path: root/digital/ai/src/fsm/
diff options
authorJerome Jutteau2013-02-27 21:54:29 +0100
committerJerome Jutteau2013-02-27 22:16:07 +0100
commit0fe95079677149ca0791aa5edd7dc99c7276748b (patch)
tree0f1a0bcd9a557d5d5e006777fb33ce451196473c /digital/ai/src/fsm/
parentce8581af2514e8d60c0ce14f4a2c39944b6ab988 (diff)
digital/ai/src/fsm: update angfsm
Diffstat (limited to 'digital/ai/src/fsm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1607 deletions
diff --git a/digital/ai/src/fsm/ b/digital/ai/src/fsm/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9d0b00..00000000
--- a/digital/ai/src/fsm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1607 +0,0 @@
- AngFSM - AngFSM - Almost Non Generated Finite State Machine
- Copyright 2011 Jerome Jutteau
- * email: j.jutteau _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com
- * website:
- This file is part of AngFSM.
- AngFSM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- AngFSM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with AngFSM. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "fsm.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-fsm_build_arg_parse (char *string, char ***tab, int *nb)
- long i = 0;
- long buff_cnt = 0;
- char *buff;
- int nb_cur = 0;
- int param = 0;
- assert (string && tab && nb);
- if (strlen (string) == 0)
- {
- *nb = 0;
- **tab = NULL;
- return;
- }
- buff = strdup (string);
- /* Count. */
- *nb = 1;
- for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++)
- if (string[i] == ',')
- (*nb)++;
- *tab = (char **) malloc ((*nb) * sizeof (char *));
- /* Fill. */
- for (i = 0; i < (long) strlen (string) + 1; i++)
- {
- if (string[i] == ',' || string[i] == '\0')
- {
- param = 0;
- buff[buff_cnt] = '\0';
- (*tab)[nb_cur] = strdup (buff);
- buff_cnt=0;
- nb_cur++;
- }
- else if (string[i] != '"' && string[i] != ' ')
- {
- if (param == 0)
- param = 1;
- if (param == 2)
- printf ("Parse error in \"%s\"\n", string);
- buff[buff_cnt++] = string[i];
- }
- else if (string[i] == ' ')
- {
- if (param == 1)
- param = 2;
- }
- }
- free (buff);
-fsm_build_arg_free (char ***tab, int nb)
- assert (*tab);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
- {
- assert ((*tab)[i]);
- free ((*tab)[i]);
- }
- free (*tab);
-fsm_build_print (fsm_build_t *fsm,
- fsm_build_trans_t *trans,
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *branch)
- //XXX What to do here ?
- if (branch->name == NULL)
- fprintf (stderr, "Transition: %s -- %s --> %s\n",
- trans->state->var_name,
- trans->event->var_name,
- branch->state->var_name);
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "Transition: %s -- %s --> %s (%s)\n",
- trans->state->var_name,
- trans->event->var_name,
- branch->name,
- branch->state->var_name);
-fsm_build_sanity_check (fsm_build_t *fsm)
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *ec;
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *ec_tmp;
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc;
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc_tmp;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc_tmp;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *bc;
- uint b;
- /* Sanity check 1: are all states has a different name ? */
- sc = fsm->states;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- sc_tmp = fsm->states;
- while (sc_tmp != NULL)
- {
- if (sc != sc_tmp
- && strcmp (sc->state.var_name, sc_tmp->state.var_name)
- == 0)
- assert (!"All states must have a different name.");
- sc_tmp = sc_tmp->next;
- }
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- /* Sanity check 2: are all events has a different name ? */
- ec = fsm->events;
- while (ec != NULL)
- {
- ec_tmp = fsm->events;
- while (ec_tmp != NULL)
- {
- if (ec != ec_tmp
- && strcmp (ec->event.var_name, ec_tmp->event.var_name)
- == 0)
- assert (!"All events must have a different name.");
- ec_tmp = ec_tmp->next;
- }
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- /* Sanity check 3: are all events used in a transition ? */
- ec = fsm->events;
- while (ec != NULL)
- {
- b = 0;
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- if (&ec->event == tc->trans.event)
- {
- b = 1;
- break;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- if (!b)
- fprintf (stderr, "Warning, some events are not used in a transition (%s).\n",
- ec->event.var_name);
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- /* Sanity check 4: are all states used in a transition ? */
- sc = fsm->states;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- b = 0;
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- if (&sc->state == tc->trans.state)
- {
- b = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* This state may be a final state. */
- bc = tc->trans.output_branches;
- while (bc != NULL)
- {
- if (&sc->state == bc->state)
- {
- b = 1;
- break;
- }
- bc = bc->next;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- if (!b)
- fprintf (stderr, "Warning, some states are not used in a transition (%s).\n",
- sc->state.var_name);
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- /* Sanity check 5: are all states can be reached during execution ? */
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *stack = NULL;
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *tail = NULL;
- uint i;
- /* Initialise check array. */
- uint *check_tab = malloc (fsm->state_nb * sizeof (uint));
- memset (check_tab, 0, fsm->state_nb * sizeof (uint));
- /* Initialize by adding first active states the stack. */
- sc = fsm->starters;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- sc_tmp = (fsm_build_state_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_state_chain_t));
- sc_tmp->state = sc->state;
- if (stack == NULL)
- stack = sc_tmp;
- if (tail != NULL)
- tail->next = sc_tmp;
- sc_tmp->next = NULL;
- tail = sc_tmp;
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- /* Get next states from the stack and check them. */
- while (stack != NULL)
- {
- /* Check state. */
- check_tab[stack->state.code] = 1;
- /* Add to the tail of the stack th next states if they are not checked
- * yet. */
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- if (tc->trans.state->code == stack->state.code)
- {
- bc = tc->trans.output_branches;
- while (bc != NULL)
- {
- if (!check_tab[bc->state->code])
- {
- check_tab[bc->state->code] = 1;
- /* Add at the end of the stack. */
- sc_tmp = (fsm_build_state_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_state_chain_t));
- sc_tmp->state = *bc->state;
- sc_tmp->next = NULL;
- tail->next = sc_tmp;
- tail = sc_tmp;
- }
- bc = bc->next;
- }
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- sc_tmp = stack->next;
- free (stack);
- stack = sc_tmp;
- }
- /* Check if some states are not reached. */
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->state_nb; i++)
- if (!check_tab[i])
- fprintf (stderr, "Warning, some states won't be reachable during execution (%s).\n",
- fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, i)->var_name);
- /* Free. */
- free (check_tab);
- /* Sanity check 6: Any transition how have the same state and same event ?
