/**************************************************************************//** \file apsdeData.h \brief The interface for sending data through the APS component \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n Support email: avr@atmel.com Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under Atmel's Limited License Agreement (BitCloudTM). \internal History: 2010-10-18 Max Gekk - Created. Last change: $Id: apsdeData.h 18132 2011-08-02 15:58:18Z ataradov $ ******************************************************************************/ #if !defined _APSDE_DATA_H #define _APSDE_DATA_H /****************************************************************************** Includes section ******************************************************************************/ #include #include /****************************************************************************** Types section ******************************************************************************/ /**//** * \struct APS_DataConf_t apsdeData.h "aps.h" * * \brief The structure for reporting the result of APS_DataReq() function * * A pointer to an instance of this type is received as an argument in a confirmation callback for APS_DataReq() * request reporting the result of data transmission. * The structure definition follows APSDE-DATA confirm primitive described in * ZigBee Specification r18, APSDE-DATA.confirm, page 27. **/ typedef struct { /** The status of the corresponding request. */ APS_Status_t status; /** Timestamp for the transmitted packet based on the local clock, * as provided by the NWK layer. */ uint32_t txTime; } APS_DataConf_t; /**//** * \struct APS_TxOptions_t apsdeData.h "aps.h" * * \brief Describes additional options of data transmission. * * The structure is used to set additional parameters for a data request such as * \li to request for acknowledgement assign acknowledgedTransmission to 1 * \li to enable fragmentation assign fragmentationPermitted to 1 * \li to enable security assign securityEnabledTransmission to 1 * \li to use network key in the request assign useNwkKey to 1 * \li to include extended nonce to the auxiliary header assign includeExtendedNonce to 1 * * This fields conform to the primitive defined in ZigBee Specification r20, Table 2.2, page 25. * * Few extensions to the specification are defined: * \li to disable decryption of sent data (clobbers data pointed by the asdu field) assign doNotDecrypt to 1 * \li to enable indications from broadcast transmissions assign indicateBroadcasts to 1 * */ BEGIN_PACK typedef struct PACK { uint8_t securityEnabledTransmission :1; uint8_t useNwkKey :1; uint8_t acknowledgedTransmission :1; uint8_t fragmentationPermitted :1; uint8_t includeExtendedNonce :1; uint8_t doNotDecrypt :1; uint8_t indicateBroadcasts :1; /** Reserved. Should always be zero. */ uint8_t reserved :1; } APS_TxOptions_t; END_PACK /**//** * \struct APS_DataReq_t apsdeData.h "aps.h" * * \brief The structure for request parameters of APS_DataReq() function * * The structure represents parameters of data request, i.e. the request for sending data across the network. A pointer * to an instance of the structure should to be passed as an argument to APS_DataReq() function. * The structure definition follows APSDE-DATA request primitive described in * Zigbee Specification r18, APSDE-DATA.request, page 23. */ typedef struct { /** \cond SERVICE_FIELDS **/ struct { void *next; /*!< Used for queue support */ } service; /** \endcond **/ /** The addressing mode for identifying the destination of a data request. * May take any non-reserved value from the following list: * \li APS_NO_ADDRESS (0x00) - used for binding; set dstAddress and dstEndpoint * \li APS_GROUP_ADDRESS (0x01) - used for group transmission; 16-bit group address should be specified in dstAddress; dstEndpoint is not set * \li APS_SHORT_ADDRESS (0x02) - identifying the destination (unicast or broadcast) with a 16-bit short address specified * in dstAddress and the endpoint set in dstEndpoint * \li APS_EXT_ADDRESS (0x03) - identifying the destination with a 64-bit extended address specified in dstAddress and the endpoint set in dstEndpoint * \li 0x04..0xff - reserved values, must not be used by the application*/ APS_AddrMode_t dstAddrMode; /** * \ref Endian "[LE]" The address of the individual device or group address * of the entity to which the ASDU is being transferred. **/ APS_Address_t dstAddress; /** This parameter shall be present if and only if the DstAddrMode parameter * value is 0x02 or 0x03 and, if present, shall contain either the number of * individual endpoints of the entity to which the ASDU is being transferred, * or the broadcast endpoint (0xff). */ Endpoint_t dstEndpoint; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" The identifier of