# Move FSM # This FSM is responsible to move the bot from the current position to the # desired one. It will try to avoid obstacle and manage the case when the # asserv is blocked. move move with avoid obstacle. States: *MOVE_IDLE waiting for the beginning of the move FSM. MOVE_ROTATING rotating towards next point. MOVE_MOVING moving to a position (intermediate or final). MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY moving backward to go away from what is blocking the bot. MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH [timeout=255] waiting for obstacle to disappear. MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_UPING moving loader up and move backward to unblock loader. MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_DOWNING moving loader down. Events: move_start initialize the FSM and start the movement directly. obstacle_in_front the bot has seen something (front is the same when going backward). MOVE_IDLE: move_start: path_found_rotate -> MOVE_ROTATING rotate towards next position. move_start: path_found -> MOVE_MOVING move to next position. move_start: no_path_found -> MOVE_IDLE post failure event. MOVE_ROTATING: bot_move_succeed -> MOVE_MOVING move to next position. loader_errored -> MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_UPING move backward loader up MOVE_MOVING: bot_move_succeed: done -> MOVE_IDLE post success event. bot_move_succeed: path_found_rotate -> MOVE_ROTATING rotate towards next position. bot_move_succeed: path_found -> MOVE_MOVING move to next position. bot_move_succeed: no_path_found -> MOVE_IDLE post failure event. bot_move_failed -> MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY reset final_move. move backward to turn freely. obstacle_in_front: tryagain -> MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH reset final_move. stop the bot. obstacle_in_front: tryout -> MOVE_IDLE stop the bot. post failure event. loader_errored -> MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_UPING move backward loader up MOVE_MOVING_BACKWARD_TO_TURN_FREELY: bot_move_succeed: path_found_rotate -> MOVE_ROTATING rotate towards next position. bot_move_succeed: path_found -> MOVE_MOVING move to next position. bot_move_succeed: no_path_found -> MOVE_IDLE post failure event. bot_move_failed: path_found_rotate -> MOVE_ROTATING rotate towards next position. bot_move_failed: path_found -> MOVE_MOVING move to next position. bot_move_failed: no_path_found_tryagain -> MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH nothing to do. bot_move_failed: no_path_found_tryout -> MOVE_IDLE post failure event. MOVE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_PATH: state_timeout: path_found_rotate -> MOVE_ROTATING rotate towards next position. state_timeout: path_found -> MOVE_MOVING move to next position. state_timeout: no_path_found_tryagain -> . decrement counter. state_timeout: no_path_found_tryout -> MOVE_IDLE post failure. MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_UPING: bot_move_succeed -> MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_DOWNING loader down bot_move_failed -> MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_DOWNING loader down MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_DOWNING: loader_downed: rotate -> MOVE_ROTATING repeat last rotate loader_downed: move -> MOVE_MOVING repeat last move loader_errored -> MOVE_LOADER_UNBLOCKING_UPING move backward loader up