- * Useless test ? Making the same state/event couple will cause a
- * compilation error.
- */
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- tc_tmp = fsm->trans;
- while (tc_tmp != NULL)
- {
- if (tc != tc_tmp
- && tc->trans.state == tc_tmp->trans.state
- && tc->trans.event == tc_tmp->trans.event)
- assert (!"All transitions must have a different state/event\
- couple.");
- tc_tmp = tc_tmp->next;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- /* Sanity check 7: check that all first active states are unique. */
- sc = fsm->starters;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- uint b = 0;
- sc_tmp = fsm->starters;
- while (sc_tmp != NULL)
- {
- if (sc_tmp->state.code == sc->state.code)
- b++;
- if (b > 1)
- assert (!"Your first active states must be unique.");
- sc_tmp = sc_tmp->next;
- }
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- /* Sanity check 8: any transition output error ?
- * for example, as we are in state s42, making a FSM_NEXT (s1, e2) will
- * work but this is a user's mistake.
- *
- * TODO Find a way to check this.
- **/
-fsm_build_reset (fsm_build_t *fsm)
- uint i;
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *curs = fsm->starters;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- {
- fsm->run.active_states[i] = NULL;
- fsm->run.events_before_active_state[i] = NULL;
- }
- i = 0;
- while (curs != NULL)
- {
- fsm->run.active_states[i++] = &curs->state;
- curs = curs->next;
- }
-fsm_build_gen_dot (fsm_build_t *fsm)
- static uint cpt = 1;
- uint j;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *bc;
- uint fns = strlen (fsm->name) + strlen ("") + cpt + 1;
- char *fn = malloc (fns * sizeof (char));
- snprintf (fn, fns, "", fsm->name, cpt++);
- FILE *f = fopen(fn,"w");
- /* Gen graph. */
- fprintf (f, "digraph %s {\n", fsm->name);
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- bc = tc->trans.output_branches;
- while (bc != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "\t%s -> %s [label=\"%s",
- tc->trans.state->var_name,
- bc->state->var_name,
- tc->trans.event->var_name);
- if (bc->name != NULL)
- fprintf (f, " (%s)", bc->name);
- fprintf (f, "\"");
- /* If the next state is an active state we look if this this event
- * was handled before. */
- for (j = 0; j < fsm->max_active_states; j++)
- if (fsm->run.active_states[j]
- && fsm->run.active_states[j]->code == bc->state->code)
- if (fsm->run.events_before_active_state[j]
- && fsm->run.events_before_active_state[j]->code
- == tc->trans.event->code)
- fprintf (f, ", color=red");
- fprintf (f, "];\n");
- bc = bc->next;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- /* Colorise active states. */
- for (j = 0; j < fsm->max_active_states; j++)
- if (fsm->run.active_states[j])
- fprintf (f, "\t%s [color=blue, fontcolor=white, style=filled];\n",
- fsm->run.active_states[j]->var_name);
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Close file. */
- fclose (f);
- /* Free. */
- free (fn);
-/* All fsm. */
-fsm_build_chain_t *fsm_build_all_fsm;
-void fsm_build_init_all_fsm ()
- fsm_build_all_fsm = NULL;
-/* Just initialise structures. */
-fsm_build_init (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *name)
- assert (fsm);
- fsm->events = NULL;
- fsm->states = NULL;
- fsm->trans = NULL;
- fsm->name = name;
- fsm->max_active_states = 0;
- fsm->event_nb = 0;
- fsm->state_nb = 0;
- fsm->starters = NULL;
- fsm->timeouts = NULL;
- fsm->run.trans_table = NULL;
- fsm->run.active_states = NULL;
- fsm->run.events_before_active_state = NULL;
- fsm->run.func_pool = NULL;
- fsm->run.timeout_counters = NULL;
- /* Store fsm. */
- fsm_build_chain_t *niou = (fsm_build_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_chain_t));
- niou->fsm = fsm;
- niou->next = fsm_build_all_fsm;
- fsm_build_all_fsm = niou;
-/* Prepare the fsm to run (at very end). */
-fsm_build_run_init (fsm_build_t *fsm)
- uint i,j;
- /* Sanity check. */
- fsm_build_sanity_check (fsm);
- /* Create empty transition table. */
- fsm->run.trans_table = (fsm_build_run_strans_func_t **)
- malloc (fsm->event_nb * sizeof (fsm_build_run_strans_func_t *));
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->event_nb; i++)
- {
- fsm->run.trans_table[i] = (fsm_build_run_strans_func_t *)
- malloc (fsm->state_nb * sizeof (fsm_build_run_strans_func_t));
- for (j = 0; j < fsm->state_nb; j++)
- fsm->run.trans_table[i][j] = NULL;
- }
- /* Fill with transitions. */
- fsm_trans_func_chain_t *fc = fsm->run.func_pool;
- while (fc != NULL)
- {
- fsm->run.trans_table[fc->trans.event->code][fc->trans.state->code] =
- fc->func;
- fc = fc->next;
- }
- /* Free function pool. */
- fsm_trans_func_chain_t *old_fc;
- fc = fsm->run.func_pool;
- while (fc != NULL)
- {
- old_fc = fc;
- fc = fc->next;
- free (old_fc);
- }
- fsm->run.func_pool = NULL;
- /* Initialize active states. */
- fsm->run.active_states = (fsm_build_state_t **) malloc
- (fsm->max_active_states * sizeof (fsm_build_state_t *));
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- fsm->run.active_states[i] = NULL;
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *s = fsm->starters;
- i = 0;
- while (s != NULL)
- {
- fsm->run.active_states[i++] = &s->state;
- s = s->next;
- }
- /* Initialize last events before active states. */
