MNGMT_SUBTYPE 0x01 -#define CALL_MNGMT_CAPABILITIES 0x01 // See cdc specification. -#define NUMBER_OF_CALL_MNGMT 0x00 - -// abstract control management functional descriptor parameters. -#define ACM_SUBTYPE 0x02 -#define ACM_CAPABILITIES 0x02 // see cdc specification - -// Union functional descriptor parameters. -#define UNION_SUBTYPE 0x06 -#define MASTER_IFC_TYPE 0x00 -#define SLAVE0_IFC_TYPE 0x01 - -// Endpoints descriptor parameters. -#define ADDRESS_CDC_INTERRUPT_PIPE 0x83 -#define ADDRESS_CDC_BULKIN_PIPE 0x82 -#define ADDRESS_CDC_BULKOUT_PIPE 0x01 -#define INTERRUPT_TYPE_PIPE 0x03 -#define BULK_TYPE_PIPE 0x02 -#define INTERRUPT_PIPE_POLLING 0x0A // step is 1 ms -#define BULK_MAX_SPEED 0x00 - -// dfu functional descriptor parameters -#define DFU_ATTRIBUTES 0x01 -#define DFU_DETACH_TIMEOUT 0xFFFF -#define DFU_TRANSFER_SIZE SZ_CONTROL_ENDPOINT -#define DFU_VERSION 0x0101 - -/****************************************************************************** - Constants section -******************************************************************************/ -const DeviceDescriptor_t deviceDescr = { - sizeof(DeviceDescriptor_t), // Size of this descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE, // Descriptor type - USB_BUS_RELEASE, // USB specification release number in BCD format -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT != 1) && (DFU_SUPPORT != 1) - CDC_DEVICE_CLASS, // Device class code - CDC_DEVICE_SUBCLASS, // Device subclass code - CDC_DEVICE_PROTOCOL, // Device protocol code - #else // (MSD_SUPPORT != 1) && (DFU_SUPPORT != 1) - COMB_DEVICE_CLASS, // Device class code - COMB_DEVICE_SUBCLASS, // Device subclass code - COMB_DEVICE_PROTOCOL, // Device protocol code - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT != 1) && (DFU_SUPPORT != 1) -#else // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - MSC_DEVICE_CLASS, // Device class code - MSC_DEVICE_SUBCLASS, // Device subclass code - MSC_DEVICE_PROTOCOL, // Device protocol code -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - SZ_CONTROL_ENDPOINT, // Maximum packet size of endpoint 0 (in bytes) - VENDOR_ID, // Vendor ID - PRODUCT_ID, // Product ID - DEVICE_RELEASE, // Device release number in BCD format - MANUFACTURER_STRING_INDEX, // Index of the manufacturer string descriptor - PRODUCT_STRING_INDEX, // Index of the product string descriptor - SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_INDEX, // Index of the serial number string descriptor - NUMBER_OF_CONFIGURATIONS // Number of possible configurations for the device -}; - -const ConfigurationFrameResponse_t usbConfigDescr = { - { // configuration - sizeof(ConfigurationDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, // Descriptor type - CFG_SIZE, // Length of all descriptors returned along with this configuration descriptor - NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES, // Number of interfaces in this configuration - CFG_SELECTING_VALUE, // Value for selecting this configuration - CONFIGURATION_STRING_INDEX, // Index of the configuration string descriptor - CFG_CHARACTERISTICS, // Configuration characteristics - MAXIMUM_POWER_CONSUMPTION // Maximum power consumption of the device when in this configuration - }, -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) || (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - { // cdcIAD - sizeof(InterfaceAssociationDescriptor_t), // Size of this descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION, // Descriptor type - NUMBER_OF_FIRST_INTERFACE, // Interface number of the first interface that is associated with this function - 2, // Number of contiguous interfaces that are associated with this function - CDC_DEVICE_CLASS, // Class code - CDC_DEVICE_SUBCLASS, // Subclass code - CDC_DEVICE_PROTOCOL, // Protocol code - FIRST_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX //Index of string descriptor describing this function - }, - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) || (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - { // interface 1 - sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type - NUMBER_OF_FIRST_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration - ALTERNATIVE_SETTING, // Value to select this alternate interface setting - NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_FIRST_IFC, // Number of endpoints used by the interface (excluding endpoint 0) - FIRST_IFC_CLASS, // Interface class code - FIRST_IFC_SUBCLASS, // Interface subclass code - FIRST_IFC_PROTOCOL, // Interface protocol code - FIRST_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX // Index of the interface string descriptor - }, - { // header functional descriptor - sizeof(HeaderFunctionalDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type - HEADER_SUBTYPE, // Header functional descriptor subtype - CDC_CLASS_DEFINITION // USB Class Definitions for Communication - }, - { // Call Management Functional Descriptor - sizeof(CallManagmentFunctionalDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type - CALL_MNGMT_SUBTYPE, // bDescriptor subtype: Call Management Func - CALL_MNGMT_CAPABILITIES, // bmCapabilities: D1 + D0 - NUMBER_OF_CALL_MNGMT // bDataInterface: Data Class Interface 1 - }, - { // Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor - sizeof(AbstractControlManagmentDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type - ACM_SUBTYPE, // Abstract Control Management Functional descriptor subtype - ACM_CAPABILITIES // bmCapabilities: see cdc specification (support command type) - }, - { // Union Functional Descriptor - sizeof(UnionFunctionalDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type - UNION_SUBTYPE, // Union Functional descriptor subtype - MASTER_IFC_TYPE, // bMasterInterface: CDC Interface - SLAVE0_IFC_TYPE // bSlaveInterface0: Data Class Interface - }, - { // endpoint 3 - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor type - ADDRESS_CDC_INTERRUPT_PIPE, // Address and direction of the endpoint - INTERRUPT_TYPE_PIPE, // Endpoint type and additional characteristics (for isochronous endpoints) - SZ_ACM_INT_ENDPOINT, // Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the endpoint - INTERRUPT_PIPE_POLLING // Polling rate of the endpoint - }, - { // interface 2 - sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type - NUMBER_OF_SECOND_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration - ALTERNATIVE_SETTING, // Value to select this alternate interface setting - NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_SECOND_IFC, // Number of endpoints used by the interface (excluding endpoint 0) - SECOND_IFC_CLASS, // Interface class code - SECOND_IFC_SUBCLASS, // Interface subclass code - SECOND_IFC_PROTOCOL, // Interface protocol code - SECOND_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX // Index of the interface string descriptor - }, - {{ // endpoint 1 - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor type - ADDRESS_CDC_BULKOUT_PIPE, // Address and direction of the endpoint - BULK_TYPE_PIPE, // Endpoint type and additional characteristics (for isochronous endpoints) - SZ_CDC_BULKOUT_ENDPOINT, // Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the endpoint - BULK_MAX_SPEED // Polling rate of the endpoint - }, - { // endpoint 2 - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor type - ADDRESS_CDC_BULKIN_PIPE, // Address and direction of the endpoint - BULK_TYPE_PIPE, // Endpoint type and additional characteristics (for isochronous endpoints) - SZ_CDC_BULKIN_ENDPOINT, // Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the endpoint - BULK_MAX_SPEED // Polling rate of the endpoint - }}, -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) -#if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - { // interface 3 - sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - NUMBER_OF_THIRD_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration -#else - NUMBER_OF_FIRST_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration -#endif - ALTERNATIVE_SETTING, // Value to select this alternate interface setting - NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_THIRD_IFC, // Number of endpoints used by the interface (excluding endpoint 0) - THIRD_IFC_CLASS, // Interface class code - THIRD_IFC_SUBCLASS, // Interface subclass code - THIRD_IFC_PROTOCOL, // Interface protocol code - THIRD_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX // Index of the interface string descriptor - }, - {{ // endpoint 6 - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor type - ADDRESS_MSC_BULKOUT_PIPE, // Address and direction of the endpoint - BULK_TYPE_PIPE, // Endpoint type and additional characteristics (for isochronous endpoints) - SZ_MSC_BULKOUT_ENDPOINT, // Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the endpoint - BULK_MAX_SPEED // Polling rate of the endpoint - }, - { // endpoint 5 - sizeof(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor type - ADDRESS_MSC_BULKIN_PIPE, // Address and direction of the endpoint - BULK_TYPE_PIPE, // Endpoint type and additional characteristics (for isochronous endpoints) - SZ_MSC_BULKIN_ENDPOINT, // Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the endpoint - BULK_MAX_SPEED // Polling rate of the endpoint - }}, -#endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - { // interface 4 - sizeof(InterfaceDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE, // Descriptor type -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - NUMBER_OF_FOURTH_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration - #else - NUMBER_OF_THIRD_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#else - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - NUMBER_OF_SECOND_INTERFACE, // Number of the interface in its configuration - #else - #error - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - ALTERNATIVE_SETTING, // Value to select this alternate interface setting - NUMBER_USING_ENDPOINTS_FOURTH_IFC, // Number of endpoints used by the interface (excluding endpoint 0) - FOURTH_IFC_CLASS, // Interface class code - FOURTH_IFC_SUBCLASS, // Interface subclass code - FOURTH_IFC_PROTOCOL, // Interface protocol code - FOURTH_INTERFACE_STRING_INDEX // Index of the interface string descriptor - }, - { // Functional descriptor - sizeof(DfuFunctionalDescriptor_t), // Size of the descriptor in bytes - DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DFU_FUNCTIONAL, // Descriptor type - DFU_ATTRIBUTES, // Descriptor attributes - DFU_DETACH_TIMEOUT, // Wait timeout of USB reset after DFU_DETACH request recieption - DFU_TRANSFER_SIZE, // Maximum number of bytes that the device can accept per control-write transaction - DFU_VERSION // DFU Version - } -#endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) -}; - -// eof usbDescriptors.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbEnumeration.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbEnumeration.c deleted file mode 100644 index f430b08d..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbEnumeration.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,231 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbEnumeration.c - - \brief Implementation of enumeration proccess. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 11/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created - 26/08/11 N. Fomin - Modified (MSD support) -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #include -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) -#if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #include -#endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// request codes for runtime work -#define USB_GET_STATUS 0 -#define USB_CLEAR_FEATURE 1 -#define USB_SET_FEATURE 3 -#define USB_SET_ADDRESS 5 -#define USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR 6 -#define USB_SET_DESCRIPTOR 7 -#define USB_GET_CONFIGURATION 8 -#define USB_SET_CONFIGURATION 9 -#define USB_GET_INTERFACE 10 -#define USB_SET_INTERFACE 11 -#define USB_SYNCH_FRAME 12 - -// Descriptor type definitions. -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE 0x01 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION 0x02 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING 0x03 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE 0x04 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE 0x24 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT 0x05 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CFG 0x07 -#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE_POWER 0x08 - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern const ConfigurationFrameResponse_t usbConfigDescr; -extern const DeviceDescriptor_t deviceDescr; -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - extern HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *vcpPointDescrip; -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) -#if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - extern HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *msdPointDescr; -#endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -usb bulk out receiving callbacks - -Parameters: - pArg - argument - status - index of the requested descriptor - length - maximum number of bytes to return -******************************************************************************/ -void vcpRcvCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining); -void msdRcvCallback(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// virtual communication port address on usb -static uint16_t usbAddress = 0; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -/****************************************************************************** -send zero-length packet through control pipe -******************************************************************************/ -void sendZLP(void) -{ - // Acknowledge the request - HAL_UsbWrite(0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); -} -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** -Configures the device by setting it into the Configured state. - -Parameters: - cfgnum - configuration number to set -******************************************************************************/ -void runtimeSetConfiguration(uint8_t cfgnum) -{ - // Set & save the desired configuration - HAL_SetConfiguration(cfgnum); - - #if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - // Acknowledge the request - sendZLP(); - #endif -} - -/****************************************************************************** -runtime get descriptor command handler - -Parameters: - type - type of the requested descriptor - index - index of the requested descriptor - length - maximum number of bytes to return -******************************************************************************/ -void runtimeGetDescriptorHandler(uint8_t type, uint8_t index, uint16_t length) -{ - (void)index; - - // Check the descriptor type - switch (type) - { - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE: - // Adjust length and send descriptor - if (length > deviceDescr.bLength) - length = deviceDescr.bLength; - HAL_UsbWrite(0, (void *)&deviceDescr, length, 0, 0); - break; - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION: - // Adjust length and send descriptor - if (length > usbConfigDescr.config.wTotalLength) - length = usbConfigDescr.config.wTotalLength; - HAL_UsbWrite(0, (void *)&usbConfigDescr, length, 0, 0); - break; - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CFG: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - default: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Standard usb request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void runtimeRequestHandler(uint8_t *data) -{ - UsbRequest_t *pRequest = NULL; - - pRequest = (UsbRequest_t *)data; - if (NULL == pRequest) - return; - - // Check request code - switch (pRequest->bRequest) - { - case USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR: - // Send the requested descriptor - runtimeGetDescriptorHandler((uint8_t)(pRequest->wValue >> 8), (uint8_t)(pRequest->wValue), pRequest->wLength); - break; - case USB_SET_ADDRESS: - usbAddress = pRequest->wValue & 0x7F; - #if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - HAL_UsbWrite(0, 0, 0, (TransferCallback_t) HAL_SetAddress, (void *)&usbAddress); - #elif defined(AT90USB1287) - HAL_SetAddress((uint8_t *)&usbAddress); - #endif - break; - case USB_SET_CONFIGURATION: - // Set the requested configuration - runtimeSetConfiguration((uint8_t)pRequest->wValue); - #if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - HAL_ConfigureEndpoint((void *)&(usbConfigDescr.endpointIfc1)); - HAL_ConfigureEndpoint((void *)&(usbConfigDescr.endpointIfc2[0])); - HAL_ConfigureEndpoint((void *)&(usbConfigDescr.endpointIfc2[1])); - HAL_UsbRead(VCP_RECEIVE_PIPE, vcpPointDescrip->rxBuffer, BULK_SIZE, vcpRcvCallback, NULL); - #endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - HAL_ConfigureEndpoint((void *)&(usbConfigDescr.endpointIfc3[0])); - HAL_ConfigureEndpoint((void *)&(usbConfigDescr.endpointIfc3[1])); - HAL_UsbRead(MSD_RECEIVE_PIPE, msdPointDescr->dataTransferDescriptor->buffer, BULK_SIZE, msdRcvCallback, NULL); - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - break; - default: - setupProcessRequestHandler(data); - break; - } -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Standard usb request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void usbBusResetAction(void) -{ - HAL_RegisterRequestHandler(runtimeRequestHandler); -} - -// eof usbEnumeration.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbSetupProcess.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbSetupProcess.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2a3b305e..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBClasses/common/src/usbSetupProcess.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbSetupProcess.c - - \brief Implementation of setup (after numeration) proccess. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 26/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #include - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #include - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#else - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #include - #else - #include - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) -#endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) -#if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #include - #if (APP_INTERFACE != APP_INTERFACE_VCP) && (MSD_SUPPORT != 1) - #error - #endif // (APP_INTERFACE != APP_INTERFACE_VCP) || (MSD_SUPPORT != 1) -#endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - -/****************************************************************************** -Usb setup process request handler - -Parameters: - data - pointer to host's request -******************************************************************************/ -void setupProcessRequestHandler(uint8_t *data) -{ - UsbRequest_t *pRequest = NULL; - - pRequest = (UsbRequest_t *)data; - if (NULL == pRequest) - return; - - switch (pRequest->wIndex) - { - #if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - case NUMBER_OF_FIRST_INTERFACE: - vcpRequestHandler(data); - break; - #endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - /* MSC commands */ - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - case NUMBER_OF_THIRD_INTERFACE: - #else - case NUMBER_OF_FIRST_INTERFACE: - #endif - msdRequestHandler(data); - break; - #endif // (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - #if (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - #if (MSD_SUPPORT == 1) - case NUMBER_OF_FOURTH_INTERFACE: - #else - case NUMBER_OF_THIRD_INTERFACE: - #endif - #else - case NUMBER_OF_SECOND_INTERFACE: - #endif // (APP_INTERFACE == APP_INTERFACE_VCP) - dfuRequestHandler(data); - break; - #endif // (DFU_SUPPORT == 1) - default: - HAL_Stall(0); - break; - } -} - -// eof usbSetupProcess.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/include/usbFifoVirtualUsart.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/include/usbFifoVirtualUsart.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7b000818..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/include/usbFifoVirtualUsart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file usbFifoVirtualUsart.h - -\brief The declaration of interfunction interface. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 15.07.11 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _USBFIFOVIRTUALUSART_H -#define _USBFIFOVIRTUALUSART_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - -// the macros for the manipulation by PC6 for binary decoder -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(PC6, D, 6); -// the macros for the manipulation by PC7 for binary decoder -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(PC7, D, 7); -// the macros for the manipulation by RD -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RD, E, 5); -// the macros for the manipulation by WR -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(WR, E, 4); - -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) - -// the macros for the manipulation by PC6 for binary decoder -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(PC6, C, 6); -// the macros for the manipulation by PC7 for binary decoder -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(PC7, C, 7); -// the macros for the manipulation by RD -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(RD, G, 1); -// the macros for the manipulation by WR -HAL_ASSIGN_PIN(WR, G, 0); - -#else - #error 'USB FIFO is not supported for this mcu.' -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Startup initialization. -******************************************************************************/ -void usbfifoInit(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clear startup initialization parameters -******************************************************************************/ -void usbfifoUnInit(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief USB FIFO driver task handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void usbfifoHandler(void); - -#endif /* _USBFIFOVIRTUALUSART_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoFT245RL.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoFT245RL.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8ba0d9c5..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoFT245RL.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,290 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file usbFifoFT245RL.c - -\brief Implementation of FT245RL driver. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 12.07.11 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -// data port -#define USB_DATA_PORT PORTB -#define USB_DATA_DDR DDRB -#define USB_DATA_PIN PINB - -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) -// data port -#define USB_DATA_PORT PORTA -#define USB_DATA_DDR DDRA -#define USB_DATA_PIN PINA - -#endif - -#define HANDLERS_GET(A, I) memcpy_P(A, &usbfifoHandlers[I], sizeof(UsbfifoTask_t)) - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef volatile uint8_t UsbfifoTaskBitMask_t; -typedef void (* UsbfifoTask_t)(void); - -// USB FIFO task IDs. -typedef enum -{ - USB_FIFO_TASK_RX, - USB_FIFO_TASK_TX, - USB_FIFO_TASKS_NUMBER -} UsbfifoTaskId_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -static void usbfifoRxBufferFiller(void); -static void usbfifoTxBufferCleaner(void); -static void usbfifoPostTask(UsbfifoTaskId_t taskId); -static void usbfifoTxComplete(void); -static void usbfifoRxComplete(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// pointer to application uart descriptor -extern HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *usbfifoPointDescrip; - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -static volatile UsbfifoTaskBitMask_t usbfifoTaskBitMask = 0; // USB FIFO tasks' bit mask. -static const UsbfifoTask_t PROGMEM_DECLARE(usbfifoHandlers[USB_FIFO_TASKS_NUMBER]) = -{ - usbfifoRxComplete, - usbfifoTxComplete -}; // List Of possible USB FIFO tasks. - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Startup initialization. -******************************************************************************/ -void usbfifoInit(void) -{ - // init decoder input pins - GPIO_PC6_make_out(); - GPIO_PC7_make_out(); - // set pins to zero to select usb FIFO - GPIO_PC6_clr(); - GPIO_PC7_clr(); - - // setup default value - GPIO_RD_set(); - GPIO_WR_set(); - // init R\W pins - GPIO_RD_make_out(); - GPIO_WR_make_out(); - - // register RXF interrupt - HAL_RegisterIrq(IRQ_7, IRQ_LOW_LEVEL, usbfifoRxBufferFiller); - // register TXE interrupt - HAL_RegisterIrq(IRQ_6, IRQ_LOW_LEVEL, usbfifoTxBufferCleaner); - - USB_DATA_DDR = 0; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clear startup initialization parameters -******************************************************************************/ -void usbfifoUnInit(void) -{ - GPIO_PC6_make_in(); - GPIO_PC7_make_in(); - - GPIO_RD_make_in(); - GPIO_WR_make_in(); - - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_7); - HAL_UnregisterIrq(IRQ_7); - - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_6); - HAL_UnregisterIrq(IRQ_6); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Puts the byte received to the cyclic buffer. -******************************************************************************/ -static void usbfifoRxBufferFiller(void) -{ - uint16_t old; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - uint8_t *buffer; - HalUsartService_t *control; - - if (!usbfifoPointDescrip) - { // unregistered intrrupt is occurred - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_7); - return; - } - - control = &usbfifoPointDescrip->service; - poW = control->rxPointOfWrite; - poR = control->rxPointOfRead; - buffer = usbfifoPointDescrip->rxBuffer; - - if (!buffer) - { - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_7); - return; - } - - old = poW; - - if (++poW == usbfifoPointDescrip->rxBufferLength) - poW = 0; - - if (poW == poR) - { // Buffer full. - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_7); - return; - } // Buffer full. - - control->rxPointOfWrite = poW; - GPIO_RD_clr(); - NOP; - buffer[old] = USB_DATA_PIN; - GPIO_RD_set(); - control->rxBytesInBuffer++; - usbfifoPostTask(USB_FIFO_TASK_RX); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads byte from tx buffer and sends it to fifo. -******************************************************************************/ -static void usbfifoTxBufferCleaner(void) -{ - HalUsartService_t *control; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - - if (!usbfifoPointDescrip) - { // unregistered intrrupt is occurred - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_6); - return; - } - - control = &usbfifoPointDescrip->service; - poW = control->txPointOfWrite; - poR = control->txPointOfRead; - - if (poW != poR) - { - // set port as output - USB_DATA_DDR = 0xFF; - NOP; - USB_DATA_PORT = usbfifoPointDescrip->txBuffer[poR++]; - GPIO_WR_clr(); - GPIO_WR_set(); - USB_DATA_DDR = 0; - - if (poR == usbfifoPointDescrip->txBufferLength) - poR = 0; - - control->txPointOfRead = poR; - } - else - { // tx buffer is empty - HAL_DisableIrq(IRQ_6); - usbfifoPostTask(USB_FIFO_TASK_TX); - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Transmitting complete handler -******************************************************************************/ -static void usbfifoTxComplete(void) -{ - if (NULL == usbfifoPointDescrip) - return; - - if (0 == usbfifoPointDescrip->txBufferLength) - usbfifoPointDescrip->txBuffer = NULL; // nulling pointer for callback mode - - if (usbfifoPointDescrip->txCallback) - usbfifoPointDescrip->txCallback(); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Byte is received handler -******************************************************************************/ -static void usbfifoRxComplete(void) -{ - HalUsartService_t *control; - uint16_t number; - - if (NULL == usbfifoPointDescrip) - return; - - control = &usbfifoPointDescrip->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - number = control->rxBytesInBuffer; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (number) - if (NULL != usbfifoPointDescrip->rxCallback) - usbfifoPointDescrip->rxCallback(number); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief USB FIFO driver task handler. -******************************************************************************/ -void usbfifoHandler(void) -{ - UsbfifoTask_t handler; - uint8_t mask = 1; - UsbfifoTaskId_t index = 0; - - for ( ; index < USB_FIFO_TASKS_NUMBER; index++, mask <<= 1) - { - if (usbfifoTaskBitMask & mask) - { - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - usbfifoTaskBitMask ^= mask; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - HANDLERS_GET(&handler, index); - handler(); - } - } -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Posts specific USART task. - -\param[in] - taskId - unique identifier of the task to be posted. -******************************************************************************/ -static void usbfifoPostTask(UsbfifoTaskId_t taskId) -{ - usbfifoTaskBitMask |= (UsbfifoTaskBitMask_t)1 << taskId; - halPostTask4(HAL_EXT_HANDLER); -} - -// eof usbFifoFT245RL.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoVirtualUsart.c b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoVirtualUsart.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1a909d38..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/USBFIFO/src/usbFifoVirtualUsart.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usbFifoVirtualUart.c - - \brief Implementation of virtual uart API. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 11/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - External global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -extern void (* extHandler)(void); - -/****************************************************************************** - Global variables section -******************************************************************************/ -// pointer to application uart descriptor -HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *usbfifoPointDescrip = NULL; - -/****************************************************************************** - Implementations section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -Open virtual com port and register uart's event handlers. - -Parameters: - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure - -Returns: - Returns positive uart descriptor on success or -1 in cases: - - bad uart channel; - - there are not enough resources; - - receiving buffer is less bulk endpoint size; -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_OpenUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (USART_CHANNEL_USBFIFO != descriptor->tty) - return -1; - - if (NULL != usbfifoPointDescrip) - return -1; /* source was opened */ - - extHandler = usbfifoHandler; - usbfifoPointDescrip = descriptor; - - usbfifoPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfRead = 0; - usbfifoPointDescrip->service.rxPointOfWrite = 0; - usbfifoPointDescrip->service.txPointOfRead = 0; - usbfifoPointDescrip->service.txPointOfWrite = 0; - usbfifoInit(); - // enable receiver - HAL_EnableIrq(IRQ_7); - - return (int)descriptor->tty; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Frees the virtual uart channel. -Parameters: - descriptor - the uart descriptor. -Returns: - Returns 0 on success or -1 if bad descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_CloseUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (usbfifoPointDescrip != descriptor) - return -1; - - usbfifoPointDescrip = NULL; - extHandler = NULL; - usbfifoUnInit(); - - return 0; -} - -/****************************************************************************** -Writes a number of bytes to a virtual uart channel. -txCallback function will be used to notify when the transmission is finished. -Parameters: - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer; - length - number of bytes to transfer; -Returns: - -1 - bad descriptor; - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_WriteUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - uint16_t old; - uint16_t wasWrote = 0; - HalUsartService_t *control; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (usbfifoPointDescrip != descriptor) - return -1; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - control = &descriptor->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - poW = control->txPointOfWrite; - poR = control->txPointOfRead; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - if (0 == descriptor->txBufferLength) - { // Callback mode - if (poW != poR) - return -1; // there is unsent data - descriptor->txBuffer = buffer; - control->txPointOfWrite = length; - control->txPointOfRead = 0; - wasWrote = length; - } // Callback mode. - else - { // Polling mode. - while (wasWrote < length) - { - old = poW; - - if (++poW == descriptor->txBufferLength) - poW = 0; - - if (poW == poR) - { // Buffer full. - poW = old; - break; - } // Buffer full. - - descriptor->txBuffer[old] = buffer[wasWrote++]; - } - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - control->txPointOfWrite = poW; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - } // Polling mode - - HAL_EnableIrq(IRQ_6); - - return wasWrote; -} - -/***************************************************************************** -Reads length bytes from uart and places ones to buffer. -Parameters: - descriptor - uart descriptor; - buffer - pointer to a application buffer; - length - the number of bytes which should be placed to buffer -Returns: - -1 - bad descriptor, bad number to read; - number of bytes that were placed to buffer. -*****************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_ReadUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length) -{ - uint16_t wasRead = 0; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - HalUsartService_t *control; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (!buffer || !length) - return -1; - - if (descriptor != usbfifoPointDescrip) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - control = &usbfifoPointDescrip->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - poW = control->rxPointOfWrite; - poR = control->rxPointOfRead; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - while ((poR != poW) && (wasRead < length)) - { - buffer[wasRead] = descriptor->rxBuffer[poR]; - if (++poR == descriptor->rxBufferLength) - poR = 0; - wasRead++; - } - - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - control->rxPointOfRead = poR; - control->rxBytesInBuffer -= wasRead; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - - HAL_EnableIrq(IRQ_7); - - return wasRead; -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the status of tx buffer. - -\param[in] descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; -\return -1 - bad descriptor, no tx buffer; \n - 1 - tx buffer is empty; \n - 0 - tx buffer is not empty; -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_IsTxEmpty(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor) -{ - HalUsartService_t *control; - uint16_t poW; - uint16_t poR; - - if (NULL == descriptor) - return -1; - - if (descriptor != usbfifoPointDescrip) - return -1; // Channel is not opened. - - control = &usbfifoPointDescrip->service; - ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER - poW = control->txPointOfWrite; - poR = control->txPointOfRead; - ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE - if (poW == poR) - return 1; - - return 0; -} - -// eof usbFifoVirtualUart.c diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/isdImageStorage.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/isdImageStorage.h deleted file mode 100644 index c5631189..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/isdImageStorage.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file isdImageStorage.h - -\brief The public API of image storage driver. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 25.05.11 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _ISDIMAGESTORAGE_H -#define _ISDIMAGESTORAGE_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Status which is returned by driver */ -typedef enum -{ - ISD_SUCCESS, - ISD_HARDWARE_FAULT, - ISD_COMMUNICATION_LOST -} ISD_Status_t; - -typedef void (* IsdOpenCb_t)(ISD_Status_t); -typedef void (* IsdQueryNextImageCb_t)(ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageResp_t *); -typedef void (* IsdImageBlockCb_t)(ZCL_OtauImageBlockResp_t *); -typedef void (* IsdUpgradeEndCb_t)(ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndResp_t *); - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open image storage driver - -\param[in] cb - callback about driver actions -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_Open(IsdOpenCb_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Close image storage driver -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_Close(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send query next image request to storage system - -\param[in] addressing - pointer to structure that include client network information; \n -\param[in] data - data payload; \n -\param[in] cd - callback about response receiving from storage system. -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_QueryNextImageReq(ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauQueryNextImageReq_t *data, IsdQueryNextImageCb_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send image block request to storage system - -\param[in] addressing - pointer to structure that include client network information; \n -\param[in] data - data payload; \n -\param[in] cd - callback about response receiving from storage system. -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_ImageBlockReq(ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauImageBlockReq_t *data, IsdImageBlockCb_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send upgrade end request to storage system - -\param[in] addressing - pointer to structure that include client network information; \n -\param[in] data - data payload; \n -\param[in] cd - callback about response receiving from storage system. -******************************************************************************/ -void ISD_UpgradeEndReq(ZCL_Addressing_t *addressing, ZCL_OtauUpgradeEndReq_t *data, IsdUpgradeEndCb_t cb); - -#endif /* _ISDIMAGESTORAGE_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/massStorageDevice.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/massStorageDevice.h deleted file mode 100644 index f8957a90..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/massStorageDevice.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file massStorageDevice.h - - \brief The header file describes the interface of the mass storage device - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/08/11 N. Fomin - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _MASSSTORAGEDEVICE_H -#define _MASSSTORAGEDEVICE_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define MSD_TRANSMIT_PIPE 5 -#define MSD_RECEIVE_PIPE 6 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Status messages for upper layer about msd status */ -typedef enum -{ - MSD_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, - MSD_INTERFACE_BUSY, - MSD_MEMORY_INIT_ERROR, - MSD_READ_CAPACITY_ERROR, - MSD_READ_ERROR, - MSD_WRITE_ERROR -} MSD_Status_t; - -typedef void (* MSD_Callback_t)(MSD_Status_t); - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens mass storage device. -\param[in] - callback - pointer to function to notify about MSD errors and transactions; - responseBuffer - pointer to hsmci command response buffer; it should have - a size of four; - buffer - pointer to buffer for hsmci data transfer; it should be - a multiplier of 512; - length - length of buffer for data transfer. -\return - nothing -******************************************************************************/ -void MSD_Open(MSD_Callback_t callback, uint32_t *responseBuffer, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes mass storage device. -\return - nothing -******************************************************************************/ -void MSD_Close(void); - -#endif /* _MASSSTORAGEDEVICE_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/ofdExtMemory.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/ofdExtMemory.h deleted file mode 100644 index e15ed8fd..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/ofdExtMemory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file ofdExtMemory.h - -\brief The public API of external flash driver. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 31/07/09 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _OFDEXTMEMORY_H -#define _OFDEXTMEMORY_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Size of memory block for internal ofd algorithms */ -#define OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC 64 -#define OFD_BLOCK_SIZE OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Status messages for upper component about ofd state */ -typedef enum -{ - OFD_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, - OFD_STATUS_SERIAL_BUSY, - OFD_STATUS_UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_FLASH_TYPE, - OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_API_PARAMETER, - OFD_STATUS_INCORRECT_EEPROM_PARAMETER, - OFD_SERIAL_INTERFACE_BUSY -} OFD_Status_t ; - -/** \brief Number of position for image in the external flash */ -typedef enum -{ - OFD_POSITION_1, - OFD_POSITION_2, - OFD_POSITION_MAX -} OFD_Position_t; - -/** \brief Source type which was been initiator of image saving. */ -typedef enum -{ - OFD_IMAGE_WAS_SAVED_FROM_MCU, - OFD_IMAGE_WAS_WRITTEN_THROUGH_API, -} OFD_ImageSource_t; - -/** \brief Parameters for access to external memory \n - offset - offset from start address \n - data - pointer to mcu ram area with\for data for\from external memory \n - length - size of mcu ram area with\for data. */ -typedef struct -{ - uint32_t offset; - uint8_t *data; - uint32_t length; -} OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t; - -/** \brief image crc */ -typedef uint8_t OFD_Crc_t; - -/** \brief Image information. Crc and image type. */ -typedef struct -{ - OFD_ImageSource_t type; - OFD_Crc_t crc; -} OFD_ImageInfo_t; - -/** \brief callback methods for OFD API. \n - ATTENTION!!!! Callback functions must not call public OFD API directly. - */ -typedef void (* OFD_Callback_t)(OFD_Status_t); -typedef void (* OFD_InfoCallback_t)(OFD_Status_t, OFD_ImageInfo_t *); - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens serial interface and checks memory type. - -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Open(OFD_Callback_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes serial interface. -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Close(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Erases image in the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position in the external memory -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_EraseImage(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_Callback_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position for new data -\param[in] - accessParam - pointer to the access structure -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_Write(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_MemoryAccessParam_t *accessParam, OFD_Callback_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Flushes data from internal buffer, checks image crc and saves it to -the external memory. - -\param[in] - pos - image position for new data -\param[in] - countBuff - pointer to the memory for internal data (memory size must be OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC) -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_FlushAndCheckCrc(OFD_Position_t pos, uint8_t *countBuff, OFD_InfoCallback_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Saves current mcu flash and eeprom to the external memory, checks crc for its -and set command for bootloader. - -\param[in] - whereToSave - image position for current mcu flash and eeprom -\param[in] - from - new image position -\param[in] - copyBuff - pointer to the memory for internal data (memory size must be OFD_BLOCK_FOR_CHECK_CRC) -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_SwitchToNewImage(OFD_Position_t whereToSave, OFD_Position_t from, uint8_t *copyBuff, OFD_Callback_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets command for bootloader. - -\param[in] - from - image position -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_ChangeImage(OFD_Position_t from, OFD_Callback_t cb); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads image informations. - -\param[in] - pos - image position -\param[in] - cb - pointer to callback -******************************************************************************/ -void OFD_ReadImageInfo(OFD_Position_t pos, OFD_InfoCallback_t cb); - -#endif /* _OFDEXTMEMORY_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/usbFifoUsart.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/usbFifoUsart.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8725d322..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/usbFifoUsart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** -\file usbFifoUsart.h - -\brief The public API of usb fifo vitual COM port driver based on FTDI FT245RL. - -\author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - -\internal - History: - 12.07.11 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _USBFIFOUSART_H -#define _USBFIFOUSART_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define USART_CHANNEL_USBFIFO ((UsartChannel_t)6) - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens driver and registers event handlers. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - Returns positive uart descriptor on success or -1 in cases: \n - - bad uart channel; \n - - there are not enough resources; \n - - receiving buffer is less bulk endpoint size; -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_OpenUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Releases the driver. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor; \n - 0 - success. -*****************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_CloseUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a number of bytes to driver. -txCallback function will be used to notify when the transmission is finished. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_WriteUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads a number of bytes from driver and places them to the buffer. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to be placed to the buffer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, or bad number of bytes to read; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -*****************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_ReadUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the status of tx buffer (for polling mode). - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, no tx buffer; \n - 1 - tx buffer is empty; \n - 0 - tx buffer is not empty; -******************************************************************************/ -int USBFIFO_IsTxEmpty(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -#endif /* _USBFIFOUSART_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/vcpVirtualUsart.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/vcpVirtualUsart.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0c54d8d1..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/drivers/include/vcpVirtualUsart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file vcpVirtualUsart.h - - \brief The header file describes the interface of the virtual uart based on USB - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 05/09/08 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _VCPVIRTUALUART_H -#define _VCPVIRTUALUART_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define USART_CHANNEL_VCP ((UsartChannel_t)5) -#define VCP_TRANSMIT_PIPE 2 -#define VCP_RECEIVE_PIPE 1 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers uart's event handlers. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - Returns positive uart descriptor on success or -1 in cases: \n - - bad uart channel; \n - - there are not enough resources; \n - - receiving buffer is less bulk endpoint size; -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_OpenUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Releases the uart channel. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor; \n - 0 - success. -*****************************************************************************/ -int VCP_CloseUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a number of bytes to uart channel. -txCallback function will be used to notify when the transmission is finished. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_WriteUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads a number of bytes from uart and places them to the buffer. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to be placed to the buffer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, or bad number of bytes to read; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -*****************************************************************************/ -int VCP_ReadUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the status of tx buffer (for polling mode). - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, no tx buffer; \n - 1 - tx buffer is empty; \n - 0 - tx buffer is not empty; -******************************************************************************/ -int VCP_IsTxEmpty(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -#endif /* _VCPVIRTUALUART_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/adc.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/adc.h deleted file mode 100644 index fddde028..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/adc.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file adc.h - - \brief The header file describes the ADC interface - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 22.11.07 A. Khromykh - Created. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _ADC_H -#define _ADC_H - -// \cond -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -// \endcond - -/** \brief adc resolution */ -#define RESOLUTION_8_BIT 0 -#define RESOLUTION_10_BIT 1 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief adc sample rate -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - typedef enum - { - ADC_533KSPS, - ADC_429KSPS, - ADC_369KSPS, - ADC_250KSPS, - ADC_136KSPS, - ADC_68KSPS, - ADC_34KSPS - } HAL_AdcSampleRate_t; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - typedef enum - { - ADC_77KSPS, - ADC_39KSPS, - ADC_19200SPS, - ADC_9600SPS, - ADC_4800SPS - } HAL_AdcSampleRate_t; -#endif - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief adc voltage reference -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - /** \brief AREF, Internal Vref turned off. \n - If 10x or 200x gain is selected, only 2.56 V should be used as Internal Voltage Reference. \n - For differential conversion, only 1.1V cannot be used as internal voltage reference. */ - AREF = (0 << 6), - /** \brief AVCC with external capacitor at AREF pin */ - AVCC = (1 << 6), - /** \brief Internal 1.1V Voltage Reference with external capacitor at AREF pin */ - INTERNAL_1d1V = (2 << 6), - /** \brief Internal 2.56V Voltage Reference with external capacitor at AREF pin */ - INTERNAL_2d56V = (3 << 6) -} HAL_AdcVoltageReference_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief adc structure of parameters -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - /** \brief conversion resolution */ - uint8_t resolution; - /** \brief adc sample rate */ - HAL_AdcSampleRate_t sampleRate; - /** \brief adc voltage reference selections (only for avr) */ - HAL_AdcVoltageReference_t voltageReference; - /** \brief pointer to the application data */ - void *bufferPointer; - /** \brief amount of samples (buffer cells) */ - uint16_t selectionsAmount; - /** \brief pointer to callback method */ - void (*callback)(); -} HAL_AdcParams_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief channel number. \n -Note for avr: -If 10x gain is used, 8 bit resolution can be expected. \n -If 200x gain is used, 7 bit resolution can be expected. \n -If the user wants to perform a quick polarity check of the result, \n -it is sufficient to read the MSB of the result. If the bit is one, \n -the result is negative, and if this bit is zero, the result is positive. \n -To reach the given accuracy, 10x or 200x Gain should not be used \n -for operating voltage below 2.7V. -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - typedef enum - { - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL0 = (1 << 0), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL1 = (1 << 1), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL2 = (1 << 2), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL3 = (1 << 3), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL4 = (1 << 4), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL5 = (1 << 5), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL6 = (1 << 6), - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL7 = (1 << 7) - } HAL_AdcChannelNumber_t; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - typedef enum - { - /** \brief channel ADC0 */ - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL0 = 0, - /** \brief channel ADC1 */ - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL1 = 1, - /** \brief channel ADC2 */ - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL2 = 2, - /** \brief channel ADC3 */ - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL3 = 3, - /** \brief ADC0 - ADC0 with gain 10x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL0 = 8, - /** \brief ADC1 - ADC0 with gain 10x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL1 = 9, - /** \brief ADC0 - ADC0 with gain 200x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL2 = 10, - /** \brief ADC1 - ADC0 with gain 200x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL3 = 11, - /** \brief ADC2 - ADC2 with gain 10x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL4 = 12, - /** \brief ADC3 - ADC2 with gain 10x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL5 = 13, - /** \brief ADC2 - ADC2 with gain 200x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL6 = 14, - /** \brief ADC3 - ADC2 with gain 200x */ - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL7 = 15 - } HAL_AdcChannelNumber_t; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens the ADC to make the measurement on the ADC channel. - - \param[in] param - address of HAL_AdcParams_t structure. \n - fields of structure set by user: \n - resolution - conversion resolution. Must be chosen from: \n - RESOLUTION_8_BIT \n - RESOLUTION_10_BIT \n - sampleRate - sample rate. Must be chosen from: \n - for avr hardware platform \n - ADC_77KSPS \n - ADC_39KSPS \n - ADC_19200SPS \n - ADC_9600SPS \n - ADC_4800SPS \n - for arm hardware platform \n - ADC_533KSPS \n - ADC_429KSPS \n - ADC_369KSPS \n - ADC_250KSPS \n - ADC_136KSPS \n - ADC_68KSPS \n - ADC_34KSPS \n - bufferPointer - pointer to the application data buffer. \n - Buffer cell is one byte for 8-bit resolution. \n - Buffer cell is two bytes for 10-bit resolution. \n - selectionsAmount - amount of samples (buffer cells). \n - callback - pointer to the function that will notify about measurement completion. -\return - -1 - unsupported parameter or ADC is busy. \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenAdc(HAL_AdcParams_t *param); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts ADC with the parameters defined in HAL_OpenAdc. - - \param[in] channel - number of ADC channel. Must be chosen from:\n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL0 \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL1 \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL2 \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL3 \n - next four channels only for arm hardware platform \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL4 \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL5 \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL6 \n - HAL_ADC_CHANNEL7 \n - next eight channels only for avr hardware platform \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL0 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL1 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL2 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL3 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL4 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL5 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL6 \n - HAL_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL7 \n - -\return - -1 - unable to open ADC (unsupported channel number). \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadAdc(HAL_AdcChannelNumber_t channel); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes the ADC. - -\return - -1 - the module was not open. \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseAdc(void); - -#endif /* _ADC_H */ -// eof adc.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/appTimer.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/appTimer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9c241ab6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/appTimer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************//** - \file appTimer.h - - \brief The header file describes the appTimer interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _APPTIMER_H -#define _APPTIMER_H - -// \cond -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief fields of structure: \n - uint32_t interval - timer firing interval. Interval must be more than 10 ms (set by user) \n - TimerMode_t mode - timer work mode (set by user). Must be chosen from: \n - TIMER_REPEAT_MODE \n - TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE \n - void (*callback)(void) - pointer to timer callback function (set by user). */ -typedef Timer_t HAL_AppTimer_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts to count an interval (starts user timer). - -\param[in] - appTimer - pointer to the timer structure (HAL_AppTimer_t is typedef Timer_t) - -\return - -1 - pointer is NULL - 0 - success -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartAppTimer(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Stops the user timer. - -\param[in] - appTimer - pointer to the timer structure. - -\return - -1 - there is no appTimer started or pointer is NULL - 0 - success -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StopAppTimer(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Gets system time. - -\return - time since power up in milliseconds(8 bytes). -******************************************************************************/ -BcTime_t HAL_GetSystemTime(void); - -#endif /*_APPTIMER_H*/ -//eof appTimer.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/atomic.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/atomic.h deleted file mode 100644 index ada41d9c..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/atomic.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file atomic.h - - \brief The header file describes the atomic sections - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 20/08/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _ATOMIC_H -#define _ATOMIC_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT32UC3A0512) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - #include -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) \ - || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - #include -#endif - -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(AT32UC3A0512) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef uint32_t atomic_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - Disables global interrupt. Enter atomic section. -******************************************************************************/ -void halStartAtomic(atomic_t volatile *pAtomic); - -/****************************************************************************** - Exit atomic section -******************************************************************************/ -void halEndAtomic(atomic_t volatile *pAtomic); - /** \brief Marks the begin of atomic section */ - #define ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER {volatile atomic_t __atomic; halStartAtomic(&__atomic); - /** \brief Marks the end of atomic section */ - #define ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE halEndAtomic(&__atomic);} -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) \ - || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - /** \brief Marks the begin of atomic section */ - #define ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER {atomic_t __atomic = halStartAtomic(); - /** \brief Marks the end of atomic section */ - #define ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE halEndAtomic(__atomic);} -#elif defined(SIMULATOR) - /** \brief Marks the begin of atomic section */ - #define ATOMIC_SECTION_ENTER do {} while (0); - /** \brief Marks the end of atomic section */ - #define ATOMIC_SECTION_LEAVE do {} while (0); -#endif - -#endif // _ATOMIC_H - -// eof atomic.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/bcTimer.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/bcTimer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 88ce15c8..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/bcTimer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file bcTimer.h - - \brief Declaration of timer queue interface, hardware-independent module. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 7/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _MNHALTIMER_H -#define _MNHALTIMER_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief mode of timers */ -typedef enum -{ - TIMER_REPEAT_MODE, - TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE -} TimerMode_t; - -/** \brief fields of structure: \n - uint32_t interval - timer firing interval (set by user) \n - TimerMode_t mode - timer work mode (set by user). Must be chosen from: \n - TIMER_REPEAT_MODE \n - TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE \n - void (*callback)(void) - pointer to timer callback function (set by user). \n - next - pointer to next cell of list \n - intervalLeft - absolute fired time */ -typedef struct _Timer_t -{ - struct - { - struct _Timer_t *next; - uint32_t sysTimeLabel; - } service; - uint32_t interval; - TimerMode_t mode; - void (*callback)(void); -} Timer_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Adds timer to the timer's list. Timers sorted by remaining time. -\param[in] - head - address of pointer to head of the timers list. -\param[in] - timer - address of timer that must be added to the list. -\param[in] - sysTime - current time, used for sorting. -******************************************************************************/ -void halAddTimer(Timer_t **head, Timer_t *timer, uint32_t sysTime); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Removes timer from the timers list. -\param[in] - head - address of pointer to head of the timers list. -\param[in] - prev - address of the timer before the timer that must be removed from the list. -\param[in] - p - address of timer that must be removed from the list. - -\return pointer to next cell or pointer to head if deleting is head -******************************************************************************/ -Timer_t* halRemoveTimer(Timer_t **head, Timer_t *prev, Timer_t *p); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief The search of the timer in the timers list before one. -\param[in] - head - address of pointer to head of the timers list. - -\return pointer to saerching timer -******************************************************************************/ -Timer_t *halFindPrevTimer(Timer_t **head, Timer_t *p); - -#endif /* _MNHALTIMER_H */ - -// eof bcTimer.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/calibration.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/calibration.h deleted file mode 100644 index 3bfca393..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/calibration.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file calibration.h - - \brief Interface to calibrate the internal RC generator. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _CALIBRATION_H -#define _CALIBRATION_H -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs calibration of the main clock generator \n -(only for AVR and internal RC oscillator). -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_CalibrateMainClock(void); - -#endif /* _CALIBRATION_H */ -// eof calibration.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/dbgu.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/dbgu.h deleted file mode 100644 index 44f76ca4..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/dbgu.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file dbgu.h - - \brief Declarations of debug message interface (feature only for atmel arm). - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 11/11/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _DBGU_H -#define _DBGU_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open dbgu port (115200 baud, 8N1 format). -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_OpenDbgu(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send string trough dbgu port. - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the string -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SendDbguMessage(const char *buffer); - -#endif /* _DBGU_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/eeprom.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/eeprom.h deleted file mode 100644 index a4a21966..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/eeprom.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file eeprom.h - - \brief The header file describes the EEPROM interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _EEPROM_H -#define _EEPROM_H - -// \cond -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - #define EEPROM_DATA_MEMORY_SIZE 0x400u -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) \ - || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) \ - || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - #define EEPROM_DATA_MEMORY_SIZE 0x1000u -#elif defined(ATXMEGA128A1) - #define EEPROM_DATA_MEMORY_SIZE 0x800u -#endif -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief eeprom access control structure -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - /** \brief EEPROM address */ - uint16_t address; - /** \brief pointer to data memory */ - uint8_t *data; - /** \brief number of bytes */ - uint16_t length; -} HAL_EepromParams_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -\brief Reads a number of bytes defined by HAL_EepromParams_t from the EEPROM. -\param[in] - param - address of HAL_EepromParams_t structure. \n - fields of structure set by user: \n - address - eeprom address \n - data - pointer to data memory \n - length - number of bytes -\param[in] - readDone - pointer to the function that will notify about reading completion. -\return - 0 - success, \n - -1 - the number of bytes to read is too large, \n - -2 - the previous EEPROM request is not completed yet. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadEeprom(HAL_EepromParams_t *params, void (*readDone)()); - -/****************************************************************************** -\brief Writes a number of bytes defined by HAL_EepromParams_t to EEPROM. -By writeDone parameter user can control if write operation will be asynchronous -or synchronous. -\param[in] - param - address of HAL_EepromParams_t structure. \n - fields of structure set by user: \n - address - eeprom address \n - data - pointer to data memory \n - length - number of bytes -\param[in] - writeDone - pointer to the function that will notify about writing completion. \n - Only for avr: \n - if writeDone is NULL write operation will be synchronous. -\return - 0 - success, \n - -1 - the number of bytes to write is too large, \n - -2 - the previous EEPROM request is not completed yet. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteEeprom(HAL_EepromParams_t *params, void (*writeDone)()); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the eeprom state. - -\return - true - eeprom is busy; \n - false - eeprom is free; -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_IsEepromBusy(void); - -#endif /*_EEPROM_H*/ - -//eof eeprom.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halInit.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halInit.h deleted file mode 100644 index 765df7d4..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halInit.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halInit.h - - \brief HAL start up module interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/06/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALINIT_H -#define _HALINIT_H - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Performs start up HAL initialization. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Init(void); - -#endif /* _HALINIT_H */ -// eof halInit.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halTaskManager.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halTaskManager.h deleted file mode 100644 index 48738c9a..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/halTaskManager.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file halTaskManager.h - - \brief Declarations of enums and functions of HAL task manager. