# Xilinx CORE Generator 6.1.03i # Username = Administrateur # COREGenPath = D:\xilinx\coregen # ProjectPath = D:\vhdl\robot\carte_fpga\src\decodisa # ExpandedProjectPath = D:\vhdl\robot\carte_fpga\src\decodisa # OverwriteFiles = true # Core name: decodadr # Number of Primitives in design: 768 # Number of CLBs used in design: 264 # Number of Slices used in design: 512 # Number of LUT sites used in design: 768 # Number of LUTs used in design: 768 # Number of REG used in design: 0 # Number of SRL16s used in design: 0 # Number of Distributed RAM primitives used in design: 0 # Number of Block Memories used in design: 0 # Number of Dedicated Multipliers used in design: 0 # Number of HU_SETs used: 1 # Huset "default" = (0, 0) to (17, 16) in CLBs # SET BusFormat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped SET XilinxFamily = Spartan2 SET OutputOption = OutputProducts SET FlowVendor = Foundation_iSE SET FormalVerification = None SET OutputProducts = ImpNetlist ASYSymbol VHDLSim VerilogSim SELECT Binary_Decoder Spartan2 Xilinx,_Inc. 6.0 CSET output_sense = active_high CSET async_init_value = 0 CSET set_clear_priority = clear_overrides_set CSET ce_overrides = sync_controls_override_ce CSET number_of_outputs = 256 CSET output_options = non_registered CSET sync_init_value = 0 CSET clock_enable = false CSET create_rpm = true CSET decoder_enable = true CSET asynchronous_settings = none CSET synchronous_settings = none CSET component_name = decodadr GENERATE