- fsm->run.events_before_active_state = (fsm_build_event_t **) malloc
- (fsm->max_active_states * sizeof (fsm_build_event_t *));
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- fsm->run.events_before_active_state[i] = NULL;
- /* Initialize timeout counters. */
- fsm->run.timeout_counters = (int *)
- malloc (fsm->max_active_states * sizeof (int));
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] = -1;
- fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *toc = fsm->timeouts;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- while (toc != NULL)
- {
- if (fsm->run.active_states[i]->code
- == toc->timeout.trans->state->code)
- fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] = toc->timeout.timeout;
- toc = toc->next;
- }
-fsm_build_states (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *states)
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *head = fsm->states;
- char **args;
- int i, nb;
- fsm_build_arg_parse (states, &args, &nb);
- for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
- {
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *s = (fsm_build_state_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_state_chain_t));
- s->state.var_name = strdup (args[i]);
- s->state.code = fsm->state_nb++;
- s->next = head;
- head = s;
- }
- fsm_build_arg_free (&args, nb);
- fsm->states = head;
-fsm_build_events (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *events)
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *head = fsm->events;
- char **args;
- int i, nb;
- if (strcmp (events, "_TIMEOUT_") == 0
- && fsm_build_get_event (fsm, events) != NULL)
- return;
- fsm_build_arg_parse (events, &args, &nb);
- for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
- {
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *e = (fsm_build_event_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_event_chain_t));
- e->event.var_name = strdup (args[i]);
- e->event.code = fsm->event_nb++;
- e->next = head;
- head = e;
- }
- fsm_build_arg_free (&args, nb);
- fsm->events = head;
-fsm_build_event_t *
-fsm_build_get_event (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *event)
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *curs = fsm->events;
- while (curs != NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp (curs->event.var_name, event) == 0)
- return &(curs->event);
- curs = curs->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-fsm_build_state_t *
-fsm_build_get_state (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *state)
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *curs = fsm->states;
- while (curs != NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp (curs->state.var_name, state) == 0)
- return &(curs->state);
- curs = curs->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm_build_t *fsm, uint event)
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *curs = fsm->events;
- while (curs != NULL)
- {
- if (curs->event.code == event)
- return &(curs->event);
- curs = curs->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm_build_t *fsm, uint state)
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *curs = fsm->states;
- while (curs != NULL)
- {
- if (curs->state.code == state)
- return &(curs->state);
- curs = curs->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-fsm_build_get_event_code (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *event)
- assert (fsm);
- fsm_build_event_t *e = fsm_build_get_event (fsm, event);
- assert (e);
- return e->code;
-fsm_build_trans (fsm_build_t *fsm,
- char *state,
- char *event,
- char *output_branches,
- fsm_build_run_strans_func_t trans_func)
- fsm_build_trans_t t;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *b;
- char **args;
- int i, nb;
- t.output_branches = NULL;
- /* Check state and event exists. */
- t.state = fsm_build_get_state (fsm, state);
- t.event = fsm_build_get_event (fsm, event);
- assert (t.state);
- assert (t.event);
- fsm_build_arg_parse (output_branches, &args, &nb);
- /* Only one output state. */
- if (nb == 1)
- {
- t.output_branches = (fsm_build_branch_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_branch_chain_t));
- t.output_branches->name = NULL;
- t.output_branches->state = fsm_build_get_state (fsm, args[0]);
- assert (t.output_branches->state);
- t.output_branches->next = NULL;
- }
- else
- for (i = 0; i < nb; i = i + 2)
- {
- b = (fsm_build_branch_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_branch_chain_t));
- b->name = strdup (args[i]);
- b->state = fsm_build_get_state (fsm, args[i+1]);
- assert (b->state);
- b->next = t.output_branches;
- t.output_branches = b;
- }
- fsm_build_arg_free (&args, nb);
- /* Add trans to fsm. */
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc = (fsm_build_trans_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_trans_chain_t));
- tc->trans = t;
- tc->next = fsm->trans;
- fsm->trans = tc;
- /* Add trans function to run context. */
- fsm_trans_func_chain_t *fc = (fsm_trans_func_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_trans_func_chain_t));
- fc->func = trans_func;
- fc->trans = tc->trans;
- fc->next = fsm->run.func_pool;
- fsm->run.func_pool = fc;