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _HALTASKHANDLER_H -#define _HALTASKHANDLER_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) -/*! \brief task ID for hal task manager. HAL_FIRST_X are free ID. */ -enum -{ - HAL_USB_ENDPOINTS = 1ul << 0, - HAL_USB_SUSPEND = 1ul << 1, - HAL_USB_RESUME = 1ul << 2, - HAL_USB_BUS_RESET = 1ul << 3, - HAL_TASK_USART = 1ul << 4, - HAL_TIMER4_COMPA = 1ul << 5, /** timer interrupt is happened */ - HAL_TWI = 1ul << 6, /** twi bus interrupt is happened */ - HAL_SPI0_TXBUFE = 1ul << 7, /** spi0 dma buffer is empty */ - HAL_SPI0_RXBUFF = 1ul << 8, /** spi0 dma buffer is full */ - HAL_SPI1_TXBUFE = 1ul << 9, /** spi1 dma buffer is empty */ - HAL_SPI1_RXBUFF = 1ul << 10, /** timer interrupt is happened */ - HAL_ADC = 1ul << 11, /** adc measurement is ready */ - HAL_FIRST_12 = 1ul << 12, - HAL_FIRST_13 = 1ul << 13, - HAL_FIRST_14 = 1ul << 14, - HAL_FIRST_15 = 1ul << 15, - HAL_FIRST_16 = 1ul << 16, - HAL_FIRST_17 = 1ul << 17, - HAL_FIRST_18 = 1ul << 18, - HAL_FIRST_19 = 1ul << 19, - HAL_FIRST_20 = 1ul << 20, - HAL_FIRST_21 = 1ul << 21, - HAL_FIRST_22 = 1ul << 22, - HAL_FIRST_23 = 1ul << 23, - HAL_FIRST_24 = 1ul << 24, - HAL_FIRST_25 = 1ul << 25, - HAL_FIRST_26 = 1ul << 26, - HAL_FIRST_27 = 1ul << 27, - HAL_FIRST_28 = 1ul << 28, - HAL_FIRST_29 = 1ul << 29, - HAL_FIRST_30 = 1ul << 30, - HAL_FIRST_31 = 1ul << 31 -}; - -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) \ - || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief halTaskFlags0 flags definitions. -******************************************************************************/ -enum -{ - HAL_ASYNC_TIMER = (uint8_t)1 << 0, - HAL_SYNC_SLEEP_TIME = (uint8_t)1 << 1, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_0_2 = (uint8_t)1 << 2, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_0_3 = (uint8_t)1 << 3, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_0_4 = (uint8_t)1 << 4, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_0_5 = (uint8_t)1 << 5, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_0_6 = (uint8_t)1 << 6, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_0_7 = (uint8_t)1 << 7 -}; - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief halTaskFlags1 flags definitions. -******************************************************************************/ -enum -{ - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_0 = (uint8_t)1 << 0, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_1 = (uint8_t)1 << 1, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_2 = (uint8_t)1 << 2, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_3 = (uint8_t)1 << 3, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_4 = (uint8_t)1 << 4, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_5 = (uint8_t)1 << 5, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_6 = (uint8_t)1 << 6, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_1_7 = (uint8_t)1 << 7 -}; - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief halTaskFlags2 flags definitions. -******************************************************************************/ -enum -{ - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_2_0 = (uint8_t)1 << 0, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_2_1 = (uint8_t)1 << 1, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_2_2 = (uint8_t)1 << 2, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_2_3 = (uint8_t)1 << 3, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_2_4 = (uint8_t)1 << 4, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_2_5 = (uint8_t)1 << 5, - HAL_TASK_SPI = (uint8_t)1 << 6, - HAL_TASK_USART = (uint8_t)1 << 7 -}; - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief halTaskFlags3 flags definitions. -******************************************************************************/ -enum -{ - HAL_SM_REQ = (uint8_t)1 << 0, - HAL_ADC = (uint8_t)1 << 1, - HAL_EE_READY = (uint8_t)1 << 2, - HAL_USB_ENDPOINTS = (uint8_t)1 << 3, - HAL_USB_SUSPEND = (uint8_t)1 << 4, - HAL_USB_RESUME = (uint8_t)1 << 5, - HAL_USB_BUS_RESET = (uint8_t)1 << 6, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_3_7 = (uint8_t)1 << 7 -}; - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief halTaskFlags4 flags definitions. -******************************************************************************/ -enum -{ - HAL_WAKEUP = (uint8_t)1 << 0, - HAL_TWI = (uint8_t)1 << 1, - HAL_TIMER4_COMPA = (uint8_t)1 << 2, - HAL_SLEEP = (uint8_t)1 << 3, - HAL_EXT_HANDLER = (uint8_t)1 << 4, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_4_4 = (uint8_t)1 << 5, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_4_6 = (uint8_t)1 << 6, - HAL_EMPTY_TASK_4_7 = (uint8_t)1 << 7 -}; - -#elif defined(AT32UC3A0512) -/*! \brief task ID for hal task manager. HAL_FIRST_X are free ID. */ -enum -{ - HAL_APPTIMER = 1ul << 0, - HAL_TASK_USART = 1ul << 1, - HAL_FIRST_2 = 1ul << 2, - HAL_FIRST_3 = 1ul << 3, - HAL_FIRST_4 = 1ul << 4, - HAL_FIRST_5 = 1ul << 5, - HAL_FIRST_6 = 1ul << 6, - HAL_FIRST_7 = 1ul << 7, - HAL_FIRST_8 = 1ul << 8, - HAL_FIRST_9 = 1ul << 9, - HAL_FIRST_10 = 1ul << 10, - HAL_FIRST_11 = 1ul << 11, - HAL_FIRST_12 = 1ul << 12, - HAL_FIRST_13 = 1ul << 13, - HAL_FIRST_14 = 1ul << 14, - HAL_FIRST_15 = 1ul << 15, - HAL_FIRST_16 = 1ul << 16, - HAL_FIRST_17 = 1ul << 17, - HAL_FIRST_18 = 1ul << 18, - HAL_FIRST_19 = 1ul << 19, - HAL_FIRST_20 = 1ul << 20, - HAL_FIRST_21 = 1ul << 21, - HAL_FIRST_22 = 1ul << 22, - HAL_FIRST_23 = 1ul << 23, - HAL_FIRST_24 = 1ul << 24, - HAL_FIRST_25 = 1ul << 25, - HAL_FIRST_26 = 1ul << 26, - HAL_FIRST_27 = 1ul << 27, - HAL_FIRST_28 = 1ul << 28, - HAL_FIRST_29 = 1ul << 29, - HAL_FIRST_30 = 1ul << 30, - HAL_FIRST_31 = 1ul << 31 -}; - -#elif defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -/*! \brief task ID for hal task manager. HAL_FIRST_X are free ID. */ -enum -{ - HAL_APPTIMER = 1ul << 0, - HAL_TASK_USART = 1ul << 1, - HAL_USB_ENDPOINTS = 1ul << 2, - HAL_USB_SUSPEND = 1ul << 3, - HAL_USB_RESUME = 1ul << 4, - HAL_USB_BUS_RESET = 1ul << 5, - HAL_TASK_UART = 1ul << 6, - HAL_EE_READY = 1ul << 7, - HAL_HSMCI = 1ul << 8, - HAL_ASYNC_TIMER = 1ul << 9, - HAL_WAKEUP = 1ul << 10, - HAL_SLEEP = 1ul << 11, - HAL_FIRST_12 = 1ul << 12, - HAL_FIRST_13 = 1ul << 13, - HAL_FIRST_14 = 1ul << 14, - HAL_FIRST_15 = 1ul << 15, - HAL_FIRST_16 = 1ul << 16, - HAL_FIRST_17 = 1ul << 17, - HAL_FIRST_18 = 1ul << 18, - HAL_FIRST_19 = 1ul << 19, - HAL_FIRST_20 = 1ul << 20, - HAL_FIRST_21 = 1ul << 21, - HAL_FIRST_22 = 1ul << 22, - HAL_FIRST_23 = 1ul << 23, - HAL_FIRST_24 = 1ul << 24, - HAL_FIRST_25 = 1ul << 25, - HAL_FIRST_26 = 1ul << 26, - HAL_FIRST_27 = 1ul << 27, - HAL_FIRST_28 = 1ul << 28, - HAL_FIRST_29 = 1ul << 29, - HAL_FIRST_30 = 1ul << 30, - HAL_FIRST_31 = 1ul << 31 -}; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - External variables section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) -extern volatile uint32_t halTaskFlags; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) \ - || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -extern volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags0; -extern volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags1; -extern volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags2; -extern volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags3; -extern volatile uint8_t halTaskFlags4; -#elif defined(AT32UC3A0512) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -extern volatile uint32_t halTaskFlags; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask(uint32_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} - -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) \ - || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask 0 -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask0(uint8_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags0 |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask 1 -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask1(uint8_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags1 |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask 2 -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask2(uint8_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags2 |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask 3 -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask3(uint8_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags3 |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask 4 -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask4(uint8_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags4 |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} - -#elif defined(AT32UC3A0512) || defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Set task for task manager. - -\param[in] - flag task for task mask -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void halPostTask(uint32_t flag) -{ - halTaskFlags |= flag; - SYS_PostTask(HAL_TASK_ID); -} -#endif - -#endif /*_HALTASKHANDLER_H*/ - -// eof halTaskManager.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/hsmci.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/hsmci.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6e9dd2ea..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/hsmci.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file hsmci.h - - \brief The header file describes the HSMCI interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 24/08/11 N. Fomin - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _HSMCI_H -#define _HSMCI_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Hsmci descriptor */ -typedef struct -{ - /** \brief HSMCI bus clock rate. */ - HsmciClockRate_t clockRate; - /** \brief HSMCI bus width. */ - HsmciBusWidth_t busWidth; - /** \brief HSMCI high speed mode. */ - bool highSpeedMode; - /** \brief HSMCI command desciptor. - Take a look into halHsmci.h platform specific file fore more details. */ - HAL_HsmciCommandDescriptor_t *commandDescriptor; - /** \brief HSMCI data transfer descriptor. - Take a look into halHsmci.h platform specific file fore more details. */ - HAL_HsmciDataTransferDescriptor_t *dataTransferDescriptor; - /** \brief Address of the function to notify the upper layer when - a transfer was completed. */ - void (*callback)(void); -} HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open the HSMCI interface and configure pins. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - there are no free resources; - 0 - HSMCI is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenHsmci(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Close the HSMCI interface. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the hsmci descriptor. -\return - Returns 0 on success or -1 if interface was not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseHsmci(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sends HSMCI command. - Callback function will be used to notify about the finishing transmitting. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - hsmci interface was not opened, there is unsent data, - or command response buffer is zero; - 0 - on succes. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteHsmciCommand(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes data to the HSMCI. - Callback function will be used to notify about the finishing transmitting. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - hsmci interface was not opened, there is unsent data, pointer to the data, - the length are zero or command response buffer is zero; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteHsmci(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads data from the HSMCI. - Callback function will be used to notify about the finishing transmitting. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - hsmci module was not opened, there is unsent data, pointer to the data, - the interface are zero or command response buffer is zero; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadHsmci(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets HSMCI bus speed. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - hsmci interface was not opened or there is unsent data; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetHsmciSpeed(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets HSMCI bus width. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - hsmci interface was not opened or there is unsent data; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetHsmciBusWidth(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets HSMCI high speed mode. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to hsmci descriptor. -\return - -1 - hsmci interface was not opened or there is unsent data; - 0 - on success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetHsmciHighSpeedMode(HAL_HsmciDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks if HSMCI interface is free and ready. -\return - false - hsmci interface was not opened or there is unsent data; - true - hsmci interface is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -bool HAL_HsmciCheckReady(void); - -#endif /* _HSMCI_H */ -// eof hsmci.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/i2cPacket.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/i2cPacket.h deleted file mode 100644 index 102f2cd6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/i2cPacket.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file i2cPacket.h - - \brief The header file describes the i2cPacket interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _I2CPACKET_H -#define _I2CPACKET_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -// \cond -#include -#include -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief i2c bus prescaler */ -#define HAL_I2C_PRESCALER 0ul -// \cond -/** \brief internal address size */ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - /* AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO */ - #define HAL_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS (0x0 << 8) - /* AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE */ - #define HAL_ONE_BYTE_SIZE (0x1 << 8) - /* AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE */ - #define HAL_TWO_BYTE_SIZE (0x2 << 8) - /* AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE */ - #define HAL_THREE_BYTE_SIZE (0x3 << 8) -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - #define HAL_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS 0x0 - #define HAL_ONE_BYTE_SIZE 0x1 - #define HAL_TWO_BYTE_SIZE 0x2 - #define HAL_THREE_BYTE_SIZE 0x3 -#endif -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief i2c baud rate */ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - typedef enum - { - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_250 = F_CPU/(2*250000) - 3, // 200 Kb/s clock rate - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_125 = F_CPU/(2*125000) - 3, // 125 Kb/s clock rate - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_100 = F_CPU/(2*100000) - 3, // 100 Kb/s clock rate - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_62 = F_CPU/(2*62500) - 3 // 62.5 Kb/s clock rate - } I2cClockRate_t; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - typedef enum - { - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_250 = ((F_CPU/250000ul) - 16ul)/(2ul * (1ul << HAL_I2C_PRESCALER) * (1ul << HAL_I2C_PRESCALER)), // 250 Kb/s clock rate - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_125 = ((F_CPU/125000ul) - 16ul)/(2ul * (1ul << HAL_I2C_PRESCALER) * (1ul << HAL_I2C_PRESCALER)), // 125 Kb/s clock rate - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_62 = ((F_CPU/62500ul) - 16ul)/(2ul * (1ul << HAL_I2C_PRESCALER) * (1ul << HAL_I2C_PRESCALER)) // 62.5 Kb/s clock rate - } I2cClockRate_t; -#endif - -/** \brief TWI clock rate */ -typedef struct -{ - I2cClockRate_t clockrate; // clock rate -} HAL_i2cMode_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief i2c access control structure -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct -{ - /** \brief slave address */ - uint8_t id; - /** \brief number of bytes to be written to the bus */ - uint16_t length; - /** \brief pointer to the data */ - uint8_t *data; - /** \brief internal device address size conditions: - HAL_NO_INTERNAL_ADDRESS - byte command condition \n - HAL_ONE_BYTE_SIZE \n - HAL_TWO_BYTE_SIZE \n - HAL_THREE_BYTE_SIZE */ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - uint32_t lengthAddr; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - uint8_t lengthAddr; -#endif - /** \brief internal device address */ - uint32_t internalAddr; - /** \brief callback function */ - void (*f)(bool result); -} HAL_I2cParams_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Opens twi resource.\n -field of i2cMode structure \n -i2cClockRate_t clockrate (set by user). Must be chosen from:\n - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_250 - 250 Kb/s clock rate \n - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_125 - 125 Kb/s clock rate \n - I2C_CLOCK_RATE_62 - 62.5 Kb/s clock rate \n - -\param[in] - i2cMode - pointer to the mode structure. - -\return - -1 - resource was already open or pointer is NULL. \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenI2cPacket(HAL_i2cMode_t *i2cMode); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes resource. - -\return - -1 - resource was not open. \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseI2cPacket(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a series of bytes out to the TWI bus. Operation result will be -sent to the callback function of the HAL_I2cParams_t structure. - -\param[in] - param - pointer to HAL_I2cParams_t structure -\return - 0 - the bus is free and the request is accepted. \n - -1 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteI2cPacket(HAL_I2cParams_t *param); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads the series of bytes from the TWI bus. Operation result will be -sent to the callback function of the HAL_I2cParams_t structure. - -\param[in] - param - pointer to HAL_I2cParams_t structure -\return - 0 - the bus is free and the request is accepted. \n - -1 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadI2cPacket(HAL_I2cParams_t *param); - -#endif /* _I2CPACKET_H */ -// eof i2cPacket.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/irq.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/irq.h deleted file mode 100644 index bc2a36df..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/irq.