/* top.c */ /* io - Input & Output with Artificial Intelligence (ai) support on AVR. {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nicolas Haller * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "top.h" #include "playground.h" /* Reset to 0. */ uint8_t top_total_puck_taken = 0; uint8_t top_puck_inside_bot = 0; uint8_t top_get_next_position_to_get_puck_on_the_ground (asserv_position_t *position, uint8_t restart) { /* All positions, in order. */ static const asserv_position_t ground_puck[] = { /* Position: 1 */ { 600, 1525, 270 }, /* Position: 4 */ { 600, 925, 270 }, /* Position: 6 */ { 1100, 925, 0 }, /* Position: 9 */ { 1100, 1525, 90 }, /* Position: 10 */ { 850, 1525, 180 }, /* Position: 10 */ { 850, 925, 270 }, }; static uint8_t current_position = 0; if (current_position >= (sizeof (ground_puck) / sizeof (asserv_position_t))) /* No more position. */ return 0; else if (restart && current_position != 0) current_position--; /* Sanity check. */ if (position) { /* Fill the position. */ position->x = PG_X_VALUE_COMPUTING (ground_puck[current_position].x); position->y = ground_puck[current_position].y; position->a = PG_A_VALUE_COMPUTING (ground_puck[current_position].a * BOT_ANGLE_DEGREE); } current_position++; return 1; } void top_get_next_position_to_get_distributor (asserv_position_t *clean_position, asserv_position_t *front_position) { /* Number of distributor. */ #define DISTRIBUTOR_COUNT 3 #define DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION 360 /* Table of distributor, first index is clean, second is front. */ static const asserv_position_t distributor[DISTRIBUTOR_COUNT][2] = { /* First distributor. */ { { 2711, 0 + DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION, 270 }, { 2711, DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION, 270 } }, /* Second distributor. */ { { PG_WIDTH - DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION, 600, 270 }, { PG_WIDTH - DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION, 800, 0 } }, /* Third distributor. */ { { PG_WIDTH - DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION, 1100, 270 }, { PG_WIDTH - DISTRIBUTOR_PROTECTION, 1300, 0 } }, }; /* Maximum number of remaining puck by distributor. */ static uint8_t distributor_puck_count[DISTRIBUTOR_COUNT] = { 5, 5, 5 }; /* Current distributor. */ static uint8_t current_position = DISTRIBUTOR_COUNT - 1; /* Keep track of how many pucks we have get. This variable will be used to * know how many puck were taken for each distributor. */ static uint8_t previous_total_puck_taken = 0; if (!previous_total_puck_taken) previous_total_puck_taken = top_total_puck_taken; /* Sanity check. */ if (clean_position && front_position) { /* Compute taken pucks since last time. */ uint8_t puck_count = top_total_puck_taken - previous_total_puck_taken; /* If some pucks were taken. */ if (puck_count != 0) { /* Remove them. */ distributor_puck_count[current_position] -= (top_total_puck_taken - previous_total_puck_taken); } /* If no puck taken or distributor empty. */ if (puck_count == 0 || distributor_puck_count[current_position] == 0) { /* Next distributor. */ current_position++; current_position %= 3; } /* Update taken pucks. */ previous_total_puck_taken = top_total_puck_taken; /* Fill the clean position. */ clean_position->x = PG_X_VALUE_COMPUTING (distributor[current_position][0].x); clean_position->y = distributor[current_position][0].y; clean_position->a = PG_A_VALUE_COMPUTING (distributor[current_position][0].a * BOT_ANGLE_DEGREE); /* Fill the distributor position. */ front_position->x = PG_X_VALUE_COMPUTING (distributor[current_position][1].x); front_position->y = distributor[current_position][1].y; front_position->a = PG_A_VALUE_COMPUTING (distributor[current_position][1].a * BOT_ANGLE_DEGREE); } } void top_get_next_position_to_unload_puck (asserv_position_t *position) { /* TODO: enahnce. */ static uint8_t index = 0; static const asserv_position_t unload[] = { { 1500, 600, 270 }, { 1500, 2100 - 600, 90 }, }; /* Sanity check. */ if (position) { position->x = PG_X_VALUE_COMPUTING (unload[index].x); position->y = unload[index].y; position->a = PG_A_VALUE_COMPUTING (unload[index].a * BOT_ANGLE_DEGREE); index = (index + 1) % 2; } }