-fsm_build_timeout (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *state, char *event, uint timeout)
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc = NULL;
- fsm_build_trans_t *t = NULL;
- fsm_build_state_t *s = NULL;
- fsm_build_event_t *e = NULL;
- fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *to = NULL;
- assert (fsm);
- assert (state);
- assert (event);
- /* Find the corresponding transition. */
- tc = fsm->trans;
- s = fsm_build_get_state (fsm, state);
- e = fsm_build_get_event (fsm, event);
- assert (tc);
- assert (s);
- assert (e);
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- if (tc->trans.state == s && tc->trans.event == e)
- {
- t = &tc->trans;
- break;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- assert (t);
- /* Fill a new timeout. */
- to = (fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_timeout_chain_t));
- to->timeout.timeout = timeout;
- to->timeout.trans = t;
- /* Add timeout to chain. */
- to->next = fsm->timeouts;
- fsm->timeouts = to;
-fsm_build_start_with (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *starters)
- char **args;
- int nb, i;
- fsm_build_arg_parse (starters, &args, &nb);
- fsm->max_active_states += nb;
- for (i=0; i < nb; i++)
- {
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc = (fsm_build_state_chain_t *)
- malloc (sizeof (fsm_build_state_chain_t));
- fsm_build_state_t *s = fsm_build_get_state (fsm, args[i]);
- assert (s);
- sc->state = *s;
- sc->next = fsm->starters;
- fsm->starters = sc;
- }
- fsm_build_arg_free (&args, nb);
-fsm_build_handle (fsm_build_t *fsm, fsm_build_event_t *e)
- fsm_build_state_t *s = NULL;
- fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *toc = NULL;
- assert (e);
- uint i;
- int handled = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- {
- s = fsm->run.active_states[i];
- if (s && fsm->run.trans_table[e->code][s->code])
- {
- fsm->run.events_before_active_state[i] = e;
- fsm->run.active_states[i] = fsm->run.trans_table[e->code][s->code]();
- /* Check the new state has a timeout or not. */
- toc = fsm->timeouts;
- fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] = -1;
- while (toc != NULL)
- {
- if (toc->timeout.trans->state->code
- == fsm->run.active_states[i]->code)
- {
- fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] = toc->timeout.timeout;
- break;
- }
- toc = toc->next;
- }
- handled = 1;
- }
- }
- return handled;
-fsm_build_handle_string (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *event)
- fsm_build_event_t *e = fsm_build_get_event (fsm, event);
- return fsm_build_handle (fsm, e);
-fsm_build_handle_integer (fsm_build_t *fsm, uint16_t event)
- fsm_build_event_t *e = fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm, event);
- return fsm_build_handle (fsm, e);
-fsm_build_can_handle (fsm_build_t *fsm, fsm_build_event_t *e)
- fsm_build_state_t *s = NULL;
- assert (e);
- uint i;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- {
- s = fsm->run.active_states[i];
- if (s && fsm->run.trans_table[e->code][s->code])
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-fsm_build_can_handle_string (fsm_build_t *fsm, char *event)
- fsm_build_event_t *e = fsm_build_get_event (fsm, event);
- return fsm_build_can_handle (fsm, e);
-fsm_build_can_handle_integer (fsm_build_t *fsm, uint16_t event)
- fsm_build_event_t *e = fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm, event);
- return fsm_build_can_handle (fsm, e);
-fsm_build_handle_timeout (fsm_build_t *fsm)
- int out = 0;
- int i;
- char *event = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < (int) fsm->max_active_states; i++)
- {
- if (fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] > 0)
- fsm->run.timeout_counters[i]--;
- /* We have a timeout event. */
- if (fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] == 0)
- {
- fsm->run.timeout_counters[i] = -1;
- /* build event string */
- event = (char *) malloc (
- (strlen (fsm->run.active_states[i]->var_name)
- + strlen ("_TIMEOUT") + 1) * sizeof (char));
- sprintf (event, "%s_TIMEOUT", fsm->run.active_states[i]->var_name);
- fsm_build_handle_string (fsm, event);
- out = 1;
- }
- }
- return out;
-fsm_build_get_next_state (fsm_build_t *fsm,
- char *state,
- char *event,
- char *branch)
- fsm_build_state_t *s;
- fsm_build_event_t *e;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *t_curs;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *b_curs;
- /* Convert input data. */
- s = fsm_build_get_state (fsm, state);
- e = fsm_build_get_event (fsm, event);
- assert (s && e);
- /* Get transition. */
- t_curs = fsm->trans;
- while (t_curs != NULL)
- {
- if (s == t_curs->trans.state && e == t_curs->trans.event)
- break;
- t_curs = t_curs->next;
- }
- assert (t_curs);
- assert (t_curs->trans.output_branches);
- /* If we have only one branch. */
- if (strlen (branch) == 0)
- {
- /* Branch has to be given is there are multiple branches. */
- assert (t_curs->trans.output_branches->next == NULL);
- fsm_build_print (fsm, &t_curs->trans, t_curs->trans.output_branches);
- return t_curs->trans.output_branches->state;
- }
- /* Find correct branch. */
- b_curs = t_curs->trans.output_branches;
- while (b_curs != NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp (b_curs->name, branch) == 0)
- break;
