#!/bin/sh if test "${0##*/}" = "gunzip.tests"; then unpack=gunzip ext=gz elif test "${0##*/}" = "bunzip2.tests"; then unpack=bunzip2 ext=bz2 else echo "WTF? argv0='$0'" exit 1 fi bb="busybox " unset LC_ALL unset LC_MESSAGES unset LANG unset LANGUAGE hello_gz() { # Gzipped "HELLO\n" #_________________________ vvv vvv vvv vvv - mtime echo -ne "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x85\x1d\xef\x45\x02\x03\xf3\x70\xf5\xf1\xf1\xe7" echo -ne "\x02\x00\x6e\xd7\xac\xfd\x06\x00\x00\x00" } hello_bz2() { # Bzipped "HELLO\n" echo -ne "\x42\x5a\x68\x39\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x59\x5b\xb8\xe8\xa3\x00\x00" echo -ne "\x01\x44\x00\x00\x10\x02\x44\xa0\x00\x30\xcd\x00\xc3\x46\x29\x97" echo -ne "\x17\x72\x45\x38\x50\x90\x5b\xb8\xe8\xa3" } prep() { rm -f t* hello_$ext >t1.$ext hello_$ext >t2.$ext } check() { eval $2 >t_actual 2>&1 if echo -ne "$expected" | cmp - t_actual; then echo "$1: PASS" else echo "$1: FAIL" fi } mkdir testdir 2>/dev/null ( cd testdir || { echo "cannot cd testdir!"; exit 1; } expected="$unpack: z: No such file or directory 1 HELLO " prep; check "$unpack: doesnt exist" "${bb}$unpack z t1.$ext; echo \$?; cat t1" expected="$unpack: t.zz: unknown suffix - ignored 1 HELLO " prep; >t.zz; check "$unpack: unknown suffix" "${bb}$unpack t.zz t1.$ext; echo \$?; cat t1" # In this case file "t1" exists, and we skip t1.gz and unpack t2.gz expected="$unpack: t1: File exists 1 HELLO " prep; >t1; check "$unpack: already exists" "${bb}$unpack t1.$ext t2.$ext; echo \$?; cat t1 t2" # From old testsuite expected="HELLO\n0\n" prep; check "$unpack: stream unpack" "cat t1.$ext | ${bb}$unpack; echo $?" expected="ok\n" prep; check "$unpack: delete src" "${bb}$unpack t2.$ext; test ! -f t2.$ext && echo ok" ) rm -rf testdir