/* common.c */ /* {{{ * * Copyright (C) 2008 Dufour Jérémy * * APBTeam: * Web: http://apbteam.org/ * Email: team AT apbteam DOT org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * }}} */ #include "common.h" #include "../giboulee.h" #include static uint16_t asserv_arm_position = 0; /* Yerk export */ enum team_color_e bot_color = RED_TEAM; /* Define functions for debug */ void trap_setup_path_to_box (uint8_t box_id) { printf ("[trap] Configure trap doors to open %d.\n", box_id); } void trap_close_rear_panel (void) { printf ("[trap] Closing rear panel.\n"); } void trap_open_rear_panel (void) { printf ("[trap] Opening rear panel.\n"); } void asserv_move_linearly (int32_t distance) { printf ("[asserv] Make the bot move linearly of %d mm.\n", distance); } void asserv_move_arm (uint16_t position, uint8_t speed) { asserv_arm_position += position; printf ("[asserv] Move arm at %d (speed: %d).\n", asserv_arm_position, speed); } void asserv_close_input_hole (void) { printf ("[asserv] Put the arm in front of the input hole.\n"); asserv_move_arm (asserv_arm_position % BOT_ARM_THIRD_ROUND, BOT_ARM_SPEED); } uint16_t asserv_get_arm_position (void) { return asserv_arm_position; } void asserv_arm_set_position_reached (uint16_t position) { printf ("[asserv] Arm notifier at position %d (we are at %d).\n", position, asserv_arm_position); } void asserv_go_to_distributor (void) { printf ("[asserv] Go to distributor.\n"); } void asserv_get_position (void *undef) { printf ("[asserv] Asking position of the bot.\n"); } void asserv_goto (uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { printf ("[asserv] Move the bot to (%d; %d).\n", x, y); } void asserv_goto_angle (int16_t angle) { printf ("[asserv] Move the bot to face %X.\n", angle); } void asserv_set_x_position (int32_t x) { printf ("[asserv] Set X position to %d.\n", x); } void asserv_set_y_position (int32_t y) { printf ("[asserv] Set Y position to %d.\n", y); } void asserv_set_angle_position (int16_t a) { printf ("[asserv] Set angle position to %d.\n", a); } void asserv_set_position (int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t a) { printf ("[asserv] Set bot position to (%d, %d, %d).\n", x, y, a); } void asserv_go_to_the_wall (void) { printf ("[asserv] Go to the wall.\n"); } void chrono_init (void) { printf ("[chrono] Chrono init.\n"); } void gutter_start (void) { printf ("[FSM:gutter] Start the gutter FSM\n"); }