/* main.c */ /* asserv - Position & speed motor control on a ATmega128. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2004 Nicolas Schodet * * Robot APB Team/Efrei 2005. * Web: http://assos.efrei.fr/robot/ * Email: robot AT efrei DOT fr * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "dsp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Motor mode : * 0 - pwm setup. * 1 - speed control. * 2 - position control. */ int8_t motor_mode; #include "pwm.c" #include "timer.c" #include "counter.c" #include "speed.c" #include "postrack.c" #include "goto.c" #include "eeprom.c" /** Use Taz. */ uint8_t motor_taz; /** Main loop counter. */ uint8_t motor_loop_cpt; /** Report finish. */ uint8_t motor_finish_counter = 8, motor_finish_counter_cpt = 8; /** Report of counters. */ uint8_t motor_stat_counter, motor_stat_counter_cpt; /** Report position. */ uint8_t motor_stat_postrack, motor_stat_postrack_cpt; /** Goto debug. */ uint8_t motor_stat_goto_debug, motor_stat_goto_debug_cpt; /** Statistics about speed control. */ uint8_t motor_stat_speed, motor_stat_speed_cpt; /** Statistics about pwm values. */ uint8_t motor_stat_pwm, motor_stat_pwm_cpt; /** Report of timer. */ uint8_t motor_stat_timer, motor_stat_timer_cpt; /** Print PINC. */ uint8_t motor_print_pinc, motor_print_pinc_cpt; /** Print Sharps. */ uint8_t motor_print_sharps, motor_print_sharps_cpt; uint16_t motor_sharps[5]; /** Record timer value at different stage of computing. Used for performance * analisys. */ uint8_t motor_timer_0, motor_timer_1, motor_timer_2, motor_timer_3, motor_timer_4; #include "taz.c" /* +AutoDec */ /* Main loop. */ static void main_loop (void); /* -AutoDec */ /** Entry point. */ int main (void) { DDRD = 0x60; PORTA = _BV (7) | _BV (1) | _BV (0); pwm_init (); timer_init (); counter_init (); speed_init (); postrack_init (); rs232_init (); twi_master_init (); taz_init (); eeprom_read_params (); proto_send0 ('z'); sei (); main_loop (); return 0; } /** Main loop. */ static void main_loop (void) { while (1) { motor_timer_0 = timer_read (); /* Counter update. */ while (!timer_pending ()) ; counter_update (); motor_timer_4 = timer_read (); /* Position tracking. */ postrack_update (); motor_timer_3 = timer_read (); /* Taz! */ if (motor_taz) taz_update (); /* Position control. */ if (motor_mode >= 2) { goto_update (); } motor_timer_2 = timer_read (); /* Speed control. */ if (motor_mode >= 1) speed_update (); motor_timer_1 = timer_read (); /* Pwm setup. */ pwm_update (); /* Stats. */ if (motor_finish_counter && !--motor_finish_counter_cpt) { if (goto_finish == 1) proto_send0 ('F'); motor_finish_counter_cpt = motor_finish_counter; } if (motor_stat_counter && !--motor_stat_counter_cpt) { proto_send2w ('C', counter_left, counter_right); motor_stat_counter_cpt = motor_stat_counter; } if (motor_stat_postrack && !--motor_stat_postrack_cpt) { proto_send1d ('X', postrack_x); proto_send1d ('Y', postrack_y); proto_send1d ('A', postrack_a); motor_stat_postrack_cpt = motor_stat_postrack; } if (motor_stat_goto_debug && !--motor_stat_goto_debug_cpt) { proto_send4d ('G', goto_dx, goto_dy, goto_dl, goto_da); motor_stat_goto_debug_cpt = motor_stat_goto_debug; } if (motor_stat_speed && !--motor_stat_speed_cpt) { proto_send4w ('S', speed_left_e_old, speed_left_int, speed_right_e_old, speed_right_int); motor_stat_speed_cpt = motor_stat_speed; } if (motor_stat_pwm && !--motor_stat_pwm_cpt) { proto_send2w ('W', pwm_left, pwm_right); motor_stat_pwm_cpt = motor_stat_pwm; } if (motor_stat_timer && !--motor_stat_timer_cpt) { proto_send5b ('T', motor_timer_4, motor_timer_3, motor_timer_2, motor_timer_1, motor_timer_0); motor_stat_timer_cpt = motor_stat_timer; } if (motor_print_pinc && !--motor_print_pinc_cpt) { proto_send1b ('P', PINA); motor_print_pinc_cpt = motor_print_pinc; } if (motor_print_sharps && !--motor_print_sharps_cpt) { if (twi_master_is_finished ()) { proto_send ('H', 10, (uint8_t *) motor_sharps); twi_master_read (0x02, (uint8_t *) motor_sharps, 10); } motor_print_sharps_cpt = motor_print_sharps; } /* Misc. */ while (rs232_poll ()) proto_accept (rs232_getc ()); motor_loop_cpt++; } } /** Handle incoming messages. */ void proto_callback (uint8_t cmd, uint8_t size, uint8_t *args) { #define c(cmd, size) (cmd << 8 | size) switch (c (cmd, size)) { case c ('z', 0): reset (); break; /* Commands. */ case c ('t', 0): proto_send2b ('t', taz_state, taz_substate); break; case c ('t', 1): motor_taz = args[0]; break; case c ('t', 2): taz_max_state = args[0]; taz_max_substate = args[1]; break; case c ('t', 3): taz_state = args[0]; taz_substate = args[1]; motor_taz = args[2]; break; case c ('o', 8): taz_socles_left_min = v8_to_v16 (args[0], args[1]); taz_socles_left_max = v8_to_v16 (args[2], args[3]); taz_socles_right_min = v8_to_v16 (args[4], args[5]); taz_socles_right_max = v8_to_v16 (args[6], args[7]); break; case c ('l', 2): /* Linear move. * - w: distance (negative to go backward). */ goto_linear (v8_to_v16 (args[0], args[1])); break; case c ('a', 