- b_curs = b_curs->next;
- }
- assert (b_curs);
- fsm_build_print (fsm, &t_curs->trans, b_curs);
- return b_curs->state;
-fsm_build_gen_avr_h (fsm_build_t *fsm, uint embedded_strings)
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc;
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *ec;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *bc;
- fsm_build_state_t *s;
- fsm_build_event_t *e;
- fsm_build_chain_t *all_fsm;
- uint i, j;
- /* Open file. */
- char *fn = (char *) malloc ((strlen (fsm->name)
- + strlen ("fsm_gen_.h") + 1) * sizeof (char));
- sprintf (fn, "fsm_%s_gen.h", fsm->name);
- FILE *f = fopen (fn, "w");
- /* Introduction. */
- fprintf (f, "/* This file has been generated, do not edit. */\n\n");
- fprintf (f, "#ifndef _FSM_%s_\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "#define _FSM_%s_\n\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "#include <avr/pgmspace.h>\n");
- fprintf (f, "#include <inttypes.h>\n\n");
- /* Include all other fsm headers. */
- all_fsm = fsm_build_all_fsm;
- while (all_fsm != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "#include \"fsm_%s_gen.h\"\n",all_fsm->fsm->name);
- all_fsm = all_fsm->next;
- }
- /* Gen max active states define */
- fprintf (f, "#define fsm_%s_max_active_states %u\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->max_active_states);
- /* Gen state enum. */
- fprintf (f, "typedef enum\n{\n");
- sc = fsm->states;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_STATE_%s_%s = %u,\n", fsm->name, sc->state.var_name, sc->state.code);
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_STATE_%s_NB_ = %u\n", fsm->name, fsm->state_nb);
- fprintf (f, "} fsm_%s_state_t;\n\n", fsm->name);
- /* Gen event enum. */
- fprintf (f, "typedef enum\n{\n");
- ec = fsm->events;
- while (ec != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_EVENT_%s_%s = %u,\n", fsm->name, ec->event.var_name, ec->event.code);
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_EVENT_%s_NB_ = %u\n", fsm->name, fsm->event_nb);
- fprintf (f, "} fsm_%s_event_t;\n\n", fsm->name);
- /* Gen state strings. */
- if (embedded_strings)
- {
- sc = fsm->states;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "extern prog_char fsm_%s_state_str_%s[%u] PROGMEM;\n",
- fsm->name,
- sc->state.var_name,
- strlen (sc->state.var_name) + 1);
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "extern const char *fsm_%s_state_str[%u] PROGMEM;\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->state_nb);
- /* Gen event strings. */
- ec = fsm->events;
- while (ec != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "extern prog_char fsm_%s_event_str_%s[%u] PROGMEM;\n",
- fsm->name,
- ec->event.var_name,
- strlen (ec->event.var_name) + 1);
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "extern const char *fsm_%s_event_str[%u] PROGMEM;\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->event_nb);
- /* Create a RAM string able to store event or state string. */
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->event_nb; i++)
- {
- e = fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm, i);
- if (strlen (e->var_name) > j)
- j = strlen (e->var_name);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->state_nb; i++)
- {
- s = fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, i);
- if (strlen (s->var_name) > j)
- j = strlen (s->var_name);
- }
- fprintf (f, "extern char fsm_%s_str_buff[%u];\n", fsm->name, j + 1);
- /* Convert an event enum in string. */
- fprintf (f, "char *\nfsm_%s_get_event_string_from_enum \
- (fsm_%s_event_t e);\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- /* Convert a event string in enum. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_event_t\nfsm_%s_get_event_enum_from_string \
- (char *str);\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- /* Convert an state enum in string. */
- fprintf (f, "char *\nfsm_%s_get_state_string_from_enum \
- (fsm_%s_state_t s);\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- /* Convert a state string in enum. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_state_t\nfsm_%s_get_state_enum_from_string \
- (char *str);\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- }
- /* Gen transitions branches enum. */
- fprintf (f, "typedef enum\n{\n");
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- bc = tc->trans.output_branches;
- while (bc != NULL)
- {
- if (bc->name != NULL)
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_BRANCH_%s_%s_%s_%s = %u,\n",
- fsm->name,
- tc->trans.state->var_name,
- tc->trans.event->var_name,
- bc->name,
- bc->state->code);
- else
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_BRANCH_%s_%s_%s_ = %u,\n",
- fsm->name,
- tc->trans.state->var_name,
- tc->trans.event->var_name,
- bc->state->code);
- bc = bc->next;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "} fsm_%s_branch_t;\n\n", fsm->name);
- /* Gen function headers. */
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_branch_t fsm_%s_trans_func_%s_%s (void);\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- tc->trans.state->var_name,
- tc->trans.event->var_name);
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- /* Gen function table. */
