/* * This file is part of the libopencm3 project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Piotr Esden-Tempski * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #define WEAK __attribute__ ((weak)) /* Symbols exported by the linker script(s): */ extern unsigned _data_loadaddr, _data, _edata, _ebss, _stack; typedef void (*funcp_t) (void); extern funcp_t __preinit_array_start, __preinit_array_end; extern funcp_t __init_array_start, __init_array_end; extern funcp_t __fini_array_start, __fini_array_end; void main(void); void reset_handler(void); void blocking_handler(void); void null_handler(void); void WEAK nmi_handler(void); void WEAK hard_fault_handler(void); void WEAK mem_manage_handler(void); void WEAK bus_fault_handler(void); void WEAK usage_fault_handler(void); void WEAK sv_call_handler(void); void WEAK debug_monitor_handler(void); void WEAK pend_sv_handler(void); void WEAK sys_tick_handler(void); /* TODO: Interrupt handler prototypes */ __attribute__ ((section(".vectors"))) void (*const vector_table[]) (void) = { (void*)&_stack, /* Addr: 0x0000_0000 */ reset_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0004 */ nmi_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0008 */ hard_fault_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_000C */ mem_manage_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0010 */ bus_fault_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0014 */ usage_fault_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0018 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* Reserved Addr: 0x0000_001C - 0x0000_002B */ sv_call_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_002C */ debug_monitor_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0030 */ 0, /* Reserved Addr: 0x0000_00034 */ pend_sv_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_0038 */ sys_tick_handler, /* Addr: 0x0000_003C */ }; void reset_handler(void) { volatile unsigned *src, *dest; funcp_t *fp; __asm__("MSR msp, %0" : : "r"(&_stack)); for (src = &_data_loadaddr, dest = &_data; dest < &_edata; src++, dest++) *dest = *src; while (dest < &_ebss) *dest++ = 0; /* Constructors. */ for (fp = &__preinit_array_start; fp < &__preinit_array_end; fp++) (*fp)(); for (fp = &__init_array_start; fp < &__init_array_end; fp++) (*fp)(); /* Call the application's entry point. */ main(); /* Destructors. */ for (fp = &__fini_array_start; fp < &__fini_array_end; fp++) (*fp)(); } void blocking_handler(void) { while (1) ; } void null_handler(void) { /* Do nothing. */ } #pragma weak nmi_handler = null_handler #pragma weak hard_fault_handler = blocking_handler #pragma weak mem_manage_handler = blocking_handler #pragma weak bus_fault_handler = blocking_handler #pragma weak usage_fault_handler = blocking_handler #pragma weak sv_call_handler = null_handler #pragma weak debug_monitor_handler = null_handler #pragma weak pend_sv_handler = null_handler #pragma weak sys_tick_handler = null_handler /* TODO: Interrupt handler weak aliases */