1): /* Angular move. * - b: absolute angle. */ goto_angular (args[0]); break; case c ('g', 8): /* Go to position move. * - d: f24.8, x position. * - d: f24.8, y position. */ goto_position (v8_to_v32 (args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]), v8_to_v32 (args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7])); break; case c ('p', 4): /* Counter mode. */ goto_counter (v8_to_v16 (args[0], args[1]), v8_to_v16 (args[2], args[3])); break; case c ('f', 1): /* Fuck the wall move. * - b: speed. */ goto_ftw (args[0]); break; case c ('F', 1): /* Setup finish flag. * - b: new value. */ goto_finish = args[0]; break; case c ('s', 0): /* Set zero speed (stop). */ motor_mode = 1; speed_left_aim = 0; speed_right_aim = 0; break; case c ('s', 2): /* Set speed. * - b: left speed. * - b: right speed. */ motor_mode = 1; speed_left_aim = args[0]; speed_right_aim = args[1]; break; case c ('w', 0): /* Set zero pwm. */ speed_restart (); motor_mode = 0; pwm_left = 0; pwm_right = 0; break; case c ('w', 4): /* Set pwm. * - w: left pwm. * - w: right pwm. */ speed_restart (); motor_mode = 0; pwm_left = v8_to_v16 (args[0], args[1]); pwm_right = v8_to_v16 (args[2], args[3]); break; /* Stats. * - b: interval between stats. */ case c ('C', 1): /* Counter stats. */ motor_stat_counter_cpt = motor_stat_counter = args[0]; break; case c ('X', 1): /* Position report. */ motor_stat_postrack_cpt = motor_stat_postrack = args[0]; break; case c ('G', 1): motor_stat_goto_debug_cpt = motor_stat_goto_debug = args[0]; break; case c ('S', 1): /* Motor control stats. */ motor_stat_speed_cpt = motor_stat_speed = args[0]; break; case c ('W', 1): /* Pwm stats. */ motor_stat_pwm_cpt = motor_stat_pwm = args[0]; break; case c ('T', 1): /* Timing stats. */ motor_stat_timer_cpt = motor_stat_timer = args[0]; break; case c ('P', 1): /* Input port stats. */ motor_print_pinc_cpt = motor_print_pinc = args[0]; break; case c ('H', 1): /* Sharps stats. */ twi_master_read (0x02, (uint8_t *) motor_sharps, 10); motor_print_sharps_cpt = motor_print_sharps = args[0]; break; default: /* Params. */ if (cmd == 'p') { switch (c (args[0], size)) { case c ('x', 1): postrack_x = 0; postrack_y = 0; postrack_a = 0; break; case c ('x', 5): /* Set current x position. */ postrack_x = v8_to_v32 (args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('y', 5): /* Set current y position. */ postrack_y = v8_to_v32 (args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('a', 5): /* Set current angle. */ postrack_a = v8_to_v32 (args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('f', 3): /* Set footing. */ postrack_set_footing (v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2])); break; case c ('e', 5): /* Set epsillon. */ goto_eps = v8_to_v32 (args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('p', 3): speed_left_kp = speed_right_kp = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); break; case c ('p', 5): speed_left_kp = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); speed_right_kp = v8_to_v16 (args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('i', 3): speed_left_ki = speed_right_ki = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); break; case c ('i', 5): speed_left_ki = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); speed_right_ki = v8_to_v16 (args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('d', 3): speed_left_kd = speed_right_kd = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); break; case c ('d', 5): speed_left_kd = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); speed_right_kd = v8_to_v16 (args[3], args[4]); break; case c ('E', 3): speed_e_sat = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); break; case c ('I', 3): speed_int_sat = v8_to_v16 (args[1], args[2]); break; case c ('s', 2): speed_ds = args[1]; break; case c ('a', 2): /* Set acceleration. */ speed_acc_cpt = speed_acc = args[1]; break; case c ('m', 3): /* Set maximum speed for automatic movements. */ speed_max_l = args[1]; speed_max_a = args[2]; break; case c ('w', 3): /* Set PWM direction. * - b: inverse left direction. * - b: inverse right direction. */ pwm_dir = 0; if (args[1]) pwm_dir |= _BV (PWM_LEFT_DIR); if (args[2]) pwm_dir |= _BV (PWM_RIGHT_DIR); break; case c ('E', 2): /* Write to eeprom. * - b: 00: clear config, 01: write config. */ if (args[1]) eeprom_write_params (); else eeprom_clear_params (); break; case c ('P', 1): /* Print current settings. */ proto_send1b ('E', EEPROM_KEY); proto_send1w ('f', postrack_footing); proto_send1b ('a', speed_acc); proto_send2b ('m', speed_max_l, speed_max_a); proto_send2w ('p', speed_left_kp, speed_right_kp); proto_send2w ('i', speed_left_ki, speed_right_ki); proto_send2w ('d', speed_left_kd, speed_right_kd); proto_send1w ('E', speed_e_sat); proto_send1w ('I', speed_int_sat); proto_send1b ('s', speed_ds); proto_send1b ('w', pwm_dir); break; default: proto_send0 ('?'); return; } } else { proto_send0 ('?'); return; } break; } proto_send (cmd, size, args); #undef c }