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file irq.h - - \brief The header file describes the IRQ interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _IRQ_H -#define _IRQ_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief The low level generates an interrupt request. */ -#define IRQ_LOW_LEVEL 0 -/** \brief The high level generates an interrupt request (valid only for arm and avr32). */ -#define IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL 1 -/** \brief Any edge generates an interrupt request (valid only for avr and xmega). */ -#define IRQ_ANY_EDGE 2 -/** \brief Falling edge generates an interrupt request. */ -#define IRQ_FALLING_EDGE 3 -/** \brief Rising edge generates an interrupt request. */ -#define IRQ_RISING_EDGE 4 -/** \brief interrupt is disabled. (valid only for xmega)*/ -#define IRQ_IS_DISABLED 5 -/** \brief interrupt is not changed previous state. (valid only for xmega)*/ -#define IRQ_IS_NOT_CHANGED 6 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief numbers of possible interrupt. */ -typedef enum -{ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || \ - defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) || defined(AT32UC3A0512) -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for arm and avr32. */ - IRQ_0 = 0, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for arm and avr32. */ - IRQ_1 = 1, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for avr32. */ - IRQ_2 = 2, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for avr32. */ - IRQ_3 = 3, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for avr32. */ - IRQ_4 = 4, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for avr(only rcb platform) and avr32. */ - IRQ_5 = 5, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for avr and avr32. */ - IRQ_6 = 6, -/** \brief number of valid interrupt for avr and avr32. */ - IRQ_7 = 7, -#endif -#if defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - IRQ_A0, - IRQ_A1, - IRQ_B0, - IRQ_B1, - IRQ_C0, - IRQ_C1, - IRQ_D0, - IRQ_D1, - IRQ_E0, - IRQ_E1, - IRQ_F0, - IRQ_F1, -#if defined(ATXMEGA128A1) - IRQ_H0, - IRQ_H1, - IRQ_J0, - IRQ_J1, - IRQ_K0, - IRQ_K1, -#endif -#endif -#if defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - IRQ_PORT_A, - IRQ_PORT_B, - IRQ_PORT_C, -#endif - IRQ_LIMIT -} HAL_IrqNumber_t; - -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) || defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || \ - defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) || defined(AT32UC3A0512) -/** \brief interrupt activation condition. */ -typedef uint8_t HAL_IrqMode_t; -#endif -#if defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) -/** \brief interrupt activation condition. */ -typedef struct -{ - uint32_t pin0 : 3; - uint32_t pin1 : 3; - uint32_t pin2 : 3; - uint32_t pin3 : 3; - uint32_t pin4 : 3; - uint32_t pin5 : 3; - uint32_t pin6 : 3; - uint32_t pin7 : 3; -} HAL_IrqMode_t; -#endif -#if defined(AT91SAM3S4C) -typedef uint8_t HAL_IrqMode_t[32]; -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers the user's irqNumber external interrupt - -\param[in] - irqNumber - IRQ number. Must be chosen from: \n - IRQ_0 (for arm and avr32) \n - IRQ_1 (for arm and avr32) \n - IRQ_2 (for avr32) \n - IRQ_3 (for avr32) \n - IRQ_4 (for avr32) \n - IRQ_5 (for avr (only rcb platform) and avr32) \n - IRQ_6 (for avr and avr32) \n - IRQ_7 (for avr and avr32) \n - IRQ_PC (for xmega. P - port name, C - interrupt number. For example: IRQ_D1) \n - IRQ_PORT_x (for cortex m3, x stands for port name) \n -\param[in] - irqMode - Controls the sort of interrupt. For avr and arm must be chosen from: \n - IRQ_LOW_LEVEL // The low level generates an interrupt request. \n - IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL // The high level generates an interrupt request (valid for arm, avr32, cortex m3). \n - IRQ_ANY_EDGE // Any edge generates an interrupt request (valid for avr and cortex m3). \n - IRQ_FALLING_EDGE // Falling edge generates an interrupt request. \n - IRQ_RISING_EDGE // Rising edge generates an interrupt request. \n - - irqMode is bit field for xmega . Bit field includes members pinX (X - pin number of selected port). \n - All members that bit field must have value: - - IRQ_LOW_LEVEL // The low level generates an interrupt request. \n - IRQ_ANY_EDGE // Any edge generates an interrupt request. \n - IRQ_FALLING_EDGE // Falling edge generates an interrupt request. \n - IRQ_RISING_EDGE // Rising edge generates an interrupt request. \n - IRQ_IS_DISABLED // Pin is disabled for interrupt request. \n - IRQ_IS_NOT_CHANGED // Pin is not changed previous state. - -\param[in] - f - user's interrupt handler. Handler must be executed less than 100 us. -\return - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range, \n - not valid irq mode, \n - such interrupt has been already registered. \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_RegisterIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber, HAL_IrqMode_t irqMode, void (*f)(void)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enables the irqNumber interrupt. -\param[in] - irqNumber - IRQ number -\return - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range or has not been registered yet. \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_EnableIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Disables the irqNumber interrupt. -\param[in] - irqNumber - IRQ number -\return - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range or has not been registered yet. \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_DisableIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Unregisters the user's irqNumber interrupt -\param[in] - irqNumber - IRQ number -\return - -1 - if irqNumber is out of range or has not been registered yet. \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_UnregisterIrq(HAL_IrqNumber_t irqNumber); - -#endif /* _IRQ_H */ -//eof irq.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/pwm.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/pwm.h deleted file mode 100644 index d2b18cff..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/pwm.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,193 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file pwm.h - - \brief Description of the PWM interface - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/11/08 A. Taradov - Created - 5/04/11 A.Razinkov - Refactored - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _PWM_H -#define _PWM_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Defines section -******************************************************************************/ -#define TCCRnA(pwmUnit) MMIO_BYTE(pwmUnit) -#define TCCRnB(pwmUnit) MMIO_BYTE(pwmUnit + 1U) -#define TCCRnC(pwmUnit) MMIO_BYTE(pwmUnit + 2U) -#define TCNTn(pwmUnit) MMIO_WORD(pwmUnit + 4U) -#define ICRn(pwmUnit) MMIO_WORD(pwmUnit + 6U) -#define OCRnA(pwmUnit) MMIO_WORD(pwmUnit + 8U) -#define OCRnB(pwmUnit) MMIO_WORD(pwmUnit + 10U) -#define OCRnC(pwmUnit) MMIO_WORD(pwmUnit + 12U) - -#define PWM_SUCCESS_STATUS 0 -#define PWM_INVALID_UNIT_STATUS -1 -#define PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUS -2 -#define PWM_INVALID_PRESCALER_STATUS -3 - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief PWM prescaler -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - PWM_STOPPED, - PWM_PRESCALER_1, - PWM_PRESCALER_8, - PWM_PRESCALER_64, - PWM_PRESCALER_256, - PWM_PRESCALER_1024, - PWM_PRESCALER_EXT_CLOCK_ON_FALLING_EDGE, - PWM_PRESCALER_EXT_CLOCK_ON_RISING_EDGE, - PWM_PRESCALER_INVALID -} HAL_PwmPrescaler_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief PWM channel -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - PWM_CHANNEL_0, - PWM_CHANNEL_1, -#ifndef ATMEGA1284 - PWM_CHANNEL_2, -#endif /* ATMEGA1284 */ - PWM_INVALID_CHANNEL -} HAL_PwmChannel_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief PWM impulse polarity -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - /** \brief PWM output is low when duty cycle = 0% */ - PWM_POLARITY_NON_INVERTED, - /** \brief PWM output is high when duty cycle = 0% */ - PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED -} HAL_PwmPolarity_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief PWM unit number. Relative to corresponding Timer/Counter. -******************************************************************************/ -typedef enum -{ - /* Base address of T/C1 PWM related registers */ - PWM_UNIT_1 = 0x80, - /* Base address of T/C3 PWM related registers */ - PWM_UNIT_3 = 0x90 -} HAL_PwmUnit_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief PWM module descriptor -******************************************************************************/ -typedef struct _HAL_PwmDescriptor_t -{ - /* Service fields for internal use. */ - struct - { - /* Pointer to Data Direction Register. PWM port dependent. */ - volatile uint8_t *DDRn; - /* PWN channel pin number. PWM port dependent. */ - uint8_t pwmBaseChannelPin; - /* Compare Output Mode low bit position. PWM channel dependent. */ - uint8_t COMnx0; - /* Output Compare Register. PWM channel dependent. */ - volatile uint16_t *OCRnx; - } service; - /* PWM unit number. Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. */ - HAL_PwmUnit_t unit; - /* PWM channel */ - HAL_PwmChannel_t channel; - /* PWM polarity */ - HAL_PwmPolarity_t polarity; -} HAL_PwmDescriptor_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initializes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenPwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Stops PWM on specified channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StopPwm(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets base frequency of module. Common for all module channels. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. Equal to corresponding Timer/Counter ID. -\param [in] top - value for the TOP register. -\param [in] prescaler - clock prescaler. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetPwmFrequency(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit, uint16_t top, HAL_PwmPrescaler_t prescaler); - - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets compare value for the PWM channel. - -\param [in] descriptor - PWM channel descriptor. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_SetPwmCompareValue(HAL_PwmDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint16_t cmpValue); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Closes the PWM. - -\param [in] pwmUnit - PWM unit number. - Equal to ID of Timer/Counter witch serves PWM module. - -\return operation status -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ClosePwm(HAL_PwmUnit_t pwmUnit); - -#endif /* _PWM_H */ - -// eof pwm.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/reducePower.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/reducePower.h deleted file mode 100644 index b531f963..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/reducePower.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file reducePower.h - - \brief The header file describes the power reducing interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 6/10/09 A. Khromykh - Created. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _REDUCEPOWER_H -#define _REDUCEPOWER_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** -\brief Stops the clock to all peripherals, which are not used by BitCloud. \n -(implemented only for atxmega128a1 & atxmega256a3). -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SwitchOffPeripherals(void); - -#endif /* _REDUCEPOWER_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/resetReason.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/resetReason.h deleted file mode 100644 index 25311296..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/resetReason.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file resetReason.h - - \brief The header file describes the the reset reason interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 5/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created. - 2/09/09 M. Gekk - Platform XMega is supported. - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _RESETREASON_H -#define _RESETREASON_H - -/* \cond */ -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section - ******************************************************************************/ -#define TEMP_WARM_RESET 0x12 -/* \endcond */ - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section - ******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief The reset reason types. */ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - typedef enum - { - /** \brief VDDCORE rising */ - POWER_ON_RESET = 0x00, - /** \brief Watchdog fault occurred */ - WDT_RESET = 0x02, - /** \brief Processor reset required by the software */ - WARM_RESET = 0x03, - /** \brief NRST pin detected low */ - EXTERNAL_RESET = 0x04, - /** \brief BrownOut reset occurred */ - BROWN_OUT_RESET = 0x05 - } HAL_ResetReason_t; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - typedef enum - { - /** \brief jump to the NULL pointer was issued. */ - NULL_PTR_DEREF_RESET = 0x0, - /** \brief the supply voltage was below reset threshold. */ - POWER_ON_RESET = 0x1, - /** \brief a low level was present on RESET pin. */ - EXTERNAL_RESET = 0x2, - /** \brief the supply voltage was below Brown-out reset threshold. Set by fuses.*/ - BROWN_OUT_RESET = 0x4, - /** \brief Watch Dog Timer period expired. */ - WDT_RESET = 0x8, - /** \brief MCU was reset by JTAG. */ - JTAG_RESET = 0x10, - /** \brief software reset. */ - WARM_RESET = 0x11 - } HAL_ResetReason_t; -#elif defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - typedef enum - { - /** \brief jump to the NULL pointer was issued. */ - NULL_PTR_DEREF_RESET = 0x00, - /** \brief Power-on reset is released when the VCC stops rising or when - * the VCC level has reached the Power-on Threshold Voltage (VPOT) level. */ - POWER_ON_RESET = (1U << 0), - /** \brief The external reset will trigger when the RESET pin is driven - * below the RESET pin threshold voltage, VRST. */ - EXTERNAL_RESET = (1U << 1), - /** \brief The VCC level falls bellow the trigger level for a minimum time. */ - BROWN_OUT_RESET = (1U << 2), - /** \brief Watchdog reset will be given if the WDT is not reset from t - * he software within a programmable timout period, */ - WATCHDOG_RESET = (1U << 3), - /** \brief The Program and Debug Interface reset contains a separate reset source - * that is used to reset the device during external programming and debugging. */ - DEBUG_RESET = (1U << 4), - /** \brief The Software reset makes it possible to issue a system reset from - * software by writing to the Software Reset bit in the Reset Control Register. */ - WARM_RESET = (1U << 5) - } HAL_ResetReason_t; -#elif defined(AT32UC3A0512) - typedef enum - { - /** \brief The CPU was reset due to the supply voltage - * being lower than the power-on threshold level. */ - POWER_ON_RESET = (1U << 0), - /** \brief The CPU was reset due to the supply voltage - * being lower than the brown-out threshold level. */ - BROWN_OUT_RESET = (1U << 1), - /** \brief The CPU was reset due to the RESET pin being asserted. */ - EXTERNAL_RESET = (1U << 2), - /** \brief CPU reset caused by watchdog. */ - WDT_RESET = (1U << 3), - /** \brief The CPU was reset by setting the bit RC_CPU in the JTAG reset register. */ - DEBUG_RESET = (1U << 4), - /** \brief The CPU was reset because it had detected an illegal access. */ - CPUERR_RESET = (1U << 7), - /** \brief The CPU was reset because the RES strobe in - * the OCD Development Control register has been written to one. */ - OCDRST_RESET = (1U << 8), - /** \brief The chip was reset by setting the bit RC_OCD in the - * JTAG reset register or by using the JTAG HALT instruction.*/ - JTAGHARD_RESET = (1U << 9), - /** \brief CPU reset caused by call to halSoftwareReset. */ - WARM_RESET = (1U << 10), - } HAL_ResetReason_t; -#elif defined(AT91SAM3S4C) - typedef enum - { - /** \brief A general reset occurs when a Power-on-reset is detected, - a Brownout or a Voltage regulation loss is detected by the Supply controller. */ - GENERAL_RESET = 0x00, - /** \brief A Backup reset occurs when the chip returns from Backup mode. - The core_backup_reset signal is asserted by the Supply Controller when a Backup reset occurs. */ - BACKUP_RESET = 0x01, - /** \brief CPU reset caused by watchdog. */ - WDT_RESET = 0x02, - /** \brief CPU reset caused by call to halSoftwareReset. */ - WARM_RESET = 0x03, - /** \brief The CPU was reset due to the RESET pin being asserted. */ - EXTERNAL_RESET = 0x04 - } HAL_ResetReason_t; -#else - #error 'unsupported cpu' -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - \brief Returns the reset reason. - \return The reason of reset. - ******************************************************************************/ -HAL_ResetReason_t HAL_ReadResetReason(void); - -/**************************************************************************//** - \brief Software reset. - ******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_WarmReset(void); - -#endif /* _RESETREASON_H */ -/* resetReason.h */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleep.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleep.h deleted file mode 100644 index dc5c55b1..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleep.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file sleep.h - - \brief The header file describes the sleep interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 1/12/09 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _SLEEP_H -#define _SLEEP_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -typedef void (* HAL_WakeUpCallback_t)(void); - -/** \brief fields of structure \n - \brief uint32_t sleepTime - time of mcu+radio sleeping \n - \brief HAL_WakeUpCallback_t callback - pointer to wake up callback function */ -typedef struct -{ - uint32_t sleepTime; - HAL_WakeUpCallback_t callback; -} HAL_Sleep_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts sleep timer and HAL sleep. When system is wake up send callback -\param[in] - sleepParam - pointer to sleep structure. -\return - -1 - bad parameters, \n - -2 - sleep timer busy, \n - -3 - sleep system has been started. - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartSystemSleep(HAL_Sleep_t *sleepParam); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Prepares mcu for power-save, power-down. - Power-down the mode is possible only when internal RC is used -\return - -1 - there is no possibility to sleep. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_Sleep(void); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Makes MCU enter Idle mode. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_IdleMode(void); - -#endif /* _SLEEP_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleepTimer.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleepTimer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 87c29632..