path: root/host/inter/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-04-01digital/asserv, host/inter: update old simulator after changes in ObserverNicolas Schodet
The new Observer directly calls notify on register.
2009-03-14 * host/inter, host/simu:Nicolas Schodet
- moved drawable and trans_matrix to the new directory structure. - new drawable behaviour.
2009-03-03 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- use io mex interface.
2009-02-09 * all python:Nicolas Schodet
- changed tabs to spaces.
2008-04-29 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- added obstacle and distance sensor.
2008-04-25 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- fixed distributors position.
2008-04-20 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- fixed rotation direction.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- added buttons for jack and color selection.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- fixed cosmetic.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- changed inter to a module.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- shortened servo arms.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- added copyright info.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- added robot arm and rear servos.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- added axes.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- added robot.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- use the new Drawable.
2008-04-04 * host/inter:Nicolas Schodet
- first interface draft.