- fprintf (f, "typedef fsm_%s_branch_t (*fsm_%s_func_t)(void);\n", fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "extern const fsm_%s_func_t PROGMEM fsm_%s_trans_table[%u][%u];\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->event_nb,
- fsm->state_nb);
- /* Gen read function for trans table. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_func_t fsm_%s_read_trans (fsm_%s_event_t event, "
- "fsm_%s_state_t state);\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- /* Gen active states array. */
- fprintf (f, "extern fsm_%s_state_t fsm_%s_active_states[%u];\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->max_active_states);
- /* Gen initialization function. */
- sc = fsm->starters;
- i = 0;
- fprintf (f, "void\nfsm_%s_init () __attribute__ ((constructor));\n\n",
- fsm->name);
- /* Gen handle function. */
- fprintf (f, "int\nfsm_%s_handle (fsm_%s_event_t e);\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- /* Gen can handle function. */
- fprintf (f, "uint16_t\nfsm_%s_can_handle (fsm_%s_event_t e);\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- if (fsm->timeouts != NULL)
- {
- /* Gen handle timeout function. */
- fprintf (f, "int\nfsm_%s_handle_timeout ();\n",
- fsm->name);
- /* Gen timeout values. */
- fprintf (f, "extern int32_t fsm_%s_timeout_values[FSM_STATE_%s_NB_];\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- /* Gen timeout corresponding events. */
- fprintf (f, "extern fsm_%s_event_t fsm_%s_timeout_events[FSM_STATE_%s_NB_];\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- /* Gen timeout counters array. */
- fprintf (f, "extern int32_t fsm_%s_timeout_counters[%u];\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->max_active_states);
- }
- /* Conclusion. */
- fprintf (f, "#endif /* #ifndef _FSM_%s_ */", fsm->name),
- /* Close file. */
- fclose (f);
- /* Free. */
- free (fn);
-fsm_build_gen_avr_c (fsm_build_t *fsm, uint embedded_strings)
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc;
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *ec;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc;
- fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *toc;
- fsm_build_state_t *s;
- fsm_build_event_t *e;
- uint i, j, found;
- /* Open file. */
- char *fn = (char*) malloc ((strlen (fsm->name)
- + strlen ("fsm_gen_.c") + 1) * sizeof (char));
- sprintf (fn, "fsm_%s_gen.c", fsm->name);
- FILE *f = fopen (fn, "w");
- /* Introduction. */
- fprintf (f, "/* This file has been generated, do not edit. */\n\n");
- fprintf (f, "#include \"common.h\"\n\n");
- fprintf (f, "#include \"io.h\"\n\n");
- fprintf (f, "#include \"fsm_%s_gen.h\"\n\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "#include \"logger.h\"\n\n");
- fprintf (f, "#include \"modules/proto/proto.h\"\n\n");
- /* Gen state strings. */
- if (embedded_strings)
- {
- sc = fsm->states;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "prog_char fsm_%s_state_str_%s[] PROGMEM = \"%s\";\n",
- fsm->name,
- sc->state.var_name,
- sc->state.var_name);
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "const char *fsm_%s_state_str[] PROGMEM =\n{\n", fsm->name);
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->state_nb; i++)
- {
- s = fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, i);
- fprintf (f, "\tfsm_%s_state_str_%s", fsm->name, s->var_name);
- if (i == fsm->state_nb - 1)
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- else
- fprintf (f, ",\n");
- }
- fprintf (f, "};\n\n");
- /* Gen event strings. */
- ec = fsm->events;
- while (ec != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "prog_char fsm_%s_event_str_%s[] PROGMEM = \"%s\";\n",
- fsm->name,
- ec->event.var_name,
- ec->event.var_name);
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "const char *fsm_%s_event_str[] PROGMEM =\n{\n", fsm->name);
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->event_nb; i++)
- {
- e = fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm, i);
- fprintf (f, "\tfsm_%s_event_str_%s", fsm->name, e->var_name);
- if (i == fsm->event_nb - 1)
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- else
- fprintf (f, ",\n");
- }
- fprintf (f, "};\n\n");
- /* Create a RAM string able to store event or state string. */
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->event_nb; i++)
- {
- e = fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm, i);
- if (strlen (e->var_name) > j)
- j = strlen (e->var_name);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->state_nb; i++)
- {
- s = fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, i);
- if (strlen (s->var_name) > j)
- j = strlen (s->var_name);
- }
- fprintf (f, "char fsm_%s_str_buff[%u];\n", fsm->name, j + 1);
- /* Convert an event enum in string. */
- fprintf (f, "char *\nfsm_%s_get_event_string_from_enum \
- (fsm_%s_event_t e)\n{\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\treturn strcpy_P (fsm_%s_str_buff, \
- (char *) pgm_read_word (&(fsm_%s_event_str[e])));\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Convert a event string in enum. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_event_t\nfsm_%s_get_event_enum_from_string \
- (char *str)\n{\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\tuint16_t i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tfor (i = 0; i < FSM_EVENT_%s_NB_; i++)\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\tif (strcpy_P (str, \