the profile for which * this frame is intended. */ ProfileId_t profileId; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" The identifier of the cluster for which * this frame is intended. */ ClusterId_t clusterId; /** The endpoint on the request originator node from * which the data frame is being transferred. */ Endpoint_t srcEndpoint; /** The number of octets comprising the ASDU to be transferred. * The maximum length of an individual APS frame payload is given * as NsduLength-apscMinHeaderOverhead. Assuming the possibility * of fragmentation, a maximum-sized single ASDU consists of 256 such blocks. **/ uint16_t asduLength; /** The set of octets comprising the ASDU to be transferred. */ uint8_t *asdu; /** The transmission options for the ASDU to be transferred. * See structure definition for details. */ APS_TxOptions_t txOptions; /** The distance, in hops, that a transmitted frame will be allowed to * travel via the network*/ uint8_t radius; /** A pointer to a callback function called upon request * completion.*/ void (*APS_DataConf)(APS_DataConf_t *conf); /** Confirm primitive passed to the callback and containing the results of request execution*/ APS_DataConf_t confirm; } APS_DataReq_t; /**//** * \struct APS_DataInd_t apsdeData.h "aps.h" * * \brief The structure for indication of data reception * * A pointer to an instance of this type is passed to a data indication callback registered for a given * endpoint when the data is received destined to the endpoint. * The structure definition follows APSDE-DATA indication primitive described in * Zigbee Specification r18, APSDE-DATA.indication, page 29. */ typedef struct { /** \cond SERVICE_FIELDS **/ struct { void *next; /*!< Service field for queue support */ } service; /** \endcond **/ /** The addressing mode used to identify the destination * in the data frame that has been received. * May take any non-reserved value from the following list: * \li APS_NO_ADDRESS (0x00) - used for binding; set dstAddress and dstEndpoint * \li APS_GROUP_ADDRESS (0x01) - used for group transmission; 16-bit group address should be specified in dstAddress; dstEndpoint is not set * \li APS_SHORT_ADDRESS (0x02) - identifying the destination (unicast or broadcast) with a 16-bit short address specified * in dstAddress and the endpoint set in dstEndpoint * \li APS_EXT_ADDRESS (0x03) - identifying the destination with a 64-bit extended address specified in dstAddress and the endpoint set in dstEndpoint * \li 0x04..0xff - reserved values, must not be used by the application*/ APS_AddrMode_t dstAddrMode; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" The individual device address or group addressto which * the ASDU is directed. Value size depends on the dstAddrMode parameter. */ APS_Address_t dstAddress; /** The target endpoint on the local entity to which the ASDU is directed. */ Endpoint_t dstEndpoint; /** The addressing mode for the source address used in this primitive * and of the APDU that has been received. May possess any non-reserved value * from the following list: * \li APS_SHORT_ADDRESS (0x02) - short address is used in srcAddress and srcEndpoint is specified * \li APS_EXT_ADDRESS (0x03) - extended address is used in srcAddress and srcEndpoint is specified * */ APS_AddrMode_t srcAddrMode; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" The individual device address of the entity from which * the ASDU has been received. * Value type and size is depend of the srcAddrMode parameter. */ APS_Address_t srcAddress; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" Network address of previous hop from which the packet * received. */ ShortAddr_t prevHopAddr; /** The number of the individual endpoint of the entity from * which the ASDU has been received. */ Endpoint_t srcEndpoint; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" The identifier of the profile from * which this frame originates. */ ProfileId_t profileId; /** \ref Endian "[LE]" The identifier of the received object. */ ClusterId_t clusterId; /** The number of octets comprising the ASDU being indicated by the APSDE. */ uint16_t asduLength; /** The set of octets comprising the ASDU being indicated by the APSDE. */ uint8_t *asdu; /** The status of the incoming frame processing. */ APS_Status_t status; /** * \li APS_UNSECURED_STATUS=0xaf if the ASDU was received without any security. * \li APS_SECURED_NWK_KEY_STATUS=0xac if the received ASDU was secured * with the NWK key, * \li APS_SECURED_LINK_KEY_STATUS=0xab if the ASDU was secured with a link key, * \li APS_SECURED_TRUST_CENTER_LINK_KEY_STATUS=0xb1 if the ASDU was secured * with the trust center link key, * \li APS_SECURED_HASH_OF_TRUST_CENTER_LINK_KEY_STATUS=0xb2 if secured * with hash of the trust center link key. **/ APS_Status_t