================================================================= * Synthesis Options Summary * ================================================================= Output File Name : gpio Target Device : xc2s200-6-pq208 ================================================================ * Final Report * ================================================================ Design Statistics # IOs : 26 Macro Statistics : # Registers : 6 # 1-bit register : 2 # 8-bit register : 4 # Tristates : 17 # 1-bit tristate buffer : 8 # 8-bit tristate buffer : 9 Cell Usage : # BELS : 77 # LUT1 : 9 # LUT2 : 20 # LUT3 : 38 # LUT4 : 7 # LUT4_L : 2 # VCC : 1 # FlipFlops/Latches : 58 # FDCE : 42 # FDCP : 16 # Tri-States : 40 # BUFT : 40 # Clock Buffers : 2 # BUFGP : 2 # IO Buffers : 24 # IBUF : 7 # IOBUF : 16 # OBUF : 1 ================================================================ Device utilization summary: --------------------------- Selected Device : 2s200pq208-6 Number of Slices: 45 out of 2352 1% Number of Slice Flip Flops: 58 out of 4704 1% Number of 4 input LUTs: 76 out of 4704 1% Number of bonded IOBs: 24 out of 144 16% Number of TBUFs: 40 out of 2352 1% Number of GCLKs: 2 out of 4 50%