- (char *) pgm_read_word (&(fsm_%s_event_str[i]))) == 0)\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\treturn i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\treturn FSM_EVENT_%s_NB_;\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Convert an state enum in string. */
- fprintf (f, "char *\nfsm_%s_get_state_string_from_enum \
- (fsm_%s_state_t s)\n{\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\treturn strcpy_P (fsm_%s_str_buff, \
- (char *) pgm_read_word (&(fsm_%s_state_str[s])));\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Convert a state string in enum. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_state_t\nfsm_%s_get_state_enum_from_string \
- (char *str)\n{\n", fsm->name, fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\tuint16_t i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tfor (i = 0; i < FSM_STATE_%s_NB_; i++)\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\tif (strcpy_P (str, \
- (char *) pgm_read_word (&(fsm_%s_state_str[i]))) == 0)\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\treturn i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\treturn FSM_STATE_%s_NB_;\n", fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- }
- /* Gen function table. */
- fprintf (f, "const fsm_%s_func_t PROGMEM fsm_%s_trans_table[%u][%u] = \n{\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->event_nb,
- fsm->state_nb);
- /* for each events and state, see if it exists an associated transition. */
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->event_nb; i++)
- {
- e = fsm_build_get_event_by_code (fsm, i);
- fprintf (f, "\t{");
- for (j = 0; j < fsm->state_nb; j++)
- {
- s = fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, j);
- tc = fsm->trans;
- found = 0;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- if (tc->trans.state == s && tc->trans.event == e)
- {
- found = 1;
- fprintf (f, "&fsm_%s_trans_func_%s_%s",
- fsm->name,
- tc->trans.state->var_name,
- tc->trans.event->var_name);
- tc = tc->next;
- break;
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- }
- if (!found)
- fprintf (f, "(fsm_%s_func_t) 0", fsm->name);
- if (j == fsm->state_nb - 1)
- fprintf (f, "}");
- else
- fprintf (f, ", ");
- }
- if (i != fsm->event_nb - 1)
- fprintf (f, ",");
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- }
- fprintf (f, "};\n\n");
- /* Gen read function for trans table. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_func_t fsm_%s_read_trans (fsm_%s_event_t event, "
- "fsm_%s_state_t state)\n{\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\treturn (fsm_%s_func_t) pgm_read_word "
- "(&fsm_%s_trans_table[event][state]);\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Gen active states array. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_state_t fsm_%s_active_states[%u];\n\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->max_active_states);
- /* Gen initialization function. */
- sc = fsm->starters;
- i = 0;
- fprintf (f, "void\nfsm_%s_init ()\n{\n", fsm->name);
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "\tfsm_%s_active_states[%u] = %u;\n",
- fsm->name,
- i,
- sc->state.code);
- if (fsm->timeouts != NULL)
- {
- toc = fsm->timeouts;
- while (toc != NULL)
- {
- if (toc->timeout.trans->state->code == sc->state.code)
- {
- fprintf (f, "\tfsm_%s_timeout_counters[%u] = %u;\n",
- fsm->name,
- i,
- toc->timeout.timeout);
- }
- toc = toc->next;
- }
- }
- i++;
- sc = sc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Gen handle function. */
- fprintf (f, "int\nfsm_%s_handle (fsm_%s_event_t e)\n{\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\tuint16_t i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tint handled = 0;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tfor (i = 0; i < fsm_%s_max_active_states; i++)\n\t{\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\tif (fsm_%s_read_trans (e, fsm_%s_active_states[i]))\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t{\n");
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tfsm_%s_state_t old_state = fsm_%s_active_states[i];\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tfsm_%s_active_states[i] = fsm_%s_read_trans (e, "
- "fsm_%s_active_states[i])();\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tlogger_log (old_state, e, "
- "fsm_%s_active_states[i]);\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tproto_send3b ('F', old_state, e, "
- "fsm_%s_active_states[i]);\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\thandled = 1;\n");
- if (fsm->timeouts != NULL)
- {
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tfsm_%s_timeout_counters[i] = "
- "fsm_%s_timeout_values[fsm_%s_active_states[i]];\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- }
- fprintf (f, "\t\t}\n");
- fprintf (f, "\t}\n");
- fprintf (f, "\treturn handled;\n");
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- /* Gen can handle function. */