securityStatus; /** The status of whether the NSDU is using security: TRUE = use, * FALSE = doesn't use. */ bool nwkSecurityStatus; /** The link quality indication delivered by the NLDE. */ uint8_t linkQuality; /** Timestamp for the received packet based on the local clock, * as provided by the NWK layer. */ uint32_t rxTime; int8_t rssi; } APS_DataInd_t; /****************************************************************************** Prototypes section ******************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************//** \brief Sends data to a node in the network. The function is used to transmit data across the network. The function is able to send a data frame to a single node (unicast), an arbitrary group of nodes (multicast), or to all nodes in the network (broadcast). Sending data to devices that support a specific cluster and to which the node has already bound is also possible. Specific actions performed by the request depend on parameters configuration. A destination type is identified according the value of APS_DataReq_t::dstAddrMode. To send a unicast message to a node with a known short address set ::APS_SHORT_ADDRESS as addressing mode, specify the destination address, destination and source endpoints, profile and cluster IDs.Specified cluster should be supported by both the destination and the originator enpoints. Both endpoints should also have the same profile ID. If the short address is unknown ::APS_EXT_ADDRESS mode can be used to identify the destination with a help of extended address (\c dstAddress.extAddress field). For broadcasting exactly the same parameters should be set, but the destination address (\c dstAddress.shortAddress) should be assigned to ::BROADCAST_ADDRESS_ALL to send a message to all nodes in the network, ::BROADCAST_ADDR_RX_ON_WHEN_IDLE to send a message to all nodes with \c rxOnWhenIdle parameter equal to 1, or ::BROADCAST_ADDR_ROUTERS to send data to all routers. To send data to all members of a group set ::APS_GROUP_ADDRESS as addressing mode, and specify 16bit group address (via \c dstAddress.groupAddress). Destination endpoint should be assigned to 0xFF value. The data will be delivered to all endpoints associated to a given group address on each group member. To apply binding use ::APS_NO_ADDRESS mode and specify source endpoint and cluster ID. Other parameters such as profile, destination address and endpoint are ignored. Actual data to be sent with a request is provided through APS_DataReq_t::asdu. The parameter takes as an argument a pointer to a segment of memory within a specially defined structure. Consider the example: \code // Application message buffer BEGIN_PACK typedef struct { uint8_t header[APS_ASDU_OFFSET]; // Header uint8_t data[APP_ASDU_SIZE]; // Application data uint8_t footer[APS_AFFIX_LENGTH - APS_ASDU_OFFSET]; //Footer } PACK AppMessageBuffer_t; END_PACK static AppMessageBuffer_t appMessageBuffer; // A global variable for the message buffer static APS_DataReq_t dataReq; // A global variable for the data request ... dataReq.asdu = appMessageBuffer.data; dataReq.asduLength = sizeof(appMessageBuffer.data); \endcode Additional options are switched on and off with a help of APS_DataReq_t::txOptions parameter. For unicast messages the application can request for acknowledgement and apply fragmentation if it needs to sends greater amounts of data within a single request. Security is also may be turned and off. The result of the operation is reported via callback call with confirm (APS_DataConf_t) primitive pointer as an argument. In case of acknowledged transmission the callback is called after the response from the destination node is received. When one of destination nodes receives data, it fires data indication callback on the destination endpoint. \param[in] req - The APSDE-DATA.request primitive pointer. \sa APS_DataReq_t \return None. ******************************************************************************/ void APS_DataReq(APS_DataReq_t *const req); /**************************************************************************//** \brief ZDO APSDE-DATA.indication handler. \param[in] ind - pointer to APSDE_DATA.indication parameters. \return None. ******************************************************************************/ extern void APS_ZdoDataInd(APS_DataInd_t *ind); /**************************************************************************//** \brief Recalculates transmission timeouts and duplicate rejection time. Reads maximum frame transmission time, indirect poll rate and other parameters from the config server and updates ack time. \param none \return none ******************************************************************************/ void APS_CalculateTimes(void); #endif /* _APSDE_DATA_H */ /** eof apsdeData.h */