#ifndef es_hh #define es_hh // es.hh // robert - programme du robot 2005 {{{ // // Copyright (C) 2005 Nicolas Haller // // Robot APB Team/Efrei 2005. // Web: http://assos.efrei.fr/robot/ // Email: robot AT efrei DOT fr // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // }}} #include "proto/proto.hh" #include #include class Config; /// Gère la carte es et ses capteurs et actionneurs class Es : public Proto::Receiver { public: enum etatBarillet{empty,white,black}; enum posBar{avant0 = 0x00, arriere2 = 0x04, avant4 = 0x08, arriere1 = 0x0C, avant3 = 0x10, arriere0 = 0x14, avant2 = 0x18, arriere4 = 0x1C, avant1 = 0x20, arriere3 = 0x24}; typedef std::vector Sharps; private: // Objet Proto de communication vers la carte es Proto proto_; // le tty est ... std::string tty_; /// Système de log Log log_; /// For LCD communication char lcd_mess_char_[17]; /// Key pressed by the LCD Keyboard int lcdKeyPressed_, lcdKeyStat_; /// Frontal choc ! bool front_sensor_; /// Ack frequency int ackFreq_; /// Main stat frequency int mainStat_; /// Config of RVB sensors int rvbSensorFalseIC_, rvbSensorMaxOv_; /// Config of RVB sniff int rvbSniffRefRatio_, rvbSniffGreenLimit_, rvbSniffClearLimit_; /// RVB Sensors raw stats int rvbSensorMaskStat_, rvbSensorStat_; /// RVB Sniff stats int rvbSniffMaskStat_, rvbSniffStat_; /// RVB Sensors raw stats int rvbBallStat_; /// Sharps Sharps sharps_; /// Others module, jack & colour bool jackIn_, colorModeBlue_; int othersStat_; /// Stat of front sensors int rvbSniffFrontStat_; int thresholdFrontSensors_, thresholdBallSensors_, thresholdHoleSensors_; /// Stock du barillet etatBarillet stockBarillet[5]; /// Position du barillet posBar positionBarillet_; /// System for analyse a ball int seenColors_[5], lastSeenColors_[5], comptSeenColors_[5]; /// Si la turbine avant est allumé bool frontTurbineIsFull_; public: // Some fucking defines ! const int unknownColor_, redColor_, blueColor_, greenColor_, whiteColor_, blackColor_; const int leftFrontRVB_, rightFrontRVB_, holeRVB_, frontBallRVB_, rearBallRVB_; /// Constructeur Es (const Config & config); /// On attend ... bool wait (int timeout = -1); /// Récupère le File Descriptor int getFd (void); /// définition du receiver::receive void receive (char command, const Proto::Frame & frame); /// sync.. bool sync (void); /// Charge les paramètre du fichier de config void loadConfig (const Config & config); /// Initialise les capteurs et actionneurs, reset void reset (void); /// Stat for the main () void setMainStat (int freq); /// Shut up ! void shutUp (void); /// Set frequency of ack void setAckStat (int freq); /// Get the state of the jack bool isJackOut (void); /// Get the color mode of the button bool isColorModeBlue (void); /// Envoie de la config des sensors RVB void setRVBSensorsConfig(int false_ic, int max_ov); /// Envoie de la config des sniff RVB void setRVBSniffConfig(int ref_ratio, int green_limit, int clear_limit); /// Règle les stats des sensors RVB void setRVBSensorsStat(int mask_captor, int freq); /// règle la couleur actuelle comme référente void refColor(int mask_captor, int mode = 0); /// Règle les stats d'affichage de la couleur void setRVBSniffStat (int mask_captor, int freq); /// Configure statistic for the sensor of the ball void setRVBBallStat (int freq); /// Set frequency of front sensor in analyse mode void setRVBSniffFrontStat (int freq); /// Enable all the sensors or just the 4 and 1 near the ground void enableAllSensors (bool enable); /// Set frequency of jack, selectoul printed out function /// Use this function with frequency 0 to disable this stat. void setOthersStat (int freq); /// Discute avec les servo... void setServoPos (int servo_mask, int servoPos); /// Set update frequency of sharps void setSharpUpdate (int sharp_mask, int freq); /// Set statistics frequency of sharps void setSharpStat (int sharp_mask, int freq); /// Set configuration of threshold sharps void setSharpThreshold (int sharp_num, int threshold_high, int threshold_low); /// Print something on the LCD (max 32 char) void lcdPrint (const std::string &message); /// Get the current pressed keys of the LCD void lcdGetKey (int freq); /// Règle la vitesse des turbines void setTurbineSpeed (int turbNb, int speed); /// Règle le sens de rotation du barillet void setTheMeaningOfRotationOfBarillet (int answer); /// Init the barillet and put it at the right place void barilletInit (void); /// Init turbine to minimal speed void barilletDebutLancement (void); /// Init front turbine to full speed void barilletLancement (void); /// Put barillet in sleep mode void barilletSleep (void); /// Dépose une balle du barillet void deposeBalle(void); /// Dépose une balle blanche bool dropWhiteBall(void); /// Dépose une balle noire bool dropBlackBall(void); /// Place un trou vide à l'avant bool setEmptyHoleFront(void); /// Extrait une balle void extraitBalle(void); /// Rotation du barillet void rotationBarillet(int posFinal); /// Empty everything in the barillet void barilletEmpty (void); /// Say if barillet is full bool barilletIsFull(void); /// What color do you see my lord ? int colorSeen (int sensor_num); private: /// Decode a color into a string std::string decodeColor (int color); /// Analyse une balle arrivant par devant void newBallFront (void); /// Analyse une balle arrivant par derrière void newBallRear (void); /// Update system for one sensor void updateAnalysisSensor (int value, int index, int threshold); }; #endif // es_hh