- fprintf (f, "uint16_t\nfsm_%s_can_handle (fsm_%s_event_t e)\n{\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\tuint16_t i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tfor (i = 0; i < fsm_%s_max_active_states; i++)\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\tif (fsm_%s_read_trans (e, fsm_%s_active_states[i]))\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\treturn 1;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\treturn 0;\n");
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- if (fsm->timeouts != NULL)
- {
- /* Gen timeout counters array. */
- fprintf (f, "int32_t fsm_%s_timeout_counters[%u];\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->max_active_states);
- /* Gen timeout values array. */
- fprintf (f, "int32_t fsm_%s_timeout_values[FSM_STATE_%s_NB_] =\n{\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- int value;
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->state_nb; i++)
- {
- value = -1;
- s = fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, i);
- assert (s);
- toc = fsm->timeouts;
- while (toc != NULL)
- {
- if (s->code == toc->timeout.trans->state->code)
- {
- value = toc->timeout.timeout;
- break;
- }
- toc = toc->next;
- }
- fprintf (f, "\t%i", value);
- if (i != fsm->state_nb - 1)
- fprintf (f, ",");
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- }
- fprintf (f, "};\n\n");
- /* Gen timeout corresponding events array. */
- fprintf (f, "fsm_%s_event_t fsm_%s_timeout_events[FSM_STATE_%s_NB_] =\n{\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->state_nb; i++)
- {
- value = -1;
- s = fsm_build_get_state_by_code (fsm, i);
- assert (s);
- toc = fsm->timeouts;
- while (toc != NULL)
- {
- if (s->code == toc->timeout.trans->state->code)
- {
- value = toc->timeout.trans->event->code;
- break;
- }
- toc = toc->next;
- }
- if (value == -1)
- fprintf (f, "\tFSM_STATE_%s_NB_", fsm->name);
- else
- fprintf (f, "\t%u", value);
- if (i != fsm->state_nb - 1)
- fprintf (f, ",");
- fprintf (f, "\n");
- }
- fprintf (f, "};\n\n");
- /* Gen handle timeout function. */
- fprintf (f, "int\nfsm_%s_handle_timeout ()\n{\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\tuint16_t i;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tint out = 0;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\tfor (i = 0; i < fsm_%s_max_active_states; i++)\n\t{\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\tif (fsm_%s_timeout_counters[i] > 0)\n\t\t{\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tfsm_%s_timeout_counters[i]--;\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\tif (fsm_%s_timeout_counters[i] == 0)\n\t\t\t{\n",
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\t\tfsm_%s_handle (fsm_%s_timeout_events[fsm_%s_active_states[i]]);\n",
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name,
- fsm->name);
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\t\tout = 1;\n");
- fprintf (f, "\t\t\t}\n");
- fprintf (f, "\t\t}\n");
- fprintf (f, "\t}\n");
- fprintf (f, "\treturn out;\n");
- fprintf (f, "}\n\n");
- }
- /* Close file. */
- fclose (f);
- /* Free. */
- free (fn);
-fsm_build_gen (char *arch, uint embedded_strings)
- fsm_build_chain_t *curs = fsm_build_all_fsm;
- while (curs != NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp (arch, "AVR") == 0)
- {
- fsm_build_gen_avr_h (curs->fsm, embedded_strings);
- fsm_build_gen_avr_c (curs->fsm, embedded_strings);
- }
- curs = curs->next;
- }
-fsm_build_free (fsm_build_t *fsm)
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc;
- fsm_build_state_chain_t *sc_tmp;
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *ec;
- fsm_build_event_chain_t *ec_tmp;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc;
- fsm_build_trans_chain_t *tc_tmp;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *bc;
- fsm_build_branch_chain_t *bc_tmp;
- fsm_trans_func_chain_t *fc;
- fsm_trans_func_chain_t *fc_tmp;
- fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *toc;
- fsm_build_timeout_chain_t *toc_tmp;
- uint i;
- /* Free states. */
- sc = fsm->states;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- sc_tmp = sc;
- free (sc->state.var_name);
- sc = sc->next;
- free (sc_tmp);
- }
- /* Free events. */
- ec = fsm->events;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- ec_tmp = ec;
- free (ec->event.var_name);
- ec = ec->next;
- free (ec_tmp);
- }
- /* Free trans */
- tc = fsm->trans;
- while (tc != NULL)
- {
- tc_tmp = tc;
- /* Free each branches. */
- bc = tc->trans.output_branches;
- while (bc != NULL)
- {
- bc_tmp = bc;
- free (bc->name);
- bc = bc->next;
- free (bc_tmp);
- }
- tc = tc->next;
- free (tc_tmp);
- }
- /* Free start chain. */
- sc = fsm->starters;
- while (sc != NULL)
- {
- sc_tmp = sc;
- sc = sc->next;
- free (sc_tmp);
- }
- /* Free timeout chain. */
- toc = fsm->timeouts;
- while (toc != NULL)
- {
- toc_tmp = toc;
- toc = toc->next;
- free (toc_tmp);
- }
- /* Free run data (trans_table). */
- for (i = 0; i < fsm->event_nb; i++)
- free (fsm->run.trans_table[i]);
- free (fsm->run.trans_table);
- /* Free run data (active states). */
- free (fsm->run.active_states);
- /* Free last-seen event array*/
- free (fsm->run.events_before_active_state);
- /* Free run data (function pool). */
- fc = fsm->run.func_pool;
- while (fc != NULL)
- {
- fc_tmp = fc;
- fc = fc->next;
- free (fc_tmp);
- }
- /*Free run data (timeout counters). */
- free (fsm->run.timeout_counters);