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/sleepTimer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file sleepTimer.h - - \brief The header file describes the sleepTimer interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/07 E. Ivanov - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _SLEEPTIMER_H -#define _SLEEPTIMER_H - -// \cond -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief fields of structure \n - \brief uint32_t interval - timer firing interval (set by user) \n - \brief TimerMode_t mode - timer work mode (set by user). Must be chosen from: \n - TIMER_REPEAT_MODE \n - TIMER_ONE_SHOT_MODE \n - \brief void (*callback)() - pointer to the timer callback function (set by user) \n */ -typedef Timer_t HAL_SleepTimer_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts sleep timer. Interval must be greater one time of sleep timer tick. -\param[in] - sleepTimer - pointer to sleep timer structure. -\return - -1 - NULL pointer, \n - -2 - interval can not be counted out, \n - -3 - sleep timer has already started, \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StartSleepTimer(HAL_SleepTimer_t *sleepTimer); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Removes timer. -\param[in] - sleepTimer - address of the timer to be removed from the list -\return - -1 - there is no active sleep timer, \n - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_StopSleepTimer(HAL_SleepTimer_t *sleepTimer); - -#endif /* _SLEEPTIMER_H */ -// eof sleepTimer.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/spi.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/spi.h deleted file mode 100644 index c34f5dcd..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/spi.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file spi.h - - \brief The header file describes the USART SPI mode (for avr) and SPI1 bus (for arm). - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 29/05/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _SPI_H -#define _SPI_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - #include -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || \ - defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || \ - defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - #include -#endif - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Spi descriptor */ -typedef struct -{ - /** \brief tty - SPI_CHANNEL_n to be used. "n" range depends on the platform. - Take a look into halSpi.h platform specific file fore more details. */ - SpiChannel_t tty; - /** \brief SpiClockMode_t clockMode - spi clock mode (set by user). Must be chosen from: \n - SPI_CLOCK_MODE0 \n - SPI_CLOCK_MODE1 \n - SPI_CLOCK_MODE2 \n - SPI_CLOCK_MODE3 \n */ - SpiClockMode_t clockMode; -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - /** \brief parameters are valid only for arm: */ - /** \brief symbol size (bits) (set by user). Must be set: \n - SPI_8BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_9BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_10BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_11BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_12BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_13BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_14BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_15BITS_SYMBOL \n - SPI_16BITS_SYMBOL \n */ - SpiSymbolSize_t symbolSize; - /** \brief Must be use macros HAL_SPI_PACK_PARAMETER(freq_value, valid_delay_value, cons_delay_value). \n - Where is: \n - freq_value - spi frequency (Hz) \n - valid_delay_value - delay between setting CS and clock start (sec) \n - cons_delay_value - delay between consecutive transfers (sec) \n */ - uint32_t pack_parameter; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || \ - defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - /** \brief parameters are valid only for avr:*/ - /** \brief spi data order (set by user). Must be chosen from: \n - SPI_DATA_MSB_FIRST \n - SPI_DATA_LSB_FIRST \n */ - SpiDataOrder_t dataOrder; - /** \brief spi clock rate (set by user). Must be chosen from: \n - for atmega \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_62 \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_125 \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_250 \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_500 \n - - for xmega mcu clock \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_125 (4 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_250 (4, 8 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_500 (4, 8, 16 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_750 (12 MHz ) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_1000 (4, 8, 16, 32 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_1500 (12 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_2000 (4, 8, 16, 32 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_3000 (12 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_4000 (8, 16, 32 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_6000 (12 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_8000 (16, 32 MHz) \n - SPI_CLOCK_RATE_16000 (32 MHz) */ - SpiBaudRate_t baudRate; - /** \brief HAL USART service field - contains variables for HAL USART module - internal needs */ - HAL_UsartDescriptor_t spiDescriptor; -#endif - union - { - /** \brief address of the function to notify the application when a transmission was completed. \n - When the synchronous method is used, callback must be NULL. \n */ - void (* callback)(void); - /** \brief address of the function to notify the application when a byte was received. \n - Slave mode uses only asynchronous method. \n */ - void (* slave_callback)(uint16_t); - }; -} HAL_SpiDescriptor_t; - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open the SPI interface and configure pins. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - -1 - there not are free resources. - 0 - SPI channel is ready. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Close the SPI channel and pins. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to the spi descriptor. -\return - Returns 0 on success or -1 if channel was not opened. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a length bytes to the SPI. \n - Callback function will be used to notify about the finishing transmitting. - (only for master spi) -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to spi descriptor -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to application data buffer; -\param[in] - length - number bytes for transfer; -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, there is unsent data, pointer to the data or - the length are zero; \n - 0 - on success or a number; \n - Number of written bytes if the synchronous method is used(callback is NULL), \n - only for master spi. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief For master : writes a number of bytes to the spi.\n - Callback function will be used to notify when the activity is finished.\n - The read data is placed to the buffer. \n - For slave: reads a number of bytes from internal spi buffer and writes them \n - to application buffer. -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_SpiDescriptor_t structure -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer -\return - -1 - spi module was not opened, or there is unsent data, or the pointer to - data or the length are NULL; \n - 0 - success for master; \n - Number of written bytes if the synchronous method is used(callback is NULL) for master \n - or number of read bytes from internal buffer to the application buffer for slave. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadSpi(HAL_SpiDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -#endif /* _SPI_H */ -// eof spi.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uart.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uart.h deleted file mode 100644 index a2a52d38..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************//** - \file uart.h - - \brief - UART interface - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 17.11.2010 D. Loskutnikov - Created. -******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _UART_H -#define _UART_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Functions prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Open UART - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -\return 1 if success, -1 if error -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenUart(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Close UART - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -\return -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseUart(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send contents of buffer over UART - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -\param[in] buffer buffer to be sent -\param[in] length buffer length -\return number of sent bytes or -1 if error -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteUart(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Copy received by UART bytes to user-supplied buffer - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -\param[in] buffer buffer to store data -\param[in] length maximum length of buffer -\return number of actually copied bytes or -1 if error -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUart(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Check if any bytes are pending for transmission over UART - -\param[in] desc descriptor -\return -1 if error, 0 if not, 1 if yes -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_IsUartTxEmpty(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Store UART error conditions - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -\param[in] err error condition -******************************************************************************/ -void halUartStoreError(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *desc, uint8_t err); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Send byte from FIFO over UART - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -******************************************************************************/ -void halUartTx(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *desc); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Store received byte to FIFO - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -******************************************************************************/ -void halUartStoreRx(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *desc); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief UART transmission complete handler - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUartTransmissionComplete(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *desc); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief UART reception complete handler - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUartReceptionComplete(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *desc); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief UART error handler - -\param[in] desc UART descriptor -******************************************************************************/ -void halSigUartErrorOccurred(HAL_UartDescriptor_t *desc); - -#endif /* _UART_H */ -// eof uart.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uid.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uid.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1adbaeb6..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/uid.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file uid.h - - \brief The header file describes the UID interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 7/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _UID_H -#define _UID_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -// \cond -#include -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/************************************************************//** -\brief UID discovery. -\param[in] - id - UID buffer pointer. \n - Attention! Memory size must equal (Number of devices) * 8 bytes -\return - 0 - if UID of DS2411 has been found successfully; \n - -1 - if some error occured during UID discovery. -****************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUid(uint64_t *id); - -#endif /* _UID_H */ - -// eof uid.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usart.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usart.h deleted file mode 100644 index f81a5de7..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,289 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************//** - \file usart.h - - \brief The header file describes the usart interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 22/08/07 A. Khromykh - Created -*******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ -#ifndef _USART_H -#define _USART_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -// \cond -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE 0 -#define USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE (1 << 0) -#define USART_DTR_CONTROL (1 << 1) - -#if defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || \ - defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) || defined(ATXMEGA128A1) || \ - defined(ATXMEGA256A3) || defined(ATXMEGA256D3) - // this define is used only by HAL. - #define USART_SPI_READ_MODE (1 << 4) - #define USART_SPI_WRITE_MODE (1 << 3) -#endif -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -/** \brief Usart descriptor*/ -typedef struct -{ - /** \brief HAL USART service field - contains variables for HAL USART module - internal needs */ - HalUsartService_t service; - /** \brief tty - USART_CHANNEL_n to be used. "n" range depends on the platform. - Take a look into halUsart.h platform specific file fore more details. */ - UsartChannel_t tty; - /** \brief Sets synchronous or asynchronous routine. \n - Must be chosen from: \n - USART_MODE_ASYNC \n - USART_MODE_RS485 (only for arm)\n - USART_MODE_SYNC \n */ - UsartMode_t mode; - /** \brief baudrate - USART baud rate. Must be chosen from: \n - USART_BAUDRATE_1200 \n - USART_BAUDRATE_2400 \n - USART_BAUDRATE_4800 \n - USART_BAUDRATE_9600 \n - USART_BAUDRATE_19200 \n - USART_BAUDRATE_38400 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_1200 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_2400 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_4800 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_9600 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_38400 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_57600 \n - USART_SYNC_BAUDRATE_115200 \n */ - UsartBaudRate_t baudrate; - /** \brief data - USART data length. Must be chosen from: \n - USART_DATA5 \n - USART_DATA6 \n - USART_DATA7 \n - USART_DATA8 \n */ - UsartData_t dataLength; - /** \brief parity - USART parity mode. Must be chosen from: \n - USART_PARITY_NONE \n - USART_PARITY_EVEN \n - USART_PARITY_ODD \n */ - UsartParity_t parity; - /** \brief stopbits - USART stop bits number. Must be chosen from: \n - USART_STOPBIT_1 \n - USART_STOPBIT_2 \n */ - UsartStopBits_t stopbits; - /** \brief edge - data received edge (only for usart). Must be chosen from: \n - USART_EDGE_MODE_FALLING \n - USART_EDGE_MODE_RISING \n */ - UsartEdgeMode_t edge; - /** \brief master or slave on usart (only for usart). Must be chosen from: - USART_CLK_MODE_MASTER \n - USART_CLK_MODE_SLAVE \n */ - UsartClkMode_t syncMode; - /** \brief It's pointer to receive buffer. \n - If rxBuffer is NULL then transactions are discarded. \n - Size of buffer depends on user application. */ - uint8_t *rxBuffer; - /** \brief length of receive buffer */ - uint16_t rxBufferLength; - /** \brief It's pointer to transmit buffer. \n - If txBuffer is NULL then callback method is used. \n - If txBuffer isn't NULL then polling method is used. */ - uint8_t *txBuffer; - /** \brief length of transmit buffer */ - uint16_t txBufferLength; - /** \brief It's receive usart callback. \n - If rxCallback is NULL then polling method is used. \n - If rxCallback isn't NULL then callback method is used.*/ - void (*rxCallback)(uint16_t); - /** \brief It's transmitting was completed usart callback. \n - If txBuffer isn't NULL then txCallback notify about end of bytes sending. */ - void (*txCallback)(void); - #if defined(_USE_USART_ERROR_EVENT_) - /** \brief It's error was occurred usart callback. \n - If receiver error is issued then errCallback notify about issue with reason. \n - Reason must be: \n - FRAME_ERROR \n - DATA_OVERRUN \n - PARITY_ERROR */ - void (*errCallback)(UsartErrorReason_t); - #endif - /** \brief flow control of usart. One of the defines \n - USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE, \n - USART_FLOW_CONTROL_HARDWARE, USART_DTR_CONTROL, it is possible to combine by logical OR. \n - RS485 mode needs for USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE. \n - The RTS pin is driven high when the transmitter is operating. */ - uint8_t flowControl; -} HAL_UsartDescriptor_t; - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers usart's event handlers. Performs configuration -of usart registers. Performs configuration of RTS, CTS and DTR pins. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - Returns positive usart descriptor on success or -1 in cases: \n - - bad usart channel; \n - - there are not enough resources; \n -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OpenUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Releases the usart channel and pins, if hardware flow control was used. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor or channel is already closed; \n - 0 - success. -*****************************************************************************/ -int HAL_CloseUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a number of bytes to usart channel. -txCallback function will be used to notify when the transmission is finished. -If hardware flow control is used for transmitting then RTS and DTR pins will -be tested during transmission. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application data buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to transfer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_WriteUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads a number of bytes from usart and places them to the buffer. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\param[in] - buffer - pointer to the application buffer; - -\param[in] - length - number of bytes to be placed to the buffer; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, or bad number of bytes to read; \n - Number of bytes placed to the buffer - success. -*****************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUsart(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Forbids the host to transmit data. -Only USART_CHANNEL_1 can be used for hardware flow control for avr. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, or unsupported mode; \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OnUsartCts(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Allows the host to transmit data. -Only USART_CHANNEL_1 can be used for hardware flow control for avr. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, or unsupported mode; \n - 0 - success. -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_OffUsartCts(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads RTS pin state. -Only USART_CHANNEL_1 can be used for hardware flow control for avr. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, or unsupported mode; \n - 0 - RTS is low level; \n - 1 - RTS is high level; -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUsartRts(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads DTR pin state. -Only USART_CHANNEL_1 can be used for hardware flow control for avr. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, bad usart, or unsupported mode; \n - 0 - DTR is low level; \n - 1 - DTR is high level; -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_ReadUsartDtr(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Checks the status of tx buffer. - -\param[in] - descriptor - pointer to HAL_UsartDescriptor_t structure; - -\return - -1 - bad descriptor, no tx buffer; \n - 1 - tx buffer is empty; \n - 0 - tx buffer is not empty; -******************************************************************************/ -int HAL_IsTxEmpty(HAL_UsartDescriptor_t *descriptor); - -#if defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Enables DTR wake up. - -\param[in] - callback - pointer to callback method; -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_EnableDtrWakeUp(void (* callback)(void)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Disables DTR wake up. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_DisableDtrWakeUp(void); -#endif - -#endif /* _USART_H */ -// eof usart.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usb.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usb.h deleted file mode 100644 index d561d8b5..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/usb.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file usb.h - - \brief The header file describes the usb interface - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 17/07/08 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _USB_H -#define _USB_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -// \cond -// USB device API return values -// Indicates the operation was successful -#define STATUS_SUCCESS 0 -// Endpoint/device is already busy -#define STATUS_BUSY 1 -// Operation has been aborted -#define STATUS_ABORTED 2 -// Operation has been aborted because the device was configured -#define STATUS_RESET 3 - -// USB device states -// The device is currently suspended -#define DEVICE_SUSPENDED 0 -// USB cable is plugged into the device -#define DEVICE_ATTACHED 1 -// Host is providing +5V through the USB cable -#define DEVICE_POWERED 2 -// Device has been reset -#define DEVICE_DEFAULT 3 -// The device has been given an address on the bus -#define DEVICE_ADDRESS 5 -// A valid configuration has been selected -#define DEVICE_CONFIGURED 6 -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// transaction callback type -typedef void (* TransferCallback_t)(void *pArg, uint8_t status, uint16_t transferred, uint16_t remaining); - -BEGIN_PACK -// Usb endpoint descriptor -typedef struct PACK -{ - uint8_t bLength; // Size of the descriptor in bytes - uint8_t bDescriptorType; // Descriptor type - uint8_t bEndpointAddress; // Address and direction of the endpoint - uint8_t bmAttributes; // Endpoint type and additional characteristics (for isochronous endpoints) - uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; // Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the endpoint - uint8_t bInterval; // Polling rate of the endpoint -} HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t; -END_PACK - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers user's request handler - -\param[in] - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterRequestHandler(void (* f)(uint8_t *req)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers user's end of bus reset handler - -\param[in] - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterEndOfBusResetHandler(void (* f)(void)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers user's resume handler - -\param[in] - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterResumeHandler(void (* f)(void)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers user's suspend handler - -\param[in] - f - pointer to user's callback -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterSuspendHandler(void (* f)(void)); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Configures an endpoint according to its Endpoint Descriptor. - -\param[in] - descriptor - Pointer to an Endpoint descriptor. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_ConfigureEndpoint(HAL_UsbEndPointDescptr_t *descriptor); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sends data through a USB endpoint. Sets up the transfer descriptor, -writes one or two data payloads (depending on the number of FIFO bank -for the endpoint) and then starts the actual transfer. The operation is -complete when all the data has been sent. - -*If the size of the buffer is greater than the size of the endpoint -(or twice the size if the endpoint has two FIFO banks), then the buffer -must be kept allocated until the transfer is finished*. This means that -it is not possible to declare it on the stack (i.e. as a local variable -of a function which returns after starting a transfer). - -\param[in] - eptnum - Endpoint number. -\param[in] - data - Pointer to a buffer with the data to send. -\param[in] - size - Size of the data buffer. -\param[in] - callback - Optional callback function to invoke when the transfer is complete. -\param[in] - argument - Optional argument to the callback function. - -\return - STATUS_SUCCESS if the transfer has been started; otherwise, the - corresponding error status code. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_UsbWrite(uint8_t eptnum, void *data, uint32_t size, TransferCallback_t callback, void *argument); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads incoming data on an USB endpoint This methods sets the transfer -descriptor and activate the endpoint interrupt. The actual transfer is -then carried out by the endpoint interrupt handler. The Read operation -finishes either when the buffer is full, or a short packet (inferior to -endpoint maximum size) is received. - -*The buffer must be kept allocated until the transfer is finished*. - -\param[in] - eptnum - Endpoint number. -\param[in] - data - Pointer to a data buffer. -\param[in] - size - Size of the data buffer in bytes. -\param[in] - callback - Optional end-of-transfer callback function. -\param[in] - argument - Optional argument to the callback function. - -\return - STATUS_SUCCESS if the read operation has been started; otherwise, - the corresponding error code. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_UsbRead(uint8_t eptnum, void *data, uint32_t size, TransferCallback_t callback, void *argument); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets the HALT feature on the given endpoint (if not already in this state). - -\param[in] - eptnum - Endpoint number. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Halt(uint8_t eptnum); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Clears the Halt feature on the given endpoint. - -\param[in] - eptnum - Endpoint number. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_Unhalt(uint8_t eptnum); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Returns the current Halt status of an endpoint. - -\param[in] - eptnum - Endpoint number. - -\return - 1 - if the endpoint is currently halted; - 0 - otherwise. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_IsHalted(uint8_t eptnum); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Causes the given endpoint to acknowledge the next packet it receives with -a STALL handshake. - -\param[in] - eptnum - Endpoint number. - -\return - STATUS_SUCCESS or STATUS_BUSY. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_Stall(uint8_t eptnum); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets the device address to the given value. - -\param[in] - address - New device address. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetAddress(uint8_t *address); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Sets the current device configuration. - -\param[in] - cfgnum - Configuration number to set. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_SetConfiguration(uint8_t cfgnum); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Initializes the USB driver. This function must be called before host -bus reset and after pull up is connected to D+. After pull up was connected -to D+ host resets device with 100ms delay. - -\param[in] - reqMem - Memory for usb request. Memory is allocated by user. -******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_UsbInit(uint8_t *reqMem); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief Returns the current state of the USB device. - -\return - Device current state. -******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_GetState(void); - -#endif /* _USB_H */ diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/w1.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/w1.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7f26d39c..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/w1.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file w1.h - - \brief The header file describes the 1-Wire interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _W1_H -#define _W1_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Define(s) section -******************************************************************************/ -#define W1_ANY_FAMILY 0x00 -#define DS2411 0x01 - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/*************************************************************************//** -\brief 1-Wire search procedure with search ROM command only -\param[in] - family - 8-bit family code. -\param[in] - data - pointer of SRAM where the 8-bytes ROM codes returned by the - devices are stored. \n - Attention! Memory size must be equal to (Number of devices) * 8 bytes -\param[in] - count - number of devices we wish to find. -\param[in] - actCount - number of devices actually found. -\return - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if at least one device has been found. \n - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if there are no any devices presented - on the bus with specified family code. \n - W1_INVALID_CRC - if an invalid CRC has been read during the search and - no devices with specified family code was found. -******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t HAL_SearchW1Device(uint8_t family, - uint8_t *data, - uint8_t count, - uint8_t *actCount); - -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief 1-Wire search procedure with alarm search command only -\param[in] - family - 8-bit family code. -\param[in] - data - pointer of SRAM where the 8-bytes ROM codes returned by the - devices are stored. \n -\param[in] - count - number of devices we wish to find. -\param[in] - actCount - number of devices actually found. -\return - W1_SUCCESS_STATUS - if at least one device has been found. \n - W1_NO_DEVICE_STATUS - if there are no any devices presented - on the bus with specified family code. \n - W1_INVALID_CRC - if an invalid CRC has been read during the search and - no devices with specified family code was found. -******************************************************************************/ -W1Status_t HAL_AlarmSearchW1Device(uint8_t family, - uint8_t *data, - uint8_t count, - uint8_t *actCount); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Resets all devices connected to the bus. -\return - 0 - there are some devices at the bus. \n - 1 - there are no devices at the bus. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_ResetW1(void); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Writes a single byte to the bus -\param[in] - value - byte to write. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_WriteW1(uint8_t value); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Reads a single byte from the bus. -\return - byte read from the bus. -*******************************************************************************/ -uint8_t HAL_ReadW1(void); - -#endif /* _W1_H */ -// eof w1.h diff --git a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/wdtCtrl.h b/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/wdtCtrl.h deleted file mode 100644 index 06d259ae..00000000 --- a/digital/beacon/src/Bitcloud_stack/Components/HAL/include/wdtCtrl.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************************//** - \file wdtCtrl.h - - \brief The header file describes the WDT interface. - - \author - Atmel Corporation: \n - Support email: - - Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. - Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). - - \internal - History: - 10/12/07 A. Khromykh - Created - ******************************************************************************/ -/****************************************************************************** - * WARNING: CHANGING THIS FILE MAY AFFECT CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE STACK. * - * EXPERT USERS SHOULD PROCEED WITH CAUTION. * - ******************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _WDTCTRL_H -#define _WDTCTRL_H - -/****************************************************************************** - Includes section -******************************************************************************/ -#include - -/****************************************************************************** - Types section -******************************************************************************/ -// \cond -// an interval before WDT will expire -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) - typedef enum - { - WDT_INTERVAL_4 = 0xFFE, // 4 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_16 = 0xFFB, // 16 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_32 = 0xFF9, // 32 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_64 = 0xFEF, // 64 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_125 = 0xFDF, // 125 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_250 = 0xFBF, // 250 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_500 = 0xF7F, // 500 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_1000 = 0xEFF, // 1 second - WDT_INTERVAL_2000 = 0xDFF, // 2 seconds - WDT_INTERVAL_4000 = 0xBFF, // 4 seconds - WDT_INTERVAL_8000 = 0x7FF // 8 seconds - } HAL_WdtInterval_t; -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) - typedef enum - { - WDT_INTERVAL_16 = 0x00, // 16 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_32 = 0x01, // 32 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_64 = 0x02, // 64 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_125 = 0x03, // 125 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_250 = 0x04, // 250 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_500 = 0x05, // 500 ms - WDT_INTERVAL_1000 = 0x06, // 1 second - WDT_INTERVAL_2000 = 0x07, // 2 seconds - WDT_INTERVAL_4000 = 0x20, // 4 seconds - WDT_INTERVAL_8000 = 0x21 // 8 seconds - }HAL_WdtInterval_t; -#endif -// \endcond - -/****************************************************************************** - Prototypes section -******************************************************************************/ -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Starts WDT within a given interval. - -\param[in] - interval - interval. Must be chosen from: \n - WDT_INTERVAL_16 // 16 ms \n - WDT_INTERVAL_32 // 32 ms \n - WDT_INTERVAL_64 // 64 ms \n - WDT_INTERVAL_125 // 125 ms \n - WDT_INTERVAL_250 // 250 ms \n - WDT_INTERVAL_500 // 500 ms \n - WDT_INTERVAL_1000 // 1 second \n - WDT_INTERVAL_2000 // 2 seconds \n - WDT_INTERVAL_4000 // 4 seconds \n - WDT_INTERVAL_8000 // 8 seconds \n -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_StartWdt(HAL_WdtInterval_t interval); - -/***************************************************************************//** -\brief Registers WDT fired callback. - -\param[in] - wdtCallback - pointer to the callback function. -*******************************************************************************/ -void HAL_RegisterWdtCallback(void (*wdtCallback)(void)); - -/****************************************************************************** - Inline static functions section -******************************************************************************/ -#if defined(AT91SAM7X256) -/**************************************************************************//** -\brief reset and reload wdt counter -******************************************************************************/ -INLINE void HAL_ResetWdt(void) -{ - halResetWdt(); -} - -#elif defined(ATMEGA1281) || defined(ATMEGA2561) || defined(ATMEGA1284) || defined(AT90USB1287) || defined(ATMEGA128RFA1) -/*******************************************************************//** -\brief stops the WDT -***********************************************************************/ -#define HAL_StopWdt() wdt_disable() - -/*******************************************************************//** -\brief resets the WDT -***********************************************************************/ -#define HAL_ResetWdt() wdt_reset() -#endif - -#endif /*_WDTCTRL_H*/ - -// eof wdtCtrl.h -